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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1887, p. 7

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~~~~~~~~~~ --i ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9 couple of hours, perhaps, when he saw steady t he poor lass behind with the baby y ou now! Yes, it was my mother, t hat 1\t something on the track like a dead persou in her right arm and her left hand on his was ; and I'm the baby I 11 or h orse. He had h is hand on his pistol a,u belt ; and she was looking and looking on She said why she wouldn't wear the he trotted up to it, he said, thinking of the both sides to see if she could see the two ba.dge was for the same rea.sod as she hung VETERINAR Y SURGE0 5, A :Romance of the Bus.h. m ails, whan he saw it wasn't a horse, or ~' men. Except to beg Standard to stop a her shawl over the mail bags as soon p.s she W~DNESDAY, MAY 18 1 1887. I was on some Government dnty last year '. man, bull a tall slip of a young woman, dead, minute and shout onc11 or twice in case her , was out of StandP.rd's sight. No one, she in New South Wales, that took m e into t he or p erhaps only dying, laid on t he ground husband and his chum were near, she never '. thought, would think a woman and child local Post Offices. In the back parlor, at! with her back propped against a tree, and ti spoke. S tamfardknew it must be hopeless, worth robbing. the Gundaroo Post Office, I h ad a long chat poor little babyclinging to her brea.t. and the further they got the more hopeless She left h im just at the beginning of the with the son of the Postmistress; a fine J "Lord of all!" muttered Standard, a s h e I it must get; but h e W1'S a tender-hl'arte<l , forest. lie sa.ys he walked by the horse a CATARRH.- A new treatment has beon di!J· young fellow, perhaps a little over_ t hirty. 1 jumped offLad;(s back and stood over the I fellow, and ~e c~uldn't stand heariilg the · bit to see how she carried her, and then he covered whereby a. permanent cure of this He was manager to a locul sheep kmg, and 1 woman. He raised her as teri.derly almost , poor soul crym g m a hopeless sort of way let h er start off at a gentle canter. He used hitherto incurable disease. is absolutely affect· rejoiced in the curious Christian name of ! as she would have d one her own child. '.l'he behind him , a.nd not do something to pleaae t'l say he never felt so dead lonely as when ed in from one to three applications. no matt~r Het. The following is his account of the little one, he u sed to say, started crying-a her. But a ll the way the baby lay t here as the brave young creP.ture turned round and whether standing one year or forty years. Tb1s , kind of wail-and opened its eyes in t hat peaceful and comfortable as we are now this . waved her hand and says, " Good-bye, and remedy is only applied once in twelve days, circumstances that Jed to his being so named: 1 and does not interfore with busine~a. Descrip· I was there certainly ; but I don't remem- sort of way t hat you know it hadn't long minute. God bless you for saving his life !"-meaning pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by ber much about it. I w as told. l can vouch 1 ' stopped crying, but just woke up, and began Whon they got to the creek i t was nearly me in her anus- and then was bid from him A.H. Dixon & Son, 305 King street, West for the truth of it, for she and him, too, again where it h ad l eft off. I've two kinds dark a.nd the woman was swaying in the · in the trees. Tl)ronto, Canada.. often and often have told it to me, and 1 of my own now, and I know-not that saddle, though she'd sat straight enough at \ Vell, to cut a long story short, mother WHAT IS CATARRH? Catarrh is a dangerous dis1as~ which· others. They've told it apart, each by their they've ever h ad to lie alongside a mother first. Noticin!! t his, Standard says, sudden- and me rode into Gundaroo at 9 o'clockands are consciously or unconsciously suffonnp: two selves, and they often tell it together- as good as dead and try to get fed and ly: "Missus, h ave you ever r ode alone?" ,~ two and a half hours after time. All the from. It is a muco·purulent d1schar~e e:aused she telling about him, making him out to warmed a.t a. breast as cold as that poor S ue g ives a sort of start, and sits up and place turns out to see who it was. A Wt)man Honorary- Graduate of the Ontario eterlnuy by the presence of a vegetable parasite m the lining membrane of the nose. 