~Lin-sood .. R eader , h ave you paid the printer i R ain is much needed. _ BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. L ook out for Bargains at t he R ed Mr. Thos. Lockhart, of Toront o, spent · Subs.crip_ti_ onsare coming in ~hickly. C~rrecte tl by .J. ltle:llnrt ry, e ver y T uestllly. W agon. Be at the 'rown Hall next Tuesday L awn an d parlor croquet cheap at Tait Sunday in town. FLOUR, ~ 100 lts ..··· ·. .. $2 10 to $2 40 The Foresters will attend church on the night. & M.orriaon's. W HEAT, F all, 'lJl' bush .. , . . 0 75 11 0 80 · first Sunday in June. M'r. Laing's new advt. on first page is L adies, call and see Tait & M orrison's 11 Spring, " 0 75 11 0 80 Several new advertisements ap9ear interesting. n ew wall papers. BARLEY, 'lJl' bush .. ..... .. 0 45 11 0 50 thi~ week. 11.ead them. 'rHE STATESMAN will be one day late P eople of Darlington look for bargains II · · · · · · · · · · 0 45 II 0 48 RYE, · gir · l must come t o next week. at the Red Wagon. Everybo d Y. an d lus OATS, II · · · · · · . . · 0 30 II 0 33 Get a set of thoao beautiful window PEAS, B lackeye, ~ bush . .. 0 70 11 0 75 Mr. and M rs. Sam. J. Hall were guest& .Bowmanville on June 7 and 8. The Metli.odiat D istrict Meet ing is to shades at Tait & Mor rison' s. 11 Small, 11 0 50 11 0 55 last week of. Mr . Sam. H ugh es, Lin dsay. 11 Blue, 11 0 50 11 0 55 The n otorious George Peale has turnThe best value in town in ..new. spring be held in the town on the 25th imt, B U'l'TER, be&t table, 'IP' lb... 0 12 11 0 14 V ci· y pretty and ver y. qhellP~~~1g~al;'- ed u p again, as happy as ever. hats can be got at J . J. Mason's General ings and chromos at Tait & Morrison' a. Make a B lina for the Bankrupt S~Gre, LARD, 1Jl' It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 10 II 0 12 Dry Goods and .Jewelry House. EGas, 'IP' doz .. . .. .... . . .. 0 00 11 0 10 Farmers, before p urchasing Binder Bowmanville, for cheap goods. 20 Six large Hander chiefa wor th Sets each Pur~hase Old Country tickets at the POTATOES, 'lJl' bush . . . . ,, , . 0 40 11 . 0 60 are being soLl for 25cts at J. J. Mason's Twine see Shaw & Tole, Bowmanville. HAY .. .. .. . ... .. ·· .. . . . . 9 00 II 10 06 General D ry Goods and Jewelry B9_u, . FJRE, LIF.E , ACCIDENT Insurance. S·ru~'sMAN office, by Anchor Line. DRESSED H OGS. . .. . . . . .. . 5 50 11 (i 00 Staff C!lpt. Mor ris and his b oys are to CLOVER SEED. . . . . .. .. . . . 4 90 II 5 00 D r . C. Harnden h as moved to his new ROBT. Vm'.l'UE, Agent, 13owmanville. tf. Dental R ooms upstair s, int.he new brick On 30 cents for t he STATESMAN to new be at 't he Barracks on Sunday n ext . Ar,SIKE . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 11 6 00 block adj oining Mr. B unner'a shoe s~.- subscribers to New Years. Four for $1. Messrs. H e.l\ & Williams shipped a lot 'rnE STATESMAN and THE METHODIST of very fine cattle t o England last week. Our Parauols are all new g0ods, ·-as we D R . K C. McDO\VKLf,. FARM ERS AND STOCK RAI SE RS did not carry over a single Paras0l from OnsEIWER to J an. 1, 1888, for only $1. 00. Reader , you are sure ot a big t rea t if W .1:!0 FEED '.CHEllt ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE last year. Couch, Johnston & & Cryder 6 pspers of pins for rn ctJ. , · 5 papers of you go to the Town Ball next Tuesda.y of Physicians. Lonllou, l~ug. ;l\fo mber or man. College of Pl1ysicians ann Surgeon s. Ontario. · selling Ginghams f0r lOc wort.h SU!<GERY h e B an k rup t ni~ht, 0 AND RILSIDEN"CE:- Rear of l\fossi·s. needles for 1 eta., at t We are H igginbotham's Corn Cure when ap--Wl'.l'HHigginbotham's Drng Storo, Bowroanvillo, 20 from 12~· to 20c. Couch, .Johnston Cij'plied according to d irect.ions will remove S tora. 6-lyr.* A competent servant girl will hear of a d errnan. hard or sofh corns and warts without pa in. good situation by applying at the STATES· d RENT-The Stand one door west of the Secure the Best. Results, Try it. Boots and shoes in gr eat vancty an N EWR Oflice. Suitable for small atoi·e, o~ DISCIPLES' CJIURCH. -Rev . M . Gunn, MAN office. R AISE THE FA'rTEST CATTL E, very cheap at the Bankrupt S t.ore, Bow- for an Office. Apply to G-1\.LE BEOS. Such a mon to advertise as M r . J. J . pastor. Ser vice at 11 a. m., and 7 p . m., E nrich their Land. man ville. 