!!!......_!!'II ""!!!!!!!!_l!!!!!!~~!19!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~~~7rr~~ ........ ~~!·~ · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l!llllii~~ :: -1~1~~~·~ .~~l~· . . ~~~~~S~S1S& ~~~~~-~~~?~·~·~~ll!DSilillll~ .~ · ~111111~~~~sr:~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~!!!!!!!!iR Britain's Drink Bill. G:ood Advice .to W om en. itCi1ot The money spent in Britain in 1886 in we wi!l send you free, There is any amount oI good sense in the liquors amounted to th e enormous sum of . som t bmg _of g eat value Mii.ny years ago-where now the th~ivint:t advice given by a business woman to her Women and the Farm. ·d t h" I b and i mpotance to you, that will SL!l.rt yon Jn · 528 92~ , ;)' an yet is was ess Y business which will bring you in more towns and villages i n the County of Grey j ~ellow women, to the effect t~at they n,re Jn her interestiuq essay on "Farming $ 614, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1887. are located-the land was covered by forests Just as mu~h bound ~s men ai e to support fa om a woman's point of view," Miss Emily $1,815,605 than t hat was spent on the same money rii;:ht away than anything else in this with here and there a small clearing made !bemselves 1ll .s~me fair, honest w_ay, ac~or~- A. Brownell says :-It goes without saying deleterious stuffs in 1885. If every man, world. .A,ny one oan do the work and Jive at J. Either sex; all agei;, Something new, by the ·turdy first settlers. Ta.Jes of thrill· mg.to the position an~ opportumties _wit~m 1 .lmt there is no class of women so helpful woman and child in the United Kingdom home. thatJU3t corns money for all ·workers. "Ve ing adventures, narrow escapes, encounters theu: reach. What 1 ~ t~e use of a _gu:l, any and so necessary in their homes a8 the wives ha~ spent the san:ie amount of money on I will start you; capital not needed. Thie is with wild beasts, etc., were much more l n;iore th.an a boy, thmkmg that it 18 the and daughters of farmers. Herbert Spencer drmk the per capita account would have ' oi.e of the genumc. important classes of a life· ~i 1~~ · Tho~e who are ambitious and. enter· common than they a.re now. Noble old J right thmg that she should tax fa~her an.d su.ys that Ameri ca)ls overwork ; and he been $17. In 1876 it was $22. If all such pr1srng will not delay. Gran<l outfit free, CATARRH.~A new treatment has been di~· and! a.ll he~ brotl~ers ~nd dsisters, . m would reverse the common belief that life sums liad .b een ~aved w h at an amount of Address TI<UE & co .. .Augusta, Maine. covered whereby a permanent cure of this pioneers, with hearts of oak and muscle~ of m~the~h hitherto incurable disease, is absolutely affoct· steel, mimy of you are now slumbermg 0 ~ e~ at 8 .ie may earn 1 ~r rca as an.:n- is for work, and substitute "Work is_ for useful articles might have been bought and ed In from one ,to three applica.tions. no matter peacefully in our cemet eries! The grand d_1ffeie~t pamter, or as a thml or fourth rnte life." The revised ideal that h e suggests what an a mount of comfort enjoyed. N o whether standmg one year or forty years. 'fhis examples of yo11r perseverance, your unsel- sm_g~r · If she. can 1!lanage to get ~he re- seems almost impossible for the farmer to kind of wor k gives less employment for the remedy is only applied once in. twelve da:ys, and does not interfere with business. Deecnp· fishness, and your unswerving devotion to I qutsit~ edutc:twn wit~outd opp;~essTfg ~r follow, and quite impossible in the farm· cap ital im olved t han the manufacture of tive pamphlet sent free on receipt o f stamp by the ha.rd duties of life, have been, r~fng;:g bed, goo~ au l ~e . b sd e house. The old-fashioned farmer- i t is pos- intoxicating liquors. If the six hundred A . H . Dixon &; Son, 305 King street, West ma.ny cases, forgotten. In after years, ai s, en no ? Y n eec comp am, or ~o 0 Y sible h e ma.y have a. few successors-seemed millions of dollars, worse than thrown away, Tt1ronto, Canada. when a comfortable competence had rewa.rd- ~e~d f eel mortified but herself. ~ut iust a_s to economize everything but the