AHEAD! What all say must be true. And you bear from all sides of my stylish and pretty Wall Papers. Don't purchase ere you have seen my Patterns. Almost every day I am told my selection is the best in this District. MR. O'BRIEN'S VISIT. Considerable has been·a rou&ed and much hot-headed a nd rather silly tal)c has been indulged in of late, by some . t bl . M O'B . ; . . exci ea e peop1 e .over . r . . rien s visit . to our country, his obJoct bemg to stir uppubliccpinionagainstLordLansdowne, Canada's Governor General, who he says has been guilty of ill us ing and Cl'llelly . . . . treatmg lus lr1sh tenants. Most sensible people as aho the majority of the Press, seem to think Mr.:O'Brien's visit a very illadvised, an<l altouether unnecessary affair "' , ' for wha~ever L orcl_ Lansdowne~ conduct may be m Ireland is not the pomt for us' t o consider, but what his conduct is ss ' Governor Geueral of Canada . and in that . ·. . ' capacity ms actlons have· always commantled o ur r espect and esteem. However' if Mr. O'Brien has determined to go through the country and air his views, h h w . y t e n, we contend he has a perfect . right to do so, and no one has any bustness tu inte.rfere with him. All those who think he has done wrong in coming h ero have t h &privilege of r e maining away from h is meetings, while those who would like to hear what he has to say have equally as good a right to go and listen to him. · Somo members of the Orange Society havo taken the Lotion into their heads that it is their bounden duty to call together the members of their Order and forcibly , if necessary, prevent the already somewhat notorious Irishman from speaking. This proceeding would be a very erroneous and foolish part to act, for freedom of speech is one of the g reat privilegi:is of which Cana.di.ans boast, and all should uniLe in jealomly guarding it. But why ;my Orangeman shou ld consider it his special duty to oppose Mr. O 'Brien we cannot see. He does not c ome here on a religious crusade, but simply, as he considers, to argue a matterofrightorwrong, justice or injustice. Many people have got the notion firmly wedged into thefr brain, that Mr. O'Brien's theme, of Home Rule for Ireland, is a scheme of the R@mish Church to capture Ireland for exc~ent \ SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. ltained The following reco~nmendations 1 1 0n· in Principal Tamblyn's r eport for b! a· s · UI'!EN WINDOW SHADES, OF EVERY SIZE & PATT~RN. SPALDING'S BASE BALL GOODS; ALSO 'L'HE CHEAPER LlNES. Ex.PRESS WAGONS, 'CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, RUBBER BALLS, E'rC., ETC. A BEAUTIFUL OIL CHROMO, IN FANCY GILT FRAME, FOR ONLY $1.50. PICTURE FRAMING VERY LOW. April ~ere adopt~d the School B11nrd at their last rneetmg . d t th I 1n r egar o e ig i c h oo l I may sl).y that, the largest number by far since I was appointed in 1882, has a ttended thi'3 half year (9!J), .i.nd great. inconvenience ~es been caused ~y hanng preeent sometimes mor e pupils than there are seats of which there are 92. ln many scho~ls oE 100 pupils, four teachers a~e employed, so it mil be pli1in to you that ~he work an~ the orde~ could not be wh~t it would be if the puptls werll eeated m Ghree rooms as they ought to be. The probability is that the number will be larger next year . The hall and the West room has been generally in a very nnsatisfact.ory state for a long time, on:account of the windows and the stoves. You will observe by the above report and previous ones that in only tht·ee or four divisions of the Public Scho0ls wore them more in a ttendance than in the two rooms uf the H' · ig h S c lluOl · Tll "> rooms o f M' 1ss R Rmes, Miss Gan.,·w and Miss Gould are greatly overcrowded. In my opinion, no more shl)uld be admitted to the two fir~t r ooms and those in Mis3 Gou ld's should go 011 he.If time like those in Miss Garrow's room for the same r easons. The fence on the West side of the School grounds require~ attention and so do the sidewalks. S. 0. E. Jubilee Concert. Mr. Findlay McGregor, Scotland's greatest versatile vocalist, instrumental" ist, mimic and artist, who has appeared with naprecedented success at t he Crystal Palace before the Duke and Duchess of Edin burgh, ancl la te of the Great Il lustrated Cone . rts, Astley's 'l'heatre, Egyptian and Agricultural Halls , London, England; City Hall, Glasgow; the Promenade Concerts, \Vaverley Market, Ediuburgh, and the leH<ling theatres t h roughout Great Britain, Ireland llnd thA U nited States and c .