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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Apr 1887, p. 7

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- and artificial basins are to yield large VJ, 1UETI.ES. ?rope of ice, but this is not of the best q ua.I· ity, a~ the w11oter is partially sta&nant and Mi·d Ethel Dickens, griwddaughter of for the Aged. contam~ too much dissolved orgamc m~tte~, · Char l·\S Dickens, he.s started e. type-writer WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1887. Virgil's renowned hero, ~nee.s, received both a.mmal and vegetable. The best ice 18 ' offico for the copying of parts and prompt hie familiar epithet of " pious" from his ?btained from the river'where there is mov-1· book~. loving care of his old father, Anchises. In mg water. Sir ffenry T1chborne will come of age in all times and clime~ a. like c11<re has ev:er --- . May next, e.nd will enter upon the possesbeen regarded as a prime demand upon fihal Natural Breathtnl?'. sion 0£ his much " claimed " estates which piety. One point at d' which such care fmay Tlie w ·bong · me~ · ~ iwc t ri 'hes a 1ways will p1· iy him a net income of about ~ :i.45, 000 1 d · · th h . lth savage · bc exercise IS m guar mg e ca . d o our keep th tl t' ht! d b th 11. venr aged parents, and thus protracting their life . t h . he 0 U 1 ~g {' ~1~se an rea e · and rendering it worth protracting. The I . robf tie ~ostnL~. 'l his is natura l. FashGen. An enkoff, who is building the Rusgeneration now nearing its close had its f JOna he _ P~,0 P ~ of~n breath.e throu&h t~e j sian railroad in Bokham, is a man of 55 birth and 11;rowth when this whole matter ! n:iout · 1 a.shwn 18 of~en wise,, but m tlus years, fnll of vigor, energy and hope. He was little ·underst ood even by the medical i s;n~le respec~, nature IS the_ wise; t~acher. wife is less tlum half his age and is a very profession. a1ents shoald teach their . ch1ld1eu to 1wealthy German latly. · h. f breathe only through the nostrils. A rich Russian amateur, M. Davidoff, has , A 11 k newth at it was a common t mg . or from a common Blotch, or Eruption, the old to be su~denly str1;1ck down with left to t he Paris Conservatoire a. genuine f~ the worst scro(uJn, Salt-rheum, apoplexy, or hurn~d to their gr:1'~e~ by an Russia. Stradivarius violin, valued at 20,000 francs, Fever·l!IOres," Scaly or Rough Skin, attack of pneumorua, or bronchitis due to Tl E · f th C · t · ·t on which the lau reates of t he violin class Binge's Cough Syrup, Hair Brushes and Combs, ~~qhg~~e~llb~~~is Pc~\~~~~ufYp~~~f,?l:1god n°i:'8 an or~inary c_odldth ' Ohf dsudc.hda.nfd ldkindred exte~et th:~~b~wild:rs :h~ :i~d ;':~t::in1p~ I ~hall be allowed to play in t he concert give . ting med. . · G rea 't Ent1 ~ . . t. ' of pr12es. .· j nvigora 1 cme. ug· lll· 1 cases L-f it was 't sai th ey h a h 1e d o o } a~e.'t to form a picture of 1 en a.t the d" ist n'b u t ion Rose Glycerole, cers rapidly heal under its benign intluenoe, ~ 1 e, 1 was oug t, a reac te ls S · f I Wh- S h · Toilet Soaps, Esp_ecially Ima it mnnifested its potency In natural limit ; the body was worn out in weeprng rom t te , ite ea· t ~Polar Gen. Count Kinoda, chief adviser of the curmg Tetter, Mose Ral!llt 1 Bolls, Car· every part and went to pieces as a matter Ocean, at the north of Europe, eastward to Mikado of Japan, was one of those engaged Corn Cure, Perfnmery1 buncles, Soro Jl~yesJ Scrornlous Sore· f ll t - .k 'th d , the Sea of Japan and the waters of America in tho insurrection of the old nobility, and and s,velllu;;-9, Jll1p. Joint Disea·e, o course, a a once, 1i e e eacon s h h h · , d d t 0 th. U .t d St t ' White s'vollu1gs, Goitre, or Thick "one-horse shay_" Now, ··sa general thing, w er~ s . e as ce e e