20 - - -- - - - · · - · Have you each Lord's Day. Seats all free. Public Mason ia, we never did see. Maynard t he Jeweller is going t o SERVAN T GIRL WANTED. -In a read his ;iew advt 'I welcome. tf. startle our r eadere with an announceprivate family to rlo general llonReworJr. ~The increased val ue of the manure Wages liberal. Apply to the 8 '. l'A'l'ESMA!i A THOUSAND HATS, Mayer has already menb i a few days. Wanted in every h ouse- ,a bottl<i of .al most repay~ tlw whol e cost of the ?a~e. Otnce. . E lectric Pain Destroyer, for all aches and sold. Call and see his new styles- they Lyman's Brand is well known m Br1tam, M ems. W. J. Jones, J ohn Lyle a 11d 1:.i,,OEt--R-U_B_B--E -R --AN -orD --l'i-'IB -.-T -,\Lttra going off like fun . pains. Prepared by J. Higginboth am & and always commanda t here the highest 'Vright h ave become propi·ietors ...£1 stamps, for Ohurch , Sundiiy School and 1S"tephen Son, Druggists. M arket prices. For anything in the watch clock er of the · ' lectric Light in B owmanv1lle. Olllco use, address ltOBER'.l.' Jr. COX, No. 1 See th e special line of genta White Shirts jewelry line tryJ. J. Mason's General D ry """ rs. Morrison's Millinery a rid F ancy ~iu_ g_S_tr_e_ e_tEaa~:~r _o_n_ to _ . _____ __6 _ '._ t f_ For Sale, whole or gron nd, in · bags or slightly soiled w orth $100 selling for 50c. Goods and Jewelry House. Goods H ouse is in the West Encl nearly M USIC.-MISS .BYROM is preparod barrels, by, at J. J, Mason's General Dry Goods and The best valtie in gr.ey ancl white cot- opposite McMurtry s. A call will repay ..J.. to gi\·e inst ruction on t he Piano ancl J ewelry Hnuse. . you. orgo.n co a limited number of pupil~. ' l".Tffl!! Ladies , the Bankrnpt Store is the tons can b e got at Mason's general Dry Mr. Jas. Rickard delivered a fat steer on application at the residence, Church ~Y.~rt· -3 8 4 ·St. Paul Street, Montreal. correct pl ace to buy dress goods, prints, Goods and Jewelry H ouse. The Bowman villo Quin tet te will furn- to Messrs, Hall & Williams last week - - - -- - - -·····- - - - · - - - - - - · Sp.o{i.al quotations fot large l ots. ginghams, parasols, laces, gloves, etc., it WANTE D .- F or ~ sr.oi.ll ish Bome choice new mudc for the .Jubilee 2 yrs., 6 moB. old, that weighed nearly SERVANT is ~heapest spot on earth. 20 family, for general housework. 'l'o & > rood 1 , 700 lb ~. Concer &on Queen's Bil'thday evening. g!t'l libnral wa~es w ill be paid. Aup ly to L!::~ ~~-ng of about a dozen, rougha who The Dominion Organ & Piano Co . are .JOS . .JEFFEl:tY, the Star House, BowmanThe Cricket Club 11ave m:L de tlie fol, were in a highly intoxicated condition, 3w·Hl ville. made Church street hideous with. t heu lowi ng fixtures for May. May 24, Bow- buildin g a large addit ion to t h eir main building at the eas t end. Business inarkdale, at. Park dale. May man ville vs. P howls l~n Monday evening . . AWN MOWERS. - Part ies having creasing. Lawn Mowers that require repafrio){ Ol' h ev. Messrs. Crossly and Hunt er, 27, Bowmanville vs. 0 .;hawa, on the sharpening get them do1·e > n " prnctical Two Milbrook hotel keepers, Raper m a nner i n ca.n evangelists. received $651. 91 for their Agricult ura l grounds here. w< -.rk nrn.nship, a.n d par,isfaction The Plan of H all for t he Grand Jubilee and Crocker w9r e fined $100 an d $50 r e- gut.Lranteed in all work at the " 'est. End Black services in P ort. Hope- about five weeks. W. H. \ Vrr.LIAM:S. Concert., on May 24th, is now open at spect ively, in P ort Ho po on Monday, for smith Shop, King St.. Nearly 700 conversions are r eported. 18-Jw, violating the Scot t Act. H igginbotham's Drug Store. 'l'ickets, On a Juhilen stile sat a .Tnhllee youth, With a .Jnbilee pipe In his Jnbtlee mouth ' 25 con ts. Reserved seats, 35 cen ts. Go As1'HM.A.. -Pe.r~ons who have suffer ed TO FAltMERS .- I EXPEC'l' TO On hie Jubilee back was a Jubilee coat. for years with asthma will find a q uick begiu rny ·.nn ual round among the fn.rru.And a Jubilee colla1· round IJis Jubilee throat, early and secure choice of scats . and cure in t he dou ble treatme nt \ i>rs about May 11th, to !Jottcnd to tl1~i~ colts. Both bou11;ht from J effcry the lTa.ilor. The S. 0 . E. concert in the T own H all relief ' I I 0 + ~ 'arm ers and others havrng colts ' cqn1nng my Qu~mN'R B rntHDAY.