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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1887, p. 3

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HEALTH. " Olean" and " Unalean " WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. All Bible students have noted with intereating comments the fact that the division of foods into two classes, "clean," which wer~ allowed, and ·:unclean," which were forbidd~n, as found m the P~ntateuch, :vas somethmg more than an arbitrary law im pose~. upon ~he J e ws. A careinl study OL the list of ammals excluded from t~e category of allowable foods b as thunclean, . h b'twill show d th t a11 of them are e1r Except a i s ren er eda specially unfit fory food when 'th . t pressedby h unger, mos t of em are reJeC ed by the most b11.rbarous tribes, and are not VARIETIES. Tufts of ostrich feathers trim the trninu f o some very elaborate dresses of high cere· mony. When a Polish Jewess is married, it ia usual for her own hail' to be cut off and r eplaced by a wig, for the purpose, it is su,icl, or lessening her attractions in the eyes of men other than her own husband. A young college student, whose chief charm is his honesty says : "The superior ' · Is IS · owmg · t o the s t and' mg of th e co11ege g1r f act tlrn.t t h e g1r · 1s work f or a11 t hey are worth and we work for all our fathers are :th" WOI . 1 The Peace of Europe. The President of Robert College, Constan· tinople, continues his stor7 in the New Yo1·k Independent. He tells < the treachery of Russia, and of the wisdom and moderation of those who have ruled in Bulgaria siiice Prince Alexander was forced to retfre. Anything but their country's indepen<'ence these men are willing to yield to Russia, but that ind ependence never, so long as they have a dollar or u, gun. "Curiously," says Dr. Washburn "Republican France is using · fl.uence ' to "Hl R l·SS1a · m · 1 ~ a11 h er m ier euort · and mtc lrn 1 · t a b ri ' to to crush. n >u.lgari.i Constautmoplc, 11 urrnudful of the warnmg of · h · f E Thiers as to t e fote o ;,urope when the J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SOii, PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, Is the Right Place to buy Drugs. , We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. con.sidered choice food even by ani~als so! (~t~\e~~v::)~~dtd~~~:e!~\j1 f~e !1::~ ~~dr ~~~u~!!r~aCto~~:a~~~!o~~~ ~~ae:~~;1; H~.<\.ND which prey upon others; as the hon, tiger, · df l f th · · 1 f ]'b t t would give her two cents for him. "Well, as unmm n o ose prmc1p es o 1 er y ec N . ot a smcr · 1e pred atory or scavengel' am· mother ·" replied ' ·"no one would have you which she professes H e ·adds d to cham1)ion." · · mal was all~wed in the list of foods; and were to be given away with a pound th'.l't ther~ are tu .. ay not twenty political Binge's Cough Syrup, Hair Brushes and Combs, h ? J? 'd tl b · th t' fl h of tea " prisoners m aud that all the chargw Y · ~vi en Y ecause m. c ea ~ng es · . es of atrocties are pure fabrications. As to Rose Glycerole, food, the flesh of the eater is deter10rated. A good mother of Toronto was hornfied . d. t dd . · · d' ·d d Toilet Soaps, :BUFF.A.I..O,. N'- . -YThe lion might eat the same sheep that the the other day when her little danghter in- i ;nme t~· ek~:r, 1 a t s, 0P1;1~?n 18 iv~he · 1 1 1 8 ome m tl t~t 1:1 c·o 15 Y?ar, 0 d ehrs man intended to e11.t ; but man must not eat formed her that she had her hair cut at the f mthe C Corn Cure, Perfumery, orirnntzed wUb a run Stall" or etcbteen 11, 1 · · · bl k · h' h WI k d l · are as sure 1a i w1 e zaris rea y e ac sm.1t s s op. ~en as e t o ~xp am will go at it speedily whatever his wish to llllxportenced and Skllll'ul J>by11ctan1 the hon. He might tak e th~ grass and grams . jhamois e. very large at second hand, but not the sheep. Is she replied : "Mr. Smith cut my hair, and tl f r f t l ' Id G E Imperial Dentifrice, C and ·urgeons f'or the treatment or ' stock. there any reason for this? Experience shows he is black, isn't he?" sBavte 1e tee mgs 0 f ie 0 't .erma11 t'hmperor. all Chro11tc DJacnaea. 