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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1887, p. 2

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· ti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~SS!!!!!!!!!!~-~-l:Q~~~-·~-~!!~!~~ !!_.~~!!!!!_!~~!l~~ .~~·~~~etm~ --~"!°~-·::~~$;!:'/,~~~~~~~~~~~~ Women in India. · scrnNTIFIO AND USEFUL. Most of people have no iuea of tl· e.horri~lc The pr incipal acid-;;{the tomato is malic· ' · l~ Farming and Fru1't Oulture. condi tion m which women are he ,1 m India. , but there is also a t ruce of oxalir· acid ' · The men have there made all the laws a.nd · The .most t ho rough wa.y ~o secure a dry · One of our well experienced contributors established all the customs from ti · ie immeWEDNESD:\.Y, MAY 11, 1887. advocates the separation of the two pursuits, morial, and the consequence is t)ia.t women cellar pla~ ter t he exterior of the cellar horticulture and agriculture, as he claims have been trampled in the dust a11d are in a walls with the best Portlancl cement. STANDARD lllf:DICAL WORK J;' OR that one man cannot do justice to both. condition of bondage and degnulation as Cloth ca.n be cemented to polish iron One or the other will be surely neglected. shameful and discreditable RS it is possible shafts by first giving them a c0tit of best . The reason of this he claims to be obvious. to imagine. It is thought to be one of the white-lead paint; Oil this being dr ied hard, ,, Only $1 By JllaU, l'ostpnl1l. Both r equire attention at one and the same greatest calamities and dishonors t hat any coat with best Russian glue dissolved in o.I.l1!1DtATIYJl SAMPLES FREE NO A.LL. time> and whichever predominates in the daughter off~ fo1ruil'y should r emain uumar- water containing a little vinegar or acetic W k th b t d 11 d mind of the owner is sure to be attended to rieu, while the law of caste makes it impos· acid. at the expense of the other, hence, either de- sible for her to go beyond her own local Cocaine has a rival in an alkaloid obtained vote your attention to farming alone or to caste for a husband. In theory these casteif in Australia. from tho juice of ]J]v:nhorbia horticulture alone. are only form, but in practice they have .TJr urnniond ii, ·· w hw · I1 D . r. John Reid, "° its disThese two branches of trade, he claims, been so divided and subdi,,ided t hat there coverer, calls drumine. The new local anare a.s distinct as shoemaki11g and black- are only a few hundred persons in a single resthetic acts almost entirely by paralysing, smithing, carpentering and bricklii.ying, caste all told. To some man or boy in that and does not excite. . coopering and pork packing. Not that a limited circle every girl must be married if Silver dissolved in nitric acid may be farmer may not raise fruit for his family, or she is ever married !\tall. In order to make Binge's Cough Syrup, Hair Brushes and Combs, .A. Great Medical 'Vork On Manhood. a fruit raiser plant corn and potatoes; sure work, the most of female infants are again reduced t o a met11llic state by adding Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical squashes and cucumbers for his family ; betrothed before they are a year old. Some copper after r emoving excess of aciu by evaRose Glycerole, Toilet Soaps, poration. Gold can be dissolved in warm J Decline In Man. Errors b ut theab sorb. · t erest sh ouId b e e1 'ther m · d eed are so cl ispose d of b efore t h efr b' :Debihty. of Youth, Premature and the untold miseries resulting mg in utI'· nitro-muriatic acid, and it may be recovered tr-0m lndlscveblon or e:x:ceases, .A. book fo r one or the other, and befor e t his one inter- The consequences of such a state of things Corn Cure, Perfnmery, every man. young, middle-aged and old. H est all else should bow and become subser- are simply awful, and yet the British a.utho- or reduced to a metallic state by precipitat ing with copperas and then melting the preeonta.ina 125 prescriptions for all acute and vient · t' f f · th H. d00 · 0f 1 ooronio dise1J.eee, each one of which is inva.lua.