MY STOCK OF Room Paper lS NOW COMPLETE. CALL AND SEE PATTERNS -ALSO- Linen Window Shades P. TREBILCOCK. BOWJ&l:ANVILJ,E, MARCH 16, 1887. CHEAP PAPERS. '\Ve will send the Da·il.y Globe, morning edit.ion, for 4 months and THR Ol!SERVER till Jan. 1, 1888, for $2. 00, or wo will ee11c1 the We.e.kl-y Globe, or Mail, or Western .A~.t·t ~er, or Mi.mtrettl Witn~u, or HcrnJd, or T01·onto Weekly News, n.n4 'T'UE 0B8RRVER from now to .fan. 1st, 1888, for unly $1. 20. Address JAMBS' PunusmNc Hm:sE,Bowmnnvillle, '.1.'ESMAN will be sent if Ont. T rm STA preferred in place of Tllf' OBSERVER at the same price to new subscribers. THEl SCHOOL BOARD'S ACTION. The aetiun of the School Board in throwing out what i~ commonly known as the Ross Bible, though more properly called "Scrip+,ure Selections, was we think ratl1er ha.sty and unadvised. The result has been tlllit where before was order is now confusion. The selections of 11cripture in the Ross edition were a nicely arranged collectien of Bible lessons. The school teachers had merely to open the book and r·e1>c1 lesson aftor lesson consecutively, ~md the mioister whose duty it was to visit the school; by consulting his b<>0k,ltnew just what the pupil11 had been r eading through the week, and could prepare his r~ marks nccordingly. week when f he ministers visited the schools all was n.,nfllsion in regard to scriptur,1 lessons, no ]Jarticular oelecttons having been, RO that the chililren were not prepared to answer questions put by the minister. Someone has now got to go to the trouble of writing up a list of lessons for the te~cherf.I to give to the children in order t hat both minister a.nd children may be prepared on the s~me imbject. No one would c!lre l.0)1ave the teacher bQgin at Genises and read consecutively chapter after chapter through E xodus and L eviticus, and so on . The case is much as if t lrn <lifferent Sunday Schools of the town wera i;o throw out the International series of lt'.ssons, and go b~ck to the old system of enrybody- choo~e-for-the m selves. Thll ministers of the town sPem to h "ve b ee11 generally Mti-tiPd with the u se of th e :iuthori7.·' C Ross edition, and they certainly ou~ht to ha first consulted on tlw rnbj~ct, as t ho work of instruction has been largely perform ed by them. We think th at it should be the aim of every true I'r,·testant t'> aid and ns~ist them in their work rath er than to throw hindrances in their way. There has b een a rumor goint:( the rounds, the m,·mber of the School B o1ud who took such an active pn.rt in throwing out thtl Ross Bible is a R om an Cath olic au d that his real obj t-ct is tc Lhrow t hinizs into disorder 1rnd thus prevent the r ea'din.g of any portion of the Bible in the schools. This rnmor we believe t o be altogether withou t foundation, as we undtira·and that the said member is a re11:ular attendant of the English church, and we believe h e acted in all sincerity, bdieving that his action would be for the be~t, whatever other people may th ink or s11.y to the contrary. '\Ve are also informed t hat h e has made up his mind t o vi~it t he echool frequently mornings and see for himself that the .Bible is d uly r e acl. W e believe, however, tlrnt it wo uld have been much better to let things rnn along as they were rdher than to rm!ely upset them at a mG1I1en t's notice. It is always better to wel,J weigh th ese matters befora tak ing &Of' d ecisive action. ~~~---~.-....-----~~~ ·..