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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1887, p. 4

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MY STOCK OF THE SCHOOL QUESTION. The Western Bank. Readers of the S TATESMAN will peruee with pleasure the repor t of the annual meeting of this growing monetary instit u tion. The year' s business was very satisfac tory. After paying t he two semiannual dividend the compauy has been a.blti t o add ten thousand d ollars to 1ts R est, and still leaves $4,533 to the credit of Profit and L rJss Account, which is more than double the a.mount at its credit l year. This, for a young bank, wit h the expense of es oablishing its uew agencies to meet, and its business largely to make, is an excellent r eco rd. '!' he fact that i ts net profits were six thousand dollars more than tl10se of the pr evious year, an incri:ase of 01·er t wenty per cent., a much Jar er proportione.d increase than was g . , . m m the ·paid up capit al, shows t hat the pro moters of the b ank were justified in their earlier expectations. The deposits have largely increased as well as the . , geoeral busmese. A new office WBS opened in Paisl ey d uring the year which has excellent prospects befo re it. The B oard . . were re-elected whteh m turn r e-elected John Cowan, Esq. , President, and R. S. Hamlin, Esq., a.s V ice-President. A deserved vote of thanks was tender ed to T. II. McMillan, Esq., as Ca.shier, whose energy, indefatigable attention and caution have made the Bank what l.t it. We wish the officers ancl the Company the r ealization of the excellent prospects before them . TO THE PUBLIC. Having had a couversation with Mr. Tole and on looking ov11r the evidence in our possession, I have come lo the conclusion that a mistake was made in placing the correspondence before th e pu blic; and I now w ithdraw said corresponden ce in its entirety,imd regtet t hat it was ever publisht.d. R . H UTCHISON. A fter r eading the above, we have withdrnwn our reply to t he corre· pond ~nce in 1uestion and are happy to 11t..te t bat the matter has been amicably nran~··cl. !'llf Aw & Tor,E. Bowmanvi!le, April 26, 1887. ., Room Paper IS NOW COMPLETE.' ( GREAT CLEARING SALE I -···-· TREMENDOUS- BARGAINS A re n ow being give.n in GILL AND SEE PATTERNS --AL so~- 1 Linen Window Shades P. TREBILCOCK. ·:::sae'.::: ........---·~~,...,.~~~~~~~ ~ht <&<ltmuUnn J tatt!imau. APRIL BINDERS BoomNo AT S11Aw & Toi.E's. We have ordered .Fifty S teel Binders,having already sold tll'enty-three. P rice of St.eel Binder, $100. Price of Wood and Steel, $145. We have a new Brantford Steel_ Bind~r which has neve~· b een in , _ se - th1syear s make-taktn rn par t P"'Y· I mt>nt for a TnrontQ Steel B inder , which I 1 we sell for $120. We also got "Msx-1 well-lest yea.r's mak~-in r!lll?ing or~er l excopt~ng tha~ the drive cha1111s worn o~t (We will pr ov td e a. new one, ) tllat we will sell for $90. Shaw & Tole, B owmanville. -- . Foit F atte~ t10n ha~ been called to t he advert1sment of Messrs. S haw & 'f olc i t1 fast week's p aper, in which they offer on e of this year's n~ake of B nntford B inders for salti, which they hav_e n ot g<~t no~, n or ever have had , Portier wantmg Dmders will consul t their ow11 interest by calling on th e agent s of thr, Brantford Binder and getting t he latest , tho l ightest and t he best steel Binder t hat has yet heen produced. J . McLKAN, agent, Hampton. WALL PAPERS KENNER &CO.'S VARIETY HALL. -AT- Come in and I nspect. = . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ....._,...._,..._"""""' .._,..,_,...,_...... ,,,,,...... , ......,ro...,........,...._,,..._ . · , ................. . BowMANVJLLF., 27, 1887. ------··----AUCTION SALES. ~================ THE B'ISHERIES TROUBLE. The action of the Euglish Government in- refer ence to the fisheries dispute has at last A hown just how much interest t h ey really tak e in the well-being of C1mad!\ end t he C1madians. Rather than put themselves to any inconveuience or exp ense t o uphold ot.r rights, they are prepared to sacrifice evMything that the C4Jladiau Government have for m onths past contended to be just and right. Lord Salisbury at the head of a government of bigoted and prejudiced aristocrats, has created by means of u njust oppr-ession in the witholding of righ ts aud privileges from those whose cry of distress has run~ t hroughout the civilized world, such a state of disorder and tumuH in Ireland, that iL is necessar y t o k ee p a h uge ~.tmy cons rautly on the spot, lest that country iong driven to d espcrntion should r ise at tlie slightest opportunity and make fl. bold strike for liberty. And e.o in order to keep peace with the United States Government, t hey have prnctically aaid, Take everything you want, and more too, only dont rrrnke any disturbance, b ecause we have got our lands full. So much for having the pow11rful arm o f Great Britain to protect us, for the sake of which we are put to a great expense ev.e1y year. The tru,h oi tho matter is, that the English people as a whole, car e, or kuow but V< 1 ry little about Canada or its inha.bitants. In fact a great part of them h ave nn idea bu t we are a ll part and par cel of the U nited States, or in nther words we are all Yankees. The after dinner high-fiuwn tall!: that we so often h ear and read of, about the deep affecti@n e&iriting bet ween the mother country and h er offspring is all moonshine. Le t any ordinary Canadian visit England for a shor t time, and h e will soon discover that we as a peopl e are as little known or cat:ed about as the ~inhabitan ts of tlle moon,:__if there be any. This is no doubt ver y humiliating to those of our friends who sing, "God a;ive th~ Queen," with so much fervor, and who a.!most worship anything English ; but still it i.., a sole mn aud awfu l fad, !l.!ld it cun not be denied. The time iR rapidly drawing near when Canacltt will h :i.vil to t:t l' e a s tand by her · s elf, if d ~e int<:1 nds to keep p1tce wit.h tb e, and it behooves every true Canadiru.1 to look squarel y at the matter, and b e p repared to take a deti nite s ta nd upon th!l subject of Ca.rndian lndopendence when it co m e~ to t he front as a great p ublic quesnon, which in all probability it will l)e in the nea1· fu ture, Comm enting on this q ui:stion th e Toronto :NewFl re mar ks:"The opinion s of the Canad ian people have b~ en strongly and clearly expre~sed in fav or of th<· umintenauce of our treaty r ights, nn til some foi r <:H,d ad equate concessions were r.>ffor~d by the Arn .. ricans in return fo;: ncm~ss to ou r fisherie~. And we havo shown ourselves b oth determined :md e1tpa.hlo in defendirn! our coast from enco11chmc11ts, But suddenly , withou t the p~ opl o or T>arii.'l.ment of tr1e Dominion ha ving been con suited or had the s light est intimn.tion of what was going on, W (' ere informe1 l by a dispatch from England that the Im perial Governmen t has d edded on givio g u p to th o Americans fo1· a ··e, y rne:i.i;!'e and insuftlcient coosidemtion,Hll for which wo have been contArni ing. Canad:1 has been tre:tted as t h ough wo had no concern in the matter a t ti ll. L ~rd Sal isbury could not have b een less iegnrdful o f our rights and t he sacrihc;is rn to maintain our national stan<' in !! idact, had we b ~en au insignificant t ribe of snvagos. 