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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 2

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YOUNG FOLKS. RAILROAD BUILDING. MEN AND WOMEN. A FRI.END IN NEED. $5 The Czar of Russia h as ordered, j 1 , is said, An llnlulolv.u.~1laJ1 "\Vlw A11pcarc1l f.o Uossnth picture of the St. Paul ice Palac,., Montin 1m Emcx~cucy. W EDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1887, real will please consider herself sn11 bbed. In the last volume of bis memoirs Louis "Come, boys," said vVill to the others, An item to the effect that St·m Jones Kossuth relates an incident which occurred - - - - - - - - - - -- - -·-----====; "l'rn tired of this humdrum play. " L et's made $19,000 in Bost on h as been wi<lely cur- immedill.tely after the Hungarian revolution S'l 'A.l\'D.UlD llllEDlf!AL WO.Ifill FOil get up something new and big." rent in the exchanges. It shows how easily of 1848. .. . BO"VT~-A.N""V-ILLE~ "Agreed," came from t he others; "but · an absm·d rumor may receive general Kossuth hacl fled to W iddin , arid, with a . ' . n U . what shitll it be, Will?" credit. · companion, was in da11ger of being h·tnded O $1 Uy Han, 1·ostp1iid. "A railroad, " was t he prompt r eply. lt is contrary to law in ~be Central Park; over to the enemy unless a letter coukl be -U.Llfi!TRATIYE SAJllPl.ES FRHE NO ALJ,. And they all shouted, " A railroad ! hur- N. Y., for a man to skat e m the snow-shoe immediately di spatched to Lord l'almer ston, rah, boys I that's just grand. VVe'll do it. costume of the Ci.nadians; and a member of begging his intervention. But who knows how ?" the sn~w.-shoe club want~ to know if he must .Ro~suth goes on to say : \V.hile we were "I do," came from W ill. " Father's an skate m a ~wallo_w tail and a crush ha~ -thmkmg over how t lns' cou ld be_ _ do~,e, a engineer, and you see I hear him talk to rather t han m knickerbockers, long stock~ 1man enter ed my apm·tment-a typical Engmother about it every do.y." ings, and a red sash. . · Iish figure, with his hat pushed b1wk over "Your father an engineer !" exclaimed One gets used to earthquakes. The Rev. his forehead, an immense umbrdla under several. " Don't Mike Rilley and Tim Sul- J. D. Paris, a Hawaiian clergyman, writes his ai·m, covered with dust and looking exof t he 8hock8 accomvaaying the presuut er- cecdingly weary. It could be easily seen liv<rn nm all the engines ?" Aud \Vill :m swered with a loud " Ha, ha, upt ion of the volcano Manna Loa : " For 36 that he h ad just come from a long j ourA. Great 1'l!c1Ucal 'll'ork On Manhood, h a ! l{un engiiies I ha, ha, ha !" and his hours there has b een one continuous series ney. Exhausted -Vitality, Nervous and Physloal sides shook with laughter. " Compare my of earthquake-tremendous jars, with pret ty " Oood day, gentlemen !" extra I · l · · t Debiltty. Premature Decline in Man_ Errors f 1 1 M y f ao 'her b m ' JdB liar d s1 l " G ootl d ay, sir; · uf Youth , and the un.told miseries resulting <I ti1er t·o M I'k e an d 'I" 1rn . 111 ms mterspersec, runmng m o eac l eau we obl' · igc you ?" . rron:i ; ,,,11scretion or excesses. A book fo r railroads." other- and our house hus seemed like a lit- 1 ' ' I have come from India to fight for th e every man, young, middlo-aged and old. I t And they all said " Oh !" " But what's tle crnft or a bubble floating on a wave- 1 freedom of Hung11ry. It looks as if! had over one month. contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and the first thirrg, Will, to build a r·oad ? A chopped sea. While I write my h1ble rocks come too l ate. " .chronic diseases, each one of which ia lnvaluad} I t ?" U f 1 t l t T k ] · " ble. So found by Author, whose experienco spt~Cle an 10e, 0 1· w 1a . so that it is with difficulty I can keep my n or tunn.te y, oo a e. a ·ea c 1a1r. for 25years Is such as probably never betore "Money; ten hundred thousand dolhtrs, seat and hold my pen." He sat down, pushet1 his hat still further .. . . back, wiped the perspiration from his forefell to the lot of any pbysioian. 