AHEAD! Wha t a ll say must be true. And hear from all sides of my stylish p retty Wall Papers. D on't p urch ase er e you have seen my Patt erns. Alm ost e \·e ry day I am told my selection is th e bes t in this Dist rict. LI:N,EN WINDO W S H ADES, OF . E V E RY SI ZE & PAT TJrnN. BPALDING'S B ASE BALL GOOD S; A L SO T H E CHE AP ER LlNE S. EXPRESS W AGONS, OR OQUE'r, HAl\:t:l\'IOCKS, .RUilBE It BALL S, . ETC ., E TC. P ENTATION TO Mr. KYDD. i Remember June 7th an d 8th . .. A BEAU THi'UL OI L OBUO MO, IN FANCY GILT FRAME, FOR ONLY $1.50. PICTURE FRAMING VERY LOW. P . TREBILCOCK. BOWMANVILLE , MAY 11, 1887. T HJ:!l F I RST P ART Y VOTE. The first vote, or rather, we should say, t he first party vote of t h e session, has been t aken, and affords a strong proof of h~w m uch stronger par ty ties are than a re mere abstrnct questions of right and wrong. The first votes were taken on the Home Rule questions, in whi.ch , "go as you please," was the r ule followed. 'rh e party. vote w e now ti'lude to, was, as to wh ether or no, Mr. Baird, who n ow sits i n t h e House as member for a New Brun11wick constituency, having b een beaten in the contest by a majority of 61 should be allowed to retain the seat, or whether the candidat e, Mr. King, who had t he major ity, should have the prefer ence. It seems the election was· a fair one, the deposits rec1uired by la w were duly made by bo th, and all pro per formalitieq wer e d11 ly observed, but unfortunately M r . King, th e candidate opposed te the present Government, got a handsome and undot1bted majority. '.l'he Returning Officer then r e membered t hat the deposit of the s uccessful candidri,te had not b een hn.oded t o him in a proper m anuer, and by, as 110 alleges, t he proper person, although he h a d r eceived it wit h out obj ection , and had given a receipt for i t in due form. H e d oes n ot say w hether· the man, who gave h i m the money, h ad r ed hair , or was l eft-h anded, or s quinted but without a 3king any such minute explanation, str etched his conscience far e llough to p u t hie s oleum oath of office out of si~ht, and returned the man who got b eaten, as duly elected , and who, with admirable good tasie: lrns taken the oaths required of m embers of parliament and the settt which ca n hardly .b e called h is seat. A ll this, however, is bc:;ide the point we wish M r . John H. Kydd, who has held a l Rowmanville is goi ng to celeb : t e the prominent po~ition in t h e D om inion Or- great jubil ee in right royal fash : ~nf and gan & Piano Factory for many years has the indicat ions already aug ur ,,'<, il or a accept ed a s ia:iilia1· posi< ion iu tlw Bell magnificent su c~ess. The D. 0 \% P . Organ Factory at Guelph at a salary of Co's Ban d assisted b y the Boar d .. r 'Ir~de $2,000 : ar . On Monday n ight last, a have charge of the a rrangements, . which a be nuru er of l Pading citiz9ns met at mean s snccess from the start. A. baud his pleasan t r esidence and presented him tourn, athl e tic contest~ , trades proeession, with a Gold Watch and Chain, valued at etc., are o n th e program . For competi$125 ,00, purchased from l\ia ynard the tiou , $ 1200.00 are offered in prizos. Jeweller. Tha address, 1vhich had been Watch this journal from week to week dr aughted by Mr. W. R. Climie, was for particulars. read by W . F. Allio, E:iq., and t he presentation made by Rflbt. l3ei1h, Eiq. S. 0 . El. Jubilee C o ncer t . THE ADDRESS. Mr, F indlay McGregor, Scotland's To J uhn H. ](ydcl, E sq., DEAR Srn,- It is with deep r egret that greatest versa.r ile vomlist, instrumentalyour fellow-citizens h ave 1arned t h at i>t, mimic a n d artist., who has appea1·ed you ai:e about removing from our midst with uuprecedented success at the Crysto p u rsue th e battle of life in anoth er tal Palace b e fore t h e Duke !l.nd Duchess part of this P rovince, -regret, because of Edinb urgh, and late of the Great II d uring the past ei~hteen years you have lnstrated Cone . r ts, Astley's