-a:. NAT I ON.AL r'lltUI net prBuapUy ·POD. the 1·eu:utata the Kewol· ancl ftl "D·rp· tt'Ulke JU.IW iu·d. Uterov.r;ll, Letter of Sympathy. LC Taylor Wm Trewin D Taylor L Thompso The following letter of condolence was (Continued from last ·i ,nw.) Mr11 H Toms ,Jesse 'rrull forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. John .James W W Trull Following nre the names of onr enb- A TRmblyn by the Foresters Court, Pride of Ontario, John Tremo11 . scribers whose subscriptions are paid, in John Tape Silas Thomas Miss J A Thomas No. 6,000, Bowmanville ; addition to those already pubiished : M S 'L'hornton Geo H Thornpson Bowman ville. ];'eh. 10, '87 · A .And Tyreman M P Talling To Mr. and l\frs. JameB·: WW'ramblyn,M.A.Mrs F 'ralling W B Allin Mrs We the members or the Court Pride or Ont a· -1s the place to get bargains in. rio, No. 6m. Ancient Order of Foresters, de· William Annis U&V sire to express our sincere symp,.thy for you and yours in the deet>oftliot.ion Lh!!.t hna over· 0 L VanCamp B. Elgin V1mstone taken you In tho loas of your eon (our late E Vancamp JC Virtue J F Brooks Mrs E Brown brother). We truat that om· IIeu.venlv Father Rd Vinson John VanNest., jr will sustain you under thia 11:reat trial and send Fred .Brooks Wm Bruce comtort t.o the wounded hearts that henceforth John Vo.nNest. sen L Vanstone Ontario Bank Mrs Bellwood will loo.Ii: tor"ul'(l ulouK with ourselves to a Mrs J Vinson Thos Bradley Prof Geo M Bice glorious reunion when "'" shall hear the Master say. "'vVell done goot! .rn rl faithful serNorman Billings W,Y&Z vants, enter Into the joy tor you." SiKnod on behalf of the I..odi;:e, Geo D Welch Wm Woodley E. HAGGI'l'H, Chi'.·[ Ranucr. NH Williams W Wight Roger Cole G Carscadden H. KENNJf.R, &cretC<t'fl. MD Williams J Winter John Cowlin Geo Clark MR.. JAMES' Irnl'LY. Mrs G W itheridge D S Weir D. Geo Wight To the Chief Ranae1·. Officer8 ancl ilfenibers of W Windat t ARron Davis Miss Susie Devitt Oo·urt Prirlc llf Ontat·io. No. [i,000, A. 0. 1< ., Rev R Walker A Younie Bowma.nvillc. El. Miss M Washington R Windatt GKNTLltMll:N.-The kind resolution of condo· Geo Wilson WT Werry Hy Elliott, sen Jene.. with ruyeelf u.ud farmly on the occasion ol' the death of my son Georb"e, passed by you Thomas Weldon Mrs M White F. at a recent session, hu.s bee u received, and I J. C White Wm Wage wish to e·press to you my sincere thanks for Well Foster Miss A Foste AF Watson the tender word· of sympa1hy and consolation Colin Wolls embodied thereiu-sontiments whloh I feel to G. WA White Rev. F. Woodger be genum11 from the 0911st<mt brotherly atten· W H Gimblett Joseph Zavitz T Whitfield tion ehown him during his long illness, und from the very lnrge 11nd respectanle procession TA Wright Thos Werry H. of Foresters, who attended his funeral. 'l.'he RH Watts John Wright practical spirit of benevolenc1> ll'ld true broth· Isaao Hobb!!I W HHicks erhood U1anifested by your Court. have so Henry W bber Chas Williams favorably iropreaaed me, that if I ha.d a dozen L Jesse Williams Jos Wilson, jr sous I should ndvi~e of them to join the MrsR L11dlow Wm Long Samuel Ward Geo Wilkinson Ancieot Order o! l!'ore·Ltlr~. Sincerely yours. Gf'o Langdon John Lyness JOHN JAJ\, Thos Ward TA Wilbur MaploUrove, Darlington, Feb. 22, 1887. J 0 La.Belle Mrs ·r Ward Thos Wickett W Werry Thos Wilcock M T Ward James Wriirht David Mttlcolm Thos Moffat John W'addell P Williams A Montgomery Jas Mountjoy R Woodley Alonzo Yeo - TOW L Mason Jas Mountjoy P Werry J H Werry W Motley CC Merrill Geo Welch J:u Walters J F McDonald 'L'hos Mountjoy -ATSam Woodley -OFMrs J Mountjoy Robt Moon Mrs B Mitchell Jas Martin JAM.ES WOODLJiJY, late of the T ownJas M oore D Montgomery SILVER WEDDING. ship of Darl-ington, ·i n the County of Joa Moore Eber Millson Durluun, .Farmer, c.Zccea.secl. John Mitchell John Mutton Another of those very interesting and OTICE is hereby given pursuant to SecWm Muir John Ma~on pleasant social gatherings,known as wedtion <14 of Obapter 107, 1-t. S . 