t TERMS :-fl.liO PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M.A. JAMES, EDITOR.AND PROPRIETOB, VOLUME N:e:w SERIES, NUMBEB 459. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.ARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1887. XXXJII . NUMBER ! 0, Parties about to furnish or refurnish their he>mes, should no t fail to ir1spect our large stock of CAR PETS, as we show the finest assortment, the newest designs and the value to . be found in \/Vest Durham. -THEKIRBY. HAMPTON (Too late for last issue .) (Cro wded out la~ t week.) Last Saturday as Mr . J olln Cnrrie, of :M:r. B . Raum er has retnrned from Oshawa,. waa driving along t he six th con· England looking h al e an d hearty, but cession nort h of the village his h orse sorry t o say we have not t he pleasur e o: t o ·n ew subs cribers broke throu gh a culver t and fell on the wishing him much joy. BAILING :BE'l'WBEN shafts breaking one of them and d oing Mr.A.Rutherford has gr ea tly improved EVERY WE FJ K NEW YORK and GLASGOW, other damage. the appearance of hi~ place b y erec ting - AN D Mr. William Allin has r et urned from wire fences. NEW YORK and LIVERPOOL. Cobourg. He does n ot appreciate a l\fa!ter Thos. Clemence, of Newcastle, NE\V Y OEI< & GLASGOW SERVICE. week's Co1wt ,ing aB he did thirty .y ears l bas been visit ing h ere. Dlij;vONIA. from New York, 8a.turda.y, l\fay 21 l\'.lr.J. Mor row had taken his dep artnre , Fu-RNES:-<IA " " " Ma.y 28 ago. CTRGAS:SI A .Tune < I Rev ..J. F. German, ~- A., of Whitby, but made a flying visit here r ecently. E'l'H!OPIA June 11 l\1r. w. Paterson , our n oted h orseman , ANCHOHIA June 18 preached a .very forcible sermon. h~re CO URTl<JE . DEVONIA June 25 Sun_day evenmg to a large and appreciative ]ms secured fonr tir at prize 11 thi~ spring. FUl~NESS!A July 2 Mi.ii Charlotte Adai1·, of Tau nton, is We congratulate Mr. Patterson on his CIHCASSIA J uly 9 audience. visiting at Mr. J ohn Brook s'. E'l'HIOPIA .Tuly 16 Some of our residents h ave t he measles. Rllccese. ANCHORIA July 28 Miss M aud Eoo erson, of 1'yro1 rn, spent. There is to be a " big go " at the M r. Art hur P owers is h omo from Saturday a.nd S unday at the parsonage. DEVONIA. July 30 Division on the first of .Tuly. Chicago, I ll. RATE S 0 F PASSAGE. llAv. Mr_ K ennet' clel ivnrei! t ..vo imMr. Bter has t aken possession of the - -- -- - -- · p ressive sermon s at E benezer, uu S un day GLASGOW SERVICE hotel and is pr epared to furnish the OA RTWRIGH'l'. last. To or f 1·om N ew York, Glasgow, L iver- public with the best of accommodation. The L ang far m was sold t o Mr. W. Mrs. Miller has r eturned from a visit pool, L ondonderty or B elfast. There is conRideril11le milk coming int o J ohm1, of Clf;lsa.rea, (a nd n ot to Mr . Mc - to Flesher ton. FIRS'r CA B IN, the factory t his week. Mr. Gilbert is Gill, as stated in our l1st), a t $37. 00 per M aster Mackenzie P en foun d, so n of Aft Outside Ber th. $60 {Excursion Tio ) $ 110 converting i t into cheese in good style. acre. Aft Inside or For· eta available j' M r. J ohn Penfound, lms been very ill SLOW BoY. ward Berth, $50 for 1 Year $90 M iss Sa.rah Bradburn ha11 returned but is no iV r ecovering. 8 li: C 0 ND C L A 8 B. from visit ing friends in Darlington . HAYDON. Mr. Henry Gay ha~ j ust completed Single. $ 30, (Including requisites.) Return, $1'1'. Messrs. W. Hassard and H. 