· TERMS :-tl.50 PER ANNUM . OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIBST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOLUME NEW SERIES, NUMBER 458. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO~_WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1887. XXXIII. NUMBEH 19. Elegant Carpets .- =C 0 UC I--3:, ENNJSKIL LE!i'. CO TO TAI'I' & M.OR1U80N'S nnd inspect their Wall Paper~-Jatest design3. greatest variety, and prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. Do yon want n new anil pretty ·window Shacl c or Blinds? >Ve have somelhing new in this branch. Ca.II a.nd see them before you invest. or you'll bl) sorry. Still leads in Phntogranhs an<l our St.udio is often orowded. Conrn eal'ly in t he day when you can. Just now you may want some extra Engravi11gs or Chromos to adorn your rooms. W e have a great vu iet.y, goo<l and cheap. too. Ir you want a baby carriage we can suit yon; we have s0mo l)icc ones. Doll's Cnrriages. too. and Boy's ' 'Vagons. Carts and Wheelbarrows. Lawn Johnston ~ Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, TAJT JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of Arbor Day was duly celebrated by thi. school here . '.the t eacher and scholars thoroughlv cleamd up the yard, plan t.ed a doL1eD and a hal f nees, m ade severa l fl ower bed s and planted them and decr.r ated the school house in a tastefnl manner. T he t ru stees had the school honse thoroughly cleaned and ably seconde th e teacher 's efforts .i n ;planting u decorating. Dr. and _ Mrs. ~essop, after a very short stay m our midst, have removed to British Columbib,th~ Dr. having recei.ved T he .Ur. a government appomtment. made many friends wh ile here and t heir departure is universally regretted. Great p reparations a1;e being made for a big time here on th e 24th inst. The t<>a and speeches are to be all ~hat can be de sind. F ull particulars next week. 1 I MAPLE GBUVE. The annn al mf et ing wE 1s well aJ tended on Friday evening. It wa~ d ecided to 1 1old tho anniversnry ns t1~ual t 11e third . Sunday and l\fond'lY of Juno. I Seedin" is throu 0<>h amon · rst mos't of " ar ~rs. A gloom waR cas t over t hi11 commnnity hv the sudden death of lVIrs. O . n. Hall. She was t aken ill on the 25th inst. and , died on F ·iday of the next week. ~rge number of frirnds an d neigh bora followed the re m ai ns of Mrs . P o wers to tho cemetery, on Thursday . Deceased 'l\ M highly resp ected by all who knew her. DEXTElt. - - ···---- - ·- ---- sTATE sM. AN -THEto new subscribers EVERY WEEK From now to Jan.,'88, FOR 30 CENTS. .'30LINA. The q ·u artei:ly 1 ueo tin g at M t . V ern on, on Sunday Jas i, was largely a ttended . R ev. J. }' . Germ:i n, M. A ., preached after which th e Sacrament of the J,ord's Acti ve pro· Su p per was adm inistered. pa.rations a.re going on for t he S . S. an· niver aary, on ~fay 29th and 30th. . MiEs He!la Cowie, an old .friend of mine, is amongst us once m ore. The M is:es T oms, nf P lymouth, Eng. , arc vi·it ing in this vi · I~ge- gueets of Mr. YV . A . Toms. Mr. .Phil. F r;iyri , of c .) lumbus, has m oved int o our p!l:lusan t vilhlge. Mn. Allsworth, of Tyrone, is v isit ing a t Mr. T. H ardy' · . M r. W. Werry met wit h a heavy loss recently, of a line anim1ll ou.t of his he rd. M ethin k ~ I hear the sound of t h at ac lrnnciug multitude- the m osq uitos. Seed10g is nb()u t finished. 