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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1887, p. 2

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:I -----------HOUSEHOLD. ···- ··-··---·- ·--·-------· --- -·- "---·-· -- ... ·-·----··-··- - ·------- ---·...·---.........---- --- -a PW ditchwa.ter. Both teachers and scholar s are RELICS O F T H£ DARK AGES. counting the da.ys s1Ji.ll to be put in l1efore .the whole thing .is over, and t lie child· A J nstice of the Peace in a West Virginia House-Olea.ning. ren especially are thinking that . to village recently fined a fisherman heavily for WED NESDAY, MAY 4 1887. The March winds have shaken the cling· be away from school will be paradis~. insisting in the course of a trial before the ing dead leaves from the trees, a.nd blown It will be the same with Kindergarten if sapient magistrate that the moon had somethe light, loose rubbish into in the there is no wa ve of rejoicing, all-l'er vading thing to do with the ebb and flow of tides. !STAND ARD !UEDJ.C:AL WORK FOR hollows a.nd valleys; and now the April show- love shed abroad in the hearts of 1 ,Jlose who A little uegro girl of Calhoun goes up into ers have softened and washed · a.way what organize and those who cond uct such in· · · t he w inds could not remove, while the warm stitutions. Poets, it is said, 11re born,- not the mountains every day or two and talks, Onl y $ 1 By !Ua ll, rostpald. and purifying sunshine will help to carry So are teachers, and the supply of w she sa.ys, with an obliging angel who tells Is the place where you can get the most fashionable forward the thorou ll'h renovu.ting pro..,ess the genuine ar ticle, it is to be feared, is her a great many mysterious secrets. The · U.LW TR ATIVE SAMl'LJ<;f!I F R EE NO A LI.. q 11 d · h h d A th h black people place a great deal of confidence which a.t this season is going on thr oughout sma compare wit t e nee . oroug Hat in the County. the entire domain of nature Indoors, the ly-tra.iued and perfectly equipped teacher is in her revelations, and her coming and going with anx ious interest. H er lat est tidy housewife feels a.n impulse to follow na.- a. sight for sore eyes. Stich · ·p er sons are ture's example, and cleanse her house of the among the most blessed and most influential piece of information is that the town will dust and dirt, which,· in spite of the weekly of the world's benefactors, when they have be visited by a cyclone, following close on cleaning, has accumulo,ted during the long also the corresponding spirit. But when the jieels of a disastr ous eart hquake , before winter ·season. T o bring a.bout this neces- t hey want that, the mechanical and literary the year is out, and will be t otally destroyed. In Christy Stiff, Black, Brown, Drab, sary end without an unG.ue taxation of phy- training and equipment will be comparative:Frank vVinn, a precocious y oung colored Silk, the very latest. sical strength, should be the first thought in ly of little wor ~h. There may be plenty of boy of Dallas, Tex., has shown considerable Fancy H ats for chilA. Grent Mec lical Work On Mnnhoo1l. connection with this annual business of water in the boiler, but if it is cold how is inventive skill, and many of the more s·1per- or Slate, in Men's Youth's and Boys. E :s:hausted Vitality, Neryou!" and ·Physioal I house-cleo,ning. steam to be i·aised, or the engine to be stitious of his race think that he is in league So come along DebllJty. Premature Declme_ m ~fan . Erf?rB Do not undertake to accomplish more in started? It is all right when the training wit h the devil. Last week some of the cred- dren and in prices from 25 cents up to $3. of Youth, and the untold miseries resultmg · are b oth th ere, b ut I'f onl y ulous blacks tried to r out Satan out of t he and you may be sure you will get suited. from indiscretion or excelisee A book for one da.y than can be done with ease and and enthusrnsm every man, young, middle-aged and old. It pleasure. It is far better to attempt only as one can be had, by all means let it be the young inventor's dwelling by nailing up t he conta~ns .125 prescriptions for a:U ~c~te and much work as can be finished in the first enthusiasm. The man or the w oman that door and suspending before it strands of chrome diseases, each one of which is mv11111a- J half of the day giving the remainder of the loves the occupation and has heartfelt sym- hair tied around bits of broken glass. To GENTS~ ' · · th ·th d · t t · ti hild ble. So found by Author. whose experience for 25 years is such as probably never before day to other, less onerous duties, thus re- pa Y WI an m eres m ie c ren, clinch the argument with the black fiend tell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages. serving a fund of strength, which must be . though greatly destitute of technical train - they tacked a horseshoe on the lintel of the W e keep the very best and most fashionable lines in Ties, bovnd in bef!