'l'. F ergu- good boat for Mr. S. P ickle. Children, 2 to 12 yre., ha!! fare, Infants free. Mr. Robert Washington has erec ted a aon are h ome from Colk ge for tho hol There was a close and interesting game fine stable. d ays. They look very well after close ~EW YORK & U VERPOOL, via Qi:EENB'rON of baseball played here on Sat 1.1 rday e venMrs. S. Waldock is not expected to application to their books. ing, between t he second n ine of t he S tars S. 8. CITY OF lWME. recover. Mr. George Beacock left last week for and a cluh selected and captain ed by Mr. From NEW Yom\'.. l!'rom LIVERPOOL. The ranche is stocked, to the great Ot tawa, having accepted a situation as John \Valters. The Stars won by a score Wed, Ma.y 2.5, CITY OF ROME, ·w ed, May 11 of l.i to 4. 'l'nni:. Wed, June 2l, CITY OF ROME, Werl, .June 8 annoyl\nce of the farmers in this vicinity. b oo ~k:eeper i n t h e Capital. Wed, July 20. Cl'l'V' OF ROME, Wed, July fi The farmers in this vicinity have been It is our painfnl duty this week to We.d, Aul(.17, CITY OB ' HOM !n, W ed, Aug. 3 making a number of sales of fat stock frecord t he death of Miss Emily A. eldest ENNI SKILL.T.U-V . Wed, Sept. H, CITY OJ<' ROME. Wed, Ang. 31 Wed, Oct. 12, CIT Y OJ!' HOME. Wed. Sept. 28 lately. Mr. J ohn M cLaughlin sold a fine daughter of Mr. J . L. P ower, of Cadmu8 , Scuooi. REPORT. -Result of weekly steor to Mr. E . J. Wheeler, of Port Perry, who died on Wednesday, 4 th inst. , after exammati ons for 4th and 5th fo r the RATES OF PASSAGE. Her t hat weigh ed abouL 1,650 lbs. Mr. J. S'. a. short but very painful illness. To or from .New Y ork, Liverpool or Hall b ou ght two steers from Mr. R. Hi'l remains were interred on Friday in the 3 months pa~.t -Fifth Class. -Over 75 per cent. -J. L ee, A . Mi tchell,R .Brown, Queenston. that turned the scales at about 2.506, and Methodist burying gr ound, Williamsbur g, Jennie McLaren, K .S tep hens. 4th Clase. 12 fine hogs from Mr. N . ,J. Haycmf~. foll owed by a large concourse of frien ds -Minnie Rogers, M ary Yirt ue,C.Rogers . F IR 9T C AllIN. Best Outside Rooms, for 2 persons, ea.ch pas· Mr. J. Rundle s old two excellent cattle and acquainta11ces, and borne by six M on t hly re"Qort for Apri l.- Seni or 3rd . senger, $UIO: Rat.urn Ticket, $180. Best Outside :Rooms. for 3 persons, Dest to drover Wight, and we un tler stand all young men, members of the Christian -Lottie Roger~, Ella St a,in t on , 1£ttie Mr. ·w. J.' Workers' Band . Deceased was uniw,re Inside or Next Best Outside Rooms tor 2 per· r eceived satisfactory prices. sons, ea ch va·11engor, $80; Return '.L'icket, 1;140· Haycraft h as purchased a fine thoro-bred a.1ly respected and will b e sorely missed Gilber t, L . L ewis, 0 . Mil is , Fred Mar oney. Ju ni or 3rd_-Geo. 'fhompson, Next Best Outside Rooms, for 3 or~ persons or Inside Rooms. a.ccordinii: to locitt.ion, for 2, 3 Ayrshire cow from Mr. J. L awrie, of in the family circle a 1 a conscientitms Harry Pye, Alex. McCu llough, Wm. or 4 persons. each passenger, $611 ; Return Ma.pie Grove. counsellor, a lov; ng daughter and sister, R obbins, Joseph D ean, E m ma Lewis. 'L'ickets, $110. · Mr. a.nd l\irs. W. B onathan, of New- in the church,_ Sabbath-school and choir, ~enlo r 3rd.-Wm. S ta inton, Sidney Special, Upper Deck,, and State Ca.bins as per agreement, Child~en, 2 to 12 years, ha!! castle, and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wheeler , as a good Christ ian worker! always ready H ockaday. Mabel Hut chison, W. R ogers, fa.re. Illfants, free. Servants, $50. of Port Perry, spent Sunday with friends t o do her part, and 1 !1 society .as a very Osbert Byers. .Junior 2nd. -Harold SECOND CL A SS. here. · usefol member, pleasmg and kmd, But M itchell, L . H utchison, E thel P utter , Sin~le, $30. (Including all Requisites.) ReNoTE.