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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 5

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~~~--~ -~'"'"~~-~ -2!'"~~~~~~~!'!!~~--~~=~~·~·~·~~~~ - ~-~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A~U~C=T=I~O~N~~S~A~L~E=is~.~~~~w~~A~N~T~ -~~·~D~.~ - ~A~~g~ir~l~to~d~o~k~i~tc~h~e=n L'lwn and parlor croquet cheap at Tait [ 'Mr. qeo. Porter is home from British Mrs. Van Re11Bselaer's series of articles work, where a housemaid. is kept. & .Morrison's. Colnmb10.. on the great English Cathedrals begins in G Apply to MH8 REW, King Street East, Bow1he April Century with an account of THURSDAY, MAnCH 24.-Mr. eorge manville. 10-tf · · t 1 · We can recommend Stott & Jury's Dr. Kydd, of Mic1 :ind, 18 removrng 0 H · t l t 23 5 Darlington '" . . -. . Couoh Syrup. It i's excellent. Port Hope. ()n.ntebury. 'lclrr1nll~h~n.vaolu·bl'ecfo·n r.m 'stock i'mp!e' SHORT HORN COW, (will register) "' 'rhe illustrations accompanying the unWl se is ~ ~ ' with Ualr a month old by side, for sale. A 13RAND OF PURE Farmers, before purchasing Binder See tlie che~p Drfilss ,Goods at Couch, published letters of 'fhackeray, in Scribmen ts, etc., \Tithout reserve Stock choice of two will be given. w. WERRY. Hose8 1 1 11 T ., · u~ seB Shaw & Tole, B'-'vrina.n"!.lle. Johnston & Cryderman · well bred and in good condition; im- landvale Stock l~arrn. Solma. S·tf . "- ·v v v · R s 11er's Magazine, will be unique. ,1'h . ere 1 .C1 I THI'. STAT:KRMA:!-l and THE MKTHODIST Mr._ R., Worth has Mr. · · will be portraits, views o_f mentwnp:ements all nearly new Sale at 1 l l\:f'USIC.-MISS BYROM is prepared 0BSERVElt to Jan. 1, 1888, for only $1.00. Manmng 8 hardware busmess. ed, etc.; but the principal illustrattons o clock sharp.' See posters. R. Hur- give instruction on the Piano and p T l' f I a· ·n h Very pretty and very cheijp-engmv- will be Thackers,y's own work. Many of 011.rsoN, auct10neer. Orll"'n 1.0 a limited number orpnpi!s. Terms R ev ·. · ,u1an,o n 1ana,w1 preac · d h tT't ~M · · . S 'Y, M·RoTr 'OI}} in the Disciple church on Sunday next. mgs an c romos a at ' ' or~isou s. the letters contain sketches, which w111 A'ru np,. ~ 52-tf 26 Mrs Archibald oniipplicationattheres1dence,ChurchStreet. "" ,.._.·1 te ; an d ot h ' s ., 001·11g to California and her furniture - - · -------------------------·---1 :~ Any present subscriber can have this m.r. J_ ames O u t ram lrnc1 th '. e mrn f or t un_e be produced in fac-sim1 . er~ o f DIE" L d' -- -------------. . 1 y f to cut hrs thnrnb on a s~ w m the Funn· ]us drawinuR which 11 re in ihe possession and house bold effects will be sold with- TO LA o.- a ies wantmg Pam t f · d t 'll N paper sent o a rien I ew ears or t ..,, t I t k of Mrs. Br"'o - o'kfield, to \vl1om most of 'lie t e t Sh~,,, & Tole's Auction sewing o.nd dresRmakiug done o.t thei..011 reserv a 50 cents. urn·'-' ll.C ory as wee · . . ' ~" homes will inquire tor Miss Jerome at Mrs. S. IIave y_ou seen the Y.at1s1 Corset, at Tod letters \'\ere written, will also be given. Hooms. Salo at 1 p.m. See posters. 'rhompeon'R. corner Sil"er o.nd Church Sts., Baby's and doll's carriages, boy's wagLEVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer. Bowmanville. 4-3m, ons carts and wheelbarrows at Tait & Bros. l<'our button k --id g Iove~, 50 cents, Th A ·1 b fp t n's )'.[acra 11 · .. 0 n·s. Mor ' r1 worth 75, at Tod Bros. e pn num ero "crso ".' - TUESDAY, MARCH 29.-M:r. Jas. Stol- BUJ~LSFORSALE.-TwoShortHorn ..,. i?. '~~ u zine opens with a fine steel-engravrng f l ·11 · t · D o H lor·y flnmpto11 will offer for sale a 1ot ..· "3~_ ,-,~ ;; ·r~~ - --' ~ ·' --- "' lVI S h EI f '1 J lit llul1s or sa e-w1 reg1s ,er m - . . · 1 us1;al ,m -""'~~"' ~ fine r . tep en <ger, o "'- ars ia own, "The Waif," followed witl1 tie · ~ ' Prize winners at the fair_ 'J'erms easy. to snit - J John Hellyar is getting in a very tl1e Iowa, is now in town on :ivisit to friends. handsome double-size fashion-plate. It of stock, furniturR, etc S ·1le at one the timed. J,E,l18Krmmn, 'l'yrone. ll- 3w I a.sso_rtment of boots and shoes for He's plea"·"d ,vi'tl·i Io,"a. o'clock.