\nada, has been engttged for t he J uhilee Concert here on the night of the Queen's Birthday. We lave the highest recommendi1tions of Mr. McGregor's llbility to entertain an audience. Be appeared in Montreal during t he winter :met has been ong:iged a~aiu for one night there on the 20th inst., for which he is to receive $ 100. See p osters and programs. P. TREBILCOCK. BowMANVH..LE, MAY 18, 1887; A WORD TO OITIZENS. It is most d esir,1b!e iri ordei· to keep up the reputation of our town as one of the most beautiful in Canada that the citizens shouid prepare to decorate their residences and grounds for the great Jubilee Demonstr ation ·Jn June 7 and 8. ~'hous mds of o utsiders are expected here and we w ant them all t o fall io love with us. lt is h opetl, too, that our enterprising merchants will get things in readiness for the big trades' procession, so that all the town iodustriHa shall be fully repreThe succes11 of the Jubilee des ented. pends on every on e during their duty. minion ·or Canada. and the .Agricultural Societies. the ha.If acre, more or less, so pro· cured from the en.id,' the Dominion or Canada, nnd that portion of.the grounds had from the United .Agricultural Societies, as aforesaid, eiLhPr in blocks or 1n parcels, and for . l'.la·h or on time, and on suoh terms as to t.hem shall seem best, and to give and execute such deeds and assurances as may be req ui~ite to transfer same to the purch aser or pur<:hasers thereof. 3. That the monies to be realized from the sale of said lands after tleducting t herefrom all expenses necessarily incurred in the sale or sales thereof.. sha.11 be paid into the hands of the 'l'rcas11rer of the said Town, to be by him held and paid out for r.ho following purposee, that is to say :-for the purchasing of grounds to be bought by the Corporation ot the Town of Bowmanville. as hereinafter mentioned. and for the fencing, leveling. draining and planting with suaae and ornamental ' rces gn,irl lands.- n,nrl. for the ere11ti~ n of buildings thereon for Fai1 s and othe1· (lll"POSes, and the for the layiui,; out of roads and .-·1>1ks therein, and opening and im proving of ·treets leaning thereto from public thoroughrares. for all or which purposes it is expected such monies will be sulllcient. 1. That tho Corporation or the town of Bow· man'l'ille may and they Hre hereby authorized and empowered to purchase from The Mtssers. M. and D. Burk, not less than thirty nor more thu.n !»rty acres of the farm known as tlie j Soper fnrrn at a cost not to exceed ninety.ft ve dol lars per acre and on snch l e.rms as to pay·) m<rnt as they rn(ty deem exucdient. I 5. That the Corporatioi i of the Town or Bow· 1 mu.nvillo may and they Arl' here'·y authorized arnl empowored in cas etbey 8honld obtain from the Dominion or Uauu,dH. tbe h'1lf ncre o! land <1wned by them, to have taken rl.own and re· moved t.her errom t he buildmg erected thei·eon and ueed as a dl'ill·shed. and to place and erect the samo on a portion of the thirty or more acres so t o be purchased by the said Corporation as aforesmd, either wholly at thE'ir .own expenHtl or by assist.ing tlltl Government of the Dominion ot Canada rn so doing :- and to execute and deliver to the Dominion of C.i.nada a deed of the half acre of la.nd on which aaid shed will stnnd when so erected and if the shed do not cover hair ,.n 1101·0, then a deed of the htnd on whiclt s1~id shed shall sto.nd.. and of the Jund udjoining thereto, sulficien· thereor to malrn half an a err, to· gethe1 · witli other righ ts and privele ges to be had ..nd enjoyed by the Dominion of Cana· da in over a nd upon S!Ltd thirty or rnoro acres so to be purchRsed by auid town as aforesaid, in lieu of tbe hult acre so to be obt ained from the Dominion of Cu.nadu, as aforefo.id. C. 'I'hat a fter the p111·chaao or the so.id lo.nds by the Corporatioil oC the Tc wn of JJowwu.u· ville from the said Messrs. l\'[. and IJ, Burlrn as "foreaiiid, the Corporation of the '£ own of Bowman ville be and they are hereby aulhoriz· ea nud empowered to use lay ou t and expend such monies as may be required t.o level, fe uco, draiu, plant with aha.de a»d orno.montal trees said l1·nrls a nd t.o ernct buildini.:-s s uitablo a nd necessary for the pm·p·,,es for whic h said lands a.re to be bou~h · a 111l for layinp, out of fitted for the pqr:p ..