West End House f b s . · I C Omn lmBnts 0 t B Bason - .- WISHES Y O U THE- Call at the WEST EN D HQ USE b etween t h is anti 'Xmas for b al". . gains l ll Dress Goods..·-Great ductions~ j 1 .A good farm containing 100 a cres, and situated in Darlington will be sold at the town hall, Orono, on Saturday, March Orono News. W here, oh where is my Geordy ,.1ne ? 26th. .AMONG THE INDIANS. - "Wh ile my h ue. T he cruel .Act has done its work ! D .-. J·. P . Sha w h as left Orono and band was tr11ding in fnr11 ho ce.mo acrol!ll an Inclian who W!\S taken to his lodge to sett! ed in the village of Picker ing. When you can not r est from Aetl1matic d ie. H e he.d in ward pains and pains in t roublet1. South·rn Asthma Care will at all his limbs. Hegne soma Yellow Oil .AND - - onoe relieve. Double treatment\ in each intor oally and appliod it extcrn11tlly, and cur ed him. It a lso cured my husband package. :t: Miss Mary D a rch , of Bowmativille, is of rh eu matism,and I tind it valuable for cough s an cl colds, aore throat, etc. " vi~Hlng her brolher, Mr. D. Darch. Mrs. J.. . .l:Jeahaw, Cook's Milla, Serpent Miss Enquhart, of Oshawa, spent a few R iver, Ont. I s now open ed, and we invit e everybody to call and examine our stock· . days here t he guest of Mr s. T . V inson. ToWNSlIIP CouNCJL.-Regular meeting NASAL BAur.-The only medicine i n March 1st, m ember11 all present . Minutes the m ;i,rket that will imm ediately cur e re ~d aud adopted. Three dollars a mon Lh Cold in the Head and permanen tly ·cure aid for 2 mos . was granted J as. L ock hart Catarrh, Hay F ever, etc. :t: · for Mor ris Stanton. 'l'he R eeve and The P arlor Social at M r. Lewis Clark 's Com. Thornt.on were appointed t o re .-i9e residence on Monday evening last was list £.,nee-vie wers a nd pou nd-keepera . Or,lcr l!I f'o 1· Sta 1upi1Jg· u i il r eceive st .irict aUe11tion, and largely attended. '.l'he Auditor's Repor t was recei ved and all n e w est 1·a tle1·1u kept t o c h oose Cro1n. '!'enders are advertised for the building adopted and $10 each granted t o the of a gall ery a nd other improvemen t.a to auditors. R. J . Rowe was granted $20 on s a.J...ry as :..ssesHor . J . CMneron was The Bazaar Glove fitt ing Patt erns for Ladie3 and C hildrens wear for t he M e thodist Church. D.um1m.-There are some who pay paid $3 for wood to W idow Wilk inso11 . 11p ring and summer styles, a complete st ock, N o wait ing, no & ending, but li ttl e or any attention to a cough or S everal accounts were passed, when the but choose your pa.ttern and t ake it home with you. cold and say let nature take its course. Cc.uncil ad journed. WORTH REMEMBERING.-Every in Thia is just the t ime nature should h ave Remember the place, nearly op posit e McMurtry's groceJ"y st or e. a bsistance. The lungs are th reatened. spi ra~ion of the lungs, every pulse-throb of the h eart, every awcop of the armAssist them with. Tamarac E lixir. t Spring bon nets and back yards are even our very thoughts as t l1ey speed now look ing just lovely. rEditors should through the brain , all create waste mat ter t hat must be constantly removed if t here not p1 ·owl a.round back yards.] :Bowmanville, March 22, 1886. 12-tf. is t o be t hat b eautiful h armony of funcDISGUSTING CATARRII . ~A gentleman tional effort wl1ich constitutes 11 e al~h . from M ontreal writea:- lfor years I have Nature's r e medy is t he sure and eininentSCHOOL BOARD. beE'n greatly anuoyed by Catarrh. It ly wise one, of expelling, by p roper purWell-Earnad Fa.me. cause<l severe pain i n the head, contin ual gati·m, tho hum ors which c11uso disease, Regular m eeti ng of the Board of Twenty years ag:o, t here located in ·the discharge into my throat, and very un- and D r. Pierce's "Pleasant P urgative Education, held in the Council Room , City of Butfalo, a young and uvkuown ples.sant bre3th . By a t horoukh use of P ellete" aro nature' s great ally in th e on :Friday 11v0ning, Marcb. 