labor and could have been saver and used to some proWHA'.l' IS CATARRH1 Catarrh is a dangerous dieeaSE! which tho.us· ed the arduous toils of early life, how your 'i it is m_on~trous for a y;hole family to toil strength of his wife. The woman's work on fit, what a mighty impulse would have b een ands are consciously or nnconsc1ouslysufferm!I dim old eyes flashed, as recollections ot long ~nd mdoil t1 .11 ordefr totgtve onel'tbtoly a super- a farm is highly important, though all men given to honest industry. from . It ls a nrnco·purulent dischar!le c.a.used · h : ior.t e . uca ion 1 e purpose · · ·1 some Ji o ten 'tho very . ·l If th h b ' are not w11lmg to conced e t h' is unti by the presence of a vegetable para31te m the pa"t s t rugg 1es, acl ven t ures and t rm mp s ) 80 1 ytsol wti gdu s. h ~ °Y k" 8 time sickness stops the wife's busy hands lining membrane of the nose. Tho pred1spoa. were vividly r ecalled to your memory by I 1 is e·p~at Short, Crisp and Decisive. 11 Ing causes are a morbid state of the blood._ the the chatty, friendly gossip of your old ~om- ht ~e requis.1 £e ta etn than t go f ethwi t ma et and feet and active brain; ancl hired help, ·ter has sa t b e f ore ! · 1s way 1 no o e op o. et ree '.a exp ensive . . m· . . , f ound to " What's your business ?" asked one blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison rad es ! H ow oft en the wr1 . t h h b and oft en me tctent, is of sn·hilis, mercury, toxomre, ~om the reten· the waning log fire of 1m ohl-fashioned l 1eas as a; as. e as any usmess 0 aspire be a poor subMtitute. Then the farmer re· merchant of another. tion of the effete matter of the skm, suppressed 0 " l manufacture quinine ; and yours ?" ~1~ girls. b~elfbsurlor_t they tought alizes the worth of his wife's work and care. per8pira.tions, badly ven~1lated sleepml'!'. apar.t· hearth, listening with growing interest and . : 0· f ~~ " Specifics for ague, " ments and the ieerminat1on of other: ~01aona m keenest pleasure to the personal reminis.llee 1: 1 isp:tnsa te, du . 1 ci~c~;;ns a~ced There dawns u;>on him a sense of her value 1 the blood. Irritated by these, the lmmg mem· cences of backwood life by gray-headed 1~; 11 ~, a ow iem 0 re~m 0 " Shake !" .e gr~n when he has to pay a 'stranger good wages brane of the nos~ is ever ready for the recep1 ~ them t;~~ the s~all, t~d for wlmt t h e wife did so much better and ~·:-~·-~~.,,.,,.........~,,.~ VETERINARY SURGEOti, tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads, up veterans, sometimes until the midnight hour b ro~f ~~e~ 11 · any a a ier im mo }r for s o little, and that often given grudg ing. the nostrils and down the ranees, or back of was announced by the deep, .measured e ian 0 the throat causin~ u lceration of the throat; np strokes of the old-fashioned Connecticut bcg~la.r thcmse\ves ~ m,~ke ~ne ~on ~ Iy. Among all t he burdens woman i s called ihe eustachia.n tubes, causing deafne2s: bu<. clock. One of the adventures narrated pos· glen :m~n ~fc. sc ? ar H ant ge s~a upon to bear, there is n ot one so galling as rowing in the vocal cords, causing hoa1·sene~s(· 5 0 a wonderful fascination for me, who, td~an f ~ leir pams. lfi he .urni:,,. oubl a the burden of dependence in money matters. usurping the proper structure of the .b~onch1a sessed · d h h ·11· b · 1sma1 a11ure or a se s m suuera e . . tubes ending in pulmonary consumpt10n and boy-like, l?ve to ear t n rng ea.r stones cad. If he had been he! ed i~ a rea.sonabl~ Many truly kmd and a~ect1?nate husbands death. ltke. 'thou th" . g f or h" Many ingenious speiftos for fo1· t.he cure of and such.1 is parentp s sacn'fi cm 1m are thoughtless on this pomt. Wht1tever bl · 1 · h · f way w1 One wt d, stormy mg it rn t e sprmg o th0 .' t t f th t h . ht h b money a woman wants-to a reasona e excatarrh have been invented, !mt without. sucmd.etrets h~ l efres · e mtgf t toavell .een tent-should be given into her hands in cess until a physician of long standing d1scov· the year, a famous hunter and trapper, ere i o 1mse anc1 a com or a m a . . d ered the exact nature of th diseaee and the wh o was we11 k !1~wn ~o many of t h e .o Ider a moderate wa , So with irls. What says such a way t hat she can enJOY it an Jlreonly appliance which will permanently dest1·oy settlers now h vrng m the Townships of l th' 'bl lb . g ,, f dt serve her self respect. It should be given the parasite, no matter how aggravated the . . . d t · 1s sens1 e usmess woman re erre o : h . d C 1mgwo? , was r e urnmg " To work out our own salvation is as ne- vo1 untan1 :\'.