'fhe predlBPOS· have been tue hero, and he telling it all so . soul's. Thank God , no! But for all that, sa.ys: "Oh, yes, I've rode a great dea.l r iding along w ith a baby ! They were all Colle~e. Toronto. Regist.ered member of th!l lng causes are a morbid state of the blood·. the that she was the hero- heroine, I should well fed k ids can cry, a,nd cry pitiful, too; when I wa.s a girl; but I'm that tired now so took up with the young woman (my Ontar10 Veterinary Association, in accordanaQ. blighted corpuscle of t ILbercle. the germ p01son s ay. But I expect each of 'em always told so I know how he meant to say this particu- ii.nd so weak that I can't sit up." She mot her was a very personable young woman) wlt.h the Veterinary Act. Is prepared to treat all diseases of t·h e Dom~ cl syphilis, mercury, toxomoo, from the retent hought he was wondering at her leaning they never noticed she was on " La.dy," estic, according to the latest theories. tion of the effete matter ~f the skln, ~up pressed it in about the same words. You see it wa.a lar kid cried. All calls personally, by Telegraph or TeleStandard hadn't IlO need to tether Lady against him so heavy._ ~ut that wasn' t t,hough t~ere must have been lots as knew perspirations, badly ven~lla.te d sleepmir. an epo~h like, and sort of fixed itself in their phone will r eceive prompt att.ention. ments a.nd the germinat10n of otbei; J!Oisons rn ~emor1es-and what h appened after, fixed to make her stop alongside, she was such a. w:hat 8tandar:d was thmkmg. He knew Standards mare wel~ enoug_h. the blood. I rritated by these, the hnmg m em- i t firmer yet. , rea.sono.ble beast· but he put h er bridle hunself what it was to sway, nearly to fallMother was dead tired; and I was asleep, W . Henry's ::>tore,St. , Orono, one door north of brane of the nose is ever ready tor the recepI've been manager on this sta.tion, up be- over a tree branch for all that. Cert ainty ing straight out of the saddle, from fatigue as comfor table as I am n ow by this fire. tion of the parasite, which rapidly spreads,np CHARGES MODERATE, the nostrils and down the fauces, or back of hind h ere, eight years; and I was "boy " i s worth a d eal df faith when it's a.bout and want of food and water. No, he was She rides s traight up to the Post Office, ·the throat cauein't ulceration of the throat; np here [pointing with his pipe stem to the being lef t alone in a ti- t; ee scrub without thinking of a plan for the next day. 'W hen 1md one of the chaps lifts her down; and lihe the eustacnian tubes, causing deafness; b u,:. floor] eight years; a t school here in Gun- your horse a.nd kit. ' they got to the cr eek he sat the woman wouldn't let one on 'em touch the mail bags, · r owing in the vocal cords, causing ' hoarsene~ai Then he laid the little une on its mother's down, and hobbles "I,ady," and gives her but drags them off h erself, and says, standusurping the proper structure of the . b~onch1a d aroo till I was fourteen ; so I suppose it tubes. ending in pulmonary consumption and must been t hirty-foJlr years ago- near shawl and set to work to bring the mother mouth a sponge out and a bit of a rub, to ing on the doorstep with me in her arms, death. enough. too. H e'd seen men exhausted and last till he could see to her when she was and the mails at her feet; "If you please, Many ingenious speiflcs for for ~be cure of catarrh have been invented, but without auo- · '.!'he colony w&sn't s ettled near so mn~h as down to die from thirst and fatlgue come cool. Then hil got some sti9ks and _dry gentlemen, I've brou~ht in the mails. '.l'he oess, until a phy.sicia.n or long standing discov· it IB now. The coach from Sydney didn't r ound but he wasn't sure he said if a grass (no fear of t h e wood bemg wet m a gentleman lent me his horse. I was lost ; ered the exact nature of th disea~e and the r Gundaroo not by three days' ride, a.nd woma~ had to be done for th~ same as~ man hot season hereabout) together for a fire, and will yuu send a horse to meet him. He's cnly appliance