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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1887, p. 8

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SA.LEM. STALLION ROUTES, 11187.! The horses whose bills have beeu printed at the STATESll1AN office will have stands tliis season on the days and at_the places l1ereafter named ;" MACHARIOH, "- John F oster, Bowmanville, proprietor. M onday, Jas. P ollard 's noon ; W . Martin's, Base Line, Clarke, night. Tuesday, W. Foster's, 5th con. Clarke, nll night. Wendesdav, Herman Davis' 'l'own Line, all night. '.l'hursday, l\1oyse's hotel, '.l'yrone, all night. Friday his own stable all night. Saturday afternoon, Ruebottom's. H llBF.RT ]'os'l'ER, Groom. "OL1v1m Tw1sT." - ·wm. Patterson, Kirby, proprietor and groom. Monday . night., Bennett's Newcastle, Tuesday, Geo. Patterson's, lot 6, con. 2, Darlingt~n noon ; ltuebottom's all n ight. Thu rsday, Eli Robbins' noon ; thence to his own stable till Monday noon. ' "HIGIU,AND BoY, JR."-'Vm. Oakes, Newcastle, proprietor. This fine young trotting stallion will t ravel in the vicinity of Belleville a nd township of b1dney, stopping at Anglo-Am erican, Belleville, on Saturdays. D . RoSJ;:, Groom. "MANFmm. "-Fercy, Young, & Wyllie, Bowmanville, proprietors. Monday, L evi Annis', E benezer, noon; Queen's hotel, Oshawa, nigh t . '.l'uesday, Chinn's, Brooklin, all uight, Wednesday, Wilcockson's, Columbus, noon ; D. Dyer's, Enl:ield, night. Thursday, Hall'~, Enniskillen, noon ; A . E. Clemens', '.l'yrone, ni gh t . Friday, Leskard, noon ; H allett's, Orono, night. Sat,1rday, proceed to his own stable, Bowmanville. e."- Wm. Patterson, "HIGHLANJ) OmE1 Kirby, proprietor. Monda.y, John Mulligan's lot 12, con. 5, noon ; P ope's, Newtonville, n ight. Tuesday, R icl1. Harness', Hope. noon; Geo. Bamsy's, Welcome, night . Wednesday, Arnott's, Brown's Corner, noon ; W. Litt le's, Ga1·· den Bill, night. Thursday, Rich. Johns', Hope, noon ; Thoe, Smith's 4th con. Clarke, n ight. Friday, Thos, White's, E lizabethville, n oon ; B lue's, K enda.11, mght. Satur day, h is own stable. JoHN HARNESS, Groom. "THE Ancmm. "- John J oll, proprietor. Monday, Hall's h otel, Enniskillen, night. Tu.iiiday, his own stable, noon ; Geo. Lesii:.'s, lot 33, con. 6, Darlington, night. Wed nesday, Frank Glaspell's, Taunton, noon; \ ¥. Oke's, night. Thurs· d ay, Levi .A nnis' Eben ezer , noon ; I\,ueF riday, own stable. bottom's night. Saturday, Beer's hotel, Hampton. "PltIDE OF SCOTL.!l.ND."- Jolm Joll, Hampton, proprietor. Monday, Hall's, Enniskillen, nig ht. Tuesday, his own stable, not'ln; Ge1>. L eask's, lot 33, con. 6, Darlington nigh t . Wednesday, Frank Glaspell's, Taunton, noon ; W. Oke's, lot 32, con. 2, all n ight. Thursday, Levi Annis',, noon ; R uebottom's, nigh t . Friday, own stable. Saturday, B eer 's hotel, Hampton. H ARRY WELCH, Assistant. MAN O' WA1t. - The property of Robt. Beith, Bowmanville. .Monday, proceed to ' V. Mutch's, noon ; Hallett,s hotel, Oruno, night. 'ruesday, J ohn Sander cock 's, T own Line, night. W edn esday, Enoch S tevens', noon ; M oyse's hotel, Tyrone, night. Thursday, H all's hotel, Eoniskillen, noon ; Alex. R ose' near B radley's sch ool house, night. Friday, J ohn Oke's, lot 31, con . 2, Darlington, all n ight. Saturday, Rue bottom's, noon ; own stable. South Park, till Monday. RooE1t.- The property of Mr. R obt. B ei tl1 , Sou th Park, Bowmanville, Monday,Rich. Allin's l'rovidence, noon; HalTuesday, let.s' hotel, Orono, nigh t , J ohn Saudercock's, Town Line, night. Wednesday, Enoch Stevens', n oon ; M oyse's h otel, Tyrone, night. Thursday, H ull's hot el, E nniskillen, n oon ; A. Ross', near Bradley's school house, night. Friday, J ohn Oke's, lot 31, con. 2, Dariiugton, all night. R ueb ottom's n oon ; own Stable, South Park, till Monday ·morning. RoSLIN.