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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1887, p. 5

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0 !\!!"!~~"'""'~~~ ~·-~,,,~2~·~~·~,~~£~d~ tm~..-~~.s~s~2~~~AOW!"""~ , ~M~JJ~~~~~~,n~--=-~~..,.~m~~~~=='.="'~':':'.'~~~~~~~Ull01iJ~'llA!ll~~~~ ~~~ ~~~"""~~~""""""~~-~·~~'~.....,~1~ ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ USE ONLY THE IZ DB AL BRAND OF PURE ~~OB.WE GIAN ' , l<'or weak hmgA, of blood, shortuef!s of brea.·h, consumption, night · sweats Ml<l all lingering collgbs, Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical D isco1rery" is · "<' A twnd the Temperance meeting in the 'for~nto min!s~eria~ asso~iati.on tabled a sovereign remedy. Superior to cod ( ~; =, "fttwti'"'Flall next Sunday at 4 pm Rev. h. M . Milhgao 8 motion condemn- livar otl. By druggists. t ' F b f ing Sunday prohibition meetings. . · · B' d . armers, e 'Ol'e pure1 iaswg m er · . !\Ir. D . Bawks cut his foot badly with l T wine see Shaw & Tole, Bowma.uville. ' The Warder office, ;Lrndsay, :"as ~et on an axe t)l\ the 21st while i n the wood:i , "', ~ "..:. '['ILE s , M E'l'J:lOUfS'J' fire on buudav ~.v ' ....... ~ TATEHM:AN an<1 1 HE , mornrnir 20th mst., bnt chOp jJing . , O BSEIWER t o J'an . 1 , l888 , f oron 1y $l was pLH out before much d ;~ m ~ge we.s N o oo.e can describe the sufferings . . 00. d 'I'he Great Standard for all Baby's and doll's carriaaes boy's wag-_ one. A · · · oauaed by Ast hma except those tr,>Ubled , . "' · . . .. -, 'fhe New Orleans Jubilee S1n~era will 'th th I , o k WBn;knemi and d1se as cs of the ungs oM ns, ~art~ and wheelbarrows at T.ut & sing in the Methodi.t church (Oimrch-st) wt tJ comp a m t. M pac age of orrison s. . next S trnday ni~ht. Pew holderR come Southern Asthma. Cnre will relieve any Mr. S. A . McMurtry, of Lindsay, aud e ..rly. case. D oublo trf.'atrnent in each paokWijlared nutrition, etc. Mr. tWS. Jd. ~cMt u rtry, of Port Perry, Special att ention is given to t he re- age. l This 0il is Pure, Fresh , Nea rly spen n n ay m own. . . . f fi h H. Rickaby, Linds·1y, ia visi ting 1 J ew- t Mr. ,, . . pa1r10g o ne watc es, c 1 oeks 11.m I · b h , l\"' J I · k b · lhe best valne m grey ~nd wlute cot- elry at Mason's general Dry Good~ and a us rot er a, .lr . no. :tic a y s, sixth ·~teless, :rnd therefore m ost suit tous can be got at Mason·s general Dry J cwelry House. All work gua.rnnteod. con ces&iou, Olat'ke. able for delicate digestions. Goods and Jewelry House. , Mr. W. E . C..,1ger, Advertising Agent BOT· · · · · ····.HOT. · · · · · · · · , HOT for the 'l'oronto News says-I was 1 'udL 1ceu' A.M l S urgeon . o f T.oNone genuine without the name . D r . . R ose b rug.1, CROSS .. .. ... CROSS .... .. r~~to Eye and Ear D1~pensary, rntends BUKS .. . . ... . BUNS ...·.... BUNS to try Nasal B t·lm for a seve re and IZDA.HL ::itamped on each c3'psule. vmtmg Whitby profess10aally on Thurs- L d 'th C T t roubleaome Cold in the Head. o ·n ce da April 7th. eave your or e1·s ear,1y w1 HAS. OD. usiug it l it s mily washed out the clo()'ged -WHOI.ESA.LJC l!Y Mies Coleman who has b een unwell for FKEE SET OF IlAJtNESs.-S. 'l'hompson secre tions, a!ld left my head clear"'as a som a t ime past ha.a resumed her duties as & Co. will give gratis to the p erson buy- bell. :I: " '1'1 · Cl ark e, o ~16 d ogs teacher in th e Union School, taking the in!! " the mos t , " oods at t h eir sho1) d uring i ere wore assoase J rn pla ce of Miss Mc Wain. 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness nettinL: a total for the benefit of the town-ORworth $25.00. shi ·p of Oll;;'<;; Bowmanville intends to celebrate the <rv~v, . b ' ' . I b d Port Perry has no Temperance Soci ety HI GHLY S l'OKBN OF. -M r. J ames l\,.. ens JU wit i a an tournament, J. , of any kind . After they had p1·octired the I " oo d v1'IIe, 0 nt. , speak · sports an d ut lier attractious, the i1ar ticu-, ,aw son, 0 f 'Vv ·a rn b pas·age of the ScoL t Ad they all went to I l t f y II 0 ·1 f 1 · . h w1 .11 e given later on. Iars of w l11c ng 1 enus 0 e ow l 'O r r ieumatism sleep, and left the fri ends of the liquor ] b k , d · f I l · Hot--Cross--Iluns. traffic to enforca t he Act. ame ~c 'sprams an pam u comp !l.mts. Hot--Croas--Buus. Yellow Oil is used internally and extet·Hot--Cross-- Buns. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman sel - n ally in cMc of pain; abo coughs, colds, .th C T l ing off a lot of new winter Dress Goods at sore throat, etc., o.i;id h as made mn,11y reL eave your or d er ear1Y WI no l1es1't, f HAS. M' . OD. about l1alf pri'ce. They h~vo ~ " mark a ble cures of d ca fn ess. L as t year thecon t r1.b u t' ions or 1ss10ns tiOll in saying that these are by far the were considerably in advance ol t he pre- cheapest Dress Goods in town. See them Mr, G. M . Long, lteeve of Clarke, we.s viousjcat· in St. Paul's, aud t his year the and you ...,~vill be convinced that thia is the served with a writ O il th e 23rd inst., at subscriptions are away ahead of Ja8 t year. case: / the instauce of Mr. T. McBride to recov· t Cl I K f l 90 , er $1 _,0,00 _clamages _from the {·ownship, P nva e rnr th ';Mr. \V. Oandlar, color-sar2eP..nt of fo1· lDJ unes sustarned · ~ to his person · es d emp, · o · ·t le B a tt . wh o receive severe lOJllnes at t 1 1e Bowmanville corps, Salvation Army, cut l h h C k d h f 11 t irongh t e assumed criminality uf t h e . b a ttl o o f F is roe · , an w o never u y the thumb of his left h aud bad Iv_, with a ·1 · ! · ~ , d .,rom. f I· · dymg · counc1 f i n p ermitti ng t he s idewalk in '. , ' . (;1 ;:: · re .covere us. woun d s, ts at circular saw at the U . C. F . J!'actory 011 front 1h l o t 11 e N ort.b A merican H otel to be is iome m , mn1peg. Monday. Tl, 1is is the third left thumb encumbered with l arge stone steps, and You waste money by ROing to To'\Ve have received for publication a let- , cut amo1w · hM 'd e f el1 sometime in _.....'.:'\ members of t h e Army, within over wluc r r . M c Bri .c1..,ato for ter, comphtining of the conduct of some two ~e.rn . D ecern ber Jas t · ~· . tivi;l auctioo eers a t a form sale n ear , L'. Geo. Haines was awarded the conTHE STORY o~' IluNDJHms.- In a re· · d l T , yrone, bu t as no _ 18 s1gne to etter , ra for li!',htii;g t h e streets wilh Eleol 11 t bl18l cent letter r".::oi ved from M rs. Samii A l lt. ;"" \a · no p u tric Li. 1Jct...f.u!:..9ne year , at a speciRl meet- Mills, of Whtwtley, Ont., she says, , T he D . 0 . & P. Co. so presse<l wit ing of the Council, h eld on M onday night W !!S a su!ft!rcr for six _years with dyapeporders that they have been compelled t last. The price to be 16J ceuts a night sia and liver cornplamt. M y food did .are Agents fol' all tho l eadillg kinds, they work overt ime . The fame of thei1· won per light. The Council have d ecided to not di ,,acst, and I rrrevr weaker every day. Guarantee a perfect fit and sell all c1 erf ul ms · tTumeu t s Ims Bprea d tli roug h - liave l' ~ had little hope of re· '"' 1· 1ghts. I !oat appet ite and r-oods at out the world and they are in d emand ~e.thleli<othe-Barber has laid iu an im- covery. I tried m a ny remedies, b u t all fit~.tllU"ers' Pl' ices. from every quarter mense stock of smoker's goods. Pipes, iu vain, till I took Burdock Blood Bitters. ·CLU:nrns & T uc1nm's Truses a Specialty. · W h ei:.Jle , y Ward Beecher applied Cigar Hold?rs, T obaccos and Cig'.1rs, in The iirst bottle g\j\vc relief; ttf t er taking - -- - - ·- -~H fe insurance in the 'C'nion Mutual endless varwty. Call and see this, one s even bottles, 'lam tlrnnkfol that l now STRATFORD, Mays. thirty years ago he was asked the usual of the largest oss~rtmer:ts ever brot~ght euj.oy' good l1 eal til." I havo been a victim of one of tho t' t th 0 h 111 f J· l t to the towu Hair cuttm11 aud sh·,v111g "' · 'th 1 wm·st or blood diseases, and I was ques ion as 0 .ea · 1 0 us iear · t i f " ' · CrtYSTAL W EDDlNG.-A larrre number tri;a.i;ed by a number of the best His answer read : "l:Dr.perienced a p ecul- a.a usua1, m e ates sty es.-t . of friends and nei!!hbors assem"'u!ed ,·1t t.he m odio<l-1 men in the County, and my · f 1· J t th l t l · tl H ~ constitution WM completelyuuder- iar ee rng aJou e tear currng le The China all of M essrs. M urdoch residence of Mr. a ud Mrs. G eo. B igh am · d ' · d ad vise · d me to try day's of m y c·ourt~hip. " B ros., is · we11 worti · · b y a1 .mrne , u. t nen · iy o f a v1s1t 1 1 a- on the eveuing of Wednesday March 16t h ~;P<i{il~·~~e~~:f~;,!