0. aa Chas McDonald Abro.m Morris ding anniversaries was held at the resiamended by Chapter 9 of 46 Vic. Ont. thi.t Jas Morris dence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dobson, all Cr.ditorB and <>tl>ors havin~ claim· south-west of Bowmanville, on '.l'uesda.y against the estate of J "'m··M Woodley. late of N&O evening of last week, when a large num- the 1'ownehip of v .. rli,wton, in the County Jacob Neads Durham. Farmer, dt· ~s·t!d, who diod on Mrs Nichols ber e>f their relatives nnd a. fe w others as- of or about the 21·< d .. y ,,f Js.uun.ry, A. D., .Alva Norton CH Norris sembled to celebrate the 25th and jubilee 1887. ar~ requ r··d to send to D. Burke 'l'hos Northcott W Neads year of their marriag!'. The friends from Simpson, of tlie Town of Bowm..nv1lle, Sol,John Newcombe Rich Nichols Olarke, Darlington, Whitby aud Bo1'fman- icitor for Henry Ellloct. Jr., Richitrcl Wood'rhos Nichols Fred Nichols ville in responee to printed iavitationa ley and William :Brent, .Jr., tlrn executors J H Osborne Mrs C Osborne t.he 'Vill and 'l'estnment of the said issued at the STATKS.MAN Office, assem\iled of J·mes Woodley, deceased, particnlarR in Jo.me11 Osborne WT Oka shortly after three o'clock, taking Mr. writing of· their claiina 11.nd th e nature of R G Ornrland WROke and Mrs. Dobson quite by surprise. The th,ir securitiee, if any, held by them. and Mrs R Ormiston RKOrr young people spe~1t the time ingam~s and th·i: christian and eurnamt>, addresses and Rioh Osborne Rev J H Oko the older o.1es in eocial chat till six descriptions before the l oth day ·if Ap1il .John Orchard Rev J H Oliver ni;xt. o'clock when a splendid weddin~ iea wa1 And NOTICE is h~reby given that at the Thus borne Wm Oke served which had been abun<lautly proexpiration of that time th" said Execntors Jno Otton, jr John Oke vided by the ladic~. After tea the com - will proc.,ed to distribute the a.seets of the P&Q pany chose the Editor of the l:iTA.TEslIAN said deceaeed, among the parties entitled Thos H Power Marshal Porter for chairman. who after congratulating thereto having rel!'ard only to the claim· of which they ehall then have notice, nnd that Thos Peters Nathaniel Porter the host and hostess on arriving at the they wit! not be liable for th<, assets or any Thomas Porter . H. 1' Philp 25th mile-poet in their married lifo, cnlled part thereof to any person or perec mR of J as P erkins 'l'hos Paterson on Mr, Titos. Smale, Deputy-Reeve of whose claims they shnll not then hnve had S Penfound Jacob Pollard Darlington, who in a humorous and racy notice. And further take Notice that all perenns J L Parsons Geo Pea1·c0 11peech presented Mrs. Dobson with a Mrs W Puley Danit! Pollard massive silver butter cooler of elegant de- indebted to the estate are to CHll on the Execntor, Mr. Rictlard Woodley and set tle Miss A Power 11ign, with butter knifo to match, a large .John Pinch their indebtedness. James Phillips Thos Power and beautifully chased silver cake st·nd, D . BURKE SIMPSON, John Pipe RR Par11ons and 11ilver pickle cruet. Short 11peeches Solicitor for t he IGxecutora. Bowmauville. Mi.irch 8th. 1887. 