-utiful F rench muslin, emboe~ed added to by adequate rest for the work of ing, will do infinitely greater and bett er door and a t tached a precious rabbit's foot t o covers, full gtlt. gu11.ranteed to be a finer work th · d ' work than one who knows all about school the knob. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Underwear, Hosery, Braces and in every sense than any other work sold in this e commg ay. . . countryfor$2.50, orthemoneywillbe rerundod Do not make the mistake of upsettmg discipline and black-board demonst r ations, A n egro cook at Athens, Ga., had a. seIn ~very insta.n7e. ·Price only $1 by mail, post- many or all the rooms of a house at once; but has no more sympachy tha11 a stone vere att! of rheumatism in the back not Umbrellas-in fact, anything in the Gents' Furnishings line· ba1d, Dluatratives sample free to any body. take only one room at a time and arrange !l.nd no more interest in the children, apart long a.go and called in a voudoo doctor t o Send now. Gold medalAssocia.tion. awarded the author by so that the~e shall be throughout ' · f rom the pay and th e posi ·t 10n, · than L 'f th ey the National Medical to the Pre· the entire treat him. The voudoo man said th at his Come along and bring your friend with you and get some Bident of which. the Hon. P . A. Bissell. and house-cleanmg season, some cosy place belonged to another planet. Child-gardens patient was under the malign i11fl.uence of associate officers of the Board the reader is where the family may live and cest in com- will succeed and will bring any amot'mt of an enemy, and going out int o the yard r e- thing nobby. fort blessing on one condition only, that t he true turned with a piece of red flannel tied in reapectfully retrerred. M. MAYER, Furrier. The Science of Life ls worth more to the ' h .ld d b d d d young and middle-aged men of this generation Get plenty of help for the heavy work. c l -gar eners e secure an encourage the middle with a blue string , which he deshan all mines of Californi.A and the The hshion many women have of themselves iu their work of faith and labour of love. clared t o be the cause of all the trouble. ~Hig hest prices in cash paid for Raw Furs. silver mines of Nevada. l combined.-S. F . attempting to do all the extra work of house- Nobody can t each effectually what he or '.l~he offending cloth was burned in t he sick 0 ¥"::rf~f~nce of Life points out the rocks and cleaning in addition to the or dinary cai·es of she does not love, and the man or the woman room to the a ccomi:;animent of weird incant qulckaa.ndson which theconetitutlon and hopes the family, which are quite enough for I that ceases to love ~oon ceases to know. ations, the patient said he was m uch bet t er ot many a young man have been to.itally them, is the poorest kind of economy; a.nd The genuine teacher is among t he great est and the doctor, having received hi~ proper wrecked.- Manchester Mirror. overwork at this season of the year, .vhen benefactors of the race. The sham, mechan- fee, departed. The Science of Lite is of greater value than · 1 · l · h t t f rau d tiu d t lie -all the medicn.l works published in thisoountry the system is naturally relaxed, is especia.lly ica a.rt ic e is t e grea. es -ATOne cf Mrs. McL ane's hens, near Thomptor the past 50 years.- Atlanta Constitution. hazardous. · greatest curse. And how can people cxThe Science of Life is a superb and masterly_ Make thorou"h work of the cleaning pro- pect anything but this sham ai t-icie to come son, laid an unusually la rge egg a short time tre&tiae on nervous and physical ·debility.