TERMS :-11.ie Pu ,hl(ux, OUR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY J'IRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.Rl>S. BOWMA-N~v1nLE, M. A. JAMJl:S, EDITOR ilD Pl!Ol'Uno:a,, VOLUME N:e:w S1rnrns, NuirnER 451. ---- ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1887. XXXIII. NUMBER 12. Elegant Carpets -=C OUC E( 7 KENDALL. D eath has a~ain cast onr village and n eighborhood into mourning. Mias Annie Carscadden died la· t Tues·lay (her birthday) a victim of that fell disease, consumption. Annie .was b eloved and reipect ed by all who k new her and was a general favorite wherever she was known. But our loss is her eter nal gain. The funeral which took place hat Friday was very fargely attended. Messrs. G.McMullen and Nath. Henry Breon the sick list. We hope to bear of their early recovery. Mrs. Wm. Reid is ill at her father's, Mr. R. Hoidge. We are j!]ad to be able to ata.te that the illness is not as serious as W:l.S at first ~upposed. Johnston~ Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, --F!JUR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY Parties about to furnish or refurr1ish their homes, should not fail to inspect our large stock of CAR PETS, as we show the finest assortment, the newest designs and the best value to be found in West Durham. Couch, Johnston &Cryderman One Door West of Post Office,.Bowmanville. TI A~ WHOM T~ M~ INTEREST. We have now opened out special shipments of Dry Goods & Millinery on which special pains and much carefu consideration was expended to make the collection of goods ATTRACTIVE- articles which should include something really desirable for every individual, from the oldest to the youngest. ANOTHER FEATURE is that we make it a point to have a great varietf in goods of all prices, ranging from the cheapest. to the best goods procurable in the markets, in order t}:iat you may be able to make good selections at any price y~m feel able to pay. Having smoothed the way for all classes of buyers, we feel warranted in assuring them that they will never have r eason to r egret a visit to our store. Consider this a p ersonal invitation from us to you direct, and do not fail to come We ask you to examine our goods freely, with the under.standing that you do not incur the slightest obligation to purchase. Buy or not; just as you please, but come and have a pleasant time anyway. Everyone is welcome. Everybody will be glad they came. Of course we are always glad to sell our goo:ls, inasmuch as we make our living by that means, but that does not prevent u s from feeling a genuiue plea.sure in contributing t o your enjoyment, asi0e from all thought s or' profit to ourselves. ----o--- - MISS EP P L E TT, Who is so well and favorably known bere, is in charb (Te of our M1.llin.e ry D epartment and is prepared now to execute any I ·l order sh e may b e f avore d wit l , R t f 11 esp ec n y yours, ·~ ~ .~. 'V" ... J'%. ili'l"'~'?"~ . ~..&:.A'-' ..&....a~.&..&.~ ~ Th e social held h ere on Friday evening part of last week nmong fri ends.here. 1 lth inst., proved 1u w11s an ticipate d, t o Mr. J. Underhill, of Taunton, spent be a gr_:m_d ~u?ces9. E ver h as ~his_ place Sunday h ere. been d1stmgm~hed for de t~r~rnatlon of character, people always w1llrng to dothP _ Mr. R. 0. Short has removed ~rom our b es I in everything they undertake ; and m1 dst t~ the farm rented by him from well may it be said, that notldng was left Mr. L en Vancamp. . undone to gi·e t'iose who should visit the M!. Cooke, of Oshawf),, occupied the vicinity on that evening a rich repa11t, pulpit at Ebenezer, morutng n.n~. even- both physically and mePtally. The peoing, on Sui;dt\y las!. lo dtld1e evemng hhe pie, as is cuatomary, in all social g11therga"\"e an rnterestrng a ret>S on t e ings, were somewhat late in coming. but " Liquor Traffic." after a timAthe merll' noise of sleigh bells, Mr. John