Theatre, p r oved yourself an hnnorable and worthy E gyp iian and Agricultural Halls, Loncitizen, thoroughly rdi<i.bl e in every don, England ; City Hall, Glasgow ; the r espect, and ever ready to a id in· advanc- P romena de Concerts, \Vaverley Market, iug the inte rests nf the t own. As a Edinb1·rgh, n.nd the leading theatres friend and neighbor you h ave been valued t h ro ughout Great Britaiu, Ireland a nd rncially, and as a m ember of the Town thfl U nited States and Canada, has been Cou ncil you have left your mark , through engaged for the Jubilee Concert here on We being largely instrumental in carrying the night of t he Queen's Birthday . forwar d improvements to public property h~,·e the high est recommendations of Mr. which will remain a lasting monum en t of McGregor's 1ibility to ent'3r tain an a ud iyour p ublic spirit an d good ta~ te. W ith ence. Be appeared in M ontreal during p lea~ure we ·have noted triumphs in the winter and' has been engaged a~ain mechanical art in your c~lliog, to which for one n igh t there on t he 20th inst., for your genius has materially contributed ; which he is to receive $100. S ee poster s an d the fact that you h ave unexpectedly and programs. been solicited to go elsewhere to occupy A U CTION S ALES . a r esponsible position where your appreciated talents will h ave g reater scope, is the best ev;dence that your mecha uical N .B. - Our advertising rate for auction abilities are widely known and fittingly sales, when we do n ot print the sale recogni zed, ·We d ouht not, fr"m you r bills, is 25 cen t s a line, each insertion. pa> t racord , t hat a b rilltan t future is AUCTION SALES.- R. Hutchison, Licenbefore you in your enl arged field of oper- sed Auctioneer for the T ownships of ation. As a. memento of .the sincere Clark<:', Manvers, Cartwrigh t, Darl ington r egard of long· tried friends, please accept and Whitb y .All sales att.ended to promptly this Gold W atch and Chain as a parting and at reasonable rates. W h ere it is not gift ; and as it ticks out the fleetin g convenient to see m e, arrangements for moments may it remind you t hat many sales can be made with t.he Edit or nr by in Bowmanville ore iuterested in your addressing me at Eoniskillen, P. 0. welfare, and wishin g that h ealth, h appi· AUCTION SALES. - Levi A. Tole, Licenn 1>ss and prosperity m [<Y be t he portion of yourself and family in your new home sed Auctioneer for th e t ownships o f in the "royal" City of Guelph, with God's Cl ar ke, M anvers, Cartwrig-ht,Darlinitlon, and Whitby. All s i1les attend ed to choicest b lessings for tim e and eternity. pr om ptly and at r <asonable rates . \ \Th ere On behalf' of the Citizens, 1t is n o t eomren\ont 10 see m e, · arrange· ments can b e made at. t hi3 Ofrlce, or b y Committee. adclressiug S haw & Tole, Bowrnanville. Bowman ville, May Dth, 1887. ..... ir~n!: ~!~::; } MR. KYDD REI'LIED AS FOI,LOWS : M R. CnAmMAN AND GnNTLEMEN,- A brillia nt present, accompanied, as in this instance, by a brilliant speech demands a brilliant respons e. But [ am a plain man, with a somewhat d ull brain, and ;,;011 m ust not expect eloquen ce from such ·a s ource. If, h owever, my h ead cou ld properly translate the feelmgs of my heart, words would n ot be -wante d to express my gra titude for this splendid 11ift. As i t fo, my h eart must speak for itself, an d its language if n ot rhetorical, . will at !east have the m eri t of being thor oughly since re. ·when I say that I thank my friend s for t,h is token o f their commendation and esteem, I ask you to as· soci~te with these simple words all that y ou can conc~ive of heartfelt. .e m otion . Whenever I look u pon your elegant and useful token of reg ard , I shall remember wi th gr atitude the friends to whom I am iodebted. for it. I know they are as true as the steel of its mainspr ing , and as much t o be depended upou M the time r egist ered upou its dial. D r . '!