~ vice of a physicfo.n upon its use for boils wa.s DOMINION AND GENERAL NEWS. How H e W ould A ct. E Yto be made, . Cut this ont ~\t'W\U \t ~n!Uf\tU .:.I ·· a s follows : " N ever let a boil come to a and re t.ur n it t o us, a nd ~ .~ ~ ,n + .h . T he cable t o An t iccst i has b een brok en. " I see by th.e p apers, Mr. Yager , that a. W t! wi!l send you ! ree, n is woma.n supposing her husband dead mareom· tb 111g of g cat , alue h ead if it can be prevented. T e syste1 --"'------- - - -- - - - = - ' Prevention of Malaria. p oisoned more t han relieved by the erupt ion. T he Ghilzai s hiwegiven the Ameer 's t roops i ried a.n~ther man when af ter an abs~nce of and. i mpotance to ~·.ou. t hat will SLart you in -- ·----~ --- ·-- -- - - - - -When anythinir app ears at all resembling b t· ·1 . ' ' busrness which will b d ng you m more ~"ED"'~ESDAY :MAY 11, 1867. 1falaria ~s i'.1s~lyconsidere d a dreaded di?· · a . ea mg. t wemy years, t h e first lrn~bawl t um s up and money right away than anything else in t hie " .L' ' ease. While it rn not generally fatal, yet it a boil, p(lint it with iodine and dri ve it .Many lives w ere lost in t h e recent Aus- find s husba.n d N umber Two occupyin!.! h is : world. ~ny ono c11.n do the work a nq live at - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - has an injur·ous effect on the const it u tion away , if p ossible." Lralian storm. wife's affections. " j' hom e. !l:1 t~ ar sex; all nges. So methmg new, ·d f h l ,' The liqa id is a poison, a.nd should be "U h V I I thalJUSt coins money for a.JI workers . W e so that the c~il ren o persons w o l M e h andled w it h care, a.nd placed wh ere it Cholera h as appeared in M azatlan and g · Jen vas d ot odder felle r und : w ill star t you ; capital n ot needed. '.r hi s is suffered from it are l~ss ro.bust t han othe: s. bT f Guaymas, M~:xico. earned h ome und fin ds mine frau mi t anodder ' 0.1 .e of the genuine. i mpor tai;it. classes of a life· -For many years the mhab1tants of mala.rml could be mistak en by n o p ossi i ity or any. feller I don' d meinsell ef kick for dot." ~1m~ 'l'll ~~o who am a mb1pous a nd enter· CA'rARRH -A new treatment has been dis- regions ha,ve understood the value of certain thing else. Br~ntfofd. now has a society for the sup- 1 " Wha.t would you do in a like case ?" ~ddng ~_rill n~t C del.x_v. ?rafil . ou t llt f ree, covered whereby a perma~ent cure! of rnth~s I preca.utions, and that it was possible to prese1on o vice. " Vhy , I let him haf her und I got an~d der rees n uE o.. ngue .a , ame. hitherto incure.blehdlsease , ,l!> at~olutenoymaa~tcer" i a.void ' and often to grea.t ly diminish the inRemedy l"or Inf:ant 1'le Bronchitis · Mr. Willia.m in from one to t ree 1tppnca rnns. . , ' · ·t t C d O'Brien h as postp oned his ! you ng v on u nd shtard a saloon · Dere p een ed whethel' standing one year or forty years. 1'his ; jury done by the poison. There are two f f v1si o an'I. a. blenty sea. in der fish vhat don 'd hiw e peen 1Y or remedy is only applied olllle in twelve dap, 1classes of preventive measures, which have A corresp~ndent tel_Js u~ 0 a remec Sevent een thou sand of th e Italia,n reserves catched yit, h aint it ?" 18 and does not interfere with bus_iness, Descr1::i· 1be~ome traditiona.l with some ra.ces. The that d read disease winch . a terror t o ~o are called out for act ive service. "Yes but you cou ldn 't holp feeling bcdly t}veBpe.Dll.11.lhle]cse~~re~gi'>niff~~1p;tr~~ttaW'csl first ulass includes all those methods which mh anb y mot hel r s. We are lfnflolrmed ht~la.dt it Two thousand chainma,kers in Stafford- over th~ matt er. " ""-· . 1xon · ' · · 11 een usec very success u y vn c i ren " N . B D t bl t· , t ·ma. 1uce the quan tity of mal· as Toronto, Cani..da. · ve:y m,t Y rec h , b' t t . h d -t · shire have struck for higher w itges. o sire-ec, op. o p een enty 1mes WHAT rs CA!ARRH, . . t.rm p euetr atrng the lungs, ..nd of the water w 0 .'tre su Jec 0 cioupy coug . s, an ~ 18 pet t er vhen a otdt frau anodder feller got . . 