·e· ttforesaitl a nd for the f11lly carrying ou t; " L eri. eoiupletina: nf..,,[I p1·ov1sr :lti8 fly ·law or any li:ind ions and clause· o. seever provi.cled i:he entire 01i1.l·.y heroby authori?.ed for the 1 rnruha.se of land· a~ R.foreeaid and the i·emoval of the Drill Shecl and re· 111 other exp enditure erection o1' sarno imd 1 thereunto belongiug shall nllt excEed tho amount received from the sale of such lands as aforesaid. 't. That the Col'por.~tion of the Town of Bowmanvillti i~ here by aml10rized nnd empowered in making arrangcrnenta with the Dorn inion of Cunad11 ~or the obttiining of said h alf aero o f land and t.he removal of said Drill Sherl. as aforc3aid- to if they see ftt so to do ent tir into such arr~ ngernon tR as they may rl.eem exped ient to maintain and keep in repair an.id Drill Shed when so ])laced on B!l.id !!l.nds us afore· said. , 8. That the Corporation of the To wn ol Bow· man ville is h ereby aut.horlzed and empowered in case tho Uni~~d .Agricultural Societies of the 'l'ownship of Darlington and the West Hiding. of the County of Durha·n, convey to this Cm·port.ion all t.Licir 1 ·ights in said Fair Grounds to grant to the said Uni ted .A.gri~ul tural Societies of the Township of D·l'lin11:ton and of the 1..Veat lUoini;c or the County o f Durl1am such rights and privileges of, in and to, and in, over and upon said lands so to be pur· chased as aforesaid, as the United ~gricultur al Societies of Urn Township of Darlington and Wost Hiding o! the Count y of Durham now have and enjoy or, in and to, and in, over and upon the said lands so to be sol!l as aforesaid, 9. That this By-law shall come into force and take effect on from and arter the passing thereof. 10. .And it is further enacted by tke Muni· cipal Council aforesaid. that the votes of t he qualified elcctore o : the said municipality shall be taken on the ])roposed 13y·law in pursuance or the Statute in such case made and provided a t the follo wing places that is to say : For the West Ward. at the Town Hall ; for the North Ward, at Messrs, Metcalfe nnd Mc· Dou£all'2 o. ffice; and for the South Ward at the Engine House In said wa~d on tho second day of .June i n tho Year of our Lord, one thon· sand eight hundred and eighty seven, from nine o'clock in the forenoon, until Iive o'clock in the afternoon and that the following persona sh all be returning officers for taking the said "/'Otes at the said polling places and for the said _ w ards rospetlvely ;-For the West Ward. R . Windatt; ror the North Ward, John Mc· Dougall; for the South Ward, Il. W . Scoble. 11. 'l 'hat:l! ' riday, the third dav or June, .A.. D., 1887. at the hour of ten o'clock shall be tho time and tUe Council Chamber, in tho town tl1e place where the clerk said shall sum up the number of votes given for and against the Bylaw and that Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of May. A . D.. 1887, at the hou~ or ten o'clock in the forenoon shall be the time and the said UouncilObamber, the placo for the appointme nt or persons interested in and p omoting or op· posing the passage of the By-law respccr.ively. roads thor eon and such 1.>Lher P U r µl)se::i as may be deemed necessa.ry 1o render ti"lLi ;;rounds . > A BIG WEEKI This is the Jubilee week for Bargins in Express Wagons, Carriages, Picture Frames, Window Blinds, Croquet Sets, Fans, Dressing Comb.s, and PURSES -AT- KENNER CO'S. VARIETY HALL. Come a.nd Secure Bargains. RICHARD WORTH . is n1.aking a stir in_ Hardware. I beg to inform the people of West Durham that I have bought out the Hard ware business, formerly carried on by R. S. Manning, and with large additions to the stock am prepared to supply all lines of Hardware at the lowest living prices. stock comprises BUILDERS HARDWARE-Locks, Knobbs and Butt Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Finishing, Casing, Wire and Patent Brads. ItJ.WIRE FENCING-Barb, Buckthorn a dRibbon. Prepared Paints and Painters' Supplies generally. Patronize )'.our Town. A lady renrnrked tJ one of our merchants a fevr days ago that she formerly went to 'l'oronto for bet· drees goods, b ut now she could get well suited