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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1887, p. 6

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THE CANADIAN STATESANM IS PUBLISHED -BY- EVERY FRIDA.Y MORNING, BY ORDER OF THE LEAGUE. I ! CHAPTJ<-::R V. I could stand between them at th altar, and The weeping woman looked up and be- say that man is mine !" AT THE O!!'EIC!li held the loveliest face she had e~er seen. "He is ours," Isodore corrected sternly; '.Post Offlce Block, Ktng Street, Bowman· The girl standing before her possessed all "do not ignore that debt entirely. Be con· ville, Ontllrto. att~ibutes of southern beauty. Her hair, tent to leave the plot t o me. I have wor~w~1ch wa;slongand luxuriant, hung in one e~ out my scheme, and ~ve shall not fail. ADVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you dis" TER~S; turbed at night and broken of your rest J,50 per A.nnnm, or $1 IC 1mltl In advnncc thick down her back, and lay in care- Five years ago I was ii: child happy on the less waves upon a forehead pure as chiselled banks of my beloved. T1bei. It W<\S not far by a sick child suffering and crying with l'Ulllent strictly ln advance requtred!rom marble ; her face was full, with deep red from Rome that Vl'.e h ved, my old nurse and pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at "1tbecrlbers outside ot the county. OrderE< to flushed under the tra.nsparent skin ; her I , always h~ppy.till he came a!1d stole away lfllOOnilnue the paper mmt be accompo.nied hy once and get a b ottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Jieamount due, or th paper wil nor, bes topped. features exquisitely moulded; whilst her my he:i.rt "'.1th his grand promises and sw.eet Soothing Syrup." For children teething, lllbeorlbere are reeponsibleunti !nil payment is e?'es, de~p as running water, conveyed an words. Six short . months sufficed' him, its value is incalculable. It will relieve .31.114e. air of pride i1nd power-a sense of passion for I wi;-s only a child th~n, and he threw the poor little sufferer immediately, Deequally capable of looking implacable hate away his broken pla~thmg. It a KA.TES OJ!' .ADVERTISING 1 !:: ~ pend upon it, mothers ; there is no lfllole Column one year ...... , ...... $60 00 :.:l::;:;; or fondest love. They were commanding woman of me, and ~t co~t me a lO\:er mistake about it. It cures Dysentery " " Half yea.r . .. ··· . . . · . . 36 oo · ~ o now, as the woman looked up into the worth a. world of men like hun. I told him 0 " One quarter ···.·· , .. 20 00 ~ .... stranger's face. I would have revenge. He laughed then ; and Diarrhwa, regulates the Stomach and l!a!t Column one year ...... , .·.· ,. , · 36 00 - Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the "Who are you?" she asked wonderin 1 . but the ti~e is cm;ning surely. I have a " Half year ............ .. 20 00 1"Men call me Isodore," the stran ergr~- a powerful mtere~t in the Broth~rhood; he Gums, reduces Inflammat ion, and gives " One quarter_ . . · . . . ·.· 12 50 :narter Coluxr..n one ye9.r ..·. ·...··· 20 oo plied in a. voice singularly sweet. ..~ have knows me b,Y, but otherwise we a7e tone and energy to the whole sy11tem. ·· " Half year ··.··· , ·· . . 12 50 no other name. Will you let yie look at s~rangers. To-mght, I saw my old lover m " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " for ·· " One qua.rter ·.·.·· ·. 8 0 0 - 5 the coin yon have in your hand ?" his company .. Ah, .had he but kn?wn !Ten lines andunder,firat insertion .· $0 50-· children teething is pleasant to the taste Never dreaming of refusing this rec nest Come, .Valerie; give. me that com? the Bach subsequent Insertion...... 0 25 - · and 1s the prescription of one of the oldll'lrom six to ten lines, first insertion 0 75 · the woman handed over the gold pdce t~ lucky p1~cc of ~old wh_ich shall lure him to est and best f emale physicians and nurses Ke.oh subsequent insertion..... . 0 35 the girl, who looked at it long and intently . dest:uct10n.,, Come with me; I must say Over tenlines,firatinsertion,perline 0 10-lO in the United States, and is for sale by Her eyes were hard and stern when she more to y~n. _ . , . Blach subsequent insertion,.. 