Slu·l··l1 ofa llslt to the 0111 Seoteb Pnlaoo. Tbin·Bloocled People '\fho ( iut lip Strange Views o r the Wlle of a ()irnndian Judge la It w..s a. chill drizzly da.y It did not pos ( apers ht (Jolorado. l'1nh Embellh1he<l b J ' Ncws1m1>et .Man. " At a recent exhib1t10n m Engla.nd, where HOME AND GENER.AL N.EWS 1t1volJ rnrn but came so neat t o it t hat 1t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1887, T he wife of a Canadian Jndge says t he prizes were given for walkmg horses, the nugl I '~ ell be descu bed as a S< otch mist I It IS s"range h ow ~ome people affect speed attamed wa.s over five nules an hour Robbe1Jcs and mcenrh ansm ,.re mcreas Slt , 1 t he wmtlow of my hutel overlookmg ~<l hy t he ligh t an and 6,000 feet altitude of P ana correspondent of 1 ruth, who r ead Poult1y should have a certam proportion mg 11"'1ly throughout Bur mah Punc d stteet, E imbu1 gh r 1i'er e wer e few ~ie.;;ei~ne said b 00 P~hceman Bea.n "A what Su· Charles T up per said upon th e 01 of salt m their food as well as, as 1t 1 The Pope and the Queen exch,.nged pede L u aus m sight and tins t aken vnth f arom D enver irne "'go I~ reached h er e " Trutheries, has called to give me supple agt elnt :ie ~aR ra ier a cadaverous J bl 1 s necessary to t h e promotion of h ealth and 1 u I ee coug ratula.t10ns and sent each otlie1 t he ~ I 1te ot th e \HJa ther brottght me n earer 1100k 10 h l d d t t I m ental mforma.t10n abou t t he p ast and pre 1 0 1 thrift valuable presents tu slucp t han t o t1ny thoug l t ot the busw ess arouncl ~m core apb , loo wd ioin h 1 se tet c ' sent r eprcsentat1ves of her MaJesty a t Ot sn cons 1m n t ion ph t a an t awa She was m that city when th e an Fresh made butter, with da.mty fiavo1, A recurrence of earthquake shocks m the that Irn <l l > rought me to t ile <·ty After a the law allo1' s As the tram near ed Che nouncement was made that t he L an sdownes must always be sold m prefer ence to a. but Rn tern has mduce<l a tr esh rash of fng ht en 1 while I t soh cd t v sr ake off n Y lethargy eime he bega.n t o rrlar e aroun d t he car a. )if w ere t o g et the Cha.teau of Montreal fi tted ter made three months before it IS put on eel tottnsts t o Monte Ca.rlo I and dcvvt e tlitJ afternoon to ' seemg t he h e was a fraid so~ebody was gomg t o sl g up and t o spend there the ooldest mont hs I the market Au m er ease m the n umber of D omunon hon s, 11 >P t" of wrnd or wea thei l! ' ull of hun and when the news agent p LSS~d of t he year, whwh ore the ones m w hi ch. A little loose sa.nd thrown over those c1m sers emploJ ed to protect the fishenes my new 1 e" lution I descended to the en t hrough p ecldlmg some oran ges he fanly tobogga.m ng sle1ghmg, curling, skat mg beets m tho corner will pi event that ahnvel this season is cons1dernd p i obable 'tra.nce, hailed a c 1h an l s1g n1 fi ccl to Jehu y elled for them to ta ke hun a.wa H e tourmn enta and torchlight process10ns are m. ed appearnncetheynowhave Of coutse A f thatl~Hmtedto go to HoJyiood w1safra1dof bem killed '\Vhenh/r e h full fling This news c.aused m tense excite you have a good supply of sand on hand for )O~ng mansteenng a toboggan at Paris A sho1t d11rn t hr ough qua nt, ol d fash eel I h t g ll 8 th ac d from a common Blotch, or Eruption7 this purpose seemg ange l a head rolled off and left t he 10ned thorou~hfmes a nd I wa.s set do-wn m rnre ego spe m e w ay, an ment a.nd t he Anglo Scotch though t it rather f?- the wol'St Sci ofula . Salt-rheum; H k d th f t d load of ladies to look out fo1 themselves front of t he pa.l..ce ,.nd was left t o lll) own I ha~'~hgoo d d ea.1 of bft othe1 m soothmg h im a shame that the Vice regal Comt should g() " en i e t 1ghty he told me that m m1dwmter every year t o show the light Fever-sores," scaly or Ron~h Skin ave you 1oo e over e rUI a.n vege 1n a b ar r~om fi g ht a t R ogers p ass m tie 1 ! resource· rn d ee cl ' 1 wa.s left vei v much to h e " Jn in sho1t, nll d1sea.ecs caused by bad"'blood nr~ tables to see if th ey are rottmg i We know cl ofteu been tiouhled th"'t wa when of t heir count ena nce to t h e F rench at M ont conquered by thla powerful puiifylng and the question wa.s asked beforn but we Selknks, V\ m Sa.nds wa.s st..bbed to d eath myself for, with tt e except10n o f two sleepy J,e r each ed any tolm abl Ju h 3it t d r eal Lord Lan sdowne I was t old, k eeps ~~:!o~!t}M'/1f.~<ii'i°~~de:*1~~!11~~t1~A~e!1!e· propose to keep on askmg It and sa~e those with a dnk by a.n Italian named Curs10 \lookmg sent ries p acmg back and forth, I The least excitem ent brn)ugh t g on a.a I f~eseh up a fine show Hi s carriages and h orses 110 Especm1fv hns lt mumfested its potenoy in vegetables a.nd fruits If poss1Lle 'Ihe munleier 18 not y et captured could see hvm!