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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Mar 1887, p. 5

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bi&::lUltiztb . 45 PLEASE REMEMBER Miss Ida. Blight, of Myr tle, is visiting We can rocomnien<l Stott & .Jury's \ Sim the cheap Dress Goods at Co11 ch, friends in town. Cough Syrup. It is excellent. J ohnston & Cryderman's. To si11:n your name to all letters sent to Rev. H enry Ward Beecher died last Farmers, before purcha1iug Binder Rev. Newton Hill, of Oshawa, preaoiied the STAT:&Sl\UN office. Twine see Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. in the Queen-st. church mi Monday n ight week of paralysis. That letters · without the writer's name BRAND OF PURE THE STATJ:S~u.:ro an<l THE MRTHODIIST last. Latest x ·eports from Algoma. give Mr. J(O into the W. B. OllSERVER to Jan. 1, 1888, foronly $1.50. Mr . .John James, of Maple Grove, is D. F. Burk eight majority. That notices of auction sales cost 25c a Any present subscriber can have this visiting his brother, Mr. Rich. James, at Mrs. (ReY. ) A. Fraser, Orono, is visit- line in t he STJ.TESMAN, wllen the bills are pa.per sent to a friend till New Year11 for Cam bray. ing Mrs. John Kcachie. not printed at.this ~ffice. 50 cents. Hon. E. Blake, M. P., and Mrs. Blake Go and see Maeou's gen eral Dry Goods To mark articles ID papers eent lo us or Mrs. J. Hlgginbotham left town for and Jewelry House and compare t heir are in t he Southern State11. anyone ehe to re8d and write y~ur name Winnipeg this week where sho will snend prices with others. Ho ! for spring, soon, and gentle on the paper so tha t tile sen d flr may be Have you se~n the Yatisi Corsot, at Tod reacl er look out for apriag poetry. known. · . . d . John Hellyar is getting in a yery fine Bros. Four button kid glove~ , 50 cents, Mr. B. B ickell, of Woodstock, is vi1itTh at t h e S TATESMA~ II prmte on assortment of boots and shoes for the worth 75, at Tod Bros. ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tuesd'lly afternoon, and changes for ad0 ~. l'!f ~ Spring trade. ver tisements must be handed in not Special attention is given to the re· Bickell. ~. ~'ji? ~"!)'!.;~ . ·~'~ Farmer11 h~ving clover seed for !!Ille will pairing of fine watches. clocks &nd J ewBusiness is booming at the U. 0. F ., than Monday. ('.;£ ·:i-.....::;;,\r,,.~~--~~ ~ find W. Quick & Co. prepared to pay elry at Mason's genernl Dry Goods and and D. 0. & P . Factories. Long may it , · t'- b t d . . Th . a t til~ S1A .n:sMAN 18 ne es a verJ e welry House. All work guar'l.nteed. continue. t1smg medmm m West Durham. It goes ~i l highest market prices. H. The small boy is now enabled by the Mr~ . \V. M orrison will in a few clays Mr. S. Cotton has returned from a two into almost every h ousehold. . ~; ,. a id of the electric light, to play marbles open out a stock of Millinery and Fancy week's tonr buying horses, having bought i' ll r ight up till bed time. . BIRTHS. goods in the West End, near ly opposite about 50 head. The Great Stan d ard ior a Th e b es t va1ne m · · grey nnc1 w Iute · 'LlYNllS.-Near Eafleld, on the lHh inst., the cot· Mc'Murtry's. Special attention to stampRev. \V . H. Warriner is at Montrea.l wife o! :W:r. Daaiel Haynes, or 11o son. ,11e3kness and diseases of the ungs tons can be got at Mason's gene1·0.l Dry ing. giving a cour~e of lecturee to the students Goods and Jewelry Houso. ~---:MARRIED. Fmrn S:&T OF HARNESS.- S. Thompson of the Couizrei;iational college. i~red nutrition, etc. Mr. J. C. Vanstone, of the Bowman· & Co. will give gratis to the person buyHOOEY- MCMILLEN.- At St. Paul's Manse, Rev. R. D. Fraser preach~d in Trinity ville R oller Mills, has lately recei vecl an ing the most goods at their shop during church on Sunday ev1.ming on the sub- Bowmanville, on Thursday. March 10. 1887, by This Oil is Pure, Fresh, Nearly order Rev. R. D. Fr1Lsi.r. M. A ., Alexander Hooey. for a car· load of flour from AntwerE>, 1887, a set of all N ickle Single H arness ject of "Sowing and Reaping." His Rs , of ugog Island, and Miss Margaret Mc· 't'"~teless, and therefore most suit- Belgium. This certainly speak11 well for worth $25.00. M' · Bo ma.nYilie. serm was much appreciated. the qnality of Mr. Vanstoae's flour a.nd MHCOLM-WIJ,L!Al\CB.