· m generous p roport10.u to er case. Sufferers should send. stamp at once E uph rasm an . o1 tor descriptive pamphlet on_ catarrh, to th~ home from a distant clearmg. Part of t he to t N th' husband's mcome, and her use of it should business ma.nae.era, A., H, Duron &. Son, 300 w11.y the old hunte;'s course lay alonl? t he I ~~~~r~n thl~m;~rtd ~ n;~\e h~d ~~ft ;_~1t be ui;que~tioned. · 1 1 It_is ev1den~ that farmers' wn·~s K ina: street, west, Toronto, Canad .... ar~ beWhat the Rev. E. B . Stwenson, B .A., a Clero11 borders of a small stream of water frmged . l abour a nd we should not wait for necessity to -.B'Y"e well beate!1 cow. 1compel us to work befor e we begin to tr/to ~omnig more mter~sted and more m.tell1gent man of the London Conference of t~e Met ho· by dense s_wamps. Th_ dist Church of Canada, has to Sal/I ~,. regard path led hither and thither, followmg the , 1 B t h . f t j' m r egard t o farrrung. If they will, they h 1 . d' e<Lrn u our c dowe cl o emp oymen To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New Treatment for wrn mgs o f th e s t ream, and somet' 1mes d' I· · fow. p 011 evat' mg f arm life and , cer can d o muc h t oward e1 1 1 Catarrh, verted by fallen timber. Other footpaths 1 , cwi11'to courseI,farge Y epei;t ut olnth rt e . :making it attractive. We are indebted . - 1 am tullyprepared to attend Funeralaon Honorar y Graduate of the Ontario eterinary Oaklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 d d d · I · t l u msances. wearesos1uaec a w 'l 1 to th · t t d ff t f h theahortest not1ce,at tbel oweetpossibleratee College, Toronto. R egistered member of the crease a.n r~-crosse at irregu a.rm erva s, have both money and t ime to pursue a light I arge Y etr as e ai;i e or s or .t .e.suc- 'la.skets and BurialCases ready on short notice Ontario Veterinary Associat ion, in accordance Messr.9. .A, H . Dixon &: Son: D'E.Aiil Srns,-Yours of tho 13th inst. to hand. b~t the experienced _woodsman and hunter I and agreeable avocation that requires the lcess of ?ur annual agricultural exh1b1ttons. Ft.r~t-clu.ss h earse on very moderate terme wl.th the Veterinary Act. Is prepared to treat all diseases o! t he Dom· I t seemed almost too good to be true that I am did not once lose his way. G~eat m asses i faculties afforded b wealth for its successful 1 ~y the1ryrcseuce ancl symp~thy they have ~hrouds and Cofllneconatantly o11; hand . Fun estlc An imals, a ccording to the latest theories. cured of Catarrh but I know that I a.m. I All calls personally, by Telegraph or TelehaTe had no retu~n of the disease, and n ever of flee~y clouds ,floated s~1ftly ac~oss I prosecution we a~e fortunate. If not we 1g1ven an impetus ai:d a new ii:terest to the eraloarda ouppliedato'!ce. Furmture Sh op & ph one will receive prompt attention, felt better in my life, I havo. tried so many the sky, e_ver and anon revealmg the bnght must take tiie next best. But as a working !pleasant field meetmgs and wmter gather- S11ow Room5-flouneall sNew Block. things for Catarrh suffered so much . and for star-b~sprmkl~d ca~opy of heaven beyond. woman who ha.s seen man lives frittered 1 · mgs. - - - -- - : -- - - -- - -- - WO!i'll'JCE-Main St., Orono, one door north of · so many yea.rs. that it is hard to realize that The wmd rapidly mcreased to 11 gale, and · d . f Y . tl '"' t to --can hve at home, and mak more W . H enry's ~tore. . b h use1ess1y n,n pam u 11y away ID ie euor . money at work for us than at any I am really better. . CHARGES MODERATE; h d 0f fa.11' mg tim er w ere pursue such employments without either Novelt1es. thing else in lhis world. t.. o capi tu.I I consider that mine was a .ve.