'l'he cool arrogance with v1hich tho Drit1sh Administration hav" overl ooked the possibility of ou r l1avini; ~ny voice or i11terest in t h.c m atter worthy to be t ~k en into acco unt., ought to w ret an indi~.uan t r esponse from all true CanadiMis." A prot est has been filed ar,:ainst Mr. Blake's election in ' Vest D udrnm, for SATUHDAY, APRJL 30. -An important sale of heavy n.nd light hor·es will take alleged briber y and corrupt ion. p lace a t the Central Hotel, Oshawa. Sheriff J ai·vis, vf Toronto, Sheriff . P edigrees 1~ill be fu rn ished on ,1,,y of sale. Also trolting sleiah and single Clarke, of Thunder Bay, and Sheriff harness, 110:.rly n .. w. Pereuns desiring Duncan, of Welland, all died last week. to make entriH Bc·n tl» so at the above , I hotel o1· with~.C. HoNKING ,A.uctioneer. ere are 89 ue1v mem b e rs 1 11 t 10 , · Th ~ . N .13. -0ur ad.-ort1smg ratll f,,r Ruction House. Of the 80 outgomg members G3 sales, when we do not print the sale were supporters _of the G overnment and bills, is 25 cen ts a line, each insertion . 22 of the Oppos1bo11. AUCTION SALES.- R . Huteh ison, L icen- - ---I scd Auctioneer for t he Town ships of Few fl,ive a mom ent's thought t o th e Cla.rke, _ Man vers, Cartwright, Darlington immense amount expended in the rollin"' an d Whitby.All sales atten ded to pr omptly , ~ and at reasonable rates. Wh ere it is not stock which ~ ,akes travel so easy and con venient to see me, arrangements for comfortable, Every car costs more than sales can be made with the Edi tor nr by an average house, and the a mount repre- 1 addressing me at Enniskillen , P. 0. sented by every train of cars represents a i AUCTION SALES.- L evi A. 'fole, Licenfortune on wbich many woul d b e glad to 'sed Auctioaee t· for th~ t owns~ips of .. "A R 1 , T d ' " I t .t Clarke, Ma.avers, Cartwnght, D arlmgton, r e t ue.,, . at w,iy mm,' an 1· rn, i aud Whitby. All s:ile. s attended to Costs, is very pleasantly discussed by A. promptly and at reasonable rates. 'Where V . Abbot , in Frank L eslie',; Popular it ia not <011vonient t o see m(,, al'l'angeIl1onthly for May and whoso r euds it l men ts can be made at t his O flice, or by 'll 'h' t 1 - f I addressing Shaw & 'f ole, Bowmanville. ,~i acqmre muc unexpec ec m orma- 1 h on. IS . RICHARD WORTH . making a s tiJ:" lil .Hardware. I beg to inform t he people of West D urham that I have bought out the Hard ware business, form erly carried on by R. S. Manning, and with large additions to the stock am prepared t o supply all lines of Hardware at the lowest livin g prices. stock comprises BUILDERS HARDWARE-Locks, Knobbs and Butt Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Finishing, Casing, Wire and Patent Brads. ] WIRE FENCI:r-.! G-Barb, Buckthorn a d Ribbon. Prepared Paints and Painters' Supplies generally. I Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Ordered Work prompt ly attended to at low>st possible prices. Without further ennumeration I may add that everything k ept in leading Hardware Stores will be foun d in my shop. Give me a call and inspect my goods and prices. R. WORTIL Bowmanville, April 12tl1, 1887. R eady for the Road. S<ime persons lrnv~ expressed the Canning Food for Live S tock. I As spring comes, and with it comes opinion t hat this agitation is entirely i n l the return t o t he use of wheels, it finds the interest of the High School, but such It will surprise ver,y many readers of Morris' Carriage Wo~ks ready for ~he is not the case, as was clearly shown by the STATESitIAN to learn th at it is now road . D ur mg the wmte r a large ~tafi ot Col. Cubitt at both meetings. The pre- practicable, and profitable, to pre~.ervo woi:kmen have been ~ue1ly engaged m pregreen fotJd for all k inds of d omestic parrng a. stock o[ vehicles for th~ summer sent building affords ample rov m for animals- cows and oth er cti. ttle, h orses, trade, and a~ a coneeguence m a few 1 H igh School purp oses. 