1 Catarrh ls a dangerous d1s!'a8e wntch tho.us , infused with ge rms of t he disease which so simple of manufacture and m~xpcnsive, Two thousand ch ammakers m Sta.ft'o rd· iedt. h h . t t f ll. h e.D.ds are consciously or nnconsd9iouhslysufferml'ld ! h " ve. ,been t.,k 'e11 i"nto the system through I that it can be made without the least diffi- shire have struck for a four-shilling list. tm ln ad rrshpt'lea,5dv rcv n t a ca ci· er~t gh o t ad ~n der from It is a muco·p urulent isc a.rge cause : w u · l Tl . . . f 0 11 . · . . e a er. 1 see 1 s an m er by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the · the stoma.ch. T he second claEs is composed cu ty. ie recipe ts as .ows · d J..ondon city bakers have raised the price baper a oldt voman fo.11 der cister n in for a. lining membrane of th~ nose. 'l'he predispoh~· ~of such remedies a.s <nab .e the sy stem t o elProcure two ounces of spikenar roo~, two of bread to 6 c ents the two-pound loaf. mans !rester dav. D ot vas vurster as he got Ing cimses ure a m orbid state of t he blood, t e I . . t h · h 01·te t ' bl ounces of rnck candy one otmce ot best . . . d f II . . blii hted corpuscle of tubercle. the germ poison ' i'!1rna e t. e germs m c!Je s ·~ possi e brand a,nd two tea s i~onfuls ot 8 ru -not Tho Camidian Pacific rail"."ay h s,s con- a.nod er e er marnedt . I .sooner mem fr~u ot ~"Philis mercury ooxomoo, from the retentune before t.hey can do much hai m. y, I tlh 'k dy Pt . structed a fish ladder at Morns, N. W. T . d wo odder feller s got ma.rr1ed to as fall mem 3 · t'ter~f the sk1·n ' suppressed Th e numb er of ma.l .tr1· a,I germs i ·n the at · mo1asses. mmerse I le 8. 1denar roo ma · t em on1y vone tune · · un d got h er tion of the 'effete ma· . f . to · t June 22 is officfally set apart as the day cia m 0 perspirations, badly vent1la.ied sleepml?. e.purt· mosphcre of the malarious country va.ries quart water am JOI own a pm · · · ' 1drownded I d on 'd trink dot vat~r no more · d "" ments and the germination of other poisons in t h f th d d · I St min a 11 d t hen add the rock candy and for observmg the Royal Jubilee m Ca.nada. I : ll b d .. d 1 ' t tPd by the.ie the lining mem- , great1y m tu erem ours o e ay, an in ' R 1 h ii h Th G . . h d f d h , sooner it a got umped 0 1 d firs . 1 t 1 1 VETERINAit Y SURGEO ~, t~:U1;;4:i~ tbe ~~s! i~ ever re~dy for the recep- I different seasons of the y ear. It is supposed syi·~tp. ep ace o~ t .e stove an eats ow y c h1lza.~s ave e eate t e Ameer s clinks dot vas goot luck ouf some old t vomans tion of the parasite. whlch rapidly spre(lds_ up that they a re most extant at dawn of day until rock ca11dy Is dissolved. R emove, a?~ troop s and killed a hundred of them near got some odder feller marr ied t . ,, tho nostrils and down the faucP.s, or back Of and in the early pa.rt of the evening and whe n cool a< ld the brandy. Shake t he mix- Khelat. ·, caumn., · ~ ulcere.twn thefthroat· ' t ure a.ml i "t is · read y f or use. Dose· ' 1r. · W . E . Bennett' o f T oront o, h as b een """"' the throa. . of d , b Up , that the lea.st number are found at noon. . a te· ~" --·".'-"'""'·· -- - -- - -·~ - ...-~-~~-~-~~-·- -- ·- - .. "' " en the !lusi._acnhlan tublecsor f~au.~~i°ingeb~;;:~nc~~· I' is genera.Uy understood tJ:.at ma.laria does spoonful wheneve.r cot1gh is t rou hlel'lome. appointed to the position of Assist ant Post ' rowmg m tbe t eproper yoca structnre < ' " l ' not ' rise many feet above the surface of the 'Th e t o t R l cos t ' e.xu<.P ' t' · I n spect or. usurping of the b ~oneh' ia w g the s<> ., I·up ' should Ioffi ce tubes ending in pulmonary consmnpt1on and} soil. The only exception is when prevailing not ex: eed twenty-fi 7e cents- t en cents for The Central American Repub lics have death. . "" f eure of winds and currents Many lngemoua spei..cs or r or the . · . ' may carry it up mount- the t spikena f b · rd d root, fi ve for rock candy, and conclud · ed · a treaty bringing them into closer catarrh hav e been inv'nted, bu t w1.thout, sue- a.in slopes or lulls. Tra velers who ha.ve en or ian Y· r elationship. cess. m1til a ph.vsicia,n 1 lo hngd·.tandrng ddso~r visited the Pon tine mar . hes in t he vicinity A tlantic & Northwest ern ra.ilway b~nds ered the exact natnre cf (, 1 sea~e an ie f R ' h td la i· 1 · · only appliance which w il! permanently destroy : o. ~me, ~me o. t e mos angerou~ ma r ~. Wolves Caught in Traps. to the amount of $6, 650,000 wer e issu ed 111 the para.site, no matter how aRgravated I.he i d1stncts m , the world, h ave been st~ucl, . L ondon on Monda.y. case. SuJl'~rers should ~end st.am~ a~ o~~e with the la.rgo numb~r of platforms raised I If perc~;1nce a wolf should. be ca~ght m a The Swiss N a tion a.l Council h as voted 450 _ tor descr1pllve pamphlet c~ catar & · ° ~ i from twenty to tLirty feet. 