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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 4

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WOMEN'S RIGHTS. BONUS OR NO BONlTS '? The public meeting held In t l1e Town }!rill, on Wednesday evening lard> to discuss the granting of a Bonus to the Canada Cutlery Co., of Montreal, w>La fairly · attended. Mayor Horsey occupied the clrnir, and Mr. WindattoctedMn!lcretary. The chairman in a short speed1 gave an account of the correspondence that. had passed between the Conncil and the Company, and also laid the m!\tter before the me.,ting, ckarly p(Jintiug out the itdvalltal,(<-S and dis~dvuntages that would a ccrue 'to the towll by the grant in ~ of the bonus. Re was of the ouinion, however, IS NOW COMPLETE. that on the whole it would be advis.-ble to >:<nnt. t he bnnus. Mr. Trevethick, the General Business Manager, "ho was present, addressed the meeting. He gave n. detailed acc< >llnt of the history of the Co., showittg how it had ru et with reverses in the past , by following English methods, instead of Americau, mentioning one instance in one class of knives where by follo wing th e English method four men would turn out 500 knives a day, while by adopiing the Ameriean methed the same number of men could tnrn ont· 2,000 knives in the same time. He had also met with losses -ALSOThls powder never vanes. A marvel of through strikes and t hrough a fall in the purity, strength and wholesomeness. More market of raw material, shor tly sfter the economical than the ordinary Rinds, and <'.{\n· Co. had purchesed largely . He felt sure not be sol1l in competition with the multitude low test, short weight, &!um Cl' phospha..le however, that with improved machinery, of powders; Sold only in oo.ns. ROYAL BAK· an A merican manager and workmen, h e ING POWDEH CO.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y. conld do a very profitable busi!J,roBn, turn. ing out some $100,000 worth of wurk a ye:J.r. As there is wme $100,000 worth of cutlery imported aonually into this couutrr, he felt confident that with a proTAI'l' & MORUISON"8 and intective tariff of 25 per cent, or. for<lign spect their \Vall Papers--Jateet articles, he could find an ample market desio:ns. greatest vttriety. and for all he could manufacture. The preprices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. sent capital of the Co. is $33, 000,otwhich Do yon want a new and prct.ty h e himself holds $20,000. He proposed Window Sha de or Blinds? We nave aomethini.? new io thin in the event of coming to Bowma.nville, branch. Call and see them beto raise the stock to $60,000, a deposit of fore you in vent., or you'll bo $27,000 in cash to be placed in ono of the sorry. BOW1J:ANVILLE, MARCH 23, 1887. banks in town, before the submital of the bye-l&w. Ile would l))so engago o. practiSCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. cal man as manager, who s hould be inStill leads in Pbotogmpha and our Studio is of~en crowded. terested in the concern to the amount of Come early in ti<e day when you The publio meeting called for Monday $4,000. He would commence the busican. J1113t now r on may want some employing some 75 men, ancl sb01·t ness, lliJ!h t to discuss Bchool matters was very e>:tra Eng1',vings or ChL"Omos to 35 boys and girls. paorlf attended, and nothing was done adorn you1· rooo1t3. '\\'e h"tvo a Mess1·s. Horsey, Morrie, Burden, Drit11,reat vr11·ktJ, i<OO<l an11 cheap, further than submitting some proposed too, If yo1~ w.rnt a baby c1nlia1<e tam, Mason an~ Worth of the Council, wo can suit yot1; we have eome plans for providing more accommodation. and M essrs. Fairl;Jairn, McA1'thur 1 T. nice ones. Doll'~ Oarriagee. tuo. and Boy's Vlagons. Carts and McCiung, W . B . Coucl1, Col. Cubitt, W. Speeches were made by Mr. Windatt. WheclbMrowa. L .. wn F. Allen and John Lyle expressed them(~air man), Col. Cubitt, Mayor Horsey, selves in favor of the scheme. Ptincipal Tamblyn, and Messrs. S. BurThe following resolutions were then d!w. J. Lyle, Hobt. Stanley, (Sir) John Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balle, put to the meeting and carried unaniGames for tamlllcs and eocial F-i-11nkijn, John K eachie and '!'hos. Mcparties; Our Mirrors are clear mously : and true ; our picture frames Clung; the hitter