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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1887, p. 3

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1 .....__ · ·_ !_111 _ ·_ · _ _ · _ ·_··-·-·~·-· -· _ · _· _··. _·_· _ ·!!!· .·.· __ 11_·_·_·_111_11_· .· --·-·. ·- ~n _·t!!!!!!L. __ ==!ML'*mu:::;:ia .:..:....."!""~ :U&i& HI = SMITRS 'S Ill 01· ·F ree T.l·ndc n ctneen (Junada and the Setting Table for a Plain Dinner. CHICKEN CROQUETTES.--Po.rboil t h e 11111tet1 Stah'H. chicken, skin it. and take out all the bones, ,T yr WEDNESDA.Y, MAY 11, 1887. A neatt well-set table, with its snowy mince fine. T< one onion and boil it un~,11,w omc A pril, 22.-Prof. Goldwin linen, glittering silver and china, is one of til thoroughly done <Wd then m ince it fine. Smith h as writteu a letter, which appears t he best appetizer s one can have. When to Two or three sprigs of parsely a lso minced. in the New York Times of this morning, on this is added some touch of beauty in the Season the mixture with a p inch ofinace, a the attitude of Great Britain in regard to the shape of lovely color, let us say a vase of dash of red pepper and salt to youi· taste. l]_Uestion of a possible commer cial union beflowers, a. freshly growing foliae-e plant, or '.l' a pint of milk, two tablespoonfuls of hween t he United States a nd Canada as forethe place where can thP. rainbow tintings of modern glass, the corn starch and two tablespoonfuls of but- shadowed in the But terwor th bill. T he let . effect is magical, and the spirits rise under ter. Put t he m ilk on to boil ; stir t he corn ter is in r esp 111 ti> a. question put to the Hat in the County. the influence of anticipated good cheer in a sta.rch and butter together and then stir professor by E. , us Wiman. It is as folmost marvelou~ manner. By this I do not into the milk. Pour t his over the mince, ' lows : mean that costly furnishing is necessary to stirring it M10roughly, and when cool mold .,. April 1.9, 1 ~87. promote anticipaLions and feelings of good into shapes and roll in egg and pulverized My Dear W iman,- The question is nacheer, but that neatness, and order, and the cracker and fry in hot lanl. t urally a.sked, as you say, whethc1 · the conbrightness of good color are requisites, and sent of G reat Britain could be obtained to a thesemaybeha.dforatrifle more th an the CRK.l.M Pm·Fs.- One cup of hot water, measureofcomplete r eciprocitywhichwould Silk, the very latest. In Christy Stiff, Black, Brown, Drab, from a common BJoich, or Eruption, reverse costs, and in the eud at a lower cost, vne-half cup of butter, boil t ogether, stirring involve an assimilrLtion of tar iffs between 1 0 -WF~:e;. ,:~~:s~r,~~~:::ors:~~:1i ;::ri!: taking all the good results into considcra- in a cupful of dry Qour while boiling. When Canada a.u.d t h e United Certainly or Slate in Men's youth's and Boys. Fancy H ats for chilin short, nil diseases caused by bad blood nre tion. col<l add three eggs not beat en. Drop @y the Canadians, as loyi~l colomsts, who have ' conquered by this powerful, purifying, nnd F irst and foremost is needed a nice thick, tablespoonfuls on a butt ered tin and bake in every reason to feel grateful and attached I dren and in prices from 25 cents up to $3. So come along invigorating Gre Eating Ul· double-faced canton fl· nnel over whi'ch to a qllick oven over twenty-five minutes, b~!ng t o then· · mo t lrnr coun tTy, wouId not act m · eers rapidlymedicine. heal under its at benign influence. ~ m · Especially has jt mnnifested its potency in spread the damask t able cloth, which should careful not to open the oven door more t an defiance to her wishes. 'B'or my own part, and you may be sure JOU will get suited. curing Tetter, ltose n.ashi Roils, ca1·· be of the purest white for dinner. A cloth is necessary. This makes fifteen puffs. b eing B ritish to the cor e, I would n ever bun cl es, Sore Eyes_, Scro nlous Sores of small patte1·n w1'll t-·ke " "OOd gloss i·n the Take care t h at they do not touch each voe t f or anyt h" h I ti10ng ht m . the and Swelli ngs, Htp·.Toiut Dlsease, w w-, mg w h' 10 . Wlaite Sw-elllng~, Goitre, or 'l'blclt ironing, and wear better than one of large other. For filling, tak e a pint of cream, a least degree at variance with the jnterest or :i~~skfnn~t'!