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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1887, p. 6

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l!l!!'!J!!!E~· !!!~!!!!IJ!.~»'~ ·~·~lli~L~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!_!_~~ -!~!!!R!!!!!!!!!!~IJM~~-!!!!!!!!i!!!*~·!a~.!_ml~_!llllllll!~~i!!!~ !T!!_..~g_ 12~1~~-~'.ll . llillWlll~:!!!J _ ~~ ~.!'.1 ..~·r11111111111111111-11111 .. ~ .~ --~ -~ . ·'!' ..ll'_!i ! ... !. ..~ ...~ ~ .-1.. 1!~ . 1!1 .. ~!!!!!!!!!!!'l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..!_ !.!.!!..!...!_!!!!!L hence, when you will give up your badge A MOUNTAIN MYSTER Y . A CARD.-To all who are suffering from. as an Avenger, and tak.e the premier order." t h e err ors and indiser etio11s of yo~th, "And .L have staked it to-nigh t on the The S llrnugt1 S l gJLt Seen by CalU'orntu nervous weakness , early decay , roes of lS PUBLlSHED haza.rd of a die !" Le Gautier excl aimed, Hunters manhood, &c,, I will send a r ecipe that SVE~RY FRID..l.T MORNING , pallid even beyond his usual deat hl y white· Parties r eturning from hunting trips to will cure you FREE OF OHNaG.t<J. T his - BYness. " Fool, fool t hat I was ! H ow cau I t he mou nt ains tell st range tales of their ex:SY FRED. JY.J:. "W"::HITE. prevc'l t it becoming known ? I a m u ndone!" per ience when miles away from h uman great 1·em edy was discovered ·by a m iosion· M, " fa ou do not k now t he worst," Salvarini habitation, of conliicts with grizzly bears, ary in S ou th A merica. S end a selfAT THE OFmOE replied. "Come closer, a nd let me whisper mountain lions, &c , but by far the most add.r eased envelope to t he R Ev. JOBEPH H ow fond " OU are of the sound of your · "d · weird story we have heo.rd is told by two T. INMAN Station D New Y ork Cit11. 46y I V. J rn your ears ; e ~en the wa11s carry sue h t I Post @filee JU.,ck, King S'reet, .Bowmnn· . . . own voice," J.;uigi Salvariui returned. · 'I'h S D' t · h !" rtHc, 011tarto. Five years have passed. away, br~ngmg Come < m tside . , I h! somethioir to say mga. e upreme irec or IS er e h well-known young men of this place, who - -- - - - ·--·---· strange changes and sta.rt!)ng r_evolut1onsto you." ~ Le Gn.utier t urned faint and siuk as e were on a prospecting tollr some three ADVISE TO M OTHERs.- Are you d is ".I.' ER:W.CS; m isery and re" Something connected wit h the Le~gue, looked furtively r ound t he room, with its weeks since near Cobblest one mountain, at turbed at night and broken of y ouir r est $1,$9 per, or lf!J i f IHlld la nd vnncc. years, to some, fraught with . whicl1 have been I sup1lose," L e Gautier yawned. "If it longS mirr ors a nd barbaric splendour. the northern bot1ndary of tl1i·s cot1nty. b ya SIC · k c h'ld ~ · · · wit · h S to Otller· t 1 l suuermg and crymg P&y.11101n strlctlf ln a d va.nce required (rom gre ; year_ · " uppose you end me yours," he sug- T he story t hey tell-and t hey a re willing to pain of Cutting Teeth ? If so send a t 1111illocibers outside of the county. Or der a to pregn~nt wit~ fame and honour ' but to the was not yourself I was talking to, I should patien.t wo1:l~, only another step say, confusion to the L eague." gested.f '1 ' IY.oq will not wan t it n ow. What take t heir oath on t he t ruth of t he state- once and get a. bottle oi "Mrs. Winslow's llllOOntlnue the paper mu11t be a.ecompa.nied by suffermg, a 1nad oo have been ! I wonder if t her e rnent-is about as follows : ih'e11.mount. dno or th pa.perwil notbeetopped. n~arer .t 0 et ei·mt Y· :Five y<>ars la ter ' and " How rash y ou are !" Sal varini r eturned · · · ... ? f I t h Soothing Syrup ." F or child ren teethin g, mb<antlbers are r0sponsibleuntl tun payment!& mght m. the small Ge!mun town where in a low tone, accompanied by a.n a d mir ing is any W"-Y or recovcrm~ Iu · or mus ave One cold night they were simultaneously ~ l k eel d lives are lost on the t, come wha t w ill.· ' V1th a penalty of"-- awo.kencd about 12 o'clock by the noise of it s value is incalculable. It will r elieve nMl.e, 10nour is wr~c . ,an glance at his companion. " Consider what "Death !" crackliuo" brush t h·t had been tlirown on tlie the poor little sufferer immediately. D ehazarcl. of a ~1e. '.Ihe .Kursaal at Homburg one word spoken ligh t ly mig ht m eanl to you. d '" IU.Tlll!J OF .t.DTERTISINGz 1 ;i~ T he wor ' <1bruptly, sternly u ttered, was fire. They arose in a sitting posture and pend upon it, mother s ; there is n o W note Column one year ....... . .. ... $60 o 0,~ ~ ~ sparklmg with the ght~er of t en thousand The att endants h"re, t he croupier even, followed by t he same low mocking laugh saw the figure of a n Indian woman standing m istake about i t . It cures Dysentery " " Halt yee.'