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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Mar 1887, p. 7

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lllllllHl~llif!ll.lilll'l!lilllil'liilllil!DS~~~~~~~~lm~~~lJ!WUillll'~I. I Pa11s Is said to consume nearly 50 tons of A THRILLING EPISODE ENAClllD fl1 IH~ snails m a season R OCKY MOUN'.lAINS T he L ond on Specta,tor says that war be WEDNESDAY MARCH 2.'I 1887 tween Aus tria and Russia R.pproaches f 1st The pomt selected for the race was one LOVE AND VENGEANCE AMONG THE SMUGGLERS. Agents for the Ge man Go\ ernment have of the deepest gulches on the most prec1p1t purchased 200 horses m Ireland at a high ous mountam within a iadms of t'" enty TnE MOST FASCINATING OCEAN ROMANCE SINCE THE DAYS OF miles, and 1t 1s not ,m exaggeratwn to say CoorER AND MARYATT pnce the mchne of the course was cc1ual to 45 de CATAIUUI - A. n ew treatment has been dis T he Belly R iver is reported frnzcn to the g,rees 'Ih e length was 2,600 feet by mefl... covered whereby a permanent cure of this CHAPTER XXXII -(CONTINUED) of the sea cave they looked as desperate a set bottom lil many places '.Ille ice IS frnm surement, for the start mg pomt was JUSt at hitherto mcurabled!sease is absolutely atretct· ,, ld d G b d h of ruffians as the world could exhibit two to three feet thick all over it the nppet end lmes of two full mmmg ed in 1.rom one to three apphcations no marter Once agam uera an race a e eac There was not one of all that ahip s com f fi d d .1 ti t f ti "h b k ' 1 1 whetherstanU.mgoneyearor fortyyears d hie othergoodbyeandthenthcpohcesunound pany now th:lt Martm and Joseph were An expos1on o re amp occurre ma ca11ns, a11u HJ eunmuso ie og ac remedy is only app 1cd once iu twelve, ed t heir prisoners, but the warm heart of I gone,' who nught not, had snmgglmg been colliery 11ea1 J'l.fons m Belgrnm, which en before referred to, the centre of which was and does not interfere Des< rip capt am M ocquet was not Sat 18fied H e ran j their only offense ha\ e stood up R.S an an tombed 140 mmeis, n one of whom can be 400 feet f10m the lower end Imes of t he Ceipt or stamp by t f with busmese. tive ree onKmg re ' tak en out alive cl 11ms m cit estion lJnder the a!!reement .A, Hp1imphletsen Dixon & Son, 300 street, w est ' P to (' ... eiald and emb t a.cctl h un. gel of light m companson w1tn what he ~ T t c a da "Be bi ave, mon ch er Gerald I shall really was 1he development of the Cascade coal Peterson, a Swede, W«S to enter the gulch aron anWnu IS CA ramm~ 1 1 ti fight wid Monsiem Tickle, by gar ' And as And Dolan was the worst of all His car mmes near B u.nil, N W T i s bemg , 1gor 1,000 feet above the line where the tunbct 1·1e dail" output Catarrh lB a do.ngerotls dlSf\aBll wh1yanffertn1< c i lOUB d e pi O\ erb A ng]a!Se says of !1 Im s eIf ·A eor from first to last, long before he had ously p·· shcd, ant' t1 will ceases t o grow, aud after talnng h is position , nconsc10ua '1 ·1 l ands are Yor u "'V soo11 reach five !1undred tons directly Iri the path of the shde, or ava from It conscious d1so hurge ca use d 1ong l ane l S a1ways t urning ' ornc 1ucIt anythmg to do with the Ritt, had been one 1 s a muco·purulcnt by the presence of a vegetable parasttc m the next time, let us hope al wa) s tou3ours of lawless vwlence and outrage toVI aicls any Inform ttwn has been received at Ottawa lttnche, as 1t can mote properly be called, 0 1n ii:,.m '.!u~eesro·brroai:_en~~~t~d ~~t~ or\1ti e ~]~~~Pt~~ Acheu !" thmg that had even the rnmblance of nght )OU" J thn.t the umety claya qu,wantme enforced b) was requued to s t ·rt the snow Tlus was P ~ l tb , m poi>on Ad · dM tl d h d k f th t Ther >ms a shout of apprnval at this the State of l·al!S,"S ag,·tust cattle Imported easy enough, as · stick or giant powder was bolt1gsyhptehd1l1csormpuesrccluerovf ttuoxbeo~~~. fr~~ ..~be roton " ieu' sai aric, gen y An no'" int e a" ness o a sea cw rnopos1t10n, anu then olle vowe said fron1 C"n ·d" h ~ a· b"ccn r~i·ed all he nee<ted It looked hke a tallow candle "Police " said the a dmiral e1n-for the huge sa.1ls were drawn clos&ly " · l b cl h d ~ d I d k "vVhy don t you come with us captam?' w1appec up m rown paper, an t e i ca t!on of the 'effete matter of the skm, snppiessc d persp1rat10ns, badly ventilated sleep.nv. apart· "Yo", su over the openmg-he stoo upon tie ec "Because I have some busmess he1e I It is understood t hat Sir Charles Tupper was to explode it , the tremendous v1brat1011 lD "Be sme · -cou take ~ good care of that fellow of the Rift, lool,mg somcthmg like the arch VI ill a tlie d··iti f Hiu! Com of the au st1 l