SUNDAY SGHOOL ASSOGIATIQN · I WAKE UP. A Most S uc cessful Beginning Large A t t endance and Much Interest Manifest ed. It would b e d ifficult to con ceive of a m ore successful S unday School Oon ventwn t han the on e held in the Queen -s t . church, llowman ville, l ast \Vedn esday and Thursd ay . It is a new t hin g in t h is di~trict a ud expectati ons were n o t over san guine for its su ccess, bllt all fe~rs wer e quickly d isp elled as soon as t he convent10n got d own t o b min ess. On W edn esd ay for en oon a sessi on o f t h e ll,;xecutive Comm itt ee of the P r ovincial Associatw n w as held whe n comnd er - lay. If we startle you, beg pardon, but it is necessary to be wide awake in order to he h appy in this world. When t hose t bingK w hich you desire are just out of able husm ess was transact ed, and ver y reach you ought to k eep your satisfactory reporti- for the pa.s t six months' wor k i ng were presen te d, an d t he eyes wide open for new ideas and finances sh own to be in a sat isfactory m ethods which will help you t o condition, th er e b em g a ba lance on h and s ecure what yon want . The ft er liq uid at ion of all Jfo,biltt1es. Now tbe t ruth may as well be a members present were M r L. 0 . Peak e, t old. This is an advertisement President , M r . A lfred D ay, Secretary . but we have made it, j ust as enter- Mr. J. J . ' Vuod h ons(', Treasurer, a ll of t aimug as possible a nd if you will T oronto , Mr. T. H orsey, Brant for d , vi:~ 0hJect a im ed at m conductmg H.e5 be still for one minu te, and listen Rev . P a trick McF. McL eod , T oron t o ; (a). T o t est t h e k n owledge of t he t o some truths which arc h erem M r. W m . J ohnst on , Belleville , R ev. W. pupils; (b). t o fix: t he facts taug h t on t h e set forth, i t wil\ take up but very Miller, D urha m , O n t ; R ev. E . B arril ss, mm d; a nd (c). t o generalize t he I .. esson lit tle of} our time. M .A., H ampton, a n d R ev. R .D. F r aser, taught. Th ere is no question but what M. A ., B owmanville ((i). We ],now i t is q uite possible fu r it will do y ou good p roviding you On Wednesd ay afternoon a meeting of us ·o go over a le:.son without a ll the are a per son who can appreciatQ d el egates from Sabbath School s 10 t he class unde r standm g all tha t is con tained i t and it is not the a mount gone over, a good ofler and when t he golden distu ct was conTened at 2 o'clock for the m un d ation a nd orgamzallon of an assom- b ut t h e amount learned and u n deropportunit y of t h e season prrncn ts fo atwii for W es t Durham. Rev.E Barrn~ a, stood th a t will benefi t . The review not it self, you will grab it with ou t de- who has b een chiefly rnstr·n mmtal in tlu s only t Asts the p u[:iils as to their k nowmo vement, called the meetrng t o ord er, ledge, but 1t also trnts the t eacher . Ir a teacher fin d s his class canno t answer R e- p r actical ma nner b y Mr . J am es Gil i. llan, eh Mast er of the H igh Sch ool. E ngl 1 H e discussed t h e sub]e ct under three heads viz., 1. '.l'h o N ecess1ty fol' R eview . 2 . Object aimed at m con du.'trng it . 3. The man ner of conductm g it 1. E xperience h as taught us m sol' ular educati ·n that r evie ws a re n ecessary an d we ob tarn and rotarn a knowledge of the Scriptur es m v ery much the Blltr:.H way that we d o a lmowl ed 11.e of anything else. If ,t man reads a l11s tory or a biogr11pl1y to-day. h e may have a. t olerably clear idea of i ts m um facts, b ut if he la yB i t aside an d does n o t r efer t o it for some hme, h e will fi n d that m any o f the facts h ave ' a.nish ed ent irely , and t he reet h; b ecome q n1te dim . 'l'he teacher needs t o r e view h is wor k also , becaus e a t each er ca n t e::ich a l esson well to-day, d oes n ut prove he coul d te,ich it well in six m ouths from now, u n less h e pays some <1ltent 1 on to it m th e rnean t1111e. It iM objected that R e v iews are u mnterestrng and R eview d ay 1s the dull es t d ay of the q u ar t er The r eason of t his is b ecause t he p upils d o not kn ow t he \\ Olk a nd therefore cannot ans wer t h e q uestions, where as if t ho wor k were p ropP. r!y miistered by them R eVJew day w ould not only b e the most rn ter estmg, but the m ost p rofi ta b le. Withou t reviewe the work is lrnely t o be entirely neglected aud ga ve o u t th e old familiar h y m u , " A ll N ow wh'at we want to do is to hail the power