- On the 9th inst .· by aibl~. for delicate digestions. Mayer has received a. very large M r. T hos. Burden, Deputy ReeTe, has the R ev. W· C. Washingto1t, M. A. o! Port a!Eo fo ii! enterprise. sortm... nt of new Spring Hats in all been sick for a fortnight. He was a.bse t Perry, 1<t t11e residence of the bride's rat.her. e electric lights on the front s tre<Jt Mr. David Malcolm · and Mias Mary, None genuine without the name Prices to suit. from the Council m eeting, the fir t daughter o! Thomas ·wliliams. Esq., all of ave been raised t o a height of 40 feet pop ular colors. Cartwr ight. t ime he has been absent from a meetin '. IZD.A..HL sta.rnped on each c9.psule. from the g r ound and it is.cerbiinly an im- lines of gent's furnishings also a of tha. in ten years. proveme1Jt, t h e light being thrown to a Call und inspect. - WHOLESALE l!YThe great number of poles whic .· ~.., a "-'vr:e'-1-~r.:'.;:-i DIED. .;./... gr eatet· distance around. \Ve hope to see .been· 7th inst, put up along the front street IS ro bery took place on Monday nigh 0 1mon.-:s.-In Darlington, on our town thoroughly lighted before m!.\ny ce. r tainly a disfig urement to the street, at Geo. Fisher's Hot.el. Mr. J<'i~her re. li&m-J. O:iborue, a~ed 16 years. ~: ks. tired le1wi:ng some $125 in the t ill. D BUTTERY.-ln Darlington, on the th inst. bll t we suiipose beatity niust gi've way t · h · } 1 d h h J\fa.rl{ai·et Buttery, aged GO years. -ORAlmTrlm' SALEs.-R. Hutchison, Licen· convenience and necessity. rmg t e Hill it a o ger, w o came t e i-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Md Auctioneer for the Townships of that day, get up and left, 11ncl the money · \VoODLEY EsTATE. - The closing sa e was missing in the m orning when the till BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. OlarkP, Manvers, Cartwright, Darlington and Whitby .All se.les attended to promptly of the goods and chattels of this esta.t was opened. 4Jonected by John Lyle, every Tueada and at reasonable rates. Where it is not will be held on the premises, Lot No. 8, PB. Slaw & Tole are iirranging for convenient to see m e1 arrangements for Con. 8, D1i.rlington, on Vlednesda.y next, a spring sale of live stock to take pl1>ce FLOUR, ~ 100 Ths .·... , · , · $2 10 to $2 40 sales can be made with the Editor <lr by Maret, 23. See forge Posters. about April 10. Farmers having surplus WHEAT, Fall, 'IP' bush. · . · · 0 75 11 0 80 - FORaddressing m e at Enniskillen, P. 0. Q uite a number availed themselves of stock should avail themsel ves of this 11 Spring, 0 75 11 0 80 N. B.- I have no agents out begging for the opportunity of going to B ethesda to chance to l!lell. Entries should be made B.A.ItLEY, 'Ir bush, .· · ·.· , .. 0 45 11 0 50 sales for me. L{. HuTCHX~ON. tE. the tea meeting on Friday Three by April 1 at.latest to give ti me for ad· RYE, " ······ ·. ·· 0. 45 II 0 48 The robins have made th\)ir appearance sleigh loads left town for the "battle of ver t ising. Foreign buyers will be not1fi- OA·rs, 11 · · · · · · · · · 0 30 11 0 30 in the tree tops in the front gard en, which t he buns." A very pleasant time vrns ed through the provincial and agricultural Pus, B la.ckeye, f' bush . · · 0 70 11 0 75 ' is a sure 11ign of an early spring, and now spent papers. 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 50 in 1he course of a week or eo we ma.y exThe China Hall of Messrs. Murdoch Tho benefit concert to Mr. W. Archi· 11 Blue, " 0 50 11 0 50 - ANDpect to hear the welcome cry, "Suckers Bros., is well worthy of a visit by all la.- bald, in the town hall on Monday even· B uT'rER, best table, ~lb. . . 0 12 11 0 19 are up I" It will now be quite in order dies of this vicinity, , Th6r e are to be ing last, \mdcr the 1rnspices of the D .O.& L . .rnn, ~ lb . . . .. .. . · .. . .. 0 10 11 0 12 for some agtid friend tn r emark , ""\Tell I found there an endless variety of the best P. Co. Band, was a success in every E GGS, 'IP' doz ............. 0 00 11 0 13 never saw such an early spring since I've quality of chioa, glassware, crockery, and parLicular. Each member of the B eth- POT.A.TOES, W bush. · · · · · · · 0 25 11 0 40 been in th e country, and I've lived here fancy goods, which we venture to o.ssel.