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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1887, p. 1

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TERMS :-el.iO Pu A:N:Nux. N:&W SERIES, NUMBEB OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AF'I'ERWARDS. M. A.. JAMES, EDITOR A.ND PltoPJWITOit, VOLUME 460. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1887. XXXIII. NUMBER 21. IN THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT C larke Township News. BETH/NW.A. The S. S. anniversary will be held on Orono News. ANDA Sunaay and Mouday June 5th and 6th. Mrs. J. McCormack is visi ting friends Active preparation is in progress. Parin and around Orono. ticulars later. TO BE SOLD BY DESCRirTION.-Pleasing, soothing healMAPLE GBUVE. ing, relieving, cudni?. Je the d escription U-OTIO~of Nasal Balm, which is receiving naSeeding is over and the hoes are comtional reputation as a cure for catarih, HE undersigned has received instrucmencing to work. cold in the h ead, hay fever, etc. :t tions from MR W. H. PARK, to The committee appointed to arrange Mr. Wm. N okes, of Boston, has been soil by .Public Auction, on Saturday, the pro(.lram of the anniversary "'ill meet through this section buying horses. May 28, 1887, that valuable property on Thursday night at the church. known as the Anglo American Hotel, in WHAT IS Ir.-Not a snuff, p owde r or Oranges will call a crowd. the village of Prince Albert, with store liquid, but a preparation p -to itMaple Grove is a stirring place. and Orange Lodge Room connected; self. Easy to u , e, pleMant in & Jfect, Nalarge Driving Ban1 and good Sheds and Mrs. Webber, of Cambray, has been sal Balm will positively cure cold in tha NEWCASTLE. wee~ half-acre of choice Garden. The Hotel visiting her sister, Mra. W. Foley. head caturh and kindred disorders. t has a stone foundation aud ie in first-class (Too lato for last leeue. J Miss Emma Cox has gone to Whitby The improvements .on the interior uf repair. This Hotel has always done a Mr. H. Yarrow has moved into the to visit at Mr. John James'-our recent the Met hodist church, Orono, are belng: good business being advantageously lo- house lately occnpicC! by Mr. Bowie. neighbor. rapidly pushed to completion. cated, about a mile and half from Port Twenty-three from the High School Mr Frank Witheridge went to Toronto T AMARAC iJ the discovery of a leadihg· Perry ; there are good sidewalks connect- are going to write 1>t the next Teachers' to spend t he Queen' s Birthday. physician, and after years of e_xperimening the villages. Sale to take place on Examination. New fixings for the anniversary are all tin~ it is now offered you in a perfeoWd the premises at 2 o'clock p. m. The proOur prosperous butcher, Mr. Darch, is the flO. state as a neverfailing cure for cougp..e, prietor will accept a Hmall house and lot as part payment. Ten per cent on day improving the appearance of his store. Mackenzie Penfound, who h as been colds and throat and lung complaints. Mr. Wilmot h:u been busy lately de. lately so ill, is now visiting at his gmndt of sale and sufficient to make one-third Orono A; 0. U. W. intend holding a in thirty days. Balance to suit purchas- positing fish at various places. father's, Mr. J. Kirkpatrick's. picnic to conclude with a public entreer. Should the property not be sold it A base hall match was played on Sf\turMr. Kenner ably filled the pulpit last tainment about the mi ddle of June. will be rented. The purchaser or leasee day between the third nine of thie place Sabbath afternoon. DEXTER, SUDDEN DisAI'PEARANOE.-"JYiy ftc.e can buy the Furniture at a valuatfon. and Bowmanville, Newcastle winning by was covered with soreR, arising from bad Reason for selling-illne1>s of Mrs. Park. 5 runs. COURTICE. blood. l3y the use of three bottles of W. M. WILLCOX, Auctioneer. Mr. H. Davi<1so n, teacher, was sudThe Y . P. A., of Metcalf-et. church, Prince Albert, May 10, 1887. · lw. denly called to Toronto last l'leek to bury Oaha.wa, visited Ebenezer Y . P.A., on Burrlock Blood B itters I was c:i rnple te~y cured." R. E. SINCLAIR, of Port Dura relative. the 19th inst., and entertained them .well, Ont. Ia· Orono going t o buck out of the ball with a good program. Come again. An Orono lady was asked-" A t what matcl\..11!! usual ? There was a base ball match on Sat1ir· age were you married?" She was eq ual ROY.A.L .MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Every i::iunday our village is visited by day evening between the Stars and a to the emergency, and Quickly respoude<l a number of dudes from Bowmanville, tean1 of married men with t he und er~ "At the parson·age." who use more profane language than standing that the Stars were not to put SAILINGS. ( o~'l' WoRK.