of J es us' n ame. " T h e v iew questions r easonably well, h e may make y <;m all l1appy by selling you P r esident r ead the 106th P salm, w h en well ask hunself t he ques tion , have I the best new goods i n the mark e1. l~ev. E. R ob ert s l ea d m prayer. A ft er taught them p 1operly? The t eacher should such as, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps singm g " J esus, L over of m y Soul " Mr. teach as though he we(e p re par tag for a Barrass de liver ed a s hort a ddress in wl;ich r evrnw. L et !nm when h e comes befor e and J ewelry at figu res within t he h e re ferre d to a similar meeting hel d Ju s class h ave som et hing d efimte to t each, reach of very slim pocket books. h er e 10 or 11 years ago. H e on ly recog- eom ethmg t h ey ought to k no w and let We aie fully prepared to carry uized t wo persons h ero n ow who wer e at him presan t i t, b ut let 111m n ot teach t oo ou t our part ot t he undert aking that m ee tmg. H.i r eferre d briefly to the mucli . m1portan ce an d valu e of sllch an a~socia(b). Our second ob Jcct should be t o fix and all you need to do to prove hon :1s was proposed and t h e uecess1ty of t he facts taugh t. We do not lem n by that we mean business il:l t o drop careful and early t ram111 g of the children. h earmg a fact st ated once, b y on e effort in any rlay and let u s convince you The following Busmess C ommit t ee was of the mmd. I n or d er that a n idea or w i th goods and figu res tli at this appoin ted R evs R . D . F raser , Coo- fact m ,ty be fixe d permanent ly m our m ei, B. D ., ·. tnd E . mind, it i s necessary t hat tlrn idea or statement is backed by solid fact~ ven or ; \ V. II.r ' Varr p ltober t s, ancl l'u essr s aul 'l'rebdcock, R . fact s hould r emain for some t ime ll1 the In order to accomplish our aim W i ndatt, J. Joblm and J o>. Cla.t wor t hy. m md. What a p pears f~Ul ' O c em: ~e-day arid t o make :i,t comfortabl e and T 1 10 comrm t t ee re tire d for b usine&s a nd may , if negl ected, pa's Ll'O rl'l 0\11' nund m p learnnt for ~uy ens with limited or tl;Je m eeting san g " W ork for t h e night is I a w .c ek. Revie1v br tngs i t back a n d h elps t o fi:x: 1t unlimit ed meatB we have been. ob- co ming" ;" . I (c). T o generaliza th e l esson iaught. liged to put our fool; down on high Mr . .... Ellison presen ted the r ep ort of I n the i·e"ul ar woi k the l essous wer e taprices pretty hard at the very N ewcastle M et hodist Sabba th School, a n d ken on e ;t a t im e, perhaps without showMr. R . M ome nt t h at of Or on o. m g t heir gen e ral teachmg or their relastai't. Shor t a d dr esses followed from L . 0. t ion to on e a n other. Th e r eview enables Mind you we hav'nt in any way P eake, Esq., on the aims an d obj ects o f t h e teacher t o sub:nanze and fhow the sh ape or manner cheapened the th e Provmmal Associat10n , W . Joh nston, general teachiog of the Q uarte1's L e~sons quality, or lowered the high grade E sq , on the p rogr ess of Sunday Sch ool and t o s hew t hei r r datwn t o one a noth er. wo rk rn general , Mr. Horsey on t he He can t hus give his p up ils a b10ader w e have always made it a point. to improvemen t of the character and the vrnw of the w ork gone over A man maintain , but are prepared to fur- infl uence of S unday Schools. He cited might h ave examrned in separn:e pa r t s. nish one an d all with g ood hon est D r . V incent's d efinition of . a S unday the m a~erial o u t of wh ich t.lrn slup lws S chool as " The Chur ch at work for t h e b een con s tr ucted. but this would g ive h im goods at lowEst living prices. st urly of G od's wor d . a ve ry un perfect idea of a ship. In ord er Careful buJing enables u s to reT h e b usiness Com mittee pi esenteL l its to h a ve a clear concep tion of a ship, he ceive a full line of bnght n ew repo1t r ecommendrng th e appo111tm ent o f wou ld r eqmre to see it after it s con structgoods at figm .:s v ery favorable t o t he followmg per son s as oilicers of th e 10n. So we may know consi derable abou t qur plan of makng t his season's A ssociat10n, which was ad opted aft er ea ch indi vidu al l esson , b u t have a very madequ ate id ea of t he gen eral h u ths som e discuss ion sale one long to b e r emembered as President, Dr. M cLaugh lin, M . P . P., t a ug h t m th e l essons of the Quarter . a bonanza for our cust omers. You B ow manv1lle. 3. M an n er of Oond~ctmg Review If 1st V ice-Presid ent, - A8a 'Walbridge, th e teach~r wo uld elch Sunday before should n ot fail to see our n ew Newcastl e. commencwg th~ rngu lar lesson, spend a Spring Stock. I t 's a rattler. 