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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 3

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!i!!!!!!!~~!!Wl~'Mf!! _~ ~-~_!-~~~1! 1~ .!!!~~!...~-!_!_!~ -_! ~-".'!!-~ ..lllll!!!lllllt!~~!'~~!"'~:!!~ill ~ -~ -~ --~ -~ ~~~~ --!_1_ !...!_~ '!':!-~~!_!!_~~!!_. !_!!_!_~~-~~ ~~~~~_!!~~~ ~ _!:~ ~~~~~ ~ !';~!_!!_~ !~ .~~ !_!_l_ ~~-~ liil~-!_~l!ill!i2_~1!~£_!2_ llmll~~~ -~~~~ -~d~IW_ ~ -·! -!!!!!l'!L!L!~U!!'!i!!'!i!C~2.~li i_~~ ! !i"'~ -~-~ ~ ! ! ._ ~~_!_!~ ---~-!-!.~ !~!!i!!!!f!!!!-~~ -! !i! . .!~~ !!_ !_ l!_~~-~ -~~-·!'! ~ .~ ..!! !J _j ling h imself, Victor strikes him with his VARIETIES. wing, the sn ake dodges and coils. R ound Tile tle·:!!naJrn Slayer of the So11tb. him dances Victor ch wk ing. Now he makes T he Jap anese of t he 11 pper classes are now S ETTING H ENS. A correspondent of F orest and Fa1m, a h"ulk as if he wer e going to strike · t he very gen erally adop ting E uropean clothing. Nest s for setting h ens are best on the writ ing from San D iego, Texas, th us .Le· snake otin't a fool, he sees through it ana'lays All the cloth comes from abroa d. WEDNESDAY, M ARCH 23, 1887. Pumps Cheaper and Bett er ground, but wher e this is not feasible put scribes a remark able match b etween 1 w-0 lli8 twMl d own. V ictor walks around and A statut e of 1750 required t hat mastert h an ever. some d e>m, moist soil in the b ot tom of the Mexican road-runners or 111 p i<1.snos. '.l' liis ar ound, ey eing h im; atlast h egoesdown and bookbinclers should sew all their books with n ests. A good plan is t o cut a sod of sui t - bird is about the size of a p igeon, v"ry t:reeps alo11g side ways aroun d him , lays his tluead a nd 1 eal bands, and t hat in case of able size, t um it over in your box and pack sh ort win gs, strong long legs and bill" 1t h head down with lus loug beak o ut befort ' ?- frrngen~cnt Lhc books bo done again, Mtll a The S u bscriber having built a l arg e nn so as to be of a concave shape in t h e cenhe; which it g t·ips its food and s curries a way 1 1s him, eilges up slowly, scarcely moving f111e 0£ thir ty p ounds per volume be imposed. P ump Fact ory in O rono, li1 prepared then cover t he earth w ith straw broken fast as t he swiftest horse can run. ]tis St~ddenly t~e sna ke t hinks he is ne;n· enough, - t o furnishScotlu,nd, wit h o. coast line only five hunsh ort. In very cold weather mix a good very bold, and w ill walk into t h e kitchen raises si x: m ch es of his hei1d , and strikes proportion of feathers in t h e nest -liningand seize th e first thing edible ancl cu t for such a blow that it is l1e~1ril d istinctly by <11:cd miles longer t h!Ln th.:.t of Irela nd , bu t chicken feather s may be saved for t his p ur- shelter like lightning. It is easily t amed, everyone. Feathers fly, a medley of b ird and with fewer harbours and w it h less fruitful pose-and put a spoonful of su lph ur in when and very intelligent , and can be taught snake go over a nd over and down t he lit tle f,ud mor e tempestuous seas, supports by h r With or withou t P orcelain Oylinder, of the hen is set . 'l'he he!Lt of the fowls C<tUSes tricks with very lit tle effort. slope. W hat writhing a nd thmshing t ha t fisher ies one-seventh of h er popula t ion. I rethe fumes to penetrate every part of t heir On our ranche we always have one or sn,,ke docs make ! H ow Victor's long m il does lu.nd supports less th an on e t wo-hundr ed·a nd t he Bes t M ater ial, on t he shor tes t notloei 1!.Ji ~, bodies, thereby killing all vermin and lcav - tw o, and the sheep-boys employ t heir spar e wabhl e about 1 How the sand does fly ! B ut fiftieth. an d at t h e !oweat uricea. Ill! O VI \;J ing t h e brood clean and healthy. N ever set time in educating these birds t o a gi·eat var- Vwt or plants one fo ot on the back of th e loDOEO RM.