4th , at u .. ual doctor ; who unassisted by wealthy pat· Na.~al Balm I wns completely cured. ! cure 1;>f digestive disturbances, a ud a u hour. Me mbers present--M ossrs. La- . r?nage or intr~d uctio n, pos~ essed but pa· Mrs. Dancast er has opened out a fioe unf ..iling remedy for comtipn.tion and belle, Bleakley, Horsey, CubiLt, F air- hence, h onor , m duetry a nd skill a.11 hlit stock of M illinery Goode i n Mrs. M orri- pernicious effact s. ! · U pon th;;ae fou r ele· bairn, Tod, B urden aud Lyle. Min- atbck in trade. son's old stand, M iller's block. chara_cter he has long since sucu tes of last 1 ntieling read and confirmed meots N EWCASTLE N irnnrns.-Capt. Gibson is SATisll'IED CoNll'IDENCE.-- J. B. H . our new assessor . .. . J . Biglow, h ilor, is Mr. B leak ley, Chairm an of the visi t- ceeded m rearing a giant an d su bstantial Girard, of St. Ed widge, C lifton, P . Q. 1 visiting in Bruce Co . . . . M r.E.G.Cooper, ing Committe, m ade a verbir.l report of enterprise- alike a credit to the S tate and . eays, "I am well satisfied with t ho use of gardener, and Miss ~ ill ings, Orono, were the Commi,tee with r efer ence to the cou ntr}'., and a pricel<isll boon of healing Burdock Blood Bitt ers ; it has cured· me linked for life last week . ... 'l'ho L \d iea' introd uction of a Commercial course in a~d 0re~1ef to P?Or ~u m 1mi ty . D r . R . V,:. of dyspepsia thn.t I had for three year.,, .Aid of .t he Meth od ist Ch urch intend t he P ublic School , and put ting in new Pierce a World a Dispensary and Invalids' I used five bottles, and shall tell every giving.an " Old Folks at Home" social d esks in some of the room1. After H otel and S urgicallnstit ute 1o-day stands person I know that may be attacked during th e Eastex ·som e discussion by t ho Board, it was out amongst the leading inst it uHon s o'f · Holidays .. . . Accorcling with similar sickness, and shquld n ot be to announcement the Woman 's Missionr ecommeneded t hat a sample of the new the ag~ as a mon?mental example of what afraid to guarantee every bot tl e used." a ry Society ;, held th eir enrer tainm ent desks b e tried in M r. Davidson's room. Integrit y, L earnmg and Entf}rprise can J R ev. Mr. Allin, of Millbr ook, delivered Monday evening. I t was a decided sucJ . B. Fair bairn , chairmau of the Fi· accomplish. In this far -fam ed ins titution 1and in h and. A his pop ular leutur.i in St. Saviour's cess. Tho children takin~ pa.rt were nance Committee, su bmi tted a report lux ury and skill go 1 church on Tuesday evening last, on his dressed in the custome of the cou ntry recommer. d ing the paymen t of the fol. corps of eighteen expf}rienced a nd skillful physicians and surgeuus g uarantee the tra vels through the Holy Land. lowing acc:rn:ns : t hey represen t ed and sustained their successful L ewis Lyle, ~ tiamin'( wo01d . . . . $2 8() moat careful, conscientious and 1 A Goon MoTIVE. -Harry Ricafdo, of part exceedingly well, reflecting great J oh n May nar d,clock and ropaira 3 10 treat 'llent, while every mochanical appliToronto,agon t for Fine Art Publicat ions, credit upon their instructor, Mr. Hooper. Gale Bros. , printing .. .. .. ... . . . . 7 00 ~oco a nd facility for treattne11 t tlnit learn· states that he was so troubled with deaf· mg can d evelop and sufl:e l'it1" lrnm anity John l\foDougall,s ervices as re· ness for eigh t years that he could scarceOUR WEALTHY M E N. turniug officer.... . .. ....... . 