~~1~~:-~el~rg~l:~~1i:~. ~Tfhd Jge pattern. The !1a~ldns should ma~ch the ~up of powdered sugar and whites of t wo honor of Great Britain, but Canada h as a.1ored plates, on; Skin Diseases or tho same cl?th, an? be damt1ly. wttshed and irone~, eggs with flavoring of any sort preferred. r eady been ta.ken formally as well as practic. We keep the very best and most fashionable lines in Ties, nmount fora treatise on Scrof11loue.Affections. with a trifle of starclung only. If there ts When the puffs are cold, cut a round piece al y, out of the commercial unity 01 the " '.l.'HE BLOOD IS . '.1.'HE LIFE"' to be any decoration a low bowl of flowers, out of the bottom ot each, scrape out the in- Empire by. Sir John Macdonald, who h as Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. U nderw~r, H osery, Braces and ·11 a1 Thoroughly cleanse it by usm" Dr. Pierce'· f ·d~ · fill tl1e c"vi ' ty wi "tli ' "hi "pped crearn Golde n ltledical Disc o-very and g ood or a potted plant of fresh c1ean o1iage, wi declar ed t h at h e hi for fiscal Home I{ule to digestion, a fair skint. b _ u ojant spir· be pretty standinil' in the 1:1icld~e of .the table, fit ~ack the p iece ta.ken from the bottom, the hilt. l<'iscal independence was conceded Umbrellas-in fact, anything in the Gents' Furnishings line. Its, vital ~treng,tb, aua s~nnd:u.elilll of and where there is no w1t1ter, it; will be con- set on a dish and ice. to the colonies sometime ago, when t he co:u.stituhon, will be estabhshed. venient and tast eful . t o arrange a fruit deI mperial government determined not_.. to Come along and bring your friend with you and get some sert on little fancy plates, one for each Things a Housekeeper Should Know. interfere with the adopt ion by an Australian DI ' m ember of the family and th~ guest or guests Colony of a protective ta.riff. Canada a.1- thing nobby. which Is Scrofulous Diseat!!e of the around the flowers, thus making a pretty That gaJt sh ould be eaten with nuts to aid ready levies duties avowedly protective on M. MAYER, Furrier. Lungs, ls pro~ptly m;1d certainly arrested center piece. The knives, forks, and spoons digestion. Brit ish goods, ancl her adoption of the nnd cured by this Godf -gi hven remedy, if taken to be used should be laicl at place, the That mi'lk wlii ' ch .·tands too long makeo American scale would make no great d iffer· ~Highest prices m cash paid for Raw F urs. before tho last stngcs o t c cllseaso nre reached. f k h h th .· h t ~ From its wonderful power over this terribly or sat t e left, t e spoons at e ng , bitter butter. ence, as it appears to me, neither pract ically fatal dlsense, when first offeriJ!f! this now eel- the knives across the top and the folded That rusty flat-irons sh ould be rubbed nor in point of principle. It js not a matebmted ·ell!edy1yto J?UbiL~t' be- over wi'th bees·vax: and lard. t ei-, I imagine, a.bout which the commercial thought x serious ofthe ca 1 ling 1 hDr. is lcIEROll ,on- napkin with a square ·of bread enclosed l "f ' suJnption Cure "butabnndoned that name tween them. There will be the desert m i e, classes of En~land, who t ook the charge in na too limited f<!r lt medicine wblcb, from its fork and spoon, the dinner knife and fork, That it rests you in sewing to oh ange your Canadian tariff coolly enough, would feel wondorful combmatlon of tonly. oi· strE;lngthen- . and the tablespoon and at the corner s of the position frequently. ver:y strongly t)r call lonclly on their Govem-ATinj!', 111.teraUve, or b lood-cJeansmg, nnti-bllious, . thc necessary ' vege . t abl_e ~p?ons , . a1so, Th a t a. s t rong h o t 1emona d e ·-k · f ere. That t h e on e great pectOl..'f<h nnd nutritive properties. ls