-It is claimed t hat balsam of Oistern 'rubs and P u ID'p s supplied. eggs la id ner.r the close of t he season when iet y of t ricks an d accomr,lishment s head ,tud t he other on the body a ULl tea1s"' lh comple tel y disguises the s mell of iod ofo rom common or E ruption, ' l t wo rnc · h es ou t b etwcen them . What t thea worst ScrBlotch, o fula. Saltrhouin t h.e hens have b een very prolific, as they N k · h } · ·· h sol lC "»'ovor-sore!l," Scaly or :u.o u gh SIH 11' , will produce we k ly ch· l s li bl t d " ow, yo~ now wit w iat mstmct t e a spiendid bu·d ! T hen back up t he h1 'll fo for m. A mixture of on e part of finely W ELI.S CLEANED & RERAIRED. w IC' a · e o tisease tom cat bnstles up on the approa ch of t he mor e. Now t " 1e ' vo1 ·k i · tt ' f· 8t il powdered camphor wit h three parts of iodoin sho1·t, nll diseases caused by bad blood are and 1 d tl J 1 8 conquered by t Ms powmful, purHylng, and b ear Y ea ' n arrangmg nes re- "yaller dog " or any other canm e · t hey f . N . .f s ge mg '.' anc tor rn is said to destroy the odor completely. invigorat ing rned1cme. Gi·cat Eatin g Ul· mem er that t h e n atur e of fowls is t o hide are swoin au'd natural enemies. I n lik~ man- unous. ever m J:?Y 1 1 e have I w1tnesseu F reshly roasted coffee has been used for the du ecn~l o.:a t nk mge. tcVwto f1 ' s f11er M 1ds 11re t ehv~ same purpose. c e l·s rny,idly heal u nder Its benign influence. their nests und er a brush heap or some out n er il pisano is a sworn enemy of the rnttlc- s ~¥1~1<iaJ.1?;,t~~8r/k~~~1jj'S!~~1,1t:&JW~~2'a~~ of t he w ay pface, and h umor this h abit by Sn!Lke, <1.nd a cock p isano wish es t o " J'. a ,rng no s o 1iow ax gc s is I n llm·mah, when severe illness of a ny buucles, Sore E y e "' ' / Scr ofu lous Sot·ea providing n est s so shelt ered or hidden th !Lt ingra t iate himself with t he crentler sex h e work m. r hey try l adhng the snakes out k m d had b ttflled the greatest skill, it is cusTO GIVE S ATIS FACTION . and s 'vellin g s, H p -JI o int D i s ease, they seem to o1fot seclusion a.ud quiet. invites the fair ones out to se~ him polish off slowly, and y ell to h im to ]Ump at . them be tomary t o <1.b!Lndon all further medica l treat Wel~~t,oa~J"~~~}~.~:bd G~ ~-;ia~r ~~~i~~ Set fresh, fertile eggs, and y ou will have the first rattler they can fi ri d . I t is a won· f?re they get to t he grou~1d. R e rs too cx- ment, t he pat ient's comp laint being suppos centa m stamps for a lar go treatise, with col- fine, vigorous chicks if the hen d ocs h er derful ~ioht t o see a fight between the bird mt~d t o pa,y any att en t wn t o t h em, but ed to bo ettUsed by an evil spirit which m ust Orderslby Mail promptly atteruled to. ored plates, on: Skin Diseases or tho duty. Sprinkle the eggs with tepid water and t lie 0 i ep t'ile. I cau b est descri ' bc i · t by! w,a1ts for t he snak e to. get _on t h e ground. amount for a t reatise on IScrotu 1ous Affections. 1011 l eaves f or f 00d t ellin" you w hat I star ted out to t ell your 'I h oy " "'.l'HE DLGOD S THE I, IFE ." every f ew d ays w h en t h e J imd ti.1ey are l oswg t m iy an d t h1 ow be driven a way before any hope of recovery DOORS, SASH , BLINDS, PICKETS, Thoroughly cleanse it b,y u smg Dr. Pie rce's aud rest ; t his is the sct:1et of stolen nests d " t hem out qmckly. The h our ts nearly up can be expected. This is accomplished by Golden lU e d ieal D isc overy, and good turning ont almost ever y egg. 'l' he hen re~ ers. . t he tally sh ows Max is ahead, but the boy~ mea ns of music <1.nd dancing, accompanied M OULDIN GS, &c., kept on hand. diges tion, a fair sl~in,_ bu o yan t SJ>h.· - leaves t h e nest early in the morning, wets ~he boys had a fm~ young cock p1sano Inow p ut on a s purt. N o limit h as been by many m ystic ri t es. Us, vital strength, antt s oun dnOH of herself wit h dew or water and at her return wluch t hey h ad tram ed t o fig~1t ratt le- placed on the number to be ser ved a.t each const itution, w1ll be establishecl. shakes her wet feathers over her eggs. snak: s. H e . developed . °'?- ap ttt u de for t ime. With a ch eer our boys lacllo over The ma1Jpa w as a. t able-napkin in use in Many young chick s ar e lost at hatching time figh trng repttle.s by Jira~tismg on t h ose t he a scoop containing two. One pokes his h ead ancient Rom e for wiping t h e h ands and ilVB! II lllW' because t h e little things expend all t h eir boys caught daily o:i theu route to aml fi cm ou t, Max jump s up and it , crun ch mouth at m eals. Vulgar p ersons fastened which le Sc r o f u l ous Diseas e of tho strength in trying to get out of the tough ~he p<tstures , t o w hich h e al~vays accompan- j goes his beak into that, an d he dr ops t o t he it under t heh chins t o prev<;nt their clothes Lung s, ls promptly and cci·tamly o.rrested lining of t he shell, and die of exhaustion. ied t hem, and by long pract100, and en cour- I ground . Out comes th e other an d imme- from staius , as some do now. In ordin.1ry 1 . aged by t he reward _of a chew of t obacco for I dia tely puts d ow n the slope, the