crERMS :-11.iO PER A.NlfUM:. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTKRWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR.UID VOLUME PROPRIETOR N:e:w SERIES, NUMBEB 457. BOW:MANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY , MAY 4, 1887. THE SCOTT ACT. 0..4..RTWRIGHT. XXXIII. NUMBER 18. Elegant Carpets 1;~:;~~~~/"kg.~~.~ -=OOUOH -TF.-IE- Johnston~ Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian,. direct from the manufacturers, JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY Parties about to furnish or refurr1ish their homes, should not ALLAN LINE fa· 1 to inspect our large stock of C 'A R PE TS, as we show the LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL finest aSSOrtment, the newest . gns and the best value to be desl l "m. found ·n ""'{J\Tes+ Durlia Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. 18-BDWMANVILLE-87 C 0 X The subscriber has much pleasure in thanking all those who kindly accepted his invitation to be present at his Millinery Opening and availed themselves of the opportunity. Sho11ld any one seem to be over1ooked we will be pleased to have them call again and we will do all we can to show thern and quote prices. Our Stock is very complete, and for value and style, we think, hard to beat. Our business is Dry Goods, Teas, Cutlery, looking U:p, and why? Is there a Tinware, etc. reason for it, or does it mearly happen, that to-day our trade is larger than yesterday, and tomorrow it will be larger today ? \iVhen you see increasing numbers df intelligent people flocking to a particular store, you JOHN GRIGG. ean be certain there is something there worth having. Come I Look I and you will be surprised. v ;..., St ..U,,U.lg ,I Miss Emily Power. daui;ihter of Mr. J, DEAR EDITOK.-Thanks to the influence L. Power, CadmuP, is very ill with biliolls of the N ews and STATESMAN for rn"kmg fevor. the License Inspector " toe the acrntch." Mr. J. Samell11 bought the Muirhead A hotelman was heard to rema tk two desil{ns. greatest variety, and farm, sold at Shaw & Tole'e auction weeks ngo that he could i:iet .i.loniz with to new subscribers prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. the Inspector all right, if it wasn't for rooms, recent!J, for $51 per acre. Do you want a new and pr0tty Mr. McGill bought the Lang farm by the <l--d News and STATESMAN, But Window Shade or Blinds1 We what I want to direct fl.ttention to now is private eale at $37 per acre. have something new in this 7 branch. Call · and see them bethe sendin~ to jail of the boy15 while the .At the meeting called for last Friday fore yon invest. or you'll bf.I Jano,'8~, principals are allowed to go scott free. night to discuss the subject of assis\ing sorry. hn't it a shame 'I N ever in the histot"y by bonus or otherwise c.o nstruction of a of Bowma.nville were more drunken men roadway to Port Perry acros3 the marsh and boys seen on our streets than on Fair Tia Scugog Island, after much discussion Still leads in Photographs nnd our Studio is often crowded, Day, and the beer wagon was here in pro and oon a reaolution was carried to HAYDON. Coma early in the day when you broad day liw,ht last week. The W.C.T. the effect that the tovrnahip will open a can. Drover Wil.(ht has been around buyf:n11 u. wer1; speaking of petitioning the road to !:lea.tty's as soon tts Port Just now you may want some extra EngravinKS or Chromos to Government to appoint an Inspector Perry builds the bridge. 