in Bowmanville. We are somewha t skeptical respectinA' t h e first clause, but have no d oubt about the last. We believe our merchants h ave for many years been able to supply everything required in the households of rich and poor, and there r11ally is not now, nor has it ever been necessary to go outside of town to make purchases. ·wo believe further that no batter class of merchants ca11 be found tirnn w e have in·. this town ; this being the case we shoulc.l. bestow upon them our undivided patron:1g0. They contribute largely to our tax es and do there share and often much more in supporting the mariy schemes, and onterprises t1mding to the progress and welfare of our lovely e,nd prosperous town. We call attention to this matter, because not only do some citizens go to the city to buy but almost every week some cheeky drummers for city houses infest our town and solicit o rd ers for the ir lines of goods. lt seems ve!y strange,sa.ys an exchange, that such persons artl p.irmittt,d to ta.ke away the le~itimate trade of our town merchants in this manner, without an effort being madtJ to µut a stop to it. These sharks should not be allowed to thus rob local rnerchants of a fruitful source of trade which they can supply better than strangel's. Another way in which this <Jh eeky proceediog ought to be viewed, is that the outsider in coming to town t o m~ke his sales shows what purports to be a got.d sample for very much leas th an the tow n merchants want for their wares, thus gett ing tlie tra.de ; but if the g"ods, when received and worn, do not happen to tum out to 1.he expechtion of t h e buye r, he h:.s no reco urse against a firm at a di·tance, wher.,as if he h ad paid a fair figure for his goocts from the local d eal er, than if he had a conmplaint to make the merc hant would be on the spot to amount for the dis8atisfaction given. Again t l1e p urchaser in g iving an order for goods s uch as these in qu estion al; such a low fig ure, naturally comes to the conclusion that our own merchants waot to make such a. large profit out of hi!H th a t he eagerly bites at the chtiaper price, then to find tha.t he ha.s been swindled indeed . V /e have every confidence in our mer ch an ts that they are in a position tu g iv e aa go ~JCl goods for as little money as any £rm in 'l'oronto or Montreal, aud woulci like to ·ee such shyster tradesmen ag the3e alluded to, invited by the chi~ f nf police to take a walk, to a more congenia l clime where shoddy has a better chaince to b e foisted upon an unsuspeetmg people thau it has in this town. T AMAA!C.--For hoarseness and all bronchial troubles that usually effect public speakers , T amarac E lixir will give speedy rnlief. Try it. t CRITI..;ISM. - .A lady in Brockville states See the splendid stock of new goods at the Pope, but we fail to sec it i11 that J. J. Mason's General Dry Goods and light. Anything that will tend to raise Jewelry House. the Irish people from their present poor r LIABLE TO HAPPEN. - S ndden attacks !lnd d ensloy ignorant position, must, we of colds, sore throat. croup, flWOllen thiuk eventually weaken the power of glands, rheum~tism , neuralgia and aut'lden . ' , . . troubles, are very liable d udng the winter the Rom1ah Church m t ha t country. l'~r. and early spring. As a prompt remedy Parnell, the great leader of the Insh thore can nothing excel Yellow Oil. Nationalist Party, is not a Catholic, "I nevor feel safe to be without it. " says neit h er by any means is Mr. Gla dstone or Mits. HENRY Donns, of Berridale, Ont. the other prominent Liberals who are pushing forward the scheme. The principal reason why the R. C. priests interef!t themselves so much in t he measure, ia because they plainly see that the time TI'.rLE. ha.s arrived when tho Irish people have A By-law to enable the Corporation of the made up their minds t o submit no longe~ '.l'own ot Bowmanville to sell and dispose of to English hndlordism and injustice, and the lands owned by said Corporation, and in so by taking sides with the people in the which the 'United Agricultural Societies of the Township of Darlington and t he '\Vest popular cause, they s eek to gain influence Rirling or the County of Durham have certain and respect. rights and privileges, and known ;;.s th e AgriWe think that if ou r Ornnge friends cultural and Fail' Grounds