- The property of Mr. John M arsh all, Hampton. Monday, D. Cor· nish 's lot IO, con. 3 D arlington, noon ; Moyse's, Tyrone, nigh t . Tuesday, Moses R obbins' , lot 33, con 8, Clarke, noon ; ' Henderson's, Orono, n igh t . Wednesday, 'Cufft's, Newcast le, noon ; F isher's, Bowm an vil!e, nig ht. Thursday, J a w es H.undle's, Darlington, noon ; William Bunker 's, lot 4, con. 4, Whitby, night. Fri.Glay, Thos . H ardy 's, lot 30, con. 6, Darlington, noon ·; J esse William's, lot 22, con. 9, Da.rlington, n ight . S aturday, Hall's, E nnisk illen, noon ; nwn stable, night. BoYDSTl'N LAD.- The property of Mr. Joh n Marshall, Hampton. M onday, D. Cornish's, lot 10, con. 3, Darlington, noon ; Moyse's , Tyrone, night. Tuesday , M-0ses R obbin's, lot 33, con. 8, Clarke, noon; Henderson's, Orono, night. Wedn esday, Tufft's, N ewcastle, noon ; Fisher 'i>, ~owmanville, night. Th ursday, J as. R undles', Darlington, n oon ; William B unker 's Jot 4, con. 4, W hi tby, night. Friday, Thomas Hardy's, lot 30, con. 6, Darlington, noon ; J esse Williams' lot 22, con. 9, Darlington, night, Saturday, H all's, Enniskillen, noon ; ':own stable, nigh t. YouNG .PnINCEPS. - The proper ty of Alfred Hogarth, S olina, will stand on Monday noon at John Hogarth's, lot 20, con. 4, East Whitby ; W. L. Mason's, Raglan, all night. Tu e~day, Mr. Coat es', R ench, noon ; John English's, lot 14, con . 3, Cartwrigh t, nigh t. Wednesday, H all's hotel, Enniskillen, noon ; own stable till Saturday, when he goes to B eer 's hotel. Hampton, n oon, theoc~ to his own stable. JUD THOMAS.- 'l'he p roperty of J . w. Crozier, Cresarea, will ha ve stands this sea son on Monday, at Janetville, n oon ; i.ns to T uesday, proceed by way of St . Alb1 h is own stable. Wednesday, J.Byer 's, L ot 7, Con. 2, noon ; 'vV. H all's, Enniskillen, i;ll ni~ht. Thursday.via Haydon to W . J. H olmes', L ot 19, Con. 2, Cartwrigh t . 1 :.oon ; thence via Cadmus to bi~ own stp.ble. Saturday, will proceed t o Swain's hotel, Williamsb urg, rwon. For particulars see bills and pedigrees. FARMERS OF CANADA. come to our Store. Our stock of T weeds this season is immense and the variety of patterns is greater t han we have hitherto shewn. W e have made a sacrifice ·too terr ible to relate, but it must be told. In a. great race for trade this season we will make the boldest adventure of modern tin:-es-That of retailing all qualities of Goods at tremendously . low prices. We are bound to have a greased-lightning trade. Fine quality goocl.s and low prices will do the work. We want every family in Durham county to come and see our new styler:!. They are cheap and gorgeous in the extreme. We shew courtesy to all, whether they wish to buy or not, offering in ducement s that will make youl' eyes snap. Don't be bull-dozed by dealers who shout big things and claim t o shew what tl.ey cannot produce. Let a merchant of this cla:ss know you want a Carpet or s ome other class·of house £.i::.ery and he will bore you to death and hang to you like a lean flee to a poor man's chin and plead with you t o come and support his bigpriced concert. Come direct to our Store and after you have examined our immense stock, and inquired our price, we will make no objections to your looking around as we are always sure of the result when we are favored with comparison. I IJ. fa1tt w e prefer to have y ou look, .after lookin g at our stock first; as it goe1> to prove that we do ex:actJy as we adv rtise and mean what we say, We could give you a list of ba1·g ains a s long as the moral law but space prevents. Our constant aim and zeal is to gain and Tetain the confidence of our patrons. We are a full t eam and hard to down, and want a rnpetition of what bas b een doubled up and we a re going to have it, for we trained