unequaled, 1 t a bl c ""' en a t b ed m ent to mter not ouly as a remedy for consumption of the at each p late a goblet and mdividual salts, time will break up a. b ad cold. interest of England on this side of the Atlanlungs, but for all or else small salt and pepper cruets, say That tough beef is tender by laying t ic is the friendship of the English-speakthree of each on the tabl" in convenien t a few minutes in vinegar water. ing communities of this continent h as long That a little soda will relieve sick head- b een my firm belief, a nd though I, of course, p laces. '.l'he soup and the roast may b e on OF TIIE the table at once, and the vegetables in oov- !l.:}he caused by indigestion. spettk with no authority, I feel a sa.nguered dishes on a two-shelved side table conine expectation that this argu ment pressed venient to the mistress's hand, to avoid an That a st rong cup of coffee will remove by those w hose a ttachment to Great Britappearauce of crowding. · the odor of onions from the breach. cannot be questioned, will prevail with f' If you feel dull, drowsy, deb!lltated, have. After th e soup is served it will not be That well ventilated b ed -rooms w ill pre- B ritish statesmen , and t hat t he consent of sallow color or aJtin, or yellowish-brown spots very troublesome for a servant or some vent morning headaches and lassitude. the l mperial Government of free t rade be. on oi· body, frequent hendaobe or dizziTha,c a cup of hot water drunk befor e tween qanada ~nd th~ U nited State~ will n ess, bad tllste it1 mouth, iaternal heat or chllle, member of the family, a daughter or wife's alteruating with hot 1hwhes. low spklts and sister, to remove the tureen and soup plates meals will prevent n au sea and dyspepsia. be ob~amed. '! he voico_ of Ca!lada m the gloomy horebodings, irregular nppetlte, o.nd to the lower sh elf of the side table, and to ,, . . . councils of h er own contment is really t he coated tongue. you are sutrer!ng f rom Indl· place the vegetables on the dinner table, I hat ?Dem a famt should ~e laid on the ; best support which she can ever lend t o gesttou,Dys peps i a, and 'I' o1·pid Liver, or "Biliousness." In many cases only and presently for the servant to remove flat o_f his b ack ; then loosen his clothes and Eng .land, either. on commercial questions or part of these symptoms are experienced. .As these, and bring in the coffee or tea ancl the let him alone. . . on questions of any other kind. n romedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce'· That consum~t1ve mght swe~ts may. bearThe two p11.rties (viz., agricultural and Golden M edical Dhcovery has no dessert, and to stand them on t he side table. equal. If t h ere is no servant sufficiently trained, rested by spongmg the body mgh.tly m salt 1manutacturing) whose interests in this ]'or Wenk Lnngs, Spitting of Blood, this service can be quietly performed by water. 1question are essentially antagonistic, will 1Slao1·tuess of Breatb, Bronc l1Hh1 That a fever patient can bemadt;1 cool and :h ave to decide this great national qu esti,m. Severe Coug bs, ConauJUptiou, an<l 0110 of t h e family without disturbing the kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. comfort of the guests or the 'rest of the fam- comfortable by frequently sponging off with IThe foi·mer is directly and indirectly interSend t en cents lo stamps foi· Dr. Plerce'a ily, if some method is observed and affairs soda water. ested. book on Consumption. Sold by Druggtsu. have been regulated for a quiet change. In That to beat eggs quickly, add a pinch of on 6 BOTTLES such a case that member, whether daughter salt. Salt cools, and cold eggs froth rapidly. M. Katkoff. , f FOR $ 5 . 