gernuna t iOn Of Other n01eons 18 still perfo1 111in "' men ts an d tie " ~ · es 0 "' 1 11tmg the shel e I ts a common 001110 and JO!ll you overland, but I will tbhreanbeloofdthelnrr1tates'levbeyrt1 heoaadeyt~~;m;~.;-:1~g:, Thomas \Vught He will be vut 111_.Jon lus 1 fiend lmn~clf, gathe1 mg about hun lns famil come "ith you, foi I ,1111 serid the tieasuie miss10nci, £md th11t uothrng has been clone thrng to start slHles m that way, 1111d it 18 oath to morrow and if he so much as S'1 ears 1ais md' \ssoc1ate~ t t cl )poi11t1 g h hon of the parasite which ramdlY sproacls up 1 che~t with you ' ye owar s a1 n is successor often resor t ed to by men who have steep O T he h 0 <Yht from ·eveml torches, stuck mto T rafi~ the nost11ls 11n<l U.own th CJ fauceB r back of to the shghtest that is not tme I w1l piose "Ay, ay '-that »il l do 1c on t h e anad ian u raClfi c railway mountams lirl es to cI nn b or gul ch es to uoss the throat causrng nlcera.tion of the throttt up c ,1te him for perJury if it cost me a thousand clefts lll the cliff shed a ltuicl kmd of lustie "I lmve lll'111' little ··ffaus to settle m has been aer10usly mterrupted m British I Well, to get ale 11g with t he story, Peter tho eustacinan tub~s. causmg deafness bu,.. ponncls over tl1e <fork, l eavmg water and on the " I rowmg m the vocal cords cansmg hoa1 seneHS \V 1 t l 11 il I lfl k f I regard to some ot the cottfcges wl11ch I want I Columbn by freshets m the mountarns 0 on got ont m tlu gulch all ught banked usurpmg the prouer struc,ure of the brnnchial T1 iomas ng 1 ' as \e ca c mnse 00 hull, coidage and br .iled sai1s 0 t le Clttter to sell , t hen there 1~ my little dauglttc1 Six men wlule clearmg the track wcr e hrn sh oeo md then pl aced his feet lil t he tubes m pulmonary consumpt1011 and eel I ther camwerous it this and as he was That lt.;ht, too, shone npon t he fierce and Grnce 1want10 see placed somewhere where smothered by a snow slide st1aps His n ext move was to d1aw the d. th removed m custody ho muttered to lum we1thet woin, as well as c1mte wo1n, conn d e~a~y mgen!ous spe1flcs for for the cu~e o! self tcnanccs of the puate crew, and upon Do she will be taken c cte of .Aduces i ece1vec1 by the depa1tment of giant p owder ft om his boot 1eg an adJust catarrh have been mvented but without sue"I wish I hadn t come and tlolle it foi Ian, all auppmg with salt waoer, as he was Dolan a"am tried to look sentimental, Agncnltur.e give prnspects that t he rnflux of the cap and fuse He c hd it as le1smely as cesa until a physician of long stanclmg discov d and agam ~ome of the crew laughed, and eimgrants f10m E urope to Canada will be if preparmg to fire an 01 drnary blast, and to ered the exact nature of th diaeaee and the Do!tin, though he did gl\'e me hfty }JOUn s stanclmg upon the deck of the cutter L c1 c1 h b t d th ht th fift t to b I d only appliance which will porma.nently destroy and promised m e fifty mme I WISh I had l'hey crowded up the sides of the Rift like wnen tney 1 so e i 1ns 11p r-n oug greater this veal than evc1 befoie 'Ihe e y or s1x y men " 1 io s oc1 e OVI an the pi-rnsite no 11attei how aggmvated the done the honest th · 1g and mu a.way wlth 00 many spectree, and then they stood about to 1 11mself J 1ash is expected to begm early 111 Apnl watched him, all of whom knew he was talr case Sufferers should send sttam~ a.~ 0 O~~: his fifty nound and not come here at all <l h h f vVa1 t a lnt-oh only wait a bit' \ ng a trememlous nsk m even ventmmg for descr!pl1ve pamrih'et on ca arr r I j mi 8 ips' w i 1 e at, upon a sma11 r usec1 "And the boy~' 'cned ono \ A tea werchant from J u.p"'n who 13 at nto the gulch so soon after the storm, it busmess mana11.ers A H Dixon & Son, 300 I sh 111 only get mto a scrapeaces t 1rnt as p01t10n of the decl,, was Dolan, and tney him v.ith ) ou, I ad\Tlse, by ,\ I present m Ottawa states that a.a soou as the sccmen as If he were tr) mg to hauow their 11 1 Caa11dianPac1fic ioute becomes known to the feelrngs Kmg street weRt Ioronto, Canuda. phm as a c,,ptaui I does could see by his pale face and compressed means that you take !um with you That What the Rev E B S~ve7son B ~j~~ Then Captu.m Mocc1uet made another sim1 lips that he hu.d somethmg to SdY is wh I want to ask you to do Take him tea merch!