gentleman's remarks Moved by W. B. Conch, seconded by J . of the latest and most att.racti ve deeigns. Cnrtain poles & rings. B. l\fartyn,were so humorous and pointed tlrnt we Plu~h goods-nice and choap. Wherea.s. The Canad& Cutlery Company have been requested to publish t.hem ver.Another new branch just inhaving made certain pl'OpoeaLa to this Cor· troduced at 'l 'ait & .of l11cating: their poration. with a view c be.tum. But Epace forbids us this week . w:mufactory within the limitij of this town, The meeting 11djourned1 eubJ ect to the &nd the matter having been referred to the Cl!.iJ of the chairman. We purpose derate payers of the town uf Bowml:\nville Is a Jewelry Department where "who at'e entitled to vote on this question" voting spt"Cial attention to this que1tion ;you will llnd the very latest in at a meetinv; held this 16th day of Ma~ch , L'1.dies' andGentlemen'sjewelry. n1µ:t week, end invite correspondence and the rate po.yers here a.Bumbled h:wing \VI'> invito special attention to B!\l<l ur new stock just ln. u fol A. E . Trevithick, heard the explavation from om citizens, pro 1md con, in time Ball goods, School and Hvmn Esq., the managing director of the said com. Books, Stationery, Toyo, and infoz om· next is1me. pany; 'l'herefore deed everythtng to be found in a &solved, 'l'hat the proposal of the said V uriety and l!'ancy GooCle' company be favorably received, and that the The rumor of Mr. Blake's r esignation, '!'own Council be, and they l\re hereby re<]Uest ed to submit a by-Jaw to the rate p!!.yas.leader of the Liberal party in Canaida ers of the town. "who are entitled to vote on I is. es far as we can ascertain enti rely such question," in aucordance with the pro· vision of the Stattttes of this Province, without foundation in fact. gnnti11g a Bonns subject to the conditi'Jns of the Act, 37Vic., Chap. 71, 8ection 4, of $f0,000, for the purpose ot assisting the said An Order in Conncil has b een passed, company, condi~ioually,fix:tng T uesday, the 21st June, as the Th1>t, The said BonuM,or any part thereof shall beiuecd in the purr.base of land within official date for celebrating the Queen's this corporation. and to ere&t suitable brick Jubilee. The Government wishes it to buildings thereon; the le.nd and buildings SAILINGS. un t to cnat lesR tbM>n $7,000, and not to exbe nnderatood that the day thus set apart ceed the sum of $ 10,000, at the discrotion of P.A.lUSIAN, fro m Portla.nd, April 7 ; is not an obligatory one, the idea being Halifax, April 9. the '!'own C<'uncil, the balonee, should the land and building~ not cost the sum of POLYNESIAN, from Portltmd, April 21 ; that all municipalities can seitlct any day $10.000, Phall be ~iven to the said company Halifax, April 23. tlley cbo ·se for commemorating the l:(reat when satisfactory security shall have been CIRCASSIAN, from Portland, May 5 ; given and the works in operation. e\'e_ nt. Halifax, May 7. 'fhat the use of kuch land end buildings be RATES OF 0CEA.N PASSAGE ;-Cabin, given to the Canada Outl~ry Company for At 11i meeting of the Grain Section of the e.nn1ml rente.lof ~!l per yearforthe term $150, $65 ancl $75 ; return, $100, $125 of (10) years, "they to pay taxe~," or so long and $150. Intermediate, $30; return, 1Aio B oard of Trade of the city of Toron within that period ae they shall continue to t o. the following resolutions wi;re ad@pted, fulfil the conditions named in the proposi- $GO. Steerll!!e, $20. The last. train contion made hy the eaid ~o mpany to this Cor- necting with the mail steamet· at!i it wa~ ordered that copi~s of the poration, or ae the same me.y be amended by land leaves Toronto on Wednesday mornelt'l:ne b~ sent to the grain and produce the Town lJouocil. ing_. Tbelasttrain~onnecting with the And iu cafie the said company do well and mail steamer at Halifax leo.ves Toronto dealers throughout the country, hoping truly keAp all the coven1mts, agreemente and that they would consider the subject of oonditions in accordance with the proposals on Thursday morning. For tickets and now by them, or 116 may be amended every information, apply to W. A.N.1uos, fll1'flicient importance to bring i1; before 11-tf B owmanville, Agent Allan line. by the Town Council,the fai:mers in their vicinity withcrnt de'rhen, at the end of the term of ten years from