0 0 . or sister-in-law, but not the lady of t h e house, will remove the vegetables, and the That th? hair may be kept from .fall!ug . R ecent dispatch es concernin17 Russian afWorld's Dispensary Medical Association, plates and dinner knives ancl forks .to the out after sickness by a frequent apphcation :fairs stat e t hat , w hile the Czar's head is Proprietors, 663 Main St., IlUll'FALo, N . Y, side table, serve the dessert of puddmu, or . to the scalp of sage tea. !with M . cle Giers, his h eart is with M. Katpie, or wh at not, ancl place the after dinner That you can take out spot s from wash koff. This is probably as accurate and coffee cups, cream, sugar, and coffee on a gcods by rubing them with the yolk of eggs . concise a statement of the situation in Rus1 \~VC LITTLE traybeforct~e mistress of the h~msc, and 1 before washing . siaasitis possible to obtain. M. deGiers t the dessert will proce?cl and the d1!:ml'.r encl That white spots upon varnished furniture I is commo~ly regarded as the apostle of ~~::\at~e LIVER pleasantly. M eanwhile, from begmnmg to will disappear if you hold a hot plate over peaee, wlnle M. Katkoff, the rampant Pan.,.,, .,. . 5 p ILL S · end, provided everything n ec..iss11ry has ' them · . sla,vist a11d exponent of the autocratic idei ~ " ~ been placed on t he ~wo tabl<:s~ there h ave · in its most form, is looked upon as ANTl·BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. been only two occasions for r1smg from the the apostle of war. The latter is the peraoSold by Druggists. 25 cents a vial. table and no apparent disturbance of the Ninety Years Old. nal friend and private counsellor of the 1 order of the dinner. The Emperor 1Villiam of Germany has Czar, who, on t he other hand , det ests M. de ~ ~ completed the ninetieth year of his age. Gier s and his methods, Nevertheless the ~iii Practical R ecipes, The occasion was celebrated with unusual position o~ Russia is such that ~he great Is offered by the proprietors . . rejoicing andfestivitythroughouthisdomin- Autocrat 1s compelled to close his ears to · · of Dr. Sage's Cat arrh Remedy PRES~ED Ecms. - Eight_ eggs. boile.d hard, . ions. In Be . rliu the displu,ys of military t he advice of his rfavou rite and to allow him:J ~~~~flgl~~catarrhwhlchthey 0 afndb w~ile ~0 t?hopyed w~th ;altpd a.l~tp i pageantry an cl of court gaieties were brilli- self to be g uided by the far-seeing and · ~ If you have a dischar ge from ut _er t e size 0 a wa. nu · r ess m a ant an cl various, while throughout G·ermany moderate De Giera. 4, tb_ c nose.. o:!fensive or other- deep dish ancl serve cold. the people gave themselves up to a joyous I The position which M. Katkoff occupies ~~~efJ~ti~~~~~~:~~~l~~ ~JOE.BREAKFAST D1sH.- To chopp ed, colcl, holid!1Y: The l'.v~nt is certainly a ver_y rare in R~ssia is a unique one. The editor of the or pressure In b ead you tave Catarrh. Tbou- boiled potatoes add a generous lump of but- one 1f mdeed it 1s not unexampled m the le11.dmg paper of the country, the M oscow eands of c1!9es termihate in consumption. ter, and for a.small family half a c~p of thic_ k history of modern royalty. It is not easy Ga~ette, he occupies n o official position, a.ncl ~~g~~t?i~~:RN~:r~1f.1c~i;: ~~::~~,r, cre~m ; put over the fire and mix and stir to recall 1?-ny sovereign of a la rge na~ion in yet bis influence at S t. P eter sburg has f?r and Catarrhal Headache. 60 oet1.ta. until very hot ; then serve. modern times who h as reachecl so patriarchal years been almost suprem e. He h as, m G INGER CAKES.- One cup each of sugar, a n age. There have been , it is true, many fact, been described as t he real autocrat of molasses, sour cream and .butter, two ce-gs, longer reigns thau that of the Emperor the empire. Previous to the insurrection in five cups flour one tablespoonful of ginger, ' Villiam, At least three living European Poland he was a Libera.I, and was believed one teasp·onf~l each of cloves a.nd cinna- potentates have sat upon the t hrone longer to be strongly ta.intcd with Socialism. The mon, one-h alf teaspoonful of nutmeg; many than the V ictoria of England has reigned sprea.d of Nihilism, however, caused him to CONCERNING add raisins, one and one-half cups, seeded. nearly fifty years. Francis Joseph of A us- change his tactics , and h e becan1e t he strone;tria h as r eigned t hirty.nine, and William of eat exponent of the idea that the only powWmrn CAKE.