{ thrng It wa.s not a gala spell I lear ned afterwaicl that he never have given a gr eat idea of his w ealth to the curing Tetter, Rose Rash! Bolls, <JarThe Government will short!) resume the day m t he heart of M1dlr> th1a 1, atmospher h~cl an Huch a t tacks a.t home In m ex colomst s W hat must it h ave been, they buueles, Sore Eyes_, Serorulous Soros Young stock, once allowed to run down, work of Iaymg out th e natrnnal p ark a.t t he I ICally or otherwise and I \ \ "s rnther pleased y t th l th I h k y f b p er ience a and Sl-vollings, JI1p-.Tol11' Dhea&e never fully r f th IB t 6 ti f B f t l1 t l l l e r epo ere ave nown o w onder, before his rncome from his Insh 1 a c&se 'Vllite Su·elllngs, Goitre, o 1 Tlaicil ecover rom e e cc iereo a.nlf Hot Sprmg Roads, drives and bndle or m was ot 1 'e1Y to e m any people -who have been t roubled m the esta.tes was reduced by a quar ter- a reduc Neck, nod Enlarged Glands. Senct ten Of mfeno1 feed and h oe the fir st generally paths bee'l constrn cted alr eady The I troubled with a. crowd of compam on sight s 1 Th t0 b 1 11 t cents Jn stamps for n large treatise, w1th col- I brmgs the second J:'oor feeding is scandal nnprnvem ents last season cost upwards of seer s I t ook a look around '.J here on ~ J." la.y h is ~eems L Yb rue t1on w hich was on his side voluntary, and e e, to his honom But ther e is ~~guE£~tg: · fr~n~~!n p~~~~~~Jo~~l~~cJ~~a ous vermm added, it is brutal $1'> ,000 j my u ght h~nd stood Arthurs ae~t and the ~o ,J~s~:~dt~egh~rf-::%ssh~l~Htn ~~ L:~~n therefor NO JJURNJ.!'G OF CANDIES AT DOTI! ENDS ~'TJIE Dl,OOD IS THE LIFE." Make drams and thus a.llow the "ater to Mrs James l! 'D.rley, a widow lady a.bout crags, like m1c City a.nd on mquirmg of the tram men o.?fg~fi1 1b:~1.j_1~~:itJfs~~~~~;·a~~e:g~'l run off a.s fa~t ~s the snow melts, m or <ler to 55 years of age r es1d mg on Shuter St r eet , TWOGRIM MONSTERS I lea1 u that afterw ..1d t hey go tlu ough a.11 at Go· e1nment House a.s Ill the Dttfferm s time A t th en en tertammen t s t he Mardigestion, a fair sld11~ b u o;uut s1>tr- I avoid slush and dampness m the barnyard, Toronto, committed smmd e the other even with t heir h eads m t ho clouds Altogether right Us, vital s tro11gtl1, ana. so1111dnell11 ol but be careful not to allow of a.ny escap e of . m g by han1nng Her husband d ied about I the scene was not m vitmg so I ma de my "You r emembe1 t h at httle fellow from qms a nd Ma1ch10nese d o thmgs m a.gmficent th e 1 e onshtnt1 on, " 'Ill lie established iqmd matter from t }ie m anure heap two months a.go and s lie h as b een very d es way to the arch ed entrance of the a.bbey N eva. d a , w lio cut up such tantrums a t the ly , but close economy is t h e every day rule Use some kmd of a.bsorbent and save it pondent smce then \th1 ough w lu ch a roj al cor tege had depot h ere a few months ago ?' cd the Lord Dnfferm not only spent his £ 10,000 a. IWI Of th d"" t A novel advortisrng sch eme was rntro passed m t he days of old After a fen Judge The lrntcncr m h m atcd tha.t he y ear, but dipped his est ates and sold the 1 timber on t hem wh en h e coul d gam p olitical roots are which ls Serofulou11 Disease or the mo~t 1 ebl 1ueren t b potatoes f b the d uced by a merchant 1n C ar t h age, Ill A prehmmanes a.nd a sca.rcely p erceptible dis h & d n t f orgooten t Iie circumst an ces -.uugs, ls promptly and certainly nnested t iad e 0 tm3~rfr Y r eezigb eets seu esof prod1g1ons boot tracks -w ernpam t ed 1 p la.y of ied tape I was a.dnntt ed and made " Well t hat fellow began to show the ef p om t s by a iud1c10us u se of money My abufd cutrehd byttht1s Godfg tihven iemcdy, 1f taken nex 'tan car ro s s 1 1ess p a frt hy eca use lea.dmg from each side of the square to his my way as soon a s p oi;isiblc t o Q:ieen Marys feet of the :i.l t1tude LS the t ram nea.recl Chey \ls1tor assured m e tha.t " Lorne and t he e ore e 1ns s ages o e d1seru;e am 1each ell can o a ustrn11y gro'l'i mos t o t eir roots es ta bhshrnent '.I h e sch eme 1t is sai d · I r ooms Underst and Queen Mar) was my enne ]3Y t I1etime he had reached her e he Prmcess Lom se did n ot salt away a d ollar ' From its wonderl'ul power ovei this terrlblf. beneath the su foce p b 1 ft 1 fatal disease, when first o1l'enng this now oe. j m th d r t arsmp~ can eth wor k ed to p erfect1011, for eveiybody seemed particulo.i c h v1mty or rat h er na.d been when Ih ad barr 1Caded himself m the r etmn(( room when they were m C an acla The Prmcess ehbrnted remedy to tho public, Dr Prnnoa b tt efgt un a 11 wm er , an are r a er curious enough to follow the t rncks to their 1I was "' boy ana pet h a.i)s no man h ves who anc l W>\6 about to throw ln mself out of the w is as beneficent as could be, and never t ougl t senously ofbut calling it bisthat "Con-1 e er or some freezmg d est m a t ion ' with him a. portion of his boy win d ow wh en t h e fao.mmcn forced their w as a.ppealed to for money w1thont (when aun1ptlou Cure," abandoned nume does not carry GATE vVrTJIOUT H INGES - A g ate can b e Another t errible railway d1sa.steroccurred heart, even mto the centr e of Ins ma.nhoocl way m and ca ugh t h im Jiewas sm e some she was sat isfied t ha t she, had to deal with 118 too limited for a medicme which from its wonderful combination of tonic oretren~then- without hmges by havmg the hangm g the other mornmg near llostou on t he Ded As 1t happened or as t he weather willed 1t b ody w as gomg to kill hnn I got him h onest people) putt m g her h and m he1 pock et or s1gnm g a check She was a gr~t ~e~t~~1r~~d~u~il~~~~d r';;~!