me ~es a when lie found that he was defeated he ac· Chamois ' a very large Imperial Dentifrice, Ne ck, and Enfa~ged Gland_ s. Send ten we might as well say that a child dies of in- . domam.m the New World lar~ert~an 1!ra.nce cepted the sitm~tiou, and has since cordialstock. cents tn stamps. fot. a lni:ge treatise, with colf h -t th d t .t bl [ embracmg the vast realm of Siberia; borderly co-opeu ted with the Mik ado in the inored plates, on. Skin Diseases, or tho same ancy w en 1 s mo er ocs no sm a y . Ch' ' . . .. . Camphor Ice, 1 south · a.;id touch ~g Sponges, &c.. amount fora treatise on Scrofnlous.Afi'ections. protect it. The fact is every age has its mg UP?11 ma on tie troduct10n of our c1vihzahon. "THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." tendencies and ~pecial e~posures Afghamstan at the gate of India; flankmg Thoroughly cleanse it by using Dr. Pierce'· I ll th . ·h : . It may be remarked of Mr. Gladstone and . 't . Pers.ia, and hovering like a dark cloud over Golden lU:odlca;I Discovery, and good no c age e arteries 1 .ose _ eu e1astlci Yi th h I f th T k' h E · h 'l his remarkable old age that he has not for digestion, a fair skin, b11oyant spir- and toughness, and readily give way, espc- I e w 0 e 0 e ur 18 mpire, w 1 e ~n k d h. d . . Us vita] strength and souudnes&ol · 11 th f th b · d theextreme westshefacesGermany Austria thelastfortyyeo.rssmo e lB ozenc1gars 1 t cohstUutlou, will tic established. cta. Yk osthe 0 t· e fratihn, uhn ctr wTiha I anti the neV: Kingdom of Itoumtmi~ R ussia and tak.,n his eight or ten drinks a. day. qu10 ens e ac ion o e ear . e cir· · ' . H t'll b a t' t h' t culation too is feeble and a sli ht chill isl presents, m one compact mass a tcrntory es 1 as nerve an a coa mg o is s omh bi d b kg th · such as no earthly monarch has ever before ach. Good nerves n.nd good stomach coath ' d '· , ' cnoug to rive t e .o? a? on ~ill- ruled over ing largely makes the great man. which 1 T 0 th · f th d k' 'd 8 scrofulous Disease of the t ernal organs, thus g1vmg rise to various, e peop1e 0 Lungs, is pro!Jlptly and cc1·talnly arrested 1 congestions. Indeed, a. common cold is I ~ narrowe mg oms Ghee is much used in India in a 'Y&Y 1 and cu1·ed by tlus God-given remedy, if taken often muoh more dangerous to the aged of Europe, wh? watch Jet1l.ous~y every move similar to our use of butter, suet, or lard Bo wmanville, February 1, 1886. before the last stages of tho disease are reached. I h ll d f ment of Russia the Empire is grand rnya. f k' It · d fb T From lts wonderful power over this terribly t an sma ·pox to an a u 1 t, or scar1 et e\·er t . d f ' f 1 Th k . ' , or coo mg purposes. is ma e o 01 mg 1atnl disease, when first o1Iering this now eel- to a child. enous. an e~r.u · ey . now its more j fresh milk in earthen pots for an hour, and ebratcd i·en;edy to the J?Ublic, Dr. l'IERO:BI The recuperative power also is so weak- than eighty million people !n?lude many 1 after it has cooled adding curdled milk. . thought seQously of calring it his "Cond · h d ' ' ra.ces all of whom seem w1lhng to serve , M <l ·t ·11 k f f h d .1!I VV euinptlon Uu<h,," butnbandoned tllnt name ei;ie m ~ e a.gc as ~o mak~ almost a.ny or- h . .' E . . h . . I . a. c pure, .i w~ eep or ye~rs re~ , an as too limited f 9r ll medicine which, from ft& dmary ailment a serious thrng. The secre- t eu . mpeior. H e ~s a.t lus ~ommand a ! is highly prized m every clas& m I ndm. wonderful combmatlon of tonic, or strengthen- tions ar e greatly lessened 80 that digestion j standmg army of more than six hundred ' . Ing, nlteratlve, or blood-cleansing, anti-bilious, · f t . ' h . . d d thousand men and could ca.11 under arms In 1842 the depress10n of trade and agn.culture in t he United Kingdom was