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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1887, p. 2

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I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 18 PUDLIB l tED EVER~ FRIDA"\' MORNING, -BY - AT THE o11ErnK Pe·tOalcelllo ok,JUng!lt.,Bowmanvllle, Ont T E R M. A.JAMES, :r...a: S : SJ:.30 11e1:aanum,ort111.001tpnldln advance P&ym:eut strictly In a dvance requiredrrom au hB<Jribers oats1de of the county, Orders to dlacontlnue the paper muat be accompanied by thu unount rlue orthepaperwillnoGbestopped ::~~Ibero a re r eoponatbleuntil!ul paymontls · Hal! year. 20 00 " One quartor ... 12 60 Qu!';rtor Coluo:.n one yee.r .... 20 00 .'.' c-:;rJ:!:ter, ; · 1 ~ ~--6 S1r: l nee andnnder first Insertion · SO alaoh subsequen t insertion , o 50 25 From s ix to ten Imes firstlnsertlon O75-· Es.oh subsequent 1neert10n. · O 35 Orer tenlmea,firstmsertion per line 0 lO - 10 .IC&oh subsequontlnsortion ·" 0 03 11.!~~.::,';,~g:,~n~~a~n,;::~~u~:;;;~!o:O~~e~~ l!lld Nonpareil, Hal~· Col~:Un m?:;ei~arte~; BAT~}S Ot' A.DYERTISING 1 ~~ Wbole Columnoneyoar ....... $G000 1l:l~1" " · Hal! year , 36 OO ~:;;: ~g ~ -~-~- = ·~,,.--=========== ~RS, :HcLUTGHLIN d; BEITH, "' OFE'ICE - MORRIS BLOCK, BOWMANViLLll: Dr ;r W Mcl.AUGHIIN A. BJJ:Ir!I Gradu licentiate of tho Royal ate or the Toronto College of Phystetans or tho Umver·ity, J:'hysic1an au:d member ltoyal College or Sur Sargoon &;c. goons, E dinlmrgh I I"' ·n 1'11, JlllJJlKE SDIJ'SIJN, ·jf"_) BLOCK, up ·tairs, Krng Street, Bowman vlUe, Solicltor tor the On tL<rlo Bank · A.RRISTER, SOLICr'IOR, &o MOPlUS I>rlvttte !llonevs loaned a t the lowest ro.tes, .Jolin Keith GBlb rallh, D A.HR IS TE R , SOLICITOR, N01A.RY D I'UBLIC, &c Offlce- llounsall's Bloo,k Ktng Street, Bowman ville. Monev to lend, ROBER T A.JllliOlTR, f)'ll:GISTRAR, WEST DURH1.M ISSUER ·nor J(\i to111ed on-Ree.I Estate, Ofilee on King s&reet , Bowmanvllle. d. T, Pllll LIJ'S ICENSE D AUCl'IONEJJlR for the County oC Durhom Baleswompt1y .. ttended Atl.dr0s·-Hamvton P 0, 69. - - - -'VILLJAU 'VIGllT, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Durham Orders left at the of M arriage 1~1ooneee Bo.rrleter e.nd A.ttor l'lt Law·and Bolloltorln Chancery. Money L L S'r.t..:r wll!l receive prompt attention S. C, ES MAN oillce or forwarded to I yrone P 0 28 6m lOINillNG, ICENSED AUCTION EER FOR the County of Dm ham Sales attended Iha orL shor test notice and Jo·w est rates Address O OU RTICR p o. 36 tf L a every man wbo buys hie bicen~e from lllllNHY SYLVESTER Ennillkillen. .lo. G OOD WIFE GUARANTEED ·ro Pia.nos Toned and Rcpalred.l A RTIE S WISHING THEIR PIANOS P Tuned or repaired oa.n havethom attender! "by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN llo'a orr... lCE, Bowme.nvllle .A. first ela B man n ow baln11 ln their 0011>loy. So H ol Gentlemen oi i"ash· ion, not so fas1. .a.nd au l have to say 'Fh11.t j'OU ean !Ind me st11l at home, r am not gone a way ;i!o all my kind old frlenrla may come, A.n.d get their go.tments nloely made C n fe.s hlons that are new , \Vhere old and youn g, dear friends may meet .A. welcome gre eting, by R PEA.TE Aud a.11 $he youn.i;t ones too, l' have wrltte· the·e !ew lines, D E NT I S T RY · BR J 1111' AC 0 .Ill. WI' BE ,!l!!I. · m ' 1· 1W' PR.1.UTJUA.L DENTIST, TWENTY YEARS EXPICRIENOll. N ltro1u O x ld~Gao Administered f'or Painles Operations. lllC:c:LlJNG'S 8LOC:II., OVER c. HARNDEN, L. D.S . Q:adnate orthe Royal College~t Dental Surgeons, Ontario. ' Oll'FWR OVER DICKi:>ON S STORB \OLD FILLING A SPECIAL I mp roved style o! the Dental.A.rt, "l'EETH EX'l'RACTED 1\ IIHOUT PAIN "by the me of VitnllzedAlr, wlU,out UlJurytolthe patient Parilcular attention prud to the regu le.lion or Chlldren s Teetll. pate Wo.rk executed In the latest and mosl ,_.ALL WORK WARR.ANT.ED.--. MUSIC .. S W. RUSE. VOICE and THEOHY cation. ' BIG 20 " PIANO, T a.' DUNN~S EACHER OF ORGAN, lerms on appli 28,ly BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND · strike three-the very hour, as l remem b ered, at which, on tlua day a week · gone by, I had foully murdered my-myhim/ Hmi?ha!