~fi~gi:~~c~u~1~~· stile somewhat longer tha.n the front st yle, ham branch of the Boston and Providence ther e were but' two vrnitoi s besides myself ' awa.y from the crowd and t old hnn I d p ro success until t he slmgh a cc1clent befel h er not only tlB a remedy tor consumption ot the and makmg both ends roundecl The lower railway Five cars full of pa.ssengers fell so I t hough t I was 111 luck ' t ect hun and fi11ally got hun qmeted \iown lungs but fot nll one IS to work m a hole m the end of a. short throug h a bndge t o t he rnad thu ty feet be Iu spite of the wat chful ey es of my guide The tr a.mmen looked a.fter lum unt il t hey H er ner vous system t hen got upset , with C~ONIC post rn1sed so that s01l will not r eadily get low, all the occupants b em g killed or b adly m to '\\hose ha.nd I Rlipped a good sized !b egan to descend from Sherma.n, and soon the effect that m sp eakmg she was to make use of words JUSt the contrary of t hose '~ m, and the upper one works m a. hole lllJUrcd Twenty seven of the bodies have · image and superscnptrnn I coutnved fr e after he seemed t o b e as sane as anybody OF THE made m an oak piece attached to the top of been 1clent1fied, and five others are l~ mg f t quently t o linger " mome~t or tw o b ehind "It was only a few days later t ha.t an old she wanted to say She, ther efore imposed on herself t he rule of silence with those the gate post Gates of this kmd ca.n be the morgue About fift y were mJured of 1 ' the party , and thus en Joy the l ux m Y of a Jlady on the t ram was t ak en m the same way made and hung with but little more expense w hom several will die drca.m or t w o alone I saw the h t tle oup She got it m to her head tha.t a. color ed whom sh e did not well k now This passed &ullen reserve and favontrnm, and ' ' 0 I than, and will be found far morn con T he Mmist er ot .agr icurnure nas r eceived per room ~here on t ha.t Febr uary mght Iwoman who sat m the far end of the <ar for f;: If you feel dull, t:lroway debilitated, have vement and sa.vmg of tune than the latter a letter fl om Col Raveuhill of t he Royal long ago ' h ad fou l d esigns upon her U nt1! the tram caused a good deal of R E Sli!NTMENT AMON G T IIE L>\DIES sallow color of slcln or yellowish brown apots t t m g t h a t c ol G oldie, ' ' RIZZIO JI.AD DEEN MUilDllll.llD on face or body, frequent headache or dlzztSUGAR - While Emopcan governments A r t l Llery, ~a Ass rstant POOR r each e d Ch eyenne th e uufor t unat e d a ugh t er " Lorne w as JUSt as good as he could be ness bad taste m mouth, iuternal bent or chills are paymg bounties for the production of ArlJuhnt Genernl a.t l fahfax , has b een ap of Africa did not dare m ove a m uscle for alternating w1tll hot 11oihes. low spuits ana beet su"ar we are cuttmg off our maple p omted by the Bntish Government to pur by Darnley , Rut h ven, and others I st ood fear of throwm g the old lady m to convul and fit st r ate m busm ess ' ea1cl m y visit or ~~°'i°dyt borebot:lmgs, lrre~ular afipetlte, and groves "' Don't do it Maple sn('ar and chase horses m C an..da for the Impeual long and gazed upon th e stams of blood s1on· Cases of t ins sort tur n up often ' " but h e was uuendura.ble " 11 ge sfloi~~'i)~8[.~~:/i,~bd0 !j~rprt°J11ll~!~; syrup will brmg fair prwes- not for u se a s aimy for a t erm of y ears About 150 hoxses winch, of courne ar e no , th ere, an d then I "What sort of p eople seem to he t he " H ow so " I ask ed " He was so stand off m his demeanor . or "BH loueuese." In many cases only every clay suo-ar but a.a luxuries Let us from Ont ario an d t he older provinces and tnrned to look a.t the queens w ork t able m os. l\ lTecte<l tha.t w"'y ' was ed "They part ofdthe fse B!,~ptornhs are experJ{Jn~ed Ae ha' e all you "ca~ make and let it b e pure the sam e number from the ranches m the and the liLUe odds and ends upon it T lu s 1ar e gcne1ally t hm blooded, ner vous p eople, "Duffer m knew t he Chr1st1an and pet n am es o. reme Y JT.ledlcol or ...., sue Di·eov easee, Dr. Pierce'· 1 h , h ave got v1 of all t he children m Ottawa , rea.d of the Golden ery bas no 1 and full of the maple 'fia.vor Sorghum is N ortl1 vVest and British Columbia will b e was mJ d e11g ht, a.nd I cou 11 c not k eep my IWh o 1f th ey a re m fair h eat equal excelhn" b eets m this country With the required annually eyes from i t I had turned to leave the lt ah ty back of t hem ," was t he r eply " V ery births m the papers, and r emember ed to F or 1: :Veak 1,u,ngs, SpUt1111r of Blootl, b est varieties and apparatus every