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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 6

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... au ~-- _··~~-... ~ llll -·_rr_ -~-F_llP'M'~-'~z-......,~-'!:"-...,..~l!'llllll -~!llll _ IWil'illllll...'IAl!llill~~~~·~~~llllln!!!~G~Ai!!ga;!!!!!!!!!!!!~~IM!!!!!!!i'!~~~~!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!~~F~S!!i~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nevert heless mad !" 'rhe poor wc>man, d's A CARD.-To all who are suffering from ma.yed, was ~oon afterwa1ds seized wit h the error s an d indiscrcitions of youth, the most violent kind. Admitt ed, spasms of IB PUBLJSHl!:D Sudden Changes of Climate. d'nrr1ence, to the clinique of D r. Bucquoy, nervous weakness , early decay, loss of A Simple Baby-Basket. "t:VER'I' FRIDAY MORNING, If a blizzar<l of unusual severity were com- s he was put under treatment, but without m!"nb ood, &c., I will eiend a recipe that Among the mystenes of preparation for a will cure y ou FREE OF CHAR.G.r.. Thia -BYing from the north wost that would send the ava il, an<l died soon afte1war ds. little now corn er, not hing lB daintier th1 m g reat r emedy was d1~co vered hy a missionth,·rmometcr down 50° or 70° in three hours, tho baby-baA ket, with its conten ts, ready for ~ry in So u th Amenca. S end a self. we should expect a great mcrease of pneuthe firnt totle t te. Very little exµense will RICHES AND TROUJ:JLE. A.T THE OFEIOE addressed envelope to the R EV. JosEPH monia and other respiratory d iseases, 1esult· serve to dress " com mon willow, reed or PHiOAJ.c e Ill I ·ek, IUng!!t.,Bow1na.nvllle, Ont shaker basket, so that it will be as beautiful mg rn many deaths. N ow, mstead of three The Roth er 'Vlli<'h Sometimes !lttmuls T. I NMAN Station D New Y ork Cit'!/. 46y hours, sup pose t he mer c ury were t o drop " c altb . as ncecl be. The ma terial of t he basket is of T E RJM:S : threescore degrees in t hree miniitea-or take ve1·y little, indeed, no nnportanco, as 1t is A DVISE 'J'O lU OTHERS. -Are you dis anot her step m fancy, and suppose t in s A minister p r eaching against t ho l ove of $1.50 ~erannum.orltn.uotc11aldln advanc· entirely covered by t· cambric of pale pink t u rbed at night and broken of your rest great change t o take place in three Mcondsmoney had frequent ly repeated that 1t was Payment atrictly In advance requtred ! rom or blue, over which a s heer w lnte L muslm, what would likely be t he effect on hea lt h ? "the r oot of all evil. " \ Valking h ome from by a sick child sufferm g a nd crying wi th iUbl.lor1bers outside of the county. Or ders t!i dotted or, is drawn in folds or puffs on And yet we bring about, arti£ cally, changes the chur ch, one old person said to the other : pam of Cn t t mr, T eeth ? If ao send at ieoontinue the paper mu~t be accompanie d b~ the inside, and let fall in a full r uJ!le on he amount d11e,orthepap erw1llno ~ be stopped. to om selves quit e as sudden and as severn "An' wasna t he ministe1 strang upon t he once and get a b ottle of "Mrs. W inslow's ubscl'ibers ar eresponsible untilful pa yment is the outside, th e upper edge of t he baske t as this. money?"-"Nae dou bt, ' said t he other ; Soothing Syrup." F or cluldren t eeth in g , Uide, being fim she d by a quilh ug of ribbon in W e make an ar tificial climat e in our and added, "Ay, but it 's gr,LHd to tw,e the its v iilue is incalcu lable. It will r elieve color, " hlue for a gill" and " pink for a BA.TES OJI A.D'VEltTISlNG : '=-~ houses. We live in-door s m an ttomosphcte wee bit siller m your hand when ye gaug an the poor litt le suflerer im mediately. D e· boy, " ancl ca1ry it mto all this preparatory heated by stoves, furnaces, or steam pipes, enand." We <] uitc wg1ee with this and be- pen d u pon it , mo thers ; t h e re is n o N.b.ole Column one year ...... ....... $60 00 :;;~/'!: wardrobe. A bo,sket hnccl with blue w ould " " H alf year . ........... 36 00 · fi;"" to 70° or go0 ; and we pass from our parlor h eve in t he " needful. " It's gr and to have " " One qua.rter ····· ··· , 20 00 ~ ~ have a s ma ll blue pincushion, a blue and or hall 80 heat ed into the open air. At a the price of food ~1nd clothes, and we arc not mistak e abou t it. It cures D y sentery Half Column one year ........... . , .. 36 00 - white powder box, t houg h a pretty white step, literally m a br eath, the tempernture at all aver se to a little pocket money, but and Dian hrea, r egulates the Stomach a nd ·· Halt year .............. 