Stewnt has invented and together with the justling of the crowds patented a locomotive brake, which he gliV0 the inhabitants of the rural dist rict hopes will be the means of averting many to. un~ers~r.nd that Bethesda's neve_ rrailway accidents. He is at preseut en- dymg 1~tention-people shall J:Hi repa!d gaged in other important inven~ions, for comIDg- muat have been widely dlfwhich \Ve hope to have the plo11Sure of fll~ed._ The reason of such a. largti gathSOLINA.. making known by and by to reMler!I of erm~ 1s to a gre~t extent attributed t o ~he f T · the S'rATESMAN. TRIM. !fact, that.the ne1ghborhoodmak esapo1~t · M . r . .B. L ilmm1man, o oront o, is f f h b tt I t I home for the summer vacation. ,,---..... 1 o procnnng 11ome o ~ o es a en ava1 E N N JSKILL.1!J.N. able for 1he platform. Aft;ir all hi>d parMiss Annie Pascoe,of Oshawa, is visit· / M t ak en o f tea, W··C '-' h wH 80.rved u1 · th e N b"tt d · ht in~ friends around here. d' drs.t I ell 1 ' ~ge ~dig y·on'.[,el yeadrs, blll!ement, the people repaired t(j the a 10r s Th res1 encti d to , woo d -b ee wa:i very w 1 1e. M r. E· .P ascoe.1 . ht f t S<JU k Id 1 d rnrsf 11oy ch urcll w1 10re t 1 le mee t" JD(( was ca11 e attended last week. mg 0 1a· wee · ·e 0 a Y nn or- 0 d d M W J Ro 1 ·t0 d t 0 ti tunately fractured her thigh <tome six ~ ~r, anAft r.tl · · . Ye ec id e Mr. 'I'. Baker has sold a fine c t to ,rneks ago. The remains were intt1rred c ....1~. . er 10 exe-1·c1ses w"'.re ope_no Mr. R osevear, of Hope. at ·he N ewtonTille Cemetery on Sattu- by smgIDg ~nd prayer, the cham na.n m a Mr. Geo. Awde's wood -b ee last week d · 19th · t few upproprmte a nd well chosen remarks, JY 7. . ms · . stated the object of the mooting, ~ave an was largely attended. The Conser tive On Friday 18th mst·, the busr hand of account of the prosperous condition of sa.\T was badly beaten. "'--' eath removed the beloved wife of Mr. the circuit of which the society formed a Mr. John R oynolds, of this place, and G~vrge Ha.mm after a fe w ~veeJ. s .illnee~. part, was .of the belief that no dob t should Miss Fanny Alls worth, were united i1 I T_h"' d ecea~ed wan brought up m this rest upon Zion; and to diminish the small the holy bonds of m:i.trimouy on Thur s- vi!h ge, b emg tllfi d auf!ht1:r of Mr. Wm. amount of $100 yet resting upon t h e m day last. Congratulations. V1rtut5 who form er ly reslClod here.. h ad the gathering been called together. There has been a large number of parA great crowd cif people assembled at H tl also very diotinct l.y p ointed out t~e ties in this section lately. thll first sale of chattels and !:!tock a~ the folly of a common saymg among a c er t11m Mr. Fre-d. Bmy, of Enfield, has boen residence of the late James Woodley on olasa, "that when a s ocial gat hering endvisiting here. W ednel!day 16th inst. The Auctioneer, ed all was o~er, " bu~ to lhe contrary Mr. W; Manning, of E xeter, is visit- Mr. R. Hutchison must hav e r ealized sta ted that su ch m ee trngs mad e peopla in,:( at Councillor Awde's. good prices, aa the~e was a gteat number mo.re frie ndly, ~ubdued illfeelingo, and Mr. Jonathan Awde intends going to of small articles sold, yet the proceeds umty prevailed ID tho heart to a greater Bowmanville to go into the butcher of the afternoon sale amounted to over dE.>gree &fterwards. JA.CK. $1400.00. The second S!o\le will be held The nex~ apeak er called upon toaddr<ll'! buaineAe. at same place on W ednesda.y 23rd. inst. the audience w1u Mr. Jae. Gilfillan (tutor A foot-ball team has been organi>:ed in in the Bowmanville High SchoL·I) an 11nCARTWRIGHT. counoct ion with th& Public School here. expected speaker, who, after d e8eribing The Methodists are busy drawing They would like to play a tlk'im from .some eventR of the past, laid b efore the material for tlieir new church. The con- some of the neighboring schools at some assembly the responsibility r