·t i1 oven Qurtette is a first cla.s1 singer, and HAY. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 9 00 II 10 00 nigh upon forty years." not surpassed by many of the large city their songs wliether given sing;ly or to· DRESSED HOGS. . . . . . . . . . · 5 50 II 6 00 geiher were well receive<l. .M:is11 Ella Cwv.1m SEED . · · · · · · · · · · · 4 90 11 5 00 Quite a number of For esters from town stores. O:nIT.- One 1:1fter another t he old resid - Ryckman, the soprano, has a rich and ALSXKE . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . 4 00 II 6 00 went to Oshawa last Wednesday e vening. They report a very pleasant time. After ents passing away. Oo Monday last fnll voice. The songs, "Good Bye," and - AT- · lV. K. 8.JllTll, a short session at the lodge rooms, they all that was mor tal of our venerable and "Daddy," were beautifully r endered by adjourned to the Qui;en's Hotel, where a .vorthy citizen William P rnter, foundry- h er. Mi@s Eth el Woods, cont ralto, is ICENSE AUCTIONEER for Bowmanvllle. Darlington. Clarke, Cartwright. sumptuous repast had ooen prepared, to man, was borne t o t h e t omb, the pall also a voc~li11t ef no mean order, and her ; also East Durham. All orders which t hey did full justice. After going bearers b ein g Messrs. \V. McMurtry, F . singing was l oudly encored. Mr. Sims Manvere promptly attend fld to. Terms liberal. Ad dres throngh the customery pleasant ceremo- Blealdey. T. MeClnng, M. Porter, T. Rkhacds. tenor~ thoroughly underdtaods \V;K S ~IITII, or l!'.BANC18 MASON, !lox !6, How· ! !Hf nies neual on such occasions, they return - Paterson and P. Murdoch. A large num- his pa.rt and goes at it with a will, his mo.nv1lle. ed to the lodge rooms. whence they left ber of citizens joined the funeral cort~ge. sonir, "Th e Gay Hussar," was rnndered ANTED.-A girl for general ho nse for home, well pl eased with their ·even- The pla.ees of business wer e clo~ed during in gr.ind st.yle and w11s loudly applauded. work. Apply at Bank. Bow· 10-2 w· n ~me. ings en tertaimnent and the very generous the hour of the obsequios. Deceased was Of Mr. Kelly i t is n eedless for us to ma. a comistent R eformer, and was for many sp~alr, his reputat ion as a singer being hospitality of their Oshawa brethren . OUSE TO RENT ON QUEEN-ST. years au elder in St. Paul's Presbyterian fully est ,;hlishcd Mmongst Bowman ville - Two i::itory Brick. Will be very A NEAT AND P RETTY FooT. - No matter church. He was very highly r espected audiences. His G uit11r Solo, " Sebesta.eomfort11.ble for 1i res pectable family. Apply how gorgeously Rnd richly arrayed a lady by the citizens and by the fnrmera 11001," was beautifully r endered , the to .A.. BUCKLER. Jeweller. 45-tf may be in otri er res1~cts, it is all vain throughout the district ,,-ho have done \Jngle call and roarch in (( b and completely without the fini~hing touch which a n eat, more or less business with him fo r th e captivated the nmlience. Tho Qnitrtette, ORSES FOR SALE. - Horse rising rour year3 olrl, got hy "British Llon'·bay. well-fittiog pair of boots imparts. With past 30 or 40 y ears. His wife and family " 'l'yrole n Duch," a comic song, bI·ou.ght heavy built, aouud and well broken. Colt ris· -l'OR SALE .A.Tthose tho Shakesperi1m adage is literally have the sympathy ofth e whole commun· down th., house, and t he singers aleo, for iog three vears olcl bay. heavy. Apply to I· L. BROWN, Hampton. true, "All's well that ends well. " Ladies ity in their bereaveme nt. .1,.heir feelin((s got the bett er of them end who wish to appear in 1l1 e n eatest, roost they h ad to j oin in thii l"ugh and left ANTTuD.- A girl to do kitch en elegQnt 11nd d urable boots t o be found in W e take pleasure in directing our the st age. They were called back a.nd a work. where a housemaid Is kept. Bowmanville will find a complete and r eaders' attention t o Messrs. Couch, s<>cond time they m"de· a brave endeavor, Apply to MRS R!IID, King Street East.. Bow10- tf man ville. varied supply of fine kid boots for spring J ohnston & C-ryderm an's advertisement but Mr. K i-lly'1 "Quack" was again too and summer at D. Davis'. Be sure to o n the first page of t his paper . Thia much for them and they lia.d to i·etire HO RT HORN COW, (will register) call and inspect his stock beforo buying. enterpdsing firm always carry in stock a amidst screams of laughter. The last with Calf a mont h old by side, for sale· .A. choice of two will be gl veu. W . \ VEI!RY. HoseBowMAUVU,LE, MARCH 16, 1887. S:rECIAL Nol'ICE.