-God! what ""s that' Washing Day. Can men shu ek ID thoir giaves" shuck There is no day m the whole calendar so BY FRANK WATERS wh en tho 'ery tongue h11s melte d 11 om the untvers11lly dr eaded by housekeepets of fleshless head' Ra1smg my blancbo<l face - e>ery condition as washmg day, with its (Co~CLUDED ) snat~hed the glass, a.nd raised it to h1· o1, rather, hfted up as by some awful un tedious opernt10n~, mvoh mg so much bard Assurmg him that I was qmte at hrn lips Sh°' mg home the stopper, and icen power- I looked to"nrd. the vacant 1abor and d1scomfo1t This drea.d is n ot sernce, I left the room ' and p1csent'y re g1oundmg the vial on the table, I fixed my chair opposite 0, wrath of Heaven ' -1t oonfmed to homes where the hon ·ew1fe does turned with a small Jar of alcohol some eyes on hIB, iust as, throwmg back lns was vacant no longer ' There he sat-then her own washmg, but is felt equally m the water, and a couple of glasses The' stouu head, he L?nlpcd clown death at a mouthful he sat-then as now ' eomulsed, ghostly nonse of" ealth, because of the need uf over "Wftil f but m hor '.Ihe effect was as magic Sprrngmg from avengmg, like as when I slew hnn. Only Stlll ra ·ged With all ~ ury' y h l t] t t i cl lt d d d "g1 1t to secure even partially satisfactmy 101 had by t his trme worn away to be sue I is chau , a,nc 0 'erturnmg it Ill the action, ia ie llgt ug 1 aun exten e 'pomte results, ancl because of that same general ceedod b.) a wild i ecklessness 'u sp1ritu"l the gbso fell from Ins haucl, and shattei ~cl "ith an rndex fmgcr from winch tho lleoh cliscomforo "Inch is its concomitant m even rntox1cat1on, such as I h 1d ~ever hefore to a thousaJJd pieces' his fromc stiffened hung ragged and mouldering, at tho vial bhe best iegulated fauuhes From early expeueuced A kmd of diabolical <>ladness suddenl y , from head to heel , ]us hands whic h Im my hellish cmmval of blasphem mormng, sometnncs t ill fall of mght, them had seized me- a ilendishsportnouc~s which clenchctl un til the nails dug up the flesh, rn,s Joy, had placed before me on the table ts a gloom m the domesttc atmosphere, ac ma(l.e me feel as though I coul d dabble my bis blue spectacles, hk e great, blank, sight And he has never lef t me smee- never left centuated by a smell of soap suds, a cfamp fingersm the blood of murder and laugh less eyes, glated horubly upon me·" me' Where I go, he goes , day andmght nessof steam, and a general sense of im lot veiy glee of its wickedness' As to my smothered, huleous sh11ek- or rather its he is with me 1 I fought, I penclmg disaster The h end of the 1 ouse is compamon, I was by now tully eonvmced a.bortn e att empt-rose to ]us lips ' and struggled madly, a.gamat the unuttcrnble clisturbecl and anx10u·, the children arn that I entertamed Ill lnm no prince of dark then he fell as one tlrnnder snutten-atone 1 !orror of his presence In varn 1 1ll va.m 1 " out of soi ts, ' the cook JB Cl osa, and the ncBB, bnt "'mern rnort,,,J h ke myself lhe dead j Spectral illusion, disease of the nerves, an dmner, 11 "asl11ng day "pick up," is serv one pomt y et to be solved-for tlus I never ' I kn ew 1t would be sudden , but rndeed, overwrought Lram-all t hese, and a thou ed as if it were a gieat obhgat10n r enclered quest10ned-was why the evil one had sent tts complete suddenness took even me by sand othei explanations, have I r epeated by a coudescendmg supermr undei aggra tlus most unlikely messenger at my surprise, for a moment ] hen I laughed 0 ~ er and over td mysel \ \ 1 1 1 t hJY have lo~t \ atmg circurnat.ances as rndeed they are 1 1 1 1 ooll But tlus I felt I would fi nd out all aloud-shrieked with msane and devilish °]"a ):'1 ~' an ~eemec 1 ,e tie mere gb And the fannly patiently end m es, kno'I> mg 1 1a good tune ' merrrment-as I thought how the withered eris · new t em, m my case, to e that on the morrow t he atmosphere will be He had left hia couch, and seated hnn hermit of the ls.borato1,) had otit witted tin s fiD ..y ahnd m&htt, dda.y talnd huight,~ tha al clc111e<l, the dampness gone and evcrythmg 1t foth self at yonder t able there m the centre m1 ghty traveller, this sapient and expen uger as pom e 'un 1 it ~s rnaue c eai t e go pleasantly under the mote cheerful m of the room Takmg a cha'ir I seated my enced man of the world, entrappmg !nm path of hell a nd doom to me See ' the glass tluences of ironmg d ·Y self opposite Jum, and tilled my gbss Ill even t o his clestruct10n Had I not cause 18 full, the pornon ~ot>red ' I only wait the sig But genernl discomfort is not the only tune to his Hitherto I had been- from for merument' and t hen the g1 c1>t p1rne at irnl ere I drmk I hen, once more he an iea, evil attendmg the p1ocesses of waolung Ly choice, n ot ft om pnncrple-a total abstam stake I the mighty-Ha I wh ·twas! dorng as he arose tlien.