wbioh will permanently destroy the mails was carried on horseback, once a -he was a singl e chap then. But he set to and as soon as it burns up puts the billy walking from the fern gully. And 'Lady ' the parasite no matter how al'Cgra.vated the case. Sull'e~ers should send stamp at once week, the rest of the way. After t he coach and got a little water first u,nd then water over it. Then he hunted in his kit for a is to be seen to, please." And then she i:or descriptive pamphlet_ on. catarrh, t o the road, for a bit- say twenty miles- t he track with a. dash of brandy in 'it hetweon her tin of milk he'd got- not to put into his drops down on the steps pretty well nigh business mana!lers, A, H, Dixon & Son, 505 was good enough, and there were 1htions blue lips and r ubbed h er forehead and hauds tea., but to use for butter! Re thought i t done. Kln11: street, west, Toronto, Canadit. What the Re'IJ. E . B . St~venson, B .A., a Clergy furth er than that; but by the end of the well, and laid her so as the blood- once the would be just t,he thing for t he woman, see- 1 '.l'he chaps set to and cheered her-cheer man of the Lon.don Conference of the M ethJJ first day's ride, you reached the last house spirit h ad started it again- could flow a bit ing she'd to nurse the child. She had a. after cheer, till mother was drawn in out of diet Church of Canada, ha.~ to say in regard or hut you were to see t ill you sighted Gun: quicker t o her brain. A bushman has to be I whole panniki11 full of wu,rm milk-di<l her the noise by the Postmaster's wife, who WILL CURE OR RELIEVE To A .H. Dixon &: Son's New Treatment for daroo. a bit of a doctor you know. Then the baby a power of good ; and then he'd got her to told 'em they ought to know better than make Oatarr . BILIOUSNESS, DIZZI NESS, The first night the mail carrier put up at started to help by giving a loud shriek and ea.ta. bit of sopped bread, and ha<l his owu a lady so shamed-faced, so tired as she was, -- ( aklans, Ont., Canada, March 17, 1883 "Paddy,'s Shanty," a s~rt of an irin on the the young woman opened her eyes' and tea, he gave her a t:iwel and told h er she'd too. '.l'he old lady was quit~ as astonished DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY Measrs. A, H. Dixon &: Son: INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING DBAR Sms,-Yours of the 13th Inst. to hand. track. The next mormng he started- all sighed like · and he k ep' on giviu" her water feel better for wash mg her face and hands as any of them, for all she said to t he chaps JAUNDICE1 OF THE HEART, It seemed almost too good t o be true that I am alone, mind you, with valuable mail bags- and spirit a~ she could take it till she could and that th e creek was safe to do it in. Ile to hold their noise, and quite p roud t o have oured of Catarrh, but I k now that I am. I across as nasty a piece of bush as you'll find eel herself more com fortable. He didn't went off to see to "Lady," and before he the first hearing of it all from mother, as she ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF he.Te had no return of the disease, and n ever SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, felt better in my life. I have tried so many in Aust ralia, and I suppose that says in the start talking to her then knowing she want- went he put his comb a.nd a bit of looking put her and me to bed in her own room. HEARTBURN DRYNESS things for Catarrh, suffered so much . and for world. It was all .ti ·tree , scrub. II you ed all her strength to c~me round; but he glass he car7ied w~ere she could see 'em and Well, .the end of it was, St.anda~d he wa.s eo many years. that it is bard to realize thP.t know what t h at 1s you 11 understa.nd. put the baby back in her arms and t he them if she liked. He was always a met right enough and brough t in the next HEADACHE. ' O F THE SKIN, I am really better. Nev?r see any? ~h, we~l, its scrub, that is mother in her prompted her llke to take bi t of a dandy. But he didn't say nothin g afternoon. ~ut they never . found my poor And eveey species oi' disease azoisi:tJ& I consider that mine was a ve~y; it n-om disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, was aggravated and chronlc,'mvclvmg the all httle trces1 with. their leaves