farmer A young gent leman of Howe I sland while apa.rtment and follow my irnule and t he two !n er vous old women are very of ten t he vic congrntulate their fathers of th e new born S]io1 1 ucu o ' ' Breath, Brouehitl& lt1 ms A 8 l igIi t Jar orsh ock set s tlmm gomg , babes H e shook hands pubhcally wi th a. 1 can make suga.r and syrup a profita.ble Severo Coughs, <Joiununption, ana farm fo ewood t he day before ]u s wed other v1s1t orn' whe 11 a m ost smgu I ar circnm I kindred n1Iect10ne it la a aovernlf)n remedy crop, even a.t present prices The seed is dmg w"'s to t ake place, mfticted an ugly st auce occuned for which, of course, you and then t he dep ot rustler h a.a a p 1cm c on grocer's wife who h ad t riplets, and on o day b~o°i~~nt~~n~~~~t:gn st~~¥:3J. D:uile{;:,,~ valuable, and the stalks, after the JUICe is six mches long m lus right foot Me will to t ake my word !his han J.s ancl no 1mstak e Their mam a. got out of his to go and admire Ii pressecl out, aie better than corn fodder foi dical a.ssistance wa.s soon summoned and five FlOm a. feelmg n ot to b e d escribed by the 1alway s assumes the sam e phuase-they al them when they w ere wi th their mot her and OR 6 BOTTLE S ensilage stitches w ere placed m t he wound He wa s p en, I somehow became aware t hat I wa s ways beh ove somebody is gom ~ to kill them' t h e ser vants m the street If a n ewsboy said a smart thmg to him h e d stop to t ' ' FOR $B.OO. NEW KI NDS OF L IVE STOCK - The demand vlSlted by his m tend ed bride t hat evening, 0 t al one l1l the room although I k new per 1 11 1 to him, a nd I often saw hun shak e himds World's Dispensary Medical Association for h eavy work horses is such that the and it was airanged t hat t he marriage cer e a:cA fh!~a! ~ ~°t:,:e~~~~c~~s~::! ~~ STATISTICS w it h a conductor of t he str eet cars who ' farmers ma.y well consider 1f 1t will n ot pay mony would not be p ost poned According I J P Y came from !us part of Ireland, and he ha.d Propiletors,61J3Maln St,Duu..u.o N.Y. h t d h k th h th t l y n ext day they were one alt hough v ance felt that no presence could ever 'Iher e im o o is wor w1 eavy ma.res a h had be more real mdeed I fairly looke<l back ar e nearly twice as many b irths always somethmg bright and pleasan t to shall breed for h im every y ea.r a. bit Perch alt t ear groom t o be assisted to a.nd from the t o see, a u d was ' t 'd t d T l annua.lly in Germany a s in F rance In no IBa.ppom e iere, say · "I LITTLE eron or E ng1I Sh Shire f oa.l t h at can e brok only a few feet from where I stood wa.s a other w ords, when 100 children are born m LORNE'S STAND OFFISHNESS \.a't'Ce S en to h ght farm work at two year s old and A b ill before t h e British Columbia. Leg1s lad She leaned sh ht! over the little I the lat ter country, 184 are born m the for after Dufferm s chaff and h eart m ess was n. as a 'l.\..t LIVER sold at four Then there are the Holland la.ture p10v1des tha t :i.ny Ker son who 18 prov t by ! h h g f b y h d t d m er t b b 1 b 1d k d a e upon w 1c one o e1 an s res e like an icy blast m the mon th of M ay " U""' (la'\. '\I 9 cows, a.nd Gue1nseys, and Polland breeds, en e im ee1 e, or an a 1tua run ar · H er ~utlme was handsome m the extrem e The t otal cost of con vict pnsous m E ng The P rincess Louise enjoy ed best m Cana.cla '~ 5 p ILL and the beef ma.kmg H er efords, each claim shall not have the r ight t o manage or dis and I rem ember thmkmg tha.t my eyes had land 18 d1mm1shmg In 1881 82 it was the society of t he French She was v ery ANTl-BILJOUS and <JATHARTIC. mg pre emmen ce m their way s "Y orkshll'e pose of any r eal or per sona.I est at e Also n ever gazed u on a. form of more erfect £ 345,632' it has n ow sunk t o £ 299,876 In fond of getting away from Ottawa and Sold by D r u ggists 25 cents a vial pigs, mutton sheep '\Vy audotte fowls, etc' ~ny hue~ pdson mfay, onbpe t1t ionblby his lor lovelmess H~r rnbe seem ed t o b e cnm the year 1881 82 t h e sta.ff consisted of 1,579 gomg to live en m t·ste at the cita del of all possess merit s wh1ch1tis the progressive er us a.n or w i e or Y any ood re a s on velvet while the u er ar t of h er m ale and 166 female officers t he nu mber s Qu ebec- an old pla.ce that dated from the farmer B duty to rnvest1gat e, a nd, so far a.s twn, by m, or by auy public oilicer , dress albe; t of quamt cutPJ'nd p~ttern w a.s a re now 1 376 a.nd 124 r espectively Ma n1111s d e Mon tcalm It became the hIB means resented b efore Judge of e Supreme ' wit h Jewels It wa s the work 'of an the new go' to choose between t he old ancl p Cour t of Br itish any Columbia, bet hmterd ict ed a b la.ze Between 1875 and 1880 the production of t hing there to be a.rtistic Officers, the sons Is offered by the proj)rietors and declared mcompetent to t rnnaact any m stant for me t o recall pictur es I had B P.en the Yorksh ire coal field m cr eased by 3 072, and daught ers of 3udges and of m1111sters of Dr Sage s Catarrh