--when, once moi e, t hat the ord11m1y, long es,a bhshed methods; er from all spmtuons hqnorn so that, now here, wasting my timo rn lau&htei, mstead I smoth;ned shriek, aJ:ul, hoirhble,J but nod them I S one more lamentable, and I might the potent al oh ol flew to my bra1~ of se1zmg the elem on s grnntecl boon ' Not drttcu ~te, r rnes rusl mg ~o ts ips, 1111 ,a,y fatal, O\ il, 1nd that is the early bt eak 108 t ere ma smg e war -then my hotu c and heart hke so m uch h qmd fire Yet for an msta.nt d1c1 I dread d1sappomt lown of the health of the peison on wh om i t did not 111tox1co.te me Nu ' no' I can mont I knew my wo1k had been priced I ~ Nme, ,and !us word shall be my woi cl- thrn labor devoh cs And takm6 mto con not plead even th11t "retched excuse It with a price Fhn.nn~ myself ltko a hm ow ' sule1at1on tho exposme to sudd en clJangea Th ere is but one tlung more to be ful mvolved UL l eav111g the stea1mng hot lntehon simply di ove me to madness but to a ished tiger on the dea body, I toie ollthe madness all rn keeping with 1n'y eha;racter blue spect;i.ules, \\ lnch hid its t1easare, I filled and then- Hell and Etc1mty ' H ell to go out mto the "mtty out do01 air to -a madness cold, mtellectua,I, un<l utterly and there-)eS ! there, as the den! and l~termty 1 Hell and Etermty 1 You, hang up clot'es thefntigucof rubbrng, rub d evoid of heo.rt Little guessed the man had for once trnly asserted, burned I his "ife, to whoro. these pages are address bmg, rnbbmg on the wash Loud foi hours before me, as he h eard my commonplace re and blazed the go1geous Jewel, the I eel, w ill iece1ve with them the accompany a t a stretch, a lso the constant mhalmgof marks, my polite replies, wlll1t a human rich rcwa1cl of " paltry cttrno ' peer mg packet It contams that vile trash, foul oapy, the alternate soakmg of tiger confronted !nm, what a h11man devi l less diamond, such as never shone m the those wo1thless Jewels, fo1 which I bartered the hando antl arms m h ot w ·ter uud cold lOoke l him lau<'hmg m the eyes starry tt easure 1ooms of Golcondo, nor blaz I my soul and God-the rnfimtely great, the water, is it to be wondered that e\en the In the ~yes" Y.:S ' thu.t was it 1 Oh 1 ed from moital monarchs crown It was mfimt ely goocl, the m fimte ly torr1hle God I str ongest co11st1tut10n <i;nes ouP that- that was 1t 1 Save mono smglo par cunnmgly fastened mto the socket, w here I This is tho extreme tortur e of all-to have It has long seemed strange to me t hat the t1cuhu, there "as nothmg m the least one eye" as m truth wantmg and it q m·e reiected Hun, yet be forced to praIBe and many ·dvantages arismg from mventive stiangc about my g uest Theie seerred filled the ca\lty with its orb of liqmcl light I confess Hnn But he wrmgs t he trnth genms should have Leen so lar gely 011 the nothmg myste11ous about hun, o.11-to usc a \V1th frenzied fi 11 gcr s, with rltggmg 11111ls, 1 I from me , yea, anc l He compel s me ag.nn side of l mds of labor a llotted to men Is na.u tical metaphor - " as open aud abo\ e tore it out, held it up to the hght for a mo I to ac hmt that I myself have damned my it because men are readier to apprecrnte, board Ho spol,e treely ol himself ,incl gave men t , .i.ud gloated over it , then, shriekmg self One t'>mg more Tnm!, not t'1at 1ny and hence reacher to adopt these improve me to under·tand that he hacl baen a groat anew with hideous Jaughtm, I fe ll, m strnng cles1re of reparnt10n has prompted me 1ll ments winch arc t he tesult of so much trnveller that he was JUSt come back from convulsions, on the body of my v1ctun j wr1tmg these Imes, m sealmg t ins pucket thought ancl mgenmty on the part of man' the far E~st 11nd t hat he had a wife and \Vhen I to myself 1t was near morn No' no 1 wh1t do tho damned care for IO It IS well kno1< n that nh e efficiency of these ch1lcl h vmg :.V1th ·ome fi, cnds up at - -, on mg, and I bethought me of dtsposmg of the parat10n' Still rn it He who forces me , improvements is wor th many millions of the Georgian Bay, wh1the1 he wo.s n ow corpse I felt no uneasmess , deteet10n was He, ancl you, most fearful guest, d1ead dolla1s annually to the fa1mmg mterests of bound after a u absence of thrne yearn As 1mposstble lhe nnn's fnends knew noth nrntrnment of Hrn JUSt vengeance thrn count ry, to saynothmg of the saving of 0 hand of Fate 1 0 guest of De11th 1 labor W here a man formerly plodded lns toh1s :Utrus1on on me, he cxplamed it ve1y mg of his ru:rival m Canada- he had wrnhed 1 1 simply, as the rnsnlt of a broken carriage to sur pnse them, he smd , the ro11ds1de ac 1See see he rises 1 ah ·-he stiffens, "eary way after a rude plow drawn by oxen, whose nu shap had forced