all on the a good long pull at t he drink in the billy to. her about t h e comb and glass, bec~use, father P.n~ h is chum- not till months after, STOMA CB, BOWELS OR BLOOD. throat as well 1 as the nasal passages. and I top. All of em ah ke. Just too slender -so as ~he kid might get some in a while bemg a bachelor, of course he felt delicate and then i t was bones they found. Mot her, thought it weuld require the three ;treatments, and weak to a. man's climbing up one you k now. ' about suggesting as her hair wa.s hanging she staid on a.nd helped t he Postmistress at Propri;~~~ but I feel fully cured by the two sent me. and to look round ; too far ap art for you to After a bit she started to cry in a low all down her back in .two long, f~ir plaits. Gnudaroo, who was getting oldish. I o.m thankful that I was ever induced to send swarm up two at once, arms and legs, you sort of way a nd then Standard h e se,t by Standa.rd used to say it was p rettiest so, to So that's how a .woman brought lier Ma./g:·are at liberty to use this lotter stating know ; and yet too close for you to see suu her and ch~ered h er up and t old her not t o his mind, but he t hought she'd feel vexed if jesty's mails into Gunda.roo, and that's why that I have been cured at two treatments. and or stars, night or day. 'l'hat sort of scrub take on. He told h er ~he was found . a.nd she knew he noticed it. So he just put the I 'm called Het. ] shP.11 gladly recommend your r emedy io some is the cruelest ot all. If you know your that all the worst of being lost was : done bit of glass handy and took himself off. Don 't see why ? Oh! I forgot to say tha t ot"my friends who are sufferers. way, w ell and good; but if you once get with, and not to cry and so on. A U the When he, he says, he found the when I was christened, a month or so a.ftcr, · Yours, with many thanks. REV. E, B. STl!lVENBON wrong, Lor~ help you I You're bushed, as t ime, poor fellow, though he didn't hurry baby asleep, and smooth ed aud t idied some· mother called me ~fte,r Standard, a~ he had And hundreds of others sure as you re alive. Unless you chance ~n her, he knew he was loosing time dreadfully how, and the woman as neat as a pin- saved us both. Dido t I tell you Ins name a track, or '.I-cross a camp, you may h e a nd would hardly make the creek to camp women so clever at straightening them- was Hector ?- Bet, for short. H et S tandard down and give it up . As long as your by before nightfall. Thinking of that he I selves- and th e pannikin and t hat washed he was- I 'm Het Bannerman ; but mother, water barr'l ho~ds out - so'll you. After suddenly r emembered the woman had got I up, and the foe raked together. The woman she is Mrs. H et Standard now, Postmistress t~a.~, yoµ may gtve yourself a day o! t wo to to ~o too, or be left to die where she was. J sat there with her Ileedle b'ook on h er knee- of Gundaroo. I dessay you guessed as much. Ha.s received her now stock of diem.; p5rhaps another two days, if you're i Standard was wondering what the deuce h e she had i t in a pocket, she says-sewing up a tough sort. Y our bones 'll be there ye~rs would do with her, when she started and la tear in her frock, where it had caught in after. Well, that's what he had to nde told him how she came there. It seemed 1 one of th e saddle buckles. Standard didn't There is said to be disgraceful destruction 0 through for ho!lrs and hours, the second I she was the wife of the storekeeper, Banner- say not hing much that night, but he had .!,,::,~.~~L,~1~_,.!~~ ~:.~::=g district. and invites the Ladies of Bow day ; an~ ":t mght ~e ought to be about man, that the boss "Paddy's Shanty" h31d made up hill m ind, and after making a shelhrough it , if he kep the tr~ck, ~nd made spoken of, aud she says, when they had got ter of branches and fern and seen the mot her ma.nville and vicinity to call tout 1io reach the open agam. . rhen t he part way through the scrub (two days b efore and baby laid down under it one side of the and see h er Pattern track was across a fern gully, with a creek m i11d you, ) they stopped to change lier 011 fire he s tretched himself on the other side, a~ the bottom; and there he.camped. for ~he to the other horse, and allow 'em to stand with his head on the mail bags, and t hought mght. Then he .had an eighty-mile nde a bout a bit to stretch their legs, the two out what he'd decided to do. The woman Newspaper Advortieing Bureau., t he ne~t day, str aight through the Blue-gum men. The fools never hitched the horses to and child must get to Gundaroo, and before and assortment o± 10 Spruce S t., New Yor k. forest m Gundaroo. anything I All on a sudden a snake slid the nex t night , too ; so m ust the mails. Se,,.d iOcts. for 100-P..