1 1 1 u w 1a a pagan arce l is, a e same, · l h · 1f d · . tb ~t w h en .an amma w ose usua oo IS Bill Collector- " See nere, I have written that the eace of the world and the lives of Camphor . Sponges, &c. chiefly grams and other vegetable substan- you a dozen letters about th11.t bill you owe t ~ ti d h Id d d wusu,n. s sf ou ll be~e~ upon ces, exchanges its ordinary diet for animal my firm and you haven't even recognized ~~coun ~ uupalatable and un-1 them" 'country Editor-" Were they writ- ' be lpass1odn or ~apAnce othan a tu irresponfCJhronlc Na111a:1 Catarrh, Throat an4 food, its flesh becomes 'd t l · l f d I · s1 e ma man . re e gre:1 masses o 1 Lung Di1oa!les, Live r and Klduey '.II'h o1eso~e. E vi en y, amma ~o . eaves t en on both sides of the sheet !" "Of the eople in every land never to have more Dl·ca·e·, BJnd,lor Dl8ea11e·, Dl·ease· m the tissues of the eater certam rmpure course " " All such c<>mmunications go into p th tl · t t ' A d of Women, Blood Dlsea·e11 and Nerv· and unwholesome elements which are not the w~ste basket without reading " sense Uha_nt. ns a~no~m l stho . t nt nbevert on· Affectio1u1, cured here or at home · h · more r1s ian pnnc1p e an o se a ou With or without seemg the patient. Come ana left b yhvef:lgetahbl et.f00d ·· I s notthis.tted~eat· "Tell your mother, Johnny," said his and"bleedeachothel'white,"asBismarck 2 00 us, or send ten cents in stamps for our d bw y -ea rng a were Ii mh er ic d ma1 'den aunt , as sh e p Iaced a piece · · as soon as any am b't' 1 In vallds' Guide Book," which gives son f ManunD. th es ? Th f - k' lD of p h rases it, i 10us and un1 0 all piu·ticulars. · h! t ' 0 e aw. I . oses · k es 0 ~ cake in his hand, "that I was very sorry scrupulous scoundrel gives the signal? ]for Nervous Debllltyi!mpo. ed tha amma t bl rant. an ~nsa1vory ' your sister couldn't come." "And what the fiftieth time just let us see how the facts Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. an a 0 a vebge a e·ea 1ng andima' as a will I say," replied little Johnny, with an stand, .At the beginning of this year of DELICATE !~~~a'·il:r~rc:·c,~~ldl~r~~:: 1 1 s ieep or an ox, r an unsavory · of s t rat egy, "'f · urace and peace, th e armament sof E caused by Vont11rul Fol. h ti · . 1 ecomes t fl ran h f 00 d C ·ta' 1 air 1 mamma ask s w h ere is i urope H e s and Perulclous Soll- wth en 'die amma eatos bes on a peace footing reached the Yast propor· . ei m Y sister's piece of cake?" ·.. aud tary Practice·cured are speedily e ev1 ence seems e cone1us1ve. · d 'lli f .__ _ _ _ permanently by our But there is still another conclnsion which In the reign of King Charles II. the House ~ions of thre~ an a quarter m1 ons o men Bpeclalists. Book, post-}Jaid, 10 cts. in stamps. may be legitimately drawn from the facts of Commons met at ten in the morning and lD the very vigour ~nd of manhood. Ruptnre, or Breacli, radically cured, without the knife, referred to. If the use of flesh as food, has worked till four. It now meets at four, and The nm~ber of trained m~n ready for war without dependence u r,on such a deteriorating effect upon a sheep or] has been known to sit till ten on the tollow- on t~e shghest emer~ency, mother words the trusse8n and with very little an ox and upon a ll carnivorous animals as , ing morning. In the d;i,ys @f Elizabeth Par- armies on a ~a: footmg _amou~ted to twe~ve --MANUFACTURER O F - in stamps, pain. ook sent for ten cents thereby to render them unfit to be eate~, is liament sometimes got to work at six in the aud a half m1lhon~. Is it possibl~ to. realize P ILE TUMORS and STRICTURES it not probable that the same cause may morning.and went to dinner at el even o'clock. the amo~t of m1sPry, ~en!'orahzat1on and tr~d with the greatest success. Book /lent pl'Oduce a like effect upon th"' flesh of human The dinner-hour now is from seven to eight w~~tc wluch ~hes_e figures md1cate? In France for ten cents in stamps. Address WORLD'S · ? It 1s · not p1easan \ t f or one to con- at night· · · military is compulsory on KING s·rREET, BOWMANVILL DISPENSARY MEDIOAL ASSOCIATION, 663 Main b emgs. f service · rd Tl t' ftall· men · exStreet, Bulfalo, N. Y. template a condition of his body which in It seems curious at the present day that cept a ew mva l s. le i:e b:r~m~g ex- Has now on hand e. number o! vehlcle8 (and ls manufacturing a great many more) o! the ne The treatment of many anothel' animal wonld render it unfit to be snch a law as the