-Every perBon who in very choice selection of dry goods, but pie~e on the program was " T!1e Last la.ndvaio Stock Farm. Solina. 8-tf they pay particular alld special attention .Rose of Summer " and in it t h e singers tends buying a set of ·Ilarness behrnen to dre·s goods, ordered clothing, cmtains were at their be!t, their voices beautifully USIC. - MISS .BYROM i s prepared now and spring w1Juld do well to call on GR~ND TRUNK RAILWAY. ..1.._ to give instruction on the Plano and S . Thomp~on & Co. We are building a and car pets. This week they announce blending. 'rhey closed with "God save organ to a limited number or pnplls. 'l'erms the arrival of a lar ge shipment of carpets the Queen," and the audience retired lot of superior sets of Harness, both on application at the residence. Church Street. BOWMANVILLE ST.A.'l'ION. singl e and double, out of a11 ex tra grade - probably the bigges t ever r eceived by e-.:ceedingly well pleased. --------~~ nf No. ! leather, picked out especially for any home in town at one time--bough t GOING WEST GOING EAE"l' O LADIES.- L a.dies wanting plain directly from one of the l arges t me.nnfacWe clip the following account of a very our trad e, and we intend t o sell t his ~t .. . ....·.9.00 a m Express . ..... 6.20 a. m sewing and dress1nakin~ done at their turies in the world , and they are n ow excitin g event wh ich took place in Toron· ]b:proas. .. _..HI.Im 11. m Local. ·;,· .·.· ·8.20 a. m Harne~s at going prices . We employ no homes will inquire for J\IIiss Jerom e at Mrs. S. llixed ·...... .4.05 p rri Kxpress ... .. . 9.16 a. m cheap workmen, no apprentices, and showi11g su ch a fine assortment of r eally to lately from the Toron to N ews, of t h e Thompson's. oorner Silver and Church Sts-, 1-3m. Loce.l! .... .. .. .. 7.20 pm Mixed ......... 4..05 Pm elegant d esigns that we fancy any one 8 tll inst. As ~ome of t h e parties mter- Bowman ville. llJIJU'ese ... . . . Express · . .... . 8.(5 Pm g uarantee our Harness No. 1 in every mm1t be very hat·d ind eed to pleas~ who ested i n the case are well known and U LLS FOR SALE.- Two Short Horn respect. R emember, also, we have come "Except Monda.ya. for sale- will register in D. O. H, to stay. S. T1rnM PSoN & Co. (May's could not select a c11.rpet from snch a highly respec~ed i n Bowmanville, we Prize Bulls winners at th1~ fair. Terms e!.\BY , to suit magnificent stock. \Ve advise our re11.ders havH no doubt it will be of i nterest to old sta,1d.) time&. LEVI SKINNER. 'l'yrone. 11- 3w the t o inspect their goods before b uying their many :- " The first case h eard b efore The march of the Salvation Army n ew carpets for t h e spring. J udge Morgan at the Cflunty Court y es·rALLION FOR SALE. - A Hea.vy Trad es' U nion Procession last Thursday t erday was that of Ferguson v. Ruse. Draught Stallion for sale.rising six years Wheels are t~king the place of runners. evening caused the citizens t o rush to the old. For l'urther pa.rticult1rs apply to Jon W e ha d plllced u pon our t able this 'r he plaintiff, Mrs. Ferg uson, brought an GREENWOOD, Lot 29, Con. 9. Clarke, or Lesand look o ut. Quite a display windows week by his worship, Mayor H orsey, a action against the defendent, Jos. Ruse, kard P. 0. Ont. R ev. 'V. an d Mrs. Coombs, of Cam· 11- Bw · was made. · .Among t h e ar ticles borne aloft small badge b earing t he following words : m usic dea1er, and several of his employees borne, were iu tmTn last week. the Pageant w ere a masons hod, a saw, URSE LOS'l'.- A navy blue kn itted for the ille~al tak~n g of a cabinet organ, Dr. P otte1·, dlice and r eaidence, Prow- in butcher-knife, Silk Puree, Steel bead trimmings, lost * a oord-wood stick, a * -ii· * for illegal e ntry a.nd tresspass, and for on Friday. er's. Block, K iog·st., Howman ville . 