~y bad.case; it the cr~s an ro?r w as aggravated u.ud chromc,1mvclvm1t the the foiest was thmnest was enough to appal the money to render light the consequences Th d . 0 f l to "l needed ; you are s tar ted fr~e. Both . . h 1 a. VICC manyrura. papers eave sexes; all ages. An y one can do the work. throat as well ras the na.sa.l passages. and I the stoutest heart. At l enr.th the hunter 0ff .1 ai ure or the gemus wh1c ti surmounts a 11 novelties a lone" is retr ogressive There are , Large earnings sure from flt·st start · Costly " of a fa 11en t ree b t t hought it would require the three: tteatments, crosscd th es t ream b y means ld ge e y j · · ttlt d t 1 0 8 aces, 1 wou d t d · 1 f th earnes Y ur ver 1two great classes of <"ult1vators ·those who ou l an erma f a ·ee. B ettcr not d e 1ay. Costs but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and 0 ?Se woman to let practical common sense, and , can afford to buy and to try ne~ seeds and you ?othing to send us your a:ddress and find I am thankful that I was ever induced to send an sooi; was ru grng a ong one old -fa.sh1onecl cordu~oy r?ads, of which not vanity or love of ease be her guide in her I· t d h d r ht . .t . d d out , If y~u are wise you will <).o so at once, '., 1P an s, an 'n' o e 1g m 1 , an , secon , 1 H. HALLE'£ r & Co.. Portland. Marne. '0/g~·areat liberty to use thi s letter stating there &re yet a few m this conn try The h . f that I have been cured at two treatments. and wind was now blowing at a. terrific. rate -- c oICe o an emp1oyment. . . Ithose who care for them as a. means of sup-1 I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some 6 h · k' d h r th 1 ft As true as truth. And what is to be said .port or p1·ofit The first class atand in little . ot, , my friends who are sufferers. °~ mg amoi:gst e 0 Y of tb.is? :need of cauti~n or advice. But it should be \#/ - . rie mg an Yours, with many thanks, pmes and cedars !Ike somethmg syipernat- , "A!j matte1·s now stand moat women are ·th t d f f · lt · t th I "\ 1 REV. E, B. STEVENSON ural Crack -crash -boom 1 A "ta.nt elm .. d d es u yo every arm JOurna o ass1s e -r~ .£ 't ' . . t ' t f ii "'th ' far too much h elped, too much p1t1e ' au latte1· class not by advising them to "shun ... An4 hundreds of others torn rothm 1 sdmign dy roo s, "tle. wif "rfoart too much praised for their own good. Girls novelties" but through investigation inquiry across e ru e roa way wi un a ew ee 1 t f 'th bl t ' . . · .' · · 0 many no e excep tons, and experiment to aid them m a Judicious t 11 th t 1 ·t -spea ung no 0 of the st u r d Y rave. er- so i:ear a s but of the average- are lack~ng in self-reli- 'selection· ' branches scratched his face as it fell. auce in courage to face the consequences of . Th f · · l th t d · · d "Phew-w- w - w I" whistled the sturdy .' . . . I e arm JOUrna a a vises its rea ers " h t . t l t h their own acts, rn truthfulness, m magnan- to "beware of novelties " shrinks its duty I Has received her new stock of old ~unter, . t eh :vu t z a pur ~cos I~dave; imity . Ancl all this may justly be attribut- ·If such journals have no 'reason for existenc~ WILL CURE 0 :1 RELIEVE e am, b~e y1' orld . s?~n ed to the over-help, the undue pity and the which is stronger than another it is that I sarti:r;ik ' mJy ht1mB BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, 0 0 b en h e 0 11 !"U.EEM.A.N'S W r owI~lls h Y a mb erm Ill weak indulgence which they receive as chil · the;i. are to find out what ne...; plants or i DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY · ·tes the Ladi·es of Bow , cuinopect the flrave. . e , ev tew e more car· dren " , . . &nd 1llVl ti ' l I gi ' t out onter the long cross· · . seeds or metho_ d s or 1mpl.1..ments are worthy INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING P OWDE RS~ ·~ All which cleservE'S and demands serious f d t t J h t t JAUNDIC man ville and vicinity t o call i' way. " ccmsideration. Good, nasonable, m oderate 0 co~men a IOU or n a ; w a are no . , E OF THE HEART, 1 rods of smooth road ran through a All tmprovem~nts of every km~ come f.ew A Are pi:on.annt to tn.ke. · Contain their owr. ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF an d see her Pattern small clearing made by a desultory squatter, h elp is right and ell needed, but as much th . rough n~veIt 10s ' and th e p rogressJve ~g ' hrsativu. Is a au.fe, B uro, nnd ctrectaal SALT RH EU M, THE STOMACH, pluck ought to be both expected and de· It l l m st b d to I..: #, who had long since vacated his claim and m anded from girls as from boys. It is ab- n cu ura: JOUrna u e i;>repare . g ive . illutro.Yel' of ..,,,,.,... ill Children or .A.dolts HEARTBURN1 DRYNESS . r i ~; moved farther west. Afuer this came what the earltest trustworthy mformat10n re. 1 surd in these days for butterfly girls, t th HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, ' was called the " long" crossway, which was whether young or old, to meet with much . spec mg em. .And every species o~ disease arising and assortment of about as appropriate a designation a.s that patience, far less any aclmiration. It is not, j .from d isordered L IVJ!.,"'R, KIDNEYS, ~iventothes~reetw~ich is called straight audough t n ot tobeanvpassport to honour ; Notea and Comments. PERCHERON HOR SES. STOMACH, BOWELSOR BLOOD. Ill Holy \Yrtt. Thts crossway w~s about or consideration for any woman to plead · Regular ity as to time of milking should · Island Home Stock Proprl .;i,~dN~ forty rods m length, and was c~rtamly one t .b at she can do nothing, that she never had be observed, and the milk drawn quickly. Fo.rm, Grosse Islo, li!'f'OR.E i-8eeondDoorWe8t o f W! ll h1m1 of the r?ughes~~ toughes~, specimens of t~e been able to help h erself in any useful way,. Irregularity and slowness dry up a cow. Mich., ls very conve· ~ l>iteherli!ta IJ old-fashioned corduroy to be found m andthatifreducedtothedire neces~ity of M . h d b t h k t. 11 ruentlyl o catedtor no~ ;::. the county a.t that time. It was composed doing anything for her own support she fl kermo 1 .~ep o fie:a_bl e~ 0 ~ ma811~~ ' ~:1fs1:0~\~e:fe'f.rg~ 'tpuarrn e lstho of logs of a.11 sizes and shapes, and, as can woul1l either have to die or take to a foe of d?2 s, tan! t is ptrho t th e a. k 1· gra e t e I Rlver ,ten miles below well be ima~ined the noise made by heavy h 1ueren o s, ao a e wea mgs are o-, Windsor, Out. Pur· all. classes with employment at home. tho ' . . . s a.me. gether ch .11 11 d 11 whole of tho time, or for their spare moments. four wheele vehi cles m crossrng it was not la. asers fn Business new, light and profitable; Persons unlike the fierce roll and crash of heaven 'a · An eastern !arm~r says that he does not b~'g~e ~;!!~ of either sex easily ea rn from 50 cents to '5 ver OF WORTHLESS IMIT ATIONS artillery during a big storm. This crossway What's the Matter with this Menu? , know of anythmg finer than a good ox team, II lions, brood mares evening, and a propor tional sum by devoting I n all !heir time to the buainees. Boye and girla As there are manr. inferior was hemmed in on both sides ~y a dense Guest (to l a.ndlord)-Wha.t can you get and t h a t wh erever you see one you see good · t;>'d8~~~~ ~~~- a.\Efl earn nearly ae much ae men. 'l'hat all who see goods, corded with jute, awamp, composed of a very thick under· me up for dinner, landlord ? . crop~. . . . pure bred stock, reg· 1h is may send their address, and test the busi· hemp, etc., offered and sold growth of cedars and balsams, with a plentiLandlord- Anything you want. How'· It 18 a good :plan to give a cow 1mmed1a.te- l1~red in the French and American Stud Boi;>ks. ne·s. we make this offer. To such as are not as Coraline by some un· ful sprinkling of trees of larger growth. about some i Ji h ·b 11 ? ly after droppmg a calf a tablespoonful of Pnces reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large mua well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay principled merchants tra.d· mg on the roputn.tion of Our old hunter ha.d traversed about ten Guest- D:n?t c:i·e f:r ~~h-balls. I'll take sal tpetre dissolved in water, and worked into trated Ca.talogue tree. S.t.UGE ~~ra tg~tlft0 }~~li. 0.id'J';!