'l'hese are trap, all its courage deser t s it a.n il 1t a Hows I o-o f t d th t t" f th HE1ALTH JtJ"-""~ ~ t""U ll-«- Jt t.\- -· I .... ··!!I?. ~t..i:it.1'1~~~~~~~~~~ . . ·"-;....;. ·-------·- ··: ---- · ·· ·----·---------~-~~~ ------ I IMoN -- --··- --------~-·- CATARRH I I f JOHN SPENCER, ! l I ° , . places of safety where p eople it adf ,to w1l110ut · a ny · lrancTs owl a·r e cons rue e . . uufortuna.te . f be . killed f r esist ance. 't I s 'unp o n unne · ion o 1 trap most m oblwed to work on tlus poisonous soi l may T he pit a1I i~ tie avor , a.s 1 ' , man of the London Conference of t~ie Met ho : pass the night during t he urnl.,,ria! sea.son. i does not injur e the okin . In dep th the pit The Governor of N cwfoundlan.d has b aen . dist Church of Canada, has to say in regard· The natives of Cen tr al America when is about eight feet and it is alwa,ys made 1called t o England for a consult ation regardTo A.p . Dixon&: Son/s N ew Treatment for obliged spend the ni<rhL iu a, k,dly infect· wi th the bottom m~ch wid er than the top, ing t h e fishery q uestion. -B-YOatarrh, The total of the Russian debt fa £471,0 t C· nada March l7 1883 ed loca.lity, h ang their ii'ammock s high a.}Jove so as to prevent the wolves from scrambling 61 Messrs '.!_ ~l~i~ ·&~on: ' ' the ground. More thau proba.bl" it w as out- justtheshape whiuh,una. smaller scale ' 474, 000, and t h e interest for t he cur rent t lt tt d F · 1 11 1 1~a[~~e ~!.-e:r pos~~~~E~:;~l' DEAil srns:- Yours of th e 13th Inst. to ~and. this custom which suggested to the engi- is so useful in trappin g t h e field-mice on t he I ' yea.r is over £25,000,000. th~ho~t:stunltf;: It seemed a.lmoat too goo~ to be ~fu~ t~a~m aI1f ) neers, managing the building of the P a uama Continent. It is narrated that on one ocSev enty-five years ago this summel' the ~!kets ttnd BuriaiCaaes l'eady on short n o tic£ ~ure\o~Catar~h, ~~i 1the~~;asern and ne'.ver R ailroad, the idea of setting up lit tle hotu es casion a.n old wom11n had t he misfor tune to . first steamer the Gener al Smythe appeared Fli<at-class hearse on very moderat e t er m> re~Itet~e/i~ ;~yufife. I have tried so many t for the workmen in trees. House-phints fall i nto one of these t raps. S~e. was no~ hurt l i on t he r iver St . J ohn, N. s. ' l'l!»'ouds and Coffins c onatan\J.y Gn han d. Fu~ things for Catarrh, ~~ered so muchl" a.n~~~i cultivated in pots filled w ith malarious ear th and sat on the groun d wa1tmg until t~e The N orthumberland miners h ave r eJ · ected , ~·,~!~a£~~~s~M~~:sta~f.~~iew ~}~~~.re Shop & so ma.ny years, that 1tis he.rd to rea rne are a constimt da.nger. Germs grow lux- owner of the trap "hould come to look for his th t , 0 !£ t t tl h · J . · - --- ·---· - . ------l e 1 aim re~dlly bthettterm-.ine was a very ba.d case; It uriously in the moisture and -wa1m a.ir of capt ive. P resently large wolf ca.me t um- ! tie mta~kers · er t 0 Pe t . y a,fcomp romise u can live e.t hom o, and m ak more cons1 er a and chronic,· lnvc l vmg . th e closed rooms, and may b e a f rmt . f u l source bl mg m . to t h e p it, , s he and ga,vea h erseIf up f or ie s ,ri .e al!a.ms a re( uc ion o wages. . money was aggravated h ' · a.t work h ' for us · than at any . 