20 00 one is babyzBh. The basket being covei ed Needle l{otes. of the air has, for us, dropped 50° or 70°. after a modest sufficiency has heen reahzed, Bowels, cmes Wmd Coho, softens t h e " One qua rter .. ......... 12 50 and furnished with t wo inside pockets Quarter Colnrr..n one ye1J.r ........... 20 00 s the good of frettmg and workmg for Gums, r ed uces Inflammation, and givea Plait stitches are herrmgbone st itches W e m,w put on a n ext ra coat 01 sha wl and what 1 should then be £!led w ith all t he article " " HaH yea1· ........... 12 fiO t o::ie a nd en ergy t o t he whole system . e. Is enoucrh not enough ? done so £ ne and close together as t o I.ouch 8ln· eId t h e outaid e 0 f th e b oc1Y an d ch est, mor e has p ~aced a limit t o t he personal " M r,. W inslow's Soot h mg Syrup " for " One quarter...... .. 8 00 5 necessary for the £rst dr essing. A piece of each other. but we can not shi eld the d elicate lmings Si:x: l·nes andunder, tlret Insertion .. $0 EOna1row bobbin, a small bottloor·box of vase] .. Chain st itch is very useful for t u.ek ing and membranes oi the air passages, the in dulgences of each, and it 1s impossible for child re n teethm g is pleasan t to t h o taste l'.C1>ch subsequent 1nser L1on .... .. 0 25 ine, a number of sm!·ll squares of soft linen, bronchial tubes, the lung cells Naked, any one to consume more than so much. W e aud is the p r es cription of one of t h e oldFrom six to ten lines, ftretllleertion 0 76 ·01 the mouth cleansmg, a piece of very soft down the edges of applique work o·l any th · tl: f ll f f h h may spend £5,000 t o £10,000 yearly, b u t Each 11ub;equen t msert1on.. .... 0 36 - 10 article, but it makes ra ther a coa1·se 11 11e for orce 0 t e c angs - the lrnlk of it must ietuin to whence it est and best fem ale physicians a n d n urses ey receive ie u sponge, squar e of ptu e castilc soap. These Qver tenlinea,flratmsert1on,perlme 0 IO~ last breath at 70 the n<'xt at freezing the in the U nited S tates, and is for sale by outlining. articles will all be i eqmred before the .li:aoh sul>sequontinsert1on," 0 03 or zero-and all wnprepared. "\Ve have been came, in t he payment of labor or profit t o A lovely effect can be produced by Inllow- srttmg, p erhaps for hou rs, in a t ropical a t - the d1st1ibntor. The money is beneficial to all druggists t h r ough t h e world. Price cloths, and should have a prominent place Th e number or lines to be reok:oned by 25 ce n ts a bottle . Be sure and ask for in the basket,for the dr essing on top is ing the 011tlmes of a brocaded figuie pll silk mosphere ; nay, worse, m an at mosphere many , and not solely to its possessor. be space occuuied,.mea.sured by a. sea.loot Olld Nonpareil. found a st1 ip of soft flannel , tom from 11 or wool with conching in gold thread on a depriv ed by hot iron surfaces of its ozone "When goods ate increased , they are in- "MRS . WINSLo w 's So oT.IUNG SYliUP." ... piece, and turned over only on the edges contrnsti ng color. E!'0'.2Z and natural refreshing and bracing qualit ies. creased t ho.t cat them ; and what good is a nd take n o other kind, DUS. lllcL.l.UGIUIN ,t; JUUl'JI, for the band; the little shirt of hand-knit Darning stitches are very useful for l1lling Our lungs ar ll all r el axed, debilit,ited, un- there to the owner thereof, savrng the bewool, two diapers of old soft linen, the pin- in outlilles or for mak ing back ground" By strung ; a nd in this couditwn the oold air holding of t hem w ith their eyes?" A ri ch OFFICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. ing blanket, flannel p etticoat and t he slip, darned work a bc!Lutiful play of col(/1 may stnkes t h em perhaps 60 o below what they man is au a~ent who m.L nag<>s what he is Dr.J. W.l\1cLAUGUf,(N,, Dr. A.. BEHII, Gra.duare graduatecl to a n prnpared for. Is it pleased to co. I his property fur i h e good of licent1ate of the Royal ate of tho Toronto and a squai c of flannel or a knit blanket to be obtained on a plam neutral fabric. wrap around the httle one when it 1s carried other s. Burke used to say that t he " d eCollege of Phys1c1a.ns Tracing stitch is very useful m ap plique strange if pnenmoma ancl b ronclutis at p and member of the Umvera1ty, l:'hya101an. about. endent pcns10ners called the rich a rc t rusYo ur a t t ention is directed to the immense embroidery, and 1s worked by laying do wn hand? ltoyal College of Sur- Surg eion, &;c. Tho baby-basket will be found eveiy If we a r e m the "'W est Indies, or even m t ees for tho~e who, and t heir h~ards geons, E drnl>urgh. stock of a !me of filoselle or embr01dery silk. Hecure