'I'he R ed "Vagoll is on t.he move now. We "is h you su cce~s lYfr . K . Mr. and Mrs. S . "Vashiugton, of B owmanville, have b een spendi ng a few days aro und h ere. HAYDON. School Il.eport for April.-5th Class : - J. Molln tj oy, K ate McNeil. Senior 4th Cl~s' :--M. R iggs, Em nrn \Verry, Annie J:lrimacomb, N. R undle, R . Ha wkey . Junior 4th .-Wm. l:l.igg~, Maud Ashton . Senior 3rd :-H. R und!.,, E. Ha wkey,C . Siemon, Ett ie Was hiugton. J nn.ior 3rd : - A . Aunger, E d ith Mou nt j oy, E . ~rad ley, I da. Ryan , L izzie Aver:v,Ethel Washing·.on, Ida. l\icLau ~hl in, Georgie A.very, Mary Hawkey. 2nd Class : S. Trewin, A. Sharpe, B . M0Lilu5hlin, 'l'. H.yan, W . Brim:.cornbe, E . Ashto n, I Avery. P art 2nd : -Maud T rewin, Emma Good man, Wm. Gilders, J oseph Cowliug, Addie B road.-J . ·s. B A.1tcLA.Y, te,.cher . & Parlor Croquet., Cai-pct Balls. CO URTI CE. Mr. C. W. L ent is improving the appearance of his store and r esiden ce by pniutL'l(( it. Mr. L. M . Courtice is building a. model "Qig pen. No mistake. Mr. Geo. R eynolds };.st a rnluahle mare on the 5th inst . The young men who dist urbed the Sal· vation Army, on Sat.urd·iy evening, by attendiog th e meet ing in female attire are t o be pr osecut ed . R ev. W. Kenner, of Tyrone, will preach at Eben ezer next Sunday morning and evening. The regular q uarterly bnard meetiu!!s, in connection with South D arlington circu it, were held at Ebenezer church, on Saturday au d Sunday last. At the Saturday meeting, an invitation W<\S given tc 1 R ev. R. Sanderson, the present po911lal' pastor, to remai n anoth er .year. Mr. Geo. Power, ot Maple Gro·e, occupied the pulpit at Ebenezer, on Sunday night. TmM. NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY Games for families and social parties; Our Mirrors are clear and true ; our picture frames arc of the latest and most attractive designs. Curloin poles & rings. Pln~h goods-nice and cheap. Anothe1· new brunch j ust introduced at 'l'ait & .MORRISON'S Is a Jewelry Department where you will finrl the very latest in J,adies' andGentlcmen's j ewelry. ~VA ilwite epecial attention to our new stock just in. Base J~all goods. School and Hymn Books. Stationery, Toys, and in<leed everyt.hmg to be found in a Va1·iety and Fancy Gooas' - ------- -----KIRBY. or reParties about to furnish , furnish their homes, should not ALLAN LINE fail to inspect our large stock of . ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. CA R PE T S, as we show the LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAIJ,JNGS. from Quebec. Friday, May JS " " 'l'lrnrsday, May P AlUSIA:N, finest assortment, the newest SARMA'flAN, "· Thursday, May ll'ridEy, June 3 SARDJNIA N. ThurEday, June .AN . ., r1day. June l7 d esigns and the best value to. be PARISIAN; " Tluusday, June SARMATIAN, " June 30 PA.SSA.GE :-Cabin, found in \N"est Durham. $50, $65 and $75 ; r eturn, $100, _$125 POL.~ NESIAN, STORE .. 19 26 CIRC.ASSIAN , " " P()J,YNES H.ATES 9 23 T h lll'Bdll-Y, Oli" OcEAN Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. and $150, Intermediate, $30 ; rel'ilrn, $GO. Steerage, $20. The Ja3t, train connecting with the m~il steam er at P ortland leaves Toron to on Wednesday morning. '£he last train connecting with the mail steamer at lialifax leaves T oronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and every i nforma tion, apply to W. A. NE.ADS, Bowma nville, Agent Allan line. 11-t f 18-BOWMANVILLE-87 -~-J:o:(---- cox & co. TORONTO . STOCK EXCHANGE. DIRECT The subscriber has much pleasure in thanking all those who kindly accepted his invitatior1 to be present at his Millinery Openi:n_g and availed themselves of the opportunity. wrrm COMMU N CATION. Active fluctations in the Market, offer opportunities to speculators to make money in Grain, Pr ovisions, Stocks, Bonds & Petroleum. Prompt e.ttention given to orde_rs. Office over Murdoch's Store. E ntrance by T elephone Staircase.