\foLaug hlin, M .P.P., W.W. Tamblyn, M.A., a nd so vl'r~ I oth er c1tize11s m ade s hort speech es, af1 er which refresh ments we re served . Mr. K ydd is one of our most worthy citrnens and a ll regret hia d epartu re. Information Wanted. PER~ON.A.r,. - Geor.ge Legault, of Tayside, O nt ., sa:. s h e can heartily rec om m end Yello w O il as t he b es t rel iever of rheumatic p > 1ir,, his father and mothe r ha:ving ~uff~ red for years with r heu ma tism, and all remedies l'.JJil'ld except Y ellow Oil. " Baby's and doll's carriages, boy's wag ons, carts and wheelbarrows at T ttit & Morr ison 's. By-law No.TIT LE. .A. By·law to enable the Corporation of the I The P ubl ish er of t h e ST.\.TES~UK se eks the following inform atio n, for publica tivn. Any p erson who can a ns wer any one of the qucs tions will please d o so at to m ake, as w e m erely want to 8lww, th e earliest opportunity: 'N bo is th e tha t no matter w h ether or not the qµ es- oldest m an in D arling ton 'I Cartwright 1 tion b efore parliamont is simply a ques- Clarke 'I B ow man vi lle 'I W ho i s t h e ti.on of r ight or wrong, members of par- oldest settler i n each of tho above ment ioned p b.ces ? Whic h is tlrn oldes t NOTICE. l ia m efJ t n ever seem bound as j ur ors are, house 1 Wh o composed th e first Council 'l'ak o not.ice that the abovtl is a t rue copy of and m embers ought to b e, b u t following Board in each Municipa lity 1 Who h a ve a proposed Dy.Jaw. wl1ich will be taken into their leaders, vot e fo r or a ga inst, at the b een l{.eeves of these Cou n cils 1 Wh o coneideration by Lhs Council of tne Municipa l· ity of tho Town or Bow manville. a lter ono b eck of their several leaders, ~~ithout \ have been M ayor of Ho wm:rn ville? Wh en ? month from the fi rst publication in the CANA· · d · l t Tl Name and P. 0 , address of over y uian D IAN S'.J.'A '!'ESMAN nowsvaper,thc da te o:f which conscien ce .au wit10~ r e m orse . i e and wo man in W est Du rham 70 yea rs of fi rst publication was Wednesday, May ll t l1, 1887, and tnat the votes of th B qualifi ed elect· b olt ers d1vid ec l on t lus vote, a,n cl one age and over 'I Who have been mem bers ors of the Sttid municipi<lity w ill he tak on Com1m·, ativc, llHer d e nouncing t h e wron g of P ro vincial and D om in ion Parliament 1 thereon. a r. the Cmm cll R oom fo r t h e W os \ \ Yard, nt l11etcalf<1 & J\fol)r.uga.ll·s ollice, cor. doing of the r et nr1iiug- ofllcer, ;·ot<>d with When ? Who h a ve bNm longest in businer ofChur ch andDi vision streets f or the N ort11 n ess in l3owmanv tlle? Whe has crossecl \Vo.rd ar.<l. a t lhe en gine h ouse in s aid ward the Opposit ion, but the Govern m ent were the Atlan tic wost times 1 W ho is the for t he South Ward, com mencing a t th ~ hour susta iuecl by a ma:jori ·y of 32 . Trrt spon- tallest m an in the Ridin~ 1 The h e aviest 1 or nin.i o'clock in the for enoon and continutn g till the bout· of ti ve o'clock in the afternoon of sible l tc Lurnin g Officers have much in '.l ' he shortest 1 'l'lrn l igh test 1 vVh o h as the a bovo named day. their power. had tlrn large&t family 1 Wh o ig the ft. WIND.A.'J"l'. Town Clerk oldest ch u rch member ? Oldest churr.h Bowmunville, l\'1ay l0, 1887. 3w· l!J 1Pe 1 W h o is ed ilice 'I Oldest school h oL If thQ persons wh o h ave so m uch to say th e biga est liar i u W eeL D u rham ? Who l orng · · 'rn I t en d a "'" · <Y t tii e . ()] w ·bereas. it is deemed expedient that the a b ou t ti1e wroil~·c o f l\' · l l,. M ow.~ t 111 ,.,,oin.