- 'rhe Som of Eng- on the evening of the Queen's Birthday of Sout 1eru Ast lma ure. + attention will oblio;e by sending a card to my Couch, Johnston & Cryderm:111 a re now J. Higgi~botham & Son, agonts forthe addt·ess, Box 20, Bowm'Joti1N-'ifo~i.::rn. . showing the largest stock and finest as- land have engaged exceilent.t alent in To- promises to b e a spl endid affair. Mr. ronto for th eir Jubilee Concert, on the Findley M cGr egor n ever fails to please Tucker Spring Pad Tru ~s ; a large stock 2w·18 lJcthesda. These pills are manufocLnred from tho ac- sortment of new and elegant D ress Goods evening of May 24th. Watch for par- his a udience, and som e of our best l ocal oa hand to choose from. Also English tive principles of thoee vcgotable snbtances ever shown by any House in Bowman- ticulars. OR SALE. - The house and lot on t a! en t will 11ssist. 1m<l Amer ican Trusses iu stock. Which long ex1)erienco has proved to be the ville. Queen Str~et, Bowmanville, the property 'l'he Publisher of Tim STATESMAN will The constable of a nfiigh boring village Mr. Chas. L. VanCamp, eldest son of or Mr. J oseph , Nell, at present occupied by Mr. A dog tore the back out of a little girl's most useful an~ energetic for the purpose of :permanently relieving constipation, Liver d ress a· few days ago. lf h alf of t he give a ne1v Silver W a tch to tile person was in Bowmanvillo a few days ago, on Levi Van camp, E sq., lias been elected Thos. H. Spry. 'l'hcro arc 7rooms in tho house v subscribers for b m iness and by his peculiar notions and an Alderman for t ho city of Omaha, a good cellar. antl about 20 fruit treea in the -0omplaint, billiousncss, sick head ache, and useless cu rs in town were killed and the sending in t he must 11e1 orchard. iror further particulitrs ·wply to the hundreds of other diseases arising ftom a rest drowned we would b e d evoutly the balar:ce of this year at 30c. each. Any talk we should j udga h e W HS f ull. What N eb .. U . S., by an immense maj or ity .ToHN JC GALBRAITH, Barrister. BowmB.n· pe sen, can compet e. 7-ti. t orpid state of the liver and a clisordered stom· thankful. a touchi n~ example of the majesty of over his opponent. W e~t Durham boys villo Mr. William Bruce, of Cartwright, has the British law, such Inna.tics present. ach. 'f hey are very small. are as easy to take always make th eir mark. ' Ve shali ex· Rev. J . W. Cannom who preach ed here GENTS.- WE WANT 100 GOOD ' purchased from Mr. Thos. Short his nice .M sugar, and ~ro guaranteed to contain no cal· The members of Welling ton L odge of p ect to h ear of your election to the a few weeks since a nd assisted in special men at once, to sell for tho li'onthil! N u1-. omel or other injnrious substances. Dosm,- meetings, has accepted a. call for his brick resirlence on the corner of Centre the Sons of England, a re not ified to meet Mayoralty ere l ong. series, 1lu.rgest in Canad1 i,over 1u5 acrea) stea.dy As a dinner pill one should b e taken immedl· and Concession Streets in this town and at S. 0. E. H all, on Sunday n ext, at 10 employrnent and no lost time, libera.l commisMr. Ma.yer has h nd the front of his sion or saJary, services at Allan dale, n ear Barrie, for mt· best ad v11ntages ; spl·m<licl < ately after dinner ; as IL mild. »pinent, one e.t will take possession iu the Fall. o'clock, sharp, for church pal'ade. Ser- stor e repainted which adds much to its fit furnished free. Any pushing man crm ..sucbedtime; as a gentle ca.thartic, t wo or three at nex t term. . _p c~u_!