boys s care ci~ses the host did not furnish his guests with and cured by t his God-given 1-emedy, if taken S d 't t~~~e A~e~~~~~;¥ii~ ":o~~~rdii~.ei~i~ r~~~fl; t~e l~~t d°a.6;~~: 1::i Yt1:t~ ~i~~0:0~J~ :~~t~;~ each r_eptile h e lu lled, soon became t he I it back. \V'ith a spring from the h ill down napktns, but each p erson br ought h is own fatal disease, w hen first offer ing this now eel- ply any sulphur the last week of iucuba.tion. ch ampion of the whole cou~ty, .the boys or~ to its back as it is escapmg, com es !I-fax, mappa wit h him, and occasion ally carried d and shepherds frec 1ue11tly gorn~ m a body seizes it close to t lie back of til e 1 ebrated r emedy to the public, Dr. l ' IERCE l 1eck away in it some of t he delicacies which h e i;hought seriously of calling it his " ()onn summer provi e for ample ventilation · " M · ·n 11 ( hr t I· could n ot consume at table s111np t i ou Cure," but abandoned thnt name and also for coolness around t he nest ing carrying_ <1.Xlllll tan , - t ' wa s . 118 springs into t he air three or four t imes aud ' 08 too limited for n med1cme wblcb, f1om its p laces. n ame)- rn ~reat state on horseback for miles I t heu dr op s it and mak es fo1· t he hill. Ove1 Diamond-cut t ing is a wor k which r equires wondol'ful combination of ton ic, or strengthento pit him agamst . t he b ird of some other ,i h is head is t he u et wit h t wo more , · ou t they gr eat skill aud indomit able p atience on the lug , aUerative, or bloocl-cJeansing, anLl-blllous, pectoral, and nutritive properties, ts unequaled, H ran ch e ,an d :"'.agcrm g . h und red s of d o11ar s 1 dar t , both see M ax, r ecognize instan tly an part of t he wor kmu.n , and his t raining is n ot on ! y as a r emedy tor consumption of the ow TO KEEP THE W EEVIL OUT OF PEAS. on M ax s ab1h~y to. kill 1!1ote rattlesnakes enemy , coil, and prepare to st,rike. Now long aml ~evere, for, despit e the machinery · '.l' h e w ce'i il never en~ors these seed s after than t he ot her rn a given t ime. I fo1 your cunning, MtL X. Down he lies on which is used, much dep ends upon the deft. lungs, but for 1111 ~hey ai·e. r ipe and h ar vested . Whatever One d ay last wee~ after the d'.1y's w ork was , his side, and with his foot scratches t he ness of t ho workn:mn. . He must be able to msects will attack t hem are already in$ide ov er g 1e<1.t preparations werebemg made, and , sand over on to one of tho snakes, an1 ho t ell from an exanun,L tion of t he rough stone · OF Tlilil of t he seeds when they ar e har vested . Ta ke numbers of stra11ge ranchcros came crowd- I throws it well; a minute's work like this a nd wh at is t h e proper treatment with r egard to - B Y 'U~r the p ea ·weevil,for examp le; soou a,fter the 1ing into our otherwise quiet p lace, and t he snake uncoils himself an d moves a way. its shapeand th enum ber of itsfacets. A n iuL EV ~ a~. iil!onRH'::!' HJ i j ' H a ' U b lossom withers and the little pod is form- upon enquiring, I was m formed t hat a Scarcely has he gone six or eight feet wh en fcrio1' wor kman can spoil twenty or t hirty I UY~ ··i a0 · 1 ini:-, the parent weevil lays her egg or eggs P isano from th e next county, which went ·Max r ushes up at him with a loud " cluck , pounds' wor th of p rop erty in as many seI lllfJ" I a.m t ully pi·epar ed t o attend Funerals on l"' If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have on the outside of this y oung and t ender by t h e n ame of ' ':Victor ," was coming, <1.nd 1 cluck, " an d stops h im. He hits sep arated conds. the shorte ar, notice, a othe lo westpoaeiblera tea s1tllow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots d '.I'I l h th t t l l f M l' k t d t he Tl k ·1 th d f "asket s a.nd Bur ial Cases rea dy on ab ort notice on face or body, frequent headache or dlzzl- po · le eg~s soon iat c , an d the little a ie aure1 s o ax we_re 1 e1 Y 0 e- I . m now. 10 sn!L e cot s up on ~ e en As a rule, classes in P ersia do not mingle F'J;rl!t ·claes hear se ou ver y moderate t erms n ess, bac~ taste m mouth, int ernal heat .or chills g rnbs e<1.t th eir way t hrough t he shell and p art. Usually I do n ot mter est myself 1sive'. around h im dances Max, cluckm g a nd in m'Lr riage. The sons of mer chants wed " hrouds a nd Coftlne constan t ly on hand. Fun al ternatm g w bltdh hot 1lur;hes. low spn·Ita nnd into t he forming seed . I n t he case of the about these d oi11gs of t h e boys, hu t t he maJnng a great fuss; at l ast he pr ovokes t h e merch au t's d auo-h t ers the youn" tradesman e ·11l c ar ds supplied at once. Furniture Sh op&; 0 1 g mgs, 1rregu !tr 11ppetlte and · nsuall y b ut onc grub . e ach ; pr esenceof s11c}1a c:owd , f u11your f h un d. t · 'k e, '.'nd Ius · c l oom is · .s ea 1e; d lie mutes wit · h his . '< . 