even pectoral, and nutrltive properties, is unequaled, especia11Y 0 mea ' is muc 11'!pai~e ' a!1 j two million sol~liers not only as a remedy for consumption of the the bowels tend to severe cons tipat1on, w1 th Th t d. ,t f th E . g , ter than that of the last few In ---M.ANUF.A.C'.l'URER O F - - lungs, but for all its grave evils. e vas ness a.n mys ery o e mp1re 1 r~a . . · Ch'ld d ll h th d d make it even more formidable than do the that year p ·1upensm and cnme reached, 1 1 d ~enidan ~n w ~m t edag~ t ::· figures which represent its armed men not their rel..tive, but their a ctual maxima, pl~~ ' t 8 olul Sony pun ferHsauC' Wu de The distant camps of the primitive Aryans, till at last one person in every eleven was a OF TH:m aneoa is. ays ro . . . oo, h .11 h' h dfi hl d · fi h ded KING STREET, BOWMANVILL M. D., LL.D., in the Medical and Surgical '!" 0 st1dwhor.s lp t. e t sacre . re ;bt eb ran- paupe~t'tand f ontre .ml eve1·y ve Ull r was Has now on hand a number of vehioleo (and is ma.nulaoturlng a great lllany lllOre) ot the no Reporter : ~~ns a_n t e1r anc1en enemies, ar arous comm1 e or ia . patterns and best flnish, which I am offering for ea.le a t the lowest prices consisten* 1 with due regard to workmanship and quality. 'l'he following le a list of ' ' "A large proportion of those who are luran~iw, at peace at last under the Hag of Sir H enry Hawkins is gcttin15 a r eputa. the principal vehicles manufactured by me I! If you feel dull, drowsy, d!Jbl!ltated, have 1 said to die from old age, really die from the a. .foreig~ mas~er; Tartars o£ eve~·y so~t, tion in England as a witty jud!J:e. R ecent· sallow color of ski!1, or yellowish-brown ~ots r effects of exposure and it must be r emember- faithful m the.Ir alleg.1ance. to their white ly a prisoner pleaded guilty of larceny1 and D ouble Covered Carrtages ......... ... .. .... .................................. $150 Upwarda g~~a~:dot~s~~~· ~~'ii~~ef1t~i~ila~~=t ~~ o~fi~-1 ed that the term ~xposure is r elative. What !11aster; Ge~rgmns, Crrcassian~ and Ar~en- then withdrew the plea and declared himSingle Phretons ............... ........... .... ................................... l.00 11 alternatlng with hot fla&hes. low spirits ana . in a young man may be nothing, may to an ian~ ; rude Samoyedes, people hke Esquima- . self to be innocent. '!.'he case was tried and Open Buggy ..... . .... . ... . ,_ .... . .......................... ............. ······· 70 11 gloomy borebodlngs,.1rregul1;<r appetite, and l old man be a serious matter. ux 111 the extreme north_; troo~supon tr~ops j the jury acquitted him. Then said Sir Top Buggy........................................................................ 90 11 coated tongue. you are sufl'ormg from Indl· 1 " One of the most perfect protections of Cossacks, the orgamzed Cowboys of H enry Hawkms . "Prisoner a few minutes gestlon, Dysp e psi~ nnd Torpid Liver, · R · · d - tie the g e t · f E · · · ' n or "BUlousneH." In many cases only . from cold is a buckskin jacket. Nothing ussia' an. · 1 n. r a ma88· 0 .uro- ago you said you were a thief. Now the Lumber Wagons.. .. ...... ... .. .. . ......... . .... .......................... . ...... 55 " pa~t of these symptoms ere experienced. ! else will compare with it . , .. These patients pean _Ru_~~ians, with t~e I.Jappa and J!mn 6 , jury says you are a liar. Consequently you a 1emedy for all such cases, Dr, Pierce· umst be guarded especially agaillst ex and myrn1ds of Je:ws, all these diverse a e disch11orged,, Light Wagon..................................... ........ ........................ 40 " Golden Medical Discovery haa no I posure to wmd-even · · · · · good s and r , · more than agamst peo_pl es b eIoi:igiog, w 1'th a 11 their . . e ual. Express W a.gon ...................... . ........... , . ··· . . . . ·.. ........... ... ...... 