}try readers who wish Lo en joy vice in tho C hurch-st. M ethodist church, fine appearance. .Mr. M ayer is d oing a rs:1~0~1E'&&;~1ELLING-'l;ON. cecd. Apply '!'he STA1'ESil1AN only 30 cents from now · one oftI,e b est concerts and entertainbedtime ; and as a brisk purgative from three at 10:30 a. m . R ev. C. E . Mcintyre tremendous trade in .Jubilee hats. His 18·3m 'l'orontc. Ont. New to five at bedtime. In case of habitual consti- until the end of the present year. ments ever given in Bowmanville, should stock is k ept up by n ew orders and durpat ion, one oft.hese pills ta.ken each night for story commenced last week. When youl" come t o the Jubilee Concert, on the will preach a special sermon. ing the season you can always get suited . Look at this column every issue up to o. short time will be found a valuable remedy . n eighbor wants to borrow t he paper tall evening of the Qu een'~ Birthday. .J une 21st for notice of the great b ig He P,as a splendid new line of Gents' of its cheapness. PRIDE 25 CENTS ' A BOTTLE . Mr. John Hellyar's Spring and Sum- jubilee year celebr11tion of the Ontario Furnishings. Give Mayer a call. Saturday was a very busy day in town IVERPOOL ENG. - Su..1.Frn s11ur~Y mer announcement will be found in our At t he last meeting of the School Board with our m erchants, th e farmers having advertising columns, H e has a splendid Central Agricu ltural and Live Stock AsT EMPER ANCE HO'l'EL. Mount pleas!tllt. sociat ion, to be hel d at P ort P erry, on a resolution moved by John Lyle second- 100 rooms. 'l'hree mintttes' walk from 0entml got through seeding came pouring into stock of boots and shoes which h e offers the public j nbilee holiday. Itaces, by Mayor HornPy instructing the Proper- and Lime Street Stations. Night porter. Retown to secure the bargaim th11t of late f t lowest prices. H e always sells cheap. by Rev. Dr. Brl11:gs, Toronto, and bicycle exh ibition and a. vast farmer 's pic- ty Committee to recomm end a site for the cr>m011mdecl Rev, Chas. Garrett, E ngland. 90-15. have been adrnrtised in the STATESMAN. "The Queen, her Early Life and nic. erection of a new brick school hou~e in P ethick the Barber has laid in an im- R,eign," i!! the title of a timely b ook just P eterson's :1\-Iagazine fo r June is on oar t he South W ~rd was lost, an cl the citizen ARM FOR SALE ORTO R F.:1'1"'1'.mense stock of smoker's goods. Pipes, r eceived from W illiam .Brice, Publisher, table, freah and bright as the first month who does n ot b uy a new Jubilee h at from \Vill sell good gmin f.,1·01, also suilablo Cigar Holders, Tobaccos a nd Cigars, in Toronto. Parents should procure t h is of summer itself. for cattle raising. Lot 5, con. 9. in tho town'£ he steel·ea graving, Mayer the H atter will be lost, too, 1tt \he ~hi p or .'11.anvers, cowprid ag 200 e.cres, about endless variety. Call and see this, one book for their children. For sale a t the handsome colored fashion-plate, and nu- great J ubilee on June 7th and 8th. G RAND TRUNK R AILWAY. lGO acres cleared in a good state of cultiv2.tion, of the largest assortments ever brought bookstores. balanoe principally hardwood bush. Builclmerous wood.cuts are even: abo\'e thei r The great event of the Q ueen's ·J ubilee to the town. Hair cutting and shaving, suitable to meet th!' reqnh·emen 1·.g of the BOWMANV'ILLE STATION. Mr. Mark Ayer, butcher, sailed for usual average of exce.llence. Address will b e the J ubilee number of the Mon- ings place. Situated within ha!! a. mil e from church as usual, in the latest styles.- tf. P eterson 's Magazine,306 Chestnut street, Liverpool las t Thursday on the "S. S. treal Star, a superbly illustrated paper, schaol, post office and blacksmith shop. Ai 9o GOING EAST GOING W E ST mile from saw mill, 8 miles from Ponty The China Hall of M essrs. Murdoch Texas, " from Montreal. He expects t o Philadelphia, Pa. of twenty-eigh t pages and two arti~tic one Poe! station on tho C. P, R., and tho same dis"11,PGM _· ·· ·· ··· 8.5:1 a m Express ... .. · 6.20 a m Bros., is well wor thy of a visit by all la.- remain a month or two among his friends. plc1te supplements. Those who have BINDEll~ BOOMING AT SHAW & 'roLE's.tance from Bethany. Possession for nlougbmg Express... .. .. n, m Local, ........8.12 a m harvest.full posses3ion let of March,1888. Mixed ... ... ...3.38 p m ·Express* ...... 9.12 a m dies of this vicinity. There are to be May h e have a pleasant time and return We h a ve ordered Fif ty Steel Binders,h:w- seen t h e Mlvance· copies say it is magnifi- afcor is well watered. Terms to suit The property Local! .. ... . .. . . 7.18 pm Mixed ... ... . .. 