See the cheap Dress Goods at Couch, .Johnston & Cryderman's. Rev. E. Roberts and wife pay a short visit to Cobourg this week. Farmers will find something of interest in Mr.·J. Hoskins advt. in this issue. FarmerK will finu a splt:udid a~w rt meu of field and garden seeds at Murdoch's. Dr. Potter, cflice and residence, Prower's Block, King-st., Bowmanville. 1- tf. Mr. H. Moyse who has been for some lime past living in Guelph has returned to town. Uavt: you seen Lhti Yatisi Corset, at '.rod Bros. .l<'our button kid gloves, 50 cents, worth 75, at Tod Bros. Any person who can give satisfactory l security-real estate-can borrow $1,000 at the STATESMA'.lf office. It was exceedingly warm in all the FARMERS AND STOCK RAISERS churches on Sunday ~· vening-some peoWHO FEED THEIR ple even wel).t to sleep. We were plea1ed t o see the smiling --WITll-counte nance of Mr. ·w. T. Lockhart, of Toronto, on Sunday last. Order Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Picket~, Secure the Best Results, etc'., at Morris' Planing Factory, Liberty RAlSE THE FATTEST CATTLE, street, R . H. Osborne, leasee . Enrich their Land. Mr. 0. Neads, of Lindsav, Mr. C. E. Nea.ds, of Brandon, and Mr. Martin E. p -The increased value of the manure Neacls are visiting at Mr. J. Neads'. almost repay11 the whole cost of the ~a~e. Kirkpatrick's lted Wagon will be a Lyman's Brand is well known 111 Dr1tam, and always commands there the highest great attraction to Ladies in Darlington this summer. See Solina correspondence. Market prices. The Tod Bros. are doing 11> capital }~or Sale, whole or ground, ia bags or business. 'rhey are very attentive to the wants of their customers and sell cheap. barrels, by, LYMAN'S Linsood Cake! I O..A.TTLE LYMAN'S LINSEED CAKE Mrs. Morrison's Millinery nnd F:111cy Goods House is in the West End nearly 384 St. Paul Street, Montreal. opposite McMurtrys. A call will repay .,OR SA LE.-Th e honse a nd l ot on CAR'l'WRIGHT COUNCIL. -~---------------- r ] Qlleen, Bowmanville. the property Sp t:cis:l- q u~tations for large lots. you. of M r, J oseph. Neil, at prescnt occupied by M:r. 'l'hos. II. Spry. There arl\ 7 rooms in tho house ~~lectric Pain Destroyer,-an excellent TowN HALL, Cartwright, ( a good collar, u.nd about 2U f'rnlt trorn in the remedy for Cramps, Rheumatism, NeuApril 30th, 1887. j orchard. For further pa.rticulars a pply to ralgia, Bruises, Cuts, etc. Sold by J. .ToHN K. GA LB H Al 'J'H, Barrieter , BowmanThe Council m et in specill session. ville 7-tf, Call at Lyle's and i nspect the Higginbotham & Son, Drllggists. Members all present. foll o wing reliable Seed<1 and rho partnership existing betweeu GEN'l'S.-WE WANT 100 GOOD 'l.' he minutes of last meeting were read Grain, selected for this s eason's Messrs . Lockhart & Symons, of Toronto, men at once, to scH for tbe Fon t.bill Nur· and confirmed. Sowing. series. \largest in Canada,over465 acrea) steady formerly of this town, h as been d iseolved 'l'h e Clerk pres e n ~ed :i. petition signed employment and no lost time, liberal comuiis. by the sale of the business to a third s1on or salary, best o.dyuntages ; eplrmdid out· by J umos Bradbllrn and others, praying ( :hoicc Ucd nnd Alsllrn (;lover. fit furnished free. Ar,y pushing man can suc· party. that a union school section be formed 'l' im.othy Seccl. ceed. Apply for t·mus, &c., · Six ltouctl CarICy, l'Cl".f clean. witll the Township of DadiPgtou at Conch, ,Johnston & Cryderman are now STON!l: & W ELLINGTON . 18· 3m '1'01'onto. Ont. Jtussiun showing the largest ~ tock and tinest usBurketon station. 'Vblt<: 1" ifo and J~n ssl nn 'Vl1cat sortm.