in the school of that ins tructive genius that march es over misfortune's rough road and scorns t he mention of impossibilities. They melt away when we make up our minds to perferm a great und ertaking. We have progress written on our brow and our employees are the live men of the per iod, and living machines for more busmess, We are determined to do good and make the people feel g lad to think they ha. ve a store in the community like ours where they can get all kinds of Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing Wat ches, Clocks a nd J ewehy at a price as low a.S any man ·dare sell them. W e want delegates sent from every taxpayer in the surroundi~g Counties to visit our store and inquire our prices so they can to t heir friends and make it kn own to our enemies that we are offering irre1-1 istible inducements for the pe9ple. A goodly number from this d istrict attended the Quarterly Meeting at Mount Vernon on Sunday. Heveral persons around here a re laid up with the measles. Mr_ D . Dyer contemplates breedin2 Perspiring under the pressure of other stock besides the Short Horn. He an increased patronage. Dazed has purchased a thoro'-bred Jersey from . wi~h delight over our success. Dr. McLaughlin. · "Old Mat" Elliott has purchased several Driving the wheels of trade over a fine fat cattle lately. smooth and gilded track, and we Bank stocks are so unproductive that intend t o push this years' business young farm ers are investing their surpln ~ in fi ne harness, buggies, etc. I with a blaze of triumphant glory. fonds \l'ish I had Jots of m oney. No discou:raging obstacles in our Rev. E. R oberts pr eached an excellent path to impede the progress of a sermon here last S unday afternoon. Mr. John S. Ashton is re-modelling his live and snapping business. Busihouse. I t is quite au improvement. ness men wonder at our growing Several perspns near this village are success and deserving pro~perity. grieviously affiicted with the gossipago. We are friends to the public and We hope they will soon r ecover. Mr. D. Archer has creditably passed foes to high priced competition. the firs t year's medical examination, at Our constant aim is to benefit the Toronto University. He took fi rst -claes honors in several subjects. CougratuJa. people by c_ o nstantly offering bar- tions, Dave. gains. Buyera a1 e always delighted There was n o service in the church h ere evening, as the Enfield band and lookers surprised when they Sunday went to Eldad. HEBE WE GO AGAIN T . Salem S. S. Anniverrnry is to be held on June 27th and 28th. ENli'IELJJ. (Too late !or last Issue. I Remember June 7th and 8th . Bowmanville is going to celebrate the great jubilee in right royal fashion and the indications already a ugur well for a magnificent suc ness. The D. 0. &. P. Co's Band assisted by the Board of Trade have charge of the arrangements, which means success from the start. A band tourn, athletic con tests, trades procession, etc., are on t he program. F or competition, $1200.00 are offered in prizes. Watch this journal from week to week for. particulars . AUCTION SALES. SATURDAY, MAY 28,- There will b e sold at 2 o'cloclr p. m., .on t he premises, cor· n er of O'dell and Scugog streets, lot 1, in block 6, fronting on O'dell and Prospect streets, according to plan to be produced at sale, five acre lote, suitable for building purposes. ~..,or particul&rs ::ind term1, see bills. LEvx A. '.l'oLE, Auctioneer . N .B.-Our advertising rnte ·f or auction sales, when we do not print the sale bills, is 25 cents a line, each insertion. AUCTION SALEs.- R. Hutchison, Licensed Auctioneer for the '.l'ownships of Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright, D arlington and Whitby.All sales attended to promptly and at r easonable rates. Wh ere it is not convenient to see me, arrangements for sales can be made with the Editor or by addressing me at Enniskillen, P. 0. AUCTION HALES.