- Two cups of sugn:r,_ ono Holland has worn the crown thirty-eight er capable of erecting a barrier against the cup of butter, egg_ s beaten v~ry light, years. But the Gei·man Emperor h as only assults of the revol~tionists was that of the : one cup sweet milk, thiee and one half c_ u ps been king of Prussia twenty-six year s, and Cz'lr. From that time forward the Gazette, of flour, two tablespoonfuls of ~rea~ of tar- has been at the head of the E mpire sixteen of which h e b ecame p roprietor in 1863, has 0 tar and one ~ soda. F lavor w ith bitter al- ! The monarchs who have bad the been t h e earnest advocate of absolutism and )> monds or va.ntlla. . two lougest reigns in modern t imes, Louis Pa.nsla.viam. For ye~rs M. Ka.tkoJf h as BEl:l' 9MELETTE.-:Chop the _raw beef fine XIV· of France an d George III. of E ng - b~en a.d.°'.itted to the Imperial Council, 11.nd and put m!A> the_ frymg pan with a. lump of / land, both died younger, h owever, than t he his positwn as ·the chosen confidant of the ~ bu tter ; stir until very b rown, but not too German W"illiam. Czar's innermost thoughts was soon estab· Louis reigned no less than seventy-two lished . So powerful did he become that he well done ; then add several well-b eaten eggs ; s~ir well and serve t~t on?e. If pre- y ears (1643- 1715!, and )'.et died a.t seventy- was the principal i~strument in t he over' £erred, it can brown on one side and be seven. George reig ned sixty years (1760- · throw of M. Valom eff, who had dared t o ;:::. lapped over like an ordinary egp omele tte. ' 1820), and died at the age ?f eigh~y-two. susp~nd th~ publicat:on _ of t he . Gazet~e. )> . CuoooI ATE CAKE (WEDDING) - One half The present Emperor of Brazil, who 1s now He t s t he v1gol'Ous enemy m R ussia of B1s- 1 cupful of. butter, one cu pful of. suga1., one . ~n~t closing the fifty ·s.ix th year. of nis reign, marck and h!s p olicy. and his views have J.I"' cupful of sweet milk, two and one-half cup- . ism ~be sixty-second y~ar of his .age. be.en very la.1 gel~ accep~ed by the feople. fuls ofprepar~dllour, the yelks offiveeggs,, It iswondertul tothmkthat m t he y~t His famous art~cle a~a.mst the German i and t he wh ites of two For icing between . sturdy old r uler of G ermany a monarch is Cha.ncel.lor, publish ed m A ugust last, met . ' ' layers whites of t hree.eggs thick ened with still reigning who became an officer of the with a responsive ~cho throughout the c~un::: powd; red sugar and one-fo~rth of a cake of i Prus~ian army .eighty years ago; who took try, a nd he has ?ince been workm~ ass1du · ' · t ed chocolate. Fla.voi· with vanilla. . part 10, and still well remembers, the liattle o_usly . to m'.d~rmme the favour wJ;t1ch Be~g l'!l._ ,. . ·' .. .. , . ,. 1 . of W a terloo (18 15 ), and wh o has seen all t he Im cni oys a~ St. Petersburg. It 1s for tlus ~C'ltf,f(Trli"DJr;n)iD) "Vi' It is the only preparation in the world that 1 CA_LYE8 lA vu' F RU.:!J AS OYSTEJis. -C:nt 1 gr eat events of th is eventful nineteenth ccn - reason t hat the Czar has b een compelled to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ will do what is claimed for it. It has )lroduced luxuriant growths of h air on bald h eaas where the h ver moderately 'ohm o.ncl a.b~m~ the size : tury, now so near its close, pass in dmmatic side with M. De Ciel's a..e;ai11st h is own per· baldness h as existed for years. It has restored of large_ oystci·s. Wash, pu~ it ~nto hot ; su ccessiou before his eyes. somil inclinations. H e sees cleady enough t he color and vigor to numerous crops of gra y water_sh gh tly salted, and le~ it boil five or l The gmperor 'Villiam has always showu that R ussia cannot afford, at present at and fadrd hail'. It h as relieved hund.reds of persons of disagreeable Dandrutl' and has saved t en mm;ites . . Then remove it fr?m the ket- ! a high, haughty, d espotic