~~e~!::;~~t~~ "Lately in Calgary," says the Winnipeg dies of this vicinicy. There are o be to celebrate with them their crystal wed~ ~!WiJ~S1'_:tt'rer using seven bottles. I 11trongly Sun, '_'as high as $~.o was for a gallon foun_d there ~n endless variety cf th~est d~n~. A britf addre_ss W<M r ead by Mr. reco'F:;J;t~ ~.\~~~~~.i~].1'~1f1~t~!!:i1~dcouuter. of whisk ey, and $G O doll<trs was offered quality of cluna~ glassware, crocker and L1tt1e, and a very sm table present<ttion in for two gallons. One party who h ad two fancy goods, wh10h we vent ure to &ss ·tis the shape of a ,-e1·y boiiutiful colored dmI have ueed Dr. J ug's Medicine for o. bad gal . Jons of. dar k Hudson's Bay branny was n ot surpassed by many of the large c"t.y ner set, se veial pieces of crystal was givoough thn.f.'settied on my it lungs and with good uilered "' <1>190 f h to all so affected. ~ or th e l 0 t · b u t ref use d to 6 t ores. l t efll . Mr. Bwh :.m r eplied briefly results. Can Tecu mmond '1'. Ii:. K I NG, Grocer, Wooddtock. take it, h olding out for $150." Sco1·1· Ac~~ AssocIA'l.'ION .-The annui.l t hanlti11g the friend~ on behalf of himself F Oit SAU~ ll STOTT di .J UR Y . M J J bl' d M J H ' · b th meeting of the .Bowmanville Scott Act and wife for their kind remembrance. ~-r., d ~~ 't r . f. t liggQ 0 a~ Association, for the election of officers After receiving oongr ..; c1le,tions and best 1 0 . occupihe S e dpu P hie ueen-s · tor the ensuing year, will b e h eld in the wishes from all present, J\ir. Bigham a.skchnrc on un ay 1ast, mt e absence of C . Cl b F 'd f tl. 9.l!'tv .. tt,l'l'~t""i~h~"!i1l ~·f·\'\~olC'l:WIIH> 118 wee k , tho friends to enjoy themselves and make ~ ~"~·~~<l<t oV'""'li<~~~... the Rev. Mr. R obHts, who was unexounm1 iam ~r,on ·ri ay 0 ~~~~~,- ~v,----~~ pectedly called away I.. ' attend the funeral at 4 p. m . Friends of temperance are the best use of the time spent with th em. of his little, only child of ~~~~:ts~c~~~~· ~resent.-W. H. W ..rn- A very e njoy able evening was spent and BoWMA.NYU,LE , MARCH 30, Hl87. Rev. J . VI'. Cannom, of Elm vale. · Y gener~l good feeiing pr evailed and the R R M tt BA Ath J 't . H ev. Mr. Mclntyre delivered a very compirn y lef t for home feeling, better for ev. . . a 11e ' . " er y, wn ea . clear and pointecl address on t he subj ect the goocl time they h a d, wishing for GR.A.ND TRUNK RAILWAY. D EAR ~R. ~Allrn~. -I s~e you 11re to h ave of Tempf:lrance in tl10 T B 11 many more such happy reun iona. Russl n1t 11 11 " the Un1vers1ty S mgers m your town on S d ' own a on W b tt11 ire and l tussinn 'T11cnt. BOWMANVILJ,E S'f.A.'£ION. April 3rd and 4th. All lovers of A 1. un ay after noon la~t. Mr . .w . For the r elief and c.:1re of tho inflamaBJ11ckc7e Jllarrowr"t Pcu~. music should try to hoar them. I heard Tawblyn, M .A., occupied _th o chair, while tioo and congestion called a " cold in the GOING EAS'l' GOING WEB'l' J>rin c· A.lbel't " them in Orillia. It was a rare treat. The the Chu~ch-st. M eth. choir, atten ded to h ead" there is more potency in Ely's 1·russla11 ltlu1> LOctl.l ........ .9.UO a m Express ..... . 6.20 a m Methodist church was crowded with a t he musical. part of the ente.rtarnme_nt . Cream Balm thau in anythi ng else i t is E xpress... . . .10.03 a rn Local, ........8.20 a m d eli"hted audience. These meeLrngs are of a very rnterest mg possible to prescribe. This preparation .Tust arriving a fresh and full Mixed ... . ... . .4.0:i p ro Express* .... .. !l.16 am . . character and should b e largely attended. has for. years past been making a brilliant " Local!.... ...... 7.20 pm,. Mixed ... ..... .4.05 pm assortmen t of F ield u.nd Garden Mr: A . Tait , of Duart wntes :- "I see l t would be well for those who go, h ow- success as a remedy for cold in the h ead, EJ;Vress .. ... . Exor ess . ..... . 