0 oaall druggists through the world. Price spoke again. "Where did you get this ?" Mechamc:illy, Valerie le (, autier followed 'rho.number of lines to be reckoned by -: 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask fo:r she asked her compamon out of the Kursaal gardens, -th~ apace oocutiied,.measured by a scale of "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." l'Mll 'd Nonpareil, "It wa~ given me to stake at the table. t~rough the streets, walking till they got a and take no other kind, tE!!' -=~=~ -~ =~-===~~-~~!'!'....====~~~~~~-..,.., I noticed that it bore some device, and I httle wa:( 0~1t of the town. At a house DRS, HcL.l.UGULIN .t BEITH. exchanged it for a coin of my own." there, a htt.e back from the roa~, Isodnre "It has no. meaning to you! It is not stopped, i~~d opened the doore with a p~s.~OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. possible you one of us?" key. . Ins1de, all was darkne~s ; . but takmg Dr.·.J. W.McLAUGRJ,IN, Dr· .A.. BEll'H. Gradu"I do not understand you,,, the woman her friend by the hand, and b1ddmg her not ~~iie~!t~ffp~;s~fif:~ ate. of the Toronto replied. "It is a curious coin. I have seen to fear, I sod ore led her forward along a and member of the University, .Physician. one once before-that is all I know of it " flagged passage 11ond up a short flight of S. W. RUSE. ltoyal College or Sur- Surgeon, &c. "Listen !" the girl said in a hushed v~ice steps. Opening another door, and turning goons, Edinburgh. " )'."ou do not comprehend what its posses: up th~ hang~ng !~mp, _ she smile~l. "Sit EACHER OF ORGAN, PIANO, DR. J, c. MIT()HELJ.,, sion means to you. It is the symbol, the down, she said, ,, my sister that 1s to be. VOICE and THEORY. 'l'erms on appli28;ly cation a~ "BIG 20," EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS sign of membership of the strongest politic&.! You welcome. and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Brotherhood in Europe. If it was known The apartment was somewhat large and Ottloe a.nd Residence, Ennleklllen. u. to be in your possession, your life would lofty. By the light from the silver lamp, - - -·- -- pay the forfeit; it would be regained at all suspended from the ceiling in an eagle's D. BITRKE SIMPSON, hazn-ds. If one of the Brotherhood knew · beak, the stranger 11oticed tlie room with ARRISTElt, SOLICITOR, &c, MOP RIB another had deliberately parted with it, I I its satin-wood panels running half way up Your attention is directed to the immense BLOCK. up stairs, King Street. Bowman- would not give a. hair for his life " the walls, surmounted by crimson silk hangstock of Ile, Solicitor tor the Ontario Bank "And he is in danger of his life !"the wo- ings, divilled over the three long windows by PrlTate Monevs loa.ned at the lowest rates. man cried, starting to her feet. "Give it gold cords; a thread of the same material me, that I may return it to him." running through the rich upholstery with John Kel&b Galbraith, "No !" was the stern reply; "he does which the place was garnished. The floor of every description at ARR IS TE R, SOLICITOR, NOT.A.RY not get off so easily. We do not temper was paved with bright coloured woodwork PUBLIC, &c. Otll.ce-Bounsall's Bloc,k the wind thus to traitors. - Woman ! what of some mysterious design; and heavy rugs, Xlng Street, Bowma.nville. Money to lend, is Hector le Gautier to you, that you should thick and soft to the feet, scattered about B.OB.EBT A.RMOITK, do this favor for him?" sufficent for comfort, bnt not enough to Sha hae just opened out one of the largest lllGIBTR.A.R, WEST DURHAM ISSUER "He is a man and his life is in danger. mar the beauty of the inlaid lioor. Pieand moat stylish stocks ever brought or Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.ttor- It is my duty"- tures on china plates let into the hangings to town, consisting of : 'l!r9J" at Law and Sol!oltor In Chancery.Money "Mark me!' Isodore replied with stern were upon the walls; and in the windows lo·11ed on Ree.I Estate. Office on King street, emphasis. "I have not the eyes of a hawk wore miniature ferneries, a little fountain 1'1illine1·y, Dress Silks, 311wmanvllle, - -- - - - - and the hearing of a hare for nothing. I plashing in the midst of each. There was was opposite you in the saloon and I know no table in the room, nothing whereon to deVelTets, &c., WILLIUI WIGHT. that something more than w~manly sym- P?sit anything, save thre.e brass stands, VI. with a very fine stock of Feather11 and ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the pa thy prompts you. I saw the struggle in high and nat·row ; one a little larger than Mr. Varley, Sir Geoffrey Charteris' valet Flowers. County of Durham. Orders left at the Le Gautier's face; I saw you start and the rest, upon which stood a silver spirit- and factotum and majordomo in the kronet's SIHTEBMAN office or forwarded to 'l'yrone P.O. Oa.II and inspect this fine &isplay, which tremble as he spoke to you; I saw you change lamp, under a quaint-looking urn, a choco- town residence, Grosvenor Square, was by 11llll receive prompt attention. 