morning with baby's toilette art wles all it wi th a thr ead of anot her color by J,dng· F lorida, and wish to come N or th in winter, are t he b?'nkmg hou~es of th~se latter. ready, and there will n ot arise confusion in DR. J, C. llllTClllELL. we t ry make the changes graclnal. But . There JS sotmd plulosophy m t he answer a 00 mg it up fro m the back of the mate· 11tl on EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS the 11ea1ch for baby's own soap, sponge, etc. one side of the embroidery silk and ct11t ying in our houses we k eep u p a tro i~al climate , kmg is 10la~ed t o hav e g1:ven to a stable b?Y· For a baby powcle1, the scented rice powder and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc, eetmg lum one mornmg he asked hnn, l pf1esl1ness of' M of c vory d escription at w orse, f 01· you h ave no t tie " n r II b h t d d ? '""' h t d Oflloe and Residence, E nn1ak1llen. 7:1. is not as good as cornstarch, to which a it back on the other . '.l.'h e stit ches which or · h t ·1 · · I t n e oy, w a o you o n a o the silk should be exactly eq11al in secme air t a preva1 s lil an open !ropica a mo· they pay y ou ?"-" I help in the st able," re:;lfut.11 quant ity of pl1lver izecl orris r oot is sp her e, and we st ep at once in t o an atmo , 1 1 t h 1 d b t I h th t ·w. s. ORUllSl'ON, L,L. n. added; this is the pm est and best I n a d - distance from each other. sphere as much colder as 40 ° differ once of P. iec e a ; u "ave no mg,, exce~ Ba.rr1ater, Sohettor, Con veyancer, &c. Money dition, we should also suggest that 11 cotton t t l ·u k ·t I t · i fi , t victuals and cl otl1es. Be content, rnphIa , U ( e w1 ma c i . to loau. Office, next door to Ne :ws Office, Bow- flannel a.pron, furry side out, is a valuable 1 is n e ec gomg l t h k' "I I " She has j ust opened o ut one of t he largeat GREAT GUNS OF ENGLAND manvllle, 39·tf a nd m ost s tyl ish stocks ever brought possession for nurse and mot her, as the lit tle ec In : D . RIJ.IUlE Slll1PSON, to town, consistmg of : one can be taken from the bath on t o t he A DESCRIP'.l'ION OF THE PE.OCJ~SS o~ MAN t!FAC· cla . And often wlule we are still shut 11 f ment s for t he last preacbillg ca:mpa.1gn m 10 ARftISTET:t, SOLICITOR, &;o. MOPRIS l ap and rolled np in the apr on, which all· cu ban cInu at e, I co1an dp London of Mr. Moody, the American cl Evan· y d · ' 1·unrNG T rrEM. . m OU!" om101har y t f th k h' lUillinery, Dress Silks, If) BLOCK , up s tairs, K ing Str eet , Bowman· swers a t the s ame time the purpose of ll aoft l f , · d ge1is , one o e spe11 crs cxprcsse is ville, Solicitor t or the Onta.r10 Bank m. wm ow. hope that Mr Moody would do something t owel l!'or w ipmg of head and face, a n England's big guns are mad e of bai8 such c?mes _c own_upoi~ us rom an op c Velvets, &c., PrlYate Mauevs loaned a.t the lowest r ates. old white silk handker chief is a good thing as t hat j ust desc1ibed, coiled spirally, and Especially is t his likely to . occ:nr m sc_hool- fo r the miserable p oor of L ondon, " "I will with a. very fine stock of F eathers an d houses, where ch ildren. w ill m stmctively try and do so," was the preacher 's r eply; to use at the bath A d ainty wrapper, welded into a sohd mass by the haunnar. .Job Keith Galbra.Uh, F low er a. which is ve1y mexpens1ve, can be made These r ed hot furnaces contain a strn1ght seek t o get a breath of fr c~h air tha~ has ~ot "and I hope also to be able to do sometlung ARR I S TE R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY princess in s hape, of cheese clc th and cotton bar ; at a wor d the door 1 " The m iserable C all and inspect tlns fine display, wh1oh s slightly rnised, had a ll its refreshillg qualities quite fo1 t he miserable r ich " PUBLIC, &c. Office- Bounsall's Bloc,k c?oketl out by hot stoves, furnaces, or steam- rich!" Some would think the expiession cannot fail to give sat isfact ion. King Street, Bowmanville. Money to lend, w addma. A layer of wadding should be and with hug h mppers its head is seizecl by Pipes. And all these s ucldcn ch"nges a nd · ' t 10n ' · t er ms, b u t I·t is tacked b etween t wo of cheese cloth, and loops made for the p m pose. A s team wmch a 1most a con t ra d 1c in h shocks of col< l co:ne upon us w ile the wl~ole not for th e rwh have many thin gs to mak e fastened a t intervals of ,1 few inches by draws on the glowmg mass, and biings 1t to JtOBEl~T A.RlllOIJlt, system has its vitalit y and powers of resist- ti ' b Tl · 1 f t l!lGIST RAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER k not s of worsted , as in a comfortable, the I a honzont al c~pstan tixed befo10 the dooi. ance gauged down to t he low necessities of tire~ t~u a.ppb y . t t 16 fp t oorth 8 e~p ortge i le blue or p ink. The princess A 'Yat er hose is t urned upon ~he loop, ,mcl ieir nusery, n oo o en e ncu are or l t of Ma rriage Licensee, Barr ister and o1· w orsted p, tured by sleeplessness. They suffer from ne1 at La.wand Solicitor in Chancery. Money pattern is then l aid on and the wrapper cut wlule it b~.cckens under the chill a stalwart a t roptca1 c nn a e. co.