1- tf. a 11th inst.. between L. Morris' store CORONATION wash · b oard a pair pruuing shears, a chair, assault and medical at.tendance r equired and Chas. C;i.wker'e residence. }Pin der will The S. A. Band went to Whitby on a broom and some other articles. The confer a favor by len.vin11: It at STATESMAN through the injuries sustain ed in the ·X· Office. l >-3w ~a.turday t o attend ·l Jubilee and assist })rocession, hea.ded by the b and march ed FESTIVAL * aesa.ul t. From what could be gather ed spoiling a.n oyster oupper . through the front street twice and then AT from the evidence t he pla.iutitl'sson rented OTIOE .- All parties ·a.r e her eby * cautioned against uurchasini:t a note for an or~an from Ruee, the defendent, and ·:!Otclelpoors, S<lshes, Blinds, Picket~, adjourned to the barracks, drawing a made by me in fa.vour of Vv· .J. Colter, The officers owinK to the non -fulfillment of som e of $100 etq;.. at Morris' Planing Factory, L ib erty lar ge ~rowel with them dated the fl r Rt; day of November, Newcastre, IN IIONOR OJ!' fare welled on S unday night a n ew staff the terms of the rental they en tered her 1881 c..nd due first day of November 1882, as the 111t1.·~t, R. H. Osborne, leasee . will take their ph~ce n ext Sunday. same note has been paid by me. WILLIA:\!'. prem isrn and attemptl'lrl to c~rry off the COUL'l'EH. Pont.ypool. Great r ed uction in t he pr ice of cutters ~ organ. Mrs . Ferguson determined t o l\farch l at, 1887. 10- 3w. The STATESMAK is one of th e most pop:a t· Shaw & Tole's. $45 cutters will be hold t h e fol't against all comers and armed ----- - -- ---------- 1al".;j. for $30 ; and ~;35 cutters for $22.50. ular m ediums in Central Ontario for herself with that deadly weapon of ANNUAL advertising F1mn PropertiPs for sale. It L adies of ·w est Durham, you are im·it- contains m ore farm ad vert.isements ever y domestic econo..oy, the broore, and with a ed to call at L's Millinery Branch year than any two oth er l ocal papers in 28th JUNE. 1838. pair of scissors. A tussle en sued. She Tlte Annual !\feeting of t h e Shareholders' of a.nd renew the acquaintance of Miss the district , and those who u se our colhit one of t he defendents, R oblin, a swipe the Dominion Orii:an and Pilmo Company will ;;. ·X · * 71· * * ·1.·X· * be held at lhe office o! s&rd Company. ln tbe ;&p,plett. on the head with the broom and gave t own Tl · ]) d b M H umns in almost every instance, say t hey ot Bownumville, on Thnrsday,\ The , V. C. T . U . concert h as been recei\'~ numerous applica.tions. For h u s a dge twa; ';?r~ Yld - r. h orseyf, him a playful j a b with the scissors. This 17th at th e hour of t wo o·c1ockln the arternoon, 1 1 the elflction of Directors for t.he ensuini: for d efiuately fi xed for Tuesday 22nd. We some weeks past we have b een adv ertising 'tvh en Q a '\; aC aoes ..iva ~P th in t on or "r mode of defence, one of the counsel yca.r, and for the tra..usac1ion o! other busiM 'rl e ueei. s o ~ nao1on, Ill e own o intimated, was called for by the lack of ness. · hope they will have a. f~ll h ouee, as we a numb er o f f arms he l on11mg to r. 10s. Cl t E t E 1 d lt · · JOHN W ESU~Y. b elieve t h ey ale preparm g a. good pro- Woodley nnd the W oodiey E stllte, and I' oy on n~ar xe er, ng an · - is. Ill h air on Roblin's h ead. The assaulting S t-c.· T1·ea~t1.rc;·.. "1t 1s · the f urmer h as so Id 1 probability.hthe only one of the k md party was t-oo strong, and tne organ had th e r esu va~. u·s f !\rm all · C 10 2w "· 1 . J . p a tt erson, of Cl· ·k f 4ll~ m ana.da at t e present day. to go. '.rhe j ury were deliberating on Dated th la 8th day of :M:areh. 1~7. W e were pleased t o so?e Mr. Archie t our a 1 e, or<rl, 000 , Bingham in town this week. H e is und the E xecutors of the .fames ' Voodl ev RELHnLE T llSTIMONY. - Mr. John R. the case about three h ours, an d the Th.e llanipton B utter and l ooking fat and h ealthy. T renton must E sta!e h ave sold 200 acr es included ii1 'Vright, r e presenting Mess1·s . Evans, Judge gave th em orders to send in a We C!teese Afanufacturing Co'y, ag ree wHh him- but for all B owmanville the homest o?ad, to Mr. Thos. Woodley for Sons and Mason, wholes d e druggists, sea.led verdict in the morning." $10,000. This is only on e instance of Montreal, says- Nasal. Balm cured me of nnders.tand the case was dismissed by t h e ha:, its attract ions. (Limited). jury. Our old t ownsman, Joseph Ruse, was the result of a fe w dollar~ 2p;mt i u the a long atanding c:ise of Ca.ta.rrh after IUN. many other r emedies failing. As'.IO.N IRHING Su1:c.1t11s.