28:6m cannot fail to give satisfaction. the c?in. for one of yours, I saw you weeping late pot to match, ~nd thi:ee china cups. no means devoid of courage ; but the conS, (), DITNKING, over l~ JUSt now. Woman! I ask again , ~ere were cosy-lookm$ chairs. of dark mas- tents of the note he was reading in the hall I sive oak, upholst~red m red .silk, with the one fine morning early in May w ere sufficient ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR what is he to you?" Slowly the words came from the other's lips, ' same gold th~ead mterwoven .m all. A mar- to put t o flight for the moment any vengethe County of Durkam. Sales attended io on short<ost notice and lowest rates. Address as if forced from them by some mesmeric in- 1 ble clock, with a fi~re of Liberty thereon, ful schemes he was harbouring against the UOIJRTICB P. 0, 36:tf fluence. "You are right," she said; "for stood on the mantelpiece. wily gentleman who has just quitted the - heaven help me- he is my husband ! I I Isadore threw herself down in a chair. house, aml that gentleman no less a person GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED ESTABLISHED IN 184'1. everv man who buys his License trcm am Valerie le Gautier.- Now, tell me who The other woman took in the scene with than our old friend J.e Gautier. yo:1 are." speec~les~ rapture ; the~e was something Timothy Varley was an Irishman, and RKNRY SYLVESTER, Enniakillen. 1 'Tell me something more. How long soothmg m the harmomous place. "You had been in his youth what is 'termed a It has no shareholders to pay dividends to. , are pleased," Isadore said with a little smile patriot. - rn his hot blood he had even joinPia.nos Tuned and. Repaired.! has he been your husband?" Managed by and solely in the interesb of " Nine years-nine long weary years of of pleasure, as she surveyed the place. ed a League for tho " r emoval of tyrants ;" the Policy holders. coldness and neglect, hard words, and, to "This is my home, if I can call any place a but the League, in 8pite of its solemn form ARTIES WISHING THEIR PI ANOS my shame, hard blows. But he tired of me, home for such a wanderer; but when I cau and bindiuv oaths, had died a natural death. Its Rates are Low. Tuned or repa1reu oan naTe them attended ]) by leaving word at the DOMINION ORGAN as he tires of all his toys : ,he always tires steal a few days from the cares of the cause, At times, however, the recollection of it Policies non forfeUable and uncond!UonaJ, when the novelty wears off." i I come here. I need not ask you if you like troubled Mr. Varley's conscience sorely . .!JO'S 0Fll'ICE, Bowmanville A first-cla.s mall Cash Paid every three years, " Yes," lsodoi·e said softly, "aa he tired my apartments?" It was destined to be brought to his mind ow being in thei~ emplo; of me." " Indeed, I do, " Y alerie replied, drawing , now in a startlinv manner. "~ou !" exclaimed Valerie le Gautier, a long breath of d ehgh~. "It i~ absolutely " C. S. I. You will be at the corner of .80 Do? Gentlemen o.f Fas§~ Joint Life Policies, startmg - "yon ! What ! and have you, p~rfect. The whole thrng surprises aud be- , Chapel Pla ce to-niuht at nine. A girl will ion, not so i·a st. 1'hongh a double rieh but one premium Is pa.I too, fallen a victim to his treachery ? If wilde1·s me. I should not havo thought meet you, and show you the way. you tor two people, .A.mount ot policy drs.wn you. have known him, been a victim to his , th~;e ha.~ be~n such a place in B omburg. " are wanted ; your t urn has come. ])o uot on first death, perfidy, then, from the bottom of my heart, · I will give you another surprise," Iso- , fail. - NuM BER XI." I h! written the1 e tew lines, ADd Bil 1 hBVA to aayI pity you. " <lore lauglied, "before the evening is over. Never did Bob Acres, in that celebrated 1 Tbat Jou oan tlnd me still at home, " And I need pity." 1 I am the princess of sm·prises ; I surprise comedy, 'J.'ae ' Rivals, feel the coumge oozing th f ll I am not gone away. Special Induceme1·ts to Total .Ab&tainen· . For.ashortspaceneither spoke, as they sat :i:~n,, e 0 owers who owe me loyal submis. from his finger-tips as did Timothy V arley So all my kmil. old friends may come, .And all thP. ~ oung on ea, too, · · hstemng to the murmur of the leaves in the "·, 1 now. He turned the missive over in his And get their garments nicely made .lf!!SETl!l OVER $5,000,000,l trees broken every now and then by the .