following was in existence t~nds ovc~ve/ears, andS \ 111: 1· 1 os~r patterns and best finish, which I am offer ing for sale at the lowest prices consisten* 1 thousands or cases of those with due regard to workmanship and quality, The following ie a list ot eaten ; and when we consider the high pnr-1 in the ei ghteenth century : "That anybody i ic1 ov:1 : t;n. Y yea~\ 0 i .is m t b~sia. diseases peen liar to 1 the principal vehicles manuractured by me 1 poses for which the human body was made, who should induce an English artificer en- . n r~ etew Im. ~ry se~vicf a~ [hngs VV C> 1'\l.C EN" mental and moral, a.q well as physical, and gaged in any of the manufactures of Great m a1 ma es rof ~me een f 0G or Y- ree D ouble Covered Carriages . . ............ ......... .. ....................... . .. .. $150 Upward1 WOMEN. at the Invnllcls' Hotel . ._ _ _ _ _ _ Surgical Institute, has am! af- the infinitely delicate functions which its Britian to go abroad and teach and practise )'.ears of ag~.. A 1 t e ??en f 0 11 ~rma~y a;e Single Phmtons . .. ..... .... . . ... ......... . ................................. ..... 100 forded largo experience in adaptin;r remedies marvelous mn.chinery must perform in the the art must forfeit one hundred pounds and ~la~tyle tto mihtaryf serviTh rom tw:n ~ ·0 Open Buggy........ ........................................ ............ ········ 70 11 for their cure, amd mechanism of thought and mind- in feeling, be liable to imprisonment." 'f he artificer 0~ h - .W.0 ~~ars 0 a1e. th ey mus ' 0 Th~1k 11 Top Buggy......................... . .............................................. 90 knowing, and willing-do~s it not occur to who did go abroad was "liable to be as an Wlt ' JO~n ' e army or h ree Y~frs.fortifln Democrat Wagon ...······.··..····....···· ·..···.········.·...···.·· .. ,.......... 65 .. DR. PIERCE'S one with considerable force that a body un- alien and hu,ve all his property forfeit ed to ~!all ,th~th .A~d th~~ i e, cos )i ~a.d Lumber Wagons .... ~········· .. ··· ..· ,·.··.···...·.····.·.······ ~ ........... . ... . 55 .. fit to be eaten, is unfitted for thinking and the king." ions· . y, smce .c<rance a.serec Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 11 for exercising the highest powers of heart The Duke of Wellington was remarkable a doubl~ h ue of forts of one _hundred ~nd Express Wagon... ... .. ............................... .. .... .. ..... .............. 75 11 and mind a11d soul, of which a hnman being for the coolness with which he gave his di- ' fortyGmiles along_tllj1er tfrollti~h bordemig Skeleton............................................................ . . ...... ....... 50 11 is capable? If fruits and grains, the pure rections. Even in the heat of an engagement on. erman:i:;. . ~1 ye . a es~h peop e U the r01Jult ot this vast experience. Sulky .... .......................... . .......................... ... ................... · 40 11 It Is ·a powerful Restoratlvo Tonio pl'oducts of the earth, make the best flavor- he was known to give vent to a humorous ob· claim to be Chnstians wlul.e all of. em are h PossG>selng superior facilities for me.nufacturlng carriages, I Intend to sell very eheap for oa and Ncrvlne, imparts vl~or and strength ed flesh, will they not also make the best servation, esp~cially when it seemed to raise asthbufsy a s btelavers praymtgh agadmst ke~cg 1 · and the b est nerves as we11 ? to the system, and cures, as if bf magic, Leu. b rams tiie spin · 'ts of h' er tor a 1 are , wor ma fim t or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of &alee, WoulC . is men, Thns, w h en the o d t 10y h th th t an th eorrhea, or "-wlt ltes" exce·11ive - -British were storming Badajos his grace ea. y o ?u eac o er s roa s on e rs sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of buggies Ironed, flo,vinf' painful 1nenstruntio11, nu. 'l t t i b 11 f 11" d opportumty. Suppose war broke out tonatura l!ntppres8ious, prolap1111· or d h What to Do for the's Earache. ro e up w ~s ie a . s were a mg ~roun ' I . 