~ losned on Real E stat e, O.ftloa on K i n g str eet, out t he seams felled on t he inside an d t he fellow, w1eldlllg a heavy sledge, fixes the enntii, " that awful yawn which sleep can· B11wmanville. Regularity in Eating. edges fmished by a buttonhol e stitch of blue loop on a nut projecting from the capstan ESTABLISHED IN 184'1. not dispel." 'rhe ~'rench finaucier exclaimor pmk worsted. T hese httle wrappers can ~heel. Then t he !naclnne revolves with rest. T. PBllLLIPS If t he1e is one table l aw abou t which all ed· " Alas l wh y lB there no sleep to be ICS:NSED AUCTIONEER for the County be wor n after the bath during the morning , s1stles· force , cur lmg the hot metal round pers ons are agreed, it is, that our meals sold?" Sleep was not in the market an any It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, and ad d warmth as well as save t he fresh- and 10und on it s drum neatly and smoothly , should be tak en at stated and iegular per· quotat10n. of Durham, Soles promptly attended Managed by and solely In the interests of and as easily as one of J ordan-Marsh's girls 10ds. People may differ about vegetan anAddres8-Hamvton P, o. 69, ness of the slip for afternoon. B,tcon said t hat money is " like muckthe Policy holders. would wmd ribbon. So the coil is formed, ism, about sweets, abou t pies and cak es, not m uch use unless spr ead" It is nothing WILJ;U.lU 'WI GHT. whether for the breech piece 01 the body of about tea and coffee ; bu t I ha ve never met to him who does not know how to use it I t s R ates a r e Low. Helpful Hmts. ICENSED AUC'fIONEER for the the gun, or for its Jacket This agam is a per son who would ins ist t hti.t r egularity wisely, and on t he other hand poverty is R emove flower-pot st a ins trom window cooled, a nd aft er a while is County of Durham. Orders left at the Polleles n on for fei.table and uneon ·Utional. noth mg when it is not felt. If you mix was of no consequence-that it was just as SHT.ESMAN office or for warded to Tyrone P.O. sills by l'Ubbmg with fine wood a shes and Cash Honus i'a itl ever y thr ee ye ars, m ,FINJ·,D 110E. WELDING well to t two meals t o-day and five t o- with people better off than yourself. you feel wllll receive promvt attent ion. 28:6m r inse with clean water. undor the ha mmer. morr ow, to dillner at one o'clock to poor ; but it may be only by con t, for S. 4). JllJNIUNG, G rained w oods should be washed with Y ou ought t o see t his W oolwich hammer. day, three to-moirow, and £ ve next day. pei lrnps you do not really want mor e t han J oin!; Life Policies. I CE N SED AUC'r IONE ER FOR cold t ea, and t hen, after bemg wiped dry, It weighs for ty t ons sheer weight , and when Without unclerst andiug the p hysiological you have. In one of In s st on es a well- Though a double rLsh bu t one premium is pai rubbed with lins eed oil. known writer describes the effect upon a poor th e County of Durham. Sales attended it drops it falls forty feet on to a block t hat I,iw, all axe agreed t hat r egularity 1s impor for two people , .A.mount of policy drawn teacher of a l egacy of £ 1,200 a ye,w S ud to on sh ot test notice and lowest rates . .A.drlress Let all girls have a share in housekeeping rests on piles, massive mti.sonry and enoun- taut. Oo1mncx P o. 36:tf on first deat h. at home before they marry ; let each super - ous quanti~1es of iron Between two gr eat A long journey by r ail does n ot derange clenly the cot tage h e has lived in for so m ti.ny shafts this ha mmer is sus pended, a solid the st because of sitting in an unven- years, seems to have gr own too small- t he GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO intend s ome department by turns Avoicl a rich mixed diet for childr en, it block, which , driven from above by si,eam, t1lat ecl car, for t he traveller, may occupy a furniture looks old and worn. Claire had S~oia l Inducements to T otal A bstaMw!n, _ every man who buys his Licenae from taxes then· d elicate digestive organs, and and ga th errng impetus as it falls st r1k es still w orse place i n t h e pursuit of his busi- never r emarked the fact befo1e, but she now EflliNRY SYLVESTER, Enniskillen. ca uscs inflammatory con ditions to ensue. w1th a fo1ce of many h undr ed t ons. .A vet- ness at home; neither is it because of the perceived clearly that there was no longer A.SSETS OVER $5,ooo,ooo.