~ () . ri onnt ry th' IS fands had by lhe Corpora, i~n and known as TO ROCHESTER. allowing his son Fred. to be appoillted I year? Ad<lre~s a llr e plies t o M.A.Jame~ , , th o Agr icultural !lnd l!' air Grounds shall be I sold, nod 1he momes r11ahzed by such sale be . , .. STATESMAN oftice B ow m nn ville Ont. S h eriff of Toronto, would r aise the11: ' ' laid out and expended : THE ST EAMER voices in condemn ation o[ the sham ~ ful . - - --- · - · - -· / First- Jn lhe purchnse of larger and more Board of Edu cation . com1nodious grounds to _ be use~ as a park and for 1he onrpose of hnlclmg rairs. games. and injus tice of the Otta wa Government i ·eon. · · public ga1!1crings the1 allowi11g a B aird t o usurp th~ sea~ belon R· P r esent, , Secondly- In 11te leveling. draining and fencR egular m ee tin g May 5. in g to a Kin g , they wo uld be pe rforminJ Messrs. B r imacorn be B lea,kley B r odie in g of said grounds, a nd in t he erection or such ·d C b' t· B :. F · · b .' · L·' huildings as may be required for tho holdin g orsey ' air ;urn, a- of fairs, and ror muking roa ds thereon and in a righteous act. \ B Il l en , u I "· elle, Tod, Lyle and \Vmdatt. otherwl~e improving ll.Dd makiug 1:;i.i,id grounds r . "lley p resented the report for th e and approaches thereto JH for the purposes . h d t d S afore&ud ; and . Sir Chas. ·rupper has brough t do ;vn 1ast h a If ye a.r, W lllC was a 0~ e · . ev:Whereas, in order that a better prico may be (G. OnAWl!OHJ;i MASTl'lR, the esbimates for 1888 which ar e $828,000 era! accounts wer e pa~sed . fhe P nnc1- obtained. r~1· said lands tu be. so.Jd than would Will make her r egul11.r trips on this rcute, pal's r ep ort for April was r ead a nd a be otherwrne h11.d therefor, it is deemed ex· above las t year 's, and r eaches to $ 42,32 1,leaving Cobourir every morning at 7 :30 a nd 0 1B~~~~!~~ilfet~eo~lct~~~:f~0ftie ~a'.lr~~{:~.'~o~~ P ort Hope at 9 :50io'clock. on arrival of Grand 182.57 or 15 ,000,000 more than Mr. T il- d opted. On motion it was d ecid ed that each or le~s, adjoining said lands and. owned. by the Trunri: H.ailw:i.y t rains from the enst and ' 'd l ey in 1878 p r onounced sufficient for all · Domrn1on of Canada and on wh1rh a drill shecl weHt; connecting at Rochest er with the teacher be pro vi ed with a copy of the ie <'rected by giving other lands in lieu thereof N ew York Cen tral. Korthern Central and the country 's need s. Poor Canada ! Bible a nd that the pupils be re quested to and· that they ~l10uld obtain _fro~· tho Ag~i'. Erie and the Lake Ontario Divitake vocal par t i n t he readinf.l' and that cultural Societies, that port10n of the said sion Railways. of the l'tome, \ Vat et·town & 0 1?denegrounds now owned by them ; . . . . .' '" Therefore, the Town Councll of the Town of · bnrg Railway for all points east , west and A ConncoM OccuRRENCE. - Many bad the mimsters ,and Pr111c1pl\l be ruque~ted 1ar t er ly fo r r eading. Bowmanville enacts as foUowa. and it is here- south. j oints, by which pe ople are crippl ed for to make selection s q 1 RETURNING The Secr etary was in s tr uct ed t o advertise by enacted by the authority of Lhe same : life, are made by n eglect ed or badly ' Vill le!\ve Charlot t e (P ort of Rochester 1. 'l'ho.t tlte Corporation of the 'l'own o! Bowtreated rh e umatism. Ida P lank, of for tender s fo r ~ ale of the present school buildings and 0 «r o unds. Visitin" Com- manville be, and they are hereby authorized daily at !) o'clock P . M . except on l::ia.turS t rathroy,Ont., was afflicte d w ith r he umand empowered should t hey deem it expedient days, when she will leave a t 3:45 p.m. for "' mittee m st ructed to proc ure maps and a so to do. to obtain from the Dominion of P ort Hope direct. atism in h er fin gers so t ha t sh 1o1 could not Standard Dictionary, Mr. Keith is t o Canada, by giving other lands and privileges Do~lers in st ock will tind this the cheapb en d them . Yellow Oil cured h er,and is introduce ha lf tiine system in "ii ' ·s leas, in exchange ther e!or, the halt. 1Lcre . .more or f'S t and most expeditious ·route to Oswego, .u ' of land owned by eaid Dominion of a pro mpt cur e for all painful complaints. Gould's Division. Canada, and aEljoining t he la nds owned by Bo~tun, Albany, N ew York,&~ . .l! ' ur further information, Apn ly to ---~·- -~· ·said 'l'own, and to obtain in ltke manner or for SURE TO SATISF'Y.