2nd V ice-Pres1dent,- W . H . Ohmie, fow mrnut os m gomg over previo us les· It costs n othing t o look and no- Bowmanv11le sons and if the Supermtend en t should spend five or ten mtn ules each day on t he S ecretar ies - P. T rebilcock and \V. S body will ask nor expect you to eame, ttt the enrl of tl1 e Qu>irter the spend a cent with us, u nless you O r miston , L .L.B., Bow manville. Tream rer. - Abram Youme, Bowman- ~cholais would have the work we ll p refind i t to your interest to do so. v1lle. pared for the review, aud t he work on W e have our goods t o sell, we are E xecut ive Commi ttee, - F. L. Ellis, revie w day would b e easily per for med , determined to make them go and Hamp ton; R. Wmdalt, Bowmanv1lle ; and i t w ould also be iut ereshng- 1 thin k i t is our intrnt ion to pain t this R . M omen t, Orono; James Oourhce, R eview D ay should be on e of specwl Cour tice , '.I:hos. W err y , Car t wr igh t ; W . in ter e8t. I t might, I t hmk, profitably town rnd in our effor ts t o dispose J. Roy, Tyrone; W . Bmgham, Enmskil - take the place of one of the S unday of this st ock quickly . W e don't Jen ; an d H.. H . Campb ell, Enfield . services and the parents and friends bo pl'Opose to give goods away bnt 'fhe mimster s of W est D urham are ex 1 in v ited to b e preBent- in order t o ad d intl'rest t h e c1u estions should be m ter we bough t our stock r ight, and we offic10 m emb ers. Revs . C. E Mcin tyre a n d R . H azza rd spersed wi th srnuing. do propose t o put a price on them expressed th e opimon th'l.t the cluef of" w hich will make it an object for ficers of the execu tive shoul d be chosen WE.DNE~DAY EVE:NING SESSION. the p eople t o come and t ake t hem from the wholt: district, mstead of b em g A very good audience was presen t at neaily all in Bowmanv1lle. th e time of opemna:. R ev, E . Barrass a way. ev. A . L eslie, M .A., ofNewt onville, iead a port10n of Sciiptur e, and after the It ough t t o be apparent t o sen - intR rod uced the fa st su b Ject on t h e pro- con gr ega tion Joined h eartily i 11 tha t famsible p.:ioplo t hat ex tra good b a r- grn m for d1 scuss10n, viz. , " PreparaL10n of iltar 11ym n, " 0, for a t housand tongues to sing, " the ltev. A lex. MacLaren, of gains may be expected of u s u nder th e L esson for T each i ng." l. When to b egm,- The t ime of begin- E n mslnll en, l ea d m pray er. t h ese circumstances and that t hose g t he preparation of t h e l esson, shou ld Dr. McL:mghlm, M. I'. P ., t h e n ew who purch ase of u s are bound to uin be on the Sabbath , after the last l esso n Presiden t, took t h e ch» .1r and presided come out ahead. W e think so, and h as been t aught. Get i t clearly before over the m eeting we t hink we can prove to you t hat t h e rnm d early in t h e week so t hat it can T h e B.ev. W A. Warriner , B D, being it is so. You can't come and see b e t hou gh t oE wh ils t b usy laboring wi th called to deliver the Address of Welcome, h ands Keep a small n ote book i nto exp ressed t h e plea>ure of the Christian a.bout t his any too soon . R emem- the which new ideas may b e p u t . wor kers of t h e t ow n at t he h old m g ot' t he ber cur choicest bargain s will b e 2 M eth od of prepara tton,- S t udy t h e Oon ven t10n h ere. He a l ways liked to :first to go. They are all good, but lesson first withou t h e lps. 'l'urn up par- meet with good and wise p eople, and some mmt n ecessarily be b etter al lel passages, seek to get light from believed that man y of the b eat Oluistians than others, t herefore improve tlrn Scripture, to explain Scr iptu re. Aak t h e were engaged at t his wor k. It wa;, a da nce of the Great Te acher so t hat the work that demanded the best talent the opportunity without delay, as it gm mmd of the S pwt may be g rasped. chu rch could give . But th ou,sh a d1fricult has over a n d over been demon stra- P r ayer a nd study are allies. The Spirit wor k i t was also very blessed . When t ed that t,be early bird cat ches th e o f God n ever encourages i dleness. Aft e r Christ said io Peter "feed my lambs " he indep end ent study, use commentaries so co mmitt ed t o h im what was n earest l11s worm. n umer ous and so excellen