estiog upon t eacherM ; dividing his subject into two tract for the erection of it has been let time ID the xrni1r future. parts- teachers of t h e pulilic schools and t o Mr. R. J. G raham, for the carpenter those of our Sabbath-achools. He eaid, H AM1'1'U1'1. work, and Mesars. Oliver & H11orria for to occupy the pulpit was indeed a. responthe mason work, It is to be of brick Special attractions h er e on Good Fri- sible position, but t hat it ehonld n ot be with baseml'lnt of atone , and eleven feet day and EasLer Sunday. Particulars forgo Lteu that the preacher administer ed longer than the old brick church. later. the gospel lar11,ely t o matured miuds, A social was heid in the brick church M rs. Geo. Hamm died on Frictay last. wher eas t11e teacher had to train the last Friday evening when a pro~ramme Funeral on Sunday, to Episcopalean young whose minde were flexible, hence consisting of a speech by Rev. R,Hassard ceu, etery, Enniskillen. the iolreater responsibily. H e st&ted that and readin~s, recitations and music Mr; Jas. S tollery fo about to remove in t eaching, he h a.d often told his pupils. by the choit· was r endered . Proceeds, from our village. thab they might n ot b e a ble to excel as a bout $20 in aid of church fund. Mr. John Heard, h&ving rented the mathematics or in some other pursuits, On 'l'uesda.y eTening of hat week the Stewart farm, h <ls entered an d take pos- but that it was in the power of each one t o b ecome an upright, honest individual. friends of Zion apf:>0intment called on session. The above remark brought forLh an audiMr. R. Wilson, who is about to lE.>ave the :M:r. Chas. Trick, Cobourg, is visiting ble ".Amen, " from the audience, The township to move to Mount Horeb, and Mr. Geor!Se Bpeaker still proceeded , making som e most presented him with a w ell-wor ded address friends here this week. eloquent r emarks ; and after having undir ead by R ev. M r. Power, and a pux·se of Elford, Dak ota, is also visiti ng h er e. Mr. John T. C<ile l1as sufficiently r e· vided at t ention throug hout his discourse, money. Mr. Wilson r.;plied in very feeling terms. A pleasant time vras spe nt cover ed to be removed to his home last sat down amid st the ap pli>use of t he house who were sorry that he did not speak in speeches and other innoc,mt amuse- week. Mr. J. E. L. Cole is impl'.oving slow- longer. m entis. Mr. Wilson has b een an active N ext was introduced tho speaker of worker in the church and Sabbath School ly ; hie attendants think there is no d anger of loek:-jaw n ow. the evening, in the p eraon of th e R ev. R. for a number of y ears. Re'r'. E. Barra.ea, M. A., li? still suf- D. Fra11er, M.A., t b.e popular pastor of The youn!l men's band conducted the ferinr;i from sciatica, but took hie work St. Paul's church, B owmanvill e, who for services at Cresarea last Sabbath. ;abou t an hour h eld the a udi ence apellMr. J. H. and Miss M. Werry, of on S unday. Mr. Jas. Willia ms, Sr., h as purchased bound. In his opening r emarks he spok e Tyron e, have been visiting friends in a fine entire English coach horse recently. of being glad to see the brotherly love Cartwright. ex.bibited in our day ; and hailed the ti me Mr. G. Beacock is home from B elleville Mr. Jas. McLean expects to do a large when the walls of differen ce among our College where he h as b een since the New b usiness in binders nnd other implements varic us Protestant d en ominations ,Tould Year. this aeaeon. be torn down, thus allowing us to dwell Our old friend, l\fr. R. J. N idder y, togethe r in unity. His theme was "l! ""'orMr. John Smith and Mr. W. Bra dburn have r eturned frnm a visiting tour (who has been ii.ttending Trinity College mation of Charact er. " There are many for t h ti paa ~ threu moni>hs) will r esume his important tllr os in life; first turning thr ough W estern Ontar io. R . J. hai many from childhood to m1 mhood, h