!' ...... ...... 36 00 "'~ hghts. Men of all n at10ns were gathered might be a Number in the League." " " One quarter ·....... . 20 O~ :::? there, d~a.wn . together by . the st rongest "Very likely," J.;e Gaut ier replied care· t hey had heard before. They looked around by t he fire. She w1is d ressed in a robe of and D iarrhooa, r egulates the Stomach and H·IC Column one year .. ............ . 36 0 ,- - cords which bmd human destrny- th!l po.wer lessly ; "but i t is not probable t hat, if I in ahr m,Sanc l not the th r a.ce of any one co duld gaily colored material tha.t almost reached B owels, cures Wind Colic, s of tens the 0" Half year ............ .. 20 ~ of g~ld. No typ_ e of face was wa. n tmg_' no should whisper t he magic wor ds in his E!ar, bhe see l,n. k d t andingbin t e ~·ecess of a win ow her feet. A ~listening. necklace, evidently Gums, r educes Infla m ma ti on, and g ives " One quarter._......... 12 00 0 assion no emotwn that the human visage t ey · c out; u t no sign of t he myster- of l!ol _d and silver , ennc . ·hed her neck, and to"'e and ener"y to the whole sy·tem. n11rt0r Coluu..n one yee,r .. ....... .. 20 0 P . b'1 f b t h d 't b . th . ' he would give me cr ed it for :i few napol eons. ions warning, so st rangely ., o-iven. h l t f ti b f ,, "' 0" " Jlalfyear ........... 12 50 5 is cap?' e 0 .' u a 1 s _emg ere : rage, , I am in no mood for business to-night, Luigi; ~ angmg penc en rom us ~em a num er 0 " Mr9. Winslow's Sooth ing Syr up " fo r 1 One quarter . ..... .. 8 0 ' " d espair, nuser~, exu~tat1on the. whole and if you are the good fellow I take you " L et us get a way from this," Le Gautier beiir's ?laws. H er black hair reached below J childr en tetlthing is pleasant to the taste Ten llnoe andander, fi1·st insertion.· ~o 50gamut of mans passions and trmmphs. for, you will lend me"- groaned. " I am stifled ! Come out side her Wl\lst. I n her ears were large hoop ear-I d . th . t' f f th Id subsequent insertion...... 0 25 Women :vere ther e too. The bluest:blood "One Brother must always another int o the open air. My nerves must be un- r inl!s of gold. a n is e p rescr ip ion o. ?ne o e o Fro IYl six to ten lines, first insertion 0 7~ ·· l!:aoh aubsequent insertion...... 0 35 - 10 r~or~ed m the Almanac!~ de Gotha did no b accor ding to h is means, says the decree. st r ung to-night. " U pon seeing t he form one of the young ? st and be.s t fen~ale phySlcll~ns and n urses Over ten lines,flrst insertion,perllne 0 10 drnda.m to rub el~ws w~th the last fancy But, a las 1 I have n~ thing.-I came t o you They walked out through the high fold- men instinctively reached for his r ifle by his m t he U1~1ted 8 tates, and IS fo r sale _by Illa.oh subsequent insertion," 0 03: !rol!' the Comed1e ] ~a!1ca1se; m~ lord, co~d, with the intention--" ing·doors, and d isappear ed in the darkness. side, while the other stared in a.maze- a ll druggists through the world. P rice '1'he number of lines to be reckoned by _ m. ch fferent, and smilmg, sab side by ~ide "Oh, did you ?" Le Gautier asked sa.rdon· As t hey left , the woman who had been play- ment at seeing ~uch a sight in t he dead of 25 cents a bot tle. Be sur e a nd ask for th' apa.ce occunied,,measured by a scale of with the r~ckless plunger who would h~ve ically. "Then, in that case, I m ust look ing rose from her seat antl followed them. the night and thirty miles from any house, "MRS. WINSLOW'S SoorHING SYRUl'. " sot !I. N'onvareil. his ho!1our, had that commodity elsewhere. a few francs is all my available A.ppar ent 1 y, she was too late, for they When the figure saw the motion made to and take n o other k ind, remamed to him, for the gold to phice capital." ' vanished ; and with a sigh, she aba ndoned r each the rifle she mot ioned for them not DRS, l'llel...llIGllLIX .& BEITH, upon the colo':1r· . On th_e long gr~en "Hector," the Italian exclaimed sudd en . her evident in tentio", tnrniug in to Kursaal to fir e aud moved down t he t rail, beckoned ..-mm.--~~~ 0 n'li'IOB: : - M ORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLII:· tables, the gh~termg co1~s fell with ly, in a hoarse whisper, "where i s t he- -?" gar dens and t hro11·ing her self int o a seat. to them, but they were too dumbfounded to Dr..1. N . MoL<1.mrn: r.111", Dr. · A. BB:r rn. Gradu- a s~bdue_d clunk sweeter ~han the He did not finish his sentence, but pointed Directly she q uitterl the saloon, t he woman follow. l T he next morning they followed the trail .J licen . i~te oC tile Roya.\ ate or the Toronto ~uest mu.