\nts of Japan 1t will completely Piesently hrn nght arm flew backwaid, ~~~~ (£~~~1{'g}'g~~~ad~~ h~~i7~es~y ,i:, 1 egard lar bow and put his daughter's arm beneath In silence they gathered about him Don't hM c his death 1,t any of your doors 1 supersede the route for tea shipment via the 1 and all understood that the race had be<>un To A H Dur:on &: Sons New Ti eatment for lus as he said 0 thit mustt tnott i D10w be foigotten '"hatdwl 1S foi he is but a bo) Take him to mgh~ Suez cana.l In a moment the deton thou reach eel us,"'and (J~r' '·· "Adieu, mes 1ems, adieu 1 I sh ill do e exac s a e o1o.n VI as mas regarc1e us I h R f d h E d t t cl l 11 b , t ti d-1 ~' o t c d 1\l[arcli 17 1883 ti f 1 f 1 rend Gerald I shall do 111tclli~eilce of ,,,hn' h"'l 0 n 111 red 111 relation with you rn t e i t, u.n w en ) ou got m normous es rue 101,1 an oss w1 e at trie s,urie rn~ aut we saw w su ucn move ' n & Sni ana a, 'h ,., sometlnng some im15 ] have my not thmk t o C gtam M ocque ,, "t' ~Gera Id G race .. ,,. t m 'I the Nm th Sea' seurl him aclnft m one of caused on both theL Canadmn and American ment of the nnmeuse bod) of snow Messrs v«klans A 1f. Di:con t t of now, but it l f t St b th fl l I p d at t t he b , DEAR Sms Yours of tho l3th 1ns o ai,.. 8 h 11 b 1. Adi u 1 l1 ' ' ' the small boats, and do a 1ythrng you hke sit es o nc av. rence y e ooc s head of the gulc l etc1so~1 seeme o e 08 t t 00 ood to be true ) It seeeduole d l that I am a e ~o'nCtmng c an~~h ose1 f ti f h with him but t ake lnn with von to mght ca used hy cbe ice 3am, which extenils .f1 om m 1t, but it was only \ dclusto11, fo1 he came d f Caatna'r r h b,1 tg[ 1, 110 w tb. 0 t I a.m I "My clear Aclmnv,l Clifford,' sa1cl Mr J.. e '" 1 101 e o iose persons so ai as e ' , I Cnr 1 " k new were m tl1e caveins anct' sub JCCt e d t o 'OOd '-vei an t o t a point ten ie 'lYING DOl?N '.llIE GULOH have had no retmn of the disease,w and never ;:>uf!:lcs l "Veiy "' by well' , su.1cl one, I Cro1l s 1 Tl f miles t b up h t 1 I 1 1 telt better m my hfe I have tried so many "Well "ll ' h 18 ' " n t theie s a ict e o 3cct10n iiver rn vrn er is mnc ee a ove 1g i t i th t f l d t Th 1 1 0 ve1001 Y 0 a rm roa d uch and for ' ~ mercy "Ob t 1 water mark m t he flooded dis trict " ram e ff h 1 things for Cato.rr au16ere dsot0 m 1 that "Ha 1 ha I It's a good Joke you know The ruffian had to receive the blo'" wluch " T 3ec !On , ,, a.v 1lu.11chc was beh1ml hm1 and i ushmg 0 i a.:e.;1f..J~a~~t(:rat it ha.r iea ize but you really don t metin to 'remand me; a k nowledge of their escape would give to l' cs captam' hos not to be found A special cablegram to the p ress says along with m1ghty power and speed We I consider that mine was a very bad case,tft y 011 see adnural, th \t there is no°' 1dence ' him P,olan staggered ,,, Lloyds committee has consented to brmg I all re,ihzed that if the man lost a mo> e, or was aggravated and chronic, mvclvmg ~ ~ "I beo- your pa:rdon 'said the heuten,mt There was the1efore-w1th a convwt10n Not to-be-found before the EnJhsh uuderwnters the com I clrn.nged his com se a han s b1eadth his doom 1 8 1 8 ~~~c;~~ii~t.,:~1;tl~ re~~r:t~! th~:~s~;0e:t;:nta "I overheard you mv;te those m the boat to of power to be brutal and murderous 1f ho "No· he off, nd Miss Grace, too plamt of the Montreal Board of Trade tha.t 'ms sc iled \Ve stood m br:athl~ss hmror but I feel fully cured by tl1e two neut me. and smuggle hked- upon h1~ countenance a gleam of When we found you were away, and when I that shippmg port is much miured by the as the ro 11ring sound of the mighty a\ o.laucho I am thankful that I was over mduced to send "Oh, that was iromcillly t" tnumph mt ferncity that was ternble to some of the fellows satcl you weie not com I p1esent rule compellmg trtms1cnt ships to reachcdotll cars and as we saw the unmense to rou t 1 b t t 0 e this lettor statmg ~ he beutemi.nt shook lus head lool, nvon mg back, ~e had a good hunt tluough all leave the St Lawrence bef01 e September 30 white cloud down with the flcem g th!~¥:~~: b~e:rcKred~~t two treatments and "Very "VI ell," s.i.1cl Mr Su files, "then "My gallant crew," he said , "my noble th~, ~h~s each year man i nst before 1t By the t nnc h alf the I shall gladly recommend your iemedy to some I shall bnng an a~t10n ' fellows, who have "\\1th me bmvecl for so "A d f , th ,, I At Picton N S negot1at1ons m e gomg 1course hatl been r un t h e man was still m t he of my friends who are suffer em "A "lw.t? said M 1 T1ckley long the b1cezes and storms of old ocean, 1\. n d f unu eid g~n~f ti f f on between tho coihei y managers and rep !eat! l3oth racer and raced h ad been gather 1 steh ofivetr file ace °t resentat1ves of the mmers by wluch t h eir mg speed cvc1 y moment, and the pace was h srd)real d ' Yours, withRmaPEY thBl1n~erEvENSON "An action agamst :I ou , sir and who have defacd men and laws-tho D 1in 1u c 1 1 1 EV ' · ~ t d ' 11IH t c tl as ie 1 o f JS1 o 1 us And hundreds of others And w lmt f or, sir ? ' time h as come w I1en, a l ong w1th tiie reward 1 o an t ft ng ' d1fterenccs "VI ill be acl3usted by arbitration mmply tremcu d ous \ "Te a11 un d e1stood tll L ie pa m o us e , as 1 le and it rn believed t he stnkmg mmern wil ' 1f h e con" ,_ f or a t sir · F <al so 1mpnsonmen, of your past exert 10ns, y ou w111 gc t news of 11m cl agarns 1 ~ presene h 1~ et1u11iu11mn "Boo, sir" who isl om fr1en<l and who your foe, and er~~ Tl :M: t 10turn to work ma few da) 8 The st rike few seconds only lns s ,foty would be m 1 1 1 Mt JD~ '9 ~~ ~ ~ \,f U "You may cry 'boo as much as you be tLble, no doubt, to do Justwe to both ' "N11: 18 10 abt1~b0~~n~f..t I should sa ,, has aheady extended over one month and smecl, and as we stood '\I Ith om eyes uvetccl t l i:til IB ~ ~ ~ ii "~ i@l~'ll hl,e, su, bnt LS I can get as much law for a "G l ve us Olll money ' cued a voice 1 ol t ]_ has been mutually dMcst rous upon him it seemed as 1f he \VO ulcl get Haareceived her new stock of. penny as you c11n get fo; a sh1llmg, Id ad "vVho is that?' gr?-;-v cc ow me ~o a c ~uo\ o\ ~ ~ tlnough all nght \Jse you to look out su "Mc-Jem Rathngs Give us our \-Vhy not 'dt. 1bt -why w Y Reports fiom the d1flcrent sections of the But a -hiftmg of the u odv-<· pai hal sway Mr Tickley look~dsenous money '" "Cos he's gone, too 1 McLeod distuct say that the last few weeks mg-and we saw he was i idrng on one shoe 1 1 ".Adm1rn.l ?' "Share ' share I' shouted several others "Gone gone ' -l\fartrn gone?" h ve pulled clown cattle considerably Al f only \ Ve were hornfo d and our faces ""\Yell , "(,n e us Olll shares and let us all separate "Ay I Joseph too , so that there's no though not a great h,we died, still blanched 111 spite of oursoh es for we be "I don't tlnnk, m my own mmd, t h at wh1ce way we please' ·" lookout now on th e old plateau many ire left ma weak condttwn, and if heved Ins death wr.s cc1t~m I~ a moment, 1) them will turn out to be evidence euough to "Come old Dolan ' said one "Lets Dolu.n was forced to tiold to the m<>m ng there should be bac1 weathci l iter on the howcvc1 WC felt rclie' ed fo1 h e rncovcred COlll lCt Mr Sullies " have no flue speech~s' its t he r hmo VI e grn5 fol support, and a feelmg of famtness chances ire th!l.t a goo c l many will go under hunsdf l~agmf.icentl:v' WC sa\\ thn.t bot h "Nor I either want 1 cameo' er him H,,d hm victims, afte1 a ll, I The maJont) of those that h ave died are shoes were clo in Rei vice voam But he hiid t\,~ "Then I thmJ,, adnmal, he had better Dolan's eves gleamed savagely eJudeil lmn? \\as it possible that they had eastern cattle tal,en m last summer I lost tune, aud the b ig wl1 1 to cloud '" as upon 1 wee they onl) hiclm g some S"lt · go "Mates," he added "If you hke now, esc ipen A Blood Indian has l 1tely returned to the I him It was commg w1th the sound of and assortment of "Sn far as I am concerned, MI '1'10klcy, this moment, to have Lhe c:he~ts opened, whe e m the numei ons ~a.imfications of the resene ill a badly frozen co11d1t10u He ie hca' ~ thunder, n.ud t h e d ttk fonn of the 3 1~. /f I do not feel disposed to keep any one who and thcll uch contents d1v1ded among ol~ C!\derns dof the cl~ff ~f1 ~() had ports th11t some more Bloods have been laid I man stood out lll bold relief befoie It but 0 Piss out by the Gros Ventres, near the Sweet I seemmgly hmlcd u.long rn the ve1 y fro;1t of l.VJL is not p ;rt of tho crew of the Rift yon- ' sc eme an striven or' a ter a "Very good Y ou may go, Mr Sn Il les "Yes, yes-open them ' Hurrah ' .All's a1\ ay like a. aream, and were lus victims to I Grass Hills Of co11rse it rs hard to say the re"i>tless bod) A ter11ble rush of Mr Sufflcs darteu ofl on the mo,n~nt, right 1 That will do 1 Yes, yes ' Hoorah " elude !us vengeance? ) whether this report IS to b e believed 01 not, wmd bl1mhn< clouds of sno v soundmg like STtlllt.8': :-Seeon.dUoor We:;' <>f Willlam!l without say mg good bye to anybody "You may " added Dolan, with a yellmg (TO BJ;; CO'fTnUED but 1t is very piobable that 1t rs t rne The 1 enor~1ou~ wa~es beatrng upon tne sho1e!liteher :Stun A few mmutes more and there weie no voice, that sta1 tled them all , "but- but------same Indian stiys th1it the antelope are so Janda.II was over F 01 a moment we stood persons Ill the room but the admual,,and I but- ' STORIES THE SUPERNATURAL poor and weak, from the effect of Lue weath awe stuckcn, for WC were yet unccrtam Captam Morton and Grnce Mo1ton 1hcn I ' What now" growled one er and the g1e it amount of snow, that they I whether om fucnd ],,y bu11ecl under the now the latter 2tepped up to tho admiral and "But\\ hat?" cried several S