him to seek lns cident had occm1ed some miles away, and and , with mexora.ble finger, pomts to t he workrng u.lmostas hard as they, he now m"y way on foot to D-- (the ne1gbbourmg my welcome guest Jmd ieached m; house dra.ugh~ of doom- to Hell ' ll.nd now that SJt Jmmtily on a cuslnonecl seat drtvmg !us village ·ome miles off), ancl had ended m alone, and on a mght so rntensely hlack shuck -It gathers m hIB b1east ·-1t h01se or horses, who with the unproved ma causmg lum to lose Ins way and so as he that no human e) e could htwe seen hun swells upwaid to lns hps I-a moment more, clunes accomplish the necessn.ry labor And said, m compellmg hun to i~llwt hun~elf on But, mdeed, the lonely position of my clwel and I shull h oar 10 ' hut still the ]Jen so tt is \\ ith nearly every process connected me for the mght So for, 1111 was clear and 'Img, and 1ts evil ieputation, wete security speeds 1-still I write, I w11te ·- driven with sowmg ancl hoemg, and w eed1ug, cul annple, and there w ts n othmg in h is appear enough m themseh es Therefore, J spent onward, onwa1 d, c· en to the crack of doom 1 tn at 1011 and harvesi;mg , man is helped, ancc to make me doubt the entne trnth little time m thought, bat proceeded to my Hark hark 1 the lips open, the an vi wlnle m the ma7ority of households the wo of his account But, as I h!>VO already laboratory-Jnst out.~1de heie, au the I brates, ,the earth trembles, Hell roam 1- mtin s wo"k goes on by t he simple and crnde 1 processes of ou1 a11cesto1 s I say maJ ority said, ther e was one thmg curious a.bout grow1d floor-I removed some of tho Loaicl G~? I God, hrm-a sometlung very cuuous, tin m mg !hen I dug a deep [Jl t, ancl Now 1 a <lvrnerll.) , but not all, fo1 thern ate house explwable prope1ty possessed by one of threw m certam chemic <ls, auch as * · holds m wh1cn mvention is allowed to clo its l11s e.) es Indeed, it appeareJ that he had would speed1ly ~esolve the man to h is EPILOGUE part m belpmg the wives a.ud daughte1 s as but one, or so I unde1stood hnn to say m ultmute elements (Or, as I thought H ere ends thrn most fei>rful MS drncov well as the husbands and sons db M k L d I have rn mmd such a household, m strik some chance allusion to !us remarkable then now I kno\\ that there was one ele 1 spectacles But surely one such eye \\ as mcnt-the el ement of God-m 111m which efe Y Me, d o~e , ih a hicr° Ja" er mg contrast to the households where matters 11 0 enough , or "as rt my frenzy whwh 111\ ested no chonucu,J could t ouch ) Fm ally, I tossed yont of tw l mg es'· wl IC onn 'tnl a '"" conducted on olcl fasluoned punciplcs, gaire o ns, my new 10me-nonc o ter to tl I h Ih t h cl f its g Ianee with a 1ust re so preteriiat m al and m t Ite bo d y covet etl it up, replaced the I than the old abode of t he Ma ferns '.Ihe iese " so, owe' er ope e ay o en stu pendous ' For, a t ernry flash of the boarding, and washed the f1001 Then all I a e all dead d1t f t h Y hghtemnent is speed1ly commg In thIS clectnc flmd, the eye of tho strant;e1 shot was done, aad I sat down O\er the buned ' 1 f th no,kv' afn l e ustyope,dor b en household both husband and wife, cleat sa {e, or e sa e o iu1na.m , an , a ove heatle i 1 tell t 1 k t f or th an answermg gIearn , an d w h en th e man-or bo d y-an d 1aug h e d once more I t all for the sake of God that this dteadful c, n igen peop e, ate qmc o storm, giadually subs1dmg, rolled sullenly "ould be pleasant to have htm here under co~fession 18 bnt the ' host] fleak of a ¥rasp an tdea a nd utilize it Consequently, a\\ ay , still did I fancy that I could detect foot, I thou aht as a constant renunde1 of I f 111 b t d d g { vhe ftrmmg and domesttc op01at1ous, :11de<l an orb of filo glowmg furtively upon me my cleverne~s arH1 f'ood fortu11e I felt no poywert uI tSCflSc! untagmabiont by the best mec luirnctl de,1ces go on as by o e , 1.\8 1 iave Sl11C I 71UX1/ e rue see 1 k k ]' ll k bl h from belnnd those dark ;rl,,sses :r ndeed, further mterest th an this m lum I h<\d mg t hat there 18110 ev;I ofwlneh m,,,n :.Vhen c oc wor ,specia Y 1emM a e IS t e Why h II t lf d h ' b d absence of all wash da.) dread and litter, so v1vicl was tins feeling as to be even maile no attempt to identify him w o y g iven over o 1 nmse wn lo a t lns house Lemg a t d bl 1 un t 1I my tIBmg f renzy ren d em d me s h ou l d I ' I k ep t nothmg b e1ongrng to lum, 1 I paBBIODS lts not ca )able Su osm tttob e en s swcc an ttgrcea e on a wiu, mcapable of fear, and I should have mock except the stone Aud one t bmg else In ume th;te is