'rhe cost to the cattle and horses. adorn your rooms. Vl'e have a Farmers are getting along slowly with who would enforce the Act. Surely in Township will be about $1,000. great variety, good and ebeap, their seeding. too, It you want e. bab;r carriage the face of things aa they are around us wo can suit you ; we have some Mr. J. McLaughlin has pnl"chased ·a they should lose no time in doing it. I BOLIN.A. nioe ones. Doll's Carriages, too. new ]\fax well binder and Mr. Thos. Slemam told that the hotels in Newcastle and Boy's Wagons, Carts and SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 'l'O THE .pJIQI·LB ou a new Brantford singlo r eaper. Wheelbarrows. Lawn have been selling straight along all the Mrs. S. Waldock was taken seriously ill time, and not a single tine has been paid OF Wi!8T DAltLINGTON.-Kirkpairick is by one of them yet. Can it be true ? ready this spring with a larger, 110\ler las~ week, but is a little better now. better and more complete stock of What in the world are the 'J.'empera11ce Parlor Croquet, Carpet .Balle. Mrs. Wm. Cowling is s.lso very sick. Games tor tam1lles and social poople of West Durham doing when they genuine dry goods, groceries, boots and The following whn ha9'<> been sick &lf0 parties· Our Mirrors are clear shoes and tinware than heretofore, and quietly submit to s11ch a state of things. i;nd true ; our picture frames are at prices that must sell them. Ile will improvinq :- Mrs . W. Broad, Mrs. F. of the la.lest and most attractive May 2, 1887. GRAY BEAito. also be on the road this week with a Goodmtrn, Miss Edi tlt flill, Mrs. Thos. designs. Curtain poles & rings. Plush goods-nice and choap, peddling wagon (which will be known by Gilders and Mrs. A. Porteous. MAPLE GRUYE. Another new branch just inthe name of the Red Wagon) where you Mr. Jas. Mann haa heen over to Une:ke troduced at 'l'a!t & Seeding is the order of the d"Y· . can get goods delivered right at your Sam's domain, probably to sou President Miss A. Cole hhB returned from her doors just, as cheap as in town. Give CltniJ.u,<l in reference to the r eciprocity him a chance and you w find his goods question or the retalliution bill or to envisit at Hampton. Ia a J ewelry Department where all first class. quire how Mrs. Cleveland is progreosing, you will flnrl the very latest in Mrs. Wilson Power is still very Ill. Ladies' andGcntlemen'sjewelry. Mr. W. Cox is still quite ill. The annual meeting of Maple Grove Wt' invite special attention to West Durham S pring P air. our new stock just in. Baeo Mr. A. Stott, a find workman, intends S.S. will be held in the church on Friday, Ball ll'OOds. School and Hymn leaving this village. May 6th, at 7:30 p. m. Books, Stationery, Toys, and inThe above Fair was h elcl on Wednosd·ay deed everything to be found in o. Mr. A. Hooey is somflwhn.t better. Sons of T emperance meeting was well last and was fairly a tteoded, t he gate Variety and Fancy Goods' attended last Monday night. Program Masters Chas. and Frank Shortridge receipts amounting to $70, nearly. A conaistod of readings, recitations, dia- a·e very sick with phmrisy and i11Jlamma- better show of draught entire h orses w.a· logue, music and singing. The officers tion of the lungs. never seen at any exhibition in this disare as follows ;-W. P., Jacob Stevens; Mr. T. E. Washington !mends moving trict. Following is the prize list :W. A., Geo. Powers; T., Mark Munday; his family to Toronto this wetik. Wish Imported Draught: 1st, Wm. PatterR. S., Rich~ Snowden ; A. R. S., Addie him luck in his new undertaking. son's "Oliver Twist;" 2nd, J on. Porte·'s Cole ; Chap., Wm, Poley ; Cond., John Our anniversary is on S unday and "Goldfindcr;" 3rd, .R. Beith's " R oge10:" Stevens ; A. C., Arthur Foley ; I.S., Canadian Draught : lot, Wm. PatterTruman Power ; 0 . S., Wm. Snowden ; Monday, May 2!) and 30. BOY.AL MAIL S'l'EAMSHIPS. What is it that induces the young men