Remedy N EOESSITY FOR DRAINAGE - W et lands busm ess whatever and descr1pt1011s I had r ead, w hich , wh en 1000 tons, that of D erbyslme by 4 669 000 (preach ers), su ccessful trades people, and A ~~~~~r~t:i~caturrhwhlchthey should be dr am ed because we cannot un Th f 0 11 t d t ak en t ogether , b rough t the convict ion that t ons , ancl t h1t of W est L by 2 so on, wen t m for sk etchmg unpressiomsm, ~ Ir youhave adlschargetrom lock the fertihtyof thesoilunless airtakes e owrng is stae tobeacorrectac I stood m the presence of Mar y , queen of 610,000 tons Ti:iete was an m cr easeof6: art furmtur e and ar t umon s, to be bien en ~ the nose otlensh e or other- th e place of t h e t he wat er, says P r of Scott count of t he r ecent tragedy a t Grand F alls, Scots, or ra.t her t ho a.1r clr&wn semb lance of 574,000 t ons m Sou th \V ales, of 3 485,000 coiir The Pnncess u sed to go out on skat wise, partialloss ofsmell taste, m the A gricultural Gazette \ Ve dr am to N B - Two t raders na med Blake and K el that 1oyal lady I was not stai tlecl T o It ons m East Scotl..n d , and of 3 500,000 tons m g exped1t10ns m a boa.t She had some or pressure in h~~J1 c;~~1 y;;:~~~;:hdu~g~~~ let water mto t he soil as much as t o t ak e it ly have been m t he h abit of sellmf, i oods m me, a.t the t ime , ther e did n ot seem to be rn th e Great Northern coal field vo J r apids , that h owever, narrow es 1S11nds ot cases termmate in consumption out -not m er ely to car ry off the s,u plns t hat vicmit y W hen t hey last e t there anythmg st range about t h e matter I s1m Th 1 £ d t t was not at Quebec, but high up t h e river Dr Sal!'a s CAT.ARIUI REMEDY cures the worst wat er but to make the fertihsmg ram filter was some trouble ab out a n ot e and a man p l t 0 od cl 1 0 k d e oases r om exposure an s a.r va ion It usecl t o be said of h er t hat she wa.s all f ever m ak e cru;es of <Jatarrb~'Cold in &he Head ' P tl 'h named Sear way swore t ha.t 1 Ys an ° e among cat t le, m mne of the pnnc1pal hreed and vatarrhal .l:A-daehe. 60 ceuta. 1 uoug t 1 ie soil Amongst other effects, cam e back he w ottld beat his hfe out of h im INTO IIER MA< NIFICENT E J: ES, m g Stat es a nd Ter ritories of t he Amer1ca.n radia.n ce to the Fr ench Can adians and had drammg improves the texture of soil by 0 th 21 t It HI 1 d K ll d \Umon dur rng t he p ast year wa.s more th an more F rench th an English hooks on h er makmg it porouq, drier, looser, and more a nd n went e smto u a public a re a.n e Y ret urne which were modestly h fted t o m m e In a 4 000 000 house Sea ted m f _ ,_ d II · · ' ou t of a tot a1 of l ess t iia.n 16, 000, drawm g room table B ut L ady Sophia Mac f riable, 1t makes land mor e asily wor ked , it the room w er e t wo Fren chmen and shortly ew secon f w. hmy fmm rcl a.n d over a t he dtrto ym bg I000 That is, on e in four wa.s stal ved from uama.ra uncl1<1stood t he ' mdep endcnt " raises temperature of the s oil , it ena.bles a f'" S t d 'I h F h scenes o er 1l e , in ee 1 seeme e 1d rought m summ er or k illed from a com t emper of t he A nglo Scotch P 1ovmces, and a ver earway en ere e r enc men tak n out of 11 d ft d b k b great er v an e t Y Of Clops t 0 b e grown , I t ll h to t h th t e myse , an w a. e awa.y ac mat 10n of sta.rvatlon and exposur e to sever e helped to make t hm gs smooth o.nd agr ee CONCERNING cairy ou I S r ea aga.mat m to the stirrmg t rmes when the Lmds of er m wm t er gives an earlier seed time and an earlier ca ed 011 un ab le harvest , and it makes manure mor e effectua.l Blake Searway wa.a afraid to attack Blak e t he Covenant stood every man with his And even this does not ex haust the pract1 op enly and gom g b ehmd hts back picked up sword drawn, and t he hapless Mar y "as the F or t he y ear 1886 th e unport s mto t h e cal advantages of dramma; wet lands a p oker and struck hun on th e head, knock sport of circumstan ces B y and by I came IUmted K m gdom am ou nted to £349,381 000, HJ.a OpllllOilfl :: ing him sensel ess rhen h e p icked up the t o whnt h ad alw l.YS seemed to b e 5a i_d ec1ea se of £21,023,000, or a. httl e over "Oh, M r V\T 1se, ) she said, meeting him T im FE~DING OF CATTLE - P rof Wallace bod) threw it m"' wood box and 3ump ed on a cur w us par t of her histor h ex 2 per cent , a.s comp ar ed with 1885 Morn (P rofesso1 oi Agricultur e U mvers1t y of Ed it until K elly mterfen ed t o his p art ner esca ade wit h Bothwell and onr~ a a.m tha n three four th s of the reduction I S lll Ill a bookstore, "I m so gla d t o see you mburgh,) m a lecture on "Catt le F ecclmg , ' from b emg murde1ed Then t he l:'rench I m~ntall formulated t he uestion I~ it articles of food and drmk, especially wheat I m gomg to purchase a set of books for my )> says " Aa to early matuu ty, I am not one men Jumped upon Kelly, Sea.rway a.lso turn possibl e t~at 80 mn ch bea.uty 6ould e;er find IT he exports amounted t o £212,364 000, a husba.nd s birt hda.y