\ h · had I such a paradise as tlus, I fingers; but no consolation was to be derivln fashions tnat are new ; sounds of pla.y or laughte1· within the glitter~hould forswear political intrigue. I should ed from tha t· and bitterly did he revile tho INCOME OVER $1,000,000 . Where old and young, dflar friends. may meet ing saloon. Isodore's face, sad and down- teaie thbt to tio~ whod hadimhore dto gain or juvenile folly' that had placed him in snch a A welcome greeting, by R. PEATE. 8100,000.00 deposited with the CanadianGovern cast for a moment, gradually resumed its 0 ose Y sue azar s. s oul be con- position at this time of life. ment for benefit or Canadian policy holders. hard, proud look, and when she spoke again, ; tentri~ let thed.wo~;Id go on, so that I had "It is no sham," he muttered to himself. _ N · she was herself. my 1 e para JSe. "God save Ireland- that is the old counterINVESTED IN CA.NA.DA., SG00,000.00. ." W~,have a sympathy in common," she ."So I . feel i;-t tim,~s," Isodore observed I sign; and to think of it turning up now I I said. W e have a debt to pay, n.nd, by with a little sigh. But I am too deeply had forgotten the thing years a"O. This HEAD OFFICE IN OA.NA.DA.:- MONTREAL y_our !1elp, I will ~a.y. it. Ju~tice, retribu- plec lged to draw m~ ha:nd back now. 'W_ith- , co!Iles of .!oining secret aocietie~-a nice t10n 1~ s l<;> w, but it is certam. Tell me, ou~ me, the Orde:i: is hke an army d eprived thmg to brmg a respectable family man to! For particulars refer to Valerie- if I may call you by your nameits genera.I; besides, I am the creature of 1 Now, by the powers ! who was N umber h_ow Ion~ is i~, since yon saw your husband circumstance ; . I . am. a. sworn disciple of Bleven? That used to be Pat Mahoney; E, L. LIVINGSTONE, till to -mght? 1 those whose m1ss10n 1~ is to free the down- and a mighty masterful man he was, always GENE!UL AGENT , ", " Seve11 years- seven years since he de- trodden from oppression and t o labour in ready with his liauds if anythiug crossed POR1' HOPE serted me cruelly and heartlessly, leavina freedom's name." As she said these words, him. 0 dear, O d ear I this is a pretty Or to agents th1·oughout the county, 48-fla e. WITB TEETH· wnnovT TBB'ra ·1ess m · tie l streets of R ome. I had '? the sad · me penm . · . Iook upon Iier b row cIeared away t h" mg. May b e they want t-0 mix me u p T 'M" 'M' ~ t? live how I could ; I even begged some- , hl~e mist b.efore the sun, and a proud light with dynamite ; bt1t if they do, I won't do fl· .llfl. · JJ& .ll:ltlJ times, for he has squandered the little money glistened m the wondrous eyes. Half it, and that's flat, I suppose I shall have I brought to him. " , PRA.VTIVA.L DENTll!lT, 1 ashamed of her enthusiasm , she tumed to. to go." o:>VB:R TWENTY YEARS EXl'BBilliNO:a:, "Do you t hink he knew you to-night ?" , t he stand by hei· side, and soon two cups of! Giving vent t-0 these words in a doleful ll' U'·maOxldeGas .l.·lmlnlstered for PaJnlti& l Isodore W:Jked. I chocolate w~re ~rothed out of the pot, filling tone of voice, he betook himself to his · ti "Knew me ?" was the bitter response. the room with its fragrance. Crossing the privat e sanctum. His spirits were r ema.rk0 pera ons. "No, indeed. Had h o known I was so uear, floor, sh e_ handed one of t he cups to her new- ed to be the reverse of cheerful, and he de· 8:1'J!HJE · · lllVVL1T.N.:'8 BLeCK'. , he would have fled from my presence." For a moment they sat sil- clined a. glass of sherry at luuch, a thing 1found friend. j "He l aughs at us, no doubt, as poor de- . en~,. then I sodore turned to her companion I wh~ch roused much speculation below fenceless women. But time will show. I sn~i}1'.1gly. . . sta1ra. can ever find an hour in the midst of my I L :0 ~,whuld ky~u hke to go with me to Punctual to the moment, Timothy VarSight ar.d Smell of Birds, 01 greatworktowatchhismovements. Ihave , ~Ion . i8i1i~ e · t h d' ley stood in Chapel Place waiting.for his A hawk can spy a lark upon a piece of Unapproached for waited long ; but the day is comjng now. - I thwot c · 0 ow yo~, 0 t e worl s end!" unknown guide. Just as he was beginning earth almost exactly the same color at twenWould you know the latest ambition of your ;.