'ti h· t . t d' 't · and confalling or the uteru8, weak bacI,, and, observmg an artilleryman particularly n~or~ow, w~ .1 w a con ra i , 01y . anteversion, retroverslon, bcariug" 'Vhat makes the baby so cross to-night?' active, inqu irerl his name. He was answer- fi1ctmg petitions Hea".en _would be assailed, down 1uiusatio118, cltronle conges- says Jones. .A.t the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. ed, "Taylor." "A very good name, too," and yet, every chaplam m the whole crowd tion, tnfla1nmatlon and ulceration of tne 'vomb, infla1nmntion, pain "Oh ! he has taken cold, and got the ear- said Wellington "Cheer up my men. our l would keep as grave and earnest a.s an owl, A.t the Fe.ctory I also do Planing, Matching. Turning and. Se.wing with Oirele, Band "r Soro and tenderness ht ovaries, Internal ache. I guess he will be all right as soon as Taylor will soon' make a pair ~fbreache;-In and nc\'"el' think but :with pity of t~e Roman Saws, and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carpenters. nd others for building pu.rpoeea, heat, and "female woakneH." Ornnmen ta! and Plain Pickets for tenc,,s in every style reQulred. made to order. It promptly relieves and cures Naul!lea Mary Ann gets back from the drug store the walls !" At this sally the men forgot the , augurs who langhed m each others faces, or and Weakness of Stomach, Indlge11- with the laudanum," says Mrs. Jones. danger of their situation, a burst of laughter j at any rate ~ad good reason so to do. Good tlon, Bloatiug, Nervous Pro8tratlo11, AI'1d so when Mary Ann gets back, a good broke from them and the next charge car· H eavens l God of battles, bless our banand SJeeplessnel!ls, in either ·ex. ners, and for Thy dear. Son',s sake,, sen~ us dose of laudanum is poured into baby's ear, ried the fortress.' speedy and overwhelmmg vwtory l' Nmeon 6 DO'J'TLES and very likely a few drops get i.n to his teenth centm·y of the Christian E ra ! Eh ? · , FOR $6.00. stomach too, if he don't get quiet without. Toronto Tritth. OURIOUS FREAKS OF NATURE. Sold by Druggists everywhere, Send Perhaps some old lady in the neighboraood · . ten ce11ts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's largit will drop in, and insist that he must have I Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. an onion poultice on tbe outside of his ear, A n egro of the nn:mc '?f Wiley Smith,_ of or chloroform inside of it, or a mustard Bo~er. Countl, Ga.., is said to be a phys1eal The V10tor1an Empire. World's Dispensary Medical Association_.. ilaster to the back of his head, or a dose of cunosity. '.[en years ago l~e was one of the:. Gi·eat Britain is quarrelling with Venez· 663 Main· Street, BUl!'FALO, N. 'l!. soothing syrup, or something else equu,lly blackest. m~n .to be f~nnd i_n the State, bu,t . uela, and has even gone so far &s to with. inefficient. today his ski~ is ?fa hghtgmger~read. colo~. draw her Minister. The quarrel is, of Here is the proper thing to do. Pour a ·The ch.ange m him "".as first noticed. m hi~ ; course, over the boundary question. Great · ' little warm water into baby's ear. Now wet finger-tips, when?e it sprc~~ up his ar~s ' Britain took Guiana· from the Dutch, and B ilious Headache, a soft sponge of folded flannel in hot wat01-, and then do'."n hi~ body. Ihe backs oflus while the line between Dutch and English Dizzine81, CJonstipa. wring dry, and apply to the ear. A bot ear h~nds a.r~ still q_uite black n:nd. dark spots t erritory has been settled by treaty, those tlon, Judigestion, and Bilious Attacks, do~che, take~ .with a syphon or fountain still remam on his face and give.i t a strange- between English territory and the t er ritories of Brazil and Venezuela have never been promptly cured by Dr, syrmge, allowmg the h ot water tornn slow- .ly mot tled appearance. Mr. J._ Oi:;de~, of James town, ha.s a n:it· 1 laid down, and Britain's claims rest upon Pierce's Pleasan 1 ly into the ·ear with little force, is still mo~ Purgative Pelle t·. 