· 11-tf Sho11ld any one seem to be over] oo~~d we ~,!!l be pleased to ~ them call again and we will do all we can to show them through and quote prices. COMlttC ACAi N. --:o ; - I beg t o r eturn my sincere thanks to the 'P t1blic for past support, and hope ~till to merit your patronage by fai r de1,1Iing. Our Stock is very complete, and for value and style, we think, .Dry G:oods, Teas, Cutlery, Tinware, etc. hard to beat. Our business is P roduce taken in exchange looking up, and why? Is there a Farm for goods. Rags and Bones for Tinware. reason for it, or does it mearly 200 Tons of Scrap I ron wanted. Highest happen, t11at to-day our trade is Price· pa.id for all kinds, A quantity of Geese Feathers for sale. larger than yesterday, and to- Also A L ight Wagons for sele very · morrow it will be larger than to- Cheap. Ontario Street, Bo1vmanville, near l\ir. day ? -VVhen. you see increasing Armour's numbers of intelligent people JOHN GRIGG. flocking to a particular store, you can be certain there is something ~SEN D FOR Maps, North Dalwta. Mon tana. there .-worth lJ.aving. l!'--ee GovIdaho. \Vasl1ington and Oregon. ermuent Lands t>nd Low Price Raih·o1t<l J,andR in the NorLhttrn P1>cillc Conntry. and 'l'lMBt£Jt Come I Look I and you will be surprised. LANDS now open toGRAZING Scttlors mailed trou . .Ad- I have bought direct from the manufac· turers for cash, a large quantity of the best goods made, which enable!! me to sell them a3 cheap as they can be sold, including, On "Vednesaay last, Mrs. Sam. Billings paid the pcnalt.y of d eath and p tissed from labor to re1Vnd. Sh e an d ·her h usband were among the p ioneer settlers m this t ownsh ip and by dmt of labor and frugality, were blessed wit h a goodly por tion of this world 's goods . She was p Jsseasecl of a remarkably strong constitution, SPR ING ANN OUNCEMENr r o TIIR PEOl' LE and hence, n otwithstanding the hardships OF W};s:r DARLING'rON. -Ki rk patrick is incident t o a life in the bush , deprived of r eady this sp ring with a larger , newer, many of the luxnries «f life and in fac t better and more complete sto· :k of genusome of what a t t h ·; present tiwo are re- ine d ry goods, groceries, boots a nd shoes garded as necess i tie~, she lived t o the aud tinw.,re than heretofore , an d at price3 i·ipe· old age of 72 years. Frn m the days t hat must Ae ll t hem. He will also be on of her chi ldhood, un til th e amalgamat.ion the r oad t his week with a pedJin cr warron 'l' YRONE . of the Methodist bodies, s he " as a con - (which will be k no wn by t he na~ B of the R ev. J ohn Kenner, of Chesley, paid sistent and honor ed member o f t he l\L E . B.ed Wa. gon) where you can get good6 de· his brother r< fly ing visit last w~ek. church and bor e t he respect of a large l ivered right at your doors j ust as cheap Our ' Vest End merchant has j ust r e- circle of friends. Give h im a chance and you as in to wn ceived a