- cess. Rememb~r the closets, cupboards, at- to. the front when the te.acher's .social posi- ago, on which, it is declared, was writ ten Detroit li'ree Press. b There is no member ot society to whom the tic, and cellar. These are just the places t10n and r ecommendat10n contmue t o e in startling capital letters t he inscription. "Terrible Earthquake in March. " The Science of Life will not be useful, whether where dirt and germs are most apt to accu- what they too generally are ? news of the omen flew around among the JO Uth, parent; guardian, instructor or clergy. mulate. Purify, and disinfect if necessary, man.Aruonaut. negroes with gr eat rapidity, and intense exAddress. the Pe&bodv Medical In~titute, or every nook -and corner of the house. AN ANGRY FARMER. citement prevailed. Pray er-meet ings were Dr . W . H,Parker, No..! Bulfinch Street.Boston Do not rest satisfied until the entire house MR.SS., who may be consulte6l on all diseases and all that pertains to it, ha.a been thorough- 4 Ya lualilc B or·e !Stolen Fr on· llilll nnd Solol held in cabins, people confssed their sins to one another and an alarming state of requiring skill and experience. Chronic and ly renovated ; but do not hurry through the to Him Again by tlle B1·nzen T h ief. obstinate diseases that have baffled tLe .s kill mental depression and r eligious fervor obot a ll other physicians a. specialty, Such work at the expense of health and strength-; I can tell you of a trick that was played tained among many of the b lack s. It is treated successfully without an instance or and, as a. recent writer upon the subject failure. Mention STATESMAN, Bowmanville, aptly remarks: "No woman shoul d indulge on an old farmer in Switzerland county, now supposed the mysterious inscr ip tion ! for un- was the work of a young man employed on l7·:r· ·the thought that what she is doing is drudg- Indiana, that just takes the C Ontario. ery, but that, like ·her great exampler , na - adulter at ed cheek. The old farmer h ad a Mrs. McLane's farm. saddle-horse that was his favorite "IB' 'U1i> n,'l?li'li'li:'&V ture, she is performing a refining and elevat- valuable animal, and he pxeferred a ride on its back W fl W fl ~~~~~ ~ ~ ing process. " to a seat in the grandest buggy . But one Canada and Her Neie;hbors. morning the old fellow, on going t o bis . . .. . VETERI.N ARY SURGE ON. Practical Recipes. staule discovered that the lock had been Commercial umon between t he Umted pried 'off the door opened and his prize States and Canada is being discussed with NIAGARA CAKE.- Take one cupful of sugar, three cupfuls of flour, one and a ha.If horse gode. The way the maddened owner 1renewed interest, and it m_ust be said that cupfuls of milk, half a cupful of but ter; and swore about the theft was t err ific and after 1never" iis so general a desire expressed for two eggs; mix thoroughly, adding two tea- searching the neighborheod for t he m'issing jl closer commer cial d ealings wit~ our neig~ ~pooufuls of baking powder. Bake in a hot anima.l and finding no trace, he got out hours as . Mr. E rastus Wiman sees m. posters advertising his loss, and offered $100 con!men1al um~n, or a complete sys~em of oven. This is a r eally excellent cake. To PRESERVE 0RANGEs.- Boil the or anges reward for the t hief and $50 rewar d for t he· r~cipro ..n.y , a. wise escape from t he diffi.cul. in cle&l' water until you can pass a straw r eturn of his h orse, which was described as a whwh surround the. settlement of the through their skins ; then clarify t hree-quar- light bay animal w ith two white foet , one d1~pute .abou_t the fisheries, and Mr . Go.l dters of a pound of sugar to a pound of fruit, in front and one hind foot white almost t o wm S mit h, m ·an addr ess t o t 'le Canadian - - -- o---in N ew Y ork, expressed himself frankand pour over the oranges while hot. L et the kne~' with a white spot in t he foi·ehead · Club ly in favour of close commer cial relations them stand one night, then poi! them in the . WEEK_ s ROLLE~ DY between t he people and the t wo count ries. syrup until they are clear and the syrup and, notwithstandmg. the liberal rewar~ ancl "Nor need any Cana.dim fear, " said the thick. Take them from the syrup, and ~h e effort s made t o ~nd the st olen ammal, professor, "that t he political separation to strain it clear over them. its whereabouts r emamed unk nown, and the, which he clings will be compr omised by J AUNE MANGE.- Break up and boil an old man mourned his favorite horse as lost I commercial union ; a poor and weak naounce of isinglass of gelatine in rather more forever. Several months af t er he had bee.n tionality t hat would be which depended on . Graduate of the Ontario V eterinary College, than a half pint of water, till it is melted; robbed one day a stranger rode up to his I a customs line. " Further on he that ~ - =================~=~~--==~====-~==== Registered memb~r of the Ontario Veterinary str ain it, then add the juica of two large house riding abea.utiful~rown horse that at . "ifpoliticalunion evertakes place o etween Medical .Association. oranges, a gill of white wine, and the yelks once attracted the attent10.n of the:vlnnde~eu and the United States it will :aet be WOftice and Residence. Newtonv!lle, Ont. of four eggs beaten and strained ; sweeten farmer. The stranger sai?