'and so with t he mem- 1 s JOW l '.ooms-B ounsa 11' e"' ·k _ _ _ 1oomy 1iore oyon 1 co1ttec ltongno. u_re sutl'erfngfroml")uU· p ca_t h ~re 1s t e d , 1sna k e t os11 like, ..., ew Bloc. 111 g~ll'1~ion, Dyspeps·a, a nd '.l'orpid Liver, while m the bean there are often as many all ~nounted on t~1eir bro~chos, roused 1~e to i does the same w it h t he oth er . I t ts wonder· 1bers of t h e servant Mi d soldier classes. But 0 1 t Bfltlli ousnoss." In muny cases only as a dozen. The !l;r.tb of the p ea -weevil excitemen t a nd m t erest m the p1oceedmgs. ful what an !I.dept he has become. H e t...kes in Per sia as everwh ere else ext raordinary par o 1 ese are expcrlencecl As I I grow~ w 1 "th tl 1e pea, an d . b y the tun · e the 1 I secu red a gre~tt numb er of ' the · 1 I f ouud t i a remedy f or symptoms all such cases, Dr. PJer'ce'a 1ey }lac . bl ow. of t l _1e sna lrn on h. is 1 eft . wmg, personal at tr.1ctions soon become known and G olden Med ical D isc o very bas no seed 1s mature t he g1ub will be full giow n sn akes, and h ad ar ranged a littl e hill for raises this while the snak e has h is fangs 1 h ave t heir advantage '.l' he beau ty of the e)}rn~. . · an~ has fo rmed a pupa, in which it will re: each of t~e birds, on which the sna~c would in. it, d~tcks down his head un der !lis lowei or m idd le class~s n eed not aspire iu S il ~;.~!:;:.: ~c ~~ nt':.:J.>l1~! 111Jlr ~l~i~/1~ri~' mam dormant until Spring approaches. be deposited for t~e figh t. These hills were wm~, seizes t he snake by the under~1<;Je 1varn. The mother of t h e king's eldest and Severe Coug h s, Co nsu e 1ptio11, nnd T he p ea seeds wh en h arvest ed nrny each about t hree feet h igher t han the grou nd and ~f his throat and crnshcs the life out of i t m i favourite son the most p owerful m au in gt1 remedy. contain <i w eevil, which t he careless ob- sloped off grad uu.lly for 1~bout fif teen feet, fIVe seconds. Over on t he other h ill V ictor i1 Persia was the daught er of a miller who klodrod uO:cctlons, it is u sovete1 ' ' t he Shah's eye wlule · ' Dr Pierce's · B y plautm_ · g tuue · b emg · fla t on t" · f i;et 1. ·is do1 · no er g rnn · dl Y· Ch eer· s are .c ~rmng · f· Send cents lt1 stamps book onten Consumption. Sold for by D r ug ilit ll. server i~ay no t n otice. ne to p and ab ou t six as t er 1 caught washing clothes g these will h ave awak ened from their sleep across, the whole endosecl by a low wire and loudec. He h as been garnm g on Max II at t he br ook side. Many a poor h andsome ~fn6.mBf;ill."8-' ljS and t h e seeds will be full of weevils. A ll fence, fifteen feet acr oss. The p reliminaries the lastfiv? minutes, <1.nd t heir hopes run girl is wedrled without port ion for her ' f "P · · d evwes t o k eep t h e weevils out of peas are w~r e. quickly settled. T he liLtle h ills are ' ?orr espondmgly high. Mor e mo~1cy is be b ea ttty. W o rld's Dispensa ry Medical Asso ciation of no u se, as they are already in t h em w1t hm easy vie'".' of all, _ close to~et~1cr, , m g sta~~cl, but t he od~s n ow are m ~avor of 'f he su ccess of Br itish Post-Offi ce savin . r wh en h a rvest eil. But we can u.nd should box es on each side h oldm g an unli mited Max. Ihe boys, fi ndmg two at a t une de- b ani h It l . th t bl' h t gf H ORSES. P.roplietors, 663 Main St ., BU11FALO, N. Y. k ill t h e weevils before th ey escape from the number of rat t lers, starved t o make t hem layed th e d ispa tching, go back to one, and sim 'ls bs kesi: ec m e ~ t~ men 1 1 peas, to p re:'ent _ t heir in crease. P l_acing active, (t h ey are always ll' OSt active after i t w_as just lovely to see l'v~ax polish those 'j Th:ya~reai~o~v i~oeb: foJ:J i: Can~d=-orth~ Island Horne Stock the seed peas 111 a t igh t Jar or box w it h a sunset ), an d a number of boys aroun d each r eptiles off. T he b oys had it down t oo fine W e t I d ' h0 C A t r 'N Farm, Grosse Isle,. little sp irits of tur pent ine is one of t he most box, each one having a long stick with a for t he_ other crowd. Capello, standing Zcafan t a~J· i t th ape'i .us ra ta, llew :i~'i,~ly~;~z~~nf~ \~~ce"\s LITTLE e.ll'ecLi vc methods. While we cannot keep shallow n et on t h e end w ith wh ich to ca.toh 1wr1tch 111, shouts t une ! The btrds ! in Fra ' (whe~, ~h er co om ~tl't ah we ~s Canadia.Ds, being on 0 '\.easa"\."