- "li'or two yeurs l was they would dare to use at home. We PO!LYNESIAN, from Quebec, Fridny, l\1ay 3 think it would be well if our Coleman their best pitcher in the " box." The not able to work, being t roubled with married men were defeated by a score vf dyspepsia. One bot~le ot B urdock Blood P ARU:ilAN, " " . 'fhursday, May 19 would be like their Coleman and run 33 to 22. SAR.MATIAN, " Thursdo.y,May26 Bitters relieved me ; throe bottles cured CIRCASSIAN, ., FridEy, June 3 some of them Jn. Perhape if BowmanMr. Fred. Brooks is expected me as well as ever." JOHN A. RAPPE LI\ . SARDJNIAN. ,. 'l'hursday,June 9 . POIT",YNES AN. ,. Friday. Junel7 ville livery men would visit our atreets shortly, having aa.iled from England on of Farmersville, Leeds Co. , Ont. ! PARISIAN~ " 'l'httrsday,June23 Sunday evenings we woald n0t have 1:10 on the 1!.lth inst. SARM.A.TIAN, " · " 'l'hursday, June 30 much fast driving. It is said the b rick church a :· the end Mr. C. W. L ent & Bro., are agen ts for of t he gravel is to be sold 11hor tly and a ltATES Oil" OCEAN P ASSAGE :-Cabin, Burk's Fire .Preof R oof Paint. 'l h ey new one erected at Newpark. $50, $65 and $75; return, $100, $125 BAGLAN. have already done several jobs in Bowand $15"0. Intermediate, $30 ; return, , AN On:N L ETl'ER. - Messrs. T. Milu 19t Saturday ni~ht a most audacious manville and Oshawa and have given burn & Co.,-I wish I h ad used B. B. B. , $GO . Steerage, $20. The last. train COil· OW necting with the mail steamer at Port- robbery wae committed by a gang of bur- excellen t satisfaction. Parties req airing sooner, which would have saved me . !A.nd leaves Toronto on Weduesday morn- glars upon t he pr·~mises of Mr. Will:ud, their services may call on them or ad- of suffering wit h erysipel1ts, from which TRiu. ing . Th~ last train connecting with the general merchant of this place. They dress them at Courtice P. 0 . I could ge t no relief until I tried B.B.,B. fill S0 ffi D mail steamer at Ualifax Ieaves Toronto pried open the front door of the store, :Miss Bickell, of Bowmanville, has beeo, which soon cleared away the itching, · , on Thursday morning. For ticket,s and t h eir way to the office drilled and and Miss Sanderson. of Kingston, is vis- burning 1·ash that had so long distresrwd every information, apply toW.A.NEADS, blew open the safe, and took possesa_ion iting at the Parsonage, and Mrs. (Rev.) me. MRS. EDWARD .l{oldKEY, Easteua . . Bowmanville, Agent .Allan line. 11-tf of some valuable p apers and about $53 fn R. Sanderson is visiting at Mountain Passage, Halifax, N. S. cash. They then went through th e store Grove. · A Mu~ical Concert will be given i11 the I and helped themselves to one gold and school house, Ant'och, on Friday, May four silver watches, a large quantity of SOLINA. 27th. Some of the best local talent from choice silverware, sev11ral watch chains and a lot of jewelry. Who they are, or Mr. W. Batten, of Oshawa, paid us a Ne wcastle, Urono and other plitctJs will take pnt. flying visit recently. where they came from, is not known. TAIT & MORRISON'S and inspect their ·wv.n Papers--Jateat A GooD 'l'EBT.- WJ1at everyone s11ys As two young men were on their way Mr.Joseph Brown who has been to the designs. greatest variety, and h ome late, the same night, they met six Toronto Hospital for the past y ear for muot be true, or have some fou n dation at :prices to suit everyone. Stock now ready. persons walking rapidly in moccasins to· treatment of t he knee is back here much least, a nd overyone who has tried it aa~s Do you want a new and pretty thut H agyard's Pectoral lhldoin is a wards the village, and they are supposed benefited . Window Shade or Blinds1 ·we prompt and r eliable cure for th e various. to be the culprits. On Sunday a yo nng