- L evi A. T ole, L icensed Auctioneer for the townships of 0111.rke, Manvers, Oartwright,Darlington, and Whitby. All sales o.ttendecl to promptly and at r easonabl e rates. Where 1t is not convenient to see me, arrangem ents can be made at this Office, or by addressing Shaw & T ole, Bowmanville. We desire to haTe your attention a few minutes while we tell you some thiniis that are of imme nse importance to you. The subj ect is of mutual interest, and we shall endeavvr to be O <J.nd id and honest with you. H may not have occurred to you that nearly all the important improvement s in the manufacture of 11elf binders in Canada have first been introduced by a. harris, son & co. , of Brantford, manufacturers of the famous brantford light steel binder no. 2,-the latest production of the age of st eel, and which con tains more steel, more malleable · and less cast iron thau a ny other binder of the eame weight. Our N n. 2 is the lightest steel binder ever offered to the farmers of Canada. W e take pleasure in laying lhe claims of this biud er before y ou. The characteristics of the B r:mtford Light Steel Binder N o. 2 ar e briefly as follows: The entire frame of th(l machine is steel-not only around t he driving wheel, but also around th e whole platform of the machine. This s tee l is ang ula1· in form, the shape combining greatest strength and least weight, and in combination with t he double angle steel finger bar, forms a complete steel frame around the whole machme fro m divider to drive wheel. This frame is very light , and yet immensely s trong, and can never warp or leave its place. In addition to this steel frame, all the shafts, pins, >t raps, spriup,s, breast-plate, knotter pinion , and many other parts, are of steel ; in fact, in every place where steel b e used to advantage it will be found . N ot content with this, cast iron h as alrnost entirely bee11 abandoned, using malleable imtead, by means of which the weight is greatly reduced. In fact, besides t he sprocket and 1teur wheels, there is scarcely any cast i ron in the machine. All the well-known principles which have proved so desirable in previous mach ines are still adher(1 d t o. T h e k nottin g devise is exceedingly simple, never fails in i ts operation, and has proved itself by far the b est in use. The extra roller, to deliver the cut grain close d own to the packers, has proved a most extraordinary success, and tl1is is r etained. You ca.n raise and lower t he machine on the drive wheel as well as the grain wh eel side, which is the only t rue and correct method of securing short or down cr ops. Tho chuin drive > :nade a host of friends during the past season, and has proved more than e\·er was claimed for it. I t reduces d raft, makes very litt le n o1se, and is alt ogether preferable to the old, h eavy and noisy gearing in general use. The agents in this district- James McLean , Hampton ; and R ober t Moon, Orono,-will be pleased to enter more fully into the constructive details of t h e Ilrantford .Binders. Please get t.hem t o explain these carefully, and you will be convinced t.hat in cuttin ~, e levating, bindin g and dischargi ng this machine stands superior to all ! others, and is altogether t he most :economical for t he farmer to buy. We charge yon n othing for this advise bu t it is invaluable to you . D on 't fail t o heed it. MANY P 1 m s0Ns SuF~'ER from impure breath and sappose it comes from a disordered st omach . In many cases t he actual cause is Catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove t he c:tuse, and cure . ! ETHODIST PARSONAGE FOR M SALK - 'l'he Methodist Parsonmre at be aold on very reasonable