10 4w Narman Parker were made by Mr. Richard Osborne r.ati J W Philp ltev J W Patterson eeveral others present. !'lfr. Dobson res· HA Power Mrs (Rev) Preston HF Pound ponded on behalf of his wite 1<nd himself Robert Philip in very fitting language. The comprny Geo Prout J no Perre man withdrew abont 10 p. m. after spending J L Power ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. James Parr a few pleasant hours long to be rememDr Potter Mias M E Power J T Pollock bered. Among those present were: Mr. John Penfound Jon Pichrd and Mrs. W.R. Allin and Miss Allin, of SAJUNGS . Edward Pascoe N ewcastle; Mr. Samuel and Miss Allin, W H Pierce PERUVIAN, from Portland, March 24; Eli Pascoe Andrew Pollard Providence; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Allin, March 26. Thos Pascoe G eorge Pollard Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bra~g, John Pascoe James Pollard Mr. and Mrs. P. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. PARISIAN, from Portland, April 7; Hslifax, April!). Rich Pascoe John Pierce F.Sainsbury, jr., and Mr. W. anrl .Miss Wm Pascoe Sainsbury, of N ewtonvillEi; Mr. and Mrs. POLYNESIAN,fromPortland, April 21 ; Sam Pollard Halifax, April 23. Geo Perkins Wm Potter R. Osborn11, Mr. Geo. Dobson, sen., Mr. and Mrs. S. Dohson, Mr. and Mrs S. B. CIRCASSIAN, from Portland, May 5 ; R Halifax, May 7. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. J·. J. D obson,Mr. Mrs J R ankin John Reid, jr RA'.l:ES 01· OcEAN P ASSAGE :- Cabin, and Mrs. Tho~. Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs .A Reid Mrs John Reid $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 .A. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. BlackJam es Rickard Mrs C Rundle burn , son and daughter, 1\fr. and Mrs. and $1150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, George Rickard J H Reid J. Wad(lell, Mr. and Mrs. J . W. David- $60. Steerage, $15. The last train conJohn Ruddock E Roy,J P son, Mr. Ralph Dowson, of Clarke; necting with the mail st eamer nt PortMrs R T Raynes Thos Rundle Mr. and Mrs..T. D . Holl,r, Mr. and Mrs. land leaves Toronto on ·Wednesday mornJames Richards Ed Riches Thos. Smale, Mr. Thos. and Mi~s Hsrdy, ing. Tbe last· train connecting with t he Edward R eavie Frank Ruse of D arlington, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. mail steamer at llalifax leaves ·roronto R e v SH Rice. Obas Ruee Williama and Mr. and Mni. M. A. James, on Thursday morning. For tickets and Herbert R eeson Ru pert Raines every information, apply to W. A. NEAns, Bowman ville. John Ra.nton J ame11 Rnndle Bowmanville, Agent Allan line. 11-tf Henry }{,agers · Al bert Rundle THE STAR HOUSE has just r eceived a large stock of English and John Russell J ohn S Rundle AUCTION SALES. Scotch goods, direct from England, for the A fine stock of the M lfobbins .John Rundle .Alex Rig~s Fred Rnndle W EDNESDAY, MARCH 16.-The farm Moses 1,obbins W G Rundle stock, implements, household effects, John Rinch Mrs W Renwick I am prepared to give the cheapest and best Suits ever turr~ed out e tc., belon):(ing to the Estate of the lat~ John Rickard John R enwick J'ames Woodley will be sold on Lot 8, i n. Bowmanville. - "' Wm Rickard WW Ralph Con. 8, Darlington. Sale at 12 o'clock. W J H oy J a mee Roes in town arrived at the R. H uTCJIISON, A uctioneer. Rich Rncldock L e vi Robbins FRIDAY, MARCH 18. - The ex ecutors of Ed R tJeson the E'State of the Mrs. J a.cks, of s Hampton, will sell the Fann Stock, ~You can ahvayio. see .Jeffery at the door. Samuel San d ers Gilbert st~ vens impb ments, et c., without l'eser ve. J ohn Stewart T hos Smale Sale ot 1 o'clock shQrp. S. C. H t:NK· R obert S tanley Thos Snowden ING, Auctioneer. The clothing, as usual, cut by the G eorge Btephens Mi ss ME Stevens TUESDAY, MA.ROH 22.