the occupation of the premi&es by the by. As the question is one affecting the A fine stock of the said company, they, the said company b1<V· g e;neral public, we freely give publicity to ing continued to fulfil all the·conditions that may be agreed b~tween the said company the same. and tha Town Colincil.'rhat this Corporation deed the said fond It is a cold day when the Toronto The followiog timely advice to Conser- and precni~eR absolutely and without any to the said Canada. Cutlery Glqbe gets lefl. During the recent vatives from the Port Hope Times will ooneideration in town arrived at the Comp:my, but in cuae 01 the ~aid company electirrn camp~igns i ts circulation weot apply to L iberals equally as well :- It failing to comply with th" coJl( as may bt' agreed between the said company and up ah< ·ut 5,000 copies. With t.he com- cannot be t oo strongly urged upon Coa- Council, then the said land and premises to ser vativea to keen the wheels of their ormendablo determination of leading in ganization well oiled and in reafiliness for rem[l.;.n the property of the town. Moved by Mr. Cnbitt, seconded hy John enterpr ise all the other <lailes in Canada, any emergency. The euccess of the ConLyle-,the management have chartered a special servative party M the recent elections Resolved, That the rare payers of the town The clothing, as usual, cut by the train to carry the mor ning edition to was largely du e to the enthusiastic exer- of lJowmaoville entitl~d to vote on any tions of iD<lividu..l members, mid to the money by-law of thi.i Corporation, hereby only first-class cutter in town. Landon, thereby gettinfo( the Globe to the general dlicie11cy of their methods of agre.o to snpp'>rt tlh1 bv-law granting a Boprincipal post of.aces in Western Ontario un ited lo.hors. Enthusiasm, aroused by nus of $ 10,000 to the lJanada. Cutlery Com· pany when such by-luw is submitted by the several hours ahead of !he other papers. the near approach of an election, has a 'l'own Council, -a great variety. s influence on the result, but And we also pledge our~elves to use our In coujunction with this move, the price comiderab 1 to rely aHogether upon it, is too often inti nence to the successful passing of the oi the UJorniog edition has been reduced fatal. A striking instil.nee is that of said tJy·l aw whe11 submitted. Collars the very latest, Ties from $7 to $5 per annum. The people West Durham. Enthusiasm could not and Neckerchiefs a J.,a Mode. The Mo.rch number of the Ca'ltada Edof th o vVest are now more hi~hly favored have reached a higher 9itch ; tho ridiog itcational l'tfonthly published in Tortmto, Everything appel'taining to a :firstthan ever before, a nd we h ave no doubt was a.flam, but when polling day came opens wit.l1 art article on "The Taaching the terrible weakness was divulri:ecl in the class but they appreciate the Globe's euterdefective voters' list. From a long liae of Reading," by J. A. McLellan, M.A., prisc. of defeats the Conservative party had LL.D., Director of the T eachers' Instifallen into an apathy \hat al11>wed the tutes in Ontario. The article is a vigor"Owiug to the superior quality of the agents of Mr. Blake to cut off an<l add to ous denunciation of certain new theories Bat'loy grown in Canada, our farmers the liots whateTer names they pleased. of teaching reading. Prof. Goodwin, of Please to call and inspect our have been en!l.bkd to compdo successful- West Durham Cooservatives have learn'.' Queen's College, contributea;i av article on cheap overcoats. "A Sctiool of Science for Eastern Ontario ly wit h American grovrers in the markets ed their lesson, but it has cost them an L et the Conservative party Located at K iugstou," which will be read of H1 A United States, even with a duty of election. 1(). ce1 is per bushel against the Canadian profit by the experience of West Durham with mnch attention. An excellent arti,:(rain ; but an attempt during the last and keep t heir orga.nbmtionR in a healthy cle on "Science Teaching in Schools," by D. F . H. Wilkins, B, Sc., Science Master Notiec to Wage-earners. two years has been made to introduce operative condition. in l'rescott High School, and another on new se~:d, and of a v1trietv that does not NDER TEE LAS'I' ASSESSMENT find favor with American Malsters and SPECIAL ATTENTION 8 hould u.lwaya be "A Neglected Work in our Education ACT.and Act amending the Somo.all per· Brewers; therefore it is essentially neces- given to the h air and scalp. There is System" are worthy of the high r epu to.