Enniskillen will CORNER STORE, BOUNSALL'S BLO CK. ):o:( Messrs. Noseworthy & Mason have opened up a mag~ nificent Stock of House Furnishings, including Stoves, Tinware, Plated Goods, Lamps, Oil Stoves, P aper, So<tps, Pins, Brushes, Glassware, etc. We have also opened out in the Harness Business, unuer · the Management of J\'1r. F. Mason, so long and favorably known in connection with that business. The Stock in this · department will comprise every thing that is of uso to any person who drives a horse, and will be sold at lowest living rates. All the balance of tho Bankrupt Stock of t ho Bradley Estate, will be cleared out at any price. GIVE US A CAL L. J. C. NOSEWORTHY. FRANCIS FJIASON. 18-4w, A Small Ma11 ! ...t\. Mea11 Ma11 Smaller than a.n ordinary Hayseed, and. meaner tha.n Buckwheat Straw, is the man that will cut all the advertisements out of his paper, so that his wifo can't read thew. 'l'hat man atro.nds in his own light, because he prevents his wifo from finding out where she can buy to the best advantage, so if you LET Y OUR WIFE READ TH IS she will learn that we are selling the Newest Styles, Finest Goods, :mu L owest .Prices in Boots, Shoes and Slippers ! '.l'hey excel in neatness, cheapness and fittinR', and are the beat proc1.irfible in the Can· adhn and Ame\·icaJ'\ markets . J, adits' French Kid Button Hoot~. in 13. C. :ind D . widths . Ladies Bright Dongolia, world ronowned for genuine comfort, Celebrnted Common SenRe But ton Boots. in ]'rench Kid, American Kid an:\ Oil Goat Skin . We h>1ve a very select etock fine luw shoes for summer wear, in Oxford and Button, hand turned and machine sewed. Geatlemen's Shoe~. we have an 6X tra fine Oxford ffnished, the best pos3ible ~tyte. Our gents' $2_aml ~-2. 75 shoes are csuecially worthy of your in·peetion, Elegant Shell Cordov:i.n llalmoral. Gent.Iemen, if you want a perft cl fit an d genuine comfort, try 0 1n Walkenphast Lac~ Iloot, hand made, best shell cordovan. Missea'. Obiluren's. Boys' and ' Y ouths' in unnumbered varieties. \Ve have an immense stock of Ladies' and Gents' Lawn T ennis an, i Sporting SLoes, which we respedfully invite your attention. Ordered wc.rk ,. speciv,11.y. W . JENNINGS , ELOO;K_ COX& co.1 . TH E "N"EADS ~ TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE. Echpso DUSO is still ahea d. Our n ew Spr ing styles in H ORSE NOTES. NOTED PRIZE l!l'OUX: GETTER. Messrs. Percy, Young & \ .Yyllie own that famous getter of prize stock, Manfred, who combines the N ewbtead and Darnley blood on the sire's side, and Drew's P rincti of Wales on the d am'~ , thus uni~ing two of the best known, highly prized and most fashionable strains of blood in the Stud Buok, and has, it is claimed, bee n r ecognized by competent j udges as t he best Clyd-esd.alo stallion in Canada. Bo thia as it may, ther e is probably no horse of l1i& age in the D ominion who h as t urned so man y prize t akers, as h is record will sh ow. The farmers of this district n e ver had more excellent h orses for their use, aud Manfred occupies a prominent place in th e last. See "Horse Ro utes" for his ·s tands this season. THE lllGGES'r HORSE ON ·rim ROAD . A term8. lf not sold, it will be rented. apply to DIRECT WIRE COMM UN CATION. .JAMES P Ylll , J oJIN Gn.n&a· 1·or Da. l\{r rCirnLL, Enniskillen. 20-tf Active fl.uctations in the Mark et, Port Darlington Harbour Co. MEETING OF THE S 'r OCKholdera of the Port DarlinJ?ton Harbour Company will be held at their Office, at Por t Darlington, on }11onday, the 23rd day or J une, next. a" t 3 o'clock, p. m., for the election of Directors for the ensuing year and for other purposes. By order, J . MILNE. Secretarv. Office over Murd och 's St ore. Bowmanville, May 17, 1887. 