have something new in this The anniversary promises to surpass branch. Call and see them bethroat a nd lung troubles caused by colds, fellow visiting a friend north 1.f Port anything ever attempted in this neigh- which are always preval ent at this s eason fore you invest, or you'll bo P erry a mile or two, was strolling in a borhood. sorry. of the year. n eighboring bush, and enexpectedly came Miss Lizzie Elford has returned home upon a group of men who were l ooking Mr. Wm. Benson has sold l1is farm. from Toronto. over some papers, which they speedily Still leads in Photographs and n ear Ballyduff, to Mr. W. J . Mitchell for our Studio is often crowded. Miss Allsworth, of Maple G r ove, h as the handsome sum of $3,500. M r. Bengathered up, on b eing observed, awl at Come early in the day when you once made for the railway and went b een visiting in this village. son intends moving to Toronto to live -can. north on the track. It is supposed that .Just now you may want some Miss Elizabeth Ashton has been verv .r etired. extra Engravings or Chrnmos to th ey were the gang, but nothing has been sick with pleurisy. · L IABLE TO HAPPEN. - Sutlden attacks adorn your rooms. We have a h eard of t h em since. . '.l'hey left part of great variety, good and cheap. The m osquitoes are prevalent in thiR of colds, sore throat. croup, hwollen too, Ir you want a baby carriage their tools in Mr. Willard's office. His neighborhood. glands, rheumatism, n eu ralgia and auddcn We have just received another lot of the new greywe can suit you; we have some loss will exceed $400. nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too. Mr. James Allman is, we understand, troubles, are very liable during the winter French grey - light and dark shades of Dress Goods so much a nd Boy's Wagons. Carts and and early spriug. As a prompt :remedy not much better. Wheelba.rrowa. Lawn TYRONE. in demand. Being very scarce goods we w ere fortunate to Some persons must be very hungry there can n othing excel Yell ow Oil. " Clima;r " being away I thought I'd judging from t he way t he cellars were " I never feel s~fe to be without H." sn,ys. secure from the bst houses the articles in colors so much MRS. HllNRY Do1rns, of B erridale, Ont. get a few items. raided lately. JACK. Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balla. :iou.o-ht after. Any lady can be suited who wants a Dre'3~, Ga;mos for families and social The man was level headed who wrote What's wrong with the Shamrock foot H aving secured t he well known ser vice parties; Our Mirrors are clear notonly with the Dress Material, but with ball club ? of Mr. John Lavis (formerly of Hampton) this : " In all towns and ciliPs where a. and true ; r,ur picture frames are ot the latest and most attractive Visitors- Rev. W. H . Learoyd, Grafton , for an indefinite period, I am in a position ne1, spaper is pulished e very man should designs. Curtain poles & i·lngs. Rev. George Davey, Scarboro, Mr. E .T. to turn out first-class work of every kind. udvertise .i n it, even if it .fa nothing mol!e Plush goods- niceitnd ch.,ap. Anotb:er new branch just InHoidge, of Miniico, and Mrs. Stewart, of Old buggies and waggons repaired and thau a card stating the business he ii? troduced at Tait & It not ouly pays the ad\Ter repainted at shortest n otice. Wagon engaged in. indsay. L AT PRICES WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL. tiser but it lets the people at a distance Mr. R. Davey h as made a big improve- making a specialty. All work guaran- know that the town yon Ii vo in is a pr osteed. A call solicited. WM., A. T0111, ment on his house by a coat of paint. perous community of business men. As Solina. tf. Is a .Jewelry Department where Mr, Jos. Moore has erected a new you will find tile very latest in the seed is sown, so t h e fruits recompense. The 'Red Wagon' has been on the road Ladies' andGentlemen'sjewelry. fence in front of his premises, which has Never pull down your sign while expect· We invite special attention to made great improvement to the East for the past two weeks, attending to the i11g to do business, for it often indicates our new stock just in. Dase general wants of the public. Kirkpatrick End. Ball goods, School and Hymn is in charge of it himself