-vV.H AZZLEWOOJ>, Auctioneer. R -S-A _L _E _ A H S N~ eontaius, also, two very pwtty designs, ALI IO N F- -d prmg tra e. l UTr,'EDNEPPA", G. -Mr. J. H. Bell- s·r Drctnght , l 0 ' .eavy d h' t The S'l'A'rl!SMA1'- staff with }>leasure io colors, for fancy-work -, numerous f < >e.1- n ~ " ~ API'II, ' St!lllion fol' sllle, rising six yoara Tl b 1 · le est vane m grey an w rto Dcor·y - acknowledgo the gift of _ a barz of fine ion-designs, receipts for cookin11, and wood, lot 30, con. 2, Clarke, will sell old. For further particulars apply to Jon The Great Standa.rd fot· all tons can be got at Mason's genernl 1 f 1\.- .xr It F 1 other ,artirles make 1his a very handsome 16 thoro' bred Short Horn cows, heif- GREffiN'WOOD, Lot 29, Con, 9, Clarke, <·r LeRGoocls and Jewelry House. russet app es rom .Lr. na er o ey. ers ·,1nd bull·, ~nd 3 horses. Sala at 1 k~rd P. o. Ont. U - :Jw * number, and fully sustain its w"ll known u ~ _ ·w,eaknel>S and diseases _ of the ungs Rev. R. D. Fraser will preach on the Special attention is given to the r.c- r eputation as the cheapest and best of p.m. l:'ed1greea furnished. See postOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.-A subject of "Healing by Faith, " in M. pairiag of fine watches, clocks .md J ew- the lady's-magazines. It ough~ to be era. L~;v1 A. ToI,E, Auctioneer. good rou.~h cast House in the Yipage of illl;fiarecl nutrition, etc. Paul's church next Sunday morning. elry aL l'l'fa~uu's genernl Dry Goods and ta.ken by every woman. Terms : Two N .B.-Our advertising rate for auction Hampton, with half acre of land. Excellent witb vood variety of apples ar.d other garden This Oil is Pure, Fresh, Nearly Pcof. E. B. Duford is coming to Bow- Jewelry House. All work guar'.tnteed. D·illars a year, with great ded uctions to sales, when we do not pri~t t h? sale rrnit. Price, $tiOQ <msh· Apply for ~mther particular~ to THOMAS SYJCR, Janet,ville, or manvillo again soon with his Champion FREE SET liF lIAJtNE8S. -S. 'fhompson clubs. Address CH.AS. J. l'i;:T~;asoN, 306 bills, is 25 cents a line, each mserhon. Ta)'S'tel ess, and therefore most suit'- Steiun Feather Renovator. Get your & Co. will give gratis to t he person buy- Cho~tnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JOUN K. G.~LBRAJTH, Burisier etc.,Bc1w111anr L ville, ~-i w~ feathers ready. h d l · l d · \V. Ha7..zlewood, Rap;fan, Ont. icen!®l~ fo1· delicate digestions. ing t e most. goo a at t1e1r slop urmg STOP MY PAPEit.-After you get angry ed Auctioneer for the township of Dar---OTICE.-All parties are hereby None genuin e without the name Bm FURNITURE SA:r.E.-A large and 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness and make up your mind to stop your lington. All orders for sales in thi11 J... cauUoned Rll'ainst purchasinQ: a note for valuable l ot of furniture and othet· house- worth $25.00. paper, just poke your finger in water and vicinity, left with F. II. Mason, .Bow- $100 made by me in favour of W . .T. Colter, I~PAHL st.amped on each c'1psule. hold ~:ffocts, belonging to Mrn . .ArchiNewcastle, dated the fir·t day of November. Mrs. '\V. Morrison has recently opened then pull it out and l ook for the hole. lllll.llville will receive prompt attent10n. 1881 r.nd due flret day of Novemberl882. aA the bald, will be sold at Shaw & Tole's aucout a stock of Millinery and Fancy goods Then you know how sadly you are mis~ed. ' 34-bf. si>me note J1as been paid by roe. \VILLIA116 - WHOI,ESALE UYtio ~ext Saturday. See bills. in the West End, nearly oppoGite Mc- A man who thiuks a paper cannot eurvive AUCTION SALES.-R. Hutchison, Licen- COUL'l'EH, Pont.ypool. io _-_3_w~·fr. L. Morris has on exhibition in his Murtry's . Special attention to stamping. without his support ought to 6"-> off and sed Auctioneer for the To1Tnships of ~cl1!sr.. 18_8_7·~_______ _ window, a self-acting cradle that i11 war- See her new- advertisement. stay a whill'l. When he comes back he CiarkP, Manvers, Cartwright, Dttrlington "1ARD- OF 'rHANKS.