1 mg ed1 throat 118 well i as th e nasal passages. and I of the malady lost The wolf however evidently considStartlmg rumours are current of the dis se 1n 1 rn wor 1d . Nf o capita~ 1 thonp;htit would require the three .tteatmentsJ The second ~eans of prevention elimin- ' ered her a s part of thetr;p a.nd wa,s quite as ' covery of Anachist s' plot s to destroy the e11xe s. all ~ge;~e }ny yo~1~·ec~;r~e~ t~~e·w~~t b t If If II red by the two ecnt me, ann . . ' . , . ' . . '0 .h d f to . . p th · . . , , . Ji~nkful LnrRe enr n1nga sure fr om first start. C»stly 1 was ever induced to send a.ting those germs whteh ha.ve g amed admit - afraid of her a.a sh e wa s afraid of him. So l pera ouse an numerous ac ries m es 1 m ta.nee to the body is also an important sub- there the follow-prisoners remained until t he During the pa st year 5 518 persons w ere out fit an~ ter ms f ree. Be tter not delay . Costs !;o yon. · tl · I tte stating . . ' One of the first t hmgs · . m . t he D omm1on '. . for van.oua >ou noL lnng to send us your address and :find Yon are at ltberty to use 11s e r t n d i JCCt to consider. to former came np, shot th e wolf, and released I . placed on trial out . if you are wis e you will do so at once, that I hr31be6n cure~;J· ;~,i'"1:;:i~~;nt~s~me ! a.ct upo11, is t o ma,intain the highest con- the woman from her ca.ptivity. In his well- I offences, and of this nu mber. 3,797 were con- 1 H. HALLETT & Co., P ort la nd. Maine. ~allli!nd~ ~bg~~ sufferers. ditiona of bodily vigor a.nd an act fre (In d known works, Audubon ment ions that a.t j' victed. . - ---,my r Yours. with many t.hanks, equal circulation and exposure to cold, gives the beginning of his hunting career he happenWilliam Duchesn ay, an acrobat, intends REV. E. B. STEVENSON the poison time to d evelop in the blood and cd tovisit11farmer who had heengreatlyplagu - , walk ing on a tight rope over Montmorenci And hundreds of others pl'oduces its worst effects. The food sh uld ed with wolves, a.nd had dug a n umber of pit- I Falls during the time of the Queen's j ubilee be nourishing and taken in such quantities falls about h1~ pre1m scs. lnt o one of these 1 o.t Qlleb ec. as ca.n be digested. The skin should be pits t hree fine w olves h a.d fallen. To Aud- 1 A disastrous fire has occurred a t Arnant kept active by bathing and fricti.on. Wa~m ubon'~ ast onishment , th~ ma~desc~nded into , kein, A sia Minor. Five hundred h ouses ba.ths may be used to stimulate it tp special the pit, armed only with his kmfe, pulled ; w ere bur·ned and many persons !oat t h eir Has received her new stook ot activity and to restore wa.rmth and cold out the hind legs of the animals, sever ed the , lives. R eports from the Southern Sta teP show ba.ths to ~iv~ tone when necessary. In some tendons so that t hey could not esca.pe, and oases drmk~ng- hot lemona~e has proven ha.uled them. to level groui:id, whel'C ~e could tha.t many lives were los t and an enormous beneficial. The clothmg should be k ill them without d am,.,g1n g the skms. A , amourit of p roperty destr oyed by the r ecent and invites the Ladies of Bow very woolen and sufficient to guard against chill, similar example of th e abject terror of a cyclones. manville and vicinity to call and the bowels shoul~ be regular. Malario. tra.pp ed wolf is m~n.t ioncd by Mr. Llov.d. A Bill rovidin , a new 8 stem for encourJpo·~lDl!:RS. wea.kens a.nd demoralizes the n ervous system Durm~ a severe W m1<e1 a pea.sant W!\8 dnv. th p t gt· f Y. d · M · and see her Pattern · · ul · · S p b agmg e cons l'uc um o ra11roa. s m a.mAre J'HN"1.·.11n t t o bi.lt o. Co.ta,A.i n tbolr OW\.. a.?-d t.his shoul~ be guarded a.gi~~nst by c · rng to n s home, not far !rom t ; eters urg. toba has been introduced in the Manitoba t 1vatmg the will power. Turkish baths as Eleven wol ves cha.~ed hun to bis very ga.te, : L . 1 t j tur~ut) · n sn.f u: JH l ru, l1 ~·, ! !~ilectaa·.' 0 ._,tJ~1 · · ~ ,,..,,,_,., ; n 1 n T' Adaltl a pr~ventive measu~e may b~ f~vorably tl~roug.h which the horse dashed, followed by l f.~ea ~~=i cost to Canada of her share in !Tientloned.. The cop10~ta perap1rat1on thus ~me ot the wolves. The gate swung ba.c~ on I the late Colonial E x hibition was $120,857 and assortment of. !nduced, brmgs the poison out o_f the body its owna;~cord, when the wo~ves, so.fel'oc1ous j of which sum $8 f>OOwent in wages and $ 14 '. PERCH ERON HORSES. m a. rema.rkable manner. Chrome cases are only a mmut e beforehand, tried to hide them- ' · ·f . ht ' ' 000 cured quicker by Turkish baths than by selves in holes and corners, and allowed ' i~ reig · · · Island Home Stocli; medicines. We may say finally, that the themselves to be killed without offering and It I S reported that one of a htter of p1ge, Farm, Grosse Isle, l!!TOBE 1-Seeond Door wesi of Wllllaa· best way to guard against malaria is to keep resistance. Sometimes, when