3.38 pm found there an endless variety of the b eat improved in h eal t h. S omething tha t ever ybody will purchaser. For ing already sold over t hirty. Price of cent. particulars apply to CHlUS. E:x:nress ...... n:n p m Express . . ..... 8.13 p m quality of china, glassware, crockery, and want and few can get. It is to be sent PHER CHI'l"I'TCIC. owner. Linrlsiiy, or to 'rO Price of Wood and O~·F 'l'o EUROPE.- Persons wishing t o Steel Binder, $160. *Except Mondays. WM. McGILL, east o! Yelverton P. O. fancy goods, which we venture to assert is take a t rip to the Old Country or the Con- Steel, $145. W e have a new Brantford by mail for 25 cents. Graham & Co., 4.W·lD OllN ADIAN PACIF IC RAILWAY. irnt surpassed by many of the large city tinent can obt ain f ull p articulars as to Steel Binder which has n ever been i n use Montreal, are the publishers . stores. cost, beet Ii.no of Steamships, etc., from - thisyear's make - taken in part payThe M ontreal Herald says : "Findley BURKE'l'ON S'l'ATION A fe w week ago Mr. W . H . Williams, M . A . JAMES, Publisher of this journal, ment for a Toronto Steel Binder, which McGregor, the celebrated Scotch artist, we sell for $120. blacksmith, inserted a small advertisement who made the trip last season. was most enthusiastically received. Mr. THE BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR GOING EAST, GOING WEST. in t he STATESMAN to the effect that he Many of our citizens and country read - McGregor's reputation is wide, and t h ose the town of Bowmanville. invite tenders E xpress ...... 10.2'J a m J Express .... .. 9.45 a m " Good luck to t 11e .tl.oof and the Horn ; Ex.press .... .. 6,52 pm , Express ...... 7.42 pm was prepared t o sharpen and r epair lawn Good luck to the Flock an<l t h e Fleece ; era will visit England this summer, land· who were so fortunate as to be present for the purchase of the Union School Buildings grounds in this town. ing at Liverpool. We can h eartily re- eaJ· oyed a rare treat. H is store of humor and Tickets Rnd furtlt<> r information may be had mowers of every description, since. which Also for tho pnrchase of the South Ward from R. B . .A.Nl}ftk:W, Big 20, Railroad, and time his shop h as b een full o f broken Good luck to t h e growers of Corn, commend the Shaftesbury Temperance is unlimited, and he knows h ow to use i t Buildings and i,:rounrls. With the b lessings of plenty and peace. " Steamboat l'iclrnt Agent, Bowmanville, 1'he Doard does not bind itself to accept the d own mowers of all sorts and sizes, each May all who buy t h eir S ummer Boots Hol el , Moun t Pleasant, as one of the to great advantage. H e sani;,r th e various . l · 1 · h 1· 't d h ll?hest or any tender. of which was splendidly fixed and made NOR'rllEJ\N STAG~;s. Tenders will be received up to May.27th inst. And Shoes from M. 'r RELEVEN share it. most pleasant and comfortable plii.ces to nat !Ona songs m a mannel· w .u c e l Cl e JOHN McDOUGAJ,L. Stage leaves the Post Office. Bowmanvi!le to work "aa good as new." Mr. W illiams be found in that city. It is situated the mo9t rapturous applause." EveryWe cannot publish free notices for an- within three miantes walk of the Central mrtly (Sundays exceµtcd) for Hampton, Ennis· is convinced that there is no pa.per like Bowmanville, :\fay. 9, 1887· Scc"3~:'[9 killen, Haydon, Cartwri;l,ht, Cadmns ancl the STA'l'ESMAN in which to advertise. niveraaritis unles~ the bills for same are and Lime street stations. Omnibuses for ~~~~or~hould h ear t he inimit able Mccroaarea, at 10.30 a.. ui., mid returns to town at printed at the STATESMAN office. A all parts of the city pass the door or near ,ip. m. · A B IG CLOCK. - M essrs. George Edward On M h onday last tied Mr. in Geo. Tyrone- a uge arrives a t. Bowmanville at & Sons, watch and cl ock makers, Glasgow notice in this journal is worth as much as the hot el and t h e charges are moderate, Rowe's orse, evening which was the a hundred bills to any chm·ch in W est 100.. m., and retur ning leaves Lowu at 11 a. m. and L ondon, have just completed and Durham. E verybody reads t h e 8TAT~:s Qu een-st. Methodist church sh ed, got " GmP's " P REMIUM PI.ATE. - Grip1 fitted in the tower at the works of the M~.N . to R. S. Q. Chapter 107, and 19 Canada's Comic Paper, h as just issued a. loose by some m eans and came o ut of the Y Pursuant ic. Ch1 Lpter 9,0ntario, notice is hereby given He d ashed across th e that Singer Manufactmiog CompR ny, KilA Goon 'rE8T.