t . M ake s ur e own heart. \ Vh en a cln ld 1s b ro ught to Our T ailoring Department is of t he connec t10n of the passages, m aster J esus, r,ot only is a life saved from sm, 'Ubin g tho ladder of fame high er all historical and ge<;gri:tphical aUnaione, but a 11ew <UJd hying force is u.cld.,d to the '1igher as t ime rnlJs on an d we :8:ining used the helps, l e.we tham a t Kin gdom 0£ Righteou~ness. rrl1c chu rch cli... ' wonder w h ere it is going h om e , they are like t he scaffolding of a of t he fu tm e was in th e Sabbath School and b u1ldirig. to -d ay, aucl th ey as teacJ:iers were f haping Our stock is th e la rgest; begl~ I t he character an d destm y of s ucoeedm g 3. Study h ow to impart t h e le::son, ent the most varied, The teach er m uat know th e scholars so as gen erations He was gla d to welcome to stop. ~uost perfect, our cut to brrng t h e tr u t h t o b ear upon them th e Conven tion t h at th ey mig h t mee t oul' ttssortL. c, our trimm ings aright. M ako u se of illustraiwns to en- t orrether and confer on t ho b e' t me,111s of and fl.t tb t be t r ut h, and sh ow h o w t ho l esson ca;rym g on so g reat a n d g lor iou s a 1101k . t he tu e · ost d urable, our force m was a pract fral illus t h rows ligh t up ~ n t h e life of the presen t. Such a Conven t i1 t h l ost artisi When t he 4 Q uest10n1ng, - Prepar e q uestion s trahon of Ohnsti:m uni ty . e oest and even if few of these are used AvoHl, as d1sc1ples d ispu ted a s to wluch should b e Pr ices t li e I n.. a r ul e, q u estions wh ich admit of "yes" or greatest, J esus set a d11l d m the midst. 1 l I I"no" for an answer . T ry a n d asl, s uch q uestions that the schola r s will be led t o q uestion the teacher . Avoid q ues tions t h e ~chda1s cannot .wswer. \Vith little ch 1ldren, es pec1allv, t alk over the lesson first, then questi on. T h e obJect of prep arat10n, sc.. to present t h e truth t h at the scholars will b ecome followers of Christ, nd that those rn lovm g uPioa w ith !um 'V b e nurtured. ws. R . Sanderson, W. H. ' Varrmer, 'on and Miller, and Messrs W . J . L E lii a and P. 'l' reb1lcock, d is ' , fly th e same s u bject. ~ub3 ect was " '£ he Review," '\o duced i n a very abl e and Iu t h e presence of .Tesus an d th e child r en we are all one. l'le congratulated the teach ers on t hl'l fact tha t t h e Sun day School was a hvmg m st1tutt0n a n d g rowmg. The Rev. ]1'. N . P elo ubet had said "lf we ·.· · ilfav r ise on s tcppmg stone Of our <lead selves to hi g t hings," h ow much mor('t can we n se on t he stt'ppm<t s tones of our ltvmg selves 1 We 0 a r e buildmg on t h e past, let n s b uild brc:ade1, n obler at<d lrnrh er. Mr Warriner brought h is remark s to a close b y a" ain welcomin" the d,eleJates to t h e 0 Cluistian h omes of Bowman ville. R t!v. R. \ Valker, of Newcastle, r e- j choicest and moat tender morsels be .;iven to E XCHANGE OF P ULPI T S. sp on ded to the add ress in a capital t he l 1mbs and rn t~e or~~r as given by t he Saviour, t he lambs first llrn chapter by way At a meet mg of the M imsterial Aasospeech. of lesson might be auly1 rnd for the special bene(The b 11lance of this report i s crowded ht of th" young people; occas10nally too, say ciat1on held a t N ewcastle 1fu M onday 2nd inst , t he yearly exchange of pulpit~ ou t to mak e ruorn fvr M r. H,oy's address qmu ter ly. the entir~ school might he rneachecl to t ake place on Su:-:day the 15th inst. -EllITOit ) too, mak1!1K them fed the lllLe1es~ th"' church · is takmg m them by g1vmg t hem thu whole was arra!lged as follows : THURSDAY' fl SESSION. ser ·11ce. I have known this pl"n purmed and Rev. C E . Mcintyre, P r esbyt erian ·trange to sa} the ~heep seemed to 1d1sh that " llow to n:tam the older Sch olars" food better th.m their 01uma1y r,it1ons .A m em- church, Newtonv1lle, Kendall and Orono. was i ut1oduced by Mr. W. J. R oy, of ber ol t he l at e Geo, R 1ddd l'a congre~atwn t old Rev. Mr. L eshe,Church st. , Bowmanme that he frequently had a ch1ldren's day, a B ethesda, who said. rnrmon specially for t he young ville, 10 30; Q ueen st., 6:::10. Mr. Pr~ndent , n )t t ills convent ion or any l have Bh·1wn that t he borne needs to be stir· Rev. J. Wh1t lock.O rono P resbyter ian other, is likely to over-estimate the importance red to work for the school, and the pulpi~ of xttaming t he older schola1s in the f'lunday shou'<l pomt ont thou duty aod how t i) do it . 