- The underrante<l to put the most troublcsomo babv Who sayA the S&!v:ition Army i s going will find out that half his friends didn't andWhitby.Allsalesattended to promptly { / signed having by misfortune lost a val-ORuable c;iw take· this modo of thanking h\il to sleep, if only given time enough. The clown 1 Why, no less than 15 converts know that he was gon e ; the other half and at reasonable rn,tes. Where it is not friend a and neighbors who so kindly fu!nish~d cradle n eeds only to be wound up and set are the result of Saturday night, S11nday didn't care a cent, and the world ar, iarge convenient, to see me, arrangements for him the roPanS to buy 1 rnother, A friend 1_ n trouble is the b6B~ of all fri,.nds agoing and it will r ock etrai11ht along as iwd Monday night's meetings. On Mondidn't keep any account of his movesalmi can be made with the Editor or by ---- --HENHY BURGESS. n _ticel -if~t]le hired girl stayed close by day night they had a superlatively happy ments. You will find things you cannot addressing me at E nniskillen, P. 0. Darlington, March . 1887. 12-lw 1 timc--nino in the fountain at once. endorse in every paper. Even the Bible The officers for the ensumg is rat her plain and hits some hard licks. SALE.-Th e house ancl lot on ] .,OR Queen Street, Bowmanville. the property · r w riecte:l at the annual Meeting Couch, Johoaton & Cryderman are sel· If you were to get mad and burn yo1;1r - FORPLEASE REMEMBER or Mr. Josepl1, Neil, atpresentocct~p i.ed by Mr. of the Hoard of Trade on Monday last : ling off a lot of new winter Dress Goods at Bible, the hundreds of would still 'l'hos. R. Spry. There are 7rooms m tho house To sign your name to all letters sent to a good cellar, and about 20 fruit trees in ths President, W. B. Couch ; Vice-Pres., about half price·. 'l'hey have no h esita- go on printin" them; aud if you were to or chard For further particularn "'pply to C. M. Cawker; Secretary, R . B. Andrew; tion in st\ying that these by far the stop your pap~r and call the editor all the STATESMAN office. JOHN IC GALIIH.AITH, Barricter. Bowme.nTreasuri:ir, John Lyle; Advisory Board, cheapest Dresa Goods in town. See tha.m sorts of ugly names, the papeir would 'rhat IAttera ~ithout the writer's name ville7-tf. Jobn McMurtry, F. Mason, W. R. R. a.rul you be convinced that khis is the still be published; and what is more you go into the W. B. Cawker, S. S. Edsall, J. H. Jury. case. would snef!.k around and borrow a copy of That notices of auction sales cost 25c a The 1/ampton .Butter anil -A:-10Mr. R. ~ll acott, of Somerset, Iowa, Pethick the Barber Jrns laid ia an im- it every week from your neighbor. It line in the S'l'ATESMAN, when the bills are Clteese llfanufacturing Co'y, _ __,, w _. r.., · ,..s..uuder date of March 18 : "\Ve are mense stock of smoker's goods. Pipes, would be much b0tter to keep your vest not printed at thie office. having fine spring weather and farmers Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Cigars, in pulled down and your subscription paid That the STATESMAN is printed on (Limited). are sowing wheat." How differently in endless variety. Call and see this, one up in advance. Tuesd'lly- afternoon, and changes for adthis part of Ontnrio where on the side of the largest assortments ever brought A '\VoRD T" NoN-ADVlat'.l"ISEP.s. - In vertisements must be handed in not lat-er lines the ·now is three feet deep yet. to the town. Hair cutting and shaving, these days when everybody takes a paper than Monday. N ol'ice of a SJJeC'lal General There is not much snow on the fields as usual, in the latest styles.-tf. and reads it there is no butter m.ithocl of , That the STATESMAN is the best adverMeet'inu. through, and the conceasions are get.ting The China Hall of Messrs.1 Murdoch adrnrtisinp; than through its columns. A tising medium in West Durham. It goes bilre, Bros., is well worthy of a visit by all la- well worded ai:lvertiaement iu a news into almost every household. A lady in "Western Ontario writes:- dies of this vicinity. 