- There are ma ny privileges only, that portion of the Fair or G. CRA W1WRD, r emedies for cough s and colds, but t here See t h e splendid stock of n ew goods at Grounds owned by tho United Agricultural F . GILDE RSLEIVE, Port H ope are few that prove so satisfactory as Hag- J . J . Masou 's Gen eral Dry Goods and Societies of the '.l'ownship or Darlington and Kingston . the West R iding of .the County of Dnrham. yards pectoral Balsam, which is a p leas- J ewelry House. RENNER & Co,, Agon*s Bowman ville. 2. Tha.t t he Corporation of the 'l 'own of Bowant and rel iable c ur e for a ll throat a nd manville be, and a re hereby authorl~ed a.nu mm i ' lWl'. LOW' S Sla~Plllflt SOA.P for empowered to sell by public auction, and l ·' E\' lllt coli c. 1u 1no.tn rnl'11ppct lte f'rettnl· l ung i<oubies, including bronchitis, as thHeat, NcUk I R ;tslt, Sealey J' r111·· whenever t hey snail deem it best, the lands 11cs.~. ~1'calntct!·. n nt! """ " " L;ious, ure sowc ma; croup, wh ooping c ough a nd the pul· l'l·h:kly tloli. 1td1, and:1ll ollseased condition.~ 111' owne<l by the so.id Corporation. known as t he 1 of fire ctrccts or \ Vor w s in CJJ1iltlre11 ; d estroy .mouary complaints of young c,r old· ] 'air Grounds ; a nd il obtained from the Do· I the worms ~l·Uh D r, J,ow·s \ V 01·m Sy1·1111, 1 the s kin. 'l.' own o! Bowmanville to ~ell and diepoM of the lands owned by said Corporation, anLl in whicll the United .Agricultural Societies of tho Township or Darlington and Lho West ltirling of tho County of Durham have cer tain rights and privileges, and known ~a t h& Agricultural and Fair Grounds in said '.l'own ; and ir they deem it expedient so to do in order to sell such lands to bet ter advantage to ob tain from the Government of the Do· minion of Canada, the half acre adj oining aaid grotrnda, on which a drill shed is built, 11nd givo t ho said the Dominion of Canad\\. othrr lands in lieu thereof, and f rom tho Agricultural Societies t.heir lands a dj oining and enclosed Lher ewith ; and to contmct ror au(l purchase in conjunction with s aid United Agric ultural Societies, or otherwise, from ofl' tho farm known as the Soper l!'arm, not less than th irt.y llCr more than forty a.ores of land to be used as a park and for the holding of fairs an d otber pn\Jlic gatherings t hr.reon ; and to level, draiu, fen ce, plant trees and erect buildings therton and otherwise improve, beautify and r ender such i.;rounds flt to be used and enj oyed for the purposes uforosaid, as well as to authorize the said Corpor· ation to open up streets o ~ approachs leading thereto ; and to remove or assiet in removing from oil' L hll said grounds, so to be obtained from tho Dominion of Canada, tbeDrill Shed now being thereon, and to erect and place same on the grounds, so to be .purchased ·as aforesaid ; i a nd to grant to tile Governmen t o' the Do!Uinion of Cun.ada in lteu o{ the land eo to be obtttincd from tbcm us aforesatd, L he half of: an acre of la nd on wl>ich snch Drill Shed sha ll bo placed ; and to the ·aid 1he United Ac:ricultnral ~ocietl es a nd the said the Domini cln of Ounada certain riJ~hts and privileges in. over and upon said lands. so to be purchased as afuresaid. m101on of Cona.da and the Agricultural Societies. rh e half acre, mo' e or less, so pro· !'Ured from the said tne Domimon or Canada, and that port;on of tbe grouorls had froru the Uu it ed Agr ieultural Societies, as afore·aid, either i n blocks or rn parcel~, and for cash or on ti me, and on sucl1 terms as to them shH.IJ seem beet., and to give 11nd exccuto such deeds and assurances as may be requisit e to t.ransfer same t o the purchaser or purehuEers thereof. 3, 'l'ho.t t he monies t o be realized frolll ·the sa.le of said lands a fter deducti ng therefrom all expenses necesB11l'ily incurretl in the sale or soles thereof, sh nll be puid into the hands or tho Treasurer or the said Town, to be by h im held and paid out fol.' the following purposes, that is to say :-for rhe purnhasing of gwunds to be bought by the Coroorati011 ot the 'l'own of Bowmu.n ville, uR hereinafter mentioned. and for the fe ncing, leveling, draining and plautinl'( with shane and ornatrent11l trees A re now being given in sai<l lands,-f\nd for Ille e rn·' 'i "n of buildings thereon tor l!'ai1s auc\ other i" irpoees. and tlio for tho laying out. a! roads and "'a·ks therein, a nd opening and improving of ·treets lealling thereto from publ ic thoroup. hfarcs, for all of whioh purposes it is expected such monies will be sutncient. 