- It is the duty .l\lwindled out of a $300 Piano last week, STATESJ M easrs. Shaw & T ole ham on exhibiof eve1·y person who ha.s u sed Bo.~cliee's by a so called professor of music ordering Notice of a Special General G~rrnan Sv mp to let its won de rful quali a piano to be sent to his rooms, and tion a Toronto Light St eel Binder , it is ties he known to their friends in curing M eeting. t h.e reaft er sel ling it to an auct ioneer, very light in appearance and can b e Consum ption, sever e Coughs, Cr oup, then skipping ont. It is not often Joe is handled with tw o h orses with ease, it being 400 lbs . lighter than any other Ast hma, Pneumonia, and in fact all oa,ught nappini(. .A. Spec1a.l General Meeting of the Sh arehold· The throat anrl lung diseiues. N o person 011.n era A b ranch office of the S tock E xchange binder made of solid steel. of the Hampton Butter and Chfle96 Comu se i l without immediate r elief. Three pany (Limited) will he held a~ t he ·rown Hall, .has been open ed in town. The office is frame or foundation is ma de entirely of i n tile vlllago or Hampt.on in tho Township or doses will r elieve any cnse, and we con aituat ed in th <l rooms over Murdoch Bros' solid ateel, and the Toronto Nu. 3 is the on l!'riday the 25th day of Mu.rob, sider it t h e duty of nil Druggists to ree- Darlington. store . Mr. Ed. Living5tone is t h e man- only binder eyer invented h aviug a solid A.D. 1887, at two o'clock In the afternoon, ror l tbe entire ommend it to the poor, dying consump· tho following purposes, namely : a.ger . A telew·aph instr ument has b een steel running arounc Frns~"-For conaiderin~ and sanctioning a t ive, at leut to try one bottle, as 80,000 put in, and a11 operator secure d, so that machine, and forming one solid foun da(po.saed by t he Director~ on tho 7th were sol d last year, and n o one case By-law we expect bu8iness will soon b e boom in g . tion without t h e interposition of wnod March . .A.. D . 1887.) to empower the Directors pif.ces or casti ngs of any d escription. The it failed was reported. Such a wliere of the Compa.ny to borrow a ·nm not exceedWhattwcr i5 sleepy old Bowmanville truck frame consists of only two pieces of m edicine as the G~rman Svn'p cannot be ing $1,300 upon the credit or the Company, and ·00111ing,t . to mortgage or pledge the real oetato of the fir.t Bessemer steel bent into shape and to widely known. Ask your Company. together with the plant and macbili.Mr. M. P . ·r~ lling, of Knox College, rigidly fastened together. There are no about it. SamplP. bottles t o t ry, sold at ery and other proper ty. whether real or perpreached two capital sermons on S unday, sona.I. to eecure sum or sums so borrowed, bolted corners t o 11hake loose. The platI 0 cents. R eg ular eize, 75 cent.. Sold for the purpose any thereof. one in T riuit y church In t h e mormng and form is m ade of but two angle bat s firmly by a.U Druggists 1md D ealers, in the SECOND.- 'ro repeal a of tbe Comthe oth er in St. Paul's in the evenin g. j oined and boH1ed to the truck frame, United S~too and Canada. 42 pany, passed on tile 20th day of March, 1886, One of the la · gcst con gr eglltion s assemblregulating certain rnn.tters connected with the Couch, Johnston & Crycler ma.n sel the front prnce b oing the Cold Rolled ed in the latter church t o h ear him t h at Angular S teel Cutter Bar . The whole ling off a l ot of new 'Tinter Dree1 Goods at management of the Company. nn. E . c:. .lllcDOlV1'~1'L. 'l'nmn.- 'l'o adopt IL Corporate Se!\! for the has b een seen there for fl lonii: time. He formin~ the most rigid and strongest about h alf pr ice. They have no he5itam~de a very succeseful appeal on behalf of ICENTIATE OFlWYALCOLLEGE Company. . p ossible framework u pon which t o con· t icm i n !laying that these are by far the of Phyeicia.ns. J,ondon. 1£ng.; Member or Dated et Bo"Wman v1lle, March 7th, 1887. a. mission church in M uskoka . sttuet the machine. Thia frame i~ pa.t· cheapes.t Dress Goode in t o \vn . See thrun Goliege or Physicians ana Surgeons. Ontario.