'l'here ar-e to be journal is seen by ten persons for every -A'l'A Special General Meeting of the Sharahold· Enclosed you will find $1.00 for the found there an endless variety of the best ·me who stops to look at a bill board or era of the Hampton Butter an<l Ch"eiie ComSTATJlSMAN. It is always a welcome vis- qun,lity of china; glassware, crockery, and pauseR to peruee a circular. The rccog- Harrlnii:e Notlcc~. r.o cents; births and pany (Limited) will he he!<!- at- the Town ~a)I, cl1\nU1-g, 25 cents. in the villllge of Hampton m the 'l'ownslnp of it"r comiucr from ..1y dear old home and fancy goods, which we venture to z.ssert is nition of the fact has broua;ht fortunes tu Darlington . on lfriday the 25th day of Ma.r cl1, frl-en' ds i·n West Durham." Reader, have h' I A.U. 1887, at t.wo o'clock in the afternoon, for not surpassed by many of the large city hundredd of persous, c ief 11mo11g "! iom.· BIRTHS. the following purposee, namely : you a relative or friend who once lived in stores. it is not creditable to the general mtet-Ronnrn11. - Near Enntskillen, on the 15th in et. li'IRBT:-l!'or considerin~ and sanctioning a. thid section. If so send him or her the g unce to say, ar~ . ck. nos tr m be wHe or Mr. Wm. Robbinff, oc a Mngllter, Wn·HOUT Foou IN TuE S ·1·oru:; F on. · ~ ., the qua By-Jaw (pa~scd by the Directora on_the 7t:h ~c 'l".- m East Whitby on the 20th inst., STATESMAN for the balance of 1887. Only GG DAYS -The Mrs. Cleavo referred to manufacturers. And yet, despite all t March. A.D. 1887.) to empower the Directors or the Com1rnny to borrow n ·um not exceed50 eta will do it.. them,even shrewd the wile or lloir. W ru. Ascot, o! " ·on. i.u the following item, was a sister o f evi·dence tl1at ls o,..~red 11v VoKEs.-In Enni·kUlen, on the 21st in~t.. the ing $1 ,300 upon the credit- or the Company, and .A P ..rlor Concert will be given at the Mr. J . Hambly of this town and is business men will not Ree this, and epencl wltc to mortgage or pledge the real estate of 1)1e of Mr. Jno, Vokes, of a son. Company, togelher with the plant o.nd machmresiden ce of Mrs. McCready, Silver St., known toa great many people in this money on circulars to he thrown on the ------------ ·-- - -- - - ery a nd other property, whether real or perBowmanville, on Friday evening, 1"Iarch vicinity: "The case of Mrs John Cleave, floor, leaves to be i1rnerted among the rnnal, to fecurd 1J.ny sum or anms so borrowed, MARRIED. 25th,-Lady Day-under the auspices of the-notice of whose death uppears in an- blank pa"eS o f unread books. antl c:1rds for tlrn purpose thereof. CoorER- BILLINGS.-Ou l\farch 10th, at the the La.dies' Society of Church-st. oth er column was in somo respect peculiar. to be po:ied around che"p cliromos and residence S!J:co:m.-'l'o repeal a By-law o! the Comof ~he bride's m vtller, M"in Street, Methodist church. An interesting musiOn Christmas day ebe partook of dinner hung up in second rnte bar rooms. Al- Orono by Hev, '1'. Dunlop, Mr. E. G. Cooper, pa11 y, passed on tile 2Gth day o! Marcl!, 1886, regulating certo.ln matters connected with the __ · le. to MisR Orillo. Billings. or N c11l and literary program will be renderwiih her family, Rod lhis wos tho lasl lia.,e most any irre~powible fakir with a plaumanagement o! the Company. l!!:YN'OLDS- ALDBWO!Jl'H.-At the reside nee -F'OR SALE A'l'ecl. Single admiRsioc1, 15c.; lady and lbat any nourishing substances entered the sible 13 tory can get an order fvr _ srnne sort Trrrnn.- To a.doti~ a Corpor11.te Seal for the ... the bri!le·A father on th e ltlt.h insl:., by gentlem1bn, 25c. 'l'o begin at half-past stomacb,muldng e. period ot ()() dayR of en · of an a.dvutisemcnt from ti bnsmes~ ma , of the l:lev. E - ltob&rta, .M.r. John Reynolds_, of Compauy. Dated at Bo....,manville, Mil.roll 7th, 1887. II-wen. forced fasting. So well was nutrHiou kept who, ;~ Jllrty be c,afely Mid, never recei es colina, to 111.iss Fanny Aldworth, or DllrlrngSruI~G STALLION Sirnw.-Mr. Robt. up by rnolal alimenti>lion ·md other means valu for his m oney. Wha-e thousa els ton. By order ,,, ~==~-::::~'.:'.'.