~nt of nAw ancl Alegant Dress Goods The Clerk handed in t he Assess ment Ulnclrnyo 1'l:u1·owfol; P ens. ever shown by any House iu BowmanRoll for tlrn yt:ar 1887, as returned to Prince Albert ville. him by t he Assessor. 1·russin11 RI llt. Moved by Mr. McK ee, seconded by The S·rA'l'ESMAN only 30 cents from :-iow 22nd FEBRUARY. 1887. M.r. Devitt, that the s um of seventy New . Just arriving a fresh and full 'fhese pills arc man ufoctured from the ao· until thEJ end of the present year. dollars be appropriated to the r epairs of assor tmen t of F i eld mid Garden iive principles of thMe vegetable eubta.nces story commenced last week. Wheu your Electoral District of West Dnrhani. t he boundary line b<:Jtween Manvers and Seeds. whlch long experience hne proved to be the neighbor wants to borrow the paper tell Cartwright opposite the 1st 2nd and 3rd of its cheapness. most userlll and energetic for the purpose of S tatement of Expenses incurred concessions of Cartwright,to bo expend· permanenLly relievlng constipation, Live1· Pethick the Barber has laid iu an im· by and on account of George Mr. W. E. Tilley, P. S. l , has been ed under the supervision of Robt. ·complaint, billiouenesa, sick hea.d ache. and m e11so stock of smvker's ·goods. Pipes, Tait Blackstock, one of t he Cancttlled ttway to :M: itchcll by tho serious ill· l\foKee ,in compliotnce with a communithe hundreds of other diseases arising froin· a Cigar Holders, Tobaccos and Cigars, in didates at the late Election to cation from the Clerk of the Township torpid state of the live1· and a disord.ered sbom· endless variety. Call and see this, one· ness of a relative there. rapresent the said riding in t he DU . I~.(;. HcDOWELL. ach. They are very small, are as easy to t.ake of the lu.rgrnt assortments ever brought of Manvers,dated 24tl~ of January ,1887. For anything in the watch clock e r H ouse of Commons of Canada. &1 sugar, and are guaranteed to contain no calICEN TIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE Printing St.a tfonur y & c . ... .. ... .. .... ... $89.95 to the town. Hai.r cntting ~. ud shaving, jewel ry linP.t.ry.f..T. l\'fason's GeneralDry Carried. omel or other injurious substances. DOSE,rofond by Mr. McKee.seconded by l\fr. of Phy·icians. London. lfog . ; Member or Hri1ss Da.nds .... , ....... ... .. . ............ 100.06 as usual, in the latest styles.-tf. Goods and Jewelry Honse. College of Physicians itna. Surgeons. Ontario. Telegraph .As a. dinner pill one should be taken immodi· Accouuts ...... ......... :. . .. .. 3G.M Spinks, th at the ion of James Brad- SllRGERY AXD H i;;srnENCE:-Rear of Messrs. Livery .. .... .. ... . .. ... . .. .............. .... 16LOO ate!y after dinne~ ; s.s a mild apinent. one at The China Hall of Messrs. Murdoch Persons b uving oce<tn t ickets from M . burn and others, prayin g the e3tabliah · Higginbotlrn.m's Drug Store, Bowmanville; Rn om Fuel &c .. .... ... .. . . . . . 75.75 Committee bedtime ; as a gentle cathartic, two or throe at Bros., is well worthy of a visit by all la.- A. James, agent':i'or t he Anchor Line, ge t men t of a Union School Section with li~lyr, · Rxpenses of Scru tiueel'S .. .. .. ... ... .. . ... 1.7.95 bedtime ; and as a brisk purgative rrom three dies of this vicini ty . There are to be greatly rcdueod faros t o New York. · the Township of Darlington at Burketou llcu t or H·tll, E ulliskillcn .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.00 to five at lledtlme. In case of habitual conati· found there an endless variety of the best 001\'l 'l'O RENT.-A comfo rt able (;, T, l3hr1>st9cl<'s p~m:iµ'l-1 el'}Jenses,,,, ~l. Q[} . , station be lu id over for further consider· DISCIPLES .CRURCH.-Rev · M. Gunn, pation, one of these pills takeu each night for quality of china, glassware, crockery, and ~ room in ii pleasant .localit)', Apply lit $;~-i.19 ation. Carried. t o.I) STATESMAN Office. 