8.45 p m Seeds. m ei:ition made of s.everul old gentlemen ever, to b ear in mind t h at it sho ws very catar rh and hay fever. Usod in the in·Except Mon votmg at last elect10n. M r . Joh n Blnc, l ittle sense or manners either for parties itial st ages of these complain ts Cream sen., aged 99 year~, father of A . Blue, to start up and leave the hall when any Bal m preven ts any ser ious developement I d 0 th Bureau of Industnes, walked from home one is speaking . of the symptoms, while almost numbern early a. m ile to the village of Duart, re'Ve call t h e atten tion of our r ers to less cases are on1record of radical cures u~~"":':".""':":'":":':'":':'":~=~~===='='===""'=====~= corded his vote, walked h ome again. H" -H OT CR OSS BUNS. . l and wor ks every day.' , the annual r eport of The Canadi'au Mutof chronic BIRTHS. enJOYS good I1ea1ti d catarr l a nd hay fever after all ual Aid Association in another pa.rt of other moa~f treatment have proved of preacher while watchillg the h ' Tl . ai ,,r ·iGrLBERT.ln Bowmanvm~. on the 21th A Cobourrr Leave your order in good time at the t is pa.per. _ us company a.pp<~ars to b e no av · +. i n~;..,,,thl\ wifo of Mr. H. ~ilbert, of a daue:hs tore or with the uriv er of the d elivery sport at the toboggan ~lide, saw a good becoming every y ear more popular. The G UIJN WE!HlING.-Mr. L . '.l'ourjee ~:· wagon for Hot Cros~ Buns. many of Ms flock there. A bystander low cost of i m urance, and prompt })ay- "'l d his estimablll wife cel ebrated th! 'WAito·- NesrSolinaon the 2nh inst., the . h I d' l t t ' tl t b 1 ·r wife of Mr. Thos V \T ard, ora daughter. Cius. TOD. as k e d Inm w Y ie l< no aim ie o og- men t of c aims, m oat cer tainly establish t50th anniversary of their wedding d ay o~l....::::;:;;;;_..~~~~-====-----gan slide for a text. H e said it was a universal confidence. Thoy h ave now , Mondny evening 1VIar. 21at, a t their resiMARR IED. L .a dics, call an d see ·rait & Morrison's good idea, and tne n ext Sunday turned large r eser ve fund , invested as the r epor d en ce in Orono, when t he meinbors of Arrs- ItAn'rnLu-On the llith inst., at the new wall papers. up the first verse of the 26th P ealm, and shows - on mortgage and real estate. Pl, thei r family, together wit h a few friends. Methodist Church, Cannington, by l he Rev. Got a act of tlios0 b ea u tiful window prea.c hed eloquently from " Therefore I popular aud successful institution always gathered rnund t he festive board, a mongst Wm. Johnston, Mt'. Frank Apps to Misa Alvenia, only daughter of Mr. Henry Rayfield, shades at T ait & Morrison's. sh all not slide." meets with enemies, and this company hom were M r. and Mrs. Jas. Wright, a ll of Cannington. Dr. P ottH, d lice and residence, ProwIt is with tho sincere regret ot the com- is not without them. We h tw e lately of ewcastle , t h e groo msman and b r ideoMONTG~lYIEUY-BRUCE.-,O n the lGih inst., ·r'.s Block, Kil1g-st., Howmanville . 1- tf. munity, tbat Mr. John McClung wit h - received copies of a pa.per pL1blishec1 at mai half a cent ury ago, a nd who were at the res1d1mnco or the br1de'sfatlrnr, by ltev. It< Allin, Mr. Edward Montgorner v, of Cnrt, d raws from the b usiness arena of P ort Owen SoLuid ca'i led The Canadian Co- privilege o commemorate their own to l\fiss Margaret Jane Bruce, of Mari· Go and see Mason's gen eral Dry Goods Perry. Mr. M cClung's gen erous, affable O.perato-r ana Patron, in which the editor golden w eddmg-iQ~uary, 1886. After wright posa. and Jewelry Hu use and compare their uat ure, his strict att.enticn to business makes some very unfair criticisms, as a a sumptuous reµast t he company r easNJCIIOLS- LUX'l'O N.-At t he Queen Street prices with others. Parsonage. on the 23nt iust., by the and houorable dealing with all secured glance at t he re port will show. Fair sembled, when Mr. Al ber t T ourjee h an d- Methodist Hev. JTI. Hoberts. Mr. Nichol~, of Dar· Order Doors, s,~shes, Blinds, Pickets, for him the esteem and respect of all with j criticism is commendable, b ut ruisrepres- od e'toh of t h e parent s a pair of beautifol lington. to Miss Mary'l'llos. Ann Luxton. of Bow· etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty whom b e came in contact, and while we entatious 1r.nd insinua tions are contempt- Gold Spectacles and a congrat ulatory ad- manvillo. CAYT..EY-S'l'UAR'r,- On t.he 29th Dre, 188G. at skee t, R. H. Osborne, leasee. all regret exceedingly that h e should move ' ible . dress. 