-":: ·=-=·, Beith, of Bowmonville, was very success- that she did not suffer from the pangs of are promised to be distribured , h D. BURKIJ: 81Ml'80N, Taos. BU_HftOWS. DIED. 9.1'.w ~'.,. ~t -t hunger as might have been expected. . l d th 8olicitor for the Company. President. ~,C ~iU.taUta.U av'. a~t~Uli~. ful with his horses at the Spring Stallion Everything in· the shape of food or drink dreds only will be pnnter , an e PoR'rER--In Bowm.:inville on Wednesday, Show in Toronto on Wednesday last,\ w1.1s rejected before reaching the stom&eb, 1tdvcertiser will not even get the apparent March 9th, 'William Porter, aged 76 ), 10 ......... ........ ,,.. .vi11Ding two out of three first prizes, caused by "shiolure of the oosophagus" benefits of a poor medium. A reputable months. BowMANYU.LI<~ . MARCH 23, Hl87. whic~1 included two mowing machines (gullel), r&sulting from thoracic tumor. newspaper with a good circulation cari Holl'.-ln Darlington, on the 17t Inst., Wm. -TOworth $70 each and a fonrih pri;,e of $10 Death re~ulled from the oxiension of the cruarnntee that all it promises will be Roy, aged 76 years an<l. 4 months. HAMM.- In Darlington, on }l,riday.,Ma;ch 18. in cash. Mr. Beith sold one of the prize disease, and not from slarvalion as lbe fultilled, and if most men in business GRAND 'rRUNK RAILWAY. Eli>:abeth, beloved wile of Mr, G11orge QR::EJ::OITQRS winners immediately after the a.ward for prolonged !fisting wo11ld indioate. What is recognized this fact much money uselessly Hamm, a~od 2g year, --OF$2,500 to Mr. Thomas Colquhoun, of morn strange, the lo.dy weul abont pcrfor- spent might be invested to good advantBOWMAN-VILLE ST.A.TION. FAillBAIRN.- At Bairnford Fe.i·m, Darling· JAMES WOODLRY, late of the 1'ownfo<.itchell. ming her household duties as usnal during age. -Ex. ton. March 21, Itoby \Vinnilred, daughter o! ship of Drirlington, in the County of James N. o.nd Ewma L. J!'airb..irn, aged 10 GOING EAS'l' GOING WEB'l' - On },riday laijt a team belonging to Mr. thi! thoe." weeks, l'l days. Funer1'1 to-day at P· m. .D1ffham, Farmer, deceasecl. !Looo-1 ........ .9.00 11 m Express ...... 6.~o m J. McKee, was standing in front of Mr. A trade paper, speaking of the frequenOTICE is hereby g-iven uursua-nt to Sec2 An Old Resident Heard From. ]<xpress.. . ... 10.0:~ am Loco.l. ........8. tion 34 of Chapter 107, R. S. 0 . o.s 9 0 m Milne's store, attached to a sleigh loaded cy of puffs asked for and received by si:nall BOWMANVILLE . MARKETS. Mixed ...... ...-1.05 P m Express ····· · 4.W m with "raio, when they became frightened advertisers, puts a somewhat gray haired . di ll d 5 amended by Chapter 9 of 4G Vic. Ont. thll.t Local! .......... 7.20 P Mixed······· ·· ·1l P mm ,.., · f f 11 Mr. Fletcher has very km y a owe ' all Creditors and others having claims '""YDress .. .. .. Express ··.·... 81:15 P and bolted. Thev made a da~h toward chestnut mto new orm as o ows : f Cll>rrtoctecl 11y .John J,yJe, every T11esd11 ·~ · · us to use the followin 0<:t extracts rom· a against the esbte of James \Voodley, late of ..E~cep· Monthe market square, the heavy sleigh "Eight out o f every t en persons wh o ~nthe '.l~ownship of Dadinvton, in the County ~ It may ' nging round and strikinrr a three Slll\t- sert an advertisement , ask t ha t a not ice letter recently received by him. d ~-Swl FLOUR, W- 100 tbs......... $2 10 to $2 40 of Durham, Fiumer, deeea·ed, who died on "' Glover, that in tl-ie reading co1mnns b e given· tlirow;i interest t1ome of our aged rea ers : eel sleigh belonging to Mr. or about the 21st day of Jannar:v, A. D., Wm:A'l', Fall, 'Ii" bush .· ·.· 0 75 11 0 80 was standing lljlar Taits' photo gallery, in so to speo.k- with the other. There 111 Long Rapids, Mich., March 7, 1887. 11 Spring, 11 0 75 11 0 80 1887. (l,te required to send to D , Bnrke Simoson, of the Town of 13owmanv1lle, Solsmashing it r 'ther badly. The horse· only one man out of all the subscribers MR. GoRDJ~N D. FLEoro1rnu, --:-DEAR La.dies, call and see 'l'ait & Morr! on's were unhurt who takes any particular delight in that Sa - I f you are the man I take you to BARLEY, 17 bush. . . · · · · . .. 0 45 II 0 50 icito~ for Henry Elliott.·Tr., Richard WoodRYE II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 II . 