\ By order rROJI. LOW'S SITLPUlllt MU.I' ta ht11llly ented. Look out for e.dvertieemenb n oxt and you will be oonvinced that t.hi.:i i~ th e Sunar.:nY AND R 1 m1DllNCll:- Rco.r of Messrs. Hi11'g i12botl1am's Drug Store Dowmanvllle D. B_unrrn SIMPSON. T· o11. Bu miows. ~-m.,aded fQ.r Ou: muo .,r ll1·upU.,n, I k c~e. Sollcltor for tb.e C',ow.JJan;r, President, · 6- 1.yr,* ~Cp.. c:a...·~· baD.U. :r·ple&. Ta11··u. ' wee · USE ONLY Tl::f.E - x e www:a::c,tm!!L&U · XZDBAL NOPtWEGIAN -~ . I JAMES McHO~LL, late of the Township of Oartwright, in the County of Durham, harnesemaker, deceased. _ __ NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN unrsuant to Section 3.1 of Chn.pter 107. P . i:i. 0., aa amended by Chap. 9, of 4G Vic., Ont ... thac all creditors "ud otherH having c hums against the esto.t.e of .TAMES McHou1,L late or the Township o! Cartwright, in the County ot Durham. harness-maker, deceuscd. who died on or about the 12th day or Sep tember, 1886, nre required to send to t~e undersil{ned, .Ja.a. Pan:, Agen_t tor. ~dmlmstri;itor, .Ci>rtwright, 111 wr1tmg or their clanus and tbe nature of eec_uritiea (if 8.ny) h~lrl by them. and their Chr1st1au and Surname. addresses and descriptions, before the l et da.y of April next. And notice is hereby givon tlir·t. at tho expiration of that tim.e the s1iidAdministr£1tor will proceed to distribute t he assets of. tho B!tld rlecea.sed, among the oart.ies entitled th~reto. having rego.rd ouly to the cla.imR or whlch he ahall theB have notice, and th·i,t he wi.11 not be liable for the assets, or auv pai·t. thereor. to auy person or per D ons of whose clu.ims he shall not t hen have had notice. ' JAMESPAHR. Agent. for Admini~tra.tor. Cartwright. Feb. 25. 1887. 8·~ w. NOTICE TO CREDITORS w~ti~ cm if lttltl OtL In The Court of Appeal for Ontario. · The Controverted Elections Act; of Ontario. Electio n.~ f0>· LYMAN, SONS & 00, SURE CURE KY the Twen t y.eighth tlau of D eccm/.Jcr 1es6. J :R, of the ltidino of the Com·ty of D 1u lr.ami holrlen 0 111 the E lectoral Disfrict of tlte West SJOTT & JURY, BOWMANVILLE. · RINGWORMS on cattle LICE STOTT &JURY'S Medical Hall, and Pills, L W OILY 25 C HHS, QUART BOTTLES. H Mother Seigel's Syrup H ·&TOTT & JURY· MEDICAL HALL W S M I T I B Lpcal and Otherwise. S P CLOYTON, N lill l!l El N : VE~~Q~ Jh £;: * MEETING. I t The P.1£'i'ITJON of WILLlAM PowJ~Lr, PROW r.own of Bowmanvillo. iu the county ot Durham ~nd the Province of Onttuio, F urniture Dealer, whose n·· me i s snbsoribed. 1. Your P etitioner. Wiillam Powell 1-'rowAI." is a person who voted and who had n. right to vote o.nd who wo.s 11. Candidate u.t t.he t>bovo l:lection. 2. And yonr Petitioner stales that the election was holden on t.he . twenty-eighth day of December, 1886. when JAMKS Wm .LTNG'l'ON McLAUGHLIN. of t he town of Ilo~ nwn \·ille aforesaid. Physician, and i·our Petitioner w ere the Candi<la.res a nd the Returning (llflcer. has r eturned t he said James Wellington McLam:h1in as being dnly elected, 3. .And J onr Petit.oner S&lS that t he said James Wellington ~cLaughlin , before. during. a.t n~ter the smd lGlection was by himselr and by !us A1<e111s and by other ))tlrsonK on his behalr, guilty or corrupt practices as defined by L l·e hlection Act ot Vntario, and the amendments thereto a.nd by the CoUlmon Law or Pa.rliament. !. .A.nd your Petitioner says that ·everal persons not entitled. and not qualitled to vote·. or who were disquttlitle<lfrom \·Otmg. nnd persona who hAd Pltl·ioualy voted at the said Election.voted or purported to vole ror the said Jo.mes Wellington McLaughlin, and that t h eo, vote of euch persons ere null and void anc:f should not have been counted, and should be deducted from the number or votes cnnnted for the said James Wellington McLau ....hHn. 5 . ..A.lld your Petitioner further says that certain votes for the James Wellinl(ton McLcmghlin were obtained for him by or throul<\'h co1·rupt u1·act1ces as defined as a'oreaiiid. and. that the votes of. such persons arn null and void and should not have been counted and should be deducted from the 11um her of votes counted !or the said James Wellin1eton Mc· L9.ughlin. 