son's "Biahland Chief; " 2nd, Chester P. W. P., John Snowden. Power's " Cha.ucellor ;" 3d, Percy & We wonder why certain ones are from Zion to come to Eldad Sunday Young's" Defiannce." nights ? JACK. absent from church every other Sunday. Roadster or C< >ach : ht, P orter & SAJLIJIWS. DEXTER. Beith 's '· J osl1 Billings ;" 2nd, Percy & ENF'll!JLD. Young's "Strideaway;" 3rd, ,J. Williall1'B' 01:~~~~,Itr~;.f.romPortland, May5; COUR'l'IOE. Seeding is now u nder headway ; one "Volunteer." POL'YNESIA.N, from Quebec. Friday. May 13 thrifty farmer hn.a finished. · Durham Bull, 3 years old and ov01 :, PAitU3JAN, " · 'l'hursday, J.foy 191 Keek a. sha.rp look out for the Red Mr. Robert Lane has been visiting 1st, aod sweepst.llrns, S i>m. Allen's " Sir SARMA'J'IAN, " " Tl~ursday, May 2G Waaon. See Solina new8. 0 CIRCASSIAN, " " l!,rid£y, Juno 3 Arthnr." friends in this neighborhood. SARDJNIAN. " " Tlmrsday,June 9 Rov. R. Sanderson conducted a interDurham, 2 years old: 1st, H.C. Hoall"!J SeveraLshoep have been killed in this POLYNES " riduy. June Jnnel7 estinr;(BibleClassat the last meehn"' of l V V U PARISIAN,AN." .. 'l'harsday, 23 o "Iv:rnhoe ;" 2nd, B enj. Ashton's ; 3qi, vicinity lately by dogs. S.A.RMATIAN, ,, 'l'huraday, June 30 the Y. P. A. A. dog belongiu~ to one of our villagers Levi Skiuuer's " Ruffian. " HATES OF OcEAN P ASSA.GE :-Cabin, Mr. D. L .. Sanderson is surv ni; ,n Durham, 1 year old : 1st, Levi Skincame home one day with a load of tin $50, $65 and $75; return, $100, $125 Frontenac County. ner's " Benner Boy;" 2cd, V'/ m , \Verry~!! attached to his tail. His owner at onco and $150. Intermediate, $30 ; return, 'rho intfirior of the par3onage is under"Lieutenan t;" 3rd, Jas. Leaak's "Baron set out to catch him, but the dog kept Ro thschild ." $60. Steerage, $20. The last train con- ~oin11: repairs. · going around a circle about twelve feet in Hereford: 1st, E.S,evemJ' "Security:" . nectlng with the mail steamer at PortMr. Fowler is aleo re-arran<Yin0 the diameter with the man following at au " land leaves Toronto on W·e dnesday morn- h1terior of his house. .,,. Fat Steer: 1st, Wm. W erry ; 2nd, \V. al..rming rate of speed until the deg ing. The last train connecting with the R.R. Cflwker. mail steamer at Halifax leaves Toronto Mr. John Brent has sold his prize gained o. lap on the man w hen it was Judges : On heavy horses, Andr\w caught and extricated .from t.he tin. Our on Thursday ruorning. For tickets and mare to Mr. Wesley Brooks. Ross, Jacob Pollard an d Jim1es Colville. mayor should see thGt this l!!Ort of ll{>Ort every iuformation, apply to W . A.NEADS, School report for April. Sr. 4lhLight horses, R . Moment, Alex. Ro&s Bowroanville, Agent Allan line. 11-tf Ml.nnie Morrow, Frank Glly, James wag stopped. and J as. H eatlie. Bulls and fat cattfo, 'I'he addition to be built to the chllrch John Spencer, John Turner a ml J'oha Salter. Jr. 4th-Arthur J. Short, Wes. Hancock, Lizzie Rundle, Edith Comish, is the way Enfield will celebrate the Russell. Sr . 3rd - McKenzie Pen found, Lydia Qlleen's Jubilee. We think this style of CLA.UKE TOWNSHIP FAI R . Balson, Maud Oke, Laura Cawker. Jr. celebration is worthy of being imitated. The attendance was s mall, owing to 3rd-Arthur Gay, Fred. Morrow, Arthur Mr. Il. Powell and Mr. W. Ormiston, the farmers being very busy. The prjra0 ::falter, Francis Cornish. Sr. 2nd- Maud ji·., havti each lost a valuable colt. list is as follows :Tooley, Annie Lymer, Horace Hancock, - - ) :o:(-- - -Mr. Dyer raised a big smoke last week, Imported draught : 1st, Wm. PatterCharlie Comish. Jr. 2nd-Gus. Tooley, burning tho long dead gra3s off his fields. Charlie Nichols, Minnie Michael, Emma One person