0 48 ley and William Brent, ,Jr., the executo!s new wall papers. paragraph known as the .notice, ?nd that be, 'you will be surprised to. get a letter II · · · · · · · · · 0 30 II 0 30 oft.he !a.Rt Will aud 'l'stament of the said Get a set of those beautiful windo OH! 0 ! OH !-Oh, for a lively and is the man whose name rt contams, and from me. If your mewory is as good as OAT~ James Woodley, deceased, particnlat·e in h d t T ·t & Mor iso 'a intere · g correspondent for the STATES- he smiles in a sort of delirium of bliss. mlne and you can look back as many Pus: Blackeye, ~bush ... 0 70 11 0 75 :writing of their claims and the 11atnre of 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 50 ~ a es a ai .'" r . n · MANm Orono, Leskard, New Park, Stark- Now, when tl1e editor goes out to b11y he I ' 11 b t th9ir securities, if any, held by them, and d t l t k p urp1e does not, afber making his purchase, ask mcmbar years as can, you w1 e sure o reC apt. Ad a.II 11 Blue, " 0 50 11 0 50 their christian and sumam~, addresses and · m wes m own a;s wee ville, Lotus, Cadmus, Cm~area, me. A few days ago, I had ocBu·.rTER, best table, W lb ... 0 12· 11 0 19 descriptions before the 15th day rJf April .and received many a hearty greetmg. Hill and 'faunton. We don't want silly that $2 worth of articles be thrown in. ca.sion to write to Mr. J. B . Fairbairn, next. Dr. P ot.ter, cfilce and residence, Prow- gossipers, but writers to send us news 'l'he grocet· would kick the man out of P.M., and as I was a i·esident of your LARD, 'II" lt .............. 0 -10 II 0 1~ And NOTICE is h~reby given tbat at the el",I:! Block, King -st., Bowmanville. 1- tf. items. There are d ozens of happenings the store who habitually asked to h ave a beautiful little town from 1837 to 1845, I EGGS, W- doz . ... . ... . .... 0 00 11 0 13 expiration of that time the said Executors 11 0 40 Mr. W. 'l'l10mnson and Mr. T. Fraser, in every section that might b e . reported pound of·sugar tluown in for every quar- made some ioquiries abou t some of tho POTATOES, ;ijl' bush. . · . · . · · 0 25 will proceed to distribute the assets of the ()f _ .., -·Whiiby, called on friends in Bowman- in the local pnpers, and made interesting ter of a pound of pepper he 1mrchased. old friends of my boyhood dl1f's. He HAY.... . . . · . · · · · . . . · . · . 9 00 II 10 00 said deceaeed, among the parties entitled DnESSED Hoos ........... 5 50 11 6 00 thereto having reg-ard only to the claims of ,-illo. 011 Sunday. to _the readers. Oh ! for some one to The hardware man wo11ld be &gha&t if he "ave me the name of Gordor1 l!'letcher which they 8hall lhen have notice, and that write t hem down and_ send. them to the 1 was compelled to throw in a ponncl of ~mong others. Now, dear sir, if you arc CLOVER SEED.. . . . . . . . . . . 4 90 II 5 00 'Ve have eecurcd the servic~s of two STATE~MAN. Who will do it? . Jlai'ls for every ten cents \Vortl1 of putty d Au mrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 11 G 00 they will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or pcr~ona of · f C t · ht the s~me Gordon Flotche1-, nrn.ny a goo new corresponuents, one or ar wrig Sl'EOIAL NoTIOE - Every person who m he sold. The dry goods man would go old play and romp we have hr.d together. whose claims they shall not then have had ))R ... ;. C. !lfoDOWJ;;J,1:,. and one for Newcastle. tends buying a set of Harness betweeR out of business if ho must put in a yard 'Our f,.theni, mothers and families lived notice. And further take Notice that all perRons Eight hol'el men contributed $50 and now !Hid spring would do well to call O}l of cloth or a pa.reel for every bit of calico opposite si<lea of the street, of what ICE~TIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE 011 of Phy!icians. London, Eng: Member or indebted to the estate are t<i call on the Excosts each at Port Hope the other day · S -.Thompson & Co. We al'e building- :t Maria .Abigail Simpkins happened to pur- was at that time the lower edge of Bowecutor. Mr. Richard W0odley and settle College of Physicians ana Surgeons, Ontario. They broke the Scott Act. lot of superior sets of Harness, both chase. Tho fonniest thing in the 'notice' m<>n·illc. y 011 lived near old Jimmy SURGB:HY AND H>tSIDENOE:-Ilear of M-asrs. their iodebtedneBs. 