M<.11 t m, an old c1t1zen of will hardly get out of a mans way , and are I peaceful "h1tc b1llo\; s piled up upon one took h s l and, say m g, a~ she d id so " You will, w1thm the next twenty fom P1ttsbm,s, who died a week ago, predicted therefore easily killed side of the ndgc 0 1 had foLLntl safet} m the "SP, you ought not-) ou cannot d oubt hours, all fall mto the clutches of the la"VI 1' the exact hour of his death M 1cnael Dumas "ho escaped fi om t he I soft snow u pon' the other " Ther e h e 1s I ' '.)F WORTHLESS IlVIITATIONS I here '\\as a hushcn look about them all, Tlnee 1e,mlento of K mderhook say that North\\ ~st .L fte1 the rebel lion m company I shouted one of the palty, aml lll an rnstant of the 11 nocence of poor Gerald As there a' o many .afer10r I do 1 ot, my dc11 Be qmte at ease and they advanced a step neaier t o Captam tbe) met t he 0 host of a deceasEd neighbor with Gabuel Dunwnt, and is ~csidm0 with fifty 01 sixty v01ces '~ore tu.1sod 111 IL gr eat goods oo><1cd wlth JL1te hemp et c ol1e1od11nd tJold about hnn, for to morrow I Inn e no doubt I Dolan ma lonely road near t he village one mght his faunly at St Cnarles neat \Vmmpea I ehe<r that echo"d and re edt0ed along t h e its Coinlrne by some un will clea1 hun I only wish tlmt I lrnd some One and all 1 h e added, " I have been , ocently 11nd h 1d a long end cntertammg chat befo1e the amnesty,\ as grnntcd, was hv~g mountun Side p11nc1 pled morcllants trad near the boundu y, and afterwu.rds ie3orned Antl there he was 01 rathe1 ills legs, and 111g on tbo ieputat1on of I sort 1 of p"s1tive evidence to p10ducc that some homs f·om vou, and durmg those with rt our ~11 Rnn1u.e: Coi: nHne, wou d contrndwt the asse1 t10ns m t he mouth hours I have learnt a:i we want to know to A tall, thm ghost Ins been <~larmmg the his fanuly He gl\ es 1111 mterestmg descnp both of them were moving b,wk and fo1 th we warn tho 111d1os agamst of that Tho1uas Wngl t Dolan lnmself, pu~ us on our gmiid , people h vm g on the out,kirts of West Yoik t10n of the tnp of Dumont a11Cl hnuself from m very lively fash10n, Be had taken a such nnposrt10n by draw to~: condm;ins the ],id 'Vhat is it 1-what I S it ' and se' era! paities of ~ oung men have been Batoche to F01 t Belknap, whwh occupied header mto the snow and sank down almost mg then attont1ou to tho necessity of seemg that tlw Dolan " \V1!1 you have yom mone}, all of you, 01 amzed to 0 m search of 1t One person eleven clays They lived most of the tlIDe to Ins knees We got him out m .i few mm name '.,Yes There IS~ letter and take~ our chances no" at once? I don't 8a~s t hat he If reel a he11.VV chalge of buckshot on antelope they shot dmmg the tup I hey utes, u.ud then he ho\\ 1t all hap 1 "lrom lmn, su want lo hmder you and I don t want to tell mto the 111 stenons visitor at short r,\,Ilge, neve1 saw a wh1te face, as they kept out of pened He said he was rushed upon one It is so You shall read it , and t h en , you wh at will save yom life Mid fortunes, butwithoul etlect the d1st11ct wher.c CIVlhzation was likely to side of the ridge so rapidly t h11t his long ' B stamped on mner side of all Coralme goodB, my dear, you can come to some JU<lgment all of vou if you don't want to listen ' exist After their relcas · by the American shoos did not follow the mchne on the other, about it' "\Ve do- "\\c do 1 A mysterious phantom walks t h e streets authorities Dmnas Vlorked for a t11ne on a but shot straight for ward They left his Without which none fore genUllle. 1 · 1ette to of Seittle between t h e hours of 10 m the umchc at Lewiston, Montana, while Du f eet, and Il6 · 'Ihe a d m1ra1 ga' e G xrace D o1 ans "Oh, you will h ~ve ' our mone" now?" oe.;an tururng somersau 1·...s , with th emost marked " you ha\J e to say nr~ht and 4 m the mormn,~ o:z , and terrifies mont mamtamed lnmsclf by hun1mg Then th roug Il t l10 au , piesently commg d own reacl , w h 1ch ah e d m "No no I Tell us all attention, and the changes ofhe1 oxpressne ·we w ill hear all ' be ated pedestruns It wa~ supposed to be came the offer to JOlll J3uffalo Bills Vi' ild headforemost, as before d escrib ed The featmes aa she did so sufficiently testified "And cut it short, old un t ea1d one a man diessed m 11 h ,;ht sun of clothmg, West Comb1m\t10n which Dumas declmed leap fJom the t op of t he lldge \\as ove1 hfty Continues to do a Genernl Banking Busrneaa the md1gnat10n with winch she regarded "\\Th o 18 that 1' but one mght it pursued and struck " citizen and Dumont accepted Duung his separa feet, but the snow v; as as soft as a feather oBo wma.nv1llo Branch 11ml m the strug,;le which ensued it was