not~mg but ~rnJccfureto g~ide Monday as on any day m the week eil at the Suprnme Being Huuself, had He hftmg the body fiom whe1e it had fost fa! [us,,;,, to somepomts left obscure by the fear appeared before me len, a small memorandum book slip1>cd from ful document Household Notes Th en the devil spoke Oh ' he knows the breast po cket of the coo.t, on to the I How the u nhappy elcle1 bro ther tiavel P ut f1 e·hly baked cakes away as soon as 1 " How the floor Tlus I had mechamcall) and thought Im~ m the East 11rnyh1we becoi'ne pas cold m a closely co' ered cako box his time, and can ab1Cle it man's eye gleams' Gleams hk e the light lessly tlirown mto 11 drawer ot the table, and I scs~ed of t l111t ~ hich mdireetly caused A soapy dish cloth should never be put 1 mng 1 Gleams hkt - ' ' Ah d og of hell ' left there, for gettmg all about it Little his death, and why should he have chosen now thou hust ""'Hl it 1 Now I grnsp and did I dream that the great and most out I such"' stranise mode of concealment foi 1t - mside a teu.pot or a coffeepot Set a dIBh of water m the o\ en with cake understand all ' Th1s-th rn IS why you raged God had there wutten for mo my seu \these 1 ue tlungs we have so far no means sent bun ' I stro v~ :.:; mp the thought m tence of doom of det ermmrng Othen: ise, ah is plam when bakmg, a ncl 1t will seldt·m scorch. tlrn bud, as 1t formed itself m my brnm ; Rut m truth I dismissed my new Lorn be I enough '.Ihe chance mectmg · t he non ie Do not put salt mto soup until ) ou are because, for one moment, even t hen, I h ef m God or devil, t ho moment I resumed eogillt1on of the brothers due to the changes done skummug it, as salt will stop the ns shr;mk from its dimly seen consequences ,.,.ork Old habits of thought at once reas wrought by time misf~rtune travel the mg of the scum. But, an m st L>nt moie, an d the thought was sor ted themselves, agam I was the scientist, secre t reveu.led, b~ the fiashm g hghtm~g to W ash ironware outside as well as ms1de, fully blown, an d all revealed to me I a?am the agnost c .And fo1 seven days I one whose bent of thought predisposed him never asked myself 1f I m1gnt not be mIB wo1ked, hea1t and soul, at my task 'lhen to its discovery aud then (that d iscovery rn hot soapy "ater, t hen rmse m clear hot taken I lnew I was not '.Ihe e\ ii one had on the seventh day- it chanced, too, to ]Je once made) tLll' wlnch fohows -all these water "nd wipe dry with" dry 01ush towel. heard me H is part was done, what 10 the Sabbath -with a blasphemous iest I matters are plam enough I need say no Tms shoul 1 be wash ed m clean, hot, mameil was all my own rested My \>Ork also, was done- more Such as I have found the horrible soa.fy water, and rnbbed freely with mm How should I do it' By vwlence ' No 1 my creat10n completed My object had I s to1.), I g ive it, reader, to you, with one era soap Tlns "ill keep them as bright Some !~st remark-that, "hatm;er the horror of a.a new no 1 That was a brntislrnn d savage method been to manufoetme diamonds from.,. inch my w hole nature-all my tram chance d iscovenea had prepared the way to I the tale, 1t is, after a.ll, compensated for by T wo apples kept II) the cake box WJll k eep ed aud s01ent1fic modes of thought-1evolted this, m the first rnstance, then, as stated, I the tinconsc ous and most solemn morn! it moderately nch cnke moist for a great for its stupidity Besides, thrn man was had worked oat t h e whole cn am of reuson co1 1'eys length of tune, if t he apples arn ienewed tall and strong-stronger, ceita.mly, then I , mg, with th e excepb10n of one m1ss mg lrnk, M L ' vhen ' v1the1ed the lean and 111therecl student Should I, which I could not po·sibly supply, wit hout [THE E~D ] Never put a good kmfe mto hot grease, then, drug his dunk, a.nd stab or suffocate a 101rgc stone to exp eriment on , such a one as 1t destroys its shatpness Have always him qmetly, :while he slept' If! stabbed as I had iustsaenficecl I haclnothcs1t.ted a.t hand a kitchen fork for t urnmg meat or him, he would bleed, and the blood migh t so to use it In itself it was a fortune, but WILKINS' STAR PROVERBS fry mg potatoes possibly betray me, ,t least it would <lrn t o 11ttcmpt its sale might be to m v1te detoe Giam te drnhes, browned by use , may be Song is praye 1 on the w ing figure t he room, and give me the trnnble of tion and rnm Then, too, there was the cleaned by s1mp1y lettwg them remam about washmt' out its traces Suffocatmg woul d scientific mterest at stake-a thmg not to It is a wise tramp who eat s hrn own