e was Mr. and Mrs. T. A. W right have r e- duties he re in April. turned from a visit to N ewcaatle, P ort warm fri ends here, and his r eturn will astonished at the len (lt h of time it be hailed with delight. M r. Thompson, took some people ; h e h ad known very Hope and D arlini;:ton. our pre~cnt teacher, WAil visiting friends many foolish ones that p erhaps might be Mr.and M rs. W.Philp, of the Willows, north of Cobourg recently. comidered hopeless cases, who h ad beare visiting fri en ds in the West. Sww BoY. come m en and women of charact er wit h Mies E . P ower has r eturned from a in an hour, simply by a father or m oth er visit in Toronto. TYRONE. b eing laid low or by other h eavy afH.ioMrs . .A. H . Veal hes returned from t ions caat u pon them. 'fhe next turn Itce ve Hancock had a b ee on Tueadi\y visiting her friends at Har riston and and Thursday drawing soone which was was fro m srngle to man ied lifo, which vicinity accompanied by her sister, Miss well atter1dvd. The boys worked well, a waa one of a. r esp<tnsible n at 1Jre, <li d not J ackson. Jot of atoll'l being drawn. The n ext believe in beina unequaUy yoked together. that of retirThe matrimonial feve~ has broken out thing on tho programme is tho sound of Ano1har turn de11cr ihtld ing from active life, which frequeotly in Cartwright. Mr. David Malcolm ha11 " or e mort. ' ' proved dbastrous. Upon this the speakt aken to himself a pai-tner in the person Mrs. 'f.. H al'ris having bo u~ ht t h e er. laid pa rticular 1;t1·e1 m. In S ?~·aking of of M iss M . .A. Willi1\mEJ. They wsr e premises belonging to Mr. John H odge , our dnty t o others, the speaker vividly marri ed on W ednesday last . W e con"for $750, expects t() take poeses1ion n e:d pi.c t ureJ by an illustration ln rnfo rence to gratulate t hem. fall. the great Livingsto ne who died in Africa., Mr. R . Sug~it has also concluded that The sale of the laie Jame11 W oodley '1 in con&rasa with. one of the wealthieat double wretchedness ia b etter th1tn single blessedness and tak e11 to h imself a wife catt le etc. , was the larges t ever known in Am ericans who h&d recently passed away. A word of symp1&thy g iveu in the time of in the per so n of Miss Lottie ltichardson. this aoctiou. Thm~s went h igh. Mr . Jvo. Hodge & Son nave ta.ken the troub le and 11orr ow has a tenden cy to We extend to th°"m our b est wishes. contract for t h e atone work oft e Reeve's lighten the hearta of the berea.Ted. The M r . .Alex. Hooey, a form er resident of ·barn. r ev. ~entlema.n' s address wrui more or lea. Cart wright, but n ow of Scugog, thinks he Miss .Annie W olch waa obliged to leave intermingled wit h weighty illustrations, h ris li vt·d in the domai nB of b ach elorhood fur '.l'or onto las t week, as a telegram e11ch one ct.lcula1etl to make a p oin t, 1 ·· 11 '~ enollgh :rnd has taken to himself a came that h er mother was very ill. which it did.and bore th o subject home wife. with force to the listners. Another old settler h as gone the way S till th ere is more to follow. of all flesh- Mr. Wm. R oy, who after a After the 11peaker con cluded, a few con The other S unday 'l't hile returning~rom short illness p assed away 011 Tuesday last. gratnlat ory remarks wer e made by the church, a span of h orses driven by ~r.J. H e ]~aves hi~ wife and two ~ona t o moin n Rev. W. Kenner, pastor , and the m eetin g Beacock m u al'ray thr owing Mr. and M rs. t h e los3 of a lov n g h usban d an d parent. closed , nil .rnturnin ¥ h onui well pleased. Beacock and child he~ vily agai nst an ot er The deceased was 76 vears old and was It might be said in r eturning t h anks t o ctJtt«r. Mr. B~·a.u(IC ~ ,vas ..e.·i,msl y i . ig h1y i·espect.o'.1 by ali wh·J knew h im. the frien ds fo"r t h eir patronaae, t h at a. jured, being insensible for 3ome h ours . Rob er t D . lrns b een appointed m ay or mon ster tea-meeting w ill b e given in t he The ot h ern escaped with ,,ligh t. inj nry. in t he abse11c'3 of J. ~ - who moved to the same place, shor tly, vf wh ich d ue n ot.i ce Cartwrii'( ht , Mar. 14. 