nat ure. He is least, to quarrel wit h Germany, and h e has m any when hair w as falling, from becoming tie, le t it dram an? fry a_s oyste '. s. Be~t ~8 p er haps the only r ema ining sovereign in been obliged, therefore, to administ er somebald. m any egg~ as.the hve: will r equire. D'.p ~n Enrnpc- except his grand-nep~ew, the Rus- thing like a snub to M. R.P.tkoff. . Russia is nT Remember these factR and if yom· hair is fallin g out and becoming thin, get a bottle at the egg, 1011 m powdered crack er and fry lll csum Cz~,r-who devoutly believes t hat he not ready for war, and dare not displace M . . ' h as a divine J'ight to r ul e, and who clings to De Giera to make room for I g nat ieff, M . onoe and save t he growth, or you may los" it h ot lard or butter. _ forever. A ek your druggist for HAI R MAG-IC PoTTED SHAD. - Cut the shad m small t he olcl d espotic id eas of k ingship which pre- Katkoff must therefore l>ide his time and, nnd take nothing else. I await a more favourable opportunity of A. DOJ:tENWENO, Sole Manufacture1-, To- pie ces, wash and wipe dry , sea~on each . vailed in the Middle Ages. }Jiece with salt and pepper. P ut m a deep I Y et he has never been a capricious tyrant. raising once m ore the cry of" On to Constanronto. . ' ;· earthen dish with whole a llspice and cloves H e has shown an ardent love of his p eople tinople." HIGGINBOTHA.lU & S ON, on each layer, taking care to remove the · and his country ; has been ambitious to make ' It is a sing ular fact th at, though M. KatAGENTS FOR BoWMANVILLE. blossoms from the cloves, as these darken Germany gr eat, strone-, and prosperous; and koff h as shown himself the most determined the v inegar. \Jover them with good cold has sincerely tried to be a kindly as well a,g enemy of Nihilism, ancl h as done much to cider vinegar. Cover tiuhtly and p lace in a s trict r uler over his subj ects. !thwart its schemes, no one has yet b een moderate oven for three or four hours. . Like almost all of his s talwart race! ~Vil- , fou~d to ~ar~·:i; out_ aga inst him the_senten:ce · DRY BREAD FRrTTERs.- Two cu ps of dry, 1han~ has a,lways h a fondnes:i f'?r ~ihtary ; wlnc~ N ihihsm imposed _ np?n _ its _chi~f fine bread crumbs, two t ablespoonfuls pre- affa1ra. '.l:~e gre!l'ter pa:i:t o~ hi~ hfe. m de?d· · e~em1es. T he se.cret of. t his, it is sa~d, IS pared flour, half a pint or r a ther less of milk, was spent rn active service m the Prussi~n lus grea:t P.opulanty , wlucl~ h as practica.lly four well-beaten eggs, half a cupful of au - n:rm)'.. He had a tas~e of wa: very early m made his hfe sacred. He 1s a man of wongar, a t ablespoonful of butter an<i a few hfe, m the Napoleomc ca:n;.pa1gns; .and has ~e:fuI powers-:a. ~cholar a.a well as a pubcurrants. Boil the milk and pour over the al ways ?een reg~rded_ sm ce as one of the h~1st and a pohti~mn. He :persona~ sup.Are prepared to pay the highest prices bread, dredge the currants with fl.our and best-tmmed sold~ers m E urope. . · lermte~da ; he .stu~ies at t h e Nicholas ollege mix all in to a st iff batter. Drop into hot At t he age o~ mnety, the wonderful p hys1- .1? which m st1tut10n he d cy?tes a la.rge :pora ll kinds of Grain delivered at the lard as dough.nuts and send to table in cal powers which h ave suffered the v:ea.r , tion of the many h ours w.h1ch he daily gives powder ed sne-ar. i n:nd tear of an unusu_al .b?SY and laborious , to hard work: N o ~~nm_ E_urope, o.r else1 ' ·· l ife seem almost und1mmished, Wharf or their Store House in town. 1wher e, occupies a. position similar to his, and _:E LOU:& PuDDIN_G.