· · n ies or ear s iowmg e m pre:iu- cipitate in a 'crucible. large Chamois' a very Imperial D entifrice, stock. IJle. So round by Author, whose experience He says he never yet saw a farmer trot- dices, refuse to interfere. A female infant tor 25yeera is such a.a probably never before ting off to market in haying time with a thus betrothed can never be married to any An anti-ina'ect fabric has been patented at Camphor Ice, Sponges, tell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, basket of currants, a box of gooseberries, a other ma.n, even though her supposed bus· New Yor k which is intended to be used for bovnd In be1J.utlful French to muslin, embos"ed ·~ ban d d" · gilt, gu11.ranteed be a.finer work b arre1 of red astrach ans, or gold en swee...,, 1e immediately a f ter b etrotha]. In- t he lining of trunks, &c. , a.a a prot.ection eovere, full <ln every sense t han any other work sold in this or early harvests, without thinking his and deed no Hindoo widow can ever marry again against the ravages of moths and other in,;iountry for $2.50, or the money will bo refunded the services of his team would be worth and she is looked upon as in evbry way sects. The fabric is prerared by soaking it tn every instance. Price only $1 by mail, post· twice the value of the fruits in attending to vile and worthless. The Hindoo men on in a solution of tobacco a11d casca.rilla bark ·h now. Illustratives sample free the to auy body. Send Gold medal aw a.riled author by th e crops upon th e f arm. the other hand can marry a thousimd macerated in benzine. It is then dried, 1J.nd the N1J.tiona.l Medical Association to the PreOne single A.ere planted to fruit, in his times if he pleases and can kick .his again steeped in tobacco, casoarilla. bark, aident of which. the Hon. P . .A.. fllssell. and opinion, is all that one who follows general wives adrift whenever he thinks fit. and hot wa.t.e r. A&suci&te officers of th0 Boa.rd the reader is farming should attempt to attend to, and He can betroth to himself as many little Koumies is prepared by dissolving four respectfully r elferred. J Id me · 1u d e appJes, pears, girls or infants as he can arrange for, and The Science or Life Is worth more to the th· IS acre s iou ounces of wh it.e sugar in ono gallon of skimyoung and middle-aged men of this generation plums, peaches, cherries and quinces. CliJl treat t hem all after the fashion that t he Bowmanville, February I, 1886. His idea in the is not an unreason- Pall M all Gazette made such a fuss about a med milk, and placed in bottles of tlie capBhan 1J.l1 the gold mines of California and th.e silver mines of Nevada · combined.- S. P. able one, but farmers will hardly give up the year or two ago. H e can kick and cuff them acity of one quart ; add two ounces Qt baker's c~r~:if~fence or Life points out t he rocks and good sized orchard and confine themselves at his sovereign pleasure, anu can ci;st them yeast or a cake of compressed yeast to each quicksands on whichtheconstitutlon and~opes to a single acr e, as the small fruits can be out to starve whenever the whim is on him. bottle. Cork aucl t ie securely, set in a warm ot many a younl!' man have been ta1ta.lly grown here and . there upon the premises to In all this the law protects him, and British place unt il fermentation is well under way, and lay the bottles on their sides in a cool wrecked,Maii.-hester Mirror. The Science of Life is of greater value than supplY th0 f am1 Iy, an d per h aps a surpl us f or jud ges give effect by their decisions to such cellar. In three days fermentation will h1we .all the medicJ>l works published l.n this country market, and yet not devote t ime to it that ! abominations. tor the paeL50 years.- A.tlanta Consti tution. would encroach upon duties to the agriculA scandalous c'tse has recently been de- progressed sufficiently to per mit the koumiss ---M.ANUFACTURER O F - c.i ded by the Supreme Court of Bombay to be in good condition. The Science of Lite is a superb and masterly tural department. ~~~~T ;.~eenfo~.;~';.8 and physical debility.Really, when we come down to the fine which has caused some t al k, a.nd no wonder. 