· so11s wlsbing to be placed on the Assessment tion of Canadian teachers and of the s11ry, i n 01der to maintain our present nothing nicer than a good head of hair. Roll aa wage-earners must. first file an 11.ffir· Mo;ithli,, which is the foremost oducB1 mation with the Aeseaeor, Blanks tor that rep11 ation of growing in Canada, the be~t In case of baldness when the roots are the undersigned, bJ1.rley on t.bis continent, that only the not all gone, Dr. Dorenwend's G;eat tional and literary Magai:ine in Canada. purpose can be had of S. BURDE:N, Asaetl8or. mpst. d1!sirL l ble matured seed, properly German Hair Magic, will produce 11 The Monthly supplies its r eaders with ar- Bowm~nville,:Fe b. 11, 1887, 9-l! ticles, original and solected, vf the highcl~ned, should be sown ; therefore be it luxuriant growth of hair; it will reetore est literary merit, and also furnish es To introduce our resolved, that this Grain Section of the all grey and faded hair to its original ~ goods and secure Board of Trade of the City of 'roronto color and vigor ; it 11 tops all falling out many pages replete with matter most use- active agents cut this out and mail to us with ful to teachers in the class·room. The IOc. Silver and we will sand you, post-paid, a urge upon the dealers throughout the of the hair and removes all traces of danhanpy u nion of these two features makes 2!Sct. Sample Paclrn~e or Silk: ~'ringed, Gold country, a nd farmers generally, to dis- druff. A little of this great preparation Fringed. Gold Edge, Glass, ·rraneparent, Cbro· cop,tion e the growth of Mensury, Russian, used once in a while will keep the scalp this magazine unique. We ad.vise all ed- mos and Hidden 1'l Carda, with yom: name ucators to 1iub11cnbe to this excellent on, aleo onr agents' New Style Sample Book oi:.lm1~rial v11.rieties of Barley." ill a healthy condition and make the hair of ei.::pensiv e cards and Illustrated Catalogue, journal. NoTelties, Books, Music, WatohC!I, &c.. with · 1oft,pll.ant and beautiful. A.Dorenwend, 1'ATIO:!f AL l'U..LS act promptly avon Ule pdvate terms. Thiil is a. t'hanoe in 11. liretime. FREEMAN'S W(tRM l'O'\\'DERi reqnlre 110 sole · manufacturer Toronto. J. HigginDon't mill.'! it. Ad.drua HA.J,f, Bll8THRll8 .t! r.t:.:er, r~ulate the Re web and u n vv.r111t· ·tliu; rurcaun,. 'l'llcy arcianfo ·ncl 1arc te t b h ' ·11e, tho u·o wlW aa4 thoroucll. ·o.· Beuo-. rell!lllJTe all .,..,a.u.. er uermr.. I ot am & Son, &11:e11ts for Bowmaun MY STOCK OF Room Paper CALL AND SEE PATTERNS Linen Windovv Shades P. TREBILCOCK. 0 A bill is now before the Provincial Parliament of Ontario, having for i1a .object the granting the power to nnmarried ladies and widows of voting at Parliamentry electionsa. The members of the W.C. T.U. have been busily employed during the past week circul~ti ng petitions and gettin!l signatures to them, the object of which ls to show to the 1nembers of tl;e Legislative Assembly how desirous public opinion is that the bill should become law. As to the justice of th eir demands, there can, .we think, be b"Jt one opinion. If l ~tdies can holrl property in their own name and have to pay taxes on the same, why they certainly can claim the right to vote on all questions which effect the welfare of the country. They have been given franchise for Municipal and School Trustee elections, and in all probability they will soon have the full power of the franchise granted to them. There is, however, a strong prejudice in the minds of m any people against women being mixed up with politice. They say it is unwomanly and unladylike to see women crowding around a polling bonth nn election days, that women's true sphere is ia the home, 11ud that ae a goneral thing women know nothing about politic~, because they d o not care to read political matters, and 1 ,he majority of them are strongly prejudiced one way or the other, and therefore it would be better for them to keep out of political arena. The ladies urge that were they given the franchise they would mostly be on the side of good enactments and that they would be a strong power on till temperance questions, and