· Pia.nos Tn.ned and Repaired.' If tho wall about tho stove has been eran workman has charge of this massive character of t he food furnished at the rail- any possibility of tracing the pattern of the 11\'(;0ME OTE.R $1,000,000 smoked by the stove, cover the black patches hamme1 . He st arts and drops it by a touch way lunch rooms, for the food at home is carpet, that the cm tains were dingy, the of t he chairs faded, t he tabl e Iick ARTIES WISHING 'I:HEIRPIANOS wit h gum-shellac and they will not strike of his thumb and finger. I saw an open often w orse ; but the stomach d erangem ent coverings $100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern face watch clown on the block ; the.n which nearly always comes wit h t he long oty. " '.l'he poor old furnit ure !" said Claire, Tuned or repaired can ha..-e thorn attended through either parnt or calcunine. ment tor benefit of Oanad1an polioy holders. I) by lea vin g word at the DOMINION ORGAN . he dropped the ha mmer, and h e stopped it railway trip is, in great part, to be traced " must they go ? Yet it is frightfully .Do's 01rFICE, Bowmanvllle A ftrst-ole.s man Lamp w.1cks shou~d be chang~d often , JUBt in time to break t he crystal- and no- to irregularity in tho times of ea t ing. In a shabby ."- " T ho p01son is ea ting mt o our ow being in their emllloy. enough t o msure havmg a goocl hght. If thmg more. T hey call this last oporat10n of recent trip, we took breakfast the ftrst morn· souls," her father went on with deeper INVESTED IN CA.NA.DA., $600,000,00. ~hey . seem clogged t~ey may be wash.eel tho furnace the "great h eat," and a.bout ing just after daylight, next morniug, at gloom. " For twenty years and more I So Do! Gennemen otFash· 111 stiong suds and put mto the lfj,mps agam, every monarch there is in Europe has seen half-past mne o'clock, the next at seven, and have thought this lit tle salon a model of READ OFFICE IN C.ANADA.:- MONTREA.t A young babe should not be fed more fre· it, JUSt as I did yest erday. While I am so with the other meals ; only one day we goocl t ast e. Claire, when we go into a large For pa.rtioulars refer to ion, not so Cast. qontly than oncE. m two hours, an~ by the wondering what they thought about it, the had no dmner at all. When w e r eached house, we will keep t he old furniture all in time it is three months old, _once m three furnace to be emptied is flaring with im- our destination we were all suffering from a room by itself, whither we may go and reE; L. LIVINGSTONE, I h&ve writte11 tbeFe few lines, hours is preferable. A cluld is not hungry patience. Through the inter stices of its indigest ion; some wer e conscious of no dis · mind ourselves of t he past. If w e are rich, GENERAL .A.GENT, &.nd all Chave to say every time it nestles and frets. groat door blue, red and purple flames are ocmfor t in t he stomach, but not one of us we must never forget that we wer e once That you o!l.n l!.nd me still at home, POR'l' HOPE poor and happy." butter stamp should always be washed leaping out. escaped the dullness and depression of spirits A I am not gone away. Or to agents throughout the county, !l.8-6s e. So all mv kind old friends may oome, in cold salt water before it 1 s used. If A HUGE CRANE SWINGS. which comes of imperfect digestion. Among for Others. And a ll the young ones, too, ~oaked in ho~water th~ butter ..will ,stick to round a pair of pincei s, at the end of wh ich the t able-l aws this one of regularity is pre And get their garments nicely it, but never if soaked m coldlbr m e. The s~lt ti. d ozen Bntons cluster . The door rises a eminently important. On our At lant ic coast there st ands a quiet Cn fa.sbione tba.t aro new; Where old and you ng, dellr friends, ma:y meet ~bsorbed by t he wood keeps 1t m01st while little, t ho white light blinds us, and al- · little farmhouse which was once the scene A welcome greeting, by R. PEA.TE though I am at least twenty yards away. Hints. of a long, heroic struggle, never r ecorded m use, · per son fi hist ory. wenty T o Save stair carpet s nail severnl thick t h e heat burns my face uncomfortably , ·when a consumptive "mls a clim- in any · db M T Bl k years ago f it was t . 