~ 1c t o the ~ungry e~rs, a. repub- to the the ot her was idly t wirl- with the dark eyes followed , and t rack ec Oollega of Physici9.n· 1 . .. l~c the most perf~ct m the um ver se, . where 1 ing in his fin gers. the other t o t he quiet r etreat. For some and afte1 · much difficulty, t raced the foot- Your a ttentio n is directed to the im mense a 11 d membsr of the Un1vera1ty, Phys101a.n. n ch and p~or ahke are welcome~, "1t~ one Le Gautier smiled sarcast ically. "It is time she stood behind the shadow of a tree, p rints to the base of a high cliff about a s tock of ltoya.l College or Sur· Surgeon, &c. great des~my-to lose . or to gam. There gone,,, he said lightly- " gone to swell t he wat ching her. I t was a brilliaut moonlight mile from their The rest of t he story ,geou, Edmb11rgil. were no wild lamentations there; such vul- bloated coffers of the bank. Fortune alas ! nigh t -clear, calm, and peaceful. W ithout t old is to this effect : " W hen I awoke," DR. J. c;. MITCHEI.L. gar .exhibitions wer~ ot~t of plac~, though ha.d no favor even foi· that mys tiJ coin. there, t he Huhted windows of the gambling said one of t he young men, "I was horrified. . <11\.K.lllMDER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS feelmg cannot be disguised undec. the deep- Sacred as it should ha ve been, I a m its pi·oud saloon could be seen; and ever and auon 11;ouldn' t111<JV" to save my life. I was frozen . . '.i.V.J. a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. est mask, for a tremor_ of the eyelid, a flash possessor no more. " the murmur of the cr oupier, t he scrape of with astonishment. The next morning we of every d escrxpt10n ~ @ moe and Residence, Enniskillen. 74'. of the eye, a convulsive movement of the "You are mad, utter ly ma.d !" Salvarini t he r akes, a.od the subdued clink of the gold d iscussed the matter and determined to M :l'l:l'l! ·l\~ fingers, betray po~r human nature. As the exclaimed. "If it were but known- if it mi~ht be heard. But the figur e on th~ seat invest igate. So the next night we t ook our , l~ln '~}.~ f ll'· l-U W . S, OKU ISTO Y, I., L. B . game pro~eedl'.d with the monotonous ory. of has fallen into t he hands of t he ban k, or a did not heed these thingo ; she was looking blankets and went t o t he base of t he cliff. At i ' · ' . te -~hrrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money the croupier, it was awful to wat ch the 1~1- 1 croupier happens to have a Number, think at a coin in he1' hand, ma.king out as she aoout midnight, thesamc hour t he figure ap - I Slw h a.R J U~t opened out o ne of the lar gest to loe.n. Olli ~e . neict . door to News Office, Bow1 of what it m<ians to you ! The Coin would best could the de vices t hat i t bore, strange to us, we aa.w a bright phosphorescent and most s tylish stocks ever brough t s:nanvllle. 39°tt ~entness of the faces, how they deep?ned m 1 mterest a.s the game was made, bendmg for· be forwarded t o the Central Council . t he and puzzlin1~ t o her . light on the br ow of the cliff, and I a.m hure j t o t own , consisting of: D. BURKE s11111·s·»N, ward till at length " R ouge perd et couleur" · ld b d · · · · ',, It was merely'agolcl coin, in fine a moidore we heard a voice calling ' Meeneeah ! Meen· · · 11 > ARRISTE&, SOLICITOR, &;c. MOP'RIS ca.~c from th~ level voice · ~gam. · signs ca these e m;admirable yours missmg of P ortugal , · and uEon t he reverse side, t he eeah !'several t imes. '.l'his is t he strangest . l'tl II It l l er y, Dre SS Siiks, " Awou .t t . nd one e of German ]l BJ,OCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman· 'Ihe croup1er.s raked 1 _ 11 the g 1I .ermg daggers would make acquaintance with my figure had been r u bed down, and a n em- exper ience I ever passed t hrough. I never Velvets &c lle, Solicitor for the Ontario Bank stacks of g~ld, s1lentl~, swiftly, but with as estimable person, with no consolat ion but ulem engraved in its pla.ce. T her e was a 1have believed in ghosts, but I would like to . . ' ., t>rtvate Monevs loaned at the lowest rates, h t h1ld would gather cow figure ot L iber ty gazing at a r ising sun, her know what this w a.s. If it was a woman, wit h a v ery fine stock o f Feathers and m;11c edo hn as ahc · · · h t k the fact of k nowing what a. handsome corpse foot upon a. prostrate dead body, a nd unde··· how did she come there at that t ime, thirty F lowers. .Joh.n KeUh Galbraith, sh ps, an t rew ~ e wrnnmg on euc . 