300 pages. and just o.s mnch more as you can get. bovnd in beautiful French muslln, embosaecl Fath er says yeu can do anything with :'r. R~egler, _ of :i;'esth, . h as JUst made " h<>ad, placed his umbrella between his legs, covers, full gilt, p:u1iranteed to be a finer work money,· but all the money in the world 1 very cunons experiment; m _ }Jhotogm.phy, and busied himself with cleaning his finger in every sens<' than anyothor wol'k sold In this 1 th t to 1 11 · c 1 country fol' $2.W, orthernonoywill be r eCundeu couldn't lutve s11ved little sister Rose from anc or'.e a . mauy peop e WI app i.r a · nails. ".In every insteuce. Price onlr $1 by muil, post· dying." At that a large tear came to Will's most mcrec1i.ble. He ha~ photogra~h~~ a Hennington whispered to me : baid. lllustratives !'!ample free to any body. eye and the boys ,.11 looked at him in bullet a!te:· it. h a_ d be.en ;fired .from ,a I~~e, ,, Yl'c have already a courier who won't 1 0 0 ~h~'k~~J':;i:iaY tfe;;;'i~~l~~g~fa~to~~~g1~~ p~ silence. and while it vrns proceedmg w ith " ' e_ocity stand still until he's in D ow11ing street." -~ident of vvbich. the Hon; P.A. Bissell. and Then he wiped his eyes and went on- of 44o ~eters-r~ther more than. a.qL~art:r "V\Thom do you mean?" said I. c,associate officers of thtl Board the rt1t1der is " Come, boys, say h ow much you'll give to 1-~f a ~rule-a second. A w~rndi . rnf~iib ~ " T hat man there. H e is an Englishman .r°¥J::'~t)3~fln~~ff~?L~fe Is worth moro t ot.ho the new r ailroad." . ntle w.1s t~e weapon se~i;cted for tl!?1.t11yo;ic and that is enough." ~-:-::.~~~~=---=-=-=-=-=-=-= -~~~~~~~J'Oung and m iddie-aged men of th! a geMmt.ion T hereupon \Vill smoothed off a spot Ill of ~~nductmg th~ exp~ume~t, ':hi~ wa~ m .He stepped up to him and tappetl him on llhan all the gold mines of California and tho the sand and wrote his name, and opposite every way succ~ss!ul, a p_erfect r epiod~cti~n his shouhler. "i -, VY silver min es of Nevada <combined.-S. F. 1 "Sir !" 10 put, "The right ef way and no charge of the bullet b em., th~ r.esul~., A .horse ~t . 8 the matter 1,,· e. · for engineerina." full gallop,_ a sw_allow 111 its _ fhg. ht, ancl even "\Vhat 1 'l'he Science of Life points out the rocks and ~ fl. h f 1 7 h t 1 · 1 d t 0 ti <auick~andson which the constitution a nd hopes " And what's ' the right of way?' " t hey a as 0 ig mllg, mve ~ueeum ; '.e "Is your 1 x·ssport in order?" ot many a young man have been fu.itall:r asked. ' pl~otographer's !Lrt ; but his last t rmrnph is " Yes.,, w recked.-Mannheste1· Mirror. "You can't build roads in t he air. You still more marvelous. " you money?" - --:M:.ANUF.A.CTUREH. OF- 'I'he Science of Life is of greater value th an Bll tbemedicalworkspublishedin tlnscountry must h11ve ground, and when y ou get it, Howells's gen ius came to h im, perhaps, "Yes." tl~~. ffDRAnl.ES strW!l.~t"I ,for tho past 60 years.-:Atlanta Cons~itutio... you've ' The right of w _ay.' See ? I 'll get from his Quaker grandmother. His mother, " \.V.ell, the matter is so"-(and her e he l UM II.II ' [. i l!.S ~' ll.lllH1 ' : '.l'h~ Science o! LUe'" a superb anctdm~_tt>rly that from father, down in the orchard , along , Mary Dean, was a woman of many 'vi rtues, explained the circumstauces). " We reKING STHEET, BOWMANVILL 1 but it cannot be .said t hat h~r incl ination I quire a m~n who w!11 travel to ~ndon with~~tr~~T j.,~een;~;~;~s and physical ebillty.