'l'here is no member of society to whom t he point, system is r equired in run:riing the A H indoo fody, who was born in 186G, and T he Whites and Biacks. Science of Life will not be useful, whether farm. It 'Y~uld be .a difficult ma~ter to is now a.ocording . t o Hindoo idei;s a pretty KING STREET. BOWM A.NVl LL ~outh, parent,, guardian, inatruotor or clergy. make extensive horticultural pursmts and old woman, was married when eleven years \ Vherever what are called the superior and on hand a. number ot vehicle~ (and la manuracturing a great many more) or t ri e ue m&n.-A.rgonaut. · f er10r · · t o cont ac t au d co11' Address Lhe Peabodv Medical IMtitute, or genera1 h usban d ry, on ordinary far ms, work of age to a boy of 19. He turned out badly, m r aces come m 1- Has now patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale :.1.t the low es( prices comin.ent Dr. W. H. Parker, No. i Bulfinch Street.Boston we~] together, .but a generous sprinkling of wrecked himself with vice, and was in every sion i t is safe to say that nine cases out of with due r13gard to workmanship 1J.nd quality. The fc·llowing b a liet of :Hass.·. who may be oons~lte<i on a.II diacnaes £nut culture will uot only make the regular way disgusting and oll'ensive. On the other ten the whites are the aggresso1·s and wrongthe principal vehicles manuraotur ed by roe !Ti~:f:~~! J~~!.:a\:!rt1'~~~0tanTe~~~!0 :id~ farmer'~ homcplensanter, but will ~dd to i~s hand the girl was well brought up, fairly doers. They think t hey are justified in D ouble Covered Carnages ........... ...... ........ . .... ....... .. .. . .... . ..... $150 Upw1.1rd.1 et IYl other physicians a spoola!ty, Such l profits m the way of food supply if none 1s educated, become well acquainted with beine: this by all laws, human f 1Ild divine. S ingle Phaitone ................................................................. 100 " '1-eated successfully without an meta.nee of !l'rown to sell. English and was in every respect ii superior \Vbat is the use of having t> white skin if a Open Buggy. ............... ....... .. ..... .................. ......... ... . ······· 70 11 failure. Mention STATESMAN, Bowmanville, person Tho couple never lived together as man is not allowed to swagger around and Top Buggy . .. .. . .... ......... . ... ,................................................ 90 11 Ontario, t 7-Y· Notes and Comments. husba~d and wife. Indeed he never look~d abuse all the "da.rkies" within reach? The \ horse collars with carbolic soap after her at all, till, in 1884, urged on by history of every country in which the white '17/ 'U1i' D,l'i'lrfl"lii"lit!V and then oil the inside. evil disposed persons and by the agitation am.l the colored races have t hus come into Lumber W:tgona.. . ...... .......... . ...................................... .... ... 55 11 W e W e ~~ ~~~ ~ ., B f h . against child betrothals, he filed a bill call- contact has been written in blood. ·what, Light Wagon............ . ... ..... ................ ................................ 40 11 Q e ore t e hur~y. comes, provide a stock ing upon her to come and live with him as for instance, can be mo e atrociously shame. Express Wagon. ....... .. ..... ..... .............. ...... . .... ........... .......... 75 11 of summer wood, if it has not already been his w ife. This was resisted and the first de- ful than t he manner in which t he natives of VETERINARY SURGEON. Skeleton.......... ..................... ... ... ........... . ........ .... ·. ... ·. ·. . · ·.· 50 11 done. cision of the Court was in the wife's favour. this continent have been treated? I t is not Sulky.... ... .. ................ ............. ..... . ............. . .... ............... .. 40 11 If stable floors ~re not sound, do not neg- 'l.'his, on appeal, was overruled and on a much bett er yet, though, as a whole, t he lect t hem. R~pa1r~ cheaper than losing second trial it ha . s just been decided t hat conduct of Britain has been much better Posaasslng superior tacUltles !ur ma.nuraoturlng carriages, I Intend t o sell very oheap for 0 ,. a horse by havmg his legs broken. t he man is entit led to have what he demands than t hat of the States. No r easonable man or approved credit. and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number of ea.lee Woull sell the wood parts oply, or the gearings of buggies lronod. · The best systems of cropping invari- and that the woman must eit hci· go to his at this t ime of day has any doubt about t he ably those which call for the most thorough house as his wife, or suffer imprison - fact, thrit there would have been no rebellion. preparation of the soil. ment for six months. W hat she will do is in our North-west, either in 1869 or in 188. 