pap half an hour m bo1lmg soda water , then rub be hetter- mdeed, excellent Hut still, some be h gbtl) foregone And, m fine, I was so The child of slander ls never born tooth brng with a s tiff brush or iron cloth less N eve1 put pots ancl kettle· on the stove In selectmg a wife, choose one that will half fi lled with wate1 fo1 the pmpose of est remorse m me-mad& me drnhkc the idea falter would ha' e been sheci moon m tdnoss of k illing a aleepmg man No 1 I had a And now, on this still Sabbatli evemng-1t " ash sol\kmg loose whatever may be ad aered to Infancy is the preface of man, old age the them as 1t has a contrary effect Pnt plenty better and swifter method, that I" ould em was awful m it,s st1llness-all my efforts ploy 'l'urmng, with "bland smile to my were ciowned fhere, fl am the bottom of errata of cold water m them, and keep them away the c1 uc1ble, gleamed several of the brilliant guest, I spoke Tears sp11nkled across hie s lnghway, set f1om the stove "You seem to eni oy my sc1ent1 fic fare," gems, and as, tiembling, I hftecl them out tie the dust of sorrnw Plush goods, and all articles dyed with I salll , "I am truly glad 1t pleases you and weighed them, it was with a feeling of Many act as 1f they believed the horn of amlme colors faded fl om exposure to light, But do you not thmk our beverage were all surprise that I not ed their exact comCidence plenty" as a glass of wlusky. w1ll look bright as ever o.ftei bemg Rponged the Letter for a little flavounng ' To my m we1ght, with the origmal stone Ha t Men seldom conceal their vut1,les nor do with chloroform The ccmmer crn,l chloro palate, at , it ts t"steless ha 1 whe1e now was Go d' 'vVhe1e was the ' form will answer the pm pose ver y, v; ell, "I boheve you are right, my host, " he devil of th e thcologtans' I was Goel 1 1 their faults conceal them and is less expensive t ha n the pur1fiP-<l replied , "I never complam of good hquor, was devil 1 I-and I alone-ruled and was A tram of pme thought will only rim on To KEEP THE FrooR P OLISHED - The clean but 1f the means worn forthcommg, an master' Now, let me sit do" n, a.ncl dream est and most perfect !;> polished floors h"' e o.ddcd zest would be an added pleasure ' dreams, and-Stay 1 my "1ld gladness of the track of a well graded mmd T he man who never committed a folly no water used on them. They are simply "Reet content, n ans,vei.edl, "lousha.11 se,en nights ago was com111g-backonme rubbed off every mornmg with a large have such a fla\ our to your cup as few Let me repau t o the scene of my late tri never app1cc1.ated wisdom flannel cloth, w h1ch is soaked 1n kernsene taste I shall be with ~ou agam m a mo umph, lot me ieprodnce, as neatly a· m&y Nature never btulded so perfect, but that oil on ce m two or t hree weeks Shake the ment " be, all its features- let me-me, th e her li'o.sh10n tried to improve bet work dust out of the cloth, and with a rubbmg With this I l eft the room, aucl repa1rmg m1t, me the ascetic p lu!osopher, ha, ha IMen often use so high on the wave of brush or stubby broom go rapidly up and to m y laboratory, close by, took thence a let me dnnk once moie, and once more make down the planks (not acioss them) After bottle of concentrated prussic acid and re merry 1 I acted at on ce on the happy success, as to lose s1ght of earthly i oys turned to my compamon My smile was of thought I produced t h e alcohol, water, What people often d enomm ate a tea of a. few rubbmgs the floo. will assume a. pol the blundest as I ~hook the deadly vial be and ptusstc acid I ·et my own ch a ir i>nd trouble, is frequently a. notion of d) speptic ished appe,.rance that is not easily defaced by dirt or foot]JLmts fore hun, a.nd snid with truly hellish du that of my late guest in theu respective ideas pllcity places, and I filled our glasses Then, m "'l'h111, my guest, is an essence which I the cordiality of my completed tuumph, Kmd Pnends The Highest Pleasuxes have never yet given nnrtal t o taste-an I was about to nn oke !nm to bear me com essence of rare and wondrous pGwers pany, when suddenly , and for the first t ime Fnend- "I have brought you a few slices The highest, the best, the most permanent 'vVhen jOU have tao<ect u, )OU will euter an 1t shuck me tbat I cltd not know ht~ rnune of ha1 n " pleasures are those wluch are not sought, entirely new field of sensation But it ta To be sure what dtd th at matter' And yet, Poor N eighbor - " Ah 1 H ow kmd you but winch come from the faithful fulfilment volatile and swift , therefore you must drmk at a high