6 00 utilize, is at t he ser vice of t h; many patly a tt end to business, until he tried rons of this grand establish ment . R . 'Yindat;t, services aa ret urnYellow Uil. H e des ires t o make this Much h&a been said in n ewspapers of tng oft1cel'.. ... .... .. .. _... 6 00 cure known, for the benefit of others af- m en who h a,·e made large fortunes in Mark Tw~in has ·a~~le en titled R. W. Scobell, aervices as r eflicted. ca.mparatively few years in >'arious busi"E · Taught," in t he April ' · n g 1· ish es Sh e is t urning officer . . . . ....... . __ 6 00 dustries . M a ny of t hese articles ness in Refreshments are su pplied by Mrs. Century. H gives numerous exarnpl~ of Joh n McDougall, s nndries...... 2 90 P11yne a.t tho Orono B akery. Hot coffee a.r e written by correspondents of promin~he remH.rkable English sometimes fouJtd and l unch served at all hours. Regular ent ne w1papers , and copied int o others of m s chool exercises, wi th ruun ing coltl· Total $33 80 leaser not e. Correspond ent s generally mea.l hours 7 and 12 a. m. , and 6 p. m. m en t by the humorist. · The subject of r eading of the Scr. i pFROM MANI'ro1u.. - ln a le, ter from ar e seldom ro en of b usi ness quali fications tura selections in the U nion Scheol was James Irwia , Beav~r Creek , Manitoba, he and wron gfully picture these m en and taken u p, and after considerable d iscusG R E A ri.1 says, "I was t aken ill last s ummer with a t heir business as a t hing of accident : this sion it was moved ly Col. Cnbitt, and very severe pain in my back . By u11ing is not th e case with t hose we have m et . seconded by J . Labelle, that t he Scr ip· ;. one bottle of Hagyard's Ytil!ow Oil I WM \ Ve find th a t wh ere men have made large · · tures be r ead in the schools e very day fortunes by their own busin ess talent and completely cured." Yellow Oil also fr;im the Bible itself. Carried. i ndustry they choo ~e wi th sagacity a. n d ~= ~==~==~ ==== - ~~~~~~ . ·========~=~~~~===~~~~ cures· lumbago, rheumatis m and all exlt was moved by Col. Cubiil, and foreth ough t such businesses a s would lead tllrnal and internal pains. rioconded by Mr. Fairbair n, that it is - INt o succeas when h,t.ndled with busi ness A surprise pa.rty gath er ed at Mr a. Jno. j ud~m ent. No man has been brought advisable to ad d to and improve t he Clwster's on Thursday l 0th inst . The before th e pu blic as an exam ple ofe ucces9 School building in accordance wit h the p~rty n umberl?d ab9ut 50. Witb. music both in wua.lth and magn it ude of his busplan furn ished to the Board last year. aq,Q games, an enjoyable evening was ineess (outside of stock and r ailroad men) Carried. spent. It was moved by Ool. Cubit t, and 1 more prominently than Dr. G . G. G reen, seconded by Mr. Tod, t hat the ch airA L rcx Y E scAPR.- "For eix years I of Wond b ury, N . J , H e is a t the head man do call a meeting of t he R atepay· suffered wi th my t hroat and enlari;ied of many large bus iness industries. and ers of t he t own, or> Monday night, t ho t r>nsils. I wa s very weak. I d octored yet comparatively a young man. When 14th of M arch, to t ake in to considera .,,, fou r yearP, a nd had advice from three the fact that August Flower, fo r dyspept ion th e matt er of sch ool accommoda· doctors; they said 1 would have to un- si. a. and liver complai nt and Boschee's t ion . Carried . der go an operation . I tried B. B. B . Germa.n Sy rup, for cou~hs and lung tr 0uins tead. One bottle cured me." M . .A. bles, h as gr own to a wonderful