~~ ~. er,:id r~ply; but ther e are many t o imagine the affair to be a hoax and con- t-y times the distance it is perceptible to a Tone and Quality. VETERINARY SURO EON,. hono:able h_usba.nd ? H e intends to get / . c\ ies Ill t e iyay. I . h~ve my own gratulating himself thereon, a won:an passed man or dog; a kite soaring out of human CATALOGUES FREE.. married itga m. He has dared to lift his iv:lg 0 ~~! Pfeca~:ous as itis, and I d ar e him, stopped, and walked in his direction sight can still distinguish and pounce upon , ! eyes to Enid Cha.rteris." no eave .1s P ace. again. " God save Ireland !" she said as liY.ard s and field mice on the ground ; and H G d fO . . J " Hector dares to marry again !" Valerie I " I permit no difficulties to stand in my she repassed. the distance at which Vllltures and onorary ra. uate o ntar10 ~etermary I exclaimed, "and I alive ? Oh, I must take w~y," ~sodore said proudly ; "to say a. ", not f01·getting one T imothy eagles can spy out their prey is almost incre1 College, will att~nd t? all diseases vengeance, indeed, for this." . . dible. . , Recent d.iscovcries ~ml. especially 1 th;mg with me, i~ to do it; Let me be candid Varley~" he returned piously. of domest1e antmals. She drew a long breath, shuttma her lips with_ you, Valen e. Providence has thrown "It is well," the woman replied calmly Da rwm s obserYations, have mchned natu1 --1 tightly. The passion of jcalo~y, long ;you m ~;y path, and you will be useful to me; "that you are here. Follow me!" ' r alists to the belief that birds of prey have ' j crushed down, rose \\ith overwhelming m addition, I have taken a fancy to you. "With the greatest of pleasnre. - But I not the acute sense of smell with which they force ; she was no longer a weak defenceless Yes," she continue~ fervently, "the time hark here ; my legs ar e not so young as 1 were once accredited. There :·cute sight 1 A Sp E CI A LT y woman, but a fury, maddened and goaded to ha;s come - the pear is ripe. You shall come yours : if we are goin'g far let us have a seems better to a ccount for their actions, ___ ' the last extremity. , with me to London ; you have a wror:r I cab, and I'll stand the d amage." and they appear t o be guided by sight alone Isadore watched her, well pleased with aa well as I, and you shall see the height j "There is no occasion," the stranger as they never sniff at anything, but d1Ut . Calls a_:nd Or~ers by mail or t~legraph this di~play o~ .spirit. " Now you speak," ?f Isod?re's v.eng~ance.': Say in~ these ~ords said in a singularly sweet voice. "vVe 1 straight at th.e object of their desire. Their 1 will receive t;irompt attention. i sh e said adm1rmgly, "and I respect you. 1i;i a voice qmverrng w1~h passionate mten· have not such a great distance t-O t ravel." I counterparts m the ocean, however, undoubtCHARGES MODERATE. : .All your womanhood is on fire within you sity, .she struck t~ree tm_ies on the bell at " Not good enough to ride in the same ed!y see and smell equapy w ell, but ttre more OFFICE HOURS 8 TO 10 A M to avenge the wrongs of years, and it shall her side. Immechately, m answer to this, car riage with a gentleman's gentleman " I gmded by s mell thau sight. In botli sharks · · , be no fault of mine if they slumber again. the hea_ A tlrst·clasa s tock or ~edi i v y curtains over the door parted, Varley muttered, for h e did not fail to note I a1:1d rays the eyes are good, aud have :i. most on hand. 0 nos 8 1ways Yes, your perfect husband d esigns to wed an d a girl entered. the stranger's refined tones. thstinct expression ; though since they scent 1 - N. B.- Will visit Williamsburg every ; ag~,in." . . I She w~s I sadore's image ; the same style His g uide led h im along Tottenham Court I ~hei: prey from ~ ~ista;:ce, m~d swim np to Saturday of each week. _ I I believe ro~ arn a witch. Y ou have and passionate type of face; but she lacked Road, and t hence to Fitzt:oy Square. Turn- i it wit)! great r ap1chty, . smell as ,~acepede 16 1 Y_ , roused 1!1Y,,cunos1ty ; you must tell me more the ot~er's firm d etermined mouth and j ing into a little side-street, she reached at ~ays, may be calleil the~r r eal ~y_e. _ ____ ____ ___ _ ____ __ Smel!, -JB-Yth~.° this., . .. . ,, I ~a.u&htmess of fe:i-tu res. She was what the . length a doo1-, at which she knocked. 