- The abcwe letter was crowdeCl t he loss t o those left behind h er will be Alice T hompson, J ames .l3ro w::i, Norman lurn, $60. Children 2 to 12 year., hulf faro; out last week.-ED. her eternal gam. Th e fnneral sermon Gilbe rt. - -0. N . C.ALLANDJ rn., tea cher . Infants, free. was preached on S unday evening the 8th, S'l'EE :RA GE . QuE1 rn's J um1.1rn !-'f h o an niversary be~t to a large con v,r ... gation from Acts 9th USH A WA . .Always as low as any other 1irst·C l'1,Ss line. ........ . ohap. , 36th to 4 ls t verses. 'l'he p ul pit, ser vices of the M uth odist church in this The T eacher's Convention has been organ ancIfr ont of the church being drap- place, will be held on the 22nd 1 .md 24th ~·or circ ula.rs or other particulars, make early post'(lon ei! t ill:- 0ct. 4 au d 5. appllca.tlon to, ed for the occasion in d eep mour n ing by inst. On Sunday 22nd, two sermons will M. A .JAMES, The Town Council paid $12. 60 p er 1\1 t he members of the church, and t h e lovely be preached, morning and evening, by Can adian Rtipresen t attye, BowMANVIJ,J,E. for 50,000 ft. of lumber for t his year. flower s which decom t ed the coffin and R ev . Jam ~s Liddy of .Myrtle. On Tues · -OROshal\ a is . using brok en stone for church, showed the respect with which day, Mt1 y 24, t he Tea will be :'l(·r ved in HENDJilltSON BROS-, General A.gents, str eets, 100 cord s cost $255. The break- she was held by t hose whu knew htff. t he h ~sement of t h e church , frorn 5 t o 7 l patd gtic C11ICAGO· NEW YORK. BOi:!'l'ON. ing cost $3. 25 per cord. The paren ts, sister s and brother h ave t he p.m., o.fter which a loyal an c sympathy of the neighborh ood i n thei r meetin11; will b a held t o be addressed by Stl·eet watering is to cost $250. sad bereavement . The words of t he poet R tivii. C. E. M cintyre , Jas. L iady , A. Saw works may yet be estabfol1ed. McL tuen and Circuit Ministers. Tlt.e comes in very appropriate in h er case : ladies will a lso offer for sale t h eir beau tiEd. Cars well, te111perance lect1ner, has ·' Sleep on beloved. sleep and tak e tlJy r est, ROYAL .MAIL S'l_'E.AMSHIPS. returned fr0m a 3 mos. lecturing tour in Lay down thy h ead upon thy flaviour's braas t, fa l autogrnph qu il t. E very t h ing is be"\Ve loved thee well, but Jesus loves thea more, ing d ona t o ma ke the affair a gran d aucSouth C<1r olin11. Good night, good night, good night." ces, and we would a d vise everybody who O ll r merchants h ave adopted t11e six Mr. J~. A. Mason, of Howick, A. W . ia desirous of spending the 24th i n < SAILINGS, L o'clock closing movement. and J. H. Mason, of T oront o, attended POL.' iNESIAN, from Quebec. Friday, Mav 13 p leasiug and profit a ble manner, to pay a Mrs. D. F . Hagernum, of Reach, pre- the funeral of their neice. PAHISIAN, Thursday, May 19 visit to E1miskillen on that d ay . SARMA1'IA.N, " Thursday, May 26 OUWASSIAN, " FridE y, June 3 sented her lrnsbaud with t riplet s- three R ev. Mr . McK ay, of o ~ rtwright , occu<laughters-a few days ago, all doing TYRONE. Thursday, June ' 9 SARDINIAN, 11 pied the pulpit in t h e P resbyterian POLYNES AN. " .l<'riday. .June 17 well. Rev. 