16-lw * j y goods, which we veuture to &ssertis pas~or. S,ervice at 11 a , m., and 7 p. m_., a short time will bo found a valuable remedy. fanc· Moved by Mr. McKee, secou:led by nut surpassed by m any of the lat·ge city eac.1 Iiord 5 :Pay. Seats all free, Public W. s. Rij ssELt, ' PrucE 25 CENTS A BO'rTLE. 0 REN°'L'--The 3t;~11\l Q!l~ <;]Qc > r west of the stores. ~ welcome. t;f, r :M:r, ~pii· lze, t)rnt t\19 ~1~m gf tiy~ !;>1m· m .F'i nandal A aent. dred dollars be approprfo!ecl to thli re · 1 NmvR Offic1>. Suitable fo~ smfl,ll store, 0 1· I certify that the a bove is a . true a bstract Mr. Thoa. F. J amis, youngest brolhe Wanted in every' ho use-,a bott1~ d pairn of roads. an d bridges !n the ToWtl· for au Office, .o\pply to GALE BlWS. from the deta iled Sttit.ement handed to me of the Publisher of t h e STA'.l'ESM.AN,left on -. El~ctric Pain D estroyer, fo r all aches and- ~hi p for t\10 yeat 1887, exclusive of the -- · -·· ·- .'"'-'-'"...._. ... .----· --··' by ihc A.c;:ent of the above named Candidate. Tue~tlay for o. voyage to England whet·e ams. Prepared by J. Higginbotham & E!-{,VAN'l.' GI R L WANTED. -In a T. II. VANN. road jobs afrelii.1y let by the members he expects to remain for some time Son, Druggists. private fomily to do general houseworlt. R etnrninq Offi cer W est D 1i.1 :ham. of tl11s council, aH!I t hat tho. several Wa:::es liberal. App ly to the STA'l'ESJ\!AN Bowmanville, 23th April 1887 19-·lw the benefit of his healt h. He~pend Seethespecialline <'fgents WhiteShirts members of th iii' council ~'Vill submit a fl Otllce. ;;i.osb of the tirne amon,,. relatives in De,·6ns;;:re. He sails by S. S. Texas, sli,<?htly soil ed worth $100 selling for 50c. estimate of t he amounts actually requir· OR RUBBER AND METAL from MrmtreaI. a t J ..J. :M:< 1son 's General Dry Goods and ~~cl to he exp ended in t heir r espective stamps, for Ulrnrcb. S1.:nday Schno! and divisions, at the next meeting of this Office J eweky Hr) use. use, address ROUJ<~Il'I.' H. COX, No. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. The .Base Ball Match batween the two King Street East, Toronto. 6-tf council. Carried. '!'he Town Cou ncil on M onday ver Notice to credit ors of Richard factories on Saturday afternoon last wa<l Moved by Mr. Spinks, seconde d by c orrectly vo ted $200 to assist i n decorat BOWMANVIIJLE STA'rION, l\.K USIC.-MISS BYROM is prepared a lively sffair, r esnlting in the defeat of H a mley, late of the Town of Mr. D evi tt, that the Clerk be instructed 1..1' give iuatruotlon on the Piano and the Furniture factory. 'Tho scora stood ing th e town for the Jubilee Demonstra to notify Mr. Gifford, David Hall,Johrr o Bowmanville, in the Cou n t y of GOING EAST GOING WIGS'.l' rgan to a limited number of pn pils. Terms t ion June 7 and 8. 23 to 10. Another exciting time is exHenry Mountjoy, ·wesley Mountjoy; on application at the residence, Ch urch St reet. D urham, Yeoman, deceased. Local .. .......9.00 am Express ...... G.20 a m pected next Saturday afternoon, between 52-tf J. Hig~i11botham & Son, agent John Trewin, John P. Trewin, John - - - -------------- - -- --- ----·--·--E1q1ress......10.03 a m Local. ... ... , .8.20 a m Mixed ........ A.05 p m Express* ...... 9.16 a m the Organ Factory team and a te~m se- Tucker Spring Pad Truss ; a ·large stock Ax worthy, David Milne, R obert Spinks ERVANT W ANTED.-For a small Notice ls hereby given pursuant to Rec. 31 of Loca!i ... ....... 7.20 pm Mixcd ......... LO~ pm lected from the town. on hiwd to choose from. Also English and J ohn Jobb to appear before t his family, for general J1ouse<vork. To 1t good Chapter 107 or the .Revisecl StatntM of Ontario Exnreas ...... !l:39 p m Express ....... Pm 1 by of Chapter !