8 a he I shall mak e. Bah ! A man can only die Over ~he miles from ci~ilizatio~·." . Call and inspect t his fin e display, which .BA.RR I B T ER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY as calmly, knowmg full well that m .t e once and 80 long as they do not make me n.e~th t he ·":'or~s "I strike." An old Indian tra.d1t10n 1s to the effect cannot fail to give sat isfacti on PUT:lI,JC, &c. Offioe-Bounsa.ll'e Bloc,k flight of time it must return. The piles the posthumous hero of a horrible tragedy. n smg sun, Ill tmy let ter s, was the device, Klng: Street. Bowman ville. Money to lend, were r:i-ked up, and then l!'ro~e a murmur, a I do not care. It is not so very serious, my " In F reedom's name ;" and at the top, that many, many years ago au Indian maiden · · confus10n of tongues! remmdmg the specta- r,uigi." two lett ers in a monogram. The seated - Meeneeah, the only daughter of a chief ROBERT AllMOlIU., tor of what the bew1ldern~ent a~ Babel must " It is serious ; you know it is," Luigi re- figure noted t hese things, but , from the ex- - was lost in this r egion and starved . t.o RGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER been, a clamor. wh,1 0~. _died a war ~ torred. "N0 Brot her of the L eague would p ression on her face, th ey represented no- death near the place ca.lled squaw F l.i.t. ot Marriage Lioeneee, Barrister and Attor- silence at the enthralling 1 ] aites votre Je?· have had the sublime audacity, t he reckless t hing t o her . Behind the shadow of the It is said that different camping p ar ties have ner c.t J,aw and Solicitor In Chancery.Money How t he. hands. claw?d at t~e s~arkh~g courage"-t ree, the watcher crept closer and closer, seen t he phosphorescent light spoken of in lo lnad on Rea.l Estate. Office on King street, treasure; eager, trembling ava.nce m every "L'audace l 'audace t oujours l'a udace ,. t rying in to get a glimpse of t he golden 1 t he vicinity where these young men w ere B ~wmanvllle. EST.ABLISH ED IN 184'1. finger-tip; ~rom the long, lean, yellow claw Le Gautier ' rntnrned'. " I sigh fo.J' ne'w coin. A s the seated figure bent over it , cumped. Can it be a p urellel case with that do T, PlllLJ.lrS o.f the old withered ~amester, !O t~i; ~lum~ temptat ious; t he sight ofthe gaming-table is tears began to gather in her eyes, overflow- , of the Indian wom~n abandoned on San It has no shareholders to pay dividends to, ICB:NSED AUC'fIONEER tor the County little hand. of t,he bndtl, who ts try~n~ her to me what the smell of battle afor off is t o ing at las t , a nd the passion of sorrow seemed : Nicholas I sland for eighteen years ? ot Ourha m, Salee promptly a.ttended Managed by a nd solely In the interests of fortu~e with silver, fearful lest , driven by the war-horse. I her intending t o to rise, till her frame was shaken wit h sobs Addreea-Hamvton P.O. 59, t he Policy holders. despair, s?me less fortunate player .should risk a louis ; I have lost everything. There she c lid not strive t o master. T he woman WILLH.M WIGHr. lay felomous fingers upon the piled-up is nothing like courage at the tables; and a.s lookin~ on stepped out from her she'.ter and Row Victoria Was Named. Its Rates are Low. . it had a spice of danger in it, I risked"- - crossc the .open grass t~ the other 's side. Consider ing the " stra.ined relat ions" with IOENSED AUCTIONEER for the tre.?'sure: Standmg behmd _ the all-!J.bsorbed group "Your life I You do not seem to compre- H er face, on t he contrary, was eager , almost ]{ussia which have marked the whole courae rouctesnon forfeltable and uncondltlonal. County of Durlla.m. Orders left at the hopefol, as she bent forward and touched of the Queen's r eign it is remarkable that Vash B onus Pald every &hl'ee years. SuTB:SMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P.0. was a young man with pale, almost ghostly hend the d anger ." wtlll receive prompt attentio11. 28:6m feature~, an~ a heavy _dar~ moustache. "But, my dear friend, it is exactly that t he weep?r on t he . shoulder.. She look_ed 1 her first name, A lexandr ina, should have From his attitude and smile, it .was hard ~ spice of danger that gives the thing its up, surp rise mastermg her grief tor a bn ef been conferred upon her in h onor of the then S. C. HllNKING, J oint Life Policies. say how fo;tune had ser~ed him, for 1us nameless charm. Come, you are hipped, moment. r eigning Czar, of whom t he Duke of Kent ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR fa:ce was void 0~ a.n~ emotion. He h~ld one out of sorts. You see the duties of t he Or(To llE CONTINUED) was an admirer, and who was our faithful Though a double riah but one premium ls pa.I the County or Sales attended piece of ~oJd m his h and, P13:0 E'.d it on a der in every action; you see the uplifting of and close ally . It was in the Castlereagh ror two people. .A.mount of policy drawn ·~ 011 shortest notice and lowest ratoa. Address colour, wa~ted., and lost. A: move· the avenging da.ggtir in every shadow t hat H h S C l · W ·k d p eriod of our foreign policy. George IV. on first death. o~~aT1cR P. o. 36:tt 18 OI e ' ment vf his hps, pressed tightly together t~embles on the wall. Be a man!" OW t e u ez ana was to have contributed another name e -that was all. "I am all the more disturbed, " Salvarini · The number of ships in the Suez Canal at Georgiana. But Georgiana Alexandrin~ A GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO under the dark moustach_ ""'-. 