~o Pa.npblet. '.l'he chap that rode with the mails then across the track, right under the woman's " Lady" could carry them well enough, but was a splendid fellow. Standard his name feet. She screamed out, aud that startled she couldn't carry him as well. Very well; was. 'L'oo heavy p'raps for a postman, as the horses. Off they went- bolted clean t hen he'd stay behind and walk. " Lady" tlTOR..E:- SecondDoor Wes· or WlUlamr we understand 'em, but just the man for into ttie scrub, carrying every bl essed thing would go along the track through the forest SU:t.cher Stall that work in t hose d ays. It wanted P. fel- they got with them-water, matches, t he alone, he knew, and if only the girl would low full of pluck, a.8 strong as a horse, and I billy and everything. Her husband and his have the pluck to trust herself to the ~ We are with all his wits abont h im. Besides the I chum tCYreafter them, telling her to be sure a.ud just sit still o.nd hold the reins t hey 'd nowpre1 f,~[~ t~ dangers of the track , and creeks to ford, and stop wher e she was. She sat there all all get to G undaroo safe as P. ·church. She 0 15 and the heat, and the s nakes at nigut, there a lone, and t here she'd set ! F irst, wait- could then deliver up the bags at t h e Post all classes with empl oyment at home. the was the l oneliness. That one fellow, all 1ing patient, and then a li ttle frightened and Office and tell them to send out a search I who.le of the tim.e. or for their spare moments. OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS alone in t hat great wild district r iding nervous as the time went on. Then when party t o look after h er husband and his · Buamees new, l~ght and profitable. Per_sons · the perfect . 'stillness · "t t d ark and m · t o t h o mg · 1 or either sex earn from sum 50 cents to $a por As there are manr, iil1erior through the hours m L go it, an'tl t liey cImm and a liorse to meet h" im. evening andeasily a proportional by devoting !"REEltICAii'S goods, corded with jute. under the sky. No chance of seein g a soul, didn't come back; and she te lls how sh e He knew he was sure to get into trouble all t11ei~ time to the business. Boys and glrh hemp, etc.,o.treredand sold and probably not wanting to neither, as stood there, not daring to move, but t r yinj." 1 with the authorities for risking it , especial-· ea;n nearly ae mu?h ae men. That all who see as Coraline by some un- things was then If any one d idJ"ust happen to see over the trees and shouting till she ly if it failed· and he knew too that it was ' !his may send the~r add ress , and test the busiWORM POWDERS~ principled merchants trad1 · ' . . . . , ' ' · · ' ness, we make this offer. T o such a.a are not , ing on .the reputation of to co~e a cross the mail carriers m those couldn t speak, an~ they neve: come. By ~o f~1~ to be left to walk through t t~e forest well satisfied we will .send one dollar to pa;r A:re pieaen.nt to take. thelr o...r;; our ~cnuinc Coralin<>, days, i t wasn't generally for no good. and by she got thirsty and famt, and the m r1dmg boots and breeches and with uoth - for th~ trouble or w riting_ ]'ull particulars ..__atlva. Ia a. · Rfo, B u r o, and eflectal we warn the ladies ftaillst He used to say : "Wh en a man's got h er child was crying for drink and she'd nothing ing but a few biscuits and a p istol. The water an<l outfit free. Address GEORGE STINSON &; .,,..~ such imposition by draw11 0 ing their attention to the Majesty's precious mail bags, with her own for it. Then she walked on, hoping to get I barr'l h e meant to fill and fix in its place - ort!l!la llln·dll, l lM m.all ln e ·- ---·1111!1·-----.,..ll!!l!ltro - ""' ll!!l"'IJ!ll "· '· "' l!l "·rm111111!1 · inll!l!l!Cllll 'lu l!l ·11! ' !1! "llll Pn l!!l!l o· r !l!.A.