ha.rd pressed, recently born ,a.t .Lo.ng Lake Hotel, ~. W. Mich., iS very convelateher Stan awa.y from the regions thus infected. ' the wolf will feign death. T , , ha~ .a. du7k 8 pill m stee.d ~ the ordmary nientli lo c at e d tor ·- -·· _ nose of its kmd. ~:"fs1.!:i8'1~8B' e'f.rgf: b~iness mtanaRetrs,r. r. o nHt.o,JCtax~anda · on, K in~ st.ree wes , oA Wk.at the Rev. E . B. S tcvt n son, B.A., a Cle1·ov 8 30 uNDERTA KINc LEV I M QR RI S t; I 1».E. '11\ilU~ I v ·· o Honorary Gr,.,dua te of the Ontario e terine.rY College , 'l'oronto. Registered member of the On taT10 VRterinary Assoc:ation in a ooordanoe with the V<!terlnary Act, ' I~ propared to treat a ll <liaea. 5es of t he Dom· eat1c Animals, according to the le.test theories. A ll calls personally, by Telegraph or Tel&phone w ill receive pr ompt & tten tion t:ff"OFFJCE- Ma.in St., Orono, one door n orth of W . H enry's i::ltore. CHARGES MODERATE; THE K~Y JO . ·H~LTH~ 1! th'!i.t I l~IS McT. AVISH GOODS., Unlocks a~ the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and L iver, car r ying off gradually with out WE...k en i ng the sy stem, all th e i mpurities a nd foul humors of t h e s ecretions ; at the same time Correcting Aci dit y of the Stomach, curing l3ilio u s110ss, Dys~ p epsia, H eadaches, D izziness, H eartburn, C onstipation, Dr yness I I I of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Visi on, .faund.ice, Salt Rheum, the H eart, J'Tervousness, and Gen era l D ebility; all these a nd m any other Bimilar Complaint s vi eld to the happy infineiwe of BURDOCX. li:r ysipefas, S cr ofula, F lutt erir..15 vf BONNE.TS, HATS TRIMMINGS BL OOD BITTERS. ~. llllLilUR:-1 & CO.. 1"r~nrletors. Tornnto.: BEWARE · . OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there Bro me.ny iillerior goods, cordeil with jute. hemp, etc., offered and sold as Coraline by soma unpri11clple<l mercha.n1'!! tra.drng on the reputatwn ot our genuine (;oraline, we wo.l"n the la.dies age.inst such imposition by drawing their attention to the necessity of eeoing tba.t the .na,me '~ stamped on inner side of &11 Coro.line gooda, 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' Without which none are genuine. THE ONTARIO BANK continues to do a Genera..I Banking Busiuee~ sBo wme.nville Bre.neh·. DE iF"OSl'l'S 16-0etved in SavingR Bank Depart.menta.nd. . Jal! and intel'est allowed at current rates. No 1otice of withdrawal necessar y. All deposlt1 1>a:rable on demand, . .EXCDA.N~;rtJ "'Jc'ngh t and sold and Drafts issued upon Europe Jnited States and Canada, also Golcl,i:l!lve1· and i:J'nlted Sta~es Greenbacks bon2ht and sold, Promptly made e.t current rates upon ·an pa.r at Great Britte.in, the United St ates and Dr mlnlon of Canada. 'l'elegrapb '1'1·ans:ters Made tor large or small sums on all parts vt Canada; This Is espec.lally advantageous tc por.son11 llvinR In Manttoba or the North·WcS' as 1' roakes tho fundsav;i.lls.bfo at ooee at tht ple.oe ot payment, J!'or!urther particulars call at the Banklnf House. GEO. McGILL, T. RODIE, , Manai- er Accountant, ·Iv DANDEL10N LIVER AND KIDNEY BIT'f ER 8' CURES ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COMPLAlNTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGES'rION A~D ALL DI"3EASES ARISING FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF.THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS. . ,._ The Greatest Blood Purifier in the World. E. M 0 RF~ IS, Proprietor, Toronto. SOLD BY HIGGU\ OOTDt\ :l l ._"SON, BOWMANYILLE. Wi.:'J5;e:, ~~t. b~ all class~s with employment at home. the chasP..rs will tl.nd a whole of the time, or for their spare mom ont EJ. When a serious burn occurs, the clothes The Duchess of Cumberland, the youngest i land, we.re seriously injured the other day largt. .iumberof puro Business nP.W, J!ght and profitable. Persons must be removed as soon as the fire is extin- sister of t he Princess of Wales, has become by a fallrng sea.ffold. bred and grade stal· of either se:x: easily earn from 60 cents t o $5 ver ·l · h Id h d l . b d lions, brood me.res evening. and a proportional sum by devoting guishel1· Tlie fi · rst const( eratton s ou e insane, and it has been found necessary to A str.ange mu.n was found ~ac lil e a.t . and colts of all ages a ll their time to the business. Boys and girla to get the clothes off, without pulling, as the place her under medical ca.re and restraint. Cooksville, on Monda.y mor~mg !ast. An to select from. A.II et1rn nearly as mueh as m en. '.J.'bat a ll who see least dragging brinl!B the skin too. 