8 verY man wbo buys his Lieenee from Then for a moment _he hes1ta;ed, pondered, observed with moody, uneasy fa ce, "that one and the same t ime is somet imes very would have deprived .the emperor of the Speci al I nducements to T otal A b1tamer·. Elll:NRY SYLVESTER. Ennleklllen. an~ suddenly, as if to ~ett e th~ matter the orders have come. 'I'hat is the principal great; the slightest mistak e or car elessness place of precedence, and " Alexandrina qm?ldy, he detached a com fr01~ his wat ch- reason I am here to look for you. vVe a re therefor e in sena ing signals from station to j Georgiana" would have d erogated from the ASSETS OTER $5,000,000. · Pia.nos Tuned and B.epalred. ~ c~am and leaned forward agam. , U n~er translated to London." st a tion might lead t? verJ'. serious cons~- claims of the name b?rne by th~ actual king INCOME OVER $l, h~m, seate~ at the ~able, was a woman wm"That is good news, at anyratc., " Le quences. The way m which the Canal is of E ngland an d a.11 his Hanoverian predecesARTIES WISHIN G THErnPIANOS mng steadi;vl. A p~le of gold ~as bef.ore her; Gautier exclaimed briskly. "I have been worked frem the Snez office is, like many sors. T he name of t he queen's mot her was 1100,000.00 deposited with theCane.die.nGover n Tuned or repa.treu can uaTe t hom attended she was. evidently lll th~ luckiest .v~m. The literally dying to get back there. By t he other ingenious devic~s, exceedingly simple. therefore substituted for that of her uncle. ment tor benefit of Canadian policy holder s. 0 by leaving word a.t the DOMINION ORGAN man, wit~ ap a gamblers sup ~erstltwn, plac,~ bright eyes of Enid- -Wha.t is that?" It is ascribed to the local head of the ad- In the commencement of the christening of 1'o'e OF1'10B:, Bowmanvllle A first-olae man ed the com m her hand. " :stake for me, · · t at 1 ' M Ch t ey wh d cr·ves th b ·· h 11 d Al . . " h l k,, Above the clamour of tongue11 and the ;nuns r on, . . ar r , . o . es . e ~ew <;> rn pr mcess s e was ca e exINTESTED IN CANA.DA. $690 008 00 ow· t>einR in their e11u1lo; immense credit both for t he mvent10n itself andrm a VictoH"e, but t he second name was he wluspe;ed' you have t e tic · . ttl f th ld · ' · ' · 1 1 h . Mechtl.Jlw~lly-, she tookd~hehprofferd ·edd c om, l h~ard disti~}[}y cl~~~c:,th~ sp o::ke~}~gelb~;~ and ~or the w_ay in which it is appl!ed t o the spe_cdily Anglicized or 1.atinized in to Vic- HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA:-MONTRE.A.t ~o Do! Gentlemen o:tFash- and turned it m her han , t en su en1Y a . H ' t h d b t th traffic Agamst the w all a t one side of t he torrn 18 1 wave of crimson, succeeded by a deathly 1 e u~n{.c ;rp r~u~ t~ u Aer e wa~t 0 room is a narrow shelf or platform along A iittle befor e William IV 's <lea.t h there 1 For r efer to ton, not so Cast. whiteness, came across her face. She held 11 I ?:~ 'dit 1 tewb ed t~ ~f· ll pdpalan y, which runs a groove At int ervals this was some flut ter among official people as t o! : d~ 18 the coin, then put it carefully aside, and th a hnoth ur e · e en i trah.e pladyers, trough or groove has deep recesses and at the d esignat ion under w hich the queen ex- J E . L. LIVINGSTONE, J hwe wrltto· tb"l·e few lln011, · 1 ·ts 1 ougcl to d. e croupier ISf co eye two places these recesses are of la rger ' . . G ENERA.L A GB:NT, s t ak e d a.nother in th swep th th· size. pectaut shoul d be proclaimed a nd should r e- I P ace. Th en, appar· And e.11 I h a.Vil to say 0 18 ently forgetting her emotion in the all- arounl . tih scover e a u or un- This trough or groove represents th e Canal main and Lord Campbel' t hen Sir John P ORT HOP.U: That " ou o""' find me still at homa, b b. · f 1 h 1 k d seem Y mil' · ' , I am not gone a.way. ;, sor lllL". mterest o tie game, s e 00 e "Strange Le Gautier observed " I The r ecesses are the sidings. The larger Campbell and attorney gener al, r epresents Or to agents throughout the county. t~s e. a 1 1 So a.11 mv kind old friends m~y oome, at the table. "Rouge gagnc, et. cou1eur seem to have heard th t la h befor intervals are the Great Hitter Lake and himself as having decided this matter in Aud all U1e you1111; onee, too, perd," came the chant of the croupier. The th e, Timsa.h. When t he vessel ha s been signal- conjunction with Charles Greville an d Lord I t b a h ug,, And l{Ot tll'ilir g .. ·meut~ nicely 1 1 Cn !