\.t LIVER th e weevils out of p eas WI' can k ill t h em and throw the r ep tile into the r ing, and on ;are d isp atching each a snake. He counts I s du~! \et' ave .snr an faland in Detro!; 10cy a!e u v {?.a'\.\" e while t h ey ar e in t hem. Buggy peas will to t he h ill. A m itn occupies ii box, into them in for bot h sides, and t hen t h e count! ~e :it)fc j~s). Ill AusI~ij, BeJlgmm, River,ten miles below 0 0 usua.lly grow, as the grub docs n ot in iure whose h ands money is being put quicke1 i s taken. ·what heaps vf snak es ! T wo 1 and as ' d an I ' 1 fiary , . at y, apathn, ~::;~~~r,w~t.ftnt11'~ 1 A NT I - BILIOUS and CJATHAR'.l'IC. the embryo plant. But t he fo od p rovided than he can t ak e it. g reat p iles. Two independent r an ch er os a re 'j B 't' hwe et n . 1 n ab i efse ms d ances e 11O\Ve Sold by Dru ggis ts 25 cents a vial f h I ' 1 t l t0 t th · f C 11 ts sy s em ms eeu o more or larg1....i.11.mber ofpure · · or t e young pea plant h as been eaten , and The bets ar e all registererl systematically, s e ec ec conn cm m presen ce 0 a· : less closely an d in many of t hese coun tri es bred and grade sta.l· t he ph~nts from such seeds will be weak er an d the odds ar e against our Max An old pello and the cr owd . Slowly t h ey work, oth 8 · ' b 1 · t tl ·t h ~~fcol~r~c;i and con t inue to b e less vigorou s p ro ranchero named Capello i s chos~n refer ee I aud so gr eat is t he excitement and t he spirit theer "'tvmffigs abn cs l ex1s Aclothncurr l ei~t )'. w1 t ..,, \J n ll d t· I t ·11 b f b tt t b h ' ' of betting th· t th b tt' h t pos -o ee a n rn. oug 1 1 ts no to selb ectd from k . All. 111 nc ive. WI e ai· e er o u rn t e and time-k eep ei·, and at on ce C!Llls t he boy s . ' a n ow ey a.r e ~ ~ w. a po~sible to state t he pr ecise amount h eld b pure 8 8 10 re stoc ' reg. buggy peas and b uy a fresh lot . t o attention ai ves his- final m st r uctions a nd number of smikea h ave been ln lled m t hat s· i b k t 11 l l t i I t thy ~cre esdreal ns t honaeFr bJe,nscthoc";:'d gu~mranrt:ee L SL tu adlli/B eo in._ Q~ . ' " . . . short hou r F or ty fift y sixty sevent ,w ngs- an s o a anc s 11oug 1ou e "" ~ cautions, looks at his watch , rarnes h1 shand . . · ' ' ' y , world there is good r eason to believe t h& t trated Catalogue free. S.4.VAGE & FAR t1M, P ROTECTING ORCIIAlms .AND V INhYARDS. Then each bird ts thrown int o h is ring , runs up, ~~p ~t goes, .and at last Capello d ecfares it exc~eds six hunured millions of p oun ds. DliiTw n:. ll1lcll.. up 01 1 t ov oi the h ill, gives a " cluck-cluck," Maxt~iulhan wrns t he cC?n test , one_hnadred ~======~=~~~======~~=======-=======~ ===!.... 0 ur advice, t hen, is, if a sever e Winter is <1.nd looks eagerly at t he boy s w ho han dle and.sixteen .snake~ h l!'vmg been ~1lled, he fear ed, to take advantage of t he snow as a th e scoops. T hey are both trained t o t he !mvm_g to his credit s1xty-f~ur, Vwtor. havprotective covering of the root s of our or- r ing on e can see at a glance ancl they k now m g d ispat ched fifty-two. 'Ihe boys said nfchar d t rees and viueyar ds. This can be as ~ell as th e ranch eros ' what t hey are t~rwards t hat the reason more :-ver e n ot done by tramping down t he first snow t hat expected t o do. Max wip es his big ~tiled wa~ t ha t these were exceedmg~y act comea, or, w hat would be more efficient, by strong b eak t wo or three t imes on t h e ive, n;nd 1f t he contest had been in t he m eans of a h orse dragging a light roller over sand. C!Lpollo yells to start, one of t he boy s mo: nm g Max could have done twent y more H a vin g purchased th e H a n;iess business lately carried on b y Mra. HUM P HRE Y, h ope by ?a reful a t tention to busin ess, good workman s hi p, a nd first claaa the snow in orch ard an d vineyard and r e- slowly raises h is scoop-net with a r attler in , easily. . . . ' peating it with every new snowfall, in order over the fence, and about t wo feet abov e T r uly this is a .w onderful bl!'d . r ho mater ial, t o sec ur e a abar e of p ublic p a tronage. We ha ve in to compact it and keep it from blowing off Max 's head empties the rattler out . Quick ratnik che~os say t hat if a rattl~snake should stock a.nd m anu fact urmg a. large a m ou n t of S n ch protection would n ot always be avail- as a flash, Max is into th