- Mr. T. E. W:;shonly fir st-class cutter in town. Sam11e l Snowden Ri ch Souch, sen iugton will offer for sale, on Lot 26, l't!rs(Hon )J Simpson SW Sanders Con. 5, Darlington, a lot of valua ble James Stanley J W Sparling stock, implements atld h euseholcl furJames Smith J1ts H Stntt - - - -:o;--- · nit.1re. Sale llt one o'clock, sharp .a great variety. Mies M E Stnart ' 'Villiam Scott HAZZ LEWOOD, Auctioneer. W . Thumas Scott The Senate 'r1rnrtsDAY, MARCH 24.-Mr. George Collars the very latest, Ties J ohn Scutt Oweu Soper H errington. lot 23, con. 5, Darlington, Wm Somers Thos Short and N eckerchiefs a L a Jrfo<U. will sell his valuable farm stock, impleJ E :::louch J os Stollery ments, et c. , without r eserve Stock Everything appertaining to a firstJas Sisson J ohn Sharsal DR. Cu. w·ell bred and in good condition; im- . Rd Sylvester J as Sleeman class To Balance,January l. 1886 .... . . . .... . $2,087 28 Dy !toads and Streets ........ $2,961 51 plementll all nearly new Sa.hi ot 1 Geo Stratton Rich Slem,on · Pnbllc Property ............ $ 1,125 Mi 11 Public Property .. .. .· . .. . .. 1,5!6 59 o'clock sharp. See posters. R. BuTSanford Swain EI' Scott 11 Police, Ji'ines and F ees . .. . 405 15 11 Fire Department. ...... .. .. 694 89 c w.rsoN, auctioneer. John Sa.malls JU Short " Sundrle11 . . . . . · . .. . . . . .. . . . . . M 93 " Police . .. .. · . . . . . . . ·. . . . .. .. U97 50 Thes Shortridge J ohn Smith SA'l.'URDAY, MAlWH, 26.- Mra. Archibald ., Proceeds of Notes disc'ted 18,386 60 11 Poor Rolio! .. .. · · · .. . · · · · .. 703 52 Geo Stevens H erbert Short is going to California and her furniture 11 Sunnries . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . rn1 47 Please to call and inspect our ., Debentures eold. part proCW Smith William Shor t and house hold effects will be sold withoeedB of $.~9.733.89.. ... ... 31,733 89 " W'atering Streets .. . .. · .. .. 275 00 Robbie Smith J ohn S tewart out resene at Shaw & Tole's Auction ch eap overcoats. ,, Intere11t on Debentures .... 236 65 ,. Salaries...... .. . . . . ·.. . . . .. 1.000 00 Geo Staples Chas Souch " Printing and Stationery... 281 M l 11 Taxes collected. 1885. · .. . . . 308 tiG Rouma. Sale at 1 p.m. See poster d. 11 RepaymeLt or Notes ctis· 11586. ...... 18,212 93 Colin :Staples Mis~ K R Squair Li:v1 A. TOLE, Auctioneer. counte<l ............ .. .... 18,500 00 Hauy Salter ,, Dog Tax ..... . ........ .. .... 191 00 Jones Samis TUESDAY, MARCU ' 29. - Mr. Jas. Stol" Debentures aTid Coupons. .2! ,6:>! 22 11 Licensee . . . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. 53 50 William Smale Gasper Scott l ery, mpton, will offer for salo a lot No1:iee 1o Wag·e-earners. " Cemetery. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 601 8·1 ,, Cemetery. ..... . . . ... . . .. . . 850 10 S Shortridge J ohn Staples of stock, fur niture, etc Sale at one " P ublio Sohoola, ...... , .. . . . . 7,025 00 ,, Pobllc School Grant, &c... ! 87 63 James Storie Mrs Ju Sproule o'clock. - \V.BAZZL2WOOD, Auctioneer. 72,075 99 .. Count,. Rate.. .... ...... ... . 