- th~, tr~out brook. " . ,, 9-oocl for you, \Vil!, they all shouted. j was very ma rked m the d1rect 10n of letters. JI out stopprng au<l wit hout sleepmg, and who Has now on ha.nd a nUIOber of vehicle~ (and ls manufacturing a great many more) of the n ewee' 'l'bere is no member ot soc!et3· to whom th0 attern s and best flnlsh, w h_ ich I am offering for sale a.t the lowest prices oonsisten* p Science o~ Life w~ll not be useful, wh~t~s: " Herc,_ Hol), yo~ Sifin for the t!es ; A lec, , Th~ father, no IV e\ghty years old, w:~s until yvill not r _ e st nntil he h as l)laced t!1is letter with due regerd to w orkmnnllhip and quality. Tho followiug h a list of :touth. pa .rent, 11:ua1dian. in.stru . ctor or clergy for the mils, and J im for the rollmg stock ; qmte recently Umted States Consul at Que-1 m LorU. Palmerston's hands. vV1ll you do tho prinolval vehicleB mn,nuractured by me man.A··gonaut. ·1d th e d epot · .c ome_ · up,. now, 1 _, 1-I e . l' · J. "' ' son · th~' t "" Address Lhe Pee.bodv Medical In~tltute, or ID· an 1!1us t .bt1l . ...,~::. 1ves 111 _e11orson, _ wh ere h .1s ·" r _ . Double Covered C arrlages ..... ... ... ...... ... .. . ................... ... ...... .$150 Upwarda, Dr. w. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch Str eet, Boston and sign like men of enterprise. Be liberal I J . A. J:lo-w .,:~~' ·t~ll owns and cchts the 1be Englishman JUmped u11 from Singl e Phretons . ....... ... ...... ....... .. .. . ... .................... ........ . .... 100 11 Mass.:. who may be cons'!ltelil on all diseasen a~d prompt, .and we'll lrnv e the cars r~n- . Sentinel. Anne l:iow . ells, the younger i hi~ chair, ~eache.d me his hand, and merely Open 11 Ttq~i.niig Jk1ll andt~xff{~~~0taJ~~f~0 1 1 mng by t he first of June, and declare a div- u..-.:-l~tPr. married :Fr echette, the Canadian said : "Where 1s the letter?" . 8 Top B uggy ....... ......... .. ...... ~ . ... ......... . .. ...... . ........................ 90 11 ~a ~tht~~c~~;slci~ns a specialty, ' Such idend- of fun 11t least-every day." poet'. She, uo<o, "'" writer of verses ancl I gave it to him, he put it in his lrnaptreated succes~fully without an instanc'? or All t his sp eech from ·w ill. And each one d escriptive articles, but her talent is n ot of sack, drew his ht1t down over h is cars, took Democrat Wagon ...··.....··.. .··· ..... ,... ............ ....... .. ...... . ......... 65 u failarE_). Mention S TATESMAN, Bowmanville, wrote his name under Will's, so.ying what as hi"'h au order as that of her disti1wuishecl his umbrella under his arm, and said : "All L umber Wagons . ·.-....... .. . . . .. .. . ..... ...... .. ..... .. ........... .. ..... . ..... . 55 u 17 Ontario. ·Y· he would give or do. brotif' e r. The novelist is a H owellsb rather r ight ! good-bye," and he rushed out . L ight \Vagon ..... ........ .................. ....... ... . ........ ... ......... , ... . .. 40 u .< uc~ Then ca.roe .the .worcl f command from t han .aD~an. fotl:er's s~oop _ is prcp etuIn less th~n a q~1arter of an hour I heard E xpress Wagon... . ... . .. ..... .. ............... ... . ..... ... ... ...... ............. 75 11 . .l1;1 ~ Il. om young engmeer : ated m hun, wlule be mhents !u s mother's the sound ot homo s hoofs 011 the street, and Skel eto:o. .......... .... ....... .... .... ...... , ·· , ..... .... ... .. , . , . ...... ..... , , .. . ·.. 60 11 · "Now to business. Each one to his Pennsylvania. German t hrift and business th ere he was w ith a servant, riding due Sulky..... ............ ....... ..... ........ ,..................................... .... 