e air w it h a spring , ~ r e it s body whe~e ~he poi~on could get OONOERNING abl e, but of t en it might be mad e so an d ser- seizes the snak e by the throat , wit h his ~nto t he blood , that it 11nmed1ately runs off powerful beak , ligh t s on the ground, springs 1~t0 t he w oods, hu~ts around and ~e~s som e i ous loss averted. It cannot b e supposed that a snow cover- up again and ag!Lin, and drops t he snake k1 d _of roo.t, I d~m t know wh a t 1t is, nnd .. ing .wou ld, in an ext reme case, be efficient dead just as another is ladled over; t im e, 20 e that es it ? which w tl! coun~ei;act the efl'.e cts of .... agamst harm to t he smaller branches or th e secon ds. Now h eh as th esecond byth e throat. . poison. I thmk this 1 s true, fo1 there a specialty . W e. in t en d t hat th e r eputation Humphrey's Collars h ave gained shall be folly su . ' Ve a re p rep ar ed to furnish r esponsible parties "11" fru it buds, b ut it might save t h e r oot , and This is a whopper ; h e wriggl es out of Max's ·~a ro~t dow.11 her~ t hu.t h as t h at r eputaCollars on approba tion. We g u arantee satisfaction or n o aale . .,A,. t hus, through t h em, sustain t he whole eel - grip and drops t o the g round, coiling h imself tion. !:he . pisano is a ~reat lover of tobacco W e also ~eep in stock a full l ine of goods u su a lly fou n d )> lular system of the stem or t runk and th e quickly for a spring. N ow t he r eal conflict mid "".h1sk ey. On t in s contest t h e book· m ain limbs. Such treatment might not in- commences, t h at was a dodge of Max's with m~ker to: d .me that over two t housand dolm a first class h a rness sh op, comp r ising s ure a crop of p eaches, hut it might save t h e t h e firnt ; around and a.round the sn,,ke, lars chan,. ect hands. "'!I'll peach orch ard from destruction. If t h e 1A1 i oot a 1 t tel f . . - - - -- --- - · cir cles Max, hi.a head down , his sh or t wing 16 vi - extended towards t h e sna ke r eM . · 8 c n )e pro ec c r om .111Jur y .t1 ly t o cr\u llCI SCI ENTIFIC .AND USEfUL fahty of all pa1·ts of ~he tree IS sustamcd t o t he blow whcu s truck. With'abontsixi~iches . · S ee 0 111· Bull Hone Whips- some t hin g n e w. We h av<3 also in stock some ex tent; v,nd t his thought leacls u s back f d l k. t d d tl J · ' V acuu m has but one t echn ical meaniug~ t o eatlier protective t reatmen t - t o t h e ·en - o 1 1.e a am ne0 exl en e ' ey es as m 1g void spR.ce, w ith neither gas uor u.h wit hin cral cttltivation. \ Veil e If t d t ~ 1 mahgna.ntly , t he .s:i,h.te follows ~he move· U rva e .rees ap e men t s of Max wa1tma fo1· au openm g. U p it s boundaries. ' cl k j ·8 h d t d h vm es, those th at h ave b een supvhed w1th } · t l M Caster s made of leather are said t o be a n ew Al'"\ I nrnnmc sufficient for t heir wants, that luhv e Jr ftts e:i" axL, . uc ·sfi 111 th ea ' ek x cn t ~! rs 1 l:A.P 1a cl t lie soi ·1 ab ove t h e1r · roots stirre · d d tU'ID . " 1 e wmg. t te a as l, e sna es th · tl bl d · n ms, th invent ion. lleavy furni ture which must be for Horses und Uattle, a s ure cure for b ruises spr ains, cuts, and sores of all kmds. """" t h e growing season, that h ave n ot been en". e w~g r eceives JC ow an ca;i·rns e moved often for sweeping soon wears bad Shop - Sig n of the Big Collar. ' 17-3m · snakes h eacl up, down goes Max s head, pfaccs on Jloors or carpets, and a solid soloreehled by c p 00 1 to 1: 1 f tn "t d . ro s o d l~a lvyt ie h lornet h a 1 ~1 .ind crunch into the rattler 's t hroat goe~ lus lerLth cr cast er must p rove a blessm g t o 1 , vi "' ure · m a, wor u ' "' 1ave "'1 .' eu- j · k · l · l spnngs, · · h ou sekeepers. '" I 'g h' h 'l · t ·' d h t sJ 1a k es Jns 1 1 1 hca · ; up mto t<llC 1air le ... far or g. y · d ead ; t 1me, ' l 0ss b t t1 blnMin t ame ,· t t l sue · rees _ ·f w1 )e vwt' n n once ,i 11 c.rops lnm C ures of sciatica ar e reported as h aving 16 8 lt is tho only prepa1·t. t1on i.1 t he w orld t hat usu il~ er a e ~i;-e~is _ ngoi C? a.n ~n- th:i,n y ou take t o read i.t . T he next is wait in g ; t a ken place in Paris u.fter a single appl!ca~f'. er , Ill con 11eetwn wi~h a. long a aile vicw us·looking h ead iiser~ oltt will d.o what is c lallned for It . It. has pr oduced h, ' Y sevei·e t ion of D r. D ebove's me thod of fiee~ing t h e lux uIIant ;~1·owtb s or hair on bald heads wh ere t e ad ve1se con d1t10ns of a drough t , tlrnn f 1 ' "' If ' d ~ · bt11ll roest1 lo>·S ex1sted tor ycu.r& . I t h as restored those t hat h ave been enfeebled b . oor cul- o t ie h a ca nt.e ~:iver . l:)prm_g goea skiu above foe painful p arts w it h a sp iay of the color an d vigrir to numm ons ciops of g ray t iv f d t J P l.Yfax, E Lnd has bun rn a v1so-ltke gn p and chlor ide of m e thy 1. T he operat ion is said and faded hair. I t haR 1 -elieved h und1eds of "' ion an neg1ec · j cl1a gs him d own , scoop and all. lfound his to be applicable also to facial neuralgia. perrnns of d,sak:reeable Dandruff and has SU ".lld .