630 00 NDER THE LAST ASSESSMENT Wm Sproule Thos Scott - - - 60,039 05 ~Per~ons ordering sale bill at the .AC1'.e.nd Act a.mending the same.all parTuo Squair , BA Frank 8cott eons \¥ishing to b e placed on the Assessment " B11lance. .. . . . . · .. . .. . .. .. . . .. U,12l 22 STATESMAN office will receive a. free n otice W Sheppard James Stark Roll as -·o.rners must. first fi le an o.ttlrlike the above up to date of sale. The $7!,163 27 runilon with the AsseMor, Blanke for that $74,163 21 Jno Stuchan STATESMAN has the largest circulation in purpose c11n be had of t.lm undersigned, Uhas St unhoL1se Thoe Symons S. IlUHDE:N, Aestlll8or, W est Durham and Ontario. Ordere for We h ereby certify that the above is a true and correct stat ement. Wm Strutt Wm Soueh Bowrnan..,.ille,:,Feb. 11. 1887, IJ.t! sales ma.y also ba left at thia office. J J S ;,uch -· -- ·-·---··--· --·-·· - - - - - - - - Rich J Shaw T. H. VANN, d"t CHAS , KEITH, u 1 ors, N .'B.- Our advertising rate for auction To iutroducc our T JJ .u goods and M ecure Bowma.nviile, 29:h January, 1&87. salea, whou wa do not print tho sale n.ctive agents cut this out and mail to us with Rd Trenouth John Toms bills, is 25 cents a. line, each insertion. lOc. Silver nnd we will ~·n~ you. a D Truscott Samuel Thompson II/let, Stimple Package of Silk ];'ringed, Gold AND METAL W E Tilley, M .A Mrs R Tilley \V. Hazzlewood, l{a~lan, Ont. Licens- Fringed, G·old Edge, Glass, Transparent, Curo· ] ioR SALE.- The house and lot onl· 'I.J-,OR RUBBER ucen Street, Bowmanville, th.e property .I: stamps, for Uhurch. Sunday School an'l mos and Hidden Nan1e Cards, with your ne.tne F T alling, jr Isaac Tabb ed Auctioneer for the township of Dar- on, o.lwo our a.gents' New Style Sample Book of Mr.~oseph, Neil, at presentoccupwd by Mr. Ofllce use. address IlOBEltT H. COX, No. -! S G Trewin Hies A Thomas lington. All orders for salea in thia of oxpensi vo cards a.nd Illustrated CntalollUe, 'l'hoe. H. Spry. 'l'here are 7rooips lo the house J King Street East. 'l'oronto. 6-tt good cellar. &nd about 20 !ru1t trees in the J .T Thornton John Trindle 'ficinity, left with F. H . Mason, Bow- Nove.ltiee, Books. Music, \Va.tchee, &c.. with a orchanl. For further a.pply to I Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at L ev Mor· .rivate terms. Thia is &<'ha.nee i n a lifetime. Aaron Thomp:io;n Thos Tremecr ' ma1uille, will racein prompt attention. d t ~l OO b k f ~oa't mi"" it. Addru.i! B.l.ld. BllOTIU'.&.8 .t JOHN K. GALlilRAl'I'H, J3a.rru ter, Bowman· ! . , .,.1n.,. 7-tt. ris an ge a. '1' · oo ree, A.lberb Toma 'J'hn 0 Tremeer I 34'-if. \, .... a111tu......e. .SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID. VARIETY HALL o. Picture Franies and Wall Paper. Come in and see for yourselves. KENNER & Co. NE~ NOTICE QE,EDITQE,S GOODS N TO BROS. o- New Shirtings, New Prints, N ewVVhite & Grey Cottons, New Embroidery, New Dress Goods, New Linens, New Tweeds, Yatisi Corsets. ----o---- ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD BROS. ALLAN LINE LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. Newest and Nobbiest OLOTE:S SPRING CLOTHING TRADE. Ectipso Bouso. Canadian Tweeds in great variety, from $10 up to $25. Gent's Furnishings all fresh for spring. J_ JEFFER-Y-. PERSIAN LAMB CAPS ABS,-£RACT The Treasurer in Account with the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville. MEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. W. H. IVES. a .. . U A 'DIG QFF'j:'R ~- }A