who viewed the smoke two or sou's "Oliver Twist;" 2nd, Robt. Beith's "Hoger. " Cornish. Part 2ud-Wm. Hunking, R. three miles off thought it was his buildCanadian draught : lat, Wm. P a tterDIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. Tingle, Thomas Lymet", Mabel Walters. ings on fire, and hurried homo only to s on's "Highland Chief ," 2nd, Percy & Part 1st-Eli:m McDonald, Norman Oke, find the fire further away. Young's "Difianco." Active fluctations in the Mal'ket, Bonny Richards, Wilfred Cawker. Pres- There will be no sorvic,3 in the church General purpose : 1st, J. McMillan's ent every day during the month-'-Lizzie offer opportunities to speculaRundle, Arthur Short, '\Vesley Hancock, here n ex:t Sunday afternoon as the Qllar- ' 'Young Canada;" 2nd, E .Hall's "Mount a in Boy." tors to mak e money jn McR. P enfound, Lydia Balson, M. Oke, terly meeting will be held at Mount Ca l'riage : 1st, J. Patt erson's "ChenVernon on that day. Grain, Provisions, Arthur Gay, Fx·aucis Cornish, A. Salter, If the young man from the West that eall;" 2nd, Porter & Beith'o "Josh BilMaud '.rooley, Charlie Comish, William Stocks, Bonds & · comes so far to be seen (with his mous- liog. " Hunking, Norman Oke. Petroleum. Durham Bull : 1st, W. R Allen ; 2n,d , t ache) by the girls on Sunday evenings, S. Bragg. . TYRONE. would mak:e~ less ch inwhack he would be Prompu & Ltention given to ord ern. Judges: On heavy h orses, J . Polla·d Mr. Robert Moore has returned from liked/ tly the 'ladies better. and Jameii Colville. Light horses, Asa. Office over Murdoch's Store . Choate, P. P ollard and S. B. B m dshaw. visiting friends in the Wost. / BAMl'TON Entrance by Telephone Staircase. Mr. Neil McPherso!l is home from Mrs. J os. Brisbin, of New P arl{, w¥11 M w ..1 C l B 11-tf 1 visiting friends here last werk. p· ~· e., ey ouc , . of ethesd<;i, has Q ueen 's College, Kingston . H e won the . , dl marr10d and settled mto posseaa10n of . Mr. '\V. H. Hicks house ha.s ~· ,,:/Y~ry the farm rerited from H. Elliott, ~r., Esq. Scholarship prize, $35, fr. r j unior Mathemce appearance after the coat oy piunt wa exten our welcomB and con"rat u- matics at the closing examination . 0 th1~t Mr. Ed. Bingham has gi, en it. J.A.tions ' [Wish h e'd give cur office a coa . too ..,.... · CARTWRIGHT FAU~. ED.] --:o:-.fl Miss Eunice Roach is welcomed back , by her many frien ds. I beg to return my sincere thanks to th e Mr. J. Carter keeps the anvil,J"i. · ,., This Fair was held on lhicfay last,but Joe is ~doing a ' Phillips has disposed of his -Public for past support, and h ope still to from morning to night. owing to the inclemency of the weather big business. property to Mr. Wm. Beer and moved merit your patronage by fair dealing. to T oronto, on Monday. Mr. Phillipa h:ls W&B not 110 largely attended as it would. Miss .Annie Harris is v sitio friends been a resident of this place for over 30 I have bought direct from the manufachave .been otherwise. The hoi·sea and years and has long been n!lted for keepturers for cash, a large quantity of the at Whitby. cattle however, thai were exhibited, Mr. S. M. Clemens has purchase · ..-11. "6rat.class publie house. As an best goods made, which enables m1e to ~ell were of a fine quality. The following fine horse from Mr. Jos. Ruse, Toronto. auctioneer he was well and fav.irably them as cheap as they can be sold, inis the PRIZE L1sT:Master Ed. and Miss Davey, of Whitby, known, being an expert in the business, CLASS 1 HoRH Ks. cluding, were the guests of Mrs. T . Harris on having few equals and 110 superiors. Sabbath. Through failing h ealth he was obliged to IMPO:R'l'ED HEAVY DRA UGHT, three Communications have been received ' give it up~ year ag?