1tlr. s. W ashington preached in Church single and double, out of an extra grade business is that the large advertisers do Godfrey, the weaver, and we lived just Higginbotham's Dn1g- Store, Bowman ville. D. llURKE SIMPSON. ll- lyr.· Solicitor for the IJ:xecnt.ors. itreet church, on Sunday morning and nf No. 1 leather, picked out especially for not ask for the extrt1, the complimentary across the street; and your fother, John Bowmanville, March 8th . 1887. 10 4w Mr. J. Jobliu in the evening. our trade, 1md we intend to sell this paragraph being merely gi1,en as an act of Fletcher, u~ed to d o a little coopering W. K. SHITll, ICENSE AUCTIONEER for BowOrder Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Pickets, Harness at going prices. We employ no courtesy for their large trnde in printers' some times, and my father worked at ruanville, Darlington, Clarke, C.a wright, etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty cheap workmen, no apprentices, and ink while the m:m who spends $1 a shoemaking. :Mauy a time we .played on Manvcrs; also East Dnrh11m. ,,_ t orders guarantee our Harness No. 1 in every 'mo;1th has his feelingtJ wounded if he does the street oppo site our lwuses and threw atl'eet, It. H. OBborne, leasee . promptly r1ttend f'd to. 'l'erms libe~ F . Addres respect. Hem ember, also, we have come not receive 11 notice worth $ 2 .50 in h i>rd dust in each other's eyes--just as your W .JC S~t!TH, or FRANC1f\ M ASON, l:l· x J6. BowLadies of \Vest Durham, you are hIYit- to sttiy. S. TlIOMPSO:N & Co. (Hay's cash every time he favors the paper with political stumpers did in the last election. man ;ville. 48-tf ed to call a t L aing's Millinery Branch old ist:>i1d.) his cust-0w." You had a brother John, younger than ""\'IT ANTED.-A girl for general honse and renew the acquaintance of Miss There was a lively time at the Barracks TnE STORY- OF HuNDREDs.- In e. re- you, and a sister Ifachel. I had a bro- f f work. Apply at Ont&rio Bank, Bo;"· E,pplett. ~w To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women , on Sunday. A wild looking chap called cent letter received from Mrs. Sarah A. ther James and a sister Jane Ann. Wo m=~~ ·we observe in a vVinnipeg paper that Adjt. Cooper, alias, Happy Bill, was in Mills of Wheatley, Ont., she siiys, "I pla.yed together with 'fommy Hoar, SanOUSE TO REN'I'. -The honse on Boys and Maidens, at Mr. J. A. Osborne, formerly of this town, charge, The edifice was packed chock Wll-S ~sufferer for &ix years with dyapcp- dy Ro~s, Andrew N eads und others. My 8ilver·st. now occupied by U". Tamblyn. is one of the auditors for the School full to the doors. Cooper is one of the M f 00 cl d 1 ' cl memory is so good with r egard to bye- Possession in April. Apply to W. P. PROWER. 12-tf Board m t hat cily. Mr. Osborne is a oddities, such >ts are tu be found in thti sia and liver coimplaint. y d gone d11.ys that if you and I WE\re .talkmg 1 every ay. to each otl1er· 11ow, I co11ld surprise you - ------·-- - - - - -.d 1 . . not digest, and grew wearer . capital man for t he position. ord mary s1 es low nccompanyrng circuses. · d h d n l h f OUSE TO RENT ON QUEEN-ST. a 1 t e ope 0 re- with the little incidents I could recall to MAKING l\foNEY.-The annual meeting H e should not be allowed out without I lost appehte Rn -'rwo 8tory Drick. Will be made very covery I tried many remedies, but all · f l comforto.ble for o. respectable family. Apply <Jf The Globe Priming Company,Toronto, his keeper, for he does not know how to . . · t'll I t kB rdock Blood Bitters. your mind,and littl~ trans.actions o t 10se 00 1 15-tf u . k. , days between us m1schev1ous boys. But to A. BUCKI,ER. ,Jeweller. was held recently. It appeared from the act in a ci...-ilized community like ours. m vaw, The first bottle r elrnf; Bfter mon. Such antics 1~e he performs are not l gave l kf 11 l th t ta 1 mg I ma'y b e talk1-n~ ,, to the wron« h Report t Iv. _ the net profits for the year ORSES FOR SALE.-Horse rising a now Mr. F'airbain~ said that J ofin Fletcher's ending 31st Jan. last were $24,584. 