5, · · I if the J ndians and Half.breeds had been If the farmers of this country r ealized the not k nown, as _news o.f th e d ec1s1.on on y At the Shortest Notice, P ainted and Trimmed if Desired. b 1 t 1 It 18 h treated with any measure of fairness. The danger that lies in the ·of ignorance, came· Y as ma.i · · ' owev~r, m every trouble has always been traceable to the con A.t the Factory I also do Pla.nlng, Matching, Turning an<i Sa.wing with Circle, Band ' Soro they would be m ore concerned about the Wl!-Y likely that she w1H go to prison. How Saws. and a.11 kinds o! lumber ror carpenters nd others tor building pUl'J)oseB. future . could she do any thing else ? The man is a duct of worthless officials and rascally· Ornamental and Plain Pickets !or Conces in every style reaulred , made t.o order. · . . poor, rotten wreck; a mere mass of disease, white~. A r ecent case in the experience of Ther~ is a 1ways a .fair demand for the a coarse, beastly, corrupt brute. yet he the American Government is in paint. Not beet products of _ the soil, and when they a~e I is entitled to have t his woman at his entire long ago a report came to Washington that obtamed. by sk_1lful ma~a.gement there IS rdisposal, and British judges accor d him all the Navajo Indians had made a savage and also a fair margm of profit. he asks. If that woman had been betrothed unprovoked assault upon quiet and unoffendE_xperience has taught you somethiniz . to him before· she was born a.nd were now ing white citizens. In ordinar y cases this durm& the pa~t year. W r ite it out. and \ only nine years of age it would be the same would have been sufficient to justify the G:rac'lnate or the Ontario Veterinary College, sen it . to this paper for the benefit of thing ; he would be entited to the posses- calling 011t of the soldiei·s to give the Insion of her person and could do with her as dians a " lesson." President Cleveland, Registered member ot the Ontario Veterinary others. Medical .A.ssociatton. One day's work this spring in the door. he pleased. If he were to die and a wort hy however, thou~ht otherwise. .!:le was de·OfHoe and Residence, Newtonvllle, Ont. ya.rd will t ell more in future than any other man were to wish to marry t his widow that termined to known, in the first place, what 'Will visit Orono every Tuesday and;Saturday spent during the year upon the farm, for a ha,d never been a wife, it could not lbe done. were the facts. For this purpose he sent a. .i()lftce hours from 10 a. m., to i p. m., a.t pleasa.nt home has more than one signifi- 1 She would have to be a widow to the day of reliable commissioner ta enquire, and what Coulters' Hotel. Calls by T~legraph receive cance. her death and an object of loathing to all did this man find! H ere ie the account immediate attention. One Third of the wood ·shes i ' s, ·nd the ncighborl-ood. All this is .Jaw . , b.ut it given by the \Vashington correspondent of CHARGES MODERATE. Id b t t k t0 11 t t the Chri8tian a t W ork ;this lime is more valuable for crops than wou e u er mcc ery ca i JUB ice. "The fa.eta of the case are these. A resBtatobnlo hl.~fe lit once ha]vibnlg entered into vege· th!t Q:~:~a 1Jubil:~r~hyyp::~ngtO a~e1::Ja~~ pecta.ble Indian finding a horse astray took e 1 e 1s more so u e and easily taken the trouble to hunt up its owner , · he, a. up by plants such a sta.te of things. And this is proposeu. .. . · . Millions ot Hindoo women would bless the worthless white man, instead of showing · S~cceesf~l farn;mg is made by. attenbo;11 a.,ed, and all right-thinking Hindoo men gratitude, swore at the Indian because their to httle thu~gs. The ~armer who doe_s ~1s would join in the praise. The British have was a slight abrasion on the horse's boqy ' , ·····. · ·.