·dal·filJ-· · ·· P 11 11 1111 necessity of seeing that the r ed seals on 'em, in front of the saddle, and some water; and then she said, the trees behind the saddle, and the rest of the tin of name only t he u sual number of hands for pistols, seemed all to wave nbout and close in on her milk and the bre<>.d (damper, of course, you and reins, and all, he don't cue much if h e aud she san k down exhausted, and must know), and the tinned meat. '\\' omen needed don't see n o one all the ride t hrough." Ho have b een in a sort of sleep or swoon, mixed, lj a deal of feeding, especially when they'd a ;e 11tamped on inner side of all Oora.linegoodt, wasn't one to boast, wasn 't Standard; but t ill Stanrlard found her. baby to feed, too, he thought. And she Without which none aro genuine. h e had once to defend the mails, with three She says to Standard : " Th ey must be must take one of the pistols. to one against him, and tried for man- killed," and cries awfully. His chi ef foor wns she'd be too soft-heartslau&hter, tQO, fort.he way he done it, and "Poo.r fcl~?"'.s·" s,~id Standard. He knew ed to like to leave h im behind, and yet he acquitted', and earn ed out of the court on th~t bemg. k illed ' would be . pleasant to knew it couldn't be under p. couple of th.e ch~ps. shoulders. They tell that tale j dym g of thirst, as they most hke!Y. wol;lld days, or more likely four if th ey tried to go continues to do & General Banking Bnelness eBo wmanvllle Branch. still her~ in ~unda~oo. _ do once t hey got lost there. But .he tried altoget h er. Though he said, ·· Hang h er -AND-The time Im tellmg you of was m the hot to fort her, and to pl~ase her he shouts Majesty's mails !" he daren't delay 'em SQ DEPOSITS season. The ground was all cracked. and agam. T hough , as he said , ,af~er two days, long, for all that. «Hanging " wouldn't lteoelved in Sa vlngs Bank andl'i o d ry. There h a d n 't Jail and interest a llowed atDepartment current rates. · b een P. d rop 0 f r am f or and s h e and the .b·a b Y sh ou t m g a 11 they hurt 'em, or him either ; but delaying 'em aotlce of withdrawal necessary. All deposit» month s and mont h s, and lots of the creeks could most of t he time, and they not come would be the very devil for t hem and him payable on demand, · were empty. At G undaroo it hu,d been very back it w eren't likely t hey were within hail too t ' ' E . XCD&l'WGE bad, a.nd the district round was terrible in now ! H e madeherunderstandthisatlast. As "t r hth tto k want of water Says he "Very likel y they's got t o camp " . soon as 1. was ig e .se wor sep · · the thmgs. he was o keep · ·t e everyb od y t o ca.11 ru:..... ,:i, · Bought and aold and Dra.ftsisanod upon E urope Un the Saturday after New Year's day, 1 t o com t' ort h er , you un d crstan d . T hen h' e aratmg ti t gomg d 0t11 "thfrom th I snow opened , an d we 1nv1 axauime our stock · (Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Silver and when Standard left "Paddy's Shanty," it . started to say how was they and the baby ..1 <>,se 11 e~hwas ~ °~~g o h senll d h wi_ . ke 1 1 1 '1blted Ste.~,')s Greenbacks bou1tht and sold . h · d fl ·d · Tl t o t t 0 fth" ? Sh d"d't tt :..oyaue-ma1, as ecae erIDJOC was a ot. wm · aw .n to - n e m. ley ge ou IS · e 1 n wan .0 move to himself. He looked at t he two sleeping thought ram \Vas comwg, though. from where she was, poor woman, m case . COLLECTI ONS 1 Th b f th h t told St d d her husband should come back but Stand- t he other side of the fire under the open e o~s 0 · e s an Y . an a; ' as d . , ' sk y. The kid was comfortable enough Promptly made at current rates upon a ll pa.r h e fixed up his water barr'l behmd hun on ar says to her : " You cant do y our husdl d . ft b t th th ' or Great Brittain, the United States and Do the saddle, that a storekeepe~ and his wife I band no good by stopping h er e, a nd if rou 1r:i- e. l~ sobo ~rms ; u f e ta°bY er ~~s minion of Canada. P.nd child, and his.Jlhµm, had started the day ' get quick to Gundaroo, you could tell em yin$~ us toal. u as ufcoh I~ th as ; 9 Telegraph TransJ"er· before for a.station where t hey'd got a berth. 