- What everyone says very fine lithograph ed g roup of Retorm yard with a rush. all crei.itors and other persons havingo b owie, a clock of more than ordinary must be tru e, or have some f<> undation a t Politicians in Canada. This is a compan- r oad and boundt>d into a lot of posts and any claims or demands against t he estate o ·c ~~ ~-~-~-,. .. ~~~""'~~-~A~r dimensions. The four illuminated dials, least, and everyone who h as tried it says· ion grou p to the Conservative Leaders is- fe nce material on the ed ge of Mr. 'Valls' Christopher Bounsall,late of the 'l'own of RowIn the Uounty of Durham. llforble maavllle. which ·a rc composed of iron and glass, are tlrnt Hagyard 's Pectoral B11ldom is a sued from the same oflice last vear, and ~t, where he fell over on his b ack, up- Dealer, dece11osed, who died on or 1Lbout tho BowMANVILLE, MAY 18, 1887. each 26 feet in diam et er, and weigh in prompt and r eliable cure for the various is the same size, 18 x 26 inches. When seb ing the cnvered buqgy to which i t was thirty-tlrst clay of March, 1837. arc herebv required to send by post to Edwin Rechab all about 20 tons. These we b elieve to and hmg troubles caused by col ds, framed the pair make a handsome orna- attached The h arn.iss and b uggy were llounsall, of 1110 S!Lid town of Bowman ville. OCa an erW IS0. · bethelargestclockdialsiuthe UnitedKing- throat somewhat broli'en, but t he horse fort ·1· executor of the Last Will of the said deceac1ed which are always prevalent a t this season ment for any lib rary, dinin g-room or on or before the t wentieth clay of .Jnae next. dom, and arc e<pial in s ize to any in t h e of the year. natf'ly escaped unhurt. reading -room. The p ortraits are well a statement in writ-ing of thoir names and aclDoot fail to see those stylish Hats at world. Tb.e clock is supplied with an ENJOY LmE.- Wh at a truly b eautifu dresses anil the full particulars of t heil· cl;iims T h e South Ward is b ecoming quite ex:P.cuted, an d the plates are a credit to Mrs. Morrisons, aut omatic l ighting machine. The main or demands and of t he securities (if any) held Canadian ent erprise. They are sold Tait and Morrison h avf:l the sole agency wheel is 2G inches in diameter, and the lively of late. A new steam engine and separately for 25 cents each, or a copy o~ world we live iai Nature gives u s grand- hy thorn, and that the executrix and cxoeuto1· eur of mountains, glens and oce»ns, and of the la~t will of the said deceased will pro· other machine1·y for the manufacture of foc Butterick's Patterns. pendulum ball weight 6 cwt. The work either pl a te is sent free t o any on e pay- thousands of means of enj oyrnerit . We ceed to distribute the assets of the Sftid deceasA team of runaway horses nearly through ou~ is of the very best ma.terial, bricks has b een placed upon t he Hamley ing $2 for on e year in advance to Grip, can desire no b et ter when lu perfect ed among the pa1·ties entitled thereto, having estate, and under t he active superintendr egard only to such claims or which noti~e hqs knocked down a telegraph pole opposite and mad e Oil the most approved princi01· s ubscribers sending $ 1.10 will receive h ealth; buo how often do the majority of been given as above required; and t hey will Mra. Pooley's on Tuesday evening of last ples, and the clock is cal culated to l ast ence of Mr. Harry Hamley, things are Grip for six months and their choice of p eople feel like givinl{ it up disheartened, not be liable for the assets or a ny part thereof. rushing:-""It 1~ a n ew thing to h ave bricks to any person or pet·sons of whose claims they week. for at l east 100 years. - Glasgow paper. · Conservati ve groups. discouraged and w0rn out with disease, shall not t hen have had notice, manufact ured by steam in town and either R eform 01 Bowmanville, May: 4th, 1887. On W ednesday last a spark from t h e A very interesting and prohtable time especially for the South Ward t 0 h ear Address GRrr , Toronto, Ont. when there is n o occasion for t his feeling, .JOHN K. GALBRAITH, chimney, se~ fire t o t he roof of the F ur- was spent at the open Division of the " the so und of a steam whistle four limes a SJlicitor for Executrix and Executor. The Grand Jury present ed the follow· as every sufferer can easily obtain satisJw-19 · · niture Factory. It was quickly put out, Sons of '.1.'emperance, on T u esday evening day in t h eir midst. N othing succeeds ing at the recent sitting in Cobo urg :factory proof, that Green's .Ai1gustFlower, before much damage was done. 10th inst., the followi:ng excellent pro- like success. will make them free from disease, as when \'\Tith refer ence to the Canada 'l'emperAnother lively and exciting game of gram being gone through with: T0 CoRRJ.:SPONDENTS.- ' Ve frequently ance Act, the jury are of the opinion born. Dyspepsia and Liver Compfaint Base Ball on Saturday afternoon between PART I . receive among news items such notices t h at in view of t h e lack of moral support are t he direct causes of seventy-five per the town team and the Organ Factory. Ch orus . ·.. Misses A. and N. R oblin, and as merchants, agents and oth er business given t o its administrat ion by the people cent. of such m aladies as Billiousness, InThe former b eating, t h e score stood 24 to Messrs. 'Vindatt and Brown. men pay us from 5 to 10 cents per line and of t he fact that ou t of a voting pop- digest ion, Sick H eadache, Costiveness, 12. Recitation · ... . , · .· , · ... . . Mr. Manning for. iNe cannot in justice to our adver- ulation i n t h ese count ies of over 16,000, IS ervous P rostration, Dizziness of the FREE SET OF HARNEss.- S. Thompson Song ···.. . . . ·. · · - .··... . . ... Mr. 'rait. tisers p ublish these notices free or a11 n ews. less than 11,000 votes were cast, viz : H ead, Palpitation of the H ear t, an d & Co. will give gratis to the person b uy- Recitation.···· ···. ·· · ···· . Miss Kirby. If a man wants what .is commonly call- 6050 for and 3863 against the Act. The other distressing symptons. Three doses ing the m ost goods at their shop during Song. ·········. .· ···· · ··· · · Mr. Irwin. ed a "puff' in our columns, he must pay majority of this j ury are of the opinion of August .Flower will prove Hs wonderful 1887, a set of all N ickle Single Haruess .PAR'!' n. for it. . It would be just as reasonab le to that the Act should not become law or in effect. Sample b ottles, 10 cents. Tr y it . 41. worth $25.00. Chorus ···· Misses A . 3:~d N. Roblin , and ask a farmer for the u se of a half-acre of any m unicipality or groups of m unicipalN otice ia her eby given that the Court SPECIAL AT'rENTION should always b e Messrs. Wmdatt and_Br?.wn. land free for a potato crop, as to ask a ities without a majority of the whole votof R e vision for the given to the hai r and sea.Ip. There is Speech.········ .Rev. W . H. "Warrmer. n ewspaper man for a quarter column puff ing power of the district bein~ fir st ob· BIRTHS. notbin" nicer than a good head of hair. Song .··· · ·· · ·· ·· · ···· · · ·· .~'lr. Ada~s . free. Bis paper ia h is fa rm. tained. And that the Act sh ould be rePYE.-Near Mt. Vernon. on the 13th in~t., In cas~ e,f-~baldness when the roots are Son~=· · ·· · .. . . Messrs K each1e and Tait.· SINCE LAST OCTODBR I have suffered p ealed in any district in which a majority tho wife or Mr. John Pye, of a daughter, Will meet a t t he Qu1c1(.- ht Bowmanville, on the 11th inst., not all · gone, Dr. Dorenwend's Great Readmg . · · · .. ····· ··. Mr. T. C. J~we_ll. from acute inflammation in my nose and of t he whole vot e has been ob tained i n faG erman Hair Magic, will produce a Song.···'."··:·· · ··· · · .Mr. H. Brittarn. head. For a week at a. time I could not vor of said Act without the moral sup- the wife ot Mr. L. G. Quick of a daughter. · t tl1 0 f h · 't ·n t The contributions were all of an excell.e nt l u xunan MARRIED. - ONgr do ivf d d ai~; t1 '!t 1 r~s :orel character, p rominent am on g which h ow- ·s ee. I h ave used n o end of remtJdies, port of the community. al1 grey an a e 11a1r o 1 s ongma · b M I · also employed a doctor, who said it was With r eference to prison labor, t he jury JACKMAN- TRElliBLE.