<iab.lona tna.t new; stakes were raked in, and the money lost. ?.u1 d can~o re~?mSer w .e:e. h' d led aud is about t o ente1· the Canal at, say, Lyndhurst as represen ting t he opposit ion W!\e·e old an!\ youn t, d ·ar fri(l'lds. may meet Onder his breath, the man uttered a fervent h ve ' a vdarimhi w istphert-eI the Suez end a small toy or model th r ee or in favor of t he bapti&mal name for the pro'. nl s,~ a. 1 A woloom 3 gt'eetltlg, by R. PEA TE l' htl h d h ' h ld oarse yon y once a.n ope a · · t · 8 ou ers, h 't ·' I t · h "bl ,,, four inches long is chosen to represent her. cla.mti.t10n lca.vit.g it to the queen t o choose · - - -- - unpreca ion, s ig Y s rugge 18 crat'n ..,~rom · may n ever ear i agam. is orri e . f d . d ' ed Wat h the gllme a d t to an urn ° o · J.' · Le G 100k d t h' ,0 · A group o these mo e1 ships st ands rea y afterward the name under wh teh she should 1 that moment the woman lost; her pile d toMl 'h e.t t~ .s " mdpamo h~· beside the model canal each furnished wit h reign Among other absnd suigestions d ti1e p' e amaze sse t e ag1 a ion p10turc on is ' . fl · · · dl d t · b· d wm e away 0 one com . yon h"t d d "f "th a flag. A.bout forty have t he E nghsh a g, there was one tba.t she shoald e styled I . iec i f of metal t endered her to, but ~till she I ace. . t w~ w ~ e as l .ra.w~, a.~ Icl w~. ten or a dozen the French flag. and so on Elizabeth II. The assumption apparently p layed on, the man behmd watchmg her t dome bwar 1m. t ~hvamh ~lp~ . 18 with other nationalities As t he ship comes was that her majesty was always to r emain play intently. A little "arying l uck, at one 1 amp rdowt .as d toe m t .ell th c tot ebrli ~ pierfcihn_g up and her name is kn~wn, it is writ ten on a maiden llueen with perhaps Lord Mel·t ·nother 1 gaze, an ne s 1 e rem ng o is Tl '. momen t' a. liandf u1 0 f n a.pol eOns· u u · , limbs paper and placed on t he toy bo:Lt. ie bourne for her Lernester , L ord John Russell reduced to one, the game proceeded. At , "A . f ,, h . cl " whole number of ships thus actually in t he for her Essex and Sir J ohn Campbell for her Unapproached for 1 l~ngth the last but one was gone, ~ve the J f p;ss ~ngll dcy, e e£.amc a Canal at a ny moment can be seen at a Sir Francis Bacon . The fates happily have 0 Tone a nd Quality. piece tendered to her by t he man behmd the 1 bancly wd IC} ca e llP t~ remf em iance my glance and as t he ic signals g ive otherwise determined But it is curious to t d wi ' th ·a she oy ioo , t 1 e r eco11ec 10n o a vengeance as . · . · . th t ,h c h air · a s e never pare · ""' I t "d B t I ·d T . notice, t he t oy boats are moved a.long, or thmk that but for chance or capr·ce or good CATALOGUES FREE. W 'ITll{)l..iT TBE'H sat there, words came to her ears vaguely- I yet -~npat,r.h - u d amh 1 1 mg' 1et uis gell t placed in a siding or shown traversing one oense we mi»ht now be pre pa.ring for the WITi! TEETH. the voice of the ma.n b ehind her, and every I ou su[ e. Lo d e or ;V r s ave come, a hs H te d of t he lakes at full speed Signals are sent J~ubilee not of Queen Victoria but of Queen 1 · k h h' - d as 1 'f cold < yot1, or . n on. · e are t o meet t e ea : . ' . . " . t 1me ie .po e s e s nere · a. . C6 t h 0Id dd ,, from t he office t o t he various qares prescnb· Alexandrma or Qneen Georgiana- I pu t d breath were passing through her he~rt. A i ,~ le ~t ~ e '; t~ess. d ,, L ing t he sidi ng at which each ~hip must st op Queen Elizabeth o~t of the question. 9 lPllAVTICA.J. DENTIST, temp ornry run of luck came to her aid, G . n ko w d 1 e or era come · e t o let another shi p meet and pass it The · . . t · d l · ·a ut ier a.s e 9VB:R TWENTY YEARS EXPlllRlll:NOll:. so sh e sat, lIS emng an p a.ymg. "Th 0ld · t . ,, th . official who is ou dut y keeps the models The new-comer was another man, evident- I . e my~' enous wa.y , was c Im- moving as he r eceives not ice h kirig ca re N trou.s(hr:ldeGaB Administered .Cor Palnle9 T he Afghan Boundary Settled. ly an Italian fine strong witli a n open face ; patient reply; secrecy and darkness ; no h h t h" . ' . ' .t · h d th ! trust in a ny one however wor thy he may w en p er aps wo s ips gomg m oppost e ' · ' ' H The repor t that Russia was collecting d k and ar passionate eyes. e touc e ei ' . . . ' directions !