sale i n all CWRIGARTHT COUNCIL. Sq uelch, Raglan, Ont. parts of the world , it proves that it was Our h ot el keepers decided on Wedni;is- not an acciden t or spont aneous strik e of T OWN.HALL CARTWRIGIIT,March 7 188· 7. da.y last to contt·ibute no more funds for at wealth. Hie m edicines are r ecognized Council met p ursuant to adjournment. the Cou nty 's benefit, and closed t heir as valt1a.ble and established remedies and Members all present . The minutes of ' h ouses and ya rds a11;ainst the travelling the busint"as hall gr own gra dually and p er last m eeting were read a nd confirmed. J man ently during t he last eil!!hteen years public. F oolish men ! Hair Brushes and Combs, Binge's Cough Syrup, 'l'he Clerk presented a communication Cu1 iE F oR 0Rour.- P rompt r elief to on account not alone of Dr. Green's ab ilfrom the Clerk of the township of Toilet Soaps, Rose Glycerole, p r e1 ' ent suffo-:iation fr om t he accumula- ities as a business man or his" good luck" Manvere, respect ini;t a n .appropriation ! tion of tou. !:(h m ucuous- t.he formi<tion but ss the ac tual merits of the two p reon t he boundary line between Marivers You ng Men, Bachelors and Corn Cure, Perfumery, parationa.Copied from t he °}; . Y . W eekly of false membrane- and tho. constriction an d Car t wrigh t . Order ed to be fy led. Wid ow ers, of Dec. 22, 188G. Sun, of t he air passage, i s necessary in case of large Mr. Robert M cK ee claimed that he I mperial D entifrice, Chamois' a very stock. a sudden atfack of croup. H agyard's ~~~l[l( ~ B: h ad paid $2.52 t axesfor property which About Seed D rills . Yello w Oil should be u eed at once, he d oes not occupy. Camphor Ice,; Sponges, &c. a ftorwe.rds Hagyard 'sP~ctoral Balsa m. On m'o tion the Reeve signed an order Will g n e a Hao· l~oz-en The supporters of the Scot t .Act he ld a Mc~ns. Mason & Stollery have s11c11r ed on the Treasurer in fav our of Mr. t i S · Hall w d d the right to introduce and s ell i n this vi. · S ilver Plate d Tea §1·001~ , e nes ay, . . f C · dB d t mee t mg 111 ie e>ns M cKee for the amount claimed. to ma ke arrangem ents for furnishing cm1ty a new . 11ty1e o. o_mbme . roa cas George Harden applied for indigent wit h eve1·y W e ddin g R i iqr suitable accommodation fo r t he travellin~ · Seeder & Drill, which ia a ttractmg conaid to one An nis. M oved by Mr. D evit t pu blic. [What was done 1] \ ~iderable attentio~ fr?m th~ farmers: lt seconded by Mr. F allis, t hat the sum of h e sells dtuing· ltisC! ear~ , . . is a purely C1 mad1an mventwn, a nd 1s ac5-0 $4 be granted to J a mes Annis, an indi· Out Sale . . PR~Hnm.r_oN ~ND PoLIT{Oi.-Th~ anti- kn owledged to be years in advance of Hi gent.. C11,rrled. hq~o.r q uesh o11.1s a. strong plank Ill t he oowpet itorii in points of durability, conApplication was m ade by the Trustees pohtical platf?rm, ~nd. one aafe to lay venience and draft. Aa a n illustration of Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. of th e M e thodist Church for the free hold of. All m toxiOQhng b~verage~ .are its convenience we m ay say the feet or use of th e To wn H all for r eligious pursufos t when let al?ne, ev~n m m ed1cme.. hoei on th is dr ill, can be regulated as io poses d uring t he time t heir new Church B urdock Blood B~t,ter11 111 not a. l;>ar be- the depth they shall go into th e earth, ia being erected. Moved b y Mr. Spinks ':erage, bu~ a strict ly pure med1cme! re- instantly and all at once, the same as tilt· seconded by Mr. Devitt , that the appli . hable to~.d1se~ses of the stoma<'h,. h ver, ing a oini:Je r t1aper or mower .. In fact cation of the Trustees b e granted . b_ow~ls, k1d_ ne-vs and blood,and will not the opilrator cn.n tilt th em all to go d eep Carried. or shallow in lea· time and with gr tiater aid m maln ng drunkards, The Committee 1.1ppointed t o examine DIRE CT WI RE COMMUN CATI ON. K I RllY Dors .