·I, of <IGVic Ontttrio; i;rirl lih·rn.1. W<ltl'ea will bo paid. Apply t o as a,mcncle< in r espect of road fences in ac· c0uncil A KEW, PERIODICAL.-'l'he Grip Puband American 'rrusses in stock. that all creditors and others h itving- claims ' Except Mondays. J08. cordance with t he Act uf 1881 i:i t hat ville. J EI!'FEH.Y, tho Star House, Bowm!tn· 3w·l9 against tho cstato of tho l..r.c H.ichar<i H"mloy. ' Jishing Company of Toronto, have com.· Q LJJ<:E.N '::; BuiTHDAY.-The Sons of Englate of the 'l'own of the County C:ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. menced the pu blication of a new monthly lar.d have engaged exceilent t alent in 'J'o· beh t\lf. Carried. tfm·esaid, Yeo ma~. deceased, who of Durham. 1 Henry M ountj oy presf'ntcd an account AWN MOWERS. - Parties 1 1avi11 g died on or about the lst day of April. 1887. ure periodical, entitled Gmr's OwN LrnRARY. ronto for their .Jubilee Concert, on the · BURIU~TON STATION Lawn Mowers that r cqnirn repairin~ or required to send to D. Burke Simpson, of the for shovelling snow on the ScugtJg rDad 'l.'he first number is made up of "Good evening of M ay 24th. Watch fol"' parc"n get them done in a practical said '.!'own of Bowmu.n ville, SohcitM fr r. Ger· in llie years 188() and 188'7. Ordered sharpening 'l'hings from Grip," b eing comic pictures tioulars. manne r in ViT(l r k ruonsbip~ and Pa tfo fnction trnde Hamley o.nd William E verson, the ad· GO[NO EAST· GOING WES1'. t.:1 be paid. gllamntee<l in all work at the '\Ves t. l!lnd Black ministratnx and administrator of the re..l and Express .. .... 10.29 a m J ¥.xpresR .. . . . . 9.45 a m and comic readings selected from the W. JI. VV'rL L LAMs. pernonal esta te and effects of the said On motion the Reeve sig ned orders smith Shop, King St·. On To E u RoP:ri:.-P ersons wisl1ing to Express .. .... 6.52 p m Express .. . ... 7.42 p m pages of Grip. It .ls printed 00 the finest 18·· 1 w, Richa1 d Hamley. de·ceai ed, Particulars - of t en take a trip to the Olcl Country or tho Con- on the treasurer as follow~ : To lfobt. Tickets and f1nt.hcr in Formation may be had calen d ere d p,1p er, and a t tl .1e price in writing of their <'\aims 11.nd the from R. B. ANDREW, Big 20. Railroa(l, and cents is a credit to the publishers, an d tinen t can obtain full particulars as to Marti n, Robt. Ep:erton, MrB. Laughead mtture ot the securities. i f any, he·d O FARMERS.-I EXPECT TO Steamboat Ticket Agent, Bowman ville, b y t hem , u.n d thcil".' Clu istian arid su r na1nes,. will no doubt meet with a vel'y large sale. cost, b<1at line of Steamships, e tc., from and .fames Annis, ind igent aid $ 4. each begin my·annu!ll round among the farm· adr l resses and clescripLions heiorc tho 20Lh day <>raabout May 11th, to attend to thoir colts. of M1w, im tant. The second number will be entitled, M . A. JAMES, Publisher of this journrtl, vV. McCrea, stringers for bridge on the NOl:'l'HEP.N R'J'AGES. and others haviug co!Ls rcqniring m y .A.nd notice is hereby given thn.t at the expir· 7th con. Jin(\, $7, .Ta mes Brown, for Farmers Sta.go leaves the Post Oflico. Ilowmanville "Jubilee J ollities," to b e iss~1ed June 1st, who made the trip last season. a ~te nt.ion w ill obli.~e by sending a card to rny alion of th",t. t. im". th11 sr.i<l admini. ,'ix a nd daily (SunilayB excepted) foe Hampton, Ennis· address, Box ~u. Bowmanville. P. 0: R ev. C. E. Mclnty re will preach a culvert on quarter tine in 5th con. $1, administmtor will pr·oce\3d to distribute the kiilen. 