75 " ~or 'Veak 1,u111r~ Spitting of Blood dam their very hve, to one ma.n, a.nd one only, It is stated that the consumption of d111Skeleton.. ....................................................... · .. .. ......... ... · 50 u Sbortuoss of Brontla, Droucblill!I: 'High wind8 chill tlie surface oppress the Great Whi~e Cza.r-all these make up a ·tilled .s pirit increases ye~rly in l<'rance ~n an Sulky ............................................. . .............. ...... ............. 40 " severe Congh·, Conl!luntptlon, llll<1 . t' d d' 1 d'. t vague but fornudable whole a.larmmg manner havmg doubled itself kindred uffectlons, it fs ll sovereign remedy. resp1ra ion, an are excee mg y 1sas rous . · h · · h' f t ' d b · Send ten cents fn stamps for Dr. Pierce's . to the life of an rson whose circuh.tion , It is no wond~r t at the of wit m or .Y years, an . em~ ,to a grea.t ex- PoBsesslng superlor facilities for manufsoturlng carriages, I intend t o sell very oheap for oa or approved credit, and by so doing I hope t o greatly lnorease my number of sales. WonUI book on Consumption. Sold by D1·u1nrl·t.. · is without po!.er.... ,Stimulating food Europe have Rns?mseldom. out of mmd,and te?t substituted for w1~e. The re!a.t1vely sell the wood parts only, or t he gos.rings ot buggies ironed. !?ORR6 _pgT.OTLOES· I should be withdrawn. Meat should be used that they sometimes attribute to her the ~1ld drunkenness oc~as10~ed .b y wme has ,., "I"..., but 8 arin l . Milk should be the chief strangest o.nd da~kest purposes, some _of ! give~ I_>lace _to the mtl?x!cat10n .produced art'cl~ them the most unhkely for her to entertam. by d istilled liquors contammg a. higher pro. 1 of dfe[" World's Dispensary Medical Association, The nation whose people are most jealous portion of propylic, butylic, and . amylie ..iAt the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed lf D esired. Proprtetore, 663 Main St., IloFrALO, N. Y. of the power of Russia is the English, ..for cohols. "Fortified" wines are also render- At the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning anci Sa.wing with Olrcle,Ba.nd ""Soro Air in the Chest, it looks upon the Czar as the g reatest if not ed dangerons by the introduction of the Saws. and propare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters nd others tor building purvoeee. The lungs lie ago.inst the chest walls. the only dan~er to its posses~ions. in India.: higher alcohols. te.l and Plaln P ickets for feno.··a In every style r equired, to or_ d er. · "' LITTLE When the chflst expands, fresh air rushes But Russia has another rival ill Austria· A curious beltef of the Chinese is what is '\~~Ce S into the lungs, and, expanding them also, . ~ung!1-ry, for the.inter11~ts of the two na· called the" Fengchul, " or the influence of \..ea S 't°"'~ LIVER still keeps them in closest contract with the t!ons mt.he co~ntnes wh1c,~ been f:i:om wind and ~ater upon t he physical and men-1 uv(La'9 '\IQ chest. A thin, lubricating fluid, secreted time to time sh ced ~ff the '.rurk1Sh Empire, ta! prosperity of the r ace. There are regu. ~ & PILL S · by the membrane which lines the chest cav- are constantly clashmg. lar authorities in this belief and without ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. ity, prevents all friction from the constant ' Toward Germany Russia is friendly? a.