1 t h h' occup1e lY· t rs. nesses O f Old c1u pet or canvas over the edge Water is thrown m to t he awful ?,ap, and a t e w h 1c 1 ag rees w1 1m, h e s 1 i ou ld s t ay t. 11 t anI , a woman o g1·ea their prey. The hu"e I ueauty anc Ill e ec ua powt-Jr, Of eac h stair. It is a good pla n t o buy more then the men -nerceive "' there so long as ie lives. A ft er h er h usb an d ' s d eat h , s1 · ed ie r emam car pet ing than i s needed to cover the stairs arms p ar t and,., fir mly close, the door i ises GoITE.E - Fill a bag large enough to cover throughout t ho year in t his countr y house. and mo" e it each season so that t he whole to its fullest exten t, a clash of tho mane w ill wear evenly. If stair carpets cannot be gear , a shout from t he men and out it comes, the hypertrophy with chloride of sodrnm, One day a dissolute woman, m rags and changed in t his way t hey will not we11r near- easily and softly, a monstrous coil. 'l'ho moisten t his an d lnnd around the t hroat be - bloated wit h drin k, came t o t he door begly so long. crane swings .abou~ and pl,tces it on end fore retiring. Take four times a cl..y three ging. Mrs. Blank inquired into her history, \ ~ Unappr oached for Meat fed children 8,re cross, and i rritable, upon_ t he auv1!. 'Ihen the hammer falls, grains of a good goitre powder. We have found that she had some feeble wish to re~ ==y Tone and Quality. th I d fl b th I cureu several cases with this t reatment in form, to " be like other women again. " She l k 1 I aud quar1clsome. M eat once a day is sufli- s ia mg e so i ?Or enca us, Cl us u ng from two to four months. took t h e woman m , clothed her, gave her sient; t he other meals should consist of milk t he rnd hot mass rnches down at a blow, wo1k. CAT ALOG!JiES FREE,. toast cracked wheat gtaham gcms oatmeal weldm g its coi ls together so that they can Dr. Chas. Pickney was asked what h e WITHOUT TRBl'll WIT iJ TEETH. part. But the 1lls1de hollow has been t hought of the allopathetic and homeopathic The woman hroughther companions Mrs. gl~te'u frm t frmt p~ddmgs milk ' and such never T ~ T 1W' "iW' k l d t f h b th' · med' · "For t y mne peopI e Bl,mk ieceived e1,,,"ht of them. Her means lli JJA L' JI. .RJll J!il. food. Eggs, fish ,1nd fish balls are better · noc 'e ou o s ape Y is process, so, prac t ice m 1cme 3 neen xeduced to its pro- out of every fifty who are sick would get wcte s1t1all. '.l.' o en~ ble her t o do this thmg, ' ' ' even t han meat and should be eaten e.t wh en t he t ube has 1 rnA.tVTI(;A.L DENTIST. br eakfast; the od1e1 meab being far~naccous. per l:ngth, a solid mand r1l is deftly slipped well without medicine, but the fif tieth would she was forced herself to d ress coarsely, to !>VER ·rw:e:NTY YlllARB EXP.ERIENO:e:, . . betwixt the hammer and the iron. For t wo die. Homeopathy does, perhaps, less harm hve on the plainest fare, to share in t he N 1~rfHts Oxlde Gns ..ldmlnlsteretl Corl"alnleg . A very excellent caunmative powd~r for or three blows t h e con tracted coil attemps t o t he forty-nine t\.<J,n t,llopathy, b ut a llo- work of her mmates. Foi eighteen years mfon t s sub Ject to colic, may be kept m the resistance, b ut it gives way, and t he man- pathy has to come in to save the fiftieth she C'1nicd on this charity, always keeping Operaiion~. ~10usc and p1epa1ed 1!Y the nurse 01 mothe1 ; dril slips to its base, as into butt er. 'l'hen el ow hex house full. Many of the women w er e _o _ ~_ IF_ I_ c_ E _ ,_ _ _ _ __M _ CCJl',lT NG'S £LOCI . it consists of £v~ gr ams of 011 of amsecd and t he great pincers are used agam, and rt . . broltght back to decency and respectability; two of peppen~mt on half <t~J ounce of lump drops t he mass on its side, where again it IS L oYe s cough mixture is made t hus . One some of t bem even to a r eh "IOUS hfe VETERINARY SURGEON, sugar r:ub.bed m a mortar with a drachm of battered and st ruck a ll ronnd T he in egu - pint bottle Hoff s n~alt ex.tract ; best whisk y She labored to help each one, as· if she ~agnesm m to a fine pow~er. A small,qu~n- la1ities caused by all this hammering at e s ix ounces ' g lycerrne, six ounces ; JUICe ?f Iwere her own child. But she was often detity of t his may be given m little water wit h afterward re d b th I I h· six lem_ ons ; cr;ished sugar , two o~mces; mix ccived by imposters; many of the women good r esults. . alr eady men~i~::ed, r nd e tl~e~n~h~s ~Ulla~: a nd boil ten mmutes. The dose 18 from one went back to a hfe of crime; still morn w ere Honorar y Graduate of Ontario Vet erinary " I nfantile c onvuls1ous usually accompany made by other machiner