festival hk e the present, it was a are ' of h fe s d uties and obligations Indeed, qmckly The moment I say 'now smze saLl om1ss10n and breach of ceremony Ha' "Don t mention it It is r eally a pleasme eager search after pleasut e m any d1rect10n the glass and dram it, aud you will feel- well t hought of ·- the book 1 fh cre, most foi me to show you any httle attention " 1s always frmtless, because it implies a con what you shall feel " likely, I should find t he name of my guest "\Yell, I appreciate your kmclness. I dit10n of mmcl to which endur mg hap pmess He, a ll unsuspectmg, laughed and nodded, This IS the cha" er-yes ' And this 1s the eau assu1 e you of that ' is a strange1 Selfishness and e11ioym011t looked with an amused curmsity on the book And here- hore- 0 God of J ustice' " As I said before, I am only too glad to may dwell togctliet fo r a brief season, but wonder workmg Vlal, and with a cheery this is the name be able to accommodate you The shoes are the latter will soon "ither aw,iy under the cut ftom 11 Imm t hab \ll"3 given us By the scorchmg mflnence of lhe former "all right, my genernus host,' p1epa1ed t o 1 obey mo Not for a moment did I WM er "R013ER1 MAYFERN ' \lay, if you discover any symptoms of His glass was already full, so, with a steady The book fell from my hand , the mom trichma m y o1u famtly, after you have tried He Was Posted hand and smllmg face, I loosed the stoppe1, leaped from ita place, and spun dizzily round the ham, you will let us know, please 'Ve and, carefully avo1d mg to mhalc the d eadly and r ound me , a mort al sickness seized ate not gomg to eat of 1t until we hear from " What JS the leadmg brnnch in y our fumes, poured several drops quickly mto upon my heart , an tcy numbness eongea.lecl you" school ' " ask ed a lady of a teacher the hq11or Then I gave the word of doom mo and then I grew oblivious of all tlnngs Before the t eacher could vouchsafe a reply, 1 " Now ' When the grny tw1hght of returmng eou B1e wn- " What do you thmk of the a httle boy mterrupted the conversat ion It pealed from my bps hke the blast of a sc10usness stole back upon n·e, a namefoss play ' ' Fogg-" Fanly good thmg , but w1.h trumpet- the trumpet, say, of the Angel of houor, an unutteiu.ble d1ead made my Llood "h·t I ob1ect to IS the rn teuse realism m t he "I know I" the Dead- startlmg me, the speaker, and to chill, lll) flesh to creep, and the hair to thud act- a church scene, you know. It "And what 1s it, little boy' asked the hun who heard me, too :I knew it by rise m bristles on my head Vaguely, as m was so natural that I actu111ly went to lady the nervous force of Ins gestrue, as he a dream, I had JUst heard tho clock there sleep " "That switch m t he corner, ma'am." THE BLUE SPECTACLES I HOUSEHOLD. A CA.RD - To all who are sutfermg from the errors and md1scret1ons of youth, nen ous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c , I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE O.L\' OHARGI\ Thie great remedy was discovered by a mission· ary m South Amenca Send a selfaddreeaed envelope to the REY. JOSEPH T INMAN Station D New York Oit11. 46y AnvrsE 10 MorHERs - Are you ths· tur bed at mght and broken of y o ur r est by a s1Ck cluld suffermg and crym g with pam of Cu ttmg T ee th ? If so se nd at o oce and get o. bottle of "Mra Wmalow's Soothmg Syrup " li'or children t e ethmg, its v al ue 1s mcaleulahle. It will reheve the poor h l tle sufferer immediate ly. De· pend upon 1t, mothers , there is no mistak e a bout it It cures Dyeentery and Diarrnma, re gulates the Stomach and Bowe la, cure· W md Cohc, softens the Gnms, reduces Inflammation, and gives to'1e and energy t o the whole eyat em. " Mr. Wmslo w's Soothmg Syrup" for children teethmg is pleasant to the to.ste and is t he prescription of one of the oldest and best female ph ya101ans and nurse s In the Urntod State·, an d 1s for sale p y a ll druggis ts throu~h the world. Pnce 25 cents a bottle Be sure and ask fo r "Mus W1NsLow's Soo:rnrnG SYRUP." and take no oth er kmd, ..i>..w;~~\l!f.'l.);~(-i,E\llm~JiQ:l:~~ ~auadiau J'f nttsmau. >.,.EDNnSDAY, MAR i H 16, 1887 I I I lnvalids'Hotel!Surgical Institute BUFF.A.LO, N. YOr1l'a11lzcd '1'1tll n f'nll Stu.jr of eighteen llxputcnccd nnd Sklllf11l Physlcians and Surgeons Cor the t r eat1uent h1 or \ 1 all t:hronlc DJ scases. ;~ I I OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chron ic Nasal <Jatnr1h, 'Ihroat and Lnng Diooa·e·i L i v er aml K1dneJ Dtsoa11e s, Ulad4 o r Diseases, Diseases ot Women, Dloocl D1!ionocs and Nerv· ons Affec,ions, cu1cd bero or at h ome Wi~h ..,;-:·,:ntho ut seen1g tho \)atient Con1e ond lr" us, 01 l'lend t en cents n stmups for out tsior th1c ahu the col< 0 '" LADIES, Your attention 1s directed stock of ~o lnvahdiil' Gu!de ilook," w1llcb gives all pat t1culars Nervous Dclnllty, Im po. the immense DELIGATE DISEASES. BpeciahstB I 0 MILLINERY of every description at tary J.