- -One q~art of . sweet The veteran Emperor is st ill seen daily by ·it seems a p ity that his great influence m~lk ; wet ~nd s~ir smoothly mto a little of his people, at.anding erect and soldierly at 1should be exercised in behalf of a system opthis cold m!lk .six tablespoonfuls o_ f flou~-. the win dow of his pa.lace; and we oft en hear posed to· the spirit of mod ern civilization. )'Vhe~ the remamde~ of the .milk boils, stxr of his app earin g, mounted on his white THE STAR H OUSE bas JUst received a. lar e stock of Eni:rlish and m this w et fl.our, boil ten mmutes more a nd horse at the great military reviews which g ~ set away to cool. . W hen colcl, add the 'Yell- are fr~quently helcl in the neighborhoocl of "~hey sa~ fo:tune kn ocks once at ev~ry Scotch goods, direct from England, for the OF CANADA . beat en yolks of six eggs, t hen the whites, h ' 't 1 mans door , satcl an old pauper, who died Capital paid up, 1&1,000,000. have been b eaten to a foam that will is Mcaplt ha · tt th b d b at the almshouse the other day, "but if it _,,,,_ Rest, $2Go,oo which . . . ore anone a emp as eenma e Yj to · Id' cl 't l 't " "Wh !le up ; _n?w b eatkth1s mto dth~ h c old Ba.p ukd- wild fanatics, on t he Emperor's life. y et , evetr,~an!~I rruneI, i tn h learb1 . . thy This Bank ts prepare d to d o Legiti- p 1ID"' un ti1 it a 11 1oo a even an ig t. c e th · d bt th t h ' . t 11. t' d1 -no . gueEs mus ave een m e "'h h If h d ere rn no ou . a is m e 1gen an ,, .d th am prepared to give the cheapest and best Suits ever turned out mate Banking in all its branches. a.not er a - our an serve hot . thoug htful subjects regard him, not only 1 aa1oon aroun e corner. F armers n ot es d iscounte d ; Deposlt!I in Bowmanville. CITRON CAKE.- Three cups of sugar, one with the deepest reverence, but with the " So you wouldn't like to be a minister, received and Intere st paid on amounts of of butter, one of s weet milk, four cups of fondest affection. Bobby, when you grow up ?" remarked Mr. ' f 5 upwards in S a vings Ban k Departmen t . flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda and one Alike in his person and in his cha.racter , Whitechoker at the table. "No, indeed," .D RA .t" l' S of crea,m of t artar. Cut up one-half pound h e presents a n oble type of royalty, a re· responded Bobby emphatically. "And why · Iasued and Collections mado in Eur op e of citron fine and t hin and the whites of t en presentative of the German nation of w hich ' not ?" insist ed Mr. \Vbitechoker, amused at eggs. Creamthe butterand sugar; sift the itmaywellbe pron<l; and w hen, as must, lthe lad's earnestues;;. "Because masays she · IEiil"You can always see Jeffery at the door. United Stat es and Canada. flour and add gradually , then the citron. er e very long, happen, h e passes away, he I always feels sorry for coun try minist er s, an' . W. J ··rONES, Beat t h e eggs until stiff and a.dd last ; sift will b e deeply mourned and regretted !that's the r eason sh e has you h ere to d inner -.-~ L:> ~1 Ageu the cr eam of t artar in the flour and dissol l'e throughout the Fatherll\nd. so often." V -1:.!..1 ...l:U ...L. 1 ~nuadiau $tattsuulu. HOUSEHOLD. the soda in a little t epid water. Beat all thoroughly before stirring in t he eggs. GOLDWIN PLEA Iv.I.AYEF=t'S Hat ~ Fur SttJi-e Is you get the most fashionable . CUR ES ALL HUM ORS, IN HATS IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS l y ' "' ' ' CONSUIU!IPTIQN 0 I NE~ GOODS CHRONIC DISEASES Liver, Blood, and lungs. TO D ROS. I PRICE $I 00 New Shirt.i ngs, New Prints, N ew VVhite & Grey Cottons, N ew Embroidery, New D ress Goods, N ew Linens, N ew Tweeds, Y atisi Corsets.. ----o---- e"'S I ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD BROS. $500 REWARD NEW SPRING GOODS -have arrived at the- I ci:ii I w-~st End House. Dr. DORENWEND'S :c 1 , call and see our lovely Ladies, Dress Goods. and see our handsome Gents, call Tweeds and Suitings. I "I 0 1 Full lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. Q G Store 18 · repIe t·e WI ·th ur rocery the Ch01ces . t G rocer1es, . p rovisions · . c roe k ery G 1assware Field · and' Garden Seeds &C JJQill:OO , · a G RA I . N ' Jno. McMurtry & Co. sTAN DAR D BANK I I 0 1 SPRING CLOTH ING TRADE. ICanadian to $ 25 Tweeds in· great variety, from $10 up Gent's Furnishings all fresh for spring. J _ FF:EJ

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