their vote and influence on that side would q uickly drive intemperance from our lund. We fear the ladies are a little too sanguine in their expectations on this q u1>11tfon of ttimperance, and our reason for thinking so is that the power t o vote is not to be granted to all women, but merely to unmarried Indies and widows. Now, if tho women- the wives imd mothers of those who have been ruined through drinkhad to lmve votes we have no doubt that they would soon drive intemperance from our land. But such i~ not the case, they have no power in the matter, but m ert!ly spinsters and widows. Auel it h as been our experience that in their case they are just as much divided on this question as the meu. In fact in nearly eYery case their opinion is just the opinion of their father or their late hul!lband ei>:pressed. Were they strong temperance, then their d aughter or wid0w will be of the same opinion, and were they of a eontrllry opinion, wby then the ladies will be found likewise, and on all other politicai questions they are very much the sama. But, then, we are living in an age of greai. changes and pro~ress, and we frequently have to throw away old ideas 1d cherished notions and in11titute for a1 t hem more advanced and radical idea.a ; and no doubt this question as to the a<lvisibility of giving ladies the franchiae is on ti of them. Of late years, by force of circumstances, women h·aTe been crowded into numerou~ spheres formerly occupied by the male sex, and now they are entering politics, and perhaps before Jong they will be running for parliament. If things should come to that pass, we may expect great measures enacted. No doubt one of the first will be to put a h eavy tax on old bachelors, and we shall surely have a law passed compelling all married men to be in off the streets and home with their wives every night at 9 o'clock. Facts for the Public. We are offering Hand some Oil Our WALL PAPER is so mce Pictures beautifully framed at ~if c. and cheap that when you see the and 50c. each. patterne and hear the price you The nicest Cabinet Picture will want to paper your rooms Frame all fitted up for 25c. Spring Rollers for window blinds whether they need it or not. at 20c. each. Have you any clothing that The Celebrated Pam Rubher Dressing Combs at prices that will n eeds Cleaning or Dyeing? if so surprise you. leave them at Variety Hall. PD Absolutely ER Pure11 REMEMBER THE PLACE: KENNER & CO.'S VARIETY HALL, Ag'ts for Domestic Patterns & Lazarus' Specks. NOTJI· = -W-. BRITTAIN has removed to John England's, King St. 'We intend paying the highest CA S H price for any quantity of Butter, Eggs, &c. We will pay one cent per pound more for Butter made up in pound PRINTS or ROLLS. We also pay Cash for Hides, T~llow, Sheep Skins ' Calf. Skins, &c., at TA IT & JOHN ENGLAND'S STORE, King St., Bowmanville. N.B.--We also call your special attention to our stock of Groceries, Bread, Confectionery, &c. fi10RRISON'S 20,000 DOZ. EGGS WANTED. Bowmanville, March 22, 1887. 12-4w. NE-W GOODS -AT- STOREia ! @~~~~~~~~~~~ ALLAN LINE LONDONDE~RYL ANDALlVERPOOL. New Shirt~ngs, New Prints N ew "°vXvTh.1'te & G rey Cot tons 9 New E mb ro1· dery , N ew D ress G QQ d s, N ew L in · ens, N eW T Weeds · · ' YatISl COPSets · o--- TO OS. ORl)ERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD BROS· Newest and Nobbiest OLOT::HS Eclipsa Houso. PERSIAN LAMB CAPS ·./;. -·~ ~ - MEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. · .... STAR HOUSE has just received a large stock of English and Scotch goods, direct from England, for the W. H. IVES. SPRING CLOTHING TRADE. am prepared to give the cheapest and best Suits ever turned out in Bowmanville. U Canadian Tweeds in great variety, from $10 up to $25. Gent's Furnishings all fresh for spring. nirYou can ahvay8 see Jetrery at the door. VFER A BIG O J_ JEFFER-Y-_ . - Q-. Persi1m Lamb Oapa selling olfat great- FOR RUBBER AND METAL ly reduced price· at Couch, Johnston & stamps, for Uhurch, Sunday School and U··derman's O~flce use. addreee ROBERT H. CO::K, No. 4 1Kmg Street East, Toronto. 6-tt Me~'s and Boy11' Ready Made Over · Coat.a at clearing out prices at Couch, Buy 3 lbs. of Li-Quor Tea at Lev Mor.John1~on & Or1derman'a. ris' and get a $1.00 book free. -, · I l

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