20 efficient. This simple remedy has the ad- ural c~nos1ty m tho shape of a pig ~hich ' the old Dutch conquests. Treaties between cents n vial, by Druggists. vantage that it not only eases the pain, but came 1 ~1 to the worl.d ~eadless and hairless, all the nations exist which debar either one removes the cause by stopping the inflam- bu~ with a st1ckmg out ~rom the ~nd from occupying the disputed territory, which mation. '.l'he application of hot water of its neckhke the tusk. mfant rhino- is said to amount to over eighty thonsand may be made as often as necessary, or all cerous. I ts feet ?'re like the ~o~fs of a square miles. The area of British Guiana, Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run the time. Keep the ear warmly covered horse,. and there ~s a. hump stickmg out without thi.s dispntcd territory, is, accord· CONCERNING during t he intervals. If the baby has really fr?m. its back, which 1~ supposed to be the ing to latest figmes, one hundred and nine taken a cold, a warm blanket pack, to pro- ~issmg head. The pig has one eye. It · thousand square miles. This is a very over one month. duce a good sweat, should he used in addi- hve~ for a week and '~as apparently hearty, small propoi·tion of so large a continent for tion to the appllcations to the ear. but is now presen'ed m alcohol. a nation which has annexed over one. .. The significa, n ce of earache i.s generally .A few miles from M.ackinaw is a curious seventh of all the land on earth. She owns .., not understood. Quit e a proportian of the piece of ground, nearly an acre in extent, indeed even a smaller proportion of the con· ~ases o! deafness occur~ing in adu~ts without which i.s so warm t~ at the snow melts as t~nen~ of ~nrope npon which h~r sole posses1mmediate cause, are Jnstly attributable to Moon as 1t falls upon it, and though the sur - s10n is . Gibraltar whose area is only about ~owest )> the oft-re~urring earache~ . of childhood; ro~nding .countr;r may be buried i.n deep one and s~ven-eighths square miles; but then, _ Hence the importance of givrng to a matter d1·ifts, this particular spot i·emams bare Europe is too far advanced to need her ""t"lf of this sort eady and efficiqnt a ttention, t hroughou· t the winter. The earth there is fostering care, while South America is in rAJ1 The notion that in cases of severe earache so dry that it is said to fl.ash like powder part undeveloped and in part uncivilized. Ill ther e is nothing to do but to wait for the when disturbed, and a pecnliar gas issues Of course Great Britain owns a good many , ear to "b1·eak" or discharge, is u,misehie\'"ons from the ground, which has thus far shat. scrappy islands which count with South :::::II one. 'When this occurs, it is u sually the re- tered every vessel in which it is confined. America, and whose aggregate area is about sult of neglect, a_u~ the effect is a more ~r .A farmer named Orton, living near By- 125,:-l64 square miles, but two ht~ndr~d and )> less permanent mJury to the ear. This halia some time ago became the father of a twenty-five thousand square miles 1s too "breaking" shonld be prcvc~1kd by pro~pt child' which is naturally formed as far as small a p1:oportion of such II: vast continent ll.I tre:i-tment. If t he earache· is not speedily the body and lower limbs are concerned, for a nation to pos~ess which owns ab?ut reh.eved by the hot· water ear. clouche,-;- j but whose hei·d resembles that of a rooster. 3,600,000 squar e · m1~es of :'forth Ai;ier ica, which may be u~ed almost .c~mtmuously, if On the top of the head, which is narrow and 3,305,900 square miles of A1:1stralia a~d necessary, -?- skillful physLCHt~ sboul~ be runs up into a peak, is a diminutive comb Oceamca, l,<!04,655 sq1:1are nules_ of Ast_a : consulted without delay. It is sometimes of " bl'ight red color and the nose looks and 300,000 s square miles of Africa. T lns nece~st\ry to la~ce the drum membrane. . like the beak of a gai{rn cock. The eyes are i~ without co~nting sue~ rec~nt annexa· It is the only preparation in the world that It is always important that an ear which small aiid protnbenmt but the vision is t10ns as t hose m New Gmnea, m Burmah, will do what is claimed for it. It has produced has been subject to sev.,re inflammation clear an d distinct. '.l'he child is not old on the Niger in Africa, or such protector· luxuriant growths of hair on bald heads where shou~d be treated after ~he inflammation ~as enough to talk an<l his attempts to do so sound ; ates as. those establishe~ over Egypt, . or baldness has existed for It has rest01·ed .ust.b.e 111· exactly like a rooster's crow. Mr. and Mrs. I AfghanIStan, or Beloochlstan, and leavmg the color and vigor to numerous crops of gray subsided, The eustachmn tube m When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, , and