great stock of lirst class paints : \Vill li nd h is goods a ll lfrst· class. P arties vli~h ing any pain ts N EWOA STLE. Should call on Tom without delay on noNO . And get yout· houses in good shape, I learn that by some means my corres. · :E,-0fore the 24 th of May. ponce last week was d elayed in transit . I Some B arn A vis uotwithstana m g the reproduce a portion ofit. r etnction m~de in th e Orono N ews has Mr. l_Rlford, of Janetville, was rnnning The Sons of England , of Bowmanville, been mak~ng bim·elf r idiculously conthe blacksmith shop for Mi·s. D . Fraser a have been asked 10 organ ize a lodge in spicuous through tho col umns of the B owf ew days last week. N e wcastle. ma u ville S un anent the little articl·3 in a, _~I~s. John ·while, of M:1riposa, W :J-S The sprii;:;g fair has cornc and gone- i t r~ce!lt iss no ~: tho forUJcr paper ~;flr the w-as on!y fairly attendedi but the exhibit s1gua: nre of Com m?.n H onesty. F or· vie1tmg here last week. . Gray , of Cartwr ight, was out oh/ " · f .. .,,. ,. ~i.'- ... .. ..,.,. v y f·i·r e a '"Y l " UC Qw t t l.10 wrher rn ofl ' 'lit tle mo-. Mrs . Iu&-...nery v; a~ er . " . "'ll J. " t u pa l r 't · husmers last week. was rather u ufair for a fair day. There me~1 , ye 1 1 s somewhat. g~ .rn,g t o r?· · l on, out' pracbca · -- ' . ·1 gra fter, wai a f a · · w . ofl10rses. . mu and see om· frie libeled m Mr. R. B ian . ir sno . S orne of t h e maw bl . te t 1 IT0 nds ti t " C 6 1 has been very busy lately. a<>ents were very unfa ir towards t heir sHo ~n h us · d rngl"a sdy ef. tl. a ys t ia · 0 Wh h S t 't t the ·r · . as ec m o ur 10r con roversy, . which forc es us to th e conclusion that ho· ere as t he . A. disappeared too. compe 1 ors a· · au . IIas ~he Capt. got tired of the barracks? Mr. Jas. B owie sol~ a P?r tion . of his is either the . iden ticil common b ouesty Miss I da Bingham, lmss Bertis Gar - household efiec.ts Ml ~ is lea~rng this w eek person h i mself or in in ti mate connection Mr. B. wit h him. V 'fe shall not make uuy at d iner and Miss Ida Branton, of B owman- fo r Toronto with h is fam ily. ville, were oa t on Sunday. and fam:ly are much respected an d many t e mpt at replying as the untruthfulness Mr. W. Henry has purchai.ed a fine r egret his .d epar ture. . ~f .the ,whole charge has already been au~house and lot in the town of B owmanMr. N 011 Mo P h erson, of B owmanv1lle, ficient1 y exposed, b nt we would hke !u s , Gang to git the woman 1100 a st uden t of Queen's College, Ki ngston, attent iun fo r a mo ment ~n or der to point ville. Sammy 1 ' preached for R ev. l\fr . Drummond , o n out t .. h i m t ho damning nature of the ac'l'he sale on Siit urday was a big day for Sunday week, giving a good discourse. cusa.ti un. '~ he co mmit tee who w e~·e iut ho Sheriff. '.l'he househuld furnit ure .Another vill5.ger, M r . G. Parnell, h as strumental m .ec ttmg u p t he donatio n ~Oil' went at p rices to suit the buyer. gone to 'Vatertown to resid e. Mr . D~beon did EO at great perso~al m o m e more inter 0et shown convemenca to th emselve3 and for n o n 11 I b l h l W·e d esire L M r . J o1 e ... 1as . base ball here and the gr ound levelled oti1er r eason . tlmu t o pr ove t,o th e f .u. · · 'll f ul th o1 M oug H ·1t 1 t e 10use m d l t f 1n 0 · an e a ve rs. a.is 0 Y : . down. organist that his servic~ s were a ppreoiatSeveral perso1t1s fr om here a ltended the ed, yet t hey a re i n oJfect a ccused of e mG-ardenmg and hou;so cleaning is t he order of the day. Snnd ~ty School Convention m Bowma n- bezzel tng t he fu nd s. 