t10n hom lus family D umas says four of lus bed and he was not harmed m the the as1iers1011s that were cast by that letter " \Vhy, its Ned Bolt DEPOSl'Jii'S upon Martm, and ,Joseph and Gerald "Then I wont say a word more while h e found t o u e mtangible Shots mnumenble clnldren died, v.lule D umont lost his wife The wager was nothme- but drrnks for the When she had concluded t h e readmg sh e is on the deck of t he Rift Over'" ith him 1' have been fired at it smce but l t still walks Such a univex"al blockade a" ha- taken crowd, and the saloonkeeper of the town lecelved In Sa.vlnga Bank Departmentnnd the streets unharmed and ummpeded ~ " ~ h d to t t l l iall and interest allowed at cottent xates. No saH Theie was a bnef seufile Neel Bol t , who place on N ew Brunsw10k iailways the p ast a se iem up 1otice of withdrawal neceBsary All depoalte "I must thrnk of all this 0 father, had spoken 80 ure,erently to Dolan, wa.s More than tlurty years a~ young gu l three weeks h as not been l'nown for ten ,. payable on demand, Gerald must and shall be saved to monow pitched h ead foremost O"\er the side of the was m the act of placmg a 1W'ner on a post years On the New Brunswick railway I must thmk whu.t can be done, dear father , cutter mto the sea, from wluch, with a pro wluch stands neat the South Carolina R.111 between Gibson Woodstock and Great Indrnputable SpmtualrstJC Evidence. EXCDA..MGE Winks- " Do you believe the sp1nts of 3ongh tand eold aucl Drarts lasued upon E u.ropa for you do n ot k now how good and kmd he ' fusion of oaths, he swam to and scrambled W 1y' fl ve nnles fiom Aiken, when she was Falls, nules of track have been bunod mto one of t h e boats struck d ead by h ghtnmg Ever smce this under se' en feet of sHow Ploughs 1 1re u8e the cleper ted can commumcate w ith the J-1:".Jted States and Canada also Gold Silver a.114 has been for years to m e "],, erythmg shall be rlone, my d ear love, "Now, cap tam go on "\V hat is 1t?' tragic occurrence the pitcher has remamed less and all the men available have been or h vmg ~ · Jhited Sta,es Greenbacks bou1rht and sold, that you can suggest Yo,ur tather Will go "Not only, contmued Dolan, with a v10 on the p ost safe by superntition from the garnzeil as shovelers Th~ Grand Southern Jmks- " Yes, I ha\ e h ad absolute proof hea1 t and hand with yoll lent w:lve of his arm, "not only did I VI ISh touch of the negroes, who behove that the railway between St John and St Stephen of it Grace lookecl veiy thoughtful a: she 1 cveiy man here to get !us full shar e of the I arm which touches i t will be par 1lyzcd has been blocked a week There has been "You don t say so?' Promptly made a t current rates upon all par " I suppose :vo u know when I married t he ;>f Great Bnttam, the Unltecl Stat"ll and Do agu.w glan1:ed u.,t D0lll.n" mfamuus letuer to plunder we h ave n 1 these caverns, but I Storms ancl cyclon es and earthr1ual,es have no travel foi fom da) 8 on the New Bi nns minion of Canada. the adnural I hen she whispered to her wanted h1'11 to get ofl' with lt and cn3oy 1t ' I not displaced it, although the post wlu ch wick & Prmce E dward Island railroad frn m present Mrs Jm ks she was" widow~" se~~ ".Ay, ay-that s it !" hold s it is fast crumblmg w it h decay S 1ckv1lle to t he Cape The Indiantown ' Yes Teieg1·a1~lA 'l':n·an~:f'e:r~ l' es, for Gerald- for Gernld Anythmg "And en3oy i t " H ar1 y Rd ward a ) oung man of W ilkes branch is to be closed for the wmt01 th e "\Vell, some time afterwards I went 1 Made for lar!o':e or small sums on all pa1ta ol "You sa1cl that before " baHe, Pa , sm prised hisfnends a year a~o by cluef r eason berng the snow drifts o\ ~r the with a f11end to see a m ed mm, JUSt for t he Canada 'Iha 1s especrnlly advantageous to for Gerald ' There ~as a slight la.ugh at this, but Do I droppmg all lns bad habits incl begmnmg a hne '.Ihe Northern & Western Road IS fun of the thmg, you know, and as sme as peftl:>ns living In Mamtoba or the Not'th wei;i as it makes the fuuds available et once at the CHAPTllfR XXXIII Jan d id not thrnk i t worth while to push his iegulu.t attendance at church and prayer 11np,1ssable from GibRon al most to the north I m alive she gave me a mess,\ge from my place of payment. autho11ty too far-so h e took no notwe of it, 1 meetrngs Recently, however, he foll frnm shore '!.'he blockade on t h e Inteicolonml w ife's first husband ' grace and 1eturned to bis old w 1y of hvmg wad is about ovei "In }us wn tmg '" For further partioula~s call at the DanklnR DOLAN M· KES H rs L Ii.ST l'R ~PARATION lOR but v; ent on qmetly Esc11.rE I "And for t h a.t purpose it was that I went 