>1 act1co s J1 e speedily nnd pcnnn.ncntly cu1cd by our and all l'IKO· b id Vond1tions c ' usecl cj)y 1i outJ·fnl Fol. ltos nn 1 'J·o1 ni.cjong soJinn p tnre, or Breach, u1d1 cally c ured ' v1thout the knife, te..."l..c_y, No<tnrnal .! OiiSef!i, con the P, ove takl 1 Doak post-paid 10 cts m sUi·nr,:::' without dependence u pon I c ia n ee 4 lt\1RI. DDNt~ELY'S Sh11 has Just opened out one of the largest and most stJltsh stocks ever b1ought to tol\ n, consrntmg of. tnoatcd w1tlt t he greatest success f<>t ten cents in stm.nve t usc:ies a nd '~ itlI " cry J1 t,Lle m stamps~ ... pau1 Dook seut f ol t0n ceuts PILE TU!l'l!ORS anrl S'!I'lltl!<J'll'UllUES Adllr~ss b \ Y can laid bed ,vlu ten qm JJli lliuc1·y, Dress Silks, Vdvcms, &c., with a very fmo stock of Feathers and Flowe rs. Call an d mspect this fine clISpla.y, which cannot fail to give satiafaetion DrSPE>;SA><Y MEDICAL "' ,Stroet, Bull'.alo, N Y. mg The treatment of m11ny cou tl onsands of cases of those pat Wonr us AssooIAnON IJ6.3 Mam ' Book eent A DISEASES OF WOMEN. d.iscases p eculJU.r to ~Ol.'tl.l!:EN' of ove and, t i et p, I ofb att' BRITISH EMPIRE ESTABLISH ED IN 184'7' IVl MUTUAL LIFE ASSURHICE CO ., IUl It has no shareholders to pay dividends t o, Managed by and solely m tho mteresta of the Policy holders iS the result of tWs vast experience. It Ls a powe1ful Rostorntivo To11io n 1tcl Nel"v1 111c, hnpm.:te v1jior uncl strength to the system, a nd c ures as l by magic L cu- Favorite Prescription 01 ""'vllite s ,'~ one wh the '!'. Its n.ates ai·e .Low. Pollet cs non f or:fcltnbie and uneondlt1onal. CW!l b .Gonus Pald ev~ ry three Jears, fl O \ \'ln;;-, painful i non8ti:uallo n , un .. 1aatu1 at snpJH e ssio11s, 1>r0Ja111!1111Ho or lalll11g of tJ10 utc1 us, wcalt. back, autevo1slo u, 1ct1 overislou, boar].ng .. corrltoa, om n1e1 to excessive sub fig~ tr t do\V U s ons,.,itl ou ~, eln ouic t ougos .. tion! iul'lamn1n.t11otl nnd u! c ctatton Of tno "ti on1b, inft anuuat1on, pain and tend.ct n ~sN JU O \' ...u: ics., inte1ual Jomt Life Pohc10s. 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Co nst1pa .. ti on, J"nd i.geBti on,'!I Plcaso.11t n1Hon s Hmulache, 'I and JIJ1laO U8 AttclCkti, teo. promptly cured b1 D r. con I P1ng.itlvc Pellet·. 25 Wl' < E, L. LIVINGSTONE, GENERA.I.. AGENT, cents n vial bY Dru ggists PORI HOPE Or to agento throughout the county. 48-lla e. F.AO,.-rs CONCERNING T mg hot pau I or i " Dr. DORENWEND'S Clll plw lll ? :c )> - Unapproached for Tone and Quabty, .. l' "' for fu l let wa tot F mm for ad1 iest e~' ~ ~ ..iilil CATALOGUES FREE. BELL &co.J Guelph, Ont. :.:~':!c!~"~=b~: o~~:~".:'L?l~t·:~t~~;e f~~e:ie ~~~~e~~;'oii~;f11l~~~~~1:D:e~~~~~·~1:~a~i; I I r F. A. JONES, VETERINARY SURGEON, ENNISKILLEN, Eionorary Graduate of Ontario Vetermary College, will attend to all diseases of domeatie ammals. bald the eo1or an d vigor to n umerous crops of gray and fade d haJr It has relieved hnnd1eda of able persons of d1sagreeable Dand1 uff uud has sa' ed par man)' VI hen hair 'vas fulling, fr01n becoming oh· 131' wlll do what is claimed for it It has produced COUI luxurJ an t growths of hair on bald heads where baldness h as existed for :rears It has ie st Ored fast ,,,.,. the C,) stal 13 surr foll _ and - atar It 1a the only prepara.t1on in the wor ld tha.t hou ~ 0 - " faJhng out und becoming thin got a bo ttle at red once and sa\: e the growth or y,ou may Jo1:1f'! it w1tJ a nd take noth1ug else A. DOUENWENO, Solo Man<Ifaeturor, To. Remember these facts and if yonr hair ls It n torever Ask your druggist for HA.IR MAGIC salt Operations & Dentistry A SPECIALTY. Calls and Orders by ma il or telegraph will receive prompt a ttention. 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CapUal paid up, $1,000, 000 Rest, $260,0U _..,_ grat the scot a g1 he"' cuh1 late Thie B1ml., ls prepared to do Legit!· mate Bankmg in all its branches F .. rmers Dotes discounted ; D eposita ~;11 reeatved a nd Interest paid on amounts of [well 85 upwards m Savmgs Bo.nk Department r pen DRAFT!!! that I ssued and Oollectlons made In Europe ble United Stu.tee and Canada sho wor W. J. JONES, abo' Ag en D

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