'Haydon. Cartwrlgl1t, Cadmus and and a very large edition is being prepared JOH~ HOSKIN. assets of the said dcocascd ttmong the parties H . Mount :joy', shovel!ing snow, $6. special sermon t o the Son s of England in Cmanrea, at 10.30 a. rn., and returns to town at in anticipation' of an enor mo ns sale. Bethesda. entitled therel;o, lmvmg regard only to the 2w·IS On mot.ion the council adjourned unti l !lp. 'm. ' the Church-st Me \hodist church on Sunthen have notice; and claims of which they shall 'l'he watei·ing O' now makes i ts dai Tyrone st.age arrives at Bowmanville at will not be liltble for the assets. ot anl' clay morning, l\'fD .y 22 nd. Members ~re · the fi rst Monday in June next at 1 ARM FOR SALE OR 'rO RENT.- they .10 a. m .. and retnrnin!?. leaves town at 11 f\, rn. rounds, the gypsies are on t he war pat h, ·eq U part thP.reof. to any pergon or per·ons or whose tJs!ed to meet at the S. 0. E. Hall o'cl(1ck p. m., then t o meet as a Court " 'ill sell good ;,;m in f <n n. aluo ~uilulile they shall not then bave had notice. and the pot:tto- bug is perch«d upon the t lO a . m. · for cattlo raieing. Lot 5. con. 9. iu tl«e town· cll\ims W. LUCAS, of Revision. Bowmanville, J\fay 2nd, 1887. ship of Man vcrs, comprieing 200 e.cre~. a.bout fen co watching fo r the first sign of a green Jl. BUR.R.I'J SIMPSO N', Townsh ip Clerk. I GO acr es cl earc~d i n a good state of cultivat ion, tuber, so that we may reasonably console Look at this column every issue up to Solicitor for the Administrators, balanoe pr·nd pally hardwood bush. Build18-3w ourselves that summer ha3 at last scttl~ · · .Tune for notice of th e great big 1irements of the ings suitable to meet th" req· place. Situat.erl with in ha!! a mile from church BIRTHS. down to bllsiness. There is howe~tii10 jubilee year celebrat ion of the Ontario post office an<l blacksmitll .Also school, BOWMANVILLE, MAY 11, 1887. BARTLEY.-In East "\;Vh.t by, on the 3rd inst., one mile from saw mill, 8 miles shop. thing lacking to make the t hing"ctifuplete, Central Agdcultural aml L ive S toek A.sfro m Pon ty Poe! stat.i on on the C. P. lt., and the same dis· and that 1s the advent of the hand-organ sociation, to b0 h eld at. Port P0rry, on the · c.o J\1r. .John Bartley, of a son. T.t<E' N·. - fo Bowm..n ville. 011 llfay' lst..1887, t!Lnce from Bethany. P ossession fo· nloughrng man. his non-appearance on our streets, the pu blic jnbilee holid::ty. R aces e or Mr. Se..muel Trewin, of a d11ugh ter. arter harvest.full posses;ion 1st of Ma.rch.1888. still leaves a lingering douM and n orvoua bicycle exhibition and a vast farmer's pi 'l 'he property is well watered. Term.s t n suit 'or particulars apply to CHRISpurcbaser. ~ fear as to whether winter has re 1lly gone nic. TOPHER CHIT'l.' ICK. owner, U ndeay, or to .Get out your straw hat. or only lying in wait until the ·m! uspec tWM:. McGILL, cast of Yelverton P. 0. I have commenced the Carriage PaintMr. Thomas Powers has a 'Vood Reap--'i-~~i..\l.i;.' Dant foil to soc those stylish Hats at ing victim shall be induced by the sum· er that hia father, Mr. E . G. P ower, pur - S·m virns.-l n Darlington. on t.he 7th instant . ·l w-10 ing business in the room over the B owMrs. Morrisons. mer like ap·p earance of the atmosphere, shased from the Massey Manufactllr' g the wife of Mr. Geo. Stevens, of a danghtor. manville Agricultural a·nd Carriage Co's. Tait and Morrison havi:i the sole agency to take ulf his heavy underclothes, when Co., that has cut all the grain on his fa,.,....i...._..,.... Warerooms, King Street East., and am it will pounce upon him and shiver up for ButtBrick's Patterns. prepared to receive orders for painting a nd some for . h is neighbors, fo.t· 23 harDIED. his anatomy. vests. It has uever been repaired by · Conn1"Y.