'f he honol'ed cou ple were a lso the t.he rectory, Newcastle, by Rev. c ... non llrent, The ch oicest and ch eapest stock of from our. midst, tho r.espe~t and _cste~m SP!!:OI/J.L ATTENTION should ul ways be recipients of a number of ot her i;:ifts, l\lr. \V. Cayley, o· Pullman City, i:; . 8., to lYliss mourninrr goods can be fou nd at Mason's of 1~e ent ire commumty will go with lum given to t he hair and scalp. There is so m A(Jf which were from friends i n t.he Midie Stuart. of Bowm11nv1lle. general Goods aud J ewelry Hoose. to 1 11s n ew home.- Vbserver. nothing nicer than a good head of h air. Soatea. Aft01· singiug and prayer, lecl by DIED. SPECIAL NoTICE.- Every pel'S@n who in In case of baldness wlien the roots are the R ev. T. Dunlop, a'l'he D . 0. & P. Co. h ave now a spocfal .A.ldworth.- At '.ryrone, on the 22nd inst., not all gone, Dr. Dorenwend's Great ing's social in t arcourse was brought to a , t ends buying a set of Harness between telegraph wire rum1ing into their office. William Aldworth, aged 30 years and Gmos. Mr. B. M cGill haa charge of the operat- now and sp1·i11g would do well to call 011 Gorman Hair Magic, will produce e closo. Mon:>NJ~Y. -Su r l 1len ly , on t:he 2i th of March, lm:uriant growth of hair ; it will rest ore A BTONiflHING Succl!l3S.It is the duty 1887. Albert Moroney, soa of !:'. Moron ey, S . Thompson & Co. We are building a ing. I Ennisltillon, a.god 17 years, all grey and faded hair to its original of every person w ho has used Bosclwe's The Y. P. A. of the Church-st. Metho- lot of superior sets of Harn~ss, both llAm.- In Baltimore.on Monday March 2l et color and vigor ; it stops all fallin g out Gsrman &Jmp to let it~ wonderful qualisingle and double, out of an extra grade dist chmch decided i n debate on Monday J essie. beloved wire of Mr. '.!'hos.Haig, saddler of the hair and removes all traces of clan- t ies be known t o their friends in curing aged 61 years. night that it is not wrong to travel on nf No . 1 leather, picked out especially for drufl'. A l_ittle of .this ~reat prepant ion Consump~ion, sevtire Coughs, Oroup, our trade, and we intend to sell this liYLANI>.- In Cartwrip;ht. on the Hlth inst ·. Sunday. Andrew Hyland, aged 58 years, l and Barness at going prices. We employ n o used once lll a while will k eep the scal p Asthma Pneumon ia and in fact all 10 daya. GooD Fr..wAY 1\.'fACHtAM.- Clrns. Tod cheap workmen, no appre ntices, and in a healthy condition and make the hair I throat a'nd lung disea~es. N 0 per$Oll can 'Will give One Dozon Hot Cross Buns to gua.ran t ee our H arn ess No. 1 in every soft,plia.u t aud beautiful. A .Dor en wend, use i t without immediate relief. Three the first p crnon who will send t h rough BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. solo manufact urer , Toronto. J. Higgin- d oses will relieve any case, and we conthu post office, before h is Good Friday respect . Remember, also, we h ave come botham & Son , agen ts for BowmanvillEl. sider it. tho du ty of all Druggists to recto s tay. S. THOMPSON & Co. (May's 1 1upply is <1.ll gone, the correct solut ion of old stn.;id.) '*" HM 4!W ornmend it t o \he p oor , dying consumpC )orrcctcd by J.,hn LJ·le, ev ery 'l'ueslla the following easy anagram : tive, at least to t ry one b ot tle, as 80,0UO FLOUR, f' 100 lbs . ····· , · · $2 10 to $2 40 Bob cooks cakes for supper. Thos B On Sunday last a blizzard, direct from were sold last year, a nd n o one case WnEH', Fall, f' bush .···· 0 75 11 0 80 C upidal conks ttut shells in dust pans. t h e Nort,h role , struck the town with whe re it failed was reported . S uch a u Spr ing, 11 . . . .. . 0 75 u 0 80 . terrific force, bringing with it a largo med icine as tho Germnn Syntp cannot be BAltLEY, ~bush . ..···· · ·. 0 45 1 1 0 50 NoT WANTED. - T he Pontypool scnbe q uantity of "the b eaut iful. " Gentle to widely known. A sk your druggist RYE , II . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 II 0 48 :need n ot send L~s any news(?) l etters ?f sprin g in au agony of fear fl13d away, the o.bout it. Samp!P. bottles to try, sol d at OATS, II .. · · · .. · · 0 30 II 0 30 l!he natme of h is la~t one, unless h e w1ll 1 melodious crow and the early l'Obin with 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold P EAS, Blackeye, 'Ill' bush . . . 