11 a. m., Clark 's 2 30; Newcastle,Metho· School 'l'he conhJJuous and syRt ematw study an'l before any noticeable r osult is obtained d ist , 6 :30. of the Bible from infan cy to old age is a ' ery this will have to be done often. P ut i t gent ly Rev· .A F raser ,K<>ndall 10:30; Shiloh o:;xcellent i:;uarnntee of a per son'd fi tness for t o your 'People; at first your fl ock not b,ing 2 30; :N ew t onv11la, Meth , 6:30. he.wen. A h ie spen t in tbe contcmpration of used to ~uch honrnly far e it may not agree with R ev. W H Warrmer ,Leskard 10·30; the promisbBhere can h"'ve no other httmg ee· ber.u t o get to o ruuch ,,t oncP, Ki rby 2 30 ; O rono Meth. , 6 30. Quence than the ellJO J ment of t he delight~ of W e want these young peopl~ to open:y pro t heir com plete fulfilment in the "Rome over fess faith m ,feana and JO R ev. T. D unlop, S t . P aul's, Pres ,1 1, rn the churcn at ·u t he1e." early a dale as possible, to be not only rn the B ible Class 3, '1'un. ty 7, Bowm~nv1lle. After t he prinmry and iutermediate c'Mses church, but the ocho 1 and to contmu" m both. R ev. R Walker, Tnnit y 11, Bible h avo la1dagood founcl.,,~wn of sc1ipture },now!· And the church ought to rnv1te entreat, and . Paul's 7. ed"e 1t rn of t he lngbest 1mporbnce that t he rn·truct them contrn n ou~l y with a view to that Class 3 , S L Rev. E B ;i,rrass, Queen st 10.30, S. go~d work should co11tm11e '.the chmch ioll end, and to be g.numg "~cession to the church c.1lls f· 1r thu ch urches' best wutk n ght he·e. all the t ime \\ithout wiutmg for the stereotyp S . 2 .30, Ohmch st. 6 30. 'l'he chmches' most useful mombers are gamed ed r evival ser vice to gath~r, wlnch ts as a way of 1-tev E H.ober ls, Mt. Vernon 10.30, at ilus J)OU;t ,anct I rn fl.y ndrl t ho most hmmltat· .,. m kmg a· a balm fo1 the cc ns~ien ce ul a church E nfield 2.30, Ennisk1llen 6 :30 . ing fail ares occur where the C:l.' el ully tunned to do by spnrt the work nbout which the v hav~ Rev. R. D. Fraser, Tyrone 10 , clul::'ren ought t o gru.duate rnto lull chmch !:;geed all ) ears, a11d be1 ~ 1s an opportunity for Salem 2 30; Providence G 30. memberoh1p a· t hey ou tgrow the mtermediat e some printer iu list to des1g11 a m ce Card amt claeses, but with a wave of you thful 11npulse able fc.r frammi;, t o be given to eacli one ad· l'tev. n, 8andel'SOn, Z10n 10 30, Eldad break loose from church eontrol and :Bible study, mitted to church membership from t he school. 2 30, Hampton G.30 pe1 h.-ps forever. I w1·h that I had such a CMd given to me Rev. S Saltl)n, L ong Saul t 10 30, My topic, "How to retam t he older scholars,' wheu I t ook one of t he most important steps su>:gests the query,how do we lose them ? '.l'hat that can be tlikei1 m hfa -op~n profoaeion of Haydon 2, Tyrone 6 ·30. Rev \V Ken ner ,Ebenezer101,1"faple they go fr.>m us at this critwal period, all faith in the l\e·leemer The b·nefit of sueh a church es know and bemoan lf we can present beautiful Ca1d will c·>m m1md itself at leolst to G rov!! 2 30, E benezer 6 ·30 the i eason why they go, we w ay hope to be some one thrng more upon which church and Rev J . 'l'. M orris , Ne wcastle, Meth. able to suggest some ways of working by "hich achoo! should take a ·1111t&d and t rm stnnd, 10·30, Presbyter ian 6 30. t he losses may be leP sened, t o t he pupil~ viz· t he ttachmg of the F ourth Commandment , Mr. Higgmbotham , Newcastle, P reswho leave the except10n as compared with those Remember t he Sabbath to keep i t bely. An "yter 1an 11. E . R omm· r s. that stay ouser ver might t hmk t hat Decalogue was fram· The average matme church m ..mber has eel with th"3 commandment m parentbes.a t o be most likely lost sight of t he feelm::is and 11npuls· left out if convemen t, accorclingly con v enienc~ A SEVERE A TTA.CK.- "! never felt e~ of his ) outhtime. Is PO longc1 JD sympathy Day of rest! Tho tired better in my life than I have smce t akmg "ith t hose who have recently attarnecl t heir often leaves 1t out ":'eaned with bemg agreeabl· to ~er 'Burd ock Blood Bit ters. I had il · severe f ull bodily a.nd mental vigor, who are abound· hostea!, Sunday v1s1tors. ha~ not ·een much good of i t j b ' l I I 1 f I rng- with elnst1c,glad,God·g1ven hfe. Chi ldre n I cfo wish that ali courtrng could be deferred i 1ous a ttac '· cou d not eat or severa a l ways retain a place m our hearts becl\UBe until some other eyeumg. l t 1s for Mamsell·· days, and was unabl e to work. One they need our .id; t nc1 r dependence upon ns t o b e equal to a Snuda.y evemn~ courtshi p, es· bottle cur ud me."J OlIN M. R ICHARDS, compel the st udy of their nat ure. but the youth H ential to 8t,.y home from th" Bible Cla·s and S r ., Tara Ont . F o r all b1liou~ t doubles with lu.vish energy and prov ~king independence. Eleep, and then young Adonis knows tbat a use B. B. 