- he wa~ buymg because the peoJile of the United States a.r.e Will visit Orono every Tuesday a.nd;Saturday to t ast e, 1md stir it over a gentle fire tilt it cattle, and spent some time lookmg at . a I disposed to agl(ression upon Canadian indeotllce hours from 10 a. m., to i p. m., at just boils l up. Dip a mold in cold water, and couple of s~eers the f~rmer wanted t o s~ll, pendence, of which t here is not a thought in Conlters' Hotel, Calle by Telegraph receive a~ived fill with the pr eparation. Do not allow but r egardmg t he . price asked as too high . any American breast nor because the im immediate attention . any sediment to go in it. the vishor said he w.ouldn't _ purchase that pediments to cemmer~ial inter course and t o CHARGES MODERATE. 1 CHICJCEN SALAD.- Mince the whit e meat d~y, buL woll:ldn't mmd selling th~ farmer t he free interchange of commercial service his horse, as it was too fine an ammal for will have been removed but because the of a chicken fine, t hen chop· the white parts of celery, and prepare a dressing as follows : his business. The old man co_nse~ted to two portions of the Angl~-Saxon race upon Rub the yelks of hard-boiled eggs smooth mount t~e -horse t~ see ho~ easily i~ could this continent, in blood and character, lang· with a spoon ; put to each yelk one tea· car'.'Y a. rider. De~1ghted wit h .t~e trial, and, r eligien, institutions, laws and. inter · spoonful of made mustard, half ae much saymg it rod~ as ~icely as the anunal h.e had est s are one people." To annexation, howPumps Ohea.per and Better salt, a wineglassful of strong vinegar, and lost, and tr!uled m as fine style as his pe- ever , our people will not listen. Th ey have than ever. a. tablespoonfql of the best olive oil. Put had, he believed he would make the pure no desire t o exchange t he Union J ack for the celery into a sala.d·bowl, lay the chick · chase. After half an hour's dickering the the and Stripes and while it is no T he Subscriber having built a large ne· en on that , then pour over it the dr essing. bargain was closed, a.nd the brown horse be- doubt the case that t~ere is an under curLettuce cut small may be used in the place ca~e the property o~ the old farmer for the r ent of feeling in favour of more intimate P u mp Factory in Orono, 111 prepared of celery, but the latter is much more de- pnce of $120 cash m hand. The stranger trade relations with the U n ited Stat es even - to fumishlicious. Cut the whites of the eggs in rings bid the new owner good;bye, hoping he if the result should be annexation, th~ pre would be better pl~ased with the horse the 1vailing sentiment of the community is in to garnish the salad. EVE~Y LEMON PIE. - A d elicious lemon pie can longer he owned him. A few dars after- I favour of r eto.ining the political connection the ?ld gentleman "'.as returl!mg homt l with the old land beyond t he sea. If t here With or without Porcelain Cylinder, c ' be by following the r eceipt here given, ward from a trip to town astnde of his r e cent is to be a. change it will come in the d ir ecnamely : Take one cupful of bread crumbs, ihe Beat Material , on the shortest notlt" one of su mi r, one of water, three well-pea.t- purchase, when he was tion of Canadian independence, and in t he OVERTAKEN BY A HEAVY RAIN, opinion of many, Canadian inilependence and a t t h e !oweat prices. en eggs, tiie juice of three juicy lemons, the both man and animal were th oroughly woul~ serve a~ a barrier to .Americ~n ~n· Cist ern Tube a.nd Pumps suppliecl rind of two lemons grated fine, and mix t o- and gether thoroughly. Make paste, and a drench erl. R eaching h is stable, he directed nexation. It .is a foe~ ~ot without sigm~· pnff-paete crust to cover the pie, as follows : his hired man t o r ub t he horse p erfectly dry, canoe t hat.while the ~ir m. the n ew world is W ELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED . R ub h!l.lf a pound of sweet butter into a so it wonld t ake no cold from the soaking it cha.rgerl with su~gest1ou~ m favour of a se~ pound of flour, and add half a t ea.spoonful had r eceived, while h e enter ed the house t o tlement of the .fishe~y dispute on t he basis of baking powder ; use just enough w at er to attire himself in a Mry suit of clothes. Be- of ~omple~e r~ciprocity, a. ?oi;ferenc? sho~ld · bin d it, then r oll it out, a way from y ou, fore he had fairly r ested from his ride the be lll s~ssion m England a1mmg a~ ll~penal rather t.hin, and use for top and bott om h ostler came rushing into t he r oom, t elling fed?ra.ti?n. . 