y. teaspoonful to tw~ ta.blespoon!uls eveiy two ungrateful. As t ime passed , too, her friends College, will attend to all diseases teething, indigest10n, whooping cough, fevor t hree honr.s. The above 18 commended urged her to come back ro t he city agam ; of domestie ammals. by D r. Love, m the Weekly Medical R eview, 1to lead ,\ life of ease ,_ind enJoyment in the er s, wor ms, mdeed, any disease that causes a reflex action upon the brain. ·when a clnlcl Glaciers in Alaska. as a most excellent general cough nuxtui e. socwty and pt~rsuits for "'.lnch ·he was sui~is seized with convuls10ns act p romptly. Ther e are six h undred glaciers in Alaska BrsMUTH h'OR BURKS - Cleanse t he parts ed. But she persevered 111 her work until Get the child into hot water as soon as pos- in nearly m·ery instance having greater d i- t hoi ouo-hly with warm cai bolized water her death , about a year ago. A SPEC I A L TY. R. N D E N l D 8 1suble; do not wait to re move its cl othing, p ut mansions than those of Switzer land T hose Punctu~e large vesicles. ' Powder t he burn j :Molokai, one of t?e Swnd wich Islands, as C· H A ' · · it into a foot-tub or a child's tub nearly full 1 glacio1s extending d own from the ] 'air - wit h bismuth, cover t his with a thick layer 1 om I eadeis know, is set apa1 ·t a.s 11 Home Graduate oft be R oyal Colleg e<f Dental of water , as hot as can be sltfoly borne, sup- weather gr oup, and from the lesser heigh ts of absorbent cotton, a nd apply a bandage. f~r Lepe1s Five year.sago, a young p~1est, Calls and Oi ders by mail or telegraph Surgeons, Ontario. poitiug it on your two lMnds. A dd from guarding t he bay ar e six in numbei. T hey If t he mJnry be extensive, mix the bismu th ]ather Da1~1en, left !us home and friends will r e cei ve prompt a ttention. OFFICE OVEit DICK:::!ON'S STORE time t o time as much hot water as t he hands are it little more th an fifty miles in length, wrth water, llnd paint over tho part. Tin s and gave buuself up to wor~ among t hese CHARGES MODEltATE. will !Jcai. K~ep the ch ild in the water and at a pomt of contract with t he bay are peumts uniform distribution of a minimum I people, eYery one of whom IS marked fo1· a OFFICE HOURS, 8 TO 10 .A.. M . t () LD FILLING A SPECIAL until 10laxation of t he nmscles is produced, three miles wide, an d have a solid face above quantity and lessens t he dan.,.er of bismuth ' sl ow and Ml ful death. P.ate Work exec uted in t h e latest and mosb and have blankets heated meanwhile and the water of two h undred feet with pinnacles I p01sonmg Oni'e applied the dressinrr should I For some time he was able to return for A tlrst·c!Ms stock of Medicines always on hand. i mproved etyle o f the Denta l Art, ieady t o wrap t he b.1by m." of spire-like design r ism g from fifty to one not be disturbed except' to remove :ny pus a yearly v isit to h is family and home, but '.rEETH EX'l'R.AOTE D WITHOUT PAIN h nnd1ed feet above the more solid mass. and then as little of the bismuth should b~ last sp1 ing a farewell let ter was received N. B. - W ill vlSlt Williamsburg eve ry . -.~ t . to!th Unclerne,tth these great cakes of ice .md r emoved as possible. from h im. 16-ly 1 "It is impossible," he wrote, "for me t o Saturday of each week. bythemeofVita.lizec, wi....,ou JurY e Choice Recipes. snow the mate1 ials const1t ntm g the gl,1cier patient. Particular attention m to the reguC H T l16 f 0 11 I lll.tion of Ch1ldien's Teet 11. HAM CRoQUEl'TES.- One cupful of fine- and which piled together in t he wildest . HAPP~D . A:'.'IDS. ~ owmg ,~er.y go any more to Honolulu, as the leprosy has of disorder, runs a hvmg stream of wa ter, s imple m rection IS recommended. 'lo brok en out m me. Now t hat I am satisfied ~11AA!itM'il®"'ll111"'0"'!l!'>!:l"":&~ ~ALL WORK WARRANTED - - ly chopped cooked ham, oue of bm1d crnmbs, k tl 1 ct t i tl h 11 l two of hot mashed potatoes, one lar ge ta- coursmg through tlus darkened passage wit h 01~P ' re rn,n 8, smoo 1 10Y 8 ou c a ways as to t he true char acter of mv chsease, I am · blespoonfnl of butter, thi ee eggs, and a t he rnmble of a thousand carts. Escaprng be n nsecl ~n fan watci after soap has been more calm, and am resignicl and happy speck of cayenne. Heat the ham, cayenne, from the ice at l~st, it boils upwitrd from used It 1 ~ ~ell 00 use soap imd soft warm ' among my people. " butter, and two of the eggs into t he pot< beneath t he glacier fron t, then mingles with watei, a>oiclmg, however, the use of ye! -' There he rem.1ms, a d mmistering conso· or bbar the co_lor.ed cas : la tion to the