11;1 Mr.. He rbert Spe1:1cer :q defi;111t1on.! .1s ant ito be made, Cut this out 1 ~ccto1 le Gaut1e1 IS _ m love, Isodore hly 1s to the passion-flower. H er eyes were l In a room on the first floor, I sodore and 01pato1y taste, w lnle ~1ght _is a~1fac1patory · 1, and re.turn it to us, and replied, a world of qmet scorn r unning bent upon her sist er- for she waR Lucrece- f Valerie le Gautier were seated waiting the touch; and t he manner 111 w inch sight , as t he th':;;';,h a:;n f~lllYtfrepa{f: tf att tind Fu!'leral eon ~e t];-!1 se~d yot f1iee, throul!'h her words, "and, stl'ange fts it may with tho rnme love a nd patien t devotion one ' advent of J,ucr ece and the stra~ger Vadey , domino.t ing sense, is substituted for smell, 'le.ske~~ ;:d~~r?:i~a ae:1.~~~~~~~~bfe i·~:es and. impotance to y~u~1 ~h ~0 ~v~l :t':~ Y~~ i~ seem, I"?eliev:e true. An 1 £ngfoh g1rl-:-- Eni.d seeft in the face o_ f a dog. I began to feel bewildered in t h e pr~sence of · the higher t.he evol:ition o~ tho animal, is First-class he arse oi'.i vory modera{e ~~r~: b usmess which will bring you i n . more Charteris, .with t h_e blue '.lyes_ ;incl f~1r h~1t· ". Ifou rang, I sod or e?" she asked ; aud 1 so much beauty and gr ace ; for Isodore's ren:a.i.·~ably 11~terest1ng to rollow, once the t:l!11'ond a and Coffins constantly ol! hand, Fun 0 money ra;ht away than anythm~ else l!l this - has bewitched him, ~u.tmtt,<l as he is with agam t.he strnn ger noticed the great lik eness I loveliness overpowered !um us it clid all me 1 varieties of sigh t ar e understood, and both 1g b al oRda supplied at 9 I?ce. Furniture Shop & _:'c?~{~: t~le~1!i~~~~ft0a~~~.w~~mgt~~n~vnee!'.~ south ern ?eauty.-;-You look s~irp:is~~.i I in the voi~e, save as to the d epth iind ring' wi~h :vhom sh <; can:w in c~ntact. Scarcol; : si~ht and a1~~U ai·e st~died in counectio_n ow -~. '.'.~~~~un all~NewB~~~~:.__ __ _ tb_atJust come money for all workers. We have the gift ?f fern -seed, ,md. walk mHs.1ble. of Isodore s tones. ( deigmng to notwe lu s presence she motioned , with t~e pat tlcular hab.1ts of t he creatur e will start you ; ca~itnl not needed. Thi~ is All these thmgs I know. '!'he_ Order is t o 1 " Yes, Lucr ece, I rnng,"the sister replied. 1 him to ,. chair, wliere he sat' the picture of ' for :w]nch. they were designed: Turn where HORSES. 'Ot,JJe ofTthhe genwh n e, 1mportanb.t. classes of a llfe- be betrayed when the pear 1s ripe, and the "I ha ve brou"ht a visitor to see you _ : discomfiture ,ll traces of t he 'tudacious ;we will, sight and organs of sight are every1me. ose not w o am Grand itions and enter· ·n be Elcc. tor 1 " 'I'he price · L ~1crece, t h" · H ector le G1.utier's · · ' Irishman havin,., ' ~ disappeared. ' ' where ' a d ap t~d, Ill · th e mos, t per f ec t manner Island Home Stock prising will , are delay. outfit free, trait ' ~r wi c Gnu t I~r. is "1 ac1y is Fann, Grosse Isle, Address Tl!UE &; co., .Augusta, l.l{alne. of Ins treachery will enabl~ hrn.1 to become , wife. " I "Your nameis Timothy Varley?" Iaodore , ~o t he i:e,cessit~es of the amm~l world : and Mlch.,.-is,. very convere~pecta~le, a~d lea~ a q1:11~t h~e hencefor- I " Le Gautier" s wife?" the uirl asked w ith sriid. j lll r oahzmg,;his fact, we rea:I~ze tb.e rut~ o! Piently locat e d !or ward with his lov1~g fan--~an;~d b: 1de. startled face. " Th en what brings her j " Yes, miss; Jeastways, it was w hen I 1th~ words: Tbe first '!onder i s t he offsprmg CUnadians, being on an I sland in Detroit Poor, _ feeble, ca.lculatmg fool ! . Lhe bitter here? I should not have expected "- I came here, though, if you wer e to tell me I , of. ignora nce ; the last ts the par ent of adorRiver, ten miles below scorn m these wor~s :was u nd_escribable, and I " You interi:upt me, child, in the midst , was t he man in the mcon, I couldn't say nay a tion. Windsor, Ont, Purchasers will find a ! -==-~!:==-~·-·----- - ---=round the. speakers !1p~" inmle. was wreath- of my explanat10ns. I sh (_luld have Le · to you." la.rg1., .iumberor pure . ed - a smile of placid unrelentrng hate aiid Gautier's deserted wife." "I li:now you "Isodo1·e continued "You r t h bred end grade stalI trim11 ph st . gel I " ~' 'I1 !,. . ' U nited ucan ivc a work_ ome, mat;: a tmore I " nm Y bl ~:1d red · . . . , T ;ucrec~ exc1auned. " I under- were born neur ' Mallow, joined the Sil m·;>nuy at forand us, thtin any lioilS, brood mares ·th m p; el~e m th is ~o~ld. r:-..o capital . It ?