- Ili;( parties a t Mr. , V, ease than one sin<>Je foot or hoe can 'he the Treas urer 's Bond, repor ted t hat Coouey's, .Mr. D . Galbraith's and M:r. W. I adj usted on any ;ther seeder , and it cOAn they find tho B ond and S ure ties t her eto Morrow' s th e_ p~st week ... . C h~a. Po wer · be done while th e h orses are golnq and .Active fluctations in t he Market, per fcotly sati8fact or. w.iu soverely. lllJUred by !>ob-ale1ghs run- I witheu t w ithdrawin g the fee t from the offer op portunities to speculaThe Audit ors submitt ed t heir r eport. mng over h1m- R ecover10g . ... W . M or- ground. The advantages of all this ia R. B. Epink1E sq. , '. rre111 mrer,in accou nt tors to make money in row lias a. h orse th at c ri.ti troL ·:· ..K ir by tha.t in some places are hard a nd othe rs wit h ~ h tt Monicipality of Car twright, boys a re .Jealous of ·one Tom .A.1kms, of 11oft, the oper ator is e nabled to p us the Grain, Provisions, ehe wiug a bal ance in the haude of ,the Man vers · ··· · . Mr. ·,'J oseph Chap~an has grain t he samo de pth, which C6nnot be Stocks, Bonds & Treasurer of $611.08 p urehased a heavy draught sttAlh on. .. . d one wit h any oth er seed er. It will pay Petroleum. Moved by Mr. Devitt, seconded by Mr. .Jaa.. TJ'! elch lost ·a valuable colt, a nd 'a ny person i n need of a d rill t o call and ' Mr . F. Br1mncomb a. cow bst week. : ·· see it before p1n·ch asing. It h as n umerM r. Fallis, T hat the Treasurer's ac· Prompti a~tention 2"ivcn to orders. con!lts as submitted bv the a ud i tor~ be = : Mr . N elson :Powers is slowly recovermg ousotl.J.er point s supcrier a nd none infer ece. i ved and accepted. by t his Collncil Office over Murdoch 's St ore· . · ",i,. :. k . · ·· : after h is serious illn_e~s .... Mr. E . .Birch r ior, t o other drills, which the s gente i has p_ urch1rned a ·drivmg < team, they a~e would be glad to ex plai·. On e on exhi- . a s tho Auditors accoun ts for t he Mun iE ntrance by Telephone S tarr caae.· pality of Cart w ri~ h t for the year 1886, . ·b eauties . _.. Mr. A. T. ·P owers sold !u s ·b i'tion., call on, 11-tf a nd t hat the Clerk be i nstruct ed t o h ave fine t ealJl of ·h orses for ·a good 'large sum F. H . MASO](, copies thereof p rinted for dis tribn 200 cif ·ruoney a 'fe \v days ago. Office, Thomp1rnn & Co' a. H arnes· Sh op, t ion. Ca1·ritirl. ENJOY L1F1>.- 'Wi.11t t e trul v beautifu B owman vii 'e. Ou motion llw Heeve s igned o ~dHrs on world we 1ive in? N a ture givcs· us grand .rreasurer, as follows :- To R ob t . t he · S . E u· , .~ ·J E eur ·of t1h'nn tl\i n3, ;ilens and oc,rnus, and tl d f 0f · t W (;IJ!.NC .A.Ji! D R lu1E , lJ.!J u o . rnr ssays, Ma rtin, R . Eclgerton, a nd Mrs. LOU ){· 1ousdan. so meabns t t . eul1 oy mle11 . f et by Andrew W ilson, l!'. L . S.; J . l!'itz~tir· h e:id $ 4 each , ,Jam ee McCrea., rent of can lt ' ee1re no e ie n n · per ' h, · 1. !'<t N ew · h b ·h ft er d w ·t ec f I\Id , p u b l 1a er, 108 Ch· am b 0 ._, . , house for p·)lling place, $4 . Tru3t ees of 0 t110 0 ea, o.~ u". ow ? . en·. .ma1 on Y · Yor k . P r ice 15 cents p ost free. T his S . Sec. N o. 7, r ent of ~ch ool h ouse for 0 1 0 n .- "" . _ ~rs ! t~ .~ ~a1~~~g1;~~~ i~u~p !~~~ea~·:::a~~· pleasant litt le volum.