member s of tins wret ch ed L et t lie mixtur e cool slightly, aud tli en t he ·.vatern of t he b,1y and flows off to the low t1 t tsoap, andt «lso h t b sea The constant wear of the sunless u ve1 1 e ; u 0 preveu roug ucss 1 is!!' so- ·colony, more than ever devoted to the work l · R 8 RUSE. mpc rnto croquettes. oll in t he breitd- acting with all other causes, forces I,1rne l_ntely nec.esso.ry the hn.nds should oe nnsed I of t he Master uow that he, like themselves, crumbs, dip in beaten egg, and a.gain Ill -ft f t d tl d tl l ien ma o !OJ oug 1 '. is living unclor the shadow of a terrible masses of ice to break a.way from the main Ill s o ' au Wti. er, an EACHER OF ORGAN, PIANO, b VOICE and THEORY 'l'erros on apph· crum s ; put ill tho frying basket and plunge body. and as they fall a roar as though a ly ~lry c:n the towel. Aml it IS well to doom. Who, better than such a man, could cation at "Brn 21)," 28;1y ~~td :e~~~~t~tt. Cook two minutes, dram, hundred cannon were discharged wakes the avoid gomg out 111 th e cold directly after J inspire t hem with hope aml confidence in an · · · echoes, and gr eat columns of water leap up- washmg. A. proper observance of these I immortal bfe free ft om t he spots and t aints I Goon BREAD - Pare and boil soft six po· ward >'gainst the frozen clifls, and add directro~s will always keep the hands l which in this lower worlcl affect both body tatoes in two q uarts of water, strain th1ough ther eby to thell' bulk smooth. ! and soul ? This man and woman belonged to a colander bo1lmg hot on to one cup of fl our; EFl'ECTS OF FEA.R.- Twclvo years ago, in sects of widely d1flcringcrecds. But surely, stu well, and w hen cool add one yeast France, a poor woman was bitten by IL dog , ' they who have thus given t heir lives to their Johnnv was Jealous. cake soaked in warm water. Keep it warm undoubted ly rabid, ~ear Notre Dame, and fellow-men arc togethe1, very near to that feSSlTIO" until it is hgh t, t hen stir it well and keep it "Mr Ligh thead, " said Johnny,' my sis- taken to the Hotel Dien, where t he wound Saviour who is the Eide1 Brother a nd H elpt> in a cool place until morning. Then stir it ter t reats you bet t er 'n she does m e." was at once caute~ized .. Several months er of us all. into t he mid dle of your t ray of flour (a dding "Does she, Johnny?" asked L igh thead, after she was recogm zed m the street by a ·t warm water enough to make the desu ed wit h a laugh. " "\Vhy do you think so 'I" student who had seen her under t he oper- 1 Dr. Fei nanclez, of Barcelona., r ecommends Ne-wspa p e l" Advor tis ing But'e:o.u, quantity of bread ), add a litt le salt and cov" Well, I heard her tell ma she gave you ation. "Hullo !" he exclaimed, " you are th e hypodermic injectwn of cobra p oison for 10 Spru c e St., Ne-w York. er the top of this ba.tter with flou r, and keep lots of taffy, but she never gives me any, " not d ead? The d og wh ich bit you was the cm e of hydrophobia, Send iOcts. toll 100-Pa~e Pa.rnphlet. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN M. A.JAMES, HOUSEHOLD. it warm until it crn.cks the flour and i_?ams up through. Then add flour and ix up stiff and let it rise aga in. Then knc td up into loa ves, put mto pans, let it nse · gam, not t,oo light, and bake one hom ver carefully. C· CORN S·1'ARCH, Br,ANC-MA~GE, AND ·;HO OLATB SAUCE.- Twke two tablespoou .. ls of cor n starch and mix with cold milk very smooth ; warm to boiling pomt two pi nts of milk , in wluch some lemon rmd, suga·, a nd a few drops of essence had been pul . and pour into the corn starch withou t the lemon peel, while sturmg all t he time Lili sunmer a few minutes while stn liug, awl pour mt o ii' s hape 1\'l elt a little f tesh bu~l c1 m saucepan, stir m half a sp oon of co111 flom n.nd some chocolate finely scraped , wit h sugar to t aste ; pom in wa1m milk, s l 11ring all th o time, a nd beat up with t ho yl lk of an egg. H aving turned out the blanc 111ange at ser ving, pour th e chocolat e sauce over it. HEALTH. I °, I. . LA S, M I I MILLINERY ~1~~~e ~~:aJ!~n~~;l~~h:;s ~ d~~~;1 ~~esw: J~~fting as:~~:bl~cl~~r;nake arrang~· 8 R BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL UF E ASSURAN C E L L L A P " DENTISTRY . 'DR AC O BE ' ' ' BELL & C 0. Guelph, Ont. ! I r. A. JO ES, I I ENNI SK I LLE N , 'I Op erations & Dentistry MUSIC .. s." w . T Id can 1 earn t h e exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTISERS ·· · A · j vertls1ng ln mencan Ia d · papers by ad G eo · p · R owell & Co

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