-In Bowmanville. on the 8th inst.. T H E BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR Carriages and W agons of a.11 kinds. I ln stating that M essrs. Horsey, Cornish .A.nn Correy, beloved wife of the la te John . the town of Bowrna.nv1lle. invite tenders have had over fif teen yc,ars experience At the meeting of the Board of Ed uca- ne W machinery, it has · tho samo pitma n Correy. aged 80 years. for the purchase of the Union School Buildings and .Burden opposed the Park By-law in th e best carr iage B hops in the P 1·;.ivince, . · and grounds In this town. last week, we should have stated that it tion on Friday evening thtf Inspector, and pitman box, and it is now in good P ow.F..R.--At Cadmus,on the ith ?f I\/foy.1881, .A.lso fo r the pnrchase or the South ·ward and will guarantee sa tisfac tion in every Hni;s an d gronn<ls.. . was the second reading that they opposed. Mr. W. E. Tilley, presented t he diplo-. . wor k ing order. I t h as not bee n houeed Emily A.. e:deat d11;nghterof John L.and Cllnr· R1til < 'l'be Board does not bmd itself to accept the case. You can have your rigs repaired on mas and medals awarded to our public for years, and he says i& would last him )il~1var. aged 2! years. FirnE SET OF HARNESS.-S. 'fhompson school for pupils' work in writim.r, map- ten the prem ises, when · a competent staff of · s J· D I 'I' one on tl1e 7th l t D 'd hill host or will a.'ly be tender. ffered FR" years yet ' an d h e h as b een O >n.- ;;1 yr · ne ., ona . Tenders received up to May.27th inst. & Co: w'll give gratis to the person buy- sketching, drawing and arithmetic, by the for i t. Mr. J. Samells, of Cartwr· workmen are kept, or you may g.e t the ,aged ,,o years. JOHN McDOUGALL, ing t he most goods at their shop during Royal Commissioners at the Colonial and also ha.s one that he has used for 21 '\i1~·~:.d~-'\>.=C' Secretary. rep ~ir s d one before bringing t hem to me, 1887, a set of all Nickle Single Harness lndian Exhibition, London, England, i u vests and still holds "OOd-it will like] Cara Algoma, daughter of D. F. and Bella Rowrnanville, :Yia.:y. 9, 1887. Sw-19 as best suits you. · h" )"f , " ·' h d d. Rurk, of Port Arthu1·, aged 11 months and H worth $25.00. um is 1 et ime anu t en o goo ~ 1886. The Board requested the proper l as t 1 Col. Villers paid our town a visit on committee to have the diplomas framed work for h is heirs. Who can show us , ,,., _.,,,.._~------------,----'l'uesday of last week, his object being to and hung up in the public school rooms. good a rticord as this 1 Sha.w & Tola are 19·3w. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Pursuant ton.. S. Q . Chapter 107, ond 19 pronou nce upon the proposed removal of 'l'ho diplomas are showy lithographed agents for the Massy Binder and other Vic. Chapter 9,, notice is hereby given the Drill Shed to the new grounds, should ph.tes in bri~ht colors, signed by the machinery. Corr<ict ecl l>y ,J, ltlcUnrl;ry, every Tnes clny. that all creiitors and other persons having !§TOCI{ t'Oll SA.LE. the establishment of a now park become Prince of Wales and by t be secretary of any claims er demands a.gaiust the estate ot Bounsall,late of the Town or Bowa settled thing. the Royal Commission. The medals aI"e FLOUR, W' 100 tts.··.· , ··· $2 10 to $2 40 Christopher ntanville, In the Uounty of Durhttm, Marble ULL FOR SERYICE.-A thoro'· SPECIA.L ATTENTION should always be of bronze, a re neatly encased and have on WHEAT, Fall, 'IP' bush ·...· 0 75 11 0 80 Dealer, deceased, who died on or about the bred Short Horn Bull (will register) Is thirty.first day of Jlfarch, 1887, arc herebv re· kept for ;given to the hair and scalp. There . is J the obverse sid~ a raise~ profile of the 1 1 Spring, 11 0 75 11 0 80 quired to send se1·vice on lot 22, con. 3. Darlington by post to Edwin Rechab nothing nicer tban a good head of ha1.r. , head. ot the Pr,mce of w,ales, surr~unde~ IlAitLEY, 'IP' b ush ...... , . ·· 0 45 II 0 50 13ounsall, of the said town of Bowman ville 'l'erms.