6, Your Petitioner states t hat at the > Election, several pe:sons who wero entH!ed t i; vote tnereat and who were desirous or voting for your Petitioner, were refused t.hc right ot voLinl( ..nd were not permitted to votti at the stud .1>: lecr.tion. an<l the said severt·l porsons tendered I h eir votes ll.t tho said E ltJcl;ion and m teuded to vote !or your· Petitioner, and"theil." votes 0·1ght to be counted for him· 7. And your Petit10ner su.ys that at the sa.icl Election, seve·u.i peroons wbo W<'re eutitlect to vote therna.t. and who tendered tl1eir votes were not permitted to vote.but wore itenied th.~ rJ.:b.t ot voting, a1·d t hey. the said several persons, tendered their votes by putting in tendered l.Jallot in pursuaiwe of t.h.e Provisions or The .l!:J.,ction Act of Ontario in that behalf, your Petitioner says that the said tendered ballot pavera so marked tind delivered to the Deputy Returning Ofllcers rcr;. pectively. or suc!t o( tltem as were m~i·ked for your Petitioner OU jlht 1.0 I.Jave been. uod ought to be counted ror yunr Petit.ioner. S. Aud your Petitioner states that ~everal Deputy lleturniug Officers· Poll Clerks ancl .Agel)tBor the said J ames Wellington McLaughlin.voted nt Polling su b-divlsion8 whiclt they we!"' not en.ti~l ~d .at. not· being the Pollmg aub·d1 v1s10ns m which their names were on the Voters' List~, belonging thereto, i>nd such vot~s were i·ece1vcd notwit;hst,anding that the said lJept1ty H.eturning Ofl1cers' Poll Clerks and A.gents, had not obtained from the Heturning Oll'icer, certificates that t.heywere entitled to vote nt a Polling place in the said l(lectoraJ·District, and haa n ot taken the oatt~ or one of the oaths ot qtutlification, prescri bed to be talrnn by votors at said Electjon. and such votes ax·e null and V"Oid, and should be deducted from tho number or votes cuunted for the so.lei Jumes W ellington McLaughlin. 9. And your 1·etitiouer tu..ther states that Heveral ballot papers were counted and al· lowed for the ~aid J ame" Wellington l\foLaugh· !in. which were not marked with a cross as nirected and reqmred by Li>w and also se~eral ballots which contained marks or m1m bers in addition to those direoted by the The Election Act ot Ontario. and by which the votes could bo indentified and such ballots so i mpropcdy counted and 1.!lowod, shot1ld be deducted from the number of votoa conn ted and al· lowed for t he said J ames Wellington Mc. Laughlin. 10. And your Petitioner further states that several ballots which wer o marked with a. cross according to Law. opposite the of your Petitioner, and which had been supplied by the Deputy Returning Officers, o.nd which were in due course deposited in the B1tllotBoxes used at t he said Election, wore rejected by several or the Deputy Returning Officers who should counted the same for your Petitioner. but did not do so although such ballots ha.d no wl'itinl'l or ~ ark there.on in addit.ion to the initials of the Deputy R<nurning Officer on the back thereof. by which the voter could bo indcnrifled. 11. And your .Petitioner fnrth er states that several persona voted at t he said Election.and who were required by the Ar.rents or your Petitioner, to take the oath or o.Jlirmation, pre· scribed by lhe said;<l1eElection Aet of Ontario, r efused L o take ~uch oath or uflirmatiou. but notwithstanding such refuse.I, .Ha.Hots were given by several or tho Deputy Hetur11i11g OJllcers, to such persons who thereupon voted for the said J ames ·wellington llfoLa.ughlin, und their votes were improperly counto'.i. and allowed ror him, Wherefore your P etitioner prays that it may be determined that the JameK Wellington llfoLaughlin was not duly olccted or returned and that you1· Petitioner was duly eleated,and 9ught to have been r6turned, or tha.t tho sa.iCI. Election was void 1 Signed) W. p. PROWER, Petitioner. 'l'he foregoing petition has been duly served on me, and is now tiulilished in compliance with the Acts relating t.o 1£lectinne. ROBERT ARMOUR, Returning Oftleer: West Dt1rharu. Bowmanville, March 1st, 1887· WANTED. cox & co. Red and Alsike Clover Seed. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. DIRECT W IRE COMMUN CATION. W. QUICK & CO. Active .fluctations in the Market, offor opportunities to speculators t o make money in Grai.n, P rovisions, Stocks, Bonds & Petroleum. PrompL e ttention given to orders. Office over Murdoch 's Stor e . E ntranee by T elephon e Staircase. 11-tf L

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