~~gGEo~~~ ~~~~i~g~a~ 0 .t P.lRN~. ·our l(enuine C:o r nUne, or fifteen rods of the" lon g" crossway, when a couple of chops not too well done. a. bran mesa. j &'raoIT. cm. Co. Portland, Maine. we wn.rn the l a.dies a gainst such imposition by drawa low, deep growl reached his quick ea.rs. LflndlordWeii it's a little late for ! Don't keep a calf tied or shut up in some · · ---·· · · - - - - - - · · · · - · - · ing their attention to the Ha! what was t hat · ? Crn,sh ! It's not the chops . but I can'~ive you anything el se. damp, dark corner, with hardly room enough necessity of seeing that the storm, for here he is protected .from i~s vio· Them fish-balls is m ce. to lie down. He needs the sunshine as much nn.me Guest--A small porter· house, with mush· as hens or the plants in the gllrden. le.nee by the dense swamp. on eith.er side. of him.. He can h~a.r the wmd roarmg behmd rooms. I As a grain feed for fattening steers, the and m fron~ of him- yes, and he can see the Landlord- A bridal couple ate the la.et following is given by a stock raiser : Corn ' · flta.mped on Inner side of all Coraline goodlr, cloudsrushm g ~adly overhea:d. Crash! The.n mushrooms I h1id in t h e h'o use not t en min· meal, eight pounds; linseed meal, three Without which none are genuine. the deep gro~l 1s repeated with an emphasis ntes ago. I've got some Al Toronto dressed pound'! ; wheat bran, six pounds, with hay. not to be mlSt~ken. Th e branches cr~ckle beefsteak, but, unfortunately, it's only on It is claimed that a fat sheep will p roduce beneath the weight of some heavy a.mmal. the way. Them fish-balls are brown on l th 'f 1 · d t fl h . coarsez: woo . an l . on. Y m mo era ~ es · N ext instant the dark form of a huge ani- the top ! ma] moves out on the crossing. Slowly the Guest-Veal cutlets I ' Excess1v:e feed mg ~ii~ m cr eaae the weight of Continues to do a General Banking Businesa --AND-great brute raises itself on its hind legs and Landlord- The last bit of veal w ent to the carcass, but no t e fineness of the wool. sBo wmanvilla Branch. approache~ the stout old hunter. Then th e make c hicken sal eroh ! veal ? No, no Do not make horses reach up for their D EPOSI'J'~ latter realizes that h e has to tackle a bear, veal · but I can give you anvthing el se. My feed. Dust gets into their nostrils; besides, leoelve<! In Savings Bank Department and , made unusually savage by his long winter wife picked that codfish h erself and them it is au unnatural t hing for them to do. ~}1 and!mt_etrhedst allo1 wed at cuyrr~n~lrladtee. N fast. He has neither gun nor pistol with ba.lls are as boneless as tapioca p~dding A , One egg a day is a prescribed remedy for ""'ce o w1 rawa necessar · .n epos 11I · d £ d h" If · payable on demand, w~~ch .to e en tmse · .· ju dge of the supreme court asked for the re- scours in calves. ~e would suggest a ~hange I EXCDA.NGE Might h ev knowed enough to brmg the cipe only this evening. . of feed-:-no meal , if that has b~en given- Is now opened and we invite every body to call and examine our stock. · old. gun," he mi:ttere~ '.1'8 h e consider ed the Guest- Got any spring chicken? , and a little basswood char<:>oal m the feed ' !loughtandeolda.ndDraftsissneduponEurope. seriousness of his pos1t1 on and the unwont- . Landlord- I'll have some nice ones for daily . Jnlted States and Canada., also Gold,Silver a nll ed fierceness of his antagonist, which now br eakfast. But if there's any thing else you united States Greenbacks bonirht and sold , approacl~ed ~ith a serie~ of growls as a sort ' want- nice hot fi sh -balls, or- - . i Germany's White .Elephant. COLLECTIONS of '·musical a ccompammen t. Guest - Oh ! let me have some liver and · Sudde.nly the hunter thrnst his hand i~to aeon, then I ; Reichslan d, after sixteen y ears ot posses. Promptly made at current ra tes npon all p&r one of his large pockets, and the n ext m Landlord- We don't have liver and ba· sion, seems to be about as much of an ele· at Great Brittain, the United States and DI stant the long, keen, sharp-pointed blade con aftor 2 o'clock sir. It's just luck that phanton Germany's hands as ever. T he pro· minion of Canada. of a large clasp knife flashed in the deepen· we've got them fish-balls- ject of redividing_ it anclassigning t he north- , Orderl!!I for Stanlpio .... ,viii