1 Last week he attended a meetm g of the Sal ...,. - - 19 "Oh, no 1 Houae. GEO. McGILL, There is m tense excitement m the sea on a voyage of cl1scovei y 011 shore, and right ' at1on Army and was ,,coffing at the services Home. " Did you see him 01 hea1 him' 'I R ODIE Accountant. Man Mer cavern of the cliff, fo1 the smuggler crew I away to the town It has cost me moie j when he suddenly became blmd He was "No, the medmm JUSt told me what he Iv are now well a" am that some.l mJ 1:; s<Jn gold than I choose to mention to find out 1 taken h ome and phys1mans were summoned, ny ~~c11IH MACK said · ously aimss aud that then sofety ism some/ what I lMve found out , and that 1 s , that to but they were powerless to render aid ITo" s·cied '"that place called 'El'ome, ' Nonsense, tiien what proof lta· e yon l ofj '.rhe Baptist Church at Indrnn Creek nas Vr h er efl tct111leplci:suresmcet way 3eopard 1zed , l f 110t ac t ua 11 y comp1om monow mormn.; t i1ere WJ 11 b e an a ttac' VI hete naught mtrudes to mar the charm, that the commumcat10n was genmne ~ ' iscd these cavclnfl "1 been haunted for ye~rs b) supernat ural And evervthu gs 1nplctc "He he was sou y for me ' The absence of Manm, the absence of "An attack ' visitois Strnnge noises ha' e been hear d With glo\\mg love a nd Ille and hope, 1 Joseph and the mysterious death of the " Yes, m attacl,, both by sea nd land ' neaI t h e pulpit durmg dtvme scr vwc, and wt;;~d~lh~~;c~ ~~~~ ii~!~cstul board He Thought All :Mothers-m Law Ahke. mght" atch 011 the deck of the cutter, had l "Arc they found out, then? Ly m a ht ghostly foims h we been observed The fan rly cuGic fan 1 all b ecome knoV1 n to them, and b) the time "'.I hey are to :fht°m and out the door A short time "Here, sir , look at this, sir,' roa1eel a Doi tn found his way b ack to the cavern j ] h e commotion .rnong the cr ew now was ago Mr N C Gordon a reputable citizen Pc~l~~ts ,~~ii:ies i;;i:,;;)~i~ist \'i,t~i~~~d man, commg mto the room of the editor of tluough _th e cool, h euvmg waters of the I ve1y t;re 1t, and, there was, at fast, a ells of Cainesvillc, \\as pas~mg the clrnrnh wit h With w! wh ht· mother " ~lcomco bim, one of om contemporaries and slammmg httle bay, there was all that kmd of com I position to lem;e the Rift, and for each one 1 his wife when they beheld a stmnge bcmg Hei loved yet way' a rd 1 oy the last I·SUe of the p,tper llo"n on t he motion ill the commumty of the hidden to look after lus own Mfety and means of I mttmg 011 the dooi~teps He wo.s dressed "3:!~~~:~~ s~i,;1\~~s ~~t~~;~er stdc des],, "what does tlns me m, sir i· cavexns that betokens uneasy expectation escape, but Dolan succeeded m stoppmg 111 snow " hitc g trmcnts from h ead to foot How fnll of peace are now the hearts "I beg your pardon, ' s nd the editor, The feelmg 'on the part of severnl was them, by calling out, m a loud v01ce, ' cxcccptmg the blood red gloves wluch co\ er Th ·t for t he lost did Jcmn ? with mfirute suavity, "to what do ) ou re 1 that at that' ery moment they stood m the "He:lr me I have more to tell you" ed his hands while hi s face had a ghastly llo v Jo, rig- i s the co1w010e helcl fer 1 ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- pos1t10n of men sold and bet1ayed by Dolall :: Ay, ay 1 yellow tmgc ' Mr Gordon drove up to th e Twixt sne a1 d children de r "Thc10, su, m that ob1tuar) notice of my - hear the rnptau} I' HIS absence wa5 prolonged and they had After fiuclmg out- it don t matter how , chm ch to 111, es~tg cte, but his hoise sheered And mother, 11 ith mctulir.ent s 11lc, respected v. ifc s mothe1, you ha\ e it to say PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- thong ht !nm m the cave111 s 1nd it was only but "fter findmg that we were m tlus dan vwhmtly till ough fright, and m au m stant Th~~u~~n~~ ~~~~!~~~ ~~~rn po'c to pole that she was consigned t o her last roastmg JON A~ D ALL DI':lE A.SES ARISING the piesern:e of severnl huge chests Ill one of ge1 n1y ne..:t ob1 ect w11s to discover the how I the spcetre was (one They pl ough the bill w; , ca ph.ce, sir ' the mmor ca' es and which they h ad been and \\ h.,rcf01 e- the reason why (for p eople Now ~orth now South now EMt now West, " Well,' replied th e edi to1 with mquu FROM DISARHANGEMENTS OF THE tanJht uo look upon with mtoiest and re I don t kl1ow everythmg unless they aie t old, - - ------l\uns Joutllful fancy free mg mnocenee, "am't that nght 1 · verence as cont<11nll/g the common stouk of and pai t wulatly I W!