40 " VETERINARY SURG:F;ON, h ome 3.S fast as h is legs will carry him, and capacity. west;. H e took .aclvaiHage of the quickest b,ring 1 u1 axe ot· sp<>de or hoe or some tool; When in the civilized world Mr. H enry route, ~nd did not res~ until he ~~cl put my Poaaesaing superior facilities tor ma.nuructuring carriages. I intend to sell .very cheap tor ll '!-s I 11 r nnrto fathe,r for the cl.1arter,, whats M. Stanley stnokes 81 .x ci'ga ·1 . a day. In lette1· m l'almc .rs_ t on s h ands. '.lhe letter or approved credit, a11d by so doiug I hope to greatly. increase my number ot ea.lee. W oulCI · 1 l d l d d {'{' sell the wood parts only , or ·t he gearm gs ot buggies Ironed. t h at 9 · Th . en 1e t 8 mak e t h e d irt fl . Y· africa h e uses a pipe and mild tobacco, which >a so lD. t 10 · e~irc enec.t. . When l went by a few day s after, by th e h e finds a solace ancl an aid to concentration ! I wa~ travellmg to Niaga:ra, lll Canada, foot of t he orchard , sure enough, t here they J of mind. On one of his joltrneys down the j our tram. stopped '.'ta a'.low _an· ' '.::l.. · · we~e; C?ats. off, e~ch on e [IS busy as a bee, Congo, as h e was about to ent.::r a dan$ero:us 1 other tram. ~o P!19~ 1~ the opposi~e d~·ection. At the Shortest N otice, Painted and Trimmed if D esired. Wi~ actmg '.ts ~gmee~, ?_ country where l~e knew a fight was mev1t- 1At t.h~ des.u e O! tne peopl~ ~ steppe~~? th~ At the F1rnt or;r I also do Pl.anlng, Matchlnr;:, Turning and Sa.wing with Circle, Band 0r Soro 'Ihe gradi~i;; w~at 8 that· . was nearly able, he t old Ins m en to m r eady, and carriabe w;ndow. !'-mans ,um wa,s extern;! Saws. and pre\Jare all kmda of lumbe1· tor carpenters nd othera for building purposes. a~l done. ~ 1ll sai; l they v:oul~ lay the then lit his pipe and settled dow n for a five ed to ~ne trom a wn~c~o~ of the other_ tr~i.n Ornamental and Plain Pickets for fences in every atyle rnquired. to order. I ties-~ha.t ar~ they,-- and ra~ l~ (.) t, minutes' quiet smoke before the b<Lt Ll~. T en :nd ~ eac~ed" me.a v tsit1~g ~ard. I ;,oo~ 1t t====================== ===== ========== : : : 1 M?~~·~Y, an.d ~oon ~.should he~r th~ whistle. minutes later they were ·tll fightmg for Qnd r~d . . M t. .Roge1 ~as,~m ei:t, \\ tth I rue Loh;~ pronuse, ou the ~ppomted day t_ h cir .lives, and. the battle laste_d for hour~. th~ wor ds wr~~~en _m pencil;, ~ gave P~l came _tl~e too.t, toot, t oot, louder and He did not begm to smol,:e untll h e was 2 :.>, m erstou the ' ' 1dcl111 let ters. 'Ilrns I learn. louder t ill t he lulls sent back the so~md. . 1 and did not roa~ter a p ipe mitil he was 30. ed th6: name of the_man, but never hoard I l looke~, and there came th~, tram, bmlt Livingstoue, it is remembered , never smok- 1 anythmg m.ore of him aftervvards. of wood _ from stem_ to ste111, and dral;\'n ed. Gordon- was a most inveterate smoker by t wo stout goat~, 111s ~eu,d of.steam, whil.e and when h e .went on h is lust journey ~ female l'Tihilists. Jun sat on the eugme with a tm horn t o his Kh ·t 19 000 · tt , f . d · · Honorary Graduate of. the Ontario etednary th h' I k '-~ d l'k t a_r oum ' CJgare cs 0 1 me irn unh d' College , 'l'oronlo. Re~istered member of the mou '· is c lOe s pnue out I e wo portant part Of his baggage. . A mont .or ~wo ago a serious ist urbanc;e ()ntar io Veterin11ry Association in accord:i.nee purnpkms. took place m St. l'etcrsburg. On the anmfor everything in with t he Veterinary Act. . ' That's y ears ago. ·wm is now Mr. W ilLotta own.og in her own n o.n~ without vcrsary of the death of a noted song-writer Is prepo.rod to treat.all drnea(~ee of the Do.m· liam - - a first class railroad man. So incumbranccs the Park T heatre m Boston and patriot J3ogolinboff some five hundred .cstlo nccordmg the latest or theories. , are some 'o f the otl1ers. · h e I n t erna . t' . ·ty rn · stucl cots o. f 'tlle univers1 · · ·t·y ' gatnercc, · l t opIace All Anlmalo, culls pereonally byto Telegr1tph 'l'ele-, an d t. 10na1 Ifot e1 p1ope1 t:>hon<' will rece~...