'l'wo for ces ar~ pullmg in op- ! crusts. If you like a puff-1>ast e top, after him t o come to the stable immediat ely and posite directions. W hat will be tp.e result ? TO GIVE SATISFACTION. yon roll out this crust as advised, spread look at t he horse. Apprehensive that some butter all over the surface. fold the crust trouble befallen the beast, he lost ' Or ders!by Mail promptly atten.ded to. t ogether, and roll it out again, always no time in reaching t he stable, but what wa.s A Sonoma E agle. away from y ou. Flour the pie-board well, his amazement , inst ead of seeing, a d ark A peculiar st ory is told of an eagle wh ich DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, also the r olling-pin: spread on mor e butte r, brown horse he beheld a light bay, with one h ad been wat ched for t hirt een consecu t ive ' fold, and roll as befor e. Do this t hree white fro!lt foot an~ one wh ite hind foot, y ear s by the resident s of a qui et valley not Tr'B 'liTr"'llTi' MrcH'TrTr'D, r.DlQ V? MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. t imes .in all, and y ou will have a fine puff. the very image of his mourned and stolen many miles from Santa. R osa. The same @J ~· ~~~ c!!!~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ @) paste " crust. Or to make a less expensive animal. An examination followed. The eagle has for the above named per iod of and plainer, but very ni ce crust, mix with white spot in the forehead was soon made years built her nest in ·-a cave and there ~== ======~====~===========~======---~ milk inst ead of wat er , and use one -half visible by a lit tle rubbing , and a. scar dis- rear ecl her young unmolested. She will fresh sweet la.rd and one.half butter, inst ead closed on t he back t hat es tablished the re~u!arly in the spring come from some un I -----------of butter and water . identity of his lost but new found favorit e, k nown place, lay h er eggs and ha tch her and his n.stonish ed owner became convinced young. Afte1· the young are old enough to Hints For House-Cleaning. that he had bought back his own horse. The t ake care of themselves she leaves t hem in To clean st eel, apply with a flannel cloth animal had been1 color ed by some process, the the valley and B.ieB away , and is not seen a p aste of emery powder and sweet·oil. white feet hidden, a nd the body changed again in that neighborhood unt il th.e follow . from a light brown, which was disclosed by ing spri ng has come. Wher e she goes t o and Mirrors may be cleaned with cold water the r ain , and ma de to disappear by t he rub- where sh.e comes from no one is able t o To buy Foot Gear for M:en, Women, j and a sponge, or rubbed wi th a dama cloth bin g given by t he hostler , and its owner had tell. The young seldom follow her off, but 1 di~ped into powder ed bluing, an then been duped into pay ing a handsome price stay in t he valley and ar e sh ot or stray Boys a nd Maiden s, at po ished. for his own pr operty. Aft er his anger at away. In t he sp ring when she comes to I For the d est r uction of moths, pursue the the t rick that had been practiced upon him build her nest, she will fly d irnctly over the ! following plan : Take t he tack s from the had vented itself in ca ve for several da ys; t he meaning of t his carpet , tol d it back, and wash the floor A STORM OF IMPREOATIONS. nobody is able to t ell, but t he su ppo3 i bion is underneath in st rong suil s in which a table- against t he aut hors of the gam e he caution - that it is t o find out whether t he cave is spoonful of bor ax has been dissolved. When ed his folks to k eep the matt er a secret , a.s occupied by varmint s or birds of her own 1 dry , sprink le the carpet and floor with insect he didn't wan t to be laughed at by his neigh- nature. Each d(1y she can be not iced lower - I powd er , and r e-t ack. hors. But before the summ er was over a n ing down t oward the ground , until at last J P ersian insect powder , if carefully and anonymous l etter r ea ched h im, bearin!