4w·20 . ~------------. Entrance by Telephone Staircase. A I offer opportunities to specu lators to make money in Grain, Provisions, Stock s, Bonds & P etroleum. Prompt ettention given to orders. :a: A ar e now i n. T The s "Jubilee Christie" is all the rage-sold only at the E clipse House. Our Notice to Creditors. u :tf Spring Ties, Colla rs, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very mpidly . N otice to creditors of Richard Ha,m ley, late of t h e Town of Bowmanville,. in the County of Durha m, Y eoma n , de ceased. Notice ls hereby given pursuant to Sec. 31 of Chapter 107 of the n.evi5erl Statutes of Ontario as amended by of Chapte1· 9, of ~6 Vic Ontario, that all creditors and others having claims against tho estate of the late Richard Hamley. late of the Town of Bowman ville,in the County of Durham, aforesaid, Yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the lat day of April. 1887, are required to send to D. Burke Simpson, of the said Town of Bowman ville, Solicitor !rr Ger· trude Hamley and William E verson. the ad· ministratrix and administrator of the real and personal estate and eJfects of the said Richa1d Hamley, de·ceared, varticulars 'Jaime and the in writing of their < no.ture ot the securities, it any. he·d by them, and their Christian and ~m·nam es, addresa~s and descdpLions before the 20th day or May, instant. And notice is hereby given tha.t a t the expir· a t.ion of that time. the said admlnlstra.trix and administrator will proceed to distribute the assets or the saicl deceased among the parties entitled thereto. havmg regard only to the claims of which they sball then have notice; and they will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, to any pel'son or persons or whose claims they shall not then have had notice. Bowmanville, May 2nd, 1887. . D. BURKE ~IMPSON, Solicitor for the Administrators. 18- 3w FINE ORDEREDCLOTHING Cut by th e on ly fi rst-class cuiter in town. A hors e t hat attracts m uch a ttention for his handsome appear:i\cn OO and imm ense size is Ifoslin (3967) the property of Mr. J ohn Marnhall, of Hampt on. R oslin is a b eautiful dark brown, five years old and weighs upwards of 2,100 l bs. H e has a pretty head, b eautifully arched neck, d eep sh oulder, short back, well sprung ribs, h eavy q uarters, very h eavy bone, well h aired and has ex lmordinary action for a h orae of h is great weigh t . Mr. Marshall also owns Boydston Lad a very promising three-year-old with a. capital pedigree, being descended from ·some of the best Clyde~dale strains in Scot land. Both horses were imported by Mr. Robt. Beith, Bowman ville. JUD THOM.AS. This standard bred trotting stallion is the property of Mr. J. W. Crozier; of Cmsarea, and was recently purchased from D. A. Patton, Rushville, Indiana, A.particle Is applied Into e11ch nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail registered, GO cents.- Ci rcular free. ELY BROS., Druggistt!, Owego, N. Y. l:'ubli!Ja.tions. ~ ith l\Iaps, describing M i n nes ota, North Dakota., Montana, Iduho. "" "sldngton and Oregon. the l!' ree Government. L m d" nnd Low Price Railroad J,ands .oitlc Country, '! 'HE BE3'l' in the North ~rn PH .AGl:tICU LTU H.AL GRA ZING and TlMBJl:U. LANDS now open to Sett.lers mailed free . .Address CH.AS. B. AMBORN, Laud Com. N, P. R. R·, St. Paul. :Minn. U- 1eow TO M AR RY Young Men, Bachelors a nd Widow ers, - - - - -- ----· W. H. !VES. LANDS ~SEND F OR Le ~Q~JIJE~B Will g·1ve a Hau· Do:1re11 Silver PJa1etl 'il'cu S1·oons ' vit11 ~ ve1·y Wedtling Ring he sells during· hisUJearing Out Sale. 50 u. s. J~J~ MASON General Dry Goods & Jewelry House. JUD THOMAS is a golden sorrel, 15-} hands high, strongly built , fine l imbs,good bone and substance, star and one white foot and will be three years old t he !)th of May, 1887. H e has never been handled, hut sl1ows a good open gate. He wn,s bred by R ed Jacket.. First clam, Miss Rose, by Morgan Black -hawk. H e stood sixteen hands high and was a perfec t sadcllc horse. He was capturell during the late war, in Ten n essee, imcl brough t north in May, 1864. 