'l'he in- 'fl D h h f I t' a d pt bottle of laudanum beside him reveal pure bred stock reg· !bis may send t heir ud d re·s, and test the busi16 uc ess as or. a ong d lmhe s1'.1 "ere emd hy f t th t h h l "tt l . "d · ! lstered in the French and American Stud B0qks. ne·s, we make thi· offer, To such as are not jured part should be thoroughly drenched from mental depression, im er i 11ness e t e ac a e a< comrm e< smci e. 1 Prices reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large lllUll well satisfied we will send one dollar t o pay with wa.ter, a.nd the clothes cut away. If reached a crisis a.bout n fortnight ago, with Ven. Archdeacon Pinkham, bishop de- ~ tr&red O&taloguefree. SAVA.GB it FAR!ilUJl, for the trouble of writing. Full par tiou lare any part of the garment sticks, let it re· the i·esult that she ma.nifeet ed t he au icida.l signate of Saskatchewan, has received from l>£TBOrr. lllloB· a n a outfit free. Address GEORGE STl~SON &; · D" I th · th" k I t· of Co. P ortland, Ma.ine, mam. Ip co B m a ic sou ion tendencies which are often associat ed wit h au anonymous friend $1500, to be divided . ---lll-IBl·llWl!ilil-11!111&Bm·lllllm1lllllllll!maillll11:111·mlilllllilllll!llMWllillillllll·llllllllllmmmmrr;·1Ji: 1' !Dcommon baking soda water, and pface over ,~ condition of pronounced melancholia. The . between the dioceses of Saskatchewan and · 1 the burnt surface, banda.ging lightly so as to ca.use of t his breakdown is by no means Algoma, · keep them in pla.ce. As soon as a dry spot clear. She has ha.d several children in rapid The cable, ll8 miles in lengt h, connecting 1 a.ppears on this dressing, wet it again by succession, and had b een much weakened in . the mainland with the I sla.nd of Antioosti, squeezing some soda and water over it. As consequence, never having been a strong wo- 1 has pa.rted. It well be impossible to r epa,ir the saturating will exclude the air there will man, The Duchess h'l.d looked t hin and l it for some time owing to the <1uant ity of be no smarting. A rubber sheet, a piece of misernbly slta ttered for two yea rs past, and ice in the straits. oil cloth, a gossamer cloak, or any water- during her long visit . to Copenhagen last The 1'linister of Agriculture has decided proof article can be spread on the bed with ll h I t f tl a blanket over it t o receive the sufferer. summ<Jr a er re a ives were per ec y to esta.blish experiment a.l farms in the Should the feet be cold heat must be applied ~hocked a.t her.appeara~ce. Her comp a.rat- N orth · W est, with a view of testing t h e 'ato them, and a little stimulant given if the ively lonely life. at Omunden w as much pabilities of t he soil in various districts for - -.AN D - b d agam st her, especially as the Duke of Cum- certain products. pulse is wea.k. It is w ell to have the e berland has becom e very soured and depresT R d _, C . M · 1 covering warm a.nd light. A doctor should sed. 'I'hey w ent to V ien na early in l!'ebru~n the ecor et s ourt a~ ontr.ea be ca.lled without much. delay. A bmn is ary, and the Duchess benefit ed by the i ele.v e n. store]i:~epers, ch arged !1th e~pou.ng serious in proportion to the amount of sur- change, went int o society and seemed better i obJeut10nab le advertisements In ~heir wm; face inv olved. A deep burn is n ot as dan - in every way, but the news of the plot , ? ow s! wer e ea.ch. sen tenced to. eight days gerous as a superficial one twice t h e size. a gainst the Czar and Czarina. caused a re- 1 1mp~1sonmen~, witho ut the option uf a. fi ne. In severe burn~, p a.in is an encouraging lapse, and she is now in a most critica.l and W. A: Stmson, a large cattleman, and Is now opened, and we invit e everybody t o call a.:::~. ::::::lmine our stock. sign; it shows there is still vitality left. p reca.rious condition. It is to be fea,red that, t:;vo of his emp~oye~ h <WC been mmdered by Scalds may b e treatiod in much the same ther e