1 to send out a search party, and besides, i ~~ssid e d i1e, so/ 8 d 0 s et~~ e c 1 10 1 ma'am, your little one can ' t man age anoth er ' They had to follow the G undaroo track a a.te n a f rt b'w dno thtce he t vh e7 d m g,kma he a Orders to1· Stampi11g will 1·eceive sta-ict attention, and for larl(e or small sums on all parts ol no 0 is, i;n oug e wor on ~r Canada. This is especially advitntageoue te bit, and then strike across the bush to the 1 night in the bush." · 't fat. t h ey ·ve t o go, ,, lie "No, Si"r , " ah e says. Sl1 e w a s a gen tl e, mater u9.l. feelmgs most to get her to go on m all newest patterns kept to c hoose Crom. persons livinp: in Manitoba or tho North·wesl s t a ti. on. " l t 1sn th ae It makes the funds available at once at the said, but th're new chums, and th e woman docil" thing, a nd see_ h c was right; and then ~~rlm~ f d "L d ,, b th _ 0 , 1 k place of payment. looked a. bit delicat e, as well as having a ahe SJ.YB to him, helpless and grateful like: l r ied h e .a yt, la of~ hve c odct ' The Bazaar Glove fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens wear for ll'or turtber particulars call at the Banklllf oun bab to " "Could we ride behind you Sir ?" ie groomc er .up m 8 Y e, . or, e 1;1se 0 Y ",~ ,Y carry. ,, , . ' say, he must have the horse th at earned the spring and summer styles, a. complete stock, N o waiting, no sending, Bouse. l hey ve o~ly two horses the~: says . Po,or Standard! H e fel t stumped. He "Royal lShe-mail" as smart a s possible. T. RODIE, GEO. MoGILL, but choose your pattern and take it home with you. Acoountant. Manairer Sta.nd~d, lookmg al~ng the track, unless 1 d1dn t know what to say. He looked at the Later on, w h en he saw t he woman her t he third horse flew. tall young woman and th e baby, and then ni ht's rest m the fresh earl mornin and ·lv " .No," says the boss; "the woman rode 1 at himself and t he horse"already well weight- ha~ .,.0 t her to eat a. bit of b!eakfast was the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. behmd one of the men , t urn and t~ rn abou t . , ed w ith bis .camping kit and t he .mails. I t quit: pleased to see how much better she A fine young womau she was, too. · wasn't possible ! and he knew 1t. There looked. "It's to be hoped the chaps h adn't much was ten miles or so, to be done that night, H e'd a great work he said to make her else to carry, then," say s Standard. "I . before they got to the creek. It was late , go without him th~ugh sh~ wa.s n't a bit couldn't carry another coupl e of p~unds--; 1 n ?w, i;iearly seven. It' would b e dark as I afraid for her~elf. He had t o say he Bowmanville, March 22, 1886. 12-tf. le~ a lone a w~man and ~aby-011 Lady, pitch. m t he scrub before they got t here, ! shoul dn't be so far hehinrl, and swear he w1:,hout knockm_g ,h er up. ,, _ even if" Lady" could carry all.that load so j' could walk p r etty neal"ly as fast as Well, you amt got to, says the boss , 1 far as t h at; but as to carrymg them all "Lady" 'd go and 80 on He showed her ~,nd la~~h.s as h e watches Standard p u t 1 to G undar oo, ei~hty ~!es fu_rther 'on-;-he how to fire th; pistol, and told her to let Lady mto a. steady canter along t~e knew sh e couldn t do it. B~s1des, nothmg I "Lady" choose the way if she felt doubtful track, ~here t~e two sets of hoof m.arn:s was allow~d to delay the mails. · He would I about the among the gum trees. showed m t he sand. be late as i t was, fo1· the stop he's made. It I Of course he cheered her up all he could '.' Lady" was a fine black mare._ Very must he a couple of days , at best, before he'd t hough fe~ling bad at letting a woman and ; Havin g p urchased the Harness busineM lat ely carried on by .IYlrs. HUMPHREY, baby go alone all that way. You see, t here A LL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM- swift, but iust a thought too l~ght fo1· get there, carry ing all tha.t extra w eight. ·hope by careful attention to busine1;1a, good workmanship, and first cla11S Standa~d and ~he bags,. some ..sa1d . H e So Standa~d stood for a ~oment or two 1wern bushrangers to be feared then. He material, to sec ure a share of public pat rouage. We have in PLA1NTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST- wouldn tallow it. He said: She r each- and thought it all over, while he watched I was afraid to sa.y much about taking care of s~ock and are manufacturin g a large