-.. ),ody <'oils tlie li.t he r eptile an d M<1.x rolls b:,'J:]~ \\hen h a ir was fallmg , from becommg STATISTICS. I ovl"', iin <l Ill the st1uggle: down the ~lope 'l'o clean u.nd polish a parlor organ or p iano, z;11'. R emember these facts '!-nd l f your h air la vL"J ..;o l,o th e wi re foi:ce. H e never loses his wash i t with "' soft old silk hand ke1chief falhng out and beconnng thm , get a bottle ~t In 1880 butter was exp orted from Camtcla "tlll and t h o saake is powerless to strike hrs wr ung out in lukewarm suds made w ith Ha ving decided to r etire from the J eweiry Business, offers h is st.ock O · ee ! 882 , "' once and 6 yourdm ll1 e gr owth , or you may los" 1t t o t h e exte t ' A f ew secon d s th ey .st ru.,g o- l eat the best Castile soap ; t he11 dry im mediately of Watches. Clocks, J ewelry , Siker P late, Spectacles, etc, at TREforever . S!LV Aslr ggist forH.A.IR MAGIC .nt of l 8,O 0,000 lb. Sm anl!B. the quant ity has been u nde1· 9, U00,000 l:ti. Vi lt'e, Max d1sen t a11gles hun self, n.nd n ot an d rub with cham ois -sk in. If t h e instn1a nd take noth ing olse. MENDOUS R EDUCTIONS until the wh ole is di1Sposed of .A. DOH.EN W E ND, Sole Manufactur er, T o- '.l'h e export of eggs iu 1885 &mounted to deigning to look at his prostrate adversary men t is very much scratcherl and d efaced , ronto. 11,542,703 doz. runs clucking up t he h ill, und opens his beak. rub with good fur nit ure polish and p olish 'I'he s tock sold UetaH at \ VbolesaBe Price s. D IGGiN .HOTHAJll & SON, Between 1855 and 1885 the populat ion of T he n ext is lo,~ered an~ Max h as him ; tL for "' loug t ime w ith dry ch amois or a piece i<'l'om1 20 t o I!@ 11n · c e nt di~count .f'o1· S1ma C a d 1. AO ENTS F OR BOWMANVILLE. Scotlan d increased from 2, 978,065 to 3,907,- shake or two, h ke tt t eri ier d oes a r at, a nd of soft silk. N e'v Gold .ilhuatillll:{ \Watches 1.· cuu ced to $ B6 . $20 t he game h es d ead H ot work , but both 736, and t h e births from 03,349 t o 12l1 , llO b irds a i·e eager for the combat. T he excite· Mr. K Martin of M unich manufactm es do do do $ 24 . $30 p er anumn. T he deaths in 1835 were 62 004 m ent is ""ett mg !!I caLer , everybody is :zcttin g a com p ound consisting chiefly of common do do do $ 32. $ 4 0 salt, u.lum. sohtblc gl ass, and t uugstu.te of and in 1885 74,603. ' ~ ~ warm , and loud is the app lause which greets sodit wh ich h as been introdu ced wit h great d o d o llo $40. $ii0 alternat ely each bird. V ictor i s doing g randSOUTH AUSTRALIA.- 'l'he aim uu.l value of success in Austria and Swit zei l::md for t h e do do do $ii0. $GO the expor t s of South Aust1cilia is about £ 6,· ly . As t he reptiles are ln lled they ar c extinction of fires, and is now bemg u sed in ' 1000,000 st erling ; of this w ool may be rcckon- t aken out :wd laid in separnte piles liefore Germany , w h ere t he Admiralty ha ve r ecom N cw § ill'er Watches, a n malt:e s, sa nne r etluct ious, Cap ell o. No one in t he o.:r owd, with thei1 ..P c I ed as n ot much under £3,000,000, and wheat mended it to their naval yards. H can b e AL 60 d h d s ·1 t h . $' v. ild hu~zas-" vivas Victor, Vivas Max"· · Ul · a11d flour at close upon £2,500,000 sterling. ob tained in liquid or ~ohd for m and is µ-qut secon an l ver a c es, from 3,00 t o $8.00 each ( Over the Southew h alf of the colony sheeu- is so cool and collected and quiet as my little th~own on t he fire eit her by a pump or from Sil \rer P la te, R ings, Cha.ins, L ockets, Brnaches, li:ar Rings, &c , at even . . sheopb oys, w h o scoo11 out the snakes and Ar-e prep ared to pay the hJghest p l 1C08 fot ming is very w idely spread. How ex. . grea ter r ed uctions. This is a BONEFIDE CLEARING SALE; all M<tx. Eve1ythmg dep ends on their pi.nls.. r J · d f G · d 1. d ... h t r cmely va.ricd the quality of the hmd i s serve I t 18 .som et u!1es d esirable ~0 produce a , goods warran ted a s represent,ed. I purpose remaining in town and r am e ivere th t ll : muy be see n fr om t he fact t ha t over m any calmness and dexterity in placiug the snake a l 0 11 s o em ail blister quw k ly . l!'or th is 1)Ur pose n o- \ . . Wharf or their Sw re H on se in to wn ! d1s'crie~s it takes 30 a~res t o k eep a sheep, so th<Lt M<1.X get s a t:hance at it uefore it thing w bet ter than concentrated v.ater of will be responsible for all goods sold. M ore t han twen ty 1 w lule m oth er p art s l <> sh eep may be reared reaches the !Jl"Oitiid. lie to the cr edit of M!Lx before t h e snu.kes ammonia. Put a few drops cf it foto a, B TJ SIN~SS E~T 0 11 one acr e. Of t h e 900,000 square miles i.; ~ J;:!.i1o. J.