0 70 1 1 0 75 pay u s ten cen ts:\ hne. '\Ve do n ot pnb- I woeful notes flapped their wings i;lnd by all Druggists and D ealers, in t he 11 S1 mill', 11 · · · 0 50 11 0 50 Iish free puffs fot· merchants, a~euts, etc. , wended their way acro~s the b osom of tha United Stat es aud Canac111. 42 11 Blue, 11 ··· 0 50 11 0 00 ad finitum. Ornno business men pay us dark and angry lako t o a warmer clime ; flhe usual rnte fnr such, a1.1d we cer- the sleigh b ells were again strapped on C URI~ Fo1t OROUP.- Prompt rP,lie f to BUTrER, best table, W fu. . . 0 12 11 0 19 iainly sh all uot boom a rival village fr_ee the impatient steed and the wheeled p revent suffoo::a tion from the accumula- LAUD, 'Ill' lt .............. 0 10 I I 0 12 1 0 13 c f charge ll.t Orono's i;xpen~e. 'fhe c1:- veh icle was s towed away in t he barn, tion of tough mncuous - the formation EGGS, 'Ill' doz ........... . . 0 00 1 11ulation of the STA.TESM.AN lll Clarko is while the disgusted house-holder seized of false mem brau e- and th e constriction POTATOES, ~ bush .. .· . . ·. 0 25 II 0 40 Tery large-upwards of 500 copies-~ut again his wretched snow shovel with a of t he air passage, is n ecessary in c!lae of HAY . ......... . ......... 9 00 II 10. 00 11.ot large enoul(h to guarantee us an In- muttered cursti and groan, hl6 only a11ta sudden attack of croup . Hagyard's D:&ess1m Hoos.. . · . . . .. .. 5 50 " 6 00 e ome of $5,000 a y ear from free adver· isfact ion being that h e will h~ve n o 1 00 Yellow Oil should b e n eed at once, Cwv1m SlllU> . · . . · . .. . .. . 4 90 11 5 00 iisi~g. Don't do it again, please. to shovel in th e sweet by and h1. A X.SJK.lil · . · ···. . · · ·· · ·· ·· 4 00 II {l 00 fs.t0r wards Hagyard'11Pectoral Balsam. C \o· n1 ., llt· 'Ill ~ Several h orses ar1.1 offered fo r sale in \ ltev. J . Caun om and wife, of E hn vale this iss ue. are in town. N ote the ch ange in Mr. L aing's w.lvt. See the cheap D ress Goods a t Couch, on first page. John ston & Cryderman's. Lawn and parlor ocoquet cheap at Tait. We shall p ublish n supplementary list & M orrison 's. 0£ paid-up subscribers n ext wt;ek. Don't fail to hear the J ubilea Singe rs Very pretty and very chcup-eng-ravon Monday n ight. ings tmcl chromos at Tait & Morrison's. Rev. Geo. ' Vebber paid our town a Have you seen tlia Yatisi Corset, at Tod Bros, Four button k id gloves, 50 cents, sh ort visit on Friday laijt. "5 t '.[' l B The Mfases Christie of Brantford, are wortl1 ' ' a oc ros. the' uests of Mr. S. S. Edsall . If you want a real pleasi1nt evelling of ·7 tt d th Ch I t M th a· t .r Over 20 new brick dwellings are to be song, a en e u~c i-s . e o is ( built In Bowmanville this season. ch urch, next Monday m ght. l Clarke T ow nship N ew e. Ornno N ews. Mr. M. Andrus, of Lindrny, is visiting 11 t h is father's. NAfiA~ BALM.-Deafness caused by C1t1.'Lrrh is (JUickly relieved by Nasal Balm. Headache caused by Catarch is quickly cured by N11sal Bti.lrn. t AUCTION S AL E S. D R. E. C. JfcDO\VEJ,L. Miss Mary R coney, of Garden Hill, spent Sunday last in Orono. O tt 0 mw.-;s · LYMAN, SONS & CO, STOTT & JURY, B OWMANVILLE . 0 - Mo i\§ V WASTED 'V ·s,TO Tl~ T B,uss;;:s_ - --- &JURY ,;i l I IO!lJNTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE of PhyAicisns. Lonuon . Eng.:Member ot Fnrn_ w, April lst. - -Mr. Jas. Byers, lot College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. 3, con. 8, D nlingtou, will offer for SURGERY AND R K SIDJCNCE:-Rear of M·" ssn1. sale his Far m Stock, Implements, etc. Higginbotham's Drug Store. Bowruanville. G-br." Sale at one o'clock. LEVI A . ToLE, Auctioneer. )W ANTED.-A gir l for general 110use S.A.TUlrnAY,April 2.-Mrs. J ohn Robert- I work. Apply at Ontal'io Bank, Bowman"Tille. J0.2w·, son's furniture and household effects will be sold a t She.w & Tole's auct ion rooms. OUSE TO REN'l'. -The hot1se ou The furniture consists uf parlor, dining, 8ilve,.·st. now occupied by Dr. 'r mnblyn. n. kitchen and bedroom 1mites, and is the Possession in April. Apply to W. P. Pnow& 12-te largest and most valuable collection offered in these rooms. LEVI A. T OLE, ANTJl;D.-A girl to do kitchen Auct ioneer. work, where a housemaid l s kept. Apply to MRS RJCJD, King St1 ·eet East, BowWEEDNESDAY, A 'PRIL 6.-Mr. J. H . Bell- manville. 