'B. ts aa e111groa worthy of st udy Lut t oo otte11 nap will enable lnm to st11y with comfort long given u t> W e aie apt to overlook the fact er th:ID if ]JH studad the lessou al'Cl cam· oo O vERWoRKEn.-"My husband stramed t hat ev<>i y tlu ng is mtenst!y mtei estrng to school, and tb,.t makes two less in the clasa. young people and a1e not 011 t he ale1t to gmdo Recently, rn 'l'oro'lto ma11y compl umts have himself with ove rwork, eausrng a large t heir cra vmgs mto holy t hmgs, b,1t Satan , the been about meetmgs 111 the Pavillion for swelling ia the grom. He suffered great okl serpent, knows Ins bnsmess and he tick !es the drncuss10n of popuhr oubjocta of a reh;<10us ap;ouy, wluch d octors failed to r elieve; t heu fancy this world and inflames th e1r nature because t hese tnt>~tln!,'8 deplet ed the desires for the thmgs of eaPth and t hen says to ·chools D ur rng the anm vet sa.ry senson in the he could not eat n or eleep. B . B . B. them as to our Saviour, " All these t hin gB will country m y own class attendance has often boen quwkly cured hu:n. He says he never I give t hee if thou wilt fall down and wor·hip a11noy111gly omall, and I think care should be h ad such q uick r elief m h is life. " Exwe." taken oy nil chnrches tha:: no extra attraction tract from a letter fr om Mrs. Geurg(} Hut I do my t hat wherever t hat unholy c11m- be offered durmg Sunday School hou r. This Bosk, CooksnllP., Ont pact 1s form ed.that 1t is a ieflectwn on ou1 zeal, year at our coming annnersary on the fit at out metho<ls,our wisdom, for be t hat l B fur us Sunday m J11ne, we will our S S. ses~1on 1s gieate1 L b,m all that can be agtmist us And as umw.' ,not suffering to 111te1fe1 ·e with our own, when we loose our older scholars, ;:)afan m:i.y m ucli le·~ 11e1ghbo11ng schools well cl1u ckle with delight , for he has mduced .And now h,tvmg refor1e<l to the home and thoae marmern to st eer a wav out over hfe's t he chnrch. lat us turn our attention to the t10ublecl sea· 11th t heir chart folded and he school 1tselt I .. et the aault cl \SS h:n e the best knows th:i.t t hey Cllllllot be better prepared for <1ccommod ..tion the church can afford If r.ny sh mm:_~ck, :Lie· \\S address ouree.l ves to a search school still teaches the D1bl" Clas· ID the same af~~r the t:YJ\;; illid t'!~f,,c~s that do exiet aiW. the roolll with the sma,ller pu:iils, if possible pro· way to remove th em . First of all Jet u,1 scan vida a 8eparnte aj).\I tment N0 Bible Ola~s t ho aveiage home. And let me remaik ught can be efficiently tau;:ht withwt it . hem that t he most potent mflueuce upon their And li:l$t, but. ni\t least, to t:1 1s end ls the of hves and futu. e charactu 1s 1 n then home fice. Next to the pastor its dnlies are the mo~t Our new Spnng styles in Not church, or school, or state, or a ll combin ·d cutici.l, most responsible, most valuab: u and can equal t he rnoulder mg power of home. If comequently most honorable the chnrch can the lwme Le with u3 and fo1 us we cannot foil , consign to anyone's earn; and it will ba to tho I\. but if the home be IJOt for th 2n H 1s agamst us, interest of tvery cong1el(.1 t10n to magmfy the ...£":l... and 1f we succt·ed t hen we do well. D u ect op office. to 1eco.:mze its duties as too he avy t o be pos1t wn to t ho S. S in a general way IS out of lightly aasurued. l'o say in effect to the Bi ble are now in. The the question I t 1s never agamst t.S m that Class teacher , t ake this position of lughest t rust sense Spoken md1ll'erence 1 s almost as rme we can assign to you and guar d t his breRch for Aud why ob JUld they! 