~ pr~mpt e.ttenti?n· j But when. I see.'.' them b.u.i ldin.g those fine fron t ~f tl:.a~ place_ of amusement. l'.'o_ r tlus ;vre~th . s c:n h is grave, and to hear orations !;tr01rE·JC~-1'~11rn St., Orono, one uoor north of - r oads, l wonder 1f they will ever tmvel on she paid $.~::i0,000 m c.ool cash m aclchtrnn to i 111 Ins praise. W. Henry 8 8tol-e. The JGng's Highway of Holi. n ess." Have I $25,000 that she paid Henry E. Abboy for The authorities, however, locked and CH~!W~MOD:i:R~~~-- you a t icket to go up in H _ i_s chariot one of 1 the moveable_property it e~utaincd, such .as! gu rnded the cemetery gates, .and would not ---t hc£e days aucl cJJter the U1ty of God ? sceuer y , furmtnre, carpets, &c. , opera! allow the students to eater 1t . 'i 'he yoang 1 _ __ and qas-fixturGs. l'h o t heatre is said to be! men bccamu so excited and r<:;bellious tl1<Lt, W t d the best st ocked in this country. The~·e s.1·e ~ the Cossacks wer e sent fol', and tho mob of Their China H all con tain:s t l.e LarO'eSt Assortment of 13 1 . oy an e · over twelve complete se ts of stage formturc, meu was dispersc<l. "" I No 1lonb t, some of 'you boys will want a , one costing $800, another $500, another $350 lt was a st ri kirw feature of t his affair t hat. · , . place, ?Y ,«.nd _b'j', amll Lhink I.can help you and so on. Iu addit ion t o t he scenery in among the stmlc~t~ were over '" huml;·ed I Et! if!lillftR\111 r!mV I · u~s o..J"LA~sur & Die) to get 1t, oy g1vrng you a few hmts as to the t h e theatre, ?ver forty completo sets were . young women, who belonged to the medical I l~.!Hi;a~~~3~ \tHU UU~!tlm tl m_, U \,1) VI fi!iffi.C n ecessary qualifications: (1) Be willing t o found stGred 111 '.'n ,?utside -wa;el10use. All! chases of the univer sity. On the following I _..__.J,_ : work ; to be perfectly sure of that, you may these " properties were estimated to be clay these young women were deprived of ! . try it a little every d11y at home. ('.!) L earn worth n ot less than $50,000, so t hat pntclcn- their p assports, so that they could not leave to be found in the district. t o be ~olite; how would it clo to c hill ~l? on . t!al ~iss Lotta and her m~, :with the wary t h e capital, and cigl:teen.of their 1 that with your fath er ttncl mother, or sister, l finn.ncial eye, were not d ri ving a ba.d bar- were · arrested and imprisoned. '.I'hey will or school-teach er ? (H) Look out sha1·p when . gain. In addition to this Lot ta h n.s $100, - b e tried, r,ucl ptobably expelled from their you ar~ in sch".ol for the" H!s. " can- . I 000 i11:vested in ~iffcrent mauufactorics and classes._ In for:ner_ days they would have · _ l ..!2.1 D not write a p lam h> 1nd, you ncv~r w ill h e pro· 1 d wellmg·homes m New York an~ Harlem. I b een mnled to Sib erm. . . WILL CURE: OR RELIEVE moted to be" book-keeper, and if you are not She h as one honse and lot covenng nearly The real purpose of this demons trat ion L' uick in a rithmetic, ,YOU will never make a ! a square and originally costini $90,000. Sh e was a poliLical i:ne. Pro~essing to do honor OJ. B!l/OU8NES8, DIZZINESS, good clerk- or propricter. (4) Be sure and I has a h ou se and p roperty on Staten Island, to a deacl patnot, t hey mtended to show D'f8PEP8/A, DROPSY, have tho h abit of a:ttendm~ church and Stih· 1 ' ~nd in A~ron, Chicago, Kan~as Cit .p nd th eir host ility to the c~ar's r ule; and many I ND!G£8T!ON, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART 1 bat h -school; that 1s the kmd of boys mer- .San Francisco. Add to all th1s the $400, - of them, perhaps all, belonged to the gr eat JAUNDICE. clrn nts always want, eveni.f they donot go 000 worL h of jewelry, and you'll see tha t Nihilist conspiracy. KING · STREET, BOWMANVILLE · AGIDITY OF ' I them~elves. .ERYSIPELAS, (5) · Do not g~t into t!1e habit of j t h e sum of $1 , 0~0. 