1887. F. G. T. Wes~ yesr,.,rcfay . will b< >gtven . CADMUS SPLlNTBilS.- S teph. and Mrs. Mr. T h os . ' Voodl ey, of Bowmanvil!P., In our closelng r em arks we are glad to Hurl but J1ave m .. vecl to Toronto . . .. H . is b usy movlng t o bia farm uor bh of Ler e . say ~hat religion ia prog n;esin g·, t hat pe oF~lli~ h as lo~t 11 CO\VS i n 10 y e> hra. The Weko>n c, 1'h·' 1Jl:w. ple t h ?<.,ughoLJt th e w< 1r ld are h:n i11g aure 11th brok e h er n eok the ottier day . . .. W. M r. Wm . .Aldworth is very low. respect for the san ctna ry ; and we belie ve M rs. T. T. J ardine and Mrs. John the time is sh or tly coming, when the boys M cK ee, Geo. Foster and Nelson N esbit t have gon e to Mnnitoba. . ... Wm. B1 ·own, H <l n ii' . abl t b t S .d in every church will not pu t on t h eir over m ' ller , h~s bE"Gll tO 'l'oron to . .. . Mies V'I . 0 _g~o . . ' e<e e 0 e OU on Ull ay . C)!'l t s or walk out p n w i0u s t o he1r ing th o N ea L iet i ia at h <>me . . Miss L izzie Ma · M r . V1ct,Jr Col e lias i.;out:l to T or on to . i c \oi;ing ru nr..r ks. M ay we ·;v( rk, for th ... h,ovd . h a.R beon visiting E_ ast. autl " !Wisii . Dun,t forget t~e n lgh t of p:..a.yer mebt - I igh ·, is ~.Jrning_; we want wl.a t ".a~ OX · l!anme Ma.h ood W est . .. . \'York on Robt . 11w- 'I uesday nurhts as usual. uressed m sem 1wen t by t he chamnan, M ontgomery's n e w dwelling i.e progress"' . "' ULli\IAX. ~rnity J unity ! UNITY ! M ay God give i t ing .. . . ·wm. Watson, merchant , is sometons fo r TI.is d ear name's sake -COM. what indispo:ied . . .· M r-s. R. .l\fo:Laughliu G o ar.id Set> .iY iawn 's ge11eral Di·y Goods v,nd h er si~t~'r Miss ~\gnes F erguson, and J c wr lry House and cornpar e t h eir . (The above Iett r was u navoidably have r etu rned to Gorrie. [ prices with others. ; crowdiod out last week.- .l£D. ) I Mr.and Mrs. J ohns,of Pickering .spent COURTIOE. 1 BETHJIJSlJA. TAUNTON. J oh n R. Clarke is to l ecture in the Union Hall, Taun ton, on Friday evening:, M:irch 25th. Subject. : " H it.a and Mis~es," with English, Irish, Dut ch and N egro Songs. L ecture t o commen ce flt 7 :30. Ad mission 20cta.; children 10 cts. Come and enjoy a rich tre1it. I ENFIELD. A neighbor moved his family and hie worldly goods to Uacle Sam's d omain, the day after the late elections. It ill presumed he h ad h eard that theo D ominion government was to be sustained. 'Ve would 11dvise a young mrtn no~ to drive very far t o " sit up " wit h hh beat girl on Saturday night when it is stormy. It Jooke bad 00ming borne Sunday morning after daylight. KIRBY· Mrs. R. Lang is very ill. :M:iss Minnie Purdy is visiting friendlt at L indsay. Miss Annie Eowen, of Brooklir·, i11 visiting at Mr. H. Thornton's. There was a very pleaiunt social g.a ther· ing laat Thursday night at M r. lsaa.o Chapman's,, Mr. Chai. Power i11 around agai n after hh serious miahap, looking as jovial ae ever . BNJ!'IELD. Mr. Wm. Griffin has r eturned from the old c;:nrntr y. H o l ooka a11 if he had enj oy··d the trip. The visitor· hare the past week are-: Mr. Jonathan Lane, of Manchester, Mr. John Allin, of Bowmanville, M iM l\'.lary Hogarth, of S olina., Mrs. D . Archer, Tornnto, and Mrs. Dobson, from P riitca Albert, and some whose narnes we did. no~ learn. Mr. Jas. Galla~her haa l(iTen up farming and intends t o follow the agen cy bu11inen. H e has remov.id to Manchester. Several of th e fa.rmers around h e re ·nre takin~ advantage of the late sleighing by drawing home cedar from Cartwright for fencing. .A sch ool entertainment wu held in the U nion School h nuso last Fr'tdll.Y e ve ning at which a fairly large a;1dience lis ten ed t o a good progra.m. Wo understand that it ha.sat liut been decided to enl&rj:(e