1. 'fl,iat the Corporation of the town of Bow· manY .flle ma y and they are herob}' 11.uthorized and empowered to pu rc~rnsefrom TbeMessers. - A T.!11, and D. Burk, not loijB than thirtv nor morA than forty acres of lhe !arm known as the r Soper form nt & cost n<>t to cxcet:<l ninet,y·five <lolla.rs per acre and on such terms as to pay· I went as rhey may deem ex ..odieut. I 5, 'l'hat the Corporation of the 'I' own of Bow· ! manville may and they !Lr,, here· y authori:-;ed an<l. empowered in case they fihouhl obtai1.1 from the Jlontinion ur Canada tho ltd.If acre ol land owned by them, to have taken down and re· moved therefrom the bnildmg erected thereon und urcd as a drill-shed. aud to place and C ome in and I nspect. erect tlie same on a portion of Lbe thirty or more acres so Lo bo purchased by the said Corporution as aforesaid, either wholly M their owri. expense or by assisting t he Government or the Dominion ot Canada rn so doing :-and to execute and deli vet· to the Dominhn or Can· nda. a deed of the ha lf acre o f land on which said shed will stand when so erect, d and iUlle shed do not cover hair 11.n 11ocre. iheo a deed ot t he land on which H id shed sb.RJI stand. and of the lan<l adjoining thereto, sultlcien t thereof to muke half an acrP, to. gothcr with other r ights and privelegcs to be l1ad and enjoyed by lhe Domlnion or Cuna· da in over and upon said thirty or more a cres so to be purchased by aaid town aa aforesaid, in lieu or the hil.H acre so to be obtained from tho Domiuion or Canadi< as o.forefaid. 6. '1'hat after the purchase of I he sa id land~ by the Corporatio.1 of t he 'l'<. wn al Bowman. v ille from the sairl l\1essr~, J,1. a nd o. Burke as aroresi>id. t he Corporation of t he Town of Bowman ville bo and they are hereby a.uthoriz· ed and empowered to use lay 01 1t and expend s uch mouies as may be required to level, tonce. drai n, plant with sht>de a .. d ornamental rrnes said lands and t o erect hni ldin11:s s11ltabl0 and I beg to inform th e people of West D u rham that I have bought out necessary for the pnrp< i<8 tor whict1 s1Lid lands are to be bong]);. Mul fo r l" yin11, out of the H a rdware b usin ess, formerly carried on by R. S, Manning , and roads t hereon and snch olhor ourJJ · ·SP.~ ns ma.y ho dee med necess"ry lo render said grounds mted for the pur poses t>foresu.id aud ft1r Ihe with large additions to the stock n.m prepar ed t o s u pply all l ines of J'tilly cal'l'ying on r, n.ncl eompletin11: of all provtS· ions and dause< ur I h id l!y-lo;w " f 1;.ny kind Hardware a t the l owest living prices. e0over provided the en tire outl".y hereby authorized for r.he pureh <;se of land" as uforostock comprises B U ILDERS HARDWARE-Locks, Knobbs said and the r emo,-al of the Drill Shed and re · erection of same and all other "xncnditure and Butt.Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Finis hing, Casing, Wire and Patent t hereunt o belonging shall n l)t exc<ed tho amount received from the eale or such lands Brads. ·~5WIRE FENCI~G-Barb, Buckthorn a dRi bbon . P r epar e d as u.fores..id. 7. 'l'hat the Corporation of the Town of Bow· manville is hereby autJ10rizcd and empowered Pai n ts and Painters' Supplies generally . in mal{illg arr ..ngements w ith the lJomlnion or Canada for the obtaining of said half acre or land and the removal of said Drill Shed as arore5aid- to it they see fit so to do ent~ r into s uch arraogcmontRas they may deem cxped· icnt to maintain and keep in reJlo.il' said Drill low~st Shen when ao placed on said lands as aforesaid. S. 