a.re but v ery slight hopes of a recovery, Comanche l~dmns m Gr~en county , T exas, way. Sweet oil may be poured over t he a s the private a.ccounts which have reached A large portion of the tribe have t.a.ken t he surface and covered with flour. Anything L ondon are as bad as possible. The Duchess warpa.th, a.nd a genera.I outbreak is expectthat excludes air will r elieve pain. Patients is a woman of consider able a,bilit y and high- ed. suffering from such accidents should ha.ve ly a.ccornplish ed. She is t h e favorite child One day last week some young blackconcentrated, nourishing food-al;ld as much of her parents and has always been the p et gna.rds, belonging to Belleville, forced a rea.s they can take with ease. In order to do of the family. ' · formed drunka rd t o drink liq_nor. His old ' the necessary r epairing, n ature must h tw e appeti te overpcwerecl him, he was arrest ed , I Oa·ders f'or Stan·ping will receive sh·ict att ention, a nd plenty of material with which to accomplish Ld and died nry soon after recovering from it, Only doctors should prescribe opiates. a. iea of Lima. his debauch. all newest pattern~ l.:ept to ~.hoose 'l'he la.dies of _Lima ar_e a.11 eyes. They l!'ur(ous cyclones and ha.ilstor ms swept h ave the r~puta_tlon of berng , a1< a class, ~he over a large p art of W est ern and SouthThe Se1mlchra.l Guest Chamber. most beautiful m the wo.rld, ancl n~eetrng I Western Missouri, Sout h -J<;a,stern .Kansa,s The Ba.zaar Glove fit ting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens w ear fo:r Even more rlangerous to life and h ealth them ~n t he wa_Y t o ma.ss m the mommg or , and N ort hern A rk an sas on Thursday night than the unused pttrlor , is t he guest cha m - s hoppmg _later. m the da.y ~ne can s~e ho~ / of last w eek, causing great loss of life and sp1 ing and summer styles, a complet e stock. No waiting , n o sending, ber or "spare room," which is occupied on , t hey obtarne~ r~.; but know rng t hem m their t destruction of property . Sever al t owns but choose y our patt ern and tak e it home wi th you. 1 rare occasions only. To go to bed in an unth l d W!l.rmed room, where the bed has been made nomes . e opnnon c 1a11.ges, an you con- 1 were entirely demolished . 1 . up for days, w~eks, or even month s, is quite ~~de~o a~~~i; : ~~~ec~o!~e~h~~ ~Eif.on~~~ 1 .At ~he a.i:nual. meeting of t h e Coun~il of R ememb er t he pla ce, nearly opposite McMurtry 's grocery store. a . s dangerous to life as to stand iu a draft It · ti· .t h' h t h · h Queen s Umver s1ty, the proposal t o rise a 1s 1e mau a w IC. ey wear 1n sue a J b' l d t f d f $950 000 when in a dripping p erspiration, or to t ake coquettish w ay that ,,.ives t hem their reputa - , n i ~e e.n owm.en nn o - , . ~a.s a sea bath after a h earty dinner. t· f b t f ·'t f t sanction ed. It is understood that a c1t1zen 1011 e:i.~t y , or.i c.oncea 1 s ever yd ea ure of Kingst on will give $10,000 t oward the So, good housekeeper, you can k eep your excepor t thell' bew1khmg eyes an lovely f d d ld T l $50 OO J ·u b B owrnanville , March 22, 1886. spare bed i11 all it~ bravery of 8ilk quilt, olive complexion. N o ma.tter h ow ugly her u~1 '1 ~II K'."n ~ i ior: a ' ' w1 e 12·tf. knitted counterpane and pillow shams, but mouth or h er nose is; no ma tt er how high i rn1sec m . m gs n. . , . let the sheets lie folde<l. with the rest of your h er ch eekbones or large h er ears ; n o m at ter : TA p ension system m co~mect1~n :,v1th t he bed clothing until y olll' guest comes, then whethe r ~he is a s scrawny as a scai·ecrow or North · Wes.t mounted police w ill likely be air them 1horo11ghly, a.a a.lso the comfort- as bald a s a bitt, a m 1, 11t a will make a ny a.dopted t lus seasen . A deti.chment of ables and bhnkets, and make the bed; and woman wit h p ret ty eyes look h andsome, and, r:ien of the force, under Supt . S teele, w~ll if it be a cold winter night gi.ve him for a like charity, i t covers a multitude of sins. hl~elJ'. be s~1~t to, p a.tro! the .K oot enay ~lB bedfellow a w arm flatiron well wrapped, or This g a.rment, which is peculiar to P eru, trict m Britieh Columbia durmg the commg a hot water 11ot tle, and he will feel that his a nd is worn by hdies of all Q. ~es