gift , and n ow you can _ of t hose who believe t ha.t all cattle should be ed on hun , a nd catchm g !um up, t hrew him an thm t o love m t ha t sea e race lord 1 d ecrease of £681,000, 01 abou t ;f. pe1 cent help me ku~ m my sel ection Now d on 't ..,.... finished and k illed before t hey are two y ears O\ er the table and 3nmp ed upon his ch est I ~skedg myself the qu eshonp b~t u d e of Most classes of articles sh ow r cduct10ns, but ~:~k~h91,1;1 e d hke T hackeray s complete wN old In a bad or a'\\ k war d clnn ate, an d unt1l1t w~s pulp H elp came and Searway my am!lzcment when t he hgu; e ans~er ~ it I y arns and textile fab11cs show mcr ea ses "Why , Mrs Bl a.nk , I t hmk- - - " " Y es, I t hmk so, too W e have sever al wher e mferior torage is produced, I thmk 1t 1and th e :E r en chrnen iled Ihe beat en m eu Ihe h ps moved "No it said " h e never ::'ii ~h~ul~t~:tetoar~«iefheca~~:u!~n~£1 th~0} ~~!~ 1r ;~e f:y k:l:~e;hK~Pa yn~ F a 11sfhh tsel , w heie, owned mJ love, b u t , ' thmk, {uy subjects T ransgression m You th of Th ackeray's alt ea.dy, howe' er H e is 1 0 ::::ll:l o "' · ' iec l mJunes, were m open r eb ellion my husba.n d an d ve f <l f h 1 t d I th h '" f ....._ bem g agamst t he fattcnm g p owers of t he aml even n ow Blak e h es 1Lt t h e pomt of b een a brnt e wh en h e ~u h t t o have beeh T o transgicss is ltt era.lly to go beyond "C~ on M~ ]' ory, ;1'h t ou s o;ne 0l ,,,,,,,. ammal, but the t enden cy t o early maturity dea th Sea1 w1L y has been arrest ed my prntector, I was a wo~mn m a strang e the !me of n ght , t ruth , or safety Tra.ns D on ~g ou tri~keit ~ the1t~:£9 , ng an IS not compat ible with t h at h ar dm ess of con country "wit hou t a trust friend m th e g 1ess10n ma.y be moral, mt ellcctmL l, or phy " ll ll M Bl k f I JJ.I st1t ut10n which h as d een m ducecl by aclvet The Relief of Emin P asha wh ole wide world , what coJiu I de ? , 'Ihe 1 s10a.l, or it may combrne all quaht1os m t he to choo~e'Ir~a Y no~, rs a.n · i w er e , rnfilllte pa.t h os with which sh e u ttered t h ose ls\ame act By an m exorable law of na.tur e, " W ould you, m deed ? W ell, of course, sity m t he condit10ns of life SoMETl:!INC: A nouT AsrA'R.AGus - Joseph 'I he ai gum~nts winch S t anley brings m wo1cls brough t a t o my heart, and, I p enalt y follows every tran sgr essrnn tastes differ Im sur e l dont k no\1 h a.rdly 0 1 I'~ Harris m t he A me1 ican Gai den, sa) s _ ! ~alor 0/ Congo route to t h e I equat or ml must con fess, a t ea.r to my eye Involun ~ ~ t h e phJsicil ~orld, t does igdn~ra~~e I w h"'t to do a.bout the history Cb alles is 1 18 """' :: Man y false ideas p10va1! a bout aspara.!rus rn~ ~ r~ca t~ei y : tro~l t ~even tan ly I adv..nccd toward her, ea,gcr to ex Ipo \~ a.w ~~ ie e~~ avertl or mo Y 1t h fond of p hilosophy Don t y;u thmk rm 1 8 1 0 1 8 1 It 1s JUSt as easy to p lant and rn1~c thrn ~rop een ays er an ie asai, w I C IB press sympathy , that symp athy w h1ch ch ngs lena Y e resm i e same -w erson s b ook is t he b est w rit ten in out da.y? I t !fl th o only proparn~ on in t he woild that as t o pl ant and r aJSe p ot..toes fh e old 01 th e shortest of th e eaatern routes, but as around t he h ea.r t of every Scotsman for onej t lOUJ ht 1essneso, 11ncl even with good mtcn "I can h ardly say t hat I w i1l 10 w ha t 1s claltned f or i t It has p r > duce« J EJ exped1t10n has to b e earned by st eamer t hons --1 luxnrisnt g10wths of Ju; r on bald heads whore iect10ns m r egard to trench mg an d mau un ng b t ti C t t d wh o ma.y have err ed much bu t wh om the One p ecuh an ty 0f earl t ' JS o W ell, I ' e often thought myself 18 Y iansgr ession b11luneR bH s existed fo1 yea.1s I t bas restored ale obsolet e 'l 1ue, it w ill Jo no h " uu to mm anzi ar 0 ie ongo, a wen Y ay > world h eated not "' ell As I m o> ed t he h that Emerson wa.s overestnn ated If y ou 18 the color and \ng01 to numei oua crops of f!IaY work a lot of good m an m e m t o the sml and , ' oyage, its Jeng h, measm ed by days, 18 figure vam shed and I w LS alone t u.t it large!} comm itted m ignorance of w er e goma to buy the complete work s of n and fade d h an It h aa relieved hu ndreus of b I 'abon o t he sam e as 1 s n val's Of the one he pen alt y 'Ihe 3 outh is w ithout that ex "' , a l d 0 ppm tune1y , to sa\ e m e f . om makm g a t per one of drnagt eeab e Dandruff a nd has saved su soi1 provH e you c o not turn up a.ll the h l d fit t h St p enencc agam st 'I\ luch ol d ti an A men can poet, WQuld u t you select Long 1 1ey fool of m yself my p,.r ty returned on theu 1 1 m any "hen huu waa f,.llrng from becommg 1 p oor sub soil on to}) lhe l est a sparngus unot : nc ~sevcncays w;c r an t i t th t k i8~essofslm, fello" 'si 11 0 1 ball bod w e had was n ei ther t i encn ed n 01 manui- exv~c s 0 spen Ill makmg t e Journey, way ou t, and I JOmed them, full of w onder a s w lel as W ll iohu a now e ge P iy " I am fond of L ongfellow s work s bu t 12!' Hcm cmbor t hose