'fhe increased sh eep, h ogs, poultry. etc.,- in a very i d;'lYB a magn;f1Cent stock of superb caraccommodation required is entirely for similar way ~o that in wl1ich a vast amount rrn.g~s, bug~ics, p h rotouG and all aorta. ~f tho Pcrblic School. 'l'her e is n ot sufficient of meat, frui ts, vegetables, etc. , are kept 1d_rivwg velucle~ w ill be plr.ccd ? n ~xhib~ for human com u mptiori. ~The "Sour, t~ou, Those.m need of " nythmg m t~1~s room in either the Union Buildings or Ensilage " of the past under gr ound ex- lm~ are parhcularly ~equested t o vmt the South Ward. If, however, the new pensive Silos, is supplanted by " 81veet 1 their warerooms an~ mspect for th embuildings erected for P ublic SchQol Ensilage " kept in above-ground, cheap sel ves before p urchasmg elsewhere. The "0'.B. & S. R oad Breaking ancl purpoees the town will r eceive no extra receptacles, eaHil y built upon any farm . 1ualled gr,. nt from the Education Department, It is claimed that man,r more animals can Speeding Cart," is a vehicle u n ec bo kept lrom the same ground, and be for these purposes. 'fhis is the fi rst seaIf thll buildings . are erected for High cbeaply s upplied with fresh, l(reen forage, son of its introduction in Canada. .All School purposes we shouln receive allow- winter and summer, the ye.a r round. horaomen are delight ed with th.e O'B.and The Prairie Farmer , of Chic,.~o , in its S. car t, whose chief advantages are that ances M stated. In 1886 the cost to the town for High School salaries, was $3,200; issue of April lG, which is wholly devoted the weight of t he driver makes no moveto this subject, gi ves very full and com- ment ou . the shafts, preventing galling share of J anitor 'e salary, $75 ; fuel, $60; plete informati on concernin g the whole and chaffing of the horse ; there is no repairs, say $65; making a. t otal of $ 3,400 . matter, with numerous illustrations, and "horse motion," and it is perfecrly balAgainst this we r eceive Government and original communications from a score of anced regardless of the weight of the Co·m ty gr ants amountin g to $ l , 723, pr ominent puctical men, east and west, driver. Its full advantages can only be which reduced t he actual coat to t he town with t heir l a.test experiences. Indeed, seen by i nspection and all parties int erthis one paper supplies qnlte as much ested can see it at Morris'. In eve ry d eto $1,677. Another important consider· information as can be fou nd in any book partment of car riage buildin g, Morris' ation is that t he H igh School does 5 th on the snbject, an d is brought np to date. takes a leadin g position, even thfl m atter and 6th Form wor k. If t he High School Single copies ca.n be Imel for 5 cents, by of repai ring receives equal attention with were abolished, th e P ublic Sch ool would addressing ORANGE J u no, editor Prairie the other branches of h is extemive busiFar mer, Chicago, I ll, gess. have to do this work, wh ich woul d req uire a H ead master, at, a11y $800, and a master for 5th F orm at , say $700, mak ing a .of $1500. .l)ed ucting this from the actual cost to t he t own to-day, lM ves a d ifforence of $177, whicll is really all the High School costs us. 1'here is a misconception , loo, about t he branche3 that are compulsory iu High Sch ools : Classics, I take this ~neans of thanking my m~ny cu~tome:s for ~be!r liberal Modern Larw ua<res and Higher Mathe- patronag e durmg the years I have been m business m Enmskillen, an d ma.tics o~)ti~nal, and need not be beg. leave to ~ay at_ the sa:ne, tim_e t hat: as the m~n who bought :UY