10-U wood, lot 30, con. 2, Clarke, will sell OUSE TO .RENT ON QUEEN-ST. lu thoro' bred Short Horn cows, heif-'l'wo 8tory Driclr. Wlll be made very ers and bulls, a nd 3 h orses. S t\le at 1 comfortable for >t respectable farn ily. Apply p . m. P edigrees furnishod. See post- to A. BlTOK LE B, J eweller. 45- tf ers. L EVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer. OR RUBBER A N D MET AL J\lessrs Shaw & T ole ~ re arranging for stamps, for t;hurch. Sunday 8cllnol and 2 sprin~ sale of live stock t o t ake pfo.ce 01llce use. address ROBEH'J' IL COX, No. It about April 7th. Farmers having sur- King Streat East, Toronto. 6-tf plus stock should avail themselves of MUSIC.- MISS HYJWl\'.C is pr epared t his chance to sell. Entries shou ld be .J.. to give instruction on t ile Piano and made by April 1st at latest, to give Orl"e.n to a limited number or pupils. 'l 'orme t ime for advertising. F oreign buyers oil application at tbo residcnce, Church ~tt~~t. will be notified t hrough the pr ovincial - - - - - --··- - - -oind agricul tural papers. LEVI A. T OLE, rl"'\0 LADIE5. -Ladies want ing rilai n .I.. sewing and dressmaking done at their Auctioneer, homes w ill inquire for Miss Jerome at Mrs. S . N .B.-Our advertising rate for au cbion TJ1 owpson·~. corner Sil .-er and Churclt Sta., 4-3m . sales, when we do not print t he sale Bowmanv11le. bills, is 25 cent s a l ine, each insertion. ITS LOST.-If t h e man who. 4: stole a pair ot mits from t.he pockets ~f W. Hazzlewood, Raglan, Ont. Licens- an overcoat in the Honse will reed Auctioneer for the township of D ar- turn them to the S'l.'A TB:SMAN ofllce, no ques13-:tw All orders for sales in this tions will be asked. l ingt on. vicinity, left wi th F. l L Mason, BowOR SALE I N NEWCASTL'E.- A manville, will receive prompt attention. Dwelling House wiU1 two-fi fth· of an 34-tf. ·.ere of lo.nd, situated on Mill Street, Newoaehe best AUCTION SALES.-R.. Hutchison, Licen- tle. Tbis Is a very choice Lot- onti or L the Villa11:e. Will be sold at a bar11:ain. sed Auctioneer for the Townships of in Apply to MRS. BELL, Newcastle. 13- 3w · Clarke, Manvers, Ca.rtwria:ht , Darlington ~ URSE LOST.-A mtvy blue knitted and Whitby.All sales atten ded t o promp tly Silk f'ul'ae, Stoel bead trimmings, lost and at reasonable rates. \V'h ere it is n ot on Friday, 11th inst .. between L. l\:lorria' store convenient to see me, arrangements for and Chas. Cawker's residence. F inder wiH sales can be made with tho Editor or by c·mfer a favor by leaving it at S'!'a'r ~:S MAN' 11·3w addressing m e at Enniskillen, P. 0. OJ1ice. 'fORE TO RENT in new brick build Aucn oN SALES.-Levi A. Tole, Licening on Kin g·st. Allio for snle one sere Of' sed Auctioneer for the townships of land on which t llere is s f1 'f1m0 house situated Clarke, Manvers, Ca.rtwright,Darlington, wit,hin hair a milo of llo wman ville on t he Gravel Iload, weat. Apply t o C. HAttNDEN. and Whitby. All sales attended t o dentist. or to W. C. TYLER. Bowman ville. promptly and at reasonable r ates. Where 12-2w" i t is not convenient to see me, arrangeO ments can be made at this flice, or by addressing Shaw & T ol e, Bowmanville. 01' VA LUA SLE_ _ _ __ _ _ .....,_ __ __ A LuoKY EscAPE.-"For six years I suffered wit h my throat and enlarrred IN C.A.R'l'WRCGH.T. .. tonsils. I was very weak. I doctored t Jnder and by virtue of a power of sale confour yeare, 'and h acl advice from three tained in a certaiu mortgage, wluch will b e doctors; they s!\id I would have to un- produced at the timeol sale. there will OO' dergo an operation . I tried B. B. .B. sold, on mstead. Oue bottle c-.ired me." M . A . Stinelch, Raglan, Ont. _ _ __ __ _ __,,________ _ A. D :, 1887, at · rwo o'clock in th<J after noon, OH! Ou! OH !-Oh, for a l ively and by UOBERT IIUTCHISON,Auct.ioneer. at interesting corresp<·ndent for the STATB$MANia Orono, Laski.r d , New P:uk, Star k- in the Vilhge of Cartwright. the following ville, L otus, Cadmus, Oro~area., Purple property, viz : Lot number 'l' went y·three, ln the Eighth H ill and Ta.unt on. Vve don't want silly Concession of the Townsh ip of Cart'lt'ri)(ht. gossir)era, but writ ers to send us news aforesaid, con tnining '.l' WO HUNDRED items. There arc do~ens of happenings ACRES, more or less, '.l'he above property ia a desira.blc. one. hel~ in every section that might be r eported well fencer! 