facts and 1f your hmr is ed W e t op <lress it ;nth mtra t e 0f l m1ly mrrnt y nrnc are to b e sp eu t m h nd fnl dream s ,.11d t h eorie" but swa aws anc t e1r p en alttes w in ch com es I - - ' fa lling out aud becorm ng thin get a bottle at sor u. tra vel the r emaun n 01 Eift , ht b e b ' of later study and mstrnct1on t C"i ery sprmg and or casronally w ith re " 1 ' Ye g mg Y A h h " Is that so 1 I am fon d of Whit ter s m y on ce und sava th e gro wth or yon m ay 1 03 for ever A sk your druggist f or H AI R MAGI C late m t he fall st ea.mei; A s the am mumt1011, n ece:osary SILENT ~s ~ o MY ADVENTURE r gam, yout as a sur plus of vigor self But Cha.rles don t r ead much oet r n ot only fo1 t h e r elief expedition but for the In d esccndm t h e stairwa I was first w ith Th e r ecup erative t endency I S ' er y strong H e h D P Y ond take nothing el·e A D OHE NWEND Sole Mauufact urer To· E xPERIMI N r s AT THE ILr mors U NIV8RSI foi ces of l!:m m P asha , and also th e cloth t h t t g 8 tc beh Ycl y ·11 b lw ithm him No appreciable h arm seems to enJor a1s~ysCvefY !11~? uu t you 6 e Ja.[1 or wo ronto TY - Prof M o1row, of t h e Illm01s U m vers1 b eads, et c , necessary to purchase food an d psd ~n ti1 ~u ;-id jd follow wr ong dorng, and if 1t does, :i.ll appar suppRs°J~e e Bl Y I 1 ell k RIGGIN B O'Jl'HANI & S ON, ty, has made t he followmgdedu ct10ns ftom othersu pph es,ha, eto be carriedonmen s 1 ievt clem wassur pnse w ie ln b atsai 1ssoon~onc hteay. , rs an, m r Y now <tet1 an gave me a s ap e ween toh e l enttrnceoft B t 1 I w a --I n of we11.1ht m cat backs t111s d 1 A GENl S F OU BoWMAli Vl LLE exp en meut l 1Ieience b etween t he rnutes 1s "'h l l d h t k t h u some sm s are l e cumu ative i)01sons " N0 II ? H B t 1 d 1 f:D 1 tie is most cheaf'IY secur ed by pa.stur a most 1mpo1tant Gne 'Ihe mostimportant s c ertst,l iar denh ougt do m,~ H e em Y wSa c Y t owppcop ° octih m erk JUS ut 11o atn r a e, an s ou e ims Small ""' t doses t ti of them h ave no app h remable I k nGW· area gr oa m any eoplee w 1 c hon w1 th out a ny grnm c t M ' euec , ye ie p 01son i em a.m s m t e system d I t fi t fte l mm,; t I10 b est pa1 t of adva u tage of t he Con"'O i ou te is, however 1t 1 1 1 ::J> e seasou 2 l"eedmg w h ole corn m the jthatby itthe1e \\ill b~ less dangerofacol' ~~::sedo ~=:ifer ethan di~n~i~~B~~se,:~~nmI andaccumulates w1th everyrepet1t10n,un tll :~!YD~not. ou~Tu~knDi~k~n!~u ~1 ;~~'toaanr au tumn month s t o cat t le on pasture is t h e j h s10n with rho na tives It is somc"W hat re looked {i and found i t w.tBnot t he old man danger ous, 01 even fatal, results ensue ~Hiter no./ livm · p Y most economwa l method of fatt emng cattle I markable t hat M1 Stan ley w ho k nows t h e t b pt t J:t e s uch sm s also gradually form th em "W ll 011 kg M Bl k t h t th 11 Som I he feedmg is done with least labor W hen character of the Za.nz1bar~s so t hor ughly a l a 11 h' du my y touth ug 1aw t parthner us bse selves m to habit s, as hard t o break o.s cha m s t e ' '!f D know, rs ~n ' a c f 11 th ttl th l t j d h wri mgs or 1c en s a10- -' w 10 1 come o e c1 y on e ·amc usi 0 f 8 t 1 l 10gs o ow c ca e er e 1s ve1y 1 t1e an ~ o p1a ces s o 1itt1e r eliance up on, t nem ness a.s m self and hav m 0 <>' been shown u to ee " Tbd.t is true- so t he are Ch arles , waste T he m aum e 1s all sav ed and d1 stn ! shoul dhave preferred them t o su ch men as Y f d "d Id Ed b P h N ow, a.a the clu ld knows lit tle of tins , ht t 11k t l1 th 't H buted w ith out cost W hile comparnt1 vely · i;be Huussas, who have pr oved lluung cen my ioom , ot u n t me d omg 0 Ill urg and t he youth but lit t le more, t he p atent j m ig t hnof 1 e be lm on fa aH ccounll ? ave m a vet y en er :i.rnma ream l l b d ll ti t d you e as n ona e craze or owe · h 1 0-w pr ices arc t o b e exp ec ted f or ca ttl e mar t un es of t na1 b y t h e B nt1ah a.ut on trns on s1 iou c e, a.n usua J is, awar e ia m u 1 j , Oh I d tl h t 1 Are p r epar ed to pay the lugh est pn oes kcted m the aut umn or early wmter , a fan the west coast , t o be t he most r clia.ble, com genceQ tend towaHl moial cot rupt1on a.nd b t I ' rea n ear Y e ver y u ng e wn es, profi t h a.a been made a.nnually Even wit h ageous and mt elh gent of all r ,ices of blacks physical nun, that un h oly p a.ss10ns shorten u" y- d - t f h t ? St rive fo1 a Good Name all krnds of Gram d elivered at t he tirn preva1l mg ex cept10na 11y 1o" prices sale~ m the world E mm Bey about whom Sta.n life an d deat roy ones m fl uencc , t h at t h e 1 W' ll ou th on d ancy un pa.r 10u1 ar 1y ' e1 i 0 0 I I fi d tl t h ave been made (for November deliver) ) of l ey hearcl so mu ch that was rom,.nt 10 m A lthough n ches, lear nmg, and high pos1 boy, what ever Ins m tellect or cultur e, w h o e 'nei ert I 1fia w~;gkee ~ Wharf or the ir Store House m to wn most of th e cattle purcha sed last spnng .at a. Can o lH a t r u e African hero I n 1878 h e t1011 are w1t hm t h e