faded hair. It bas relieved hundreds of fla~ed ~y meu,ns ~ell known to physwians. Orton have severnl children who are physi- ! out. such pearls. a~ ·Cyprus, l\Ia~ta, A~en, persons of disagreeable Dandruff and has saved ri:h1s will. .als~ dnve out of the ear, sccre· 1 c .. ally p erfect and they are much distressed . Penm ; nor does 1~ mclude the. U mted ~mg many when hair was falling, from becoming t1ons which, 1f left for the slow process of by the strange deformi ty (')f the child . dom, whose area is 120,892 mile:;. Serious· bald. /:;tr Remember these facts and if your hair is abs~~ption, may permanently .injure the I A newspaper printed at Dolores, Argen- ly, ~reat Britai.n possesses alr'eady too much falling out and );/ecoming thin, get a bottle at heanng. ti11e Republic which is situated near the undigested ter~itory. .s~~ has beennow.~ere once and save the growth, or you may losA it . - -, volcanic re i~n ives an account of a m s- less sn_ccessful m An~hc1zmg hei; possessions forever. .Ask your druggist for HAIR MAGIC Try it once, you will use no other. and take nothing else. Hints Worth P reservmg. tedous sho!er stones which fell n~ar I than. ~n the pl~ntations of Gmana, whose A. DORENWEND, Sole Manufacturer, To· 1. Some one's nose bleeds 11.ud cannot be that city a few weeks ago. 'l'he stones are cond1t10ns are little rem~ved from those of .1tlctJOl.o1l..i BROS. & CO'Y, Toronto ronto. stopped: Take a plug of lint, moisten, dip said to have fallen as thick as hail, and I the ~ormer slave plan~at1ons of the South, DIGGINBOTHAlU & SON, in equal parts of powdered alum and gum- varied in size from a pebble to a very re- \ a.nd m some respects ~rifer fo~· the -:vorse, as AGENTS FOR. B oWMANVILLE. arabic, and inser t in the nose. Bathe the spec table boulder. lncalculaole damage · the planters h~ve less mter~st m then· har.ds; was done to the crops, tall tree were shiver- and these, bemg largely ~mported coo. ie~, forehead in cold water. 1 2. Child eats a piec e of bread on whic~ ed to atoms, barns and onthotl!es were de- I suffer greatly from the climate. Brazil ~s arsenic has been spread for killing rats: molished and many domestic animals were l a well-gove.n~ed countr:y, and .Venezuela is Give plenty of warm water, new milk in killed. In some localities the ground was ; a self-gove~nmg republic, ~hich, however · large qnantities, gruel and linseed tea; fa. covered with the bodies of wild geese and /.unsettled, 18 more to the mmd of freemen ment the bowels. Scrape iron-rust off any- hawks, which appearecl to have been killetl 1 than a. crown colony ever ca!! be. (/n the ' thing, mix with warm water, and give in during their :flight in the air. Several per- whole, we hope will not di.stress . 'J~HE large draughts frequently. Never give sons were strncit and badly injured while at herself abou~ acquisLtIOns m that region. Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the large draughts of fluids until those given be- work in the fields, and in the city itself, !. Montreal Witness. fore have been vomited, because the stomach which missed the violence of the showet-, one l _____ ,______ LIVER, STOJJIAUB, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. Are prepared to pay the high est prices will not contract properly if filled, and the dwelling was wrecked. The stones are frontier Marks. all kinds of Grain delivered at the object is to get rid of the. poison as quickly to have fallen continuously for more than a They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and The frontier between Germany and }!'ranee as possible. minute. are Invaluable tn all Complaints incidental t o Females of all Ages. Fo1 :{. · Child falls backward into a tub of Strange volcanic disturbances are said to is more distinctly marked than that of any Wharf or their Store House in town. Childre n and the aged they are p riceless. water and is much scalded: Carefully un- have been frightening the people living along other two countries. The frontier line is so dress·the child, lay it on a bed, on its breast the Blood River, near New Concord, in ·, arranged that it crosses every road at right OI~N TM ENT~ if t he back is scalded; be sure all draughts Calloway County, Ky. The phenomena '. anglee. are exclu?ed ; . then dnst over the parts were first noticed about ten days ago, when i On the German side is a large post, twelve Is a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel scalded with bi-carbonate of soda; lay mus· all the wells suddenly ran dry, and at night i feet high, painted like a barber's pole- red, and Ulcers. It ls famous for Gout and R heumatism, For disorders of t he O F CA N A DA .lin over it: then make a tent by placing two there was a deep rnmbling noise resembling black and white, with a cross-piece at the · -Cheat it has no equal.