'l'he buzzing creatures ·1s and mir dear and common Lord. And when ke home so ligh tsome and so" ear1Eome that 1s done relieve t'his pe1 son of eHry ounce that m,1 put rnto good bands on l:\und:.y afternoon of church work beside r.nd let t hem ha>o " hat The blessco o unday i:khool stands spunBOr foi they will r eqmre, all their unergies to centre 011 is all the r age- sold ouly at the Eclipse th en good behav1om fo1 two hours, whilst they this high ;md holy wol'k And 1f you have a House. Our ob~erv" the day ()f rest <1trnr the fl esh, 1f not rn mau i~mon r: vou "ho is class learle1, and choir t lrn spirit rn serene repose, and beyond that kaie1, g,nd Church Stmrnrd, and 8. S Super there 1s ieal mflmnce which I propose t o shew 1r;tenda.nt, and who 1s al~o w1llmg to take the rn 1eal opposit10n. adult cla·s. at the risk of offenamg-, firmly say Did tht·y hem tha child's lesson before school? no. 'l'liis mun~try 1· to :;~cred and impor tant No. Would they have patien ce to h· ten to tho to receive le2s t han an undivided energy. and cluld's rehearcal of the teaohmgs of t he school p1·ov1ded one can be, fonnd more mtellurent than g oing off very rapidly. when the child cnmes home i Not often Do all tl.e church beside, he will have ampl11 scope they, to whom God has ase1gned that child to and room to spare for all tho power he can conbe trnm ed rn u kn ow ledge of all that is good centrate to this position for this hfe ·· nd t l1at which is to corns, seek to 'To s~y that tl:ie te lcher must ha' e mtelli,-enc11 imbue 1t with <1 reve1ence and a love fur tire 1rnd piety , 1s equivalent to sa:i;rng a uede·trian study of th" B1blt: ? Io 8hort . many homes m ust have feet; but other qnsltt1es are alsn es A SPECIALTY. h-.rdly know whether the past le·sons have sent1aL Re must be apt to teach. Able t 'J been rn Gen estd 01 Joshu" . Samples of mdif- take of his knowledge with snch fervoi a3 to fereuce h ke th ese uugbt be given m great num arrest their »ttentiou, with such clearness as Out by the only first-class cutter in town. be1 aucl wlrnt of them ? My fue11ds , the child to allow of no mistake, with such skill that umtateu t '1e i-mrent : In the movement of a what was h is is now theixs h wet, the glance of the eye, t he accellt of a He must have ent husiasm His fitneM for woHl, the voicmg ot an idea, the sentime~~ of t eacher may not be men.sured hs his enthusiasm, s a cop) of the other l ho out hi· success will. I have met teachers that the aoul,- t he one 1 p:irent never consc10usly t aught these thmgs declined the S S. T11nC3 for a help on thrn to t he cl11ld. ' r he duld never bent ito enuJgies gr ound, there was so mu ch on the lesson tba1; to acquue them t hmga fro m the parents; still they load not tune to read it. Thrn teacher the cooy 1s marvellously corr~ct,-sometimas reads all the T'111t~ ha.a to eay, scans Peloubet's more c~Jrect than .:ati,factory. '£h·s example N·)tt°B hu a Bible D .ct wnar.y, and a well worn You ng Men, Bachelors and of i ndifference 18 ~as1 ly detected by the child conco;dance, ancl to day is not so much interestand easily acquued. and no wonder it is pm ed in tbe pr,ce of stocks, the wcathe1 probabilWidowers, fusely displayed afiollt the ttme t be Bible Glt~so ities, 01· lhc G overnment mnionty at Ottawa, ~nould receive them on its rot! , and between ns in the " 'rite child Mos 0 s" of next Su nd11,y'~ this monstct md1 fferenM and avowed oppos1 lesson Firn enthusiasm is oik~ the measles, it tiou, there is not much choice, but if of two is catch\n~. aud i t goes in and throu~ h his clas~. HaJC Doz e n evils I had to choose the least [ would until e··ery ind1vidnal 1gacomnnttee fox p1 e~erv W i ll gne_ a to ,,1 ,e my chance· with the rntter . If by thrn mg and u;ibmldmg 1t l'fe must be sympathetic, S i lver P l ate(} Tea § 11oo ns t11ne th~y are not Ill t he habit of and m love In ~ympathy with brn lesson he ought to be. In with J31ble study, th b home is part ly to blame, sympathv with his pupils he must be. 'l'o be w ith evei·y Wcddhng .Ri~g Let us get the Lome mto !me with the scho<>I, able distmctly to recall how 110 thought and an< l our chief ally for reta1mug the oldtr ·Chol felt and what he knew a t 17, that he may meas Ile sell s during h isCi e ari ng ars 1 s g:imed A fatly Ba1d to her husband . not ure his pupils by himself; not what he i· n ow O u 1 50 f y ou would r e..ct the S. S, but what he '\l'as th en Able t o drn.w out from long aJ o, I tbmk 1 Lesson at "orslup and as1c the ch1ld1en aues· them their way< flooking- at his euhJect, that he t 10ns as you rPud, it wo,1'd be rnce The may impart to them Go d '~ way of looking at i t. experiment was tri ed : Th~ lesson or its con All tbese thin~e mw be h t· yet he may be hke text \I as chosen every mo1 rung- It w,\s odd those lakes111 the Ea~t whose migh ty r:ver torat