~ comprise~ seven polling ·$3. ·.rreasur er of L. 0 . L . N o. ~ I h i? · · · .,. ' . ch ·~pt.ers on as man v d11f~t:eat sub] 'lCts of 4.3 rent o'.: hall for polling $3. R oher t w 10n t ero la uo o<.1caa1011 for tlu s foeimv, · · t t '['h b ·· t"f' ·= ·1 bt · t " 1 popn1ar s c11'n 11c 11.; er efl . "' M.:Kee, k 1x er. over pnirl, $2.52. J·am es na . very 8uueror can <lam y o "'Ill s >1 IS· · !l ·t t t · th · J oo,;; f h G ' A '"'l w1 ·erve o en er a1n e rn1nLt p easur · · A nnie, mdi1rent a id $ '1 . R . .B. Spinks, 1 f actory proo , t at ree1 . i s u gitst .1 . .' ower, bl . . a . pr·ofi· ' ·' bl d . · I our · 11 · s ·1 1 Dlak e t iiem fr ee f rom d" i v un 0 g an 1 salary as T reas ure r, discoun t on l oans w1 1se11se, as·w 1 ien ri. f y ·a.a we F 1 .....b ·R B A d and dr a ft $ 6(i. J ohn Trewin , salary aa bor n. ' Dy3pepsia. a nd L iver Complaint o 1e1 sur e. or sa e y · · n re w. Co!k1cto1:.$00 John B. ug~ es and Weslt.>y ~N~ Hc~lW~~~y UC t.he d ·r ect C·.uqeg d sevBnty-fivo p ier . . . . M ountjoy,Audit.ori' $12. John M:cCJra.ck· ~ · ~ "· J ~: ' · ~ ceu t.. of such lll<\J~ d.es ·S f.illiousne~s, 1 1- 1 HIGHLY S.1"0K1m OF.- l'.rlr. .ra.~.·'l" M. .in, tupa iring tw ' sc:r11 ] "H"d, $1.50. W . ---· - .. - . <lige&tion o ivk }I ea.<la.c':Je Oostiv<Jnees JT~1~wa"n, of 'v \'oo<l vil.l c, Ont. ' . sp.1~lts in Young, cleaning Council Room, 50c!s. M a.yer ha~ received a very large as The _choicest and cheapeet stock of :N er vous ' P rostration , Di~ziness cf th~ high t erms e>f Yellow Oil for r he nmnrism On mot.ion t l1e Council ad j ourn ed i nf:1I C'ompliii:1ts. llor tm en t of now Spring Hats in all the mou rmng goods can be fou nd "l'tt Mason's H ead, P alpifa.t ion of tl1 e Hear t , and , l ~~e b Rck.' sprains and p<1 until H1" 6rsf; 1'1for1day in April next , ' t 'l'o F ARMl'lns.-'J'he u ndorMivned will other tU~t .r essing sympt ous. Th n 1 e <l:"BCB ' re · l o~ 0 1 l 1s n~ ··d m ternal1 y .:t··d ex .erp · t 't "'l.T · ge1 wral Di-y Goocls and J cwel ry Rouse. · JJOPU J .ar coI Ol'S. nee.~ 0 Stll · .l.' OW " . 1 o'clock p. m. , when P athmaster s,Fence- pay the h ighest price for Wheat, Oll.ts, of A iigust Plower will prove i ts wonderful n ally 1n caoe of patu ; ·also co ughs, colds, lines of "Cnt's furniah ino-s also a rrived. D R. LOW'Sl l VOl t lH SI U1T P !ms rcm<>Tccl viewers and Pound Keepers will be ap. P lla8, B:wloy-, etc., at Bmketo,; Ekvat or. t ,.., t ape nor m frt m ., 1 ; rn S1Hcet i.ot Jen gth. · U ··efl:e ct. Sample bottles, 1 0 cen ta. T ry it .. s r-ro t ht·c a t , tltc., '\IJd h~ts made n:.auy reCa 11 an d '? mspec . also tleHt.r oy s ·all'kilttls o:f.. wor m.s. :41. · 'm~rkable cur es of d eafness. poiuted. I J. B. Mc K ..tl.Y & Co MASON'S is the best place in town to buy Clarke Towns hip N ews. THE \VEST END General Dry Goods and Jewelry House MILLINERY FANCY GOODS HOUS E ~Hats Re-shaped in latest styles.~ A Suit of Clothes, A New Dress, Mourning Goods, Lace Curtains, Corsets, Hosiery, Collars, Neckties, Hats and Caps, Wh. & Grey Cottons, and everything in the General Dry Goods line Ladies or Gent's Gold or Silver Watches, Clocks, Broaches, Eardrops, Necktie Pins, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Chains, Lockets, Silverware, Black Goods, &c. MRS. W. M ORRISON· ·. '- o! W e mea n .wha t we say a nd are in a position to do what we advertise. CIVE US A CALL AND PR 0VE F0R YOURSELF. ... ... . J J MAS ON Barga ins J. H IGGINBOTHAM& SON 1 PRACTICAL CHEMIS'l S, Millin ery a.n.d Fancy G·oods. FOR 30 DAYS. J1igh . t :P l a oe to buy Drugs. H A SELLl t~ C OFF AT GUST We keep the best and sell at lnoderate prices. W E ----o·--VE ON HAND : T0 MA RRY I j M R S.ANDERSON Le ----o---- P rairie Flower Condition Powder and ·Pure Gr oun d Oi l Cake. TEEE- - cox & CO : TOR ONTO STOCK EXCH .A.NGEi. 0 0 1 I I I