receive stirict attention and T el eg1·a1tb 'l'ra11srer1 ing gloom. Every muscle of the old trapper Guest- Bring me some fish·balls I ern par_t t0Pruas1~ .a nd the southern to Ba·I e , Made t or large or small sums on all part& of was braced for action, the compressed lips Landlord- Yes, sir ! Tea or coffee ? den forrncorpo!at1onand governmentapp;ars 1 a ll newest pattern s kept to d i OOSt~ Crom . C&nada. Thia is especially advant ageous te , and steady gaze denoted a det ermination to Guest-Coffee I to lrnve made h ttle headway. Instead, P rmce pel'Son11 Hving In Ma.mto1?a or the North·w elll '. sell life as drnrly as possible. :Landlord- Well the coffee is a.11 out I I Hohenhohe is entrust ed with a somewhat new a s lt makes the funds available ~i on ce a t \ht , Bruin himself seemed instinctively to be- guess you'll have t~ take tea 1 system of administrat ion, whichnevertheless place of payment. come aware of the·fact that he had a trained , does not appear grnatly to effect the desired The Baz aar Glove fitting Patterns for Lad ies and O hildre ns wear for J!'orfnrther particulars call at the Bankla, and powerful antagonist to contend with, South American Gold Mining . Germaniza.tion of Alsace-Lorr aine: Mean . sp1 ing and summer styl es, a complete stock. No wai ting, n o sending, House. for h e moved cautiou sly though clumsily while the revelations of the lat e elections but choose your pattern and take it home with you. T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, forward until the brave old hunter could The necessity for a prompt settlemen t ,of have caused more stringent measu.res to be .Accountant, Manager · 'feel lns . hot · breath . on his · face. th e b ouud 11ry d" · t ]1 th e repu ' bl' ·lv almost 1 spute wi ic of taken in these disaffected provinces. S ecret Quick as a. flash the blade of the knife clear- Venezu ela is strikiugl y illustrated by a f ew clubs a r e ferreted out, furtive t ricolors are R e m e mber the place, n early opposite McMurtry's grocery store. ed t he air and was .driven with terrific force items of intelligen ce we take almost at ran- seizecl, expulsions have r ecommenced, and into the bear's body, in the r egion of the dom from British Guiana n ewspapers just Strasburg sees i ts garrison largely reinforced. heart. T{ut bruin was not fatally injured, to hand. One item ten s ·of about 200 labor- Such in cidents are the n atural sequences of and with a howl ot rage flung his great ers and others- the laborers would be chiefly the result of th e late ballotings, yet they fur· powerful fore-l egs around his antagonist, negroes- leavin~ Georgetown in one day for nish Frnnce wi th reasons for irritation and Bow manville , March 22, 1886. 12-tf. drawing the hunter into such a close em- the gold mining districts in the tribut11ries sympathy. It is clear enough that the pro. brace a s threatened to s queeze him out of of the Mas saruui R iver. Another tells of a blem of what to do w ith the conquered proexistence in a. jiffy. Stars danced before digger selling his placer claim to a privat e Yinces has not yet been fully solved, and that his eyes, and a roaring, thundering sound company in Georgetown for $30,000- no less they remain more or less a source of peril seemed howling around his ears. 'frees and than 45 pounds of gold having been taken for the relations of the two countries. shrubs spun like tops or revolved themsel ves by him from this claim in one mo11th, The into huge J>hantoms, th1:·eatcning every_mo- d.istri?t o~ the .P urµni seems to ~o passing Hav i11g p urchased th e Harness business lately carried on by Mrs. H UMPHREY, mer.it to fall and crnsh him. Could this be nch m mmeral wealth. Accordmg to iin The Queen Sleeps Between Irish Sheets. A linen dealer in L ondon has the roy al hope by car eful attention to business, good workmans hi~i.._and first class ALL LIVER A ND KIDNEY . COM- death ? 0, Goel! let him but live until h e I expert ex< tmin ed by a oommission appointed could crawl to his wife a.nd little ones. by t he local Government to frame mining ord e1· every year for ten new pairs of sheets material, to sec nre a s hare of public patronage. We have in regulations, quartz abounds in " thousands at £25 a. pair. The linen is of the m ost exPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- Life! life !