first as compo,1·ed with reaclmg a chaptet rent« are coutmually p.mrt!11! rn , yet thev have straight ahead, and the children for the tirst nei ther outlet or overflow Let l tm be filled to IS WORTH week hung th en heacls and ans'" ercd rn a tone the bum with aptness aud enthua1asm and symvery httle above a whisper, but gradually ·w· pathy ~nd then- and then let him for ono brief eryone became mterested,and now at that altar, mioute with tho·e nnder ]113 charge, look up for quest wn aud answer ar.Ll illusttat1u11 not only a copious <l<scent or God'd blessmg on h1 msel/, ltae made the exe1c1se of wo1·sh1p a Joy, but the h,. class, t he lesson. the hour Outlet and ov'!'O A NY HAN, children become BO saturated with the leBwn erflow thns ~ecured , that teacher ilnd th,.t c!Ms Woman or 0 luld lltn.t they go rn glad cx1 ,cctancy of their t e"ch will go howe fedrn g that he 1 s a co wo1ker with su llel'ln~ f l · o 111 us' qu"'stioll Haud commendation to tho scho,,J Jesns on Sunday. \ Vilt you, Mr. Uha1rma11, a ,k a.gain how to retain the older scholars, when all CA'l'A R RH homes thmk and act hke that? (Chau man. 0)' N u it would not be neccssn.ry.) Now, how abo~t the church It ough t to be .1bove er iti c1sm, and::: wish it was 'l'he tLud time Jesus shewed h11nself to his disciples after his l esur A partwle is a oplterl mto each nostril and rect10n, he said to P eter, · ::lunon. Ron of Jon as, is a~i·ccablc. J>i 1 ce 50 cents at D1 ngg1sts; bv mall registered. 60 cents.- Circular freo. ELY Jovest thoL1 me " A s if be had so me favor to BROS, Drugg·ste, Owego, N . Y. ~on fei , or rer1 u ~st to impose, toosacr~ cl to speak 0£ until a foll acknowledgment of 3flection had bc·n given. Peter, ill wonder, rep 112d "Yea, ~:ow when the buds bcirrn to Rhow, Lord, T hou lmoweit that I love thee." Of ' Tls t im e t or JOUntt and wlla~ c<1 uld t his he the prelnda. Jesus was olrl to know That li'cvcrs, Lassitude and thmkrng "f His peov l~'s children, when m re· ull ~ponea he enJomed upon Peter, and t hrough The 1Tis nt In<hoa1twn:. him upon all those who mu:.ister 1n sacred call, W ith every t roume, acllo thmgs, this rnc1ed trust, " Feed M y Lambs. ' Ol' ~aln , 1'o watchfully care for t hose of '"horn H e hacl l;; 'Ibat folio» s in the B iliou· w tl ,\ 1 11, said, ·'::lulfo1 little ~ hildren to co!He unto rue Wlll scatter lllrn t ho thieves or nlgllt and for bid thell.' not, for of such 1s the Kmg· DeCOIO a draught of Selt, er bright. dom of bNwcn " At the same mtervie w he twice committed 111 the same way, the tru~t t o "l<'eed ILY sheep." and no one,however cynical, In~iiifi~iiliwiil SOO TH ING, " ould accuac out pulpits of negl~cttng the spir· CLEANSINOl itual interests d the o:Jder pm t10n of the fluJk The average chu1ch service m u ty , town nnd HEAUN~ country, is pl efJ~red ~pec1allv for t he 1n·tt11re, I t Cm·cB and the nee JS of the lam\'~ are 1gncned ; never a mouthful forthern. Now, were we where we could rot no food it wo"Ulcl be a desert to us. It is a swcepmg mdictm ent and 1t ts true ')i1r Cold in Mead, church sm v1ces ar e a dosert to the cb1ldi cn. Th me u 110 11 111e pf our h v <"~ th ..t we be so bun;< y, no tune that \ \e cnn t~l.e f".~d with auca avidity, at·d 11 0 t nne th.1t 1t w11l do us STOl'S woi·e ::,oocl, ) et aim; t he church~ue.,dd much t?, listen to th11 Mastu'd call ".l!ced my lambs. Becau, 0 it does not notice them a~ ' t does This powder never varies. A marvel ot JSo.sal pnss.igcs m· grown p;ople they dono~give it thJtr love ']'bey purxty, strength a nd wholesomeness. dMorc 1 EAS Y TO USE. to the tlnoat und 11 0 sll'mLl bo so tie ..t~·l and noticed by the church ccon born1cadl t han the .rtdinaryt~hui tihae~'manulti ·tct de j c>ecossiie e:!>:pcct011tion caused by Calurrh. Sent 1 d ' th t ,, not e so m competi ion wi " dd 1 forwar w1 expec ancJ of' low t~s t short weiglit a\urn or phosphate pre patd on receipt of pncc 50c. and .,1. as to make th em loo< A rc·s t» ttie tune when they may be admitted mto foll 1 vowdcrn. Sohl only in cans, UOY AL BAK· ) F U L.FO!:"Hl & C<O., Brcckvllle~ Ont. ch urch membership.J!'eed t hnnre6ularly,let the ING POWDER C0 .. 106 Wall St.. N. Y, -· === - I T :fIE EclipBB Houso is still ahead. I :EI: T s "Jub ilee Christi'£~' Spring Ties , Collarst Cuffs and U nder clot bing FINE O RDERED C L O TH ING W . H . IVES. TOM ARRY ~e ~Q)~IJlf~B sane. I $ 1000 PO DER Absolutel~' G I Pure. C ATARRH , HAY FEVER .