000, does not fully r epreDnr!JJg t he whbfo course of this conspi3 ALr RHfUftf, THE STOMACH. , smokm g 01·awearmg ; th at 1s the kmd of boys I sent her possess10ns. racy, it has been notable for the large nnmIllARTBURN, DHYNE88 ' 1mci-chauts do not want. (6) L eam to do ber of young women , of every soci11l rank, H EADACHE, OF THE SKIN. · every thing you undertake just as well as who have become members of it. · In idmost ~nd every species of d isease> a r ising fro..: you c1 1n possibly do it , whether it be splitOu nous Clocks. ever y instance in w hich a. Nihilist crime has ..-1sorcered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMAOtt. ' ing up kindlings, driving cows, or doing th e ' Vheu the Emper or Charles V . of Spain r e- been committed, or a Nihilist plot lu1s been BOWELS OR BLOOD, bt1.rn chores. Genernl Sheri.dau mart~ a ' tired t o the Mon astery of St. Yu8tc, he took u otected, yonug_ w omen have been found 'f~ P. Proprietors, · sp eech last sumn1er, at n. soldiers' r eumon, I wit h him Torriano his clock-maker in or-, among the culprits. \ 1 U. Ill ·· TORONTQii i~ which h e s11id tlm~ wh en he was a second d er to while away t he time hy con st 1'.uct ing ! . Some years ago, ii., girl, n amed V ~ra Sassa- ~ ' h eutemmt he dcterromed to b e t he b est sec- t he movements of clocks. So won derhl:l j h t ch, shot GeucrnJ Tropo:ff, the eh1ef of t he ~ ond lieutem1nt in t h e army, and so on w ith were some of t he pieces of work which they: S1;. Petersburg police. She declared, on,@"° every position. That was what made "Phil made that the monks would not believe any l being 11rrested, th at she belon ged to the I S~eridan" win so many bat~les, and umr puts one e~eept the devil had a hand in them. Nihil_ists, and W!1.S resolved tG> aid in r idding . hun at the head of the Umted States army. It W il.S ordered by Charl es t)mt when he . Russia of h er tyrants. Stmngcly enough, VETEJiWJARY SURGEOlV. One other thing ycu can do : "Labor to should die all of these clocks shoulcl cease 1 she was acquitted, but was forced to fly keep alive in your breast that little spark of r unning- and it is said to be a fact t hat his ' from Ru1mia immediately after h er release. \:Vhen, five years <tgo, the assassins of the celestial fir e called conscience." A boy who orders were obeyed. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, h.asa . l~ve co11science wi.U alw~ys be on t l;e Another king of Spain came to Gen eva to <;Jimr A.lexauder II. wcr~ ca~tm~ed , i t was 1 ~·igl!t side, and do t h o nght tlung becau se it see a clock which h ad been made by Drox, a I found th~t one of them, ~oplne l 0rovski:ya, is p ght . vVhe th er h e sweeps the store, or mer chant of t hat city. Upon the clock . was a girl of goo'.'! fa1mly and educr.t1011. tnms t h e lan;ps, or .sells g oods, or keeps th e were soote(l tt shepherd, 11 m'gro, and a dog. ! She was tortured m order to compel her t o books, he wi~l d o 1t t horoughly a!ld ~vcll, As the h our wits struck, the sh epher d play - I b etray h er con federa.tcs; ancl wits t he_n exenot b~cau~e his employer would .