· I boxes with a board over them in bed, to pre- the muttering of distant thunder. which t op, with the word, in black letters on a white ~pltal pal<l n1·, Sl,0!,0,0011. Rest, 8260,00 vent the covering from pressing on t he seemed to come from the earth. Occasion- ' ground, grenze (boundary), with al\ ~xclama· For Sore Throats, .Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, d t 0 d 0 L i l , scald ; cover up warm. ally there would be an explosion like the ' tion mark. Glll.ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for Thie Ba~k ls prepare eg t · 1 4. Mower cuts driver's legs as h() is booming of a far-off gnn, ani recently a colDiagonally opposite is a cast-iron post, m a te Bankmg in all ~ts branches.. thrown from his seat: Put a tight bandage umn of fire lrns been seen to shoot up at in- twelve feet high, whereon is painted in gray, contracted a.nd stiff joints it acts like a char;m. F~rmera notes d1sco.unted.; Depollits , a.ronnd the limb above the cut, slip a cork tervals during the night from Stranger's on an iron cross-piece, the worclfrontier. received and Interest p1ud on amounts of . under it in the direction of a line drawn blnff, two miles from the town. Citizens 1 Such posts are only placed on roads and Manufactured only a t THOMAS HoLLOWAY's Eat11hUshment , 15 upwards in Savings Bank Department; l rom the inner pa1·t of the knee to a little who went out to investigate the disturbance railways. The line is indicated "across '18, NEW OX.FORD STREET, (lat e 533, OXFORD STIUtET), J,ONDON-' DR AFT~ utside of the groin. Draw the edges of the say that the heat near the bluff was so in- country" by some stone blocks projecting leaned and Collections made in Europe ut together with sticking plaster. tense that they could not approach it. The about a foot above the ground at intervals of An d sold a.\ ls. l } d . , 2s. 9d., 4a. 6d., 1111., 22s., and 3311. Box or Pot, anc! United States and Canada, scene of the phenomena is one of the wildest fifty yards. On theFrench side of the block may be had from all Medicine V endors throughout the World. At the annual meeting of the Cana.tlian and most rnggocl parts of the State, and is is cut with a chisel the letter "F"; on the ·ru.rellasen should look ai tile I.abel on the Pots and Boxes. If the r ddre W. J. ,TONES, Club in New York, M:r. Erastus Wiman remote from communication by mail or tele- German side is the letter "D"-for "Deutsch· U ll 583. Oxrord Street, London. they are s1narfou·.~ Ageo was re-elected President. graph. l;i,nd. 1 1 :! ----o---WE HA VE ON : 1 1 lnvalids'Hotel!Surgical Institute ·?° OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. I I ° Ice, ----o---- fl 1 ff d Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. D ISEASES HAINES' CARRIAGE W"ORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, r CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., 1, DISEASES OF f8 Favorite Prescription 7 I I All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired PRICE $ I 00 I I . , , McDOUGALL &METCALF, BOW :M..A.N""-VILLE:1 are onenng Coal as follows : SICK HEADACHE I Stove and Chestnut, ..................$6.25 6~00 FAC,..-rs :110rn Grate and Egg, .............................. < :?! 0:: Dr. DORENWEND'S z J: LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a prices. CJ McDOUGALL & METCALF Farmers, Threshers and Millmen, Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. "°' 0 I ::LA R M A CHINE OIL. 1-,·I: N E== THE BEST TN THE WORLD. I ! I 'J FAIILY SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. HEALTI-3:: FOR ALL! I GRAIN ~WA'rS Pl LLS &OINTMfflT. PIT.. :r. . s j Jnd. McMurtry & Co. I l · ARD BA N K I SJ AND i THE i

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