taken by pupils, unless they are studying busu:i.ess, h avmg fa1le~ to fulfill bis. agreement and give me th~ security for a profoesion or business r equiring a, required, I shall continue the busmess as heretofore, and 1;v·1Jl keep a knowl e.dge of th em, and some years can 1r,u:ler stock. ~~~ng de~ermi~ed no ~ to un~er~o.ld by ai::y per~on, I b e given to th eir study. If the above respec~fully sohc1t yom contmued suppor t, pi omismg to give prompt 1 are not ta ken , l£nglish Reading, History, attention to your wan ts and use you well. Bookinrr Keeµiug and Arith metic are I am just now receiving my new spring stock. In GH.OOERIE8 I alone c~mpulsory. · h ave almost everything you could ask for. In TEAS we have the best W"' hope e\'ery assistance will be given VCtlue we ever h ad. In OROCKE:l~Y an<l GLASS\¥ ARE we have a to th e Boar d in perfe cting plans and very ~ne lin?. ~ur stock of DH.Y GOODS is full and complete. proceed ing with t he work. The Ly- law Beautiful designs m PRI~1:S and DRESS GOODS, and cheaper t han ·tt d d k . I have seen t he same qualities. mus t fi rs t b e su b m1 e , an ·nowing · . . .. . . that additional accommouation must be Young men wantmg faslnonable smts will do well to call and mspcct I I VV. BRITTAIN has r emoved t o John England's, King St . W e intend paying the highest CA S H price for any quantit y of Butter, Eggs, &c. W e will pay one cent per pound more for Butter made up in pound PRINTS or ROLLS. W e also pay Cash for Hides, Tallow, Sheep Skins, Calf Skins, &c., at JOHN E NGLAND'S STORE, King St ., Bowmanville. I N. B.--We also call your special attention to our stock of Groceries, Bread, Confectionery, &c. STILL IN BUSINESS ] b: 20,000 DOZ. EGGS WANTED. Bowmanville, l\'larch 22, 1887. 12-4w. Grand Spring Opening l -OF-- Mu rdoch Brothers' N""E-W- O:H:IN'. .A. :E:.A..LL., where are to be seen furnished, th ere sho tild be no opposi tion ' ' ·ho ··~·· 0 "' " QWE GUMANTEE GO~!!.FITS~R NO-sA~D 5o s~per[~~ ;rin We h ave added t o ou r stock NAI LS, which we will sell by t he keg as cheap as any oth er store in tbe township ; also MACHINE OILS, BOILED and RAW OI LS, as well as WHITE LEADS. Vanstone's Celebra ted ROLLER FLOUR will be kept and sold in Enniskillen as cheap as yon can get it at the mill or any store in town, We also keep SHINGLES, No. 1 and XX. Farmers building will do well to call and see th em, Farm produce taken in exchange for goods. Will pa.y the highest price in C ASH or trade for eggs. Come and inspect goods and prices befori:i buying elsewhere. Accounts rendered 1st April and 1st October. my 'l'weeds and S uitings. 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 Ch llla " T ea S 8t S, Very pretty, 15 p · t d T S t } td · At th e concludm g session of the Dominion Allfan ce las~ week it was decided to iutrod uce . int.o th e House of Commons a Bill for t he Total Pr olubltion of t he Li11uor Traftic. IE t he Bill be brough t in it will have th e effect at least, of marking out those who are prepar<0d to staod by their promises to the t emperance electors and those who are in favor of a contin uance of t he present state of affairs. 'We hope, h o.,·ever, that it will not be made a party matter, but t ha.t all true t emper. O l?S'l'R l JC'l'H·NS of the S to mach, Uve r anc!l m en will join hands in endeavoring 1 ;iuul t t1n ·H:l<. "'re lf ~··m1·tly rcmov··I by to make it lavr , 1 !\' i'lfns . 20 White Bed Room SetS: SEVERAL GAS SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ::d -:e~ ~~~i:_ s!:~~ns, FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN_ . Inispet'tio n Solicited. Victoria Build i n g·s. M1JRDOCD BRO§ . R~ HUTCHISON .

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