72 ; necessary to dt;aw in this t own, where se".en bottles, a~, tum rour years old, got by "Britisll Lion" bay, Y good health. wife was a Ha.11, and he thought we were heavy built, sonnd and well brolren. Colt ri~· of which ~?15,000 were made in dividends almost everybody a.ttends the meetings. eDJO DR' three vears old ba,y, heu. vy. .Apply to I· L. &W Mi!!¥W¥ !M relations; bnt I think that can't be so, and $9, 584 72 added to Heserve. Votes But while our people respect the Army, · Ih'i.owN, Hampton. for I can't figuni it out in that way. You tif thanks were pafsed to the General they do not nor appro'!'e of URSE LOST.--A navy blue knitted a year or two older than I, if you are Manage1-, Sec:retary-Treasurer, Auditor, such performances as one expects to see Silk Purse, Steel bell.d trimmings, lost the buy I'm after. I was 54 la-st October. and employees of the Company, and the in a low playhouse. Our Bowmanville on ]rriday, 11th inst., between L. Morris' store I ntmember one time that yo11r father and Chas. Cawker's residence. l!'inder will retirin~ D irecLors were unanimously re- corps is too reapectable and s:onsible 10 countenance Cooper's tom-foolery, as was left yon and me to watch some syrup confer a favor by leavin1t It e.t STATESMAN elected. Office. 11·3W boiling ind~he sugar dbush whilethe . WI ~nt ~Mr. D. Morriacm was presented with a plainly manifested by the dishguat pdictureld Our New Stock has arrived, and comon their countenances when e ma e sue l home to mnor, an we wen pie nng ffORSJ<~ T,OST. -A bfack mare, low ' iieautiful secretary on Tuesday evening prises something neat nod pretty for a n ass of himself on Sunnay afternoon. nuts and wild flowers, and let it bt1rn ; l set, star in forehead, heavy mane and ef last week, by the members of the U. ran h ome and you caught a switching. tail, Strayerl from Bowmanvme on Sunday Ladies, Good and Servicef!.ble for Men C. F. Co. l:lancl and some others. Mr. We h11ve too much regard for the Army 'f A n d rew Reward tor information leading to and Boys, and Boots that H. Boot11 fol· Don't yvn mind? T eII me 1 her recovery. w. L. MA.SON, Raglan, or W. :McArthur, Manager of the Co., made the to disparage their efforte in the slightest every member of the ho11sehold. Neads and Tom Coleman are still livin11, TlusE, Bowroanvillii. f)resentation, and speeches were also degree, but when they allow their ~acred and what is your occupution. I am a car- STORE TO RENT . b . k b ' by Messrs. Bounsall, ]'ogg, Lorri- edifice t o bo desecrated by a clown lll tho 111 new ric . o f a S a 1vat ion ' A rmy o m·cer, we f ee l · · b 11 t for · the last few ~ ing on Ring-st. Al10 Ul penter ancl JOmer, for sale one acre ot TRIJNli:S, V AI..ISIJS, d: l!!A.TUUELS, IN l!l'l'OCK. man, McDowell and Orr. Mr. Morrison ~mse constrained to express emphatio diaap· year3 I have been. farmmg. I. s~all la?d _on which t~re is o. frame llo~se eltnated was so '1omplctely taken by surprise that ~Ordered Work and Repairing awaityourauswerw1thpecuharcul'!oa1ty. ·\ w1thmllalfa mile or Howroanv1lle on the he_ did not do himself justice in the mat- proval. PllOW. rnw·s SllLPDl!R so.u· JH 1a111111y · · From (I trust) an old friend and play- ~~u:L~~~g·w~b~~rY"t~!YBo~~B.n1;~f~~DEN, Specialty, as usual. tex 1Jf oratory. A very enjoyable evening -···1>ded ror &he cure or ·1·upllon, fellow, JoKN W. HAJ;L. 12-2w · D. DAVIS. USE ONLY THE l Z D B A L w N ( ). I) ~l G I .AN l ' bot~ght pla~es r, .- · · ~ ~~-" Ott " H N .LYMAt~, SONS & GO, SIJitE1 CUR sron & JURY, BOWMAHVI LE. RINGWOR '"ill LICE on cattle STOTT & JURY'S Medical Hall, "OHtY25 CE!ffS, QUART BOTTLES. Mother Seigel's S yrup and Pills, SJ1JlI & JURY'S MEDICAL HALL ~ ~~~_.........-....-... ~,~~,-.._r-r-.,,.~-.....r'-""-"......,.......,,...._ ____________ ____ NOTICE I TMI ! N l .1 I 1 L.oca.l and Other L L IT PAYS Popular No. 1, EMPORIUM! H fl H P DAVIS' Boot and Shoe 0 WANTED. L E 3 0 0 s_ Home GrOWll S d Carrot ee . W QUICK & CQ wait 11pent. Clh-.., Chappo· hlla·'- l"illllPlcii, Tiw.6'!c.

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