- ha ! Nowstock and are manufacturing a large amount of "Richard's himself again !" of tons" in the Puruni cr eeks. In 1885 but quisitely fine cambric; in th e centre is th e ION AND ALL DI'3EASES ARISING That cl eadly hug has r elaxed. The bear 903 ounces of bulliqn were expor ted from royal coat-of-arms most beau tifully embroid FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE , is becoming w eak from loss of blood. Life- the colony, wher eas in 1886 the total export ered, and th e crown equally exquisitely ener getic, living life-quickly r eturns to was over· 6,500 ounces. The total for 1887 done in the four corners. T h ese sheets are. LIVER AND K IDNEYS. the old t rapper. He draws a d eep br eath, promises to surpass that of 1886 as the to~al for t he state rooms, and are all manufacturbraces himself firmly on t he "corduroy," for that year excels that for 1882. That is, ed n ear Belfast. E ver y day the Queen's bed Collars a specialty . We intend t hat the reputat ion Humphrey 's Collars have gained slmll be fully s u st ained. We are prepared to furnish responsible parties and up towards h eaven goes that strong of course, if t he home Government guar an- is freshl y furnisb ed w ith !inPn, and six houseCollar s on approba tion . We g u arantee satisfaction or no sale, right arm, grasping firmly th e bloody knife ; t ees security to the enterprise now being m aids perform the task - There are twelve We also keep in stock a full line of goods usually found then, like an eugl e dart ing on h er prey, sh~wn by keeprng Venezuela to ber own do. pillows, on which th e linen cases are sewn, not buttoned or t ied, and these also are down flie3 t he instrument of death. Quick main. in a first class harness shop, com prising ch anged every day. as lig htning the blows are r epeated , tmtil a Doing Well for His Size. vital point is t ouched. But, even in the " J'a :11Cs," said a g rocer to a new b oy, agonies of death, the bear is a terrihle anVisitor (to !l'lossie)- " And how is the tagonist, and before succumbing· , h e suc- babyto·day, :E'iossie ?" "what have y ou b een doing in t h e b ack 1 S ee onr Bull Bone W hips- something n ew. We have also in stock ceeds in st riking the hunter a blow which Proprie~o r, Toronto. Flossie- " ~famma thinks h e is a little 1 stretch es him unconscious on the long cross- better." ·· way, where h e l ay for n early an hoL1r. V isitor- " T h en he is not very much bet- J;tmes. "Yon were!" replied the grocer, . 111! SOLD BY Bruisfd and bleeding h e a.t length reach· ter ?" with much disgust; "an' your father told , · HIGGINBOTHAJ~I & SO.N, ed home, t h ·m kfnl for his n arrow escape, Flossie- " N o, ma'am. He couldn't be m e t hat h e t hought you were born for the j H orses and Uattle, a eure cure for bruises, 'sprains, cuts, and sor es of all k inds, but inwardly vowing never to go abroad ver y much bet t er, you know , becau se he i s grocet·y business. Yon had better study for I Shop- Sign of the Big Collar. 17 -3m again without his trusty rifle. BOWMA N VILLE. such a little bit of a baby." the ·1inistr y, J am es." @;1uutdiau Jtate~utau. A BAOKWOOD'S STORY. FARM. I M0N Ev!~~er~~~~· ~~'.a a~~ CATARRH. I I Ill ,. 0 ! f I fi J OH ~ SPENCER, 1 1 UNDERTAKIN G L EVI MORRIS . l yo u ° I I GOOD S, 11 I WO RM 0 · B 0 N N ET S r 1 "" TRIM MI NG S 1 -----------------I "'b ::f . BEWARE d w Iasses Attent1 01 1 ng c 'on IW T. MILBURN & CO., I · I 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' TH E VVEST END THE ONTARIO BANK Ml.LL I NER Y F A NCY GOODS H OUSE ~Hats ° I ! - ...._- Re-shaped in l atest styles. ~ DANDEL ION . LIVE R ·A ND KIDNEY MRS. W. MORRISON. BITTER·S! CURES - ..-11 ... ------·-- ! LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. E. M ' O R Ft IS, BLAN KETS, ROBE S, RUCS, HORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, E TC. ~~~~ ~~1,~ ~tfh?; a:i~~ :t~:r~~~~~~; ~hr~:1~:~ i E"' ·u L LI MAN'S ROYAL EM enocATIO . n for I