~re both nearing t he same siding Tt t t h Af I b d "th . t th first man upon the sh oulder lightly speak- i h ave proved-t he old suspic10n, which drags to . t' .1 t . · mi 1 ary s ores on e g 1a.n or er w1 a 8 idn view of active opera tions has been quickly ing in excellent EnglHr ' I u s dow11, and h olds our hands even in the h giveb une1Y warf · mtnh g ~ bP1 ° e 81~na1 a 118 an followed by another, that the boundary dis· ~ · . · a ct of strikin a. I found them on m table 0 arge Y meiw~ 0 " V E TE R INAR Y SURGE ON, There were fot:r actors there, pl!i.ymg, ~ad ; when I got in~ You and I are to ueL L on· flags at each stat,:011. u nder h1.s control from p ute with England h!l.s been peacefully they but known it, a ghastly. tm~edy. '.Ihe ( don, and there await orders. O~r inst rnc- ~he oJf:ce, and so d!rec~s winch of the two set tled. The frontier claimed by Russia on two men were players ; t he hstemog won:ian tions bear the crossed da·nter indicatin ex - i~ to h e_ up and which is to p roceed. B ar- the north-west during the last dispute ran was another; and across . the table, behmd , tr eme secrecy ancl a missf~~of gre,.Ldan ~er. ,, r!ng accidents, the whole arrangement ~oes from K hoja Sale, on the Oxus, t o and across ffonora.ry G r aduate of Ontario V eterinary the spectators, stood a girl. She had a darl. . . g . like clock woTk ; t he d !lrk can r ead off m a the Murghab, above P en jdeh, and so 011 to College, will a t tend to e.!l d iseases southern face of great beauty-a face cleanly 1 In spite of his .sar~g froid, Le Gaut i_ er moment t he name, t onnage, na tionality, the Per sian frontier just north of Kusan. It of d omeetie animals. chiselled, and lighted by a pair of wondrous ; could not repress a ~light start; and a smi~c draught 1md actual situation of every st eam- would now appear t hat Russia makes con· 1 black eyes-eyes bent upon the two men and i o_f covert sar casm, .P tY. a lmost, ~os~ t o h is er; he can tell what pilot she has on boar d , cessions on that frontier, which is an importthe woman, playing now with the keenest , lips as . he .looked m his compamon a.eager, her breadth of beo,m, the rate she is moving ant one, being close upon E erat , and in ex. interest She shrank back a little as the e nthusiastic face ; the same sort of pity the at and everything else which has to be h t8 · f th l b h A SP EC IALT Y. ° ,~sou t er~ r~~c c~ HAR.NO ~~N , L. D. S . new-cot~er entered and her breath came a II sharper feels for his uncomcious victim when k~ov,.n about her · and he is able without an cf afhge ~e posse:hwn 0 110 little quicker · but there she stayed watch- he has him wit h in the toils. Not tha t t he effort to gover n ail her mo.vcments to pres h' th ct0 :t 1id t~ ~as ern '\~~n t~er, Gr aduate of the Royal College< f Den\al in« and waitid« for some opportunity Her younger man noticed t his; his eyes wer e full cribe the place wher e she is t o 'pass th~ th ieh e ft ~1!~· th e tt!r Calls and Orders by m ail or t elegraph Surgeons, lo~k boded ill "'for some one. Mea~while I of some far -i\wuy pr oject, someth ing uohle, night and the hour at which she is to get d e meter as een bco1t1sub e d ebmta r will re ceive prompt a ttention . fi . . ' ' by theil' expression . . . oes no appear, u eyon ou any · OFFICE OVER DICKi::lON'S STORE the unconsc10us actors 1xed their attent10n j' · under way m the mormng, aithough h e does agi'eement that the two European powers CHARGBS M ODER.A.TE. on the The last arrival ~ouched. the "The oLd story of . t he monkey a?-d t~e n? t ~ee her, and p roba bly never saw her in have come to must be acce~ted by AfghanF iLD FILLING A SPECIAL OFFICE HO U RS, 8 T O 10 A. M. istan. To all appearance t he quant ity of pate w~rk exeout.ed in the latest and moa· other man .up?n the elbow a.gam, a little chestn:it~, J.;e ~aut~~r observecl with h is his life. A flrst·clase s tock or Medicines a lways roughly this tlmf>. most sm1st er stmle ; t he puppets run the - · · ... t erritor y t h us said to be exchanged at t he Improved styleo! the Dental Art. on hand. "~on have been playing again, Hector ?" risk, and t~10 .H?ad Centr~s get the ,glor~. north .east and north-west cannot be very TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN N. B.