· ·. · · · ··· · ·· , . . . , · , · · Pumps Oheaper a.nd Better best earn~ his. money with best appreciation abolished suttee, female infa.ut icide, and caused by riding it home. Thie white man than ever. and uses it with best results. Such men are many ot'her Hindoo abominations and there swore out a warrant against the Indian for the salt of the earth. h1i.s been no trouble. They might abolish hoq1e:stea.ling, and, taking with him a COil- Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run Subscriber having built a large ne11 The family cow should be made just as mfa.nt betrothal, might snnction the second stable and another man, served hie warrant comfortable as possible and she will pay for marrfage of widows, and circumscribe the in the peculiar Western fashion of opening Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared over one month. it in yield of milk. Every hour she suffers brutal licent iousness of many Hindoo men fire on the dwelling of the I ndian's brother-to furnishfrom any cause makes the milk account cor. as easily and as safely. Sometimes Canadian in-law. The brother-In-law defended his respondingly. women have a hard enough lot of it, but they own home and family, and in doing so wa.11 EVE~Y One pound hay lost per da.y (a.nd on many may thank Heaven they were not born in killed by the murderous white ga.n~. The 1 With or without Porcelain Cylinder, C' farms there are sev.,ral) to each animal, the India. survivors of his family r eturned t he fire, and killed the constable and two of his a.ccom·t he Beat Material, on the shortest ·notlor waste will-amount to two tons to every twenty-five head of cat tle in the foddering seaFeathered Architeots. plices. Telegrams were immedi .. tely sent and at the lowest prices. son. eastward that 'the Navaj os had risen, and -Clistern Tubs and Pumps supplier ~. Guard against having any beam, bar, or Among the curiosities of nature there are were mass~cring the whites.' F?rt~natel;r protrusion in the st able that a. horse can non~ better wort ?y o.f study thu.n the l'l;ests Ge~eral Miles showed pruden~e !n mvesti· get a.ginst so as t o wear away the mane. The of bi;ds. ~he .skill d1splayecl by these htt~e fati_ ng the matter before reta.h a.t1on on the W ELLS CLEANED & RERAIRED. proper adjustment of head gear and collar arch1.tects 1s simply wonderful, and oi:ie is ndi~ns, and th~ rep~rts of t wo ~epara~e . is also impor tant. lost m wonder at t he knowledge, patience pa.!'t:es sent to invest1~ate concur m th~ir and per."'ever>Luce of these feather eu builders. I opm1on- ' t hat ther e will be no further dis8 not plea sa.nt hpie~e of E specially is this the case of pensile birds, turba.nce if the J ndiaus are not molested.' " . A k'.tyc ki~g cow 1 0 pos~ess, an propei un 1ess a e is r e- that suspend their habitations on branches Just what might have been expected. I t is ~a.rkab~y good for m ilk and butter, she had sometimtis hanging them over t he water. ' the history of most of the Indian wars and TO GIVE SATISFACTION. etter e put to r aising calves or prepared 'l.'he weaver.bird, which embraces several "massacres" eo eloquently delated upon by for the shambles as soon as possible. var ieties, is one of t he most ingenious of the those who think all inferior races should be nd Orderafby Mail promptly atte ed to. A t th' is season of t h e y ear stock must b e pcnsile birds. It generally hangs its nest on " polished " off the face of the earth. If, inwell cared for. W e have had a. long , cold a twig over the water, and so low down that .stead of sending as· officials among the Inl>OORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, winter, and while it has not been an un- if a monkey attemps to steal the eggs, which dians, broken down politicians and characusmt.lly severe one on sheltered stock, the it is to do, the twig bonds with its weil(ht terless sca.lla.wags who glory in their shameMOULDINGS, &o., kept on hand . possible weather between now and the com- and a cold bath is the consequence. The ~essnese and are living contradictions of ing of gr ass may· be, hence the necessity of Mahali weaver -bir d of Sout h Africa is a everything that is decent , the Governments ' . · extra c~re and food from now till i t can be very small bir d with an ambition to live at Ottawa and Washington were to select · · turned mto pastures. in a very large house, and industry enough I men of sense and character to set over such . W hen buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for t he New Oils, c ·. ~auatliau Jtatt.