a.nd social , sumn:er. . ·~ , . . Having purch a.sad ·h e H a r ness b usin ess lately carrie d o n by inr s. HUMP HRE Y, h ope by c .. re ful a t t nn t ion t o b nsineaR, good workmanship , a nd f:irst class welcome is a genuine and a. hear ~y one. p ositions , from t he Presiden ts wife to t he . Thir'.'y miles .of Ea ther. Lnh~lle s colom zam a terial, to s ecure a s har e uf p u b lic p atrona ge. We ha.vein And at the time for him to rise, a warning laundress who comes after your linen, is a tioi; rail wa}" will be h mlt this y ear. The st ock and a re m a.nufactur mg a. la rgo amo u nt of Imo 1 k u~on his door, with the informatio.u sort of fost e r-sister to the mantilla of Spa.in. ~roJected h ? e st~rts at .s.t. Jerom~ on t~e th it a. p1kher of hot wa.ter stands at his It is u sually of cr epe from China, and costs !me of the Cana.dmn. Pac~ fic, a nd will run m threshol l, will mah e him thrice glad, a.nd anywhere from $10 to $500 a.ccording to its a north-westerly d1rect10n as for as the he will give you bis heartfelt thanks. i quality. '. , Desert, where it will strik.e the Gatii;eau I Valley R a.ilway. 'l'he ultimat e t ermmue will be n ear L ake Nipissing or u.tTemiscam- Collars a spec ialty. We in t en d t hat 1h e reput ~tion Humphrey'" C ollare have gain( d N umerous ext ra d e t ectives h ave b een sent ' · The Use Of Iodine. M dS b mgue. shall be folly s nRt u.ined . We are prepared t o fu rnis h r esponsible parties As a simple family remerly, the tincture to etz an tras urg. . I Ur. W. Cox Allen, superintendent of cusCol lars on ap r;robation . We g u a.ra.ni.e e sa.thfac tion or n o salo. of iodine ahonld be always in the house, and 1 The total co~t to Ca!l~d_a of her share . m toms and iuspector for ranches for the N orthW e altto keep in atook a full line of good s usu ,· lly found a small camel.'s hair bru~h. with which to the la~e Colomal Exhibi t.i.on was $120.8u7, W est, states that ranching prospects for this in a fi rst class harness s hop, co mprising apply i t . To red uee inflammation of all of w.htch ~ urn $8,500 went m wages and $14,- year are exceptional!~ vood, the over crowd· kinds where the skin is unbroken, nothing 000 111 freight . , ed st ate of the cattle districts in Monta.na, is more v " lnahle, and it m ay be made t o : F aithful P1\stor- A m inister's life is a. Da.k ot a. and o ther Statesnecesaarily cau R iug serve the purpose of variom kiuds of poul-. v ery hard one. P »rishi.oner--Why, there the southern ca.t tlemen t o look to Alber ta. tices or plasters. Jt is of a very da.rk, are only two sermons a week to write, and 1\nd oth er n ew fields. The mor ta lit y in See on r l:S ul/ lsont1 W hi ps-s om.,tbib g ne \V . We have ah10 in s tock purplish <Jolor, but the p reparation known as -- " Oh ! I don't mind sermon-writing; these St a,t S has been u11precedenteci ly large colorless iodine may be purchased and can th at's easy enough . p ,it my d uties r equire while in the N ort.h - \Vest T erritories i t has e ~ be used wit.h gre»t er freerlom than the d al'ker frt quent visits to the h omes of ever y member not ex ceeded in n t1tive cattle 5 per cent . and ;S · n . . liquid. For Ihenm»tism, p ·\inttwice a rlay, of the congr egation , a nd j ust t hink of the in imported n ot 10 per cent . T h e farmers , as long as the skin do··s n"t blister . For strain on my conscience. " " Cou,,cience ?" have plough ed a. larger area of laurl t his ; .1 .,, a su re cu re tor bruistis, sp1·a uu, cu ts, a nd s ore s o f a ll k inda, sore throat, paint thP. external su rface, a.nd " Yes. I "am expected to admire all t he new sp ring t ha n ever before, and their h opes of j for H ors es "no IJ&t 1 S hop-8ign of the Big Ua r. l 'l-3m good results will quickly follow. The ad- babies." good crop s are very san guine. ·Serious Burns. The Insane Duchess of Cumberland. ofTthe0 on:i~~r~~P£~;~~e;nc~:p:~yw, ~~i1tj:i_~ 8 Wor'l·1n11 Plass al\ Atient1' on !f~~~u:~~ plasrtre~e 11 Lr l11> l 0 I TH E VVEST .END Mi LLINE . RY FANCY GOODS HOUSE ~Hats 0 Re-shaped in latest : s tyles.:a ·crom. MRS. W. MORRISON. l!JO LIGHT A ND HEAVY HARNESS. I BLANKETS, ROBES, RUCS, H O RS£ COVERS. WHIPS, BRUSHES, E TC. t LIM· AN' '. OVAL EM B :oo · C ATION . .. · ."' R c..