~d consulting them a Chinaman ' will not b uild Sold by Druggll!ltl!I. 2:5 cents a vfal. motion of the two on each other. the German G~vernn~ent seeks to mamtam a house or choose a grave. This belief has Sometimes this membrane, becoming in- ~he ):>est of r el&tions with the Czar; but th.ere one great charm, insomuch that everything flamed, secretes in large quantities a watery is .Jealousy between the two countries, in a Chinese city is found to harmonise with w·~..A..N9-VILLE, ftuid, whiCJh sometimes changes to pus. This whwh are,-antl because the~ are,-the t"Vl'.o nature. '!.'he houses all face to the sout h, crowding against the lungs inter- greatest and most comme.ndmg powers m and wherever the eye rests it meets with a. is offered b y the propri eton I secretion, 'th the1r · proper expansion. · 'Th' · Eu rope. · picture. · ·· of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy f eres wi 1s is . pleasmg roracaseofcatai:rhwhlchthey pleurisy. The peopl~ ff France are most fr~endly cannot cure to d R b th th J The fur-seal he.s been many times con, lfyouhav'eadlschargefrolll Sometimes the space becomes filled with .war uss1a, ecause eysee e nva.r~ founded with the hair-seal. Two animals the nose, o11enslve or other- air, which presses ago.inst the lungs and ~ith Germany, a~d they.have a. proverb· more dissimilar in their individua.lty and wlse,p~rtlallosaofemell,taste, impedes their action. This is pneumothorax, My next-door neighbor ~my natural e~- method of living can hardly be imagined, · orhearmg, weakeyes,dullpaiu whi ' ch means si'mply arr· i'n the chest emy, but my next-door neighbor but one 18 or-preeeure in bead, you havo Catarrh. Thou.w ~ · · t l fr' l b c h · th although they belong t o the same group and ' · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · This air is from the lungs. It may issue ~y na ura. 1!?m' e ause e is e enemy live apparently upon the same food. The eands of cases terminate Jn consumption. Dr. Saa"e,'s CAT.ARRJI, REMEDY cures tho worllt r1 . from them through some minute opening in ~y enemy· . . h · l h't · l caaes of (Jatarrhl..= Cold tn the Heacl·1 their walls an aperture perhaps not larger. The power of pellce or war hes m the ' w i e or grey m co our, common rand Catarrhal .neadach.e. 50 oentl. . , ' , . ~ h d f Al d III E fR · on every marine shor e, he.a no generic a.f. uhsslia, fini than a pm-hole, made by the burstmg of a ban aho. exal~k elr ., mp~ror.o 1 · ty wi ' th those ee·ls wi-th wh1 .ch 1·t h·· '· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . small vesicle near their surface. The burst- . : ut . e 18 not ~ e Y to exercise it 1 8 t v. w wa Alth h h b 1 te h h usually been associated, the fur·sea.l and ing may be caused by unusual exertion, or . oug e is o.n a. sou. monarc ·' e the sea..Jion. It no more resembles them by the softening of the vesicle, as a pimple c?uld not govern long agamst che WlBh of tha.n does the raccoon a. black or grizzly Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run or boil softens and breaks. \ ' !us I!eople. . . . . bear. CONCERNING Tho opening once made, the air is con· HIS power 10 not limited by a .parliament, sta.ntly forced through by every expiration. but he feels none the less the mfluence of Mahoganr is being introduced into every over one month. The Mcumulated air, compressing tlie lungs, the t~ought of the people, and no. absolute pa.rt of Indut., where it promises to thrive. may ca.use the opening to close a nd heal up, sovere~gn was. pr~bab~y ever ~ore m sympa- The seeds sown have germina.tetlremarka.bly : ·in which case the air is gradually absorbed. ~hy with the mchna.tions of his people than well, a. single pound planted in greenhouses Sometimes a. bit of matter, as a blood-clot is Alexa.nde~ III. . . in the southern districts having y ielded bois swept into the lungs, where it lodges in a They desire I?eac~, and it ~s proba.):>le tween three thousand and four thousand minute rtery near the surface, and there, that he also desrres it.. But he 1s a warlike plants. It is thought to be quite probable )> ca.using inflammation and suppuration, monarch, and the R uss1a.n p~op!e have be· that the world may some day look: to India. opens. out an exit for the air. come used to war, so that it is a.lmos1 a for its mahogany as well as for its quinine· .., In all ca.see the difficulty is that the lungs secoi:id. nature to them. . A small neut may The East ern product of the latter has already ~ cannot properly expand, and the patient's prec1p1tate a great confl10t.. become so extensive and of such superior . · · · quality that the cinchona. bark exports of b reath mg 1s mterferr ed with-sometimes the United States of Colombia. said to ' fatally. Often it is r elieved without medi. Desperate Courage. · h ,, · fi ;:a cal aid ; often, a.gain, only by tapping ; in have dimims ed ufty per ("mt. m ve ye11ors. . ....._ some cases the tapping needs to be repeated. On the o~tbreak of the Sepoy mutiny In Chunking, the capital of Se·Chuen, ,/I' The relief is immediate. The rushes out age.inst the English, in 1857, shocking cruel- China, it is usual to see in the streets, after ""' with great force from the elasticity of the ties were perpetrated. The English residents the shops have been shut, a number of lW,I lungs and the distended chest. If, however, of towns within the limits ef the insurrection s t ree t -preach era, arra.yed m · f u11 c1enoo · 1 the tapping in severe cases is delayed too were massacred ; indeed, all India was in a. garb, expounding the teachings of Confucius. long, the collapsed lunga lose their elastic- fever of excitement. They are employed by a benevolent society ty, and fail to expand. Colonel Leevin, in his Fly on the Wheel, and the custom is prevalent all over China. ; says that the magistrate in chr..rge of the Another benevolent society devotes itself t ownofBanda narrowly escaped with his life to collecting waste paper. The Chinese It is the only preparation in the world that Unhealthful Occupation. at the beginning of the excitement. When believe that, as writing was given to t hem will do what is claimed ror it. It has produced When the air we breathe is contaminated the storm burst, he was the only European from heaven, t o devote paper bearing writ· luxuriant grow Lbs of hair on bald heads where baldness h38 existsd for years. le has restored by stagnation, by breathing, by fires or left in Ba.nda., the other residents having ten or printed characters to vulgar purthe color and vigor to numerous orops of gray artificial light, such as ·candles, lamps and already sought refuge in 1!'uttehpoor. poses is desecration; and so all the paper and faded hair. It has relieved hundreds of When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for t he New Oils, The Nawab of Banda, although at heart the society collects is burnt outside the city persons of dlssgreea.hle Dandru1f and has saved gas, it operates as a poison and injures the many when hair was ft<lling, from becominl! constitution. People seem to think that in sympathy with the mutineers, yet pre- in enclosures erected for the purpose. served to the last an appearance of loyalty bald. Mr. J . G. Barbour tells the following tar Remember these facts and If your hair is wholesome food and drink are much. more Tbe magistrate haclbeen informed that a. tailing out and becoming thin, get a bottle at important than pure air, and the reason of rising was imminent, and went to the Naw- queer story as to the origin of Athole brose, once and save the growth, or you may losA it their so thinking is beca.use air is an invisi- ab to exhort him to use all possible influence a peculiar mixture of honey and whiskey. forever. Ask your druggist for HA.IR MAGIC ble substance. Crowds of mechanics, of to quiet the people. There was once a t errible wild man of the Try it once, you will use no other. and take nothing else. A. DOltE.NWENn, Sole Ma.nu1a.cturer, '.l'e· all kinds, are frequently pent up from mornEven as they sat talking, there reached woods w ho was a. great nuisance to the ing to night, without even thinking of open- them a murmur from the town without, lovely heiress of the honours lands of ronto. 