'W. Kenn er has made grea ~ im- church last Sabbath morning , and gave a PARISill.N', " 'Jhursday,June23 M essrs. Gould & Morgfl.11 have, s o far provements t o the parsonage grounds. well p rnpared and learned diac ourse to a SARMA'l'IAN, ,, 'I'hursday, June 30 this season, shipped 342 beeves t o Eng\Ve have just received another lot of the new grey- RA'l'ES oF OcEAN PAssAGE :-Cabin, The n ext t hing wanted is a n ew fence. goorl congregati.ou. .French c:rrey-light and dark shades of Dress Goods so much $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 land. Miss Car rie Scott is visiting friends at The Methodist church wa s crowded b - and $150. Intermediate, $ 30 ; r:eturn, M essrs. Garrow and Munroe have r e- P ort H ope. Sabbath evening to listmi. to t he popular in demand. Being very scarce goods we were fortunate to $GO. Steerage, $20. The last. t rain con- signed us councillors. Mr. W. R. Clemens lost a valuable cow preacher , H,ev. E. R oberts, of Queen-st. secure from the best houses the articles in colors so much necting with the mail steamer at P ort· Nothing was done h ere on .Arbor Day last Thursday. . Died of hydroph obia. Bo ~manville, ~~ nsual Mr. Rober~s h D land leaves Toronto on Wedm)sday morn· 'b . i mpro ve the sch ool grounds. M an vers has a great at traction for an- dehg~ted i.nd edified In s hem·ers by his sought after. Any I a d Y can e smte · w o wants a resa, ing. T l.Je last train connectin g with the to l\frs. J .E. !VIcMillan, of Victoria, B. C., other young man . ~;t10r1l· and yet de<~ue~1 '. ser mon. not only with the Dress Material, but with mail Btearuer at lialifax l eaves 'l'oron to is visiting here, 'fhe ringing of the cow bell ii hearr, The fo?t b~ll club is fairly hucheg for on Thursday morning. For tickets and Mr. D un. Cinnamon has returned fro m frequently on p r actice n ighh. Obey t i e a £eason s play-F. A,· J ones, V .· "'" as every i ufor ruation, apply to W. A. N.eAvs, call captam, a.nd C. N. Cvb m der, Sec.-Treas. Bowmanville, Agent Allan line. 11-tf a trip to California. Negotiation s are being made with t h e · Our far mers in t his l oce1lity repo t far-famed Hampton team fo r a match on LONG SA ULT. T PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. spring seedilig doae. t he 24th inst . A crood game may be exThe social held la.st week was a grand '['he s l asses con d u~t t I10 m e ~t - "fl_ected. 'IN e also "' - t ho school foot , a1vRt10n ex pect success. lt was got u p to raise fun'ds to in<Ys at the b arracks bal1 eam ··to p 'ay a ,m at ch with some organize a S abbath School aud the pro· h l 1 nioter ~re to be conarat.u)o+eci on tl .ir . M r . M. has potatoea ready for . l10emg. ot er M 10e team t he fo l'eneen of t he ·r·d to be· t Joseph same day. All interested i::J. foo t ball, TAIT & MORUUOON'S and in· ~success so far, and by che interest mani ° ~ · spect their Wall Pa.pcrs- -Jatest fested her e on Sunday, we think it will M_ re. -~ ldworth h:ui returned h ome corne early Thursday a nd Saturday evende~ izn3, greatest variety, and i ngs for prac ti ce. prices to suit c.ve1·yone. Stock be a success. '.l'o eat drink and be merry 1 agam. now ready. seemed to be what every one came for Mr. Benni;H, who has r ecently arrived The la.dies of the Motbod i3t chu rch are Do yon want a new o.nd pretty · Window Shade or Blinda 'I We and espeuially tlrn crowd in \he corner. from the Old Sod, is the guest of Mr. T. ac 'iveiy enguged t his week iu making We bonght the goods at a Bargain and we intend to give have something new in this c h preparatio Ds fo r t he tea on the Queen's branch. Call and see them be· our customers the advantage of our purchases until they are Did you ever ge t left ? No. Well, reep er, mere ant. Bir thday and in colllp' eting t h eir Au to· fore you invest. or you'll bo hardly ever. The la.dies are mak ing gr eat prepare.