and is boun d to that b usi_ness is po.or and you are losing Books, Stationery, Toye, and in'l'be Mts. Clemens after a prolon~ed visit ~ive bargains to everyone. Give him a your grip financially spe&kiu g. deed everything to be found in a Variety and Fancy Goons' with her daughter in Bowman ville arriv- chance the first tim e he is around , and judicious ad ver tieer will receive in return We b.pnght the goods at a Bargain and we intend to give ed home last week. see for yourself that you can do just as t en dollars for ever y one he invosts in the columns of a live n ewspaper. our customers the advantage of our purchases until tht·y are The p icnic on Saturday was very well well with h im as anywhere. FACTS WORTII KNOWING .-In all disattende d, and so were the baskets. all sold. HAMPTON eases of th e nasal mu co ~s m emb1·a11e the Mr. Geu. Welch, of Cadmus, has rentWe also offer BIG BARGAINS in HOSIERY and in Messrs. 'fhos. Ward, Wm. Elford and Tlws r emedy Uled mm,t be non-irrit,1tirio. The ed the blacksmith shop from Mrs. D . Rowe have been on the sick list !or some time' medical profession has been ~low t~ learn Fraser for a term of four years. KID GLOVES. We have decided to clear certain lines and but we are plea.sad to state nll are in the way t his . Nothing satisfactory can be accomThe first foot ball match on 1'uesday of improving a~ time ot writing, to enable us to do so have put them at a price which will '!'he Sabbath-school anniversary is coming pli~hed with_doucl: es, snnlii:s, powders, wae a verv exciting game. Bot h sides off as usual on July 1st. ~.;r~uges astrrngents, or any similar appliprove the Bi.g gest Bargain offered to any customer. (I me<).n M~s. Sweetl!lan, who has been visiting with p layed well. After playing 90 minutes her uaughter m the west, has again returned cat10n, b ecause they are all irrit:i.ting, do the game resulted in 2 goals to none, in to the honestly offered.) · village. not thoroughly r each the affected s;ufaces favor of the Young Canndians. For somu months Rev. E . Barrasa, l\f. A.., and sh ould be abandoned as worse than a11d others have been agit .. ting u diyision o! We were glad to see the young men the H&mpton Circuit. 'l 'he matter was failu res. A multitude of persons who from Oshawa down again on Tuesday. brought up at the Quarterly Board and a have for years borne all the pain that oa. lengthy discussion followed, a large majority Mrs. Bell, after being away for about betng opposed to the same. After the subject tarrh can inflict, testify to radical and Our new Spring etylea in three years, has returned to her home in had been fully ventilated and additional llght permanent c ures wrought by Ely's Cream 'l'be only House in Town who has the same article at the revealed. the Superintendent a.lso declared Balm. this place. fl himself oppoaed to the scheme. price. Sunday before last some young men from There is some talk of organizing a base At t~e r ecent Assizes h eld in Cobo11rg Bowruanvilie, who had got a little too muah the action of M cBride against t he Townball club in this place. "Scott A.ct" made themselves very conspicuous on our streets. We have a Constable in ship of Clarke was tried . This w a::i an The Sunday school anniversary took are now in. The the north wi.rd aod also one in the west ward a ct ion brougl1t by Mr. Thos. McBride of place on Sunday and Tuesday last. Two Woultl itnot be well to have one appointed i,; W e are so busy with orders that we excellent sermons were preached by R ev. the centre who would look after t hes9 roughs 1 the village of Orono, against t he corpdraMrs. John Marshall is still very sick. cannot find time to get up stock tov show in our windows, tion of the Township of Clarke, for careJ. F. German,of Whitby. A most sumpt· Several from here attended the anniversary n ess and negligence in not k eepi ng but would most sincerly thank all tho5e who have so is all the rage- sold only at the Eclip1e uous repast was prepared on Tuesday services at Tyrone and Enniskillen on Sunday. less_ their highways and siclewa.lks in a proper for the children and the public which was SLOW BOY, kindly favored u s with their ordere, and ask any who state and good condi tion of r ep air. The highly appreciated. A fter