in said '£ own ; and if they deem it expedient so to do in were a little more in earnest about the order to sell such lands to better advantage manner in which affairs are conducted in to obtain from the Government of the Do· our own country, anci less excited about minion ot Canada, the half acre adjoining said grounds, on which a. drill shed Is bullt, Mr. O'Brien , it would be more to the and give the said the Dominion of Canad'!. point. Not long si nce, for instance, a other Ii nds in lieu thereof, and from the R oman Catholic was placed by Sir John .A.gricultural Societies their lands adjoining Macdonidd as speaker of the House of and enclosed therewith; and to contract ror and purchase in conjunction with said United Commons, yet in that instance the OrangAgricultural Societies, or otherwise, f rom otl' m en remaiaed quite still and unmoved. the rarm known aa the Soper Farm, not less Why did they not raise a protest then 1 than thirty ncr more than forty acres of land to be used as a park and for the holding of It will also be r emembered that not fairs and other public gathei·ings thereon ; long since large meetings were held in and to level, draiB, fence, plant trees and different pa rts of this Province and aderect buildings ther~on and otherwise imdressed by two gentlemen who were prove, beautify and render such o:rounds flt to be tised and enjoyed for the purposes aforestrongly opposed to Home Rule, and no said, as well as to authorize the said Corpor· opposition was offer ed to their meetings ation to open up streets or approachs lea.ding being h eld ; so t h at 1t is now too late for thereto ; and to remove or assiet in removing from otrthe said grounds, so to be obtained p eople to say we must keep Irish quarrels from the Dominion of Canada, .t he Drill Shed out of this country, for if one side were now being thereon, and to erect and place allowed io expr ess their sentiments, then same on the grounds, so to be purchased as aforesaid; ! and to grant to the Government certainly the same privilege must be cono~ the Dominion of Canada in lieu of tile land ceded to the other, L ord Lansdowne so to b e obta.lned from them as aforesaid, the iias also asked that no opposition be offerhalf of an acre of land on which snch Drill ed to M r . O'Brien, but that lie be allowed Shed shall be placed ; and to the Mid the United Agricultural Societies and the said to pass through unmolested, a nd we have the Dominion of Canada certain ri1thts and no doubt that if this co urse be pursued privileges in, over and upon said lands, so to the threat ened s t orm will pass with out be purchased as aforesaid. harming any one. Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Ordered Work promptly attended to at possible prices. low~st Without further ennumeration I may add that everything kept in leading Hardware Stores will be found in my shop. Give me a call and inspect my goods and prices. By-law No.- R. WORTH. Bowmanville, April 12th, 1887. Grand Spring Opening - - O J I ' -- I Murdoch Brothers' where are to be seen 21 Dinner Set s, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL GAS SUPE RIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucer~ &c. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NOTICE. 'l'ake notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By.law. whioh will be taken int o consideration by ths Council of tne Mu11icipa l· ity or the Town. or Bowmanville. alter· one :no.onth from the first publication in the CAN A· DIAN STATESMAN newsoaper,01e date of which :first publication was Wednesday, May 11th, 1887. and t n&t the votes of the qualified elect· ors of the said municipality will be tak en thereon, at the Co11ncll Room fo r the Wost W ard, at MetcaHe & Mcuougall's otl'lce. cor. ner ofChnrch an1l Division streets for the North Ward ar.d a t the engine house in ssid ward for the South Wara, commencing a t the hour of nlll<l o'clock: in the forenoon and continuing till the hour of five o·clock in the a!ternoon or 't he above named day. R. WINDAT'.l'. · rownClerk Bowmanville, Jl.l.aylO, 1887. 3w-19 FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. Iuspet>tion Solicited. Victoria Duilding·s. . lUURDOCH BROS. BY-LAW. - I was induced. to try Nasal Bal m for a. Jong stauding cold" in the head that was pronom1ced Oatr.rrh. 