\1mau. FARM. I IJ'. 1 ·.~~ c ·· 1.·1;~.';~;·:'!·. B .·o ..,&HA · YOUNG AND MIDDLE·ACED MEN. I r s th e Right Place to buy Drugs. e eep · e es an se a t mo erat e prices. PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, ----o--- WE HA.VE ON HAND : &c. ----o---- Prairie Flower Condition Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. fIAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ........ - OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, I D emocrat Wago n................................................................ 65 u I All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired McDOUGALL & METCALF, B OVVM::.A..N'"V-I LLE., are ottering Coal as fallows : q q Orono Pump Factory. ne Stove and Chest nut '·'·'· "·' '· ·" ···· $6 · 25 Grate and Egg 6 00 PUMPS OF OESCRIPTIOft LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. D ALL WORK GUARANTEE .. . d . I I McDOUGALL & METCALF Farmers, Threshers and Mi llmen, Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. L A R D 11 NE:: MACH IN E 01 l. matters, . the outside. The sociable weaver birds unite ·· · ~ ~ their efforts, and make a kind of t hatched Music : A polite art which ser ves its highroof under which, or rather in which, t hey est usefulness as a stimulus to conver 8at ion. Try it once, you will use no other. build their n ests. Sometimes this structure Duty: An obligat ion that rests ent ir ely u pon is ten feet square. Each nest is shut out t one's neighbor. · 'OL· BROS ~- ·"O'Y T t To buy Foot Gear for Men, Womrn, from every other, although all are under Advice ; A superfluous article which every· the same roof, and while the whole com- body iseagerto give away, butno one ca.res to Boys and Maidens, at munityjoinin building theroof,eacb pair l r ceive. A Delicate Question. builds its own nest. The commencement is J Consistency ; A jewel which frequently The Parisian advocat es discussed thP deli· interwoven with the bra.nch es .of t he trees needs re-setting. cate question : "Has a husband a right to the whole structure being neatancl compact. N ews : Old women's gossip; salacious open his wife's letters l" at their last conferT he pu.lm swift of Jamaica, so called from scandal and secrets of domestic and conjuga.l ence, and they decided that he has. .A jour- its rapid flight, builds a cm ious nest which l ife : anything in the way of rumor tha.t nali?t w_ho has consu}ted several ext ra legal . it hangs ~ a. spathe of the cocoa_nut ;palm. doe~ ~o.t rnlate to puJ;lic affaira. . lummanes on the pomt finds t hem, with a ! The e:x:ten or 1s of cott on and the mten or of I Civility : An ancient form of behavior, 'j_' .H .J-iJ . P l L L t:; si~gle exception, in su batii:nt ial agree.ment , feathers t~e w~lls ~ery strong and popular_in feudal time~. _h~t ~mrnited to t he · p · ' with th e lawyers. An "Enhghtened priest ,, compiw t. Sometunes it builds several nests ex1genc1 es of 'mouern c1vihzat1on. l urify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the whos~ name is not given, answered t hat the 1and glues them.together, leaving an opening . . Artist: A m~n of sub~le res!hetic percep , , ,. ~ . ,, doct rme of the church was thatthe "husband between them hke a gallery. tions who atta.lDS pr oficiency ID some such I LIVER, STOffIA.UH, K.lDNE VS A.ND DOWE IA~ . is master in the ho~se," and t hat .he ~ad, , . T he lanceola.te h oney-eater builds a n ·st useful a.rt as hair·dressing, or negro min- They invigorate and restore to healt h Debilitated Constitutions and therefore, a parf Pct r ight to open lu s wife's m the shape of a hammock, aud suspends strelsy. . " ' letters. M. de P r e·seuse, the leading P ro- .