11ud ill ft good State of cultivation. in t h e local r)apors, and made interest ing There are a frame house and l>arn upou th.6 premises. One hnn<lred ancl for ty acres are ~ri~~et~=~d~~9;,n ~~~! s!~~ ~~~~ ~~c tl~~ cleared. "n rl the bale.nee of fj:xty acres Is well wooded with excellent harllwood and cedar STATESMAN . Who will do it 'I rhe cbarnc:er of. the soil ie 1{00(1, beiug I\ hgllt -~=::::-:-::"'-::=::::::::::::::::::::::~==~===~=".""' clay loam. The farm is wall watered and is ,_ ., ·· - situated on a well travelled roitd. }?all plough· mg haa been done on a large portiou ol tho cleared land, which 1s ready for cultivation. 'l'fli:tMB OF SALlc .-One tenth of the purchnre money to bo paid down at the time of sale, and enoui;rh to make one· third iu tl1irty days; t lm lance to be secured by mortgage on the pre-· mises payable in three equal unnual lustalmcnta, wiLh internet from the day of Bale at Call at Lyle' s and i nspect the the rate of six per cent. per annum. following reliable Seed<! and Fon fur ther particulars apply to D . BURKE Grain, selected for this season's SIMPSON. nr the town or Dowm.-nville. Sowing. Solicitor for Vendors, or ROBE RT HUTCHISON, Enniskllfon. Cholc.- Jte·l n111l Alsllrn Cl ove~. ,D. BUBRlC SI MPSON. ROBERT HUTCHISON, Vellfo< 's Solicitor. " S"Cll . Anctioneer. Six Jtowed Harley, yery clean. Cartwright, Mnrch 24, 1837. 13- t1. L H W H F M F P S AUO'I1ION S ALE. FARM PROPERTY I SATURDAY, APRIL 23RD , BWAIN·s J:-.IOTEL T O FARMERS ! V'! · I ALLAN L I N E .ROYAL MAIL .STEAMSHIPS. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL; SAI LING ti. Loca an erw1se. JOHN LYLE. PARISIAN, from Portland, April 7; H alifax, April 9. P OLYNESIAN, from P ortland, April 21 ; Halifax, A pri l 20. CIRCASSIA N, from Por tl and, May 5 ; Halifax, May 7 . RA.TES OF OcEAN PAssAm: :-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75 ; ret urn, $l00, $125 and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; ret urn, $60. Steera.,ge, $20. T he las ~ tra in conr ecting wi th t he mail steamer at P ortland leaves Torontu on ' Vedaesday morning. The last t rain connecting with t h& mail steamer at H a.lifax leav<0s · r ornnto on Thursday morning. l?or tickets and ever y information, apply to W . A . NE.A.Ds, Bowmanville, Agent A llan line. 11-t f S'l'OCI( FOR SALE. ARMERS. - A fooro' -brod Suffolk boar ia now kept fol' r<nvice Oil lot sz. con, 1, Darlington. Terms, ~LOO. JorrN U KE, proprietor. 13-3 w ULL FOR SER VICK-The T horo B brec1 Shor t Hom Bul1, "Duke of Argyle;" be kept for aervice tlns s111ison (registered) 7 - F Dry on lot 10, con. ~. Ca1·twrigh t, 'l'cl'ms $l.50 for the eeason,or$2.00 to insure. 'l'HOMAS W1£nUY, Proprietor. 13- tf. will vl ce at lot 26, con G, Darlington. Registered in the Dominion 8hor t Horn Herd Book-- the highest sta,ndnnl in Canada. 'l'erms only $1.50. '.l'horo'- breds $3.00. E. N. Y AR:)[UM. Proprie· tor, 13- Sw ,. T O FARMERS.- The pure-bred Shor & fO L' ser~ Hor n Dull. 11 L arisclowndn ls k:npli - - - - - - ---- -------- HORT H01tN COW, (will rcgiater) with Calf a month olrl by side, for sale. A cboice of two will be giveu. W. \VERRY. ltose8·tf landvale Stock ] ' Mm . Solma. S FOR SALE.-Two Shott H orn B UI,LS Bnlla for sale- will register in D. 0 . H, Ptizo winners at I I W.A.NTED. the timed. LEVI SKINXER, 'l'yrone. 'l'ern1seu.Bf, l.o sui t ll-3w 3 0 0 LES_ 'rALLION FOR SALR - A He<1.vy Draught Stallion for sale.rising six years 1brs apply to J'on old. Ji'or further par tic1 GREENWOOD, Lot 29, Con. 9, Clarke, nr Leskard P . 0. Ont. ll- 3w * S Iiome Grown ORSES FOR SALE.--A l!ood pan H purpose oolts r isin·r 1 years of old. Apply to .A. lot 35, con. Clarke, F l goner~.! or Orono P. O· DAVIS, 13- 3w * 5. I Carrot Seed. W. QUICK & CO. -HOUSES FOR SALE. - One horse rising Gyears, oue ma1·e rising !J years, one aged horse-all general purpose- for sale. Apply to GEO. DOJ3SON, Bowmanvillc. J3-2 w. 1·1toF. LOW' S SIJM·umt !ijl) A,J' b lllg hly rc.,ommen<lcd for the C lll"~ of Jll'11pUon , '1ba 11p..1 k anclii, l'lmpltJS, 'fm1,.tc, "laalc~,

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