2nd dam, B ettie. by Highlander Champion, he b y Old Highla,nder , h e by P1iti·ick Highland.or, h e by old Imp orted H ighbuder . H is dam by irnported R ockingham, g. dam , by old Imp. M essenger . Highlander Champion 's dam was got by Sir Kirkland, grancl dam, I: atiza1:, grea~ grand dam, l~epulJlicau. SUDDEN DISAPPEARAN'CE.-·" My face Sr;: h .1rkland s ~am °?Y Morrison 's 0 1 .rl was covered with sores arisina from bad H~ghlander. Sil' K irkland by Old ~ 1r blood . By the use of , thr ee " bottles of K irkland, h e b y Aml1,_ he by Old Arclue, B urd ock B lood Bitter.a I was c:implet oly < tncl he by lmp~_;:-ted Diamond. 3rd da m, cured." R . E . SINCLAIR, of P ort B 11r K atc, by Grey ]~agle, son of W ooclpecker, / well Ont son of Bort mnd, son of Ar chie, he by I m' ' I NA'l'AONA:i~ pn-,Ls are sngm; euated, 111ilcl ported Diamond. Heel J ack et by Mam- J ' lnd I horo111~h, :u·d ar e the best Stomach nncl · H bl t · b rmo am e om an. LI n1· 1·1n tn use, I Now w hen the buds begin 111i:}~:gt~ t o show , Co., 16 and 48 ' Tla U··n e fol" you ns- nnd Front Street old t o know East, Toronto ~r.::1-=r=·· ThaJ J Cvor.s, Lassituc.leand . get up the Neatest most Complete and Best '.l'he ms at I n digestion_, 8elllng Needle Packa!le in America· Send 25 · call, cents fo1 · Samples of Now No. 4, flnished inFine (). Wit h < . ·vory t rouble, nch " I have commenc"d the Carriage Paint- Plu3h. Particulars sent when stamps are en· closed !or reply, 20- 15 ing business in the rooms over th e Bow· Tha~~J1t~';vs Jn tho B1lwu., train. man ville Agric ultural a nd Carriage Co's. wm ecatter lllrn t l:e t':tl.eves <If n ight Before a draught of Sc.ltzerbdght. O FARMERS.- '.l'he pu re-bred Short Warcrooms, l{;ng Street, a nd am Horn Bull, "Lansdowne" is kept for ser· p repar ed to receive orders fo r painting vlce at lot 26, con 6, Da"lington. Registerecl Carriages and Wagons of all kinds. I In the Dominion Short Horn Herd Book-- the liiiii:r.:W.m;;;::;iiiii~;:t S0 OTH ING, highest. standard in Can1uia. Terms 011 ly $1.50. have h ad over fift een years experience breda $3.00. E. N. V ARN U M. P roprie· j CLEANSING~ in t he best carriage shop s in t he Pr::ivince, 'l'horo'· ~ n~ w · HEALING.. and will guarantee satidacti un in ev.iry - -·--- -· -·---- I' case. You mm hav e your rigs i·epaired on ltCurc1t STOCK l <' OR . SA.1.AE. th e prem ises, when· a compet ent statr of workmen are kept, or y ou may get the ULL FOR SERYICE. - A thoro'· rep airs d one befor e bringing t hem to mo, C n ld iil H ead, bred Short Horn Rull ( will registe1) ls as best suits you. k<"P ~ for tlervic" on lot 22, con. 3. Darlington: fos, 1.00; for 'l'lloro'.brods Ter ms.- For Grar $ 2.00. S A)HJEL S N OWDE N, ?ruprictor. STOPS 16- w* :Oropph:ga from 19-3w. ULL FOR SER VI CE. - 'l'he Thoro'· Nnsnl passages lnnl'1· : R T I S E I1ts b y addressiug GEO. P. bred Short Horn Bull, " Str11thallau ' EASY 70 USE . to tlie tllroatand A KO\'l'.l~LL .ti f)o., lO_Spruce S t .. New York, Duke," (registered) will be kept for,sorvice ,this exce~!Jivc cxpcctomtion cv.u >c(l !Jy Catarrh. Sent . . . , . . .. c mn o !:>Lam al.! r!.~o<'.f'.. l mfp.-·11 u\ 1ou nhout 1m y ~e"~nn ~n lot 30, con. z, Clatke. . 1 erms, ~l.5Q proposed line of .A.DVER'l'I SIJllG in American ror the seasO!l, or S2 to msaro. J OIIN H. ll ELL· j pre P""1 on rccc r~t of prrcc, oOc. and ~l. Addicss Newayape1·s. ll@.l7G· pagc l"n1111lhlet. aoc:. woov, P1·ovrietor. H ·Sw·;: F ULF ORD d(, CO. , B r oc kv1Ue, Ont.. To Ac EN Ts T B C~TA RRH,. William Morrison. HAY FEVER. B I

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