· He ~ow retires entries lat, Cvinyn Mac !!rn~or, ownsd from Ex-Mayor Doney who reports busi- altogether from busmess, havm&{ a!11assLa.wson Cameron & M cKee; ~ S. ness booming. ed a large amoun~ of His reGraham's, 'fho Bright; 3, fl. l\foriah'a Farm Produce taken in exchange . . moval from the v1llago is unIVersally reLaird Maxwell. M tss Lena Cryderman was the guest of grett ecl, but we trus~ that hi~ health for goods. Rags and Bones CANADIAN DRAUGIIT: 5 Entries ht, Mrs, A. E. Cle1Rens on Sabba~h. will improve and he and hi!! partner H. flenders' ·Pride of Ontario; 2 J. & for Tinware. Miss Bruce, of Cartwright, i!I visiting may long be apared to enjoy life in the G, ·Hy land's Young Cb~1 · c.o lio:· ; 3rd, W. 200 T ons of Scrap Iron wanted, Highest her sister, Mrs. W. R. Clemens. Que~n Uity. J. Mitchell's, Young Bold McClue. Price for all kinds, Quite a number from this place attend· Mr. und llfrs. H, Ashley, of Oshawa, G1rn1mA1. PunPOll& - l:.\..h Entr~t' A quantity !>f Geese Feathers for sale. ed the Quarterly meeting at .Bethesda on were in the village on Sllnday. ht, J. W, Holmes' Prince of Kilbride; Also A Light ·wagons for sele. vory Snnday morning. 2nd, H. Thompson's Pri ce~ Royal; 3rd, Mr. G. Parish has gr eatly improved his Cheap. J. Bartley's, Sir H enry. S till they come-Mrs. Jas. Simpson residence lately. RESIDENCE .ANI> PLACE OF BUSINESS :C.ntltIAGE STALLIONt1.-Four Entries presented him with a bouncing baby boy. Mr. Isaac Clark had a fine young hor11e Ontario Street, Bowmauville, 11ear M1·. 1st, 'l's bot E van's Pilot Ohief; It. J, Hie m.une shall be Blackstock. die laat week, Armour's Shaw's Prinee Imptirial ; 3rd, S. GraMr. H. Kenner, of Variety Hall, Bow· Mr. Wm . Allen is at Cobourg this hams Sunahine. manville, was a guost at the parsonage on week, attending court. CoACII Sl'ALLION.-lst , . Taa Willialllls' Sabbath. CLIMAX. Mr. F. A. Cole is very busy just now 12-4w Volunteer. making np fancy 1mits. C.r·.\~ 2 13 uu..s. ~SEND F 0 R . OvERW?UKBD. -"My husba~d strained Frank can always make a fit, Thoroughbn>d D 1. r L c,m . -l 1~l J. Samel's l'l1blicat:ions. with Maps, lm.ns c ·lf ~1th ove1·'!ork, c11u~rn11; a large I That will look well, if you ~tand or sit, Niclioll . 2od, J. W!n~<cJ 'd Lavem!orLad; describmg Minnesota, swellmg m the grom. He suffered great Order at once p ray don't delay 3rd, J-. Forder's l<,ox. · North Dakota Montana l · h d t f ·1 d t0 el' ' ' Idaho, Washington and Oregon. the Jl'ree Gov: a~ony · w l l C oc ors ai c r ieve; If you ivn.nt a suit for the 24th of l\fay. D o CA.LVED rx 1885.-ht, T. Werry's crnment Lande and ~ow Price Railroad Lan~a he could not e3:t nor sleep. 13. B. B. SLOW B Y Duke of Argyle; 2r,d, T . A. Wright's, in the Nortl1ern Pac1flc Country. THE BJtSr qmckly c11r"d him. He says he never o. · Cartwright Lad; 3rd, D. Mihi" 's Low ,-..,, ~~ "1!"" ~I -....T,_,, .AGHICUlll' URAL GB.AZlNG and 'l'IMBER j · · · . · ,, - - - - - - -- -· '-=""...&;:.Jl~· ......... ...c:a.. ..L.._, ~a LA.NDS now open to Sett.Iers mailed :tree. .Ad- had such quick relief lD his h fe, Ex- l ·'ETllR eelle, 11mu·h1ra1·,.ppetltc fretfulLaird Duke. dress CHAS· B. A.MnORN, . tract from a. le t,t er from Mre. George . Re8N, '"""knN·~· e<)~nllsl<H1~. are some Do. C.u.vED 1836. ~let J . Bar1u1 tt; B0WffiailVl '11e, Ma y v, <:> 1887 Land Com, N. P. R. It', S t. Paul, Mrnn, .Boak Cooksville Ont ol lllc all'ecih &J Wt>rnlli rn t;lltlllren; de11troy 1 tile 'Wlll'M~ ~ltk lb·, I.1tw'~ Wot·nt Syrup. · H---.ieow 1 ' ' · 2nd, T. A. Wright. STATESMAN EVERY WEEK From now to TAIT FOR 30 CENT S. & MORRISON'S STORE. & C 0. TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. COM INC ACAi N. LANDS !