reach only of a few, a t akes the wme cup from the ha.ndof bea.uty, \ ~o mbnyt~~nks wo? n er you m as 1 p rice which gn es fully satisfactory profit w"'s made governor of t he equa.tonal pro good cha racter may be obtam ed b y ever y m a.y die m t he gut ter ,ilcohol m all its I o"·I di a ; spearM Bl k I 0f ~ After tht ee or four months of full grnm vmces by General ( ,ordon, a nd sm ce that p er son, and a goo l n am e is b et ter t ha n all forw s, and oprnm a.nd tobacco, work m tim e ar Y , now, · rs "'n ' am, feedmg a cons1 dera.blc m rate of I t une he has bccn rnlmg , figh t m g a nd civil t hese It is 1mpor t a.n t t o e' e1y md1v1dua l such changes w1thm the p hysiual system, co~~y~--;;;;-a.m I W ell Mr vVise I'm 80 gr am ma.y be expect ed '1 A ypa1 en tly 1zmg, m th e im cl stof t h e great est mas" of It is n ecessary m all s1t uat1ons It becom es th at t he ve1y w1ll, t he sup1em e rnlcrm m a11, 1 d t 0 h h d ' Th II from t hirty to thirty six m onths "'re the most 1 bar bausm rem ammg m t h e w or ld H e h!L S the sour ce of t he purest grat1fica t10ns It b ecom es enslaved to a depra; od b odily j ~ ~ av e tt y our kop mio:s 1 h ey W l I OF CANADA . p1ofitabl e ages at which to sell cattle fat ten bmlt 1o ..ds, fortR, an d even t owns, t a.ugh t 1s t he mosLsohd honour It we with appetite ~ 1m e gr eab Y m 1ra. m~ a n a olC~ b C::a 11Hal (>aid 11p, $ 1, il00,000 Re~t, $ ZGU,Oll ed on t his sy st em- u nless t hose of a lit tle In s people to mak e cloth , sh oes an d waggon s out it , we can gain uo sm cere r espect These changes t hat dest roy the w ill power s ad d re bmem t erCh a ly ou d avie ts la.i k a n e ' J " tl b t f h b d gm e y 1 a.r es an im every T his 111 pr ep ar e d to tlo Legit! g1eatcr age c,m b e b oug h t at a p11ce which and to cult1v ..t e cotton, coffee, md1go and among our fcl ow creatur es t::lhould r espect are m 1e vP.ry su s ance o t e ram an I t hm of our ud ment on such matters an d gn es no profit to the grower 5 It is ln ot n ee He may n ot he a gr eat m ilitar y Jeacl b e to a person of destitute ch M acter nen es, a nd are gieater and more irretn ev Im ~o l a d { 0 ave met 011 ust at' th1S m at e l:fa ukm g m a ll ita branches F\i.rfi t d t D te p1ohtable to feed gram to yearling steers on er, but he for years kept th e slave hunter s it is only on account of ext r m s1c mr cum able dur m g t he pen od of growt h t ~00db " y J eposi goo<l pastur e, 1 f it is d esigned to k eep t hem m check , mamly -w ith t he na tne force8, and sta.nees which comp el t he t ongue to u se u~,e ,,;; ners no ~s i acoun {la ' 111 r eca1ved and Invere st p aid okn a.mounts of anoth er year and fatten for t h e p(en cra.l m ar h is r etreat sout hwa.Hl to t he ba nks of the language t ha t t he feeh ngl:I of the h ea.rt con A w estern town has a female sherif! Re ld Good ~y, says Mr W isc, dumb be 85 upwa rds i n Sa.vrng a Ban D epartme n t , ket 6 C alves r eared on skim nu lk, with Albert N y anza was only made when oh e demn \V1Lhou t a characte1 w hich command s cently she arrested a man, an d h e, hopmg wi erm en .D R A F T S acldit1on of some meal, may ma.k e ent irely od ds a.gam st hnn were ovci whelmmg and respect , our import ance in society rn uufclt to flat t er h er to let hrm, told h er sh e Issu ed and Collection s made in Etuope satisfactory g1owth and beef arm nals of ammumt 1011 bega.o to f ul For t hree years and the bloom !1nd vigour of life p with Wt>.S the ha.ndsomest woman h e ever sa.w M ost children would be bett er and m ore United S t! a nd O&nada good qu1h t y A !ugh grade Shorthoi n ancl more he has been shut ofl' from all com out a p·oportiouate elevation m t he com A nd did sh e l et hun escape? Nol She , har rnom ously developed if some of t he time · ateet now on t he far ms weighs J ,470 pounds I mumcation with the outside world, an d it is mumty of w hich we foun a part Accord w ouldn t let that man out of her :!lgh t any now spent over books was r igorou sly devot W . J. ,TONES, at a few duyso\ er twen ty n m e mont hs, and t six year s smce he received supplies, so t ha t mg as we are deficient m character we smk w ay, but wanted hun a.rou nd all the ·1me r ed to t he t rarnmg and exercise of sight and Ageu with less than two months fall gram feed , StaHley cann ot r each lum too soon m public estuna.t1on T ricker y is sure t o fa.1! 111 th e end. hearmg. atauadiau Jtatesmau. FARM. .NOTES 1 mg He ha.a gamed 185 pounds m the last forty ft ve days I - -- - - - - - -- -- - --- - ------- - - - - - - -- - - -- l HISTORIC HOLYROOD. CRAZY WITH AIR. CANADIAN VIOE-ROYALTY I -- I I I ! C UREs All HUMORS 1 I 1 0 I I I m e :s f:h CONSU l!Yilpy1Q1JUJ n, ' ! l I DISEASES LI .Ver Blood andLunirs I l I PRICE $I OQ io; f 1 :J· ., . \.\. e t s. ° I I o l $500 REWARD I l 1 I r Dr. DORENWEND'S :I: I ! E cf, "'°"' v/ £r O It' If !£° :re 1 1 [i z I I M 1k G I _\.; A IN I ! I j Jno. lYicMurtry & Co. l i STANDARD BANK I I l l % h I I f d l j if 1