~all !1ever be, ~ alerie cn:d pnss1ou- stunu. ~Jsodore, if you collect under your Brotherhood thirty yeai·s ago, and your and colts of, all ages I to select from. All ately, while I can ra1Se my voice to roof ;.i.1.t the women he has wronged and d e- Number was Twenty-six If I am wrong , needecl, you ares1 arted free. Both 11 age1i. 1 an i:anocent girl from th, t ii f h · I · 1 h 1 · l n · · . · · ' sexes ; a Any one can clo 1J10 work. i e o s o sue a ce1ve<, y ou w1l 1wc a arge circ e. n ' hat you will please correct me" , LtU"i?:< l carnirigs sure from fo·st start CJstly 1 te d 1 h pure bred stock, reg· I "For "' o-oodness' sake ~ios ffi'" lady 1 outtlt and terms ft'ee Better not delay Costs :r1crees n t e Frbi lencth ookand American Stud BoQks. scoundrel !- Yes, " she hissed out between is she worth tons"" h"t 1 h d t th "t ·11 b fi · C · I · '· ~ ~ ' · · th· t d. · reasona e,s guaranteed Large illua 1h 1 , or w 1 e c enc e ee '. l :w1 e a ttm_~ " hild !" sodore returned with some mark· mean-don't speak so loud. 'fhink what ~~~ !1°., ing o ~en . us !our ~ddreas and find trated Catalogue free, S4VAG£ & FARNUll, R. R:~~~,}~?,1~ sito.~l~ir£1~~d~~a1~e~o at once, D&TR011-. Mlca.. r evenge. It would be bhss mdeed to me if eel emplmsisonherwords, "she is rnyfriend- ' might happen to me if any one kriew !" M. A.JAMES, I I M I B ! I B I R the friend of Isodore should need no welcome here." A deep blush spread over the features of Lucrece at these words, as she walked across the room to Valerie's side. Her smiie was one of consolation and welcome as she stoopeel and k issed the other woman lightly. " Welcome !" she said. "'Ve see both friends and foes here, and it is hard sometimes to tell the grain from the chaff. You are henceforward the friend of Lucrece too. " "Your kindness almost hurt me," Valerie replied in some agitation. "I have ~o few friends, than a word of sympathy is strange to me. Whatever you may want or desire, either of yon, command me, and Valerie le Gautier will not say you nay." "Lucrece, listen to me," said Isodore in a voice of stern command. "To-morrow, we cross to London, and the time has come when you must be prepared to assist in the cause.-See what I have here!" Without another word, she placed the gold moidore in her sister's hand. Lucrece regarded it with a. pU7.zled air. To her simple mind, it merely represented the badge of the .Brotherhood. "You do not understand," Isodore continned, noticing the look of bewilderment. "That coin, as you know, is the token of the. Or~er, and to part with it knowingly is serious · - "Yes," Lucrece interrupted; "the penalty is death. " "You are right, my sister. That is Le Gautier's token. He staked it yonder at Kursaal, giving it to his own wife, though he did not know, to put upon the colour . The coin is in my hands, as yon see. Strange, how man becomes fort~ne's fool!". "Then your revenge is complete,,, Lucrece suggested simply. "Yon have only to hand it over to the Council of '.l'hree, or even the Cr!:nson Nine, and in o?-e ~our"-A dagger thrust will nd the world of a scoundrel. -Pa~ I you ~o not seem to understand such f.eelmg as mm~. No, no; I ~ave another pumshment ~or him. H~ shall hve; ~e. sha!l carry_ on_ Ins mad passion for t~e fair·ha~red Emd till the last; and when his c~1P ?f J~Y shall seem full, I will dash it from lns hps. "~our lu~te is horrible," Valoria exclaimed w~th an mvoluntary shu~der, "I should no;, liketo_cross your path. ,, My friends ,~!1~ me true, Isod?ro answered sad_ ly; it is only my enemies that fe~l the weight of my arm,- But enough_ of this; we need stout hearts and rea~y brams, for ,we have much work before us. 'I hree days late1, and the '!"omen drove through the roar and turmoil of London streP.ts. They weri: bent upon . duty and rev~nge . . <;>ue man Ill that ;ast city of four or five million souls was their quarry. L L A ·ro P i I I D E N T I S T R \I _ ,_. . . , ! 1 I o! I I I B R Im: AC 0 B I I " No wonder your countrymen fail, with such chicken-hearts among them," Isodore observed scornfully. " I do not want to do you anv harm; quite the contrary. '.l'here is an advertisement in to -day's T imes. Yolll' mistress is in search of a maid. Is that so"!" Timothy Varley began to breathe a little more freely. "Yes," he answered glibly; " she does want a. maid. She must be honest; sober and industrious; ready to sit up all night if necessary, and have a good temper- not th11t Miss Enid will try any one's temper much. The last girl was discharged"-" Now, Mr. Varley, I know a girl who must fill that vacancy. I de not wish to threaten you or hold any rod of terror over your head ; but I shall depend upon you to pro. ure it