· it by the ends to a small t wig. It is made Poetry: Any metrical composition whose are invaluable i n ~11 Complalnts l1101dental to ] omal es of all .Agea. Fo11 t est ant pastor iu .Paris, was somewhil.t less l of grass and wool mix ed with t he down of merit is unrecognized by the average magChildr en and the i>ged they are p r iceless. . Q l affirmative ; though, as r egards wives who ! certain flowers. This nest is very deep and azine editor. had a_nyt hing to fear from the th~ ~xercise of j comfortable, and may probably have sug- ; Economy: ~habit of !ife which ena..bles a , · · · Our New Sk>ck baa arrived , and com- the ~1ght, he ~upported the decl8lon of t~e gested to. man _ t he ha~m'?ck. . . wom~u to ~av e money m her domestic ex-. Ie an tnfalhble remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorel prises someth ing nPat and pretty for , bar risters, while m t~e case of a llood wife . Th~ t1Ulor-b1r~, whw~1s a native of India, pend1ture~ ID order that her husband may and U l It la f f Go t d Rhe m ti 8 m For dleord ft"' · Ladies Good and S · bl f M he couldnotseehowitma.ttered eitherway. 1s qmte expertmsewmg. It makes a.long keepuph1s endatthe club. oers. amoull or u an u a eno ' ' dB· d B ervice& e or en Ale:x:ander Dumas, looking at the question nest of leaves, which it sews together with Culture: The pursuit ofsocial folly having - Oheat it ha.e no equ al. an . oys, ~ f ~ta h thathRldBoote for. from t he hietoric-philosoph . ical standpoint, th;e fi?er ofa plant, piercing holes in them its origin in t he love of singularity. For Sore Throats Bronchitis {)oug h 8, (Jo Id 8 0 every mem er e onae o · contended that what we know of the r ela· with its beak. In the hollow formed, it de- 1 ' ' ' --tions ofAdama.ndEvcinthe GardenofEden positaa.quantityof cotton,thus prepa.rfog Wh t T ' 1 't Gl~dula.r Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for clearly establishes the rig ht of the husband a soft, warm nest for its young. a lme as. contracted and etiff joints It act11 like a charm TRIJNKS, "A.LISES,.tSA.Tf:DEIJ!.llJSTOOK. to inspect his wife's corr espondence. Mme. (Scene- Road fro m Bushy to E a.gleahani. ' ~Ordered Work and Re airin I P eyre brune's answer was also in the affirm "Mamma " said a email boy the other Two countr ymen who have left Busby be· , , . .P g a ative, t h ough she added that the question day, " do lit tle boy angels wea.r shoes and hind staggering homewar ds). Manufa.otured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY 8 Est abhshment, S pecialty, as usual. was of no importi.nce, as compromising let- stockings in summer time?" " No, my son." Fit-st Countryman- " W hit o'clock is't, ; '18, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 633, OXFORD STREET), LONDON D . DA VIS. t ers are never sent through t he post. Mme. Do t hey go barefooted ·" " y es " Aud do Bob ?" ' - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -Adam was t he ouly dissentient In her they ata.y out afte d · ,,, " ' r· Second do (after speurl ing some tir ie e:x:- And ar e lliOld ai LB. ltd., 2s. 9d., 4 B , 6d., lle., 22s., and 33&. e Bo:x or Pot, ancl to $8 a. day, 8amplt 8 and duty F REE · · h h b d ' · r sun own · presume · · · ' · · · '- e W or Id , Lines not und er tbe hor·e'sfeet, Wrlte opmion, t e us au who opened his w ife's so. " " Well, don't t he st Ars tickle their amrnmg his watch m t he mooahl{ht)- " lt'a may b e b a d f r om a 11 "1 " !ldici ne V en d ors t h roug h ou t t .. · BRE W STER'S . 8 A lfE'I'Y R ruN HOLDER letters was nothing mor e or less tha.n a black · feet when t hey twinkle?" The fond mother either ten minu t~s pa~t echt or twenty minIS"Purd1utirb should look a& 'he Label on t he Pots and Boxe11. u tile r ddre Co.. Holl, Mich. guard. wail nouplueed. utes tao t wa. Ye can just please yersel 1" u 11 538. Ox ford !!ltreei. London. tb.eJ' are aourloui ·· . t · FERG · . ·. US ON R -· --- :~~:!~~~::r~i~~1~!~:fs~{!f;:~~il:i~ ~~::~~ . ~=~~~t~~t:~:~r~:i~~~~!~rI~f~~~;~~~~ J_' P ' Ill,, T HE BEST TN TI-IE WOR' LD. Q hold. Ther e is no farmer but can afford to have just such a garden ; no farmer can afford to be wit hout one. A good garden and a good cow will go a long way towards supplying the table with good, wholesome food for the family. thcr~::ll:e::::o:~~culty. FA! ILY SAFE TY & S U NLIGHT Coal Oil. HEALT::E-I FOR ALL! 1 · l j I=============n = .aC = u = '==== .... =====·="' =="' ==== ' ==o = :r= o = n == O PopuIar N0 1 B00 t an d Sh oe' EMP 0 .R IU M! T H E I N T M E N T I w I I" $5 I

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