- For Grades, 1.00; for 'l'horo'·breds $2.00. SAMUEL Sl:IOWD EN, l;'roprietor. In -. cw.s~ of baldness when the roots are by the words, 'Albert Edward Ponce or RYE, II . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 II 0 48 executor of the Will of the said decea.sea 16-w ·r.on or before the twentieth day of June next, not gone, Dr. Dorenwend's Great Wales, Executive President;" and on the OATS, II · . . · . . . . · 0 30 II 0 33 a statement in writing of their names and ad· ·German Hair Magic, will produce a (reverse side a wreath surrounding the inPEAS, Blackeye, W bush .. , 0 70 11 0 75 dresses and the full particulars of their claims ULL FOR SERVICE.-The Thoro'or demands and of Lhe securities (it any) lieid 1uxuriant growth of hair ; it will restore scriptiun, "Iudiau and Colouial Exhibi· 11 S.mall, 11 0 50 11 0 55 by bred Short Hom Bull, " Strathallan tb.em, and that the executrix and executor Duke," (registered) will be kept for service this .all grey and faded hair to its original Hon, London, 1886." Thei'e were eeven 0 50 11 0 55 of the last wlll of the said deceased will nro· season on " Blue, lot 30, con. 2, Clarke. Terms, $1.511 color and vigor ; it stops all. falling out diplomas and S()ven medals awarded to BUTTER, best t able, 'Ill' lb. . · 0 12 11 0 18 ceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- for the ·eason, or $2 to insure. J O HNH. B ELL · entitled thereto, having ed a mong the parties of the hair and removes all traces of dan· the schools in this Inspectorate, includU·8w* LAJJ.n, w n.. . .. .. .... ... . 0 10 II 0 12 regard only to auch claims of which notice h ·s wooo, Proprietor. ·druff. A little of this great preparation ing one of e:lch to the Inspector of Eaas, 'It doz . · · · · . · · . · . · · 0 00 11 0 11 been given as above requir ed ; and they will be liable for the assets or any pa.rt thereof, used once in a while will keep the scalp Schools. This . certainly is very creditO FARMERS.-The p ure-bred Short POTATOES, 'Ill' bush ..·· , , . · 0 25 11 0 40 not t.o any person or persons of whose claims they Horn Bull. "Lanedownci" is kep t for ser· in a healthy condition and make the hair able to all concerned. HAY. . .. . . . · · .. .. · · .. .. . [) 00 II 10 00 sha.11 not then have had notice, vloc at lot 26, con ti, Darlin~to n. Registered Bowmanvi!lc, May '1th, 1887. .soft, pliant and beautiful. A .Doren wend, 'l'HlD HE<J'l'IC l:'LllSU, . 1·a~e l~ollow clleel<s DRESSED Iloas ... . ....... 5 50 II (i 00 in the Dominion Short Horn Herd Book- the co~ JOHN K. GALBRA1'UI, sole manufacturer Toronto. J. Higuin- srnd 1.':recarlo'~" "Pl"'ttte, uuhcatc wo1·m·. h,lghc~t standard in (\anade.. 'l'erms only $1.tO. CLOVER SEE.O .. . ........ · 4 90 II 5 00 . . ' ' .~ :t'rt1c1mu1's "<Jt"m f.'owdc1·~ ~,, lll qulck!y Solicitor for Executrix and E:i.:eGutor, '.lboro -breds$3.00. h . N. VAiiNUM. Proprie· .bo.tham .& Son, agents for Bowmanv1Ilo. and enectnnIJy re1uove them. ALSIK.E ·..······. , .··.·· 4 00 I I 6 00 iw·19 ~ m~w · LYMAN SONS & CO., STOTT &JURY'S Little Liver Pills L1ok out for Bargains at the Red 'V1non. The Town Park 13y·le.w is published in this issue. L'lwn ttn" d parlor croquot cheap at Tait & .M.orrison's. Ladies, call sco Tait & Morrison's new wall papers. .People of Darlington look for bargains at the Red Wagon. Get a set of those beautiful window shades at ' & Morrison's. Ladies, cnll and secure bargains in Milline~·y at Mrs Morrison's. Everybody and his girl must come t o .Bowmanville on .Tune 7 and 8. Mr. J hon Allin has born~ht Mr. John H . Kydd's cosy residence for $1. 