- graph quilt, V ive la R eint. sorry. all sold. Mr. B'ycr's raising wa1 well attended tions for t he 24t h. _ _ ,__._,._ __ , _ _ _ _ We also offer BIG BARGAINS 111 HOSIERY and in 'l'he bee a t Mr~. H odge'e, on Thursday EDI'l'OU 8T.ATf:s1uN, - D EAR S rn.-1 a.nd every one lif ted with all his migh t when '\Vdliam shouted "Yaw h eave." night, was well attended. n oticed in your last i;sue a chtl.n cteristie Still lends in Photographs and KID GLOVES. 'Ve have decided to clear certain lines and our Studio is o!ten crowded, Mr. Wm. Hamley has the contr.ict and Mr. w. H. Hicks has rented par t of h is corn munication sign ed " Gray Beard," Com~. early in the da.y when y.ou to enable us to do so have put them at a price which will he never fails to make .a good job. farm. retlecting on the o >nduct of t h e L icen&-0 can. Just now you may want some prove the Biggest Bargain offered to any customer. (I mean Mr. Wm. Patton is improving sl owly. Who electod the y ou ng man assistant Inspector for this lliding. Permit m e to extra Engravings or Ch1·omos to The Virtue Bros. have purchased a new organist 1 Att end to b usiness, M. C. say that I kno w, and al l who have any adorn your rooms. We have a honestly offered.) great variety, good and cheap, T oronto Binder and Mr. Rich. Davey a. Th y C d. . h knowledge of the d ifficulties t he Insp ector t oo, Ir you want a. baby carriage ana ians w111 ave to has to cont e nd with, know that he is e ou n g we can suit you; we have some Maxwell. stan d around on t he 24th. d · ll J ' '-1 f h Mr .·John Tape, wlio is noted far and ~ · orng a 1e pose1v .f can t o en orce t e " io~ ones. Doll's Carriages, too, und Boy's Wagons. Carts and law, and he is entitled tr, t he sym pathy M essrs John B ell J 01 111 H od Son and near for the excellen t quality ·of his seed · · g Wheelbarrows. Lawn <1s.o n 'a tten 1neral of and encouragemen t , rath er t h 1 m sneers, S H od " grain ,is just as much so for his fat cattle, 'Ta· ' ded t he f1 · 'rhe only House in Town who has the same article at the he sold a fine steer to Mr. S . J. Hall t h at Mrs . Hod~son, who was interred at of law-abiding citizeus. H e is prevent ed !';h t he from J ' ttstifyin!l_ M on d ay. weighed about 1300 lbs. John is wide Brampton · On .r " e " hs ~ ,, himself, :i.s he effectually price. Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balls, awake. wife of the l ate Michael Hodason. might, by a full statemen t of w h a.t those Games for tamllles and social . . " 1 dillicll ll ie~ a-re. T hese sne -·r!n:r, at tacks pn.rtks; Our Mirrors aro clear " You could go home with me if y ou E verybody and h is gn·l rn u~t a1· : ange to are, therefore, not on ly unge n,ir ous and and true : our picture frames nro of the .latest and most attractive were nice enough. " B e got left. come to Tyrone ? U th~ Qn~en 11 Birth day,, unkind, hu t nnm!l.n ly. l:r is a,,.,. 0 i:tly to dc~ig1rn. Cm·tLi11 pcll' s & l'ings. MILLINERY We are so busy with orders that we BETSY Bonlln"s OH{;M. be?a use ?ur J ubilee '.l ea wi ll _ he wort hy <;it be hoped that tl1e leg~l and o t her di5o.