'l'he Balm gave immediate relief and permanently cured me. lt was ao pleas1mt and agreable to use that I at first thought it "no good" I IlOW us<i it with rlly children for colds and s loppagell of the nasal passages. :t: "Knoxonian,' a sprightly contributor Whereas, it is deemed expedient that the . . lauds had by the Corporali rm and known as t o the Canada Presbyterian, is not per- , the .Agricultural and Fair Grounds shall be sonal in his remarks but in contrastin" so.!il, and the monies rP.alized by such sale be , o bud out and expended : the m oral toice of the pioneer days of First- In ihe purchase of larger and more ~ommodious grnunds to be used as a p.rk and · I l Canada with the present ax mora sen - for the nurpose of holding fairs, games, and timent of the people h e says ; " '!'he public gatherings thereon. ' . Secondly- In !he leveling. draining and fenccharacter of the people is shown by the ing of said grounds, and in the erection or such · d f tl t · J . f l l ·uildings as may be required for the h olding 0 lnn o men iey pu in P aces ionor · of tail's, and ror ma.klng roads thereon and in Within the last year tho second and third otherwise improvin g and ma.kings'1idgrounds and approaches thet·eto fit for the purposes . . generat1011s of Canad a h ave put m the aforesaid ; and high est places men whom their grandWJ:iereas,in o,rder that a better price may be obtame<l for said lands to be sold t han would fathers would h ave carried out of the be otherwise had therefor, it is deemed ex· Jledient that the Corporation of the Town of country on a fence-rail." No necessity Ilowmanville should obtain the half acre, more .nt t h e mo-I. or less, adjoining said lands and owned by the t o Poi ·~ Dominton of Canada and on which a drill shed is erected,by giving other lands in lieu thereof, and that they should obtain front the .A.griMr. G uillett, M. P ., 11as r eceive d at c11ltural Societies, that portion of the said grounds now owned by them : Ottawa petitions signed by 1, 700 persons Therefore. the 'l'own Council of thii Town of in the County of Northumberland, pray- Bowmanville enacts as follows. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the samo : ing that the Scott Act be repealed. We 1. That the Corporation of the Town ot Bowshould like to know who circulated and man'l'ille be, ancl they are hereby authorized and empowered should they deem it expedient sig ned the pe t.itions. so to do, to obtain from tho Dominion of Canada, by giving other lands and pri viloges in exchange therefor. the half acre. more or lase, ot land owned by said Dominion of O FF W oRK.- "For two y ears I was Canada, and adj oininir the lands owned by IJot able to work, being trou bled with said Town, and to obtain in like manner or for dyspepsia. One bottle of Burdock .Blood privileges only, that portion of the Fair owned by the United .Agricultural Bitters relieved me ; three bottles cured Grounds Societies of the Township or Darlington and me a15 well as ever." .ToHN A. RAPPBLL. the West Riding of the County of Durham. of Farmersville, Leeds Cp., Ont. 2. '£hat t.he Corporu,tion or the Town ot Bowmanville be, and are hereby authorized and Baby's and doll's c11rriagea, boy's wag· empowered to eel! by public auction, and whenever they shall deem it beat, the Janda on s, ca rts and wheelbarrows at 'l'ait & owned by the said Corporation, known as the }'air Grounds : and if obtained from the DoMorrison's. COERCION . Is not necessary to make sensible people buy where they can get the best value. It is well known that the BOWMANVILLE Boot & Shoe EM:PORIU-~ IS THE PLACE FOR CHEAP AND RELIABLE GOODS. -4KlftG POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thie powder never vartes. .A. marvel of purity, s tr ength and wholesomeness. More cconorolcal than the ordinary Rinds, and can not be sold in competition with t he multitude ot low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold onlyin cans. ROY.A.L BAKING POWDER Co., 106 Wall St., N. Y. The q uality of an article is the t est of cheapness. We shall never misrepresent an article. We have a large range of Boots, Shoes; Slip:!- · pers, Trunks, and Valises to select from. New . Goods carefully and as cheaply bought as prompt cash will procure. . Before buying do not fail to call on J. HELLYAR, BOWMAN VILLE.