- Will visit W illiamsburg e very he, . . If we. foll, i~ is w freedom n n~me. '.Iha~ is Plenty of Women There. great; and if it r eally results in a. binding by the 11,e of V italized·Air, witl out injury tOlthe 16-ly At a Conser vative meeting recently held compact wh ich w ill effectually define the Saturday o f e ach week . . I been playmi m_y friend- yea .. suffic1e~t epitaph for us poor, silly , fluttermg patient. Partku·ar attention paid to the reguIt_ is not m my nature to e m such a place m~~hs. . ,, . . . in Duncan, it was intimat ed t hat ladies wel·e limit of Russian advance, a gr eat triumph lation ot Children's 'l'eet a., What would you have me do, But the glory of it, Salvarm1 cr ied- specia.lly invited, and that the two front of pea ceful diplomacy w ill have been r ea.ch_.ALL WORK WARRANTED . ..._ without. Lu~gi ! I . a~ dying of ennui from thi~ _in- " ~!1 ink of that!" , seats would be r eser ved for their a.ccommo- ed . But scep t icism as to the lasting qualiachon-k1ckmg up my heels here wa1tmg T he glory, yes-;--th? glor y of a fe_ lon s dat ion . On t he night of the meeting a lady ty of any such arrangements is pardon· for orders." grave! The glory h es m the uncertamty. . tl h ll d dd 1 b d able "I should have though t you could have What do we gain, you and I, by the remov- pa.ssiug te a oor su en Y remem er e · t he invitation a.ncl meeting, and resolved, foundsomething !letter tooccupy your time," 1 al of crowned heads? When the last tyr ant out of curiosity, on a ttending, but, afraid lt. the man addressed a.s Luigi r eturned. " Our ! fell at our lender 's dictate, how much did tha t perhaps she migh i; be t he only female S. W. RUSE. p ron ou n I h, is a oomion.l wordwork is too stern, too holy, to be shar ed we benefit by the blow ? He was not a bad present, sh e !\pproaohed a st alwart High- The It is sometimes amusing, l t is oft en o.b1mrd ; land policeman standing guard at the door It is la.rge, It Is small, I t is rouad, It is square, EACHER 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, with iluch frivolity as this. G old, gold, man; for a king, he was just." It rains and It snows- It il foul, It is fair; "You are in a bitter mood, to-night, H ee- and asked if he had seen any l1idies going VOICE and THEORY. Terms on aPPll· with no thoughts of anything b tit this madIt is black, It is white, It is long, It is ehort, oatio11. a~ "BIG 20," 28;ly dening scramble!" tor," s ,.lvarini answered. "What will you in. "Plenty, ma.tam, plent y, " was t he r e· It ls every thing, almost , and then It is noagM ; "M} dear Luigi, pray control yourself. say when I t ell you t he appoint ment has assur ing r eply ; " t he hall's nearly fu', an' Tt is true, lt'a n. lie; It isn'tt It is. Are you not aware that this sort. of thing come with y our nomination as a Deputy, every t hird man's a woman !" · Indeed, the word It, is n humbug. has bean done to death? Do not, as you with a seat at the Council of the Crimson love me, descend to the level of the descrip- Nine ?" T he Sa.bath-school teacher had spent contive journalist, who comes over bere to coin " My appointment a t last? Y ou are j ok · sider a.ble t ime in drilling into her pupils the Gallic Gall. his superlative condemnatory adjectives in· ing, Luigi. Surely they had need of better truth that " pride cometh before a fall." to money- to lose a t this very interesting men than I. What of La F onta ine ?" "Well, that juat like the cheek of 't hese N eai· the close of the lesson, wishing to test game. John Bull holds up his hands in "Dead," Salvarini r esponded grimly. foreign a r tists, observed Mrs. Snagga. t he result of her efforts, she inquired: horror as ha reads the description in his , " Treachery was suspect ed, and it was nee· " What i.s ?" asked her husband. "Why, "Now, children, can you t ell me what Telegraph, and tlwn he comes to try his luck · essary to t·emove him. - But what I tell you t hat ma.n Munkacsy is coming back here tJomes before a foll?" " 1 es, ma'am; sumNewspa p el" .Ad v ertis ing Bureau, himself. I, H ector le Gautier, have seen a is true; you are ordered to be p resent at next Summot· to paint N~aga::a F alla, and I mer ," .vas the reply from the seat farthest 1 0 Spruce S t. , New Y ol"k. bishop here." the next Council at vVa.rsaw, t wo mont hs believe he'll just spoil them, s o ! 'do." away. Send 10ct11o l o l" 1,.11e Par.nphlet. THE CANADIAN STATESANM A.JAMES , BY ORDER OF THE LEAGUE I" I " 0 0 · · · I Q I L ADIE s M I L L I N E RY DDM: l\J IELY'S I I R BRITISH EMPIRE I I I I MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., L L L P I I' I I " DENTISTRY . £ I I . · . ' J', M. BR IMA COMBE, I BELL &CO., G uelph; Ont. fu ° F .A . JONES, ENNI S KILLEN, Operations & Dentistry f b J lf MUSIC .. T ADVERTISERS DUNN'S BA Kl NC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND can learn the exact ·Ost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing POWDER Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,

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