'l'ho.t the Corporation ot tho l'own of Bow· man ville i s hereby authorized and empovrernd in case the U n i~ed Agricultural Societies of Without fur ther ennumeration I may add that every thing kept in tbe 'l 'owuship of Darlington A.nd tho West Hiding. oC the County of Durha'.11. convey to leading H ardware Stores will be found in my s h op. Give me a call t his Col'portion nil their rights in said F air Gro un ds to grant to t.he Sil.id Unitcu Ai.lrhml· and ins p ec t m y goods and p rices. tL>ral Societies or the Township of D.rlington and of the West Riding or the Coun ty o! Dur· ham such r ights and privileges or. in and to. and in, over and upon smd lauds so to be pur· Bowmanville, April 12th, 1887. chased o.s afores.'.1.ld, as t he United Agricultural Socict.ies oftl1e TownEhip or Dal'linJ<"ton and ' Ves t Hiding of tho County of Durlrnm now have and enj oy or, in and to, and in, over and upon the said lands so to bo sol<l us aforesaid, 9, That this By-law shall come into force and talte offcot or. from and after the passing thereof. - - OJ!- 10. Aud it is fllrther enacted by the .Muni· cipal Council aroresaid. lhat the v otes ot the qualified electors O ' the said municipality shall l.Je tuken on the preposed By·Ja.w in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided at the foll a wing places that is to say : For the West Ward. at the 'l'own Hall; for t ho North Ward, a t Messrs, 1\fotcalfe ...ud Mc· Douimll's office; and for the South Ward at tho Engine House in said ward on the second day ot June in the year or our Lord, one thou· sand eight hundred and eighty seven, from nin e o'clock in the forenoon. until ft v e o'clock in the aCternoon a nd that the folio w1 ng person a shall be returnlni;: offioera for taking tho said yot.es at the said polling places a ud fo r the said wards rospetively ;- For t he W est Ward, R . Windatt ; ror t he North ·w ard. John Mc· Dougall ; ror the South We.rd, It. W . Sce1ble. 11. That: Fl'iday, L he thiru d:·v or J trne, A. D.. 1887. at the hour or ten o'clock sh all be the tim e e.nd the Council Chamber, in the to >f n t he p!o.co whern tho clerk e11ia shall sum up th e number of votes given tor and a.gll.inst tho By · law and t hat Thursday, t h e twenty.six th day of l\1ay· .A. D., 1837, at the hour of ten o'cloc k in the forenoon ~hall be the time and the said CouncilChamber, the place for the apµointme nt ot persons interested i n and pt·omoting or op· posiug the passagoo at the BY·iaw rcepecr.ivel > C REAT CLEAR ING SALE ! TREMENDOUS BARGA I NS WALL PAPERS I KENNER &CO.'S VARIETY HALL. is mak i n g a stir RICHARD WORTH . Ill H ardwa r e. Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Ordered Work promptly attended t o at possible prices, · R. WORTH. Grand Spri ng Opening Murdo ch Br others' where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, v ery pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL GAS SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 White Bed Room Sets. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy W are, Boh emian and China Cups and Saucers, &c SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FIELD and GA'RDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. lns1·e«>tio11 Solicited. Victoria Buiihling·s . IU.U RDOC:U B.HO§. BY-LAW. c CORNER STORE, D AILY LINE I BOUNSALL'S BLOCK ):o:( I I "NOD SEMAN" Messrs. Noseworthy & 1\'1ason have opened up a magnificent Stock of House F urnishings, including Stoves, Tinware, Plated Goods, Lamps, Oil Stoves, Paper, Soaps, P ins, Brushes, Glassware, etc, We have also opened out in the Harness Business, un<ler the Management of J\f.r. F. Mason, so long and favorably known in connection with that business. The Stock in this department will comprise every thing that is of use t o any person who drives a horse, and will be sold at lowest living rates. All the balance of the Bankrupt Stock of the Bradley Estate, will be cleared out at any price. . GIVE US A CALL. J. C. NOSEWO RTHY. FRANCIS MASON~ 18-4w,