~ 'l.l l ind0od , a very largo propor tion - nearly t he V ict or crowd drncover that our boys have a w< ot auy 1eceptu.cle of t he sort, ~over it with a pledget of ·;bsorbcnt cotton, Havi ng a large stock of Material for all k inds of R epairina on han d J.\. l " hole of the centre- is .,,Jmo~t absolute " m ode," and t hat Max ha s been taught t o mvert on t he spot t o be blist ered, an d press · . . · . '=' ' cat ch t he rattlers "on the fly ," whilst th ey I desert or salt -marshes. ·h ave b een dumpin~ d own th eir snuk cs on closely. In half a m.i.nnt c or so a r ed circle th e J obbmg Department will be a special feature m this Great Clea1 OF CANADA. l 1 t he skin a.round t h e edges of ing Sale. All Repairing at greatly r edu ced prices : the fiat hill aml then· bii cl has to waste time will ap~e~r 01 (Japl1u1 1.mM u p, s1,oo&,o<io. Rcl!;t , $26 11,um Nothing t o Say. Q · · .... D ~ W h 1 d ~ ,.,. ~ in d e.dng the s nake t o strike. With even the confimng vessel. IL is an evidence that 0 C. t O 7~ ion haa tt;ken, and the bhste1·a1n upnngs pu t in ac. 1 I at e es C eane . . . . . , ::>Oc. to I oc. T' . B k _,,,, __ __ L . Clara w as telling ma ahout your singing this advantage in Max's favor , V i ctor is only 1 >'llB an iB P.repare to uo ~glt1· 1 at Mrs. R obso11's par ty, Mr . .Fcatherly," re- a few point s behind; h e is a magnificen t ing mateiial can b? 1emoved. T he blister J ewels properly fitted ... 50c. to 75c. Watch Glasses fitted.. 15e. DMte B a nkmg in o.11 its brlf..ncirn::>. I m Hkecl Bobby. >:O c t o 75c Clock s clea "ned 40c to 75 b ird. ]'or a few mom ents I watch him. He sh onlcl ~e trea~ed m t he ~ame m anner as Ca0 e SprinNS fitted one obtam ed wi th cant hande. '° 6 · · · · " · ' " " · · · · · · · C. Fl!>rmers not es dfacou nta.l ; Depoi!ih l '· Yes?" said :Featherly com placent ly · h as jus t to111 one rep tile's h~d oil down received an d Interest pai Cl ott a !DOU>.1t· m I " ~nd what did she say ?" ' t h e slop e, a nd run s qmck ly up , eage1 for All oth er work in propor tion. All work warranted, a.s in the past. 35 u p wards in Savin gs Bank Dep a d mau l., " Oh, she didn't say anything. She just t he next. H ere it comes, t he long, gaunt , Ins A fH k · .A call solicited. hungry, w ick ed -eyed , repulsive cre<1.t urc, nd Outs o ouse eepmg. D R A F'l' S la ughed. " half oub of th e scoop, gfarm g a t Victo1 and Br idget (well t rained ] : Bo y ez in or ou t , --------~lBsued a.nd Oollections m a d e ln E urope An explosion r ecently occurred in Beau - evident ly intent upon htwing him. No fear . mum ? lt's the grocer ? United S t a nd Can a d a., Mistress : Out 1 brun collieries, at St. B tienn e, France, and I n a single m ovement he slips to t he gr ound, ~N. B.-To save costs, over-due accounts must be settled forthwith Grocer (w it h bill following close) : W ell, it is r eportecl several h nnd1·ed miners w ere coils, sprmgs. Victor hops u p, t he snake W . J · ·10 .1..VES, Bowroanville, September 23, 1886. 39. t f . only strik es his t ail feather s. Quickly doub- I will wait unt il you 1eturn. Agan k illed. <!tauadbtu Jtattsmau. FARM. A WOND.ERFUL HIRD. Orono Pump Factory. P UMP S OF EVE1fY DESGRIPTIOA CURES All uMo R 0 All WORKGUARANTEED 1 I Co u5unmpy11011111 n I Rn FERG USON. 0 0 i CHRONIC DISEASES uNDERTA KiNc l B 'ood L and lnngs I I I ' ' ' I I l PRIC E $100 l :s g PERCH ERON l I 0'\\.e'\s PI LL S . E'i d d sa f $i:::oo DEWA'°D I I I e.llrn:-;:;: FAor_rs Dr. DORENWEND'S 0 LIGHT A ND H EAVY HARNESS. BLANK ETS, R OBES, RUGS, H ORS EC OVERS, WHIPS, B RUSHES , ETC. > ELLDMAN'S RO.VAL EMBROCATB ON 11 0 11 l· I I RE TIR! NC FR 0 B USI ~ ESS. L .. CORNIS:S::, G R A i l~ J no Iv'1cMurt:ry Co ! I ! I I w aa FOR SALE BLOC, STAND/lllfJ BAN a .· I I " IM , I L. CORNISH.

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