amount of ION A lSD A LL D I '3EASES ARISING e~ Gundaroo asfres~ as need be on Monday the girl (for she .was no more) strnighteu I the mails for fear of frightening h er. He mght, and by the time sh e has to start on h erseli and the child and struggle to stand. just said there they was in front of t he FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE. Thursday, she's wild to be 0 11· the road. " Seeing h er stag:ger a. bit called him~ him- saddle, a~d that she must take 'em straight He only traveled once a fortmght on her. self, and h e thmks as h e gave h er his hand to the office and not let any one but the LIVER AND KIDNE YS. The other week he road ~ roan,_a . bigser to steady h er, ... H11ng her Majesty's mail eo le of th~ office touch them. '.l'hen he . . . , . brute, rut not h alf so sensible and kmdhke regulations I I'l l'take her som ehow!" ptoldph b t d" th t t" b k Collars a specialty. We m tend t hat the r eputation Humphrey R Collars have ga med "L d " S h b 1 d S rl ' · · · er a ou sen mg e wo par les ao I ll b f 11 t · d W ed f · h "bl · as a y. e was a orn a y - tan ISo h~ gets ~1s blanket out of his k it and to m eet him and h er h usband. H e said- iw B ia e u y sm ame · _ e are prepar to ~rma . r espons1 e parties a.rd ,}1sed to say. Her mother was " it be~md the saddle, and then he he saw her sitting 80 easily in the saddle, Collars on approb!'t10n . We guar.antee satisfact10n or no sale. 1 eas~ whereas t he roan was t he son of Mil~- , too~ and laid the baby on the .tree root, a nd the baby lying in her lap, tied to h er We also ~eep m stock a full line of goods ~s~ally found, although· he was called Empero1. while h e s wung tne woman on the blanket I by her shawl and her right arm free for the m a. first class harness shop comprismg Sh e could have gone the whole way a.lone, b ehind the saddle. Then h e h anded her up . pistol if need be his spirit rose a bit-she ! ' if need b e, he said; she wa~ so trustworthy. 1 t~e child an~ got car efully into the saddle I looked able to d~ it. He wanted to give! W ell, h e u sed to te~l 1t h ?w h e rode · bunself, !eavm g them all the room he could, h er his mail badge, but she says no, she J th~ou15h tha.t Saturday m. t he t1-tr~e scrub, s~e used to say. " Lady" l~oked round a wouldn't have it. She'd be safer without. · · thmkm g of the party on m front m whose bit doubtful of the extra weight and the H d "d 't ·t h t h . t B See onr Bull Hone Wh1ps- somethmg new. W e have also in stock Proprietor, Toronto. e i n qui e see w a s e mean . ut · ' · k h trac s e was gallopmg. It w!l's JUSt nea1 · d.anglmg petticoats 0 11 one side, but s1;arted w hen it was all over- but there, if I tell the end of. t he scrub, he noticed, wh~1:e, r1ghtenough when Standardtoldher1thad you the storythatwayyou'll know how it S OLD~ BY they left of!, and sta1 :tcd on a scarcely v1s1- got to be done. ended too soon. !Lr. I"\ DIGGINBOTBA.lll & §ON, 1, ble tra~k to the statwn away to tlie l eft, There wasu t much said on the ride. I t W ell, thern ain't much more to tell after for Horses and Cattle, a sure cure for brui.aes, 13prains, outs, and aorea of all kinda. fifty miles or so. . was rough stepping, and "J,ady" 'd to pick all. ¥oth er, sh e rode straight along the Shop-Sign of the Big Collar. 17-3m B 0 WM ANVIL LE. H e used to say h e must have ridden a her WP.y, and StM1dard ha.d to help her and track m to Gwi·ll\roo.. Ah I I see I've told ~anadiau Jtatesmau. EI: :ETT _ 1 1 I JQff SPENCER, CATARRH. I I i I I I I I I T. M ILBURN & CO., '° ADVERTISERS 1188 McTAVISH GOODS., I .. BONNETS, HATS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. R owell & Co., TRIMMINGS I 1 ' BEWARE w or 1na Cl asses Att ent'ion I I I I I . c . 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK THE END I I I Ml_LLINERY FANCY GOODS HOUSE ~Hats I Re-shaped in latest styles.~ I 1 JJ· I I DANDELION LIVE R AND KIDNEY 1 ife 1' BITTERS I CURES I MRS. W. M ORRISON. I The Greatest Blood Purifier 'in the World. I LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS. l E. M 0 R R I SJ I l BLANKETS ROBES,· RUCS, H ORSE COVERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, ETC. · . . · Eli!LIMAN'S ROYAL EMBROCATION 1

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