the ohurd1. HAYDUN. Dulf hM been Ycry ill, but is covering. Mr. Robt· Maines h·u moved into a house ·on the market square. Mr. Fo8te , Dell b."1 returnod from the nor~b an ooome o. resident again, A large elelgh load from thie viclnir,y went to C1arke to s pentl a n evt'lning last w eek au~l we hear th~y 11ad a big time. Some or our la· d ies nml gents sre very fond of going to chapel; Another load went to Whitby and b1&(l a line time, trlppl"g tiw light ranta~tic. Some or our yo\mlC men tell in love with the )lies the ·whit· by ladie1 make. We would sooner think It w&a the ladlea tbewsel n s, Mr. Robt, Brady, who lett to eef'l k hie fortune rn Eseex Centre, a short ti me ago, writ.ell back that he ha11 struck a garden ot Ji.:aen, and he thini.rs it wlll be betrer further on. New brooms sweep clean, Habt. Mr. Samuel ::nemon left last week f or Wln nipog. We wieb. him success and may he ftnd the balm of a ilead to heal a broken her .rt. Mr. D. McNeil, who 11;ot oovoroly crn8hod a. shor t Lh:ne ago, l.>y a load a! lumoer uvsotting: on hlw , is able to be around agam. Mr. J as. Mountjoy llt>s a valuable brood. mare very s ick, t he result of a k ick. 'f here bae been more sick horses in this vicinity t his win-· tcr t httn kn own !'or a. n u mber of y<>ars· M ·. Jol;ln Mount oy and Mr. F. Ma.llv.l'Y ll!lV3 each . lost one. 'f he asse1nor hss been ~oing his rounds ll.Jlcl! the dogs havo been scarce lately. Mr. A . McNeil ls getting the:waterl!l.1 on the ltl"O UDd f or a fine brick honso. Archie nevel.' does things by halves. Mr. '!'hos. ChapJJle, of Clarke, haR bean vieUing at Mr. Soller'e, and Misq Ida. Blight. of Myrtle, lm~ !.>eon visiting friends here. Mr. Wm. Haycraft. t1pent Satu'l.'d a.y a.hd Sunday with friends a.t Myrtle, 4 Mr. Hob t . re NE WO.AS1'L E. Mr. ,V. Orchard of this town took charge of .A.ntioch school last week. Mr. I<'loyd, of Cobour,., la visitiu!{ at Mr, H, .A.dams. Mr. McC4rthy is ill. It Ma.ry to George ~bould n:v: "l!'or Rleck~t.ock :;rr·u must vMe, Or my !ace yon ne'tor more may gee, My hands you ne'er more mi&y eq1leeY.e, M y lipt you ntfrer more may JJr~··. Your wife I w 1ll never b~ Unle88 for Blac katoc k you d o vote." What w ould be tho beet to d.o1 :!\Cr. J. Simpson has star ted . school a.gatn.. John la ooado or good i\u.tr: A tailoring bee was hold at Mr, Heney w,.· .A.dam·' 1111 lfatariaT. I t would be well to thrtnk our council tor the good coudlt10n they hu.vo kept the sid &vralka 111 thi3 winler. Wh;r doea Manito11liu ·wm Go south so !rcQuently still I Mias Julia Coopar I· eeri ouel1 Ill. Mr . Norton Uoland died ou the 16th in~t. aged 87. H e wao buri~d oa Saturday at Bethe coooetery. W h ile the Salvation .AY m y w a s m v.r chi nll: the ot her Light. a VtlUTI(!' m11n thr ew &. lx'i;tl· · et thai1· l1oano; b ut torm11a ,oly i t w un t toil high so that n obodJ' was hurt· ' W'e are g!Ad lo k oow th'1.t .iJ r . · (Jgdon who W&B hur t ou t h e l'._ilway a short time since is r ecovering, VVe ai:u g;ad to s~<& Y r . W. H , Cb.1t.plain in the village up.;ain, 'l'l1e llfothodist Sundn y School ·1111.s ~adopted the c<ttecJu, m ,,f th" MeLhodi~t .:ht1rc:i.. Wo underata1Hl 1t i$ to be ~u.,{il L ev e~y d unday. T ile new i iontew·nt of t He 8 11.l y11.t lon .ll.ruiy is lik ed well, W e c ongrat i1l.ite E bh 1' Cooper on hie mar. r ill.ge and wish him. ll. lrn.ppy aucceeaful and ]O UI( lifo, I I ' . wcll l fl<k:lYo d . A. silver collec~ion at the door roa.li7.ed & bout $9. w"!~. are noted or n mawa:r hones- t wo thill her~ L h6 ~ e ~w:ta L&··· t.uu 1 ·ch Ulldt..a· t.h 1\ Z:'..U ·_ p :ces ot th ~ °\\' O r1! l'll ~ MiB:.i~ on .:..1 ·y 811C1<! t ,!-r vvj1lch ' V a !t 0 A n en t_(: r!:~i n nHmt ·~vas h ~1J fo.~ ·. 1\f.< n<lay i n Wdh, l as&, We uudt r_st;rnd lh_at . li<l ~. J.,r;vokio who l<;lft some t.une "go is m Ce.l ·.tou 1iti, and d oing he thi n .ks he ha.s iouuu "' 1'..1·ud1be :.~ liaslil!W lt!R.