for my protegee." The conversation apparently was not going t,o be so pleasant. Timothy Varlcy'e mind turned feebly in the direction of diamond robberies. "Well, miss--that is, my lady-if I may make so bold as to ask you a question : why, if the matter is so simple, don't you write to my young mistress and settle the matter that way?" " Impossible," Isadore replied, " for reasons I cannot enter into with yon. You must do what I ask, and tha t speedily. -You have a certain Monsieur le Gautier at your house often 1" This question was so abruptly o.sked, that Varl ey could not r epress a start. "We have," he growled-" a good deal too often, to please me. My master dare not call his body his own since he first began to come to the house with his signs and manifestations. -Y ou sec," he explained, " servants are bou11d to hear these things." "At keyholes and such places," Isadore smiled. " Yes, I understand such things do happen occasionally. So this Le Gautier is a spiritualist, is he ; and Sir Geoffrey is his convert ?" "Indeed, you may say that," Varley burst out in tones of great grievance. "The baronet sees visions and all sorts of things." "Is it possible," Valerie whispered to her friend, " that Hector has really succeeded in gaining an inll.uence over this Sir Geoffrey by those miserable tricks he played so successfully at R ome ?" " It is very probable," Isadore murmured in reply. " This Sir Geoffrey is very weak in intellect.- Tell me, Mr. Varley," she continued, turning in his direction, "does the baronet keep much of Monsieur le Gautier's company? Does he visit at his rooms?" " I believe he does ; anyway, he goes out ~t nights, and always come~ back looking as if he had seen a ghost. Whatever his game may be-and sure enough there is some game on-it's killing him bv inches, that's what it's doing." · " And this change you put down to Le Gautierr Perhaps you are right. And now another question. Is not there another reason, another attraction besides discussing spiritualism with Sir Geoffrey, that takes him to Grosvenor Square ?" Varley so far forgot himself a.s to wink impressively. " You mighi; have made a worse guess than that," he said. " I am'not the onl:l'. one ~h_o can 6ee what his designs are. Miss Emd is t he great attraction." "And she?" " Hates him, if looks count for anything, - And so do I," he continued ; " and so do all of us, for the matter of that. I would give a year's salary to see his back turned for good!" " "Mr. Varley," Isodore said in grave tones, I sent for you here to work upon your fears, and to compel you, if necessary to do my bidding. 'l'hat, I oee, is not nec~ssary, for we have a common bond of sympathy. ]'or reasons I need not state here, we have good reasons for keeping a watch over this J_,e Gautier ; but r est a~sured of one t hingthat he will never wed your mistress. I shall hold _YOU to secrecy.- And now, you must promise to get my protegee this situation." "\Vell, [will do my best," Varley replied cheerfully. " Bnt how is it going to be done, I i·eally can 't see." " Irishmen proverbial for their inventive powers, a.ud doubtless you will discover a way. - 'l'he new maid is a Fren"h ~irl, remember, the daughter of an old triend. Perhaps you would like to see her?" With a gestme she indicated Lucrece, who forward, turning to the hishman with one of her most dazzling smiles. The feeling of bewilderment came on again. " She !" he cried ; "that beautiful young lady a servant ?" "When she is plainly dressed, as suitable to her lower station, she will appear different." " Ah, you may pull the leaves from t he flowers, but the beauty r em ains to them still," Varley replied, waxing pcetical. "However, if it must be, it mu$t; so I will do my best.' Varley's diplomacy proved successful, for, a week later, Lucrece was inst alled at Grosvenor Square. (TO BE CONTINUED). .A CARD.- To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of· manhood, &c., I will send a recipe tha~ will cure you FREE OF CJIAR~l!l. Thiii great remedy was discovered by a" mission ary in South America. Send a self· addressed envelope to the REV. JosEPH T. INMAN Station D New York Cit'!/. 46y MUSIC.. T LADIES, MILLINERY MRS. DONNELY'S BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., " BELL" F. A. JONES ,I E N N I SK ILLE ·N ORGAjS Guelph, Ont. I : 1 BELL &CO. Operations & Dentistry I I ·1 u NDE R TAK INc LEV I M QR RI S PERCHERON Ev M0N 11 I I I Y O I .

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