tea all repairHouse. Our .ENNISKILLE.N. plaintiff, who ie a reti red farmer livino in ed to the church where an excellent promay no yet have called to do so early because the choicMr. Ed. Burgess, e.n aged and respectedoiti. Orono, left his boardiog-houMJ on °the gram was delightfully rendered. The est goods go first. church was comfortable filled and every zen of this township was interrad .. t the Eng. evening of the 18th of .December last to " cemetery in this township, on Fd· attend a meetin 0 of Mr. Prowei"a electi·on da.y,church 20th inst. one prosent enjoyed themselves and lish W e are as Kxcellent and very interesting sermons were committee, 11eld in t he American Hotel appreciated the enter tainment. Rev. R. disooursed in the Methodist church, morning Oil that evening. In proceeding nor th busy as can be, and we feel gratefol to all those who Walker, of Newcastle, was present and and going off very rapidly. evening. on Sabbath last. to large and apd l tl 'd lk h preciative audiences. by the nev. Jas Lidtly. war a Ollg ie st ewa to t , .e t.lO'th end gave a short address. Proceeds, $69 .2G. have entrusted u8 with their orders a nd the verdict has of MyrLle. 'l'he choir rendered some good of Waddell'fl building, where th._, side-valk A socond tea is to be h eld in the Sona' selections in·ca.pital s t yle. b tl t · t ·h t been we were well suited. So if any person wants a hall this Wednesday night. Amung the visitors to our village JatlllY were a rup Y ermina es wit nu :my orot ectand Mias. R. McKlbbin. Ltnllsay; Miss T. ion or g uard, h e fell violentlv · to the Mrs good fit anfl stylish finish, go to LAING'S and get PearRev. F, J. German gave two eloquent Irwin, Portllope ; Messrs' JJJ. G . V!rt~e and ground -:-a dept h of 10 feet, receiving A SPECIALTY. 1 eermons to large congregations on S u o· don, the No, 1 Cutter to suit you. ~a,.e, .,:fBt.oinngham, 'l 'oronto; Rev. W. II. Lcaroyd, severe if not 1>ermanent i · nJ · ur1"es . V erdi .ct "' ·· l'tev. R G. Davey. Scarboro ; Rev. day. At night many were unable to get rt11e,town, for plaintiff. ~ 475 damages, with costs. Cut by the only first-class cutter in towD. inside. The friends in this place were J, 'l'. Mohis, Tyrone ; 'l'. G. Y1 Respectfully Yours, NAn:ONAL PU~Sare su;,;u1· coat ed, mihl 'Ym. K err, Q. 9., .a?d G. T .. B!&ckstock, pleaaed to see such a grand t urn out from but llto1·01rg~1, nutl are tile 11est StouiacJrnn11 I '.loron to, for plarntifr; D. Burke Simpson, Bowmanville. CLIMAX'S CRUM. Liver ru1 tn use, for d efendent. Elegant Carpets -=0 OUO H:i Received last per Steamship Sarmatian, direct from the manufacturers, FIRST-CLASS HOTEL SMALL STORE SOLINA. .A. T Johnston~ Cryderman Eldad Sunday School anniversary will be held on Sunday and Monday May 29th and 30th. On Sabbath the Rev. Newton Hill, of Oshawa, will preach at 2:30 and G:30 p. m. Collection at each sarvice. On Monday at 2 p. m. services will be resumed when tji11re will be recitations and singing by the scholars and choir and addresses by Revs. E. Roberts, N. Hill, and others, after which a sumptuous tea will be served such as the ladies of Eldad are famous for. Tickets, 25 cts. as usual Children not members of the school, 15c. Good value guaranteed. a JNO. CROSSLEY & SONS, FOUR BALES-{(a big sleigh load)-weighing over three tons, of NEW AND ELEGANT BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY ALLAN LINE, LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL,, . rni· sh or reParties about to fu furnish their homes' Should not fail to ir1spect our large stock of the CARPETS, as we Sh est a S rt e t, th e n ewest : 1 "g "·ns and the best ·value .to be desfound in \7\Test Durham. Couch, Johnston &Crydorman One Door Wes of Post Office, Bowmanville. CO TO MAY ·'87. MAY '87. TAIT -8DWMANVILLE, & Trimmings to lvfatch. Fancy Trimming, Plush, usually sold at $1.50 an·d $2.00, For 75c.I YES 75c.! MORRISON'S STORE. THE Eclipso Hausa is still ahead. Low lines of Cretonne and Lace Curtains. Madras and Scrim Curtaining by the yard. DRESS MUSLIS A BIG BARGAIN. HATS IN MILLINERY "Jubilee Christie" Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing FINE ORDERED CLOTHING W. H. IVES. GrE:C>. X.....A.IN'"G-.

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