1'1ct;OLL BROS. & ()0'Y, Toronto their windows for a single half hour for swelling into a. shout as the t nmult came Tullibardine. Accordingly she let it he BIGGINBOTHAlll & SON, ing the admission of fresh air. When in Eng. nearer. A dead silence fell in the room, and known that t he slayer of t h is monster shoula AGENTS FOR Bow1uNVILLE. land one-fifth of all the deaths are .Pulmon- on looking up t-he magistrate saw that the b_e reward~d with her hand. At the 11arary consumpt ion; In France one-sixth ; in Nawab was smiling. twul~r desire oft.he lady a handsor:i-e young Germany one-seventh ; and in our own He knew t hen that his only hope le.y in m~n rn h1 1mble life entered the lists ; a~d country one eighth; and wben we see the prompt action· so drawing his revol-ver he th1~ was how he succeeded. At a cer tam · ca.relessness on every hand about what we seized the Na~ab by the collar a.nd pl~ced hour in t he day the mcnster wa~ accustombrea. the, it is not difficult to discover the the muzzle against his forehead. ed to. resort t~ a hollow stone rn the forest remedy. As things are now it cannot be "Is a carriage likely to be soon ready for to drm~. Thi,s hollow stone one day was denied that some occupations more un- me t o depart?" he asked quietly. ~lled with whiskey a.nd honey. He drank healthy that others, and yet the differences, "Yes, yes, Sahib; one is now ready," it, ancl fell and easy p rey t~ the handsome in a sanitary sense, could be greatly lessen- -vociferated the affrightecl attendants. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the )'.oung man, "'.ho won .the he~ress ; ar~d over j ed. City p eople more subject to pul"Then we will ~o e.t once." smce t he particular mixture m question has A:te prepared to pay the highest prices monary diseases than those of the country, LIV.ER, STOMA.CR, KID~EYS A.ND BOWELS. Without rcla.xmg his ~rasp of the Naw- been know by the of Athole brose. all kinds of Grain delivered at the ~nd this need n?t be; ~t least whi~e .there ab's collar, they emerged from the palace, 'fhey invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and is not so free a c1rculat1on of pure a.1r m the and the immense mob outside hushed their She Will Succeed. are invaluable in all Oomplatnts lnoldenta.l to Females of all Agee. Fo1 Wharf or their Store House in town. city, 11: better use could be made of what clamor, in terror for the life of their Nawab Children and the aged they are pricele&11. ! ther e 1s. and in amazement at the daring of this It ~s safe to predi.ct that the y~ung wo~an ·- - -Sedonta.ry employments are less favorable solitary Englishman. mentioned belo_w w1llsucceed with anythmg than the ,active kinds, yet the manner and "Now," said the Magistrate to t heNa w· she may un~ert~kc. She is..n~t likely ~ post.ure can work marked modifications. ab, "Tell them that if I hear a. hoot or an spencl any tnne 11: sea.rel~ of . hght work, Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel A d]!st laden atmosphere is t he most diffiinsult, or if any man's hand is raisedagaimt a:i;id her example 18 a r efreshmg one of genand Ulcers. It is famous for G ou t and Rheumatism. F or disorders of the cult evil to face. To environ the worker me, that moment will be your last." OF CANADA. ume pluck ~nd per~everance.. An Iowa paper -Chest it has no equal.with a pure atmosphere is possible, but its The N awab