~otwe rt, ?r ed upon his flute, and the clog plttyed gently cu.ted for the part she had takcu m the 1' · '11 l 1 mentio~ it, but beci:use the M 1s~er lD at his feet . B ut when t he k in g ret1ched crnne. ' . l . you Wl no 1er. 111_aven would know it, a nd because lus ~on- forth to touch an ap ple that hung from a! In cuch of t he.Erm1ch r evol;1tions, women science would sp eak out ! Was not t h at Jn st tree under w hich the s hepherd r ested the h ave been con$picuous for clarmg o.ncl violent llic~lf~LL BR 0§. & tJO'Y, Toronto Paul's _a~;ice to those who were \~orking.for dog 'u ew a t him an<l bo,rkeil so furiously' that! d.eeds. _ ~hey le~l mob~, set fir? ~o l)Ub~ 1 :::. others I 'Vl1atsoever ye do, do i t hear tily, a live docr answered him and the whole; he bmldmgs and ass isted rn the k11lmg of as t o the J,ord, and .not, unto me.n ; for ye j p ar ty l eft"'in haste. Vent~riug t o r ctum , i t he.vict ims of the r evolt. But these Fr:ench se_ r ve the Lord Chnst.' Boys wit h a con- one of the courtiers asked the ne.,ro in ' furies · have, for the most p art, been ignoscience (if tl~ey are good for :omything in other Spanish, what..time it was. '.l'hcre ~a.~ no 1m nt, coarse wo.mcn, from tlie very dregs respects) will be sur.cessful; for employers reply ; but, wh en the question w.,,s repeated · and slums of socwty. . . . G-ruduate of the Ontario Yeterlnary College, are a,Jways sure to keep the ones that th ey in I!' r ench, ·m an swer was given. This j The fema,lc r evolutiomsts of Russia, howRegiete . r ed m ember of the 0!1tario Veterinary can trus. t . They know th . at such clerks will frigh tened the courtier who re'joincd his ' ever,_ seem to come from every social r ank, Medic~l A esoclavlon. .11 , t n ot stettl their time nor th eir money. companions and all of tl~em voted that the · from every condition of life. They include 0 ~01!1?!1 and Ile,:11d.enoe, Newtonv'i . e, ur~; S!-ick to t~ese rules, and, ' t>1k? my word clock was tlte work of the evil-one. wom~n, not only· of relined education , but }::l' ::H ' L Will V1'itt 0ronoevexy Tue,sday and.Sat Y for i t, you will be the b?ys that w1l! be w:mtUpon the Belfry of the Kauthitus, in Cob- -0f !ugh rank and great w ealth ; operators .!A ·· ' ·; .· 1 Office ~?1i{s ffon6 ·"i;,1 !~:Pif·r1!1~ei:! ed by an d by; you will get a place and a lentz, there i,s the h ead of a giant - b earded, : fro.m factories; women ~f the lowest classes; .P urify the Blood, correct all DIBOrders of th_ a CouJteis ~~ 1'.,rnclf'at~atlention. . good one! and helmeted with brass. Th e giant's h eact peasants; .a nd even pnoressc8 aud llllllS of · . ,,, . ,,.,.,., . , , ~ . r , ~· 1 , . . ., CHAllGES :MODl~H.A'l'E. ' -----~-~ is known as "the m anin tho custom -h uuses', the cotwents of the C reek ,Chur~h. . la..rl VIER, ~.¥1 ~i'JWlAJlJJm, .KlDNE W'S ANll '1·~01&'\i EJf.. S, ·Great Presence of Mind in a Punster. and whenever a count ryman meets a_ cit izen Youug women of g~ou socm~ sta:idmg '!'ho'-' invigorate and restore to health Debilitat ed Oonst.itutions and of Coblenfa aw a,y fr om that plaee, rnstcad h ave bec.n kJ?-OWll to go mt-0 Hu~smn !·ouseJ .1 . ' sre l.nva.u abhi in ~·ll Oomplab.ts Incidental t o F e males of .all Agee. For " Yon know Doc. Cutler," said a '..L'oronto of savino- " How o,re all our friends in Cob-. hokls, drngmsed a s ser vants, m orner to lentz"?" bhe asks " Ifowis the man in t he make con verts to Nihilism. Others imve Ohildreu llo!ld the a.ged t hey a re priceloss. traveler to a.n associate. " Who, the coroner?" ?"' At every stl'oke of t he gone to work in factories , in order to circn· '1, M ~ r-n 1 -"- - - · -A · - · - ..!J L " 'l'ha,t's tbe mau ; you know he has t he bell wluch sounds the hours upon t h e clock . late treason~blc pamphlets among t he opera. r eputation of never losing nis head. A lwa.ys the mout h of the giant opens and shut s with t ors. I s au infallible remedy for Bad LogtJ, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Soree r eady for any emergency. " great force, as if it were try ing to say, in i Of co~lrse, snch women can;iot l~ad ot her and Uloers. It in famous for Gout and Rheumatism , For d isorder8 of the " Yes ; I've h eard t hat of him~ Bu t what t he words of Longfellow, " Time was- , t ha!l wicke~, r estless, feverish lives. By Time is- Time is past." takrng p·nt rn dark and desperate plots, and - C.heet it has no equal. about it ?" "I saw him thoroughly .r attlea th e other even committing violent crimes, they lose For So1·e T lu·oa t s , B roncl1itis, Uo uglts, Colds, all t hose qu;i.litics for which women are reday. " lFREEMAN'S A Very Natural Question. \ spectcd, honored, ancl loved. 