\S sure they would know A Frank Confession. Afar on G1ee11la1 d s f1ozcn shore " l"t1ght , sn ? l t 1ght? r ep eated the man LIVER AND KlDNEYS p lunder ~ncl profits of the whole c1 ew that nothtug of ttns cavern unless they were told "" erch"nt (to «pph"antfor a iob)- Do you Next st1lt 1 5 rndostan ang11ly "No, sn It should have been l th 1t) · m '" v S berms 11 mes their thoughts engage, , l t t l l d out b thau thcab scnce b ysonteonc f am1m1wi knowanythm gaboutfigm es UncleRastus~ Andthe iSahuwssand as resmgp1ce, sir ,, ma d eanyo.f tiem of Dolan was permanent and treach e1 ous "Ay, ay 1 Thats certam and ship shape " Uncle Rastus- Yes sah ' Mavhap the; of tho hentheu speak "Oh, ah, excuse me, ' said the editor In coin c1se lo" a~d grave His loud whistle from the deck of the H1ft ~' Oerald- mv own son, Gerald " Merchant- \Veil, ir' I were to lend you $5 "I chdn't know yom mother m law differed 'I J Oflhnst noble men "110 tell them f rom tlie general 1un I w111 c h u.nge h er was a we1come soun d t o a 11 1e1e was a l ang h a t tl1e sent iment a l way and you promised to pay me $l month, J esus came to savehow Flom nume1ous recesses of the cavernsm which Dolan st10ve to say tlus, but he how much would you owe me at the expna base to morrow Good mornmg ' from b eneath ta.r paulms and boat clofl.ks- eoutmued t 1on of three months 1 The friendly talk the convcrae dear, y f t ti t d That rouud the cu cle goes ' l most costIy d escnpt 10n, /f some of t l mm of tie es, my own son- or, no WI lS an m g Uncle Rastus- Fi' dollahs sah The sun!"" Jest !torn yoLLthful hps, Only a Side Dish. VJ.. ' wluch lucl formed part of the plunder which all any of ) ou may have h eard to the con M:erohant- I'm afraid y~u don't know The qmet s 1eet 1cpose "W'ill you please give me twenty five or now and then had come to h and 111 t he trary, h e Is my own,s,on- has betrayed us, much about figures All spen.k with cla11on tonJ<'ue the word Proprietor, Toronto £ th8 R 1ft- came ti10 crew w l10 liad I am ccrt ·Im 0 f t i·at That whetesoc er you i oum fifty cents to buy bicacl with?' te wailed. crmse 0 U ncle R istus- N o sah but I specs I Will cause your" eary heat t to th1 ll," I'm starvin' ' ' for so Jong made up the nefano11s sh ip's "Kill him 1 That simple v.ord rn liome - drnwn him 1 - death to hnn 1 ' knows all bout Uncle' Rastus " Can't you buy o loaf of bre!l.d for less SOLD BY company of Dolan "Stay, stay '- no, not yet I have one t han twenty five or fiftJ cent~? '!:h e affair w ith the Spr ay had g1ve11 to favor to ask of yon for all I am now domg " Ycs, but do you thmk a man can make R IGGINBO'l'llAllVI & SON, someofthemwounds,the ex1stenceofwluchlfor you- one fa\01, it is that you shall Pleasure must firnt have the warrant that Man must wo1k He may work grudg was b eti a) eel by va1 ions bandages, and as 1 spare that boy ' 1t 1 s w ithout sm ; then t he measure, th:lt it m gly or gratefully He may work as a a dmner on b1 eac1 onl) · Its not lun but a BOW MANVILLE side dish" they 10wcd across the black loolung wt1.te!S '.l'here was a groan of discontent rs without excess - H. G Adams. man or as a m!l.chme - [Henry Giles RIFT AND SPRAY, OR, l!Wl8'Rl2i&Ail~~;z;ucf'""'TM1~~.l'll!ll.'l~I~~~~~~~~~~~~!;!~!'!!~~~~~ 'Hear me out I You will appiove of HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS wl:at I have to say 1f you will only hear me out, my brnve comptunons Hear, all, and then decide for yourselves, mates "Hear him I heai !um 1 Ay, ay, go on ' ' What I propose, then, IS t hat you get the stait of your encnnes '.J.'he I irge chests that contam your treasure can be easily put on board the Rift , irnd iust at the ebb of tide to mght (whwh is about two o'clock) open the coverrng of the cavern and sail out mto the bay Ihe attack on this place will noi; be till the mornmg 8 light, and b~ that h tune you may beughtav;ayon t e ussex coast I ac1v1·e that you beat u p northward, theri to some ou~cme " TJla.ce m Scotland, and tl'ele l·nd and d1v1de your bootJ; T here 1s ' ~ Edmbmg by the 1' nth of l:'ort t you will rnn up to 1t m the cut te1 withm a week I 'v1ll 1neet " ou there, and we shall be qui1e J ·fe in · "" w 1)laco hke that, and from it you can all go'" hatever VI ay your fancy leads 0 A RACE WITH A SNOW SLIDE. CATARRH. l °' 0 1 0 " " I 0 ,, ",, 0 080 1 I c I 1t1a ! ,i ° fa I I ,. · I I I I wii C v 't!' I I ! I I B r',, I I I GQ Q D S., I I I and invites the Ladies of Bow manville and vicinity to ca a nd see her Pattern B0 N ET$. HA l fi' I I I md ° TR I M I N G S"' f "" I I E I I or I I I 'CROMPTON C!lRSET t!lO/ THE O NTARIO BANK -oe------ I ! DANDELION LIVER AND KmNEV I 0 BITTE ! CURES I I 1- I L 'l1he Greatest Blood Purifier in t h e World. E. l\ Q R R I S I

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