700. Very pretty and very chea.p-engrav~ ings and chromos at Tait & Morrison's. Farmers, before purchasing Binder Twine see Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins urance. RonT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. On 30 cents for th<i ST.Al'ESMAN t o new subscribers tr> New Years. Four for $1. 'l'HE STAl'ESMAN and ·rm.: ' METHODIST 0BSEftvE.& to Jan. 1, 1888, for only $1. 00. Mr. David Stott has sold his fine resitlenco on King-st. to Mr. J. K. Galbraith for ~1,800 . The best value in g rey and white cottons can be got at Mason's general Dry Goods and Jewelry House, The best value in town in new ~pring ha.ts ca.n he got at .J. J. Mr.t son's General Dry Goods and Jewelry House. The License Uuunnissiouers for South Ontario report 28 pros2c utions : the past quarter and fines imposed for $1,000. Six: large Handerchiefs worth Sots each a're being soU for 25cts at J. J. l\fason's General Dry Goods and Jeweh:y House. Our Parasols are all new goods, as we d id not carry over a single Parasol from last. year. Collch, J ohnston & &·Cryderman. Higginbotha.m's Corn Cure when applied a ccording to d irect ions will remove hard or soft corns and warts without pain. Try it. We arc selling Ginghams f0r 10c worth from 12! to 20c. Couch, Johnston Cryderman. A competent servant girl will he11r 6f a good sit.uation by applying at t he STATESMAN office. A TROU8ANn RNr~, Mnyer h11s 11lready 'sold. Call and see his new styles-they are· going off like fun. · Crowded Out. H orse Notes, Routes, School R epor t s, 'l'·1wn Council, Sclrnol B oai·d, Haydon, Orono, L ollg Sault, Newcastle, and other c.,rrespondence crowded out with a I·u-ge quant ity of local news hy the re· port of the Sunday School Convention. BINDERS HOOMING A'J'~HAW &ToLii:'s.We have ordered Fifty Steel Binders, having already sold over t hirty. Price of Rteel Binder, $ Hi0. Price of Wood and Steel, $145. We have a new Brantfotd Steel Binder which has never been in use - thisyear's ma ke-taken in part payment for a 'l'oronto Steel Binder, which we sell fo! $120. COERCION Is not necessary to make sensible people buy where they can get the best value. It is well known that the BOWMANVILLE Boot&Shoe EM:PORIU-:M IS THE PLACE FOR CHEAP AND RELIABLE GOODS. The quality of an article is t he test of cheapness. We shall never misrepresent an article. We have a large range of Boots, Shoes; Slippers, Trunks, and Valises to select from. New Goods carefully and as cheaply bought as prompt cash will procure. Before buying do not fail tO' caJl on - - - -- - ·ro FARMERS. Our attention has bem called to a correspondence in the S tatesman over the aignature of James McLean, in which he says we have not n or never h f\d a Brantford Steel Binder for sale. Now, with all due respect for Mr. Mc Lean, we eannot allow him to know more about our business . than we do ourselves. We have not only this ye1r make 0f (what they call) a steel Bi11d0r, but last years tts well, that we · will sell at o. low fi14ure , as we never ask any more f·>r anything than i t is worth. We would further inform Mr. McLean that he never had nor has he now an ail Steel Frame Binder for ~ale. If he ho.s let us see it a t the fair. T ho Toronto Light Steel Binder is the only Binder in Canada that has an all steel iram e. SHAW(~ TOLE. Bowmo.nville, A pril 21st , 1887. J . HELLYAR, BOWMANVILLE. TO FARMERS I A DOMINION ELECTION, JOHN LYLE. L R I I .._,.~ · -:....._.. -- ·-- S F Notice to Creditors. I I S L T F Local and Otherwise. c l Tenders wanted. Notice to Creditors. Willia1n M·orrison. WANTED. B 0 :u 3 0 0 LBS_ I Home Grown Carrot Seed. w. QUICK & B T