· Plush goods- nice and ohoap. tl11.s Jubilee year. A splendid.program i s. bilitics by which he is at present hamper· Another now bnrnch just in· cannot find time to get up stock to:Show in our windows, troduced at Tait & e v. J. b · GArma!J · ed may soon be r cnrnv od and that ho ooo.y ·AN hUSHMAN's B uLL-Wt:J are sur- bemg prep~red . R _ but would most sincerly thank all tho::;e who have so , ,will ! b e enabled t o do all he ia di lposed ,to do r ounded by difiiculti es and d an.g ers said M.A., President of 1h? ConferencA kindly favored us with their orders, and ask any w~o P at, from the cradle to t he grave, and t he preach at 10 a. m. a~d G:30 p.111,, on S~m- in the discharge of .th (1 i mportant bu t 11 vit h which Is a Jewelry Depa.l'tment where only wonder is t hat we live l ong enough d ~y. 22nd - Collect10ns at Hach i>ervwe, exceedingly uupleas~nt d11 ti er may not yet have called to do so early because the choicyotl will flnrl tlio very latest in aft m· leaving the omi t o reach the other. T101rnta 25 centH. \Ve guarantee a good he is intrustcd. Ladies' 1mdGentlemen's j ewelry. ' I d time. Come one ; come a ll. T ea b egins goods go first. . 'l u; i:(reatest anger lies in allowing tf.e Wti invite special attention to R. WINDA1'1', our new stoclt just in, Base seeds of d i3ease to be rnwn i n our system. at 5 p. m. Cha irman Board License C ununic sion~t·a. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT We are as Ball goods, School and nnd Hymn l£ 1 an d c l rowsy, h i\V C LUCAX:. B owman ville, May 10, 1887. Books, Stationery, Toy·, inyou fee l d u 1 e f re· deed cveryt.bin v, to be fonnd in a busy as can be, and we feel grateful to all tho~e who quent headaches, bad t asle in mouth, Va1 ·iety uPd Fancy Good.;' coated tonr ue, poor appetite, you a.re sufA N O P E N LE1'l.'ER . -M:essrs . T . MilU sEl!'UL 1·0 K:-.ow. -fr~ rs ,l.)llll Siddell, l1ave entni'$ted us with their orders and the verdict has fering from a torp id liver. Ta.ke Dr. burn & Co. , - 1 wish I h .:d used B. B . B . of Orton, Ont .. was <tliliJt;)d for years been we were well suited. So if any per.son wants a -----------~~ · .-~..~ ', .Pii;rce's " Goiden M edical D iscovery" if sooner, which would h ave saved me y ears with oon trnction of tl1<1 h ronchiitl pipes ""' , 0 you would destroy t h ose seeds and avoid of suffer\ng with e rysi pelas, from which and tightueeR of the chest. She was good fit anrl stylish finish, & o to LAING'S and get Pearreaping a harvest of suffering and <let.th. I could get no I'!"libf u u ti l I tr1ed B .B B. c1;1 red by the in ternal >i.mi ex t <'r nstl use of <lon, the No, 1 Cutter to smt you. - - -- t which soon oleurod aw1>y thB i tclung , j Hagyards Yo i.l.ow O il. 'l'his t·cmedy USE 1·tHH'. .LOU'S suu·r.mr. §~AP fur FEl'J;It ~.olic. mnrn1.nrnJ':1p1·etHe fret.(nJ· bur ning rash that h ~ d s 0 iong dist re·sed · cureo rl:eumatism, nou-r.Jgic,, i:dla·nmaRespectfully Yours, l 'idclcly aen t:, ,\'eUl o . !tas ll, Scn lcy_i;1·11p·, nc~~. wcalu1csi;:. :md co n vnlNlous, nre ~01110 m e Mns E DWARD HoMFEY East ern i' t iou conuestion a nd a ll external and iu· lion, Itch, an1lnll tllse11sc1l c on1U l1ons ot 1 ol 1he etrec tirnt \VorrnsiJtC)hlldrcm; de~troy p · ' "i:I· l'f N S · ' I t 'l '." ' the skin. I tle wo1·m s with Dr, Low's \form Syr1111. , assage, l\ 1 ax, . · erua pams, L..A.I~Gr. STATESM AN FOR 30 CENTS. -=0 OUO EI, From now to Jan.,'88, Johnston~ Cryderman Received last week, per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, F@UR BALES-(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY Couch, Jolinst Ori &Cryderman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. ALLAN LINE MAY '87. MAY '87. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. -8DWMANVILLEa T.rimmings to ]..fatch. Fancy Trimmig, Plush, usually sold at $1.50 and $2.00, For 75c. ! YES 75c.! CO TO 0 -· "' = - · · TAIT Low lines of Cretonne and Lace Curtains. Madras and Scrim Curtaining by the yard. & DRESS MUSLINS A BIG BARGAIN. IN MORRISON'S ·est IN - ST 0 R E · I I GrE::C>.