entered t he carriage with him, says .0 f her · _ . . _ ., _ _ ., tlapltal paid up, t11,eoo,ooo. Rest, 1!1~60,00 execution is not so easy. Occupations that _,,, 1 andtheydroveolf noonedaringtointerfere. .Miss Marcia McDon?ugb. ? tmtc,tnng t~e For ~ore Throats, Dronclutis, Uoughs, Uolds, are classed as unhealthy can ~be made less ·1 'd· · l wmter term of school m Umon ownship, . . · · . This Bank ls prepared to do ;Legiti· At t.we1vc mi 18t ance f r?i:i th e city! esa horse t~e ia ' half 1n'l , to and I . Glsi.ndula.r Swellings ' and all Skm and for so by properly understanding and practicing mag 1 es mate Banking in all its branches. istrate had wa1trng for hm1 m an a 8 J10 walk 8 six an c . Diseases it has no rival· 1 the laws of breathing. case of a sudden emergency; so here he left frl)m her school ~very di~y. . . . . contracted and 11ti.lf Joints it acts Hke a charm. Farmers notes discount~d ; Deposits the Nawab, ~olitely thanking him for the . . s_h~ has noot '°:~"sed a d~y t ins WI~ter !1-nd received and Interest paid on am<;unts of pleasu_re of his company, and rode off nn· I d s llal ways n ttih n e. [I-h er sah laryl . 18 thirtyf Manufactured only at THOMAS Hou.ow.a.Y's Establishment, Impure foe. 15 upwards in Savings Bank Department. o ars per mon , a.nn er sc oo IS one o h d t 0 F tt h '!.'here is such a. thing as contaminated ice. arme DH A f"I'~ u e poor. tho best"in the count ry. , 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 1533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON -' Issued and Co1lect1ous made in Europl1 Formed in impure watei· it has caused sickHere is an example for a certain class of · A d Id . l I-l·d 2 9d 4 11 6d 11 22 d 33 h B p ness. '!.'he ice busiaess in the west, and all According to the Pall Mall Gazette Mark young men wh o " loaf' r:;cveu days in the 1 n ao at 8 ' I " 8 · ·· · ·1 s., s., an s. eac ox 01' ot, llUll United and Canada. over the country is immense. Ice is being Twain's income from royalties from his week, complaining all t he time that they i may be had from all Medlcine Vendor11throughout t:Re World. HEALTH. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOI, PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, JS ·t he f Right Place .to buy Drugs. We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. CURES ALL HUMORS 0 11 I ----o --- WE HAVE ON HAND: I CONSUMPTION I I I ----o---- Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. HA I N E S' CARRIAG"Iil TITQR KS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, LI.var Blood and Lungs CHRONIC DISEASES t I OAR R IAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &G., I ts De1nocrat Wagon................................................................ 65 I 1 · " PRICE $1.00, ! ! All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired '\'\ e M~DOUGALL & METCALF, :SO are otteri:ng Coal as follows : ~ $500 REWARD I Stove and Chestnut $6 25 ° G rat 0 and E gg 6 QQ FACT S Dr. DORENWEND'S :C LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. Farm e r s' McDOUGALL & METCALF Threshers and MillmenJ Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. 0 ::LA R D JI N ES MACHINE OIL. THE BEST TN THE WORLD. FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. HEALTH FOR ALLI G- R A I N ' J no. McMurtry & Co. I 'rHEJ PILLS I STANDARD BANK THE OINTMENTJ __ I I ! I . W. J ··TONES, Ag011 manufactured in the south, yet thia cannot En..-lish publishers is over £1,000, or $5,000 can find nothing to do because of "hu.rtl l be equal to natural ice. Sma.11 la.kes, ponds a. year. , times." l,; should took at She Label oa the Pot1 and Boxe1. I f tb11 rddl'e ·.· · 1183. Uxtord 8tre11t. I.ondo·· tll.e)' are 1pwrlo11.10 1

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