0111.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and for " What about ?" " Simply because he couldn't find h is ink Patient -" ! often wonder, doctor, if my , They bec.ome he,rd. and h ?ld, anrl plunge oontract ed n.nd 5tiff join ta i t acts like a charm, POWDE RS~ bottle." life is r eally worth living." j themselves ii;ito m?rb1d, anxious and troubl~f;.r, p d· tota.Ji:e. Contain thelr«>C " shaw ! That shouldn't h ave distu rbed Doctor- " Come, come, don 't t alk t hat : eel ca,reera, m wln~h. t hey can never .know :Manufactured only at T HOMAS HOLLOWAY'S!shment, I ~ny peace, ~nd_ whic11 can be only_ rumous, lf -lugative. Is o. iafo,, lLDd ellootwal. him. I should th ink t h at any m an in his w ny ; you ar e getting well." to theIT charac78, NEW OXFORD STREET 1 (late 533, OXFORD STREET), J,OWDO!P " I know it, but th e quest ion arises t hree 1 if not to the~r lives~ ~t least_ ..,,_ ~-- / ill Childr .A.4i!U& business would have known ju st what to do - ·.. -~ro 1"0.rlll6 en or in a case like that. " or four times a d ay " , t ers and therr happmess. d l.d d Bd "N H· 1 h. f i And are at ls. 1 2 . , 211. 9 ., 4s. . , llB., 22a., and 33s. each Box or Pot, and \Vhat would yon have done ?" onsen se. ow ong ave you e1t · , b h d f 11 M di i y d th h t t li. W Id to $8 a day. Samples and duty F REE "H Id · k t f " that way ?" j The Qu een will visit Cann es in order to see ma:y e a rom a · .e c n e en or8 ro u g 011 e or · , Lines not under the h orse'steet, Write e an Ill q~cs '· o ~ourse. . " E ver since you told m e that my life d e- t he Duke of Albany's memorial church dur- J BREWSTER' S 8 Al!KTY HHIN HOLDJIR And he escaped JUB t Ill time to deprive the .ell"Puirchaeeyi; sho11ld look ai the J,abel en the l"ot11 and Boxea. l:f the r d d r e 1 Co,, Holl, Mich. ; undertaker of a. job, pended on taking cod liver oil." ing her stay atAix-les-Bains, · Ill ll _ IS33, 8xrord Streei. Lon.ion.. Chey are 111urlo111,i M~DOUGALL ~· & ETCALF, ·OU"CAND MID O LE·A"ED MEN.· Y a re offering Coal as follow s : j St QV0 · and Ch88t IlU t ' , ,. , , ,,. . ... . . . . . .$6 .25 Grate and Egg, ............................. . 6.00 will be charged when accounts run Twenty-five cents I I " LUMBER, SHH~GLES, LATHS, P OST & CORDWOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. ========================= ff ·. A I NE s' CARRI.AGE-, · TITQR KS. GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, M cDOU GALL & METCALF l I · ru n nur·r u ·EDS\ n ' WAiiirui1s & ' u ., " gr :k'f I I Buggy................................................ ............. ....... 70 PEl.i JOH~ S n, I 0 . 0 0 A 11 I-<::.inds of Vehicles Repaired I I I I I I - G O TO- ftlrtlOCll Bro s. I" I I I I T DF NCY I l I cra.ugrui I I I I . q I I HIGH 41 a T MARKET PRICES fl LJ.ilmffr __.!.l_!!___ ---------- F arm p r Oduce, B u tt or a 11 k"in d s - er' E ggs, & c. v JC TOR I A BU I LO IN GS, I ! l . Farmers, Threshers and .Mi Jim en, TJse NicColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. MILBURN "0 ! j A DJ:N M A CHINE 01 L. TI-l:E TN THE V\TORLD. I l C oa... Q "l ry it once, use ot I I ===================================== FO I:i A.LL ! I j ! tp b. l I I . . "J' - . . .... p :[ LS I H E 0 I J:'J" T E N I WORM I "

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