- At the Queen Street color and vigor ; it stops all fallin g out ever, w~1·e t h e comic so;igs y r. r wm, impure blooa - but I got no help. I are of tl1e opinion that in view of the Methodist Parsonage, on _ MAY 28tlt, t he 5th inst.. by the SATURDAY, of the h air and removes all traces of dan- d he bb e m gRrecallW ed Htw!C,~-;-rar~nde thoupaodn - used Ely's Cream .Balm on the :recom· g ood b Aalth as well as t h e promotion of Rev. E, Roberts., Mr. Sidney Jo.ckman and At 2 p.m. for ad judication of appeals ·, fi d . h Miss May Tremble, all cf Bowmauv1llo. f thi t t ' ress y ev. . . n a l r, ,., A l 't tl d ruu. against Assesaments a.nd final r evision of .1 e 0 . 8 _gr ea prepara wn Public S eakln11 which was listen ed to mondation of a friend, I was faithless t he prisonera con ne m our gao1s, t at a 0 ' . wsed once m a while w1ll keep the scalp . P but i n a few days was cured . My nose r easonable amount of labor is desirable, DIED t he A11seesment R ull. .t. d k th h · with the d eepest mterest t hroughout. i n a h ea Ith y con d 1 .10n an ma e e air and t hat when circumstan ces are favor· now, and also my eyes are well. lt is By order, o' pri ' son ers should be HALL.- ln Darlington, on the 7th inst., Mary, aoft,pliant and beautiful. A .Dorenwen d, Tllll DECl'IC l' LIJSJI, 1mlc hollow c h eeks wonderful h ow quick it hel ped me.- MRs able' the labor _ ' wife o! Orlan R. Hall, a!(ed {~ yrs . aad 9 mos. R. WINDATT, and prerarlous nppctlte, b uHcate worm~. epl e manufacturei:, Toronto. J . Higgin- 1" rt> employ ed t o the best financial iuterest of Qu1crr.- In Bowmanville. on the 11th inst,, I May 17, 1887. Tp. Clerk. eman's Wor1n Fow·ler~ ·w ill q u.lokl¥ G&OROIE S. JuDso:11, Hartford, Conn. the in!a.nt dt\ughter ol Mr. L. G, Qulok. Jrutham & Son, &-~ents for Bewmamille. and eirect aall;r rem ove them. II the state. 20-l w. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~- LYMAN'S Cake! O ..A-TTLE LYMAN 'S LINS EED CAKE LYMAN SONS & CO., STOTT JURY'S Little Liver Pills A freight car got badly smashed a t t h e station on Saturday .morning. See..the ch eap Drees Goods at Couch, Joh nston & Cry derman's: Ladies, call and secure bargains in Millinery at Mrs Morri~on's. FarmerR will find a spl endid assortmen of field an d garden seed s a~ M urdoch 's, D r. Potter , cflice and r esidence, P r ower's Block, K ing-st., Bow'ma uville. 1- t f. Mr . ·w. T . Lockhar t h as gone to. t ake a position in a large carriage factory in Columbus, Ohio. H ave you seen the Y at isi Corset, at Tod Bros. F our button kid gloves, 50 cents, worth 75, at Tod B ros. Any p erson wh o can give sat isfactory security-rea.l estate-can bor row $ 1,000 at the STATESMAM office. 'l'he R ev. W. S. Pascoe has had t h e d"?-'ree of D. D. conferred upon him by V ictoria college, Cobourg. Order Doors, Sasl10s, Blinds, Picket~ , etc., at Morris' Planing Factory, L iberty street, R . H. Osborn e , l easee . Persons buying oce<J.n tickets from M. A. J nmes, agent for t he Anchor L ine, get greatly reduced fare s to Nevr York. K irkpatrick's Hed Wagon will be a great attraction to Ladies in Darlington this summer. See Solina correspondence. The Tod Bros. are doing a capital b usiness. They are very attentive to t h e wants of their customers and sell cheap. The sidewalk repairers are going their rounds this week and our ways are being mended, crooked places made straight, et~ · Gentleman, clon't bny any tweeds or worsteds until you see those beautiful goods at the .Bankrupt Store selling below co~ . 00 Don't worry if you are out of employ· ment, write to Mlt. CowDY, 41 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Send stamps for reply. 20-45 Last week was a t erri ble time for all the mal11 portion of our population. Housc-cle:m i ng going on ; ugh ! Its over now, thank goodness! Electric Pain Destroylir,-an excellent remedy for Cramps, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises, Cu ts, etc. Sold by J; Higginbotham & Son, Druggists. L TO I L F A Visitors to England. L F I I Tenders Wanted. Not1 ·ce to Cred1 ·torr;s. aht (!!;m1adfan Jt.nt.tJUUaU. L 1 d Oth COURT QF REVISION.. I I TO WNSHIP O F DAR LIN CTO N Town Hall, Hampton, I ..