'l'hey a re honorable Parties wishing gciod crowds to their vi!J<e and were all well pleawd. men, well known to t he public, and who anniversaries this summer should 0 "Ct Mr. Chas. W'ilmot's h oree won the r aco b u t a contem ptible sneak would dare to -their bills printed at t he ST£ TESM AN ·on Church-st . last week. ca.st such a stignu. uplln their char ,.ctcr1 J . K. Allin, Esq., is makiag great i m- B ut thi~ h not al!. :rhe waiters at t eas office for it_has th e largest circulation of ~ ny paper m 1Sowru;anv1lle. prnvernents iu t he grounds surrounding and socials come l1l for a farge. share. of B utchers' carts were in great ·demand . h is new residence. ~buse, a.ad are accused_of spongrng, wluch here last week . T he Conucil may h ave som e broken is tan t amoun t to at ealmg. Aft er spendW l d t M p C k · limbs t o pay for if they do n ot rt.pair t he i n g houro and days in per foc ti ng arrange· . e aredptease_ . ·o seSe l r. "- ] awl ST · 11idewaJks aeon men ts and wai~ing ll pOn the tables until m our mi s agarn on unc ay w 10 las · . . . · · 11 ti I t k t t. l t been sick for a short time. ' · : Mr. VV.H . Chaplrn is d omg a big frmt - a o iers .1a v0 1,a: a en , » imes a 1 n us . . , . tree t ra.d e. prostrat e from fatigue, t hey are to he d e· :Mr . ·John Hod.gson s new home Jll!;lt R t f S S N n ied a free l unch . B ut the matter is t oo 2 Cl ·k f0 south of h ere fa .approaching oo:m ple tion . A . ~por 4 '1 dar OJ absurd to r eq mre further "P 'l 00. W e 1 aud will when finis hed be a ve:.·y beautipLri · .· ; - A .any T, w an,, ·w ' r. h ope that those who have declared that 1 f 1f ·d - aura ,.,~,:1.ms , rrgie .1.-.ow1a.nu , . a1 · ace . . < u R arm R res1DenFce. f B . , Daniels, Maggie ~im pi1<n1. Jr. 3 - A. ~hey will.take no part on such . occasw ns l:'V. · · raeer ; o. _ ow;manv1ll:., ; Argall, .A.rny Coulson. Sr. 2- Ra.lph m fu t ure, will coireflll_ly n :c 'Jns1der what and R ev. S. Salton, of Enmskdllen, will . Rowland, ilenni e R yan, Li.i?.ie Argall, A . t hey ~ave rather hastily sa.id, and pay n o preach here n ext Sabbat h. . , Allen. .Tr. 2 - Jas. L ycett, 'l'. S impson. a ttention t o the gross char;;r;s of oue who vVe have again to record the death of Sr. Part ·2-R. D an iels, J. B ask.erville. dare n ot 1mike t hem over lus own n aine. anothe r of our respected rtsi£euts, Mr. Jr. Part 2- Ida. Ryan, L. Bragg. Part 1 Sn ;w.ARD. D on r.ld Fraser, who after a short illneSI! -Fr ed llnnnahs, F lor.r ie Hannahs, H. G rvE E LY'S C1:tEAM B ALM a trial. T his pa.ssed away on S unday mor ni.ng week. i Rowland, Parmaby Martio, E . Ar"all, A. 0 justly cele brated remedy for t 'i.e cure of H e leaves a wife and two chlildren to 1 Lycett, E tt a Daniels. catarrh, hay fe ve r, cold in the head , &c., m ourn the loes of. ~ fa~~hful and loviu.g : On Sunda:Y the R e v. A. MacLu en, of can be ob tained of any r eputab le <lmghusbm1~ and fathe1.. Ihe deceased was 1 E,miskillen, occupied the P r.e sbvter ian gisb an d may be rel ied upon n.s a safe and a1 n active worke~ Ill ~he clrnrcl~ and pulpit for Rev. M r. Dummond wh; i.s still pleasan t r emedy fo r the above complaints Sab~1~th _echool, ii: whic~ h e wi.ll be · I unable t o attend t o his ofli!cial dut ied. am t will give immedia te r elief. I