{ the she reach es the cave. After t his, perl1!1ps, ' persistently used, will generally be found postmark of Louisville, K y. , announcing she is not seen for a week, when she J efficacious for t he ext ermination of roaches. . that the writer had stolen t he horse from will come out in sear ch of food. An e._xcha nge says t hat if powder ed borax him, tind , seeing h~ offer of a r e ward for t he is plentifully sprinkled around t heir haunts re~overy of t he a:"imal and the arrest of t he E nglish Boots in Egypt. and occasionally r enewed , it will pr ove an · th ief, h e (the yvnter ). h concluded t o r eeffec tual extermina tor. pr esent the t hief, d eliver the horse, an d r eT he supply of boirns boots carried t o j ceive the r eward, which, he was pleafied t o gypt by one of the last d rafts of our for ces j say, the old gen tleman ha d generously paid E t her e ought not to r esult in for tune t o tbe Kinderl!;art en Work. to him, but, from the k in d manner in which unscru pulous maker, as a similar piece of . Ther e is likely to be a boom in K inder- he had been treated when h e t urned t he 1 Ou r New S t ock b as a rrived, and com garten work. l t is well t hat it should. horse over to its r ightful owner, h e was con- ente:prise. di~ dur!ng t he Crimean. war. 1THE STAR H OUSE bas JUst received a large stock of E nglish a nd . prises s om ething neat a nd pre tty for But in order t o b oom t hat work it is neces- vinced th at after t he old man had paid him On mvest1gat iou bem g made, accordmg to he corresponden t of a contemporary, int o Scotch goods, direct ·from England for t he Ladies, Good a nd Ser viceable for M en sary t o have t he necessary spirit. The th e reward R nd r ecovered his hor se und let t f the men, it was ' and Boys, and Boot s tha t R B oots for curse of most of t he teach ing t ha t is going him go ·so quietly that he did not want t ne t he badly shod condit ion r> that t he boot~ were machine e very m em ber of the h onseh old. is that a vast proportion of the t eachers have t hief ; but he would r emincl him t hat t here discovered ma de, which is contra.ry to the contro.ct for . .&.n o love for the work. They take t o it for was still a due between t he amount a m prepared t o give the cheapest a nd best S uit s ever t urned out this r eason or for t ha t, b ut it is a drudgery paid and t he reward offered , aud he hol)ed boots t o be used on active ser vice. But , be;hin leaves · B . · '.l'JUJNKS, V l l lSllS, d: SA.TUUJLS. IN STOt;K . and a n uisance t o t hem all t he same. T he t he old man ..vould r emit at an e<trly date. yond t his, they wer e composed iif 1 of .leat~cr, fi.lled out wit~ a substance some- 1 l ll 0'~ manv1 e . conseq uence is that life with such becomes 'l'he doubly -enraged hoi-st-owner d est r oyed .-~ordered Work and R epairi ng a a miserable g in-h orse round of mechanical t he letter , and said he would never rest sat- t hmg 11ke pitch, renden11g t1~em. a.bso1ute~y , · · . ' · S ;iecialty , as us ual. fagging. T hese people have no pride i n isfied unt il he h:i.d h elpecl to " hang some use~<.JSs for h~rd work. 'l'his is a case m j wh.ich t he gm tt;r party . can be trace~ and j' D . D AVIS . tbeir wor k. T hey have n ot t he slightest infe· nal h orse t hief !" expo&ed or pumsherl with ou t the slwhest · · · iii ea of m ak ing t e>·ching t beir life occupation. 1;0 $8 a day. Samples and duty F REE difficuHy, and t he pitch_ boots n eed not join i ~You. c a n alw a y!il se e Jetlei·y at tile d @or. They are a lwavs dr eaming of somet hing else. The German Government has purchased Lines not under the horre'sfeet. Write the bayonet s, t he car tridges, t he hay, and l BREWSTER'S SU 'ETY RitIN H O LDER They put n o life or ent husiasm into school for $650,000 an invention for steering bal- all the other things which no official fellow · . Co,. Holl, Mich. rout ine. The 1·esult is that <tll is as dull as loons. can under stand.- I'alt Mall Gasette. .E N YOU NC AND MIDDLE ACED M Iv.I:AY EJ: l.'S Hat ~· F ur Store IN HATS I · IN FURNISHINGS NE-W G O ODS T OD ROS. ! N ew S h irtings, N ew P ri n ts, N ew V'Vh ite & G rey Cottons, N ew Embroidery, N ew Dress Goods, New Linens, N ew Tweeds, Yatisi Corsets. l ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD BROS. - have at t he- ! N E W SPR-I N - --G GOODS I Orono Pump Factory. w-~st End House. PUMPS OF DESCRIPTIOJ and see our lovely Ladies, call Dress Goods. · and see our handsome Gents, call Tweeds and Suitings. ALL WORK GUA RANTEED F ull lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. Our Grocery Stor · e i· s repIe . t· . th ie Wl th e Ch 01CeS · t G rocer1es_, · p T0V1Sl0Il8, · · Crock er y G 1as swa re, F le . Id an d , Gar d en ·s eed S & C. R . FERG USON. J.t Pays I Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EM PORI UM! 0 S PRING CLOTHING mRADE. n Canadia n Tweeds in gr eat variety from $ 10 up to $ 25 Gents F urnishings a ll fresh for spring $5 l J_ J EFFER-Y.

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