t is uot grea ily nussed . fl19 remarns were rn ter - ' . . . r ed ii:i the .Bethesda cemetery on Monday I M r. J. Atkmson, of P ort Hope, w.as m a liquid, sn uff or powder,has n o offensive· odor and cau be use d at a.ny t imo wit h a l:lrge number of acquaintances being i n · town on Sunday. attendance. On Saturda.y tt ba~e 'b all match was good re~ult s , as th om ands can testify, 'r he H ome Cirele is prog re8aing. Five played between Newcastle ~.nd Orone, 18 am ong t hem s ome of t he att1tches of thi& 7'imes, M ·1y 29, 188(). initiations on Fri.day wghi; 11ext. t o 16 in favor of O rono . · O ne of t he ofli ce.-Spiri t of the . I ° s'? "rr .. & l G-ElC>. I...a..A.IN""O.... King St., Bowmanville, l\fay 3, 1887. l Wl1o'll receive .the reward offered for lllewcastle boys was unable to be there, the gate that has made tracks back ngam ? so only eight ·p layed on OU'!" side. RESIDRNCE ANl> PLACE OF B USIN ESS :~rhe S . A. has been left for t wo weeks One of the best programs ever presentfd to an audience will be given here on without any officers. the 24·th. 'r ho t cholars are busy in:epar ' 'Some said, 'J ohn print it.,' others i ng r ecitations and dialo1<ues unde1· the said 'Not so' . leadership of Rev. J. T. M orris and Mr . Some Mid 'lt might do good' oth ers 1~·4w J ohn OddL said 'N o."' '.l'he r eturn foot -ball match is expected If (;h e discoverer of Dr. Sagfl's Catarrh to be played here o.u the 24th by the R emedy had shared the senseless prej n.l:'ubli~a.tions. ~vith - d escnb1ng Minnesota, YouPg C;mad iane, of Bethesda, and f.he d ices of a c~rtain class of physicians he S tragglers of this pl;ice. A close game is would ha ve r efused t o pr in t th e good t h" expected. n ews, t o proclai m to the \',«Jl'ld the glori · '.l~Hl·; B.IJ:ST Tommy has made another trade. Not ous t idings tha~ an infallible remedy for AGlUCUL'fUH.AL so duw tor T um this t ime. that must loat hsome d ii<oase, ca t ..rrh. dress CHAS. B. AMBOUN. Tho procession t hat past through here h ad b l~e n discovered. B u t he advert ised Land Com. N. P.R. R ·, St. Paul. Minn. on Sa tu: d ;;y night was rather a fine sigh t , libLr . · ·1lly a nd t he r~sul t has j ustified h i·u H-foow with the load ot hay to feed the wild in tho course he pursue:' . Dr. Sage's NA'l'IOi'iA L l'H,J.S arc sugar coated. mlhl animals and the two ladies in t he van Catar rh ll &".lledy never fails. All clrugbut tlto.,.ouy ll,land ;u·c the best Stouaacll an~l briuging up the rear. CLrnax. g i1ts. t Liver l'ill in use, II os LAN · I AsroNrnn:ING S uccEss.- It is t he duty of evei·y person who has used Bo8che1J'.i C?etman i::iyrup to let its wond erfu l q nali t 1es he kn·>wn to their friouds in curin <> Cunsu rnp tinn, sever o Congho, Cro up~ Ast,hma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throa t and lung disea8es. No person cm use i t with out i mm ediat e r elief. T hree 1 s e, a ncl we con· doses wlll relieve any c1 sider it t~e du ty of all D r uggists t o reco·n m end it t o Lhe p oor, dyi ng consump · tive, at least to t ry one bottl e, a s 8lJ,OO O were sold last year , an d n o one case where i t failed was r eported. Such a mediciue tis tho German H'.Jrup oanuo~ be to w idely known. Ask your dr umrist 0 ab ou t it . Samp!P. bottlrn to tr y, so!d at 10 cente. R egular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggiats and D ealers in the. United S tates and Canada. ' 42 ·