ataundiau Jtattmau. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1887. HEALTH. Evils of Water Drinking. &anonD-llo .iftc JS . '.l'IIE I!IFE." Thorougbly cleanse it J>y usmg D1·. Pierce'· Golden llledicl D·!!COv ery, and good b digestion, a fa1r slun uoyaut sp i rt ts, vital strength, aud sou11d1iess of e onst itutio u , will bo established. "THE BLOO invigorating medicine. Great Eat111g Ul cers rapidly heal under its benign influence. Especially tiaa it manifested its potency in curing Tetter, Rose Basil,_ :Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes... Scro f · uJou s Sores and S welliuA"s, H·p-.Toint Disease, wolllngs, Goitre, o r Tlliclc White s · Neck and En l arged Glands. Send ten cents fn stamps_ for a la ge treatise, with col- "Feve1·0sores," Scaly 01· n.ouglt SkJn, in short, all diseases cimsed by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, p urifying, and from a common Blotch, or E ruption , to tbe worst Scroi:uJ.a. SaU-rJieum, CURES ALL HUMORS' i:{guEfi'a wh!eh Is Scr o fu J ous Di soase o f tIu1 Lungs, is proptly and certainly nrrest od nnd cured by this God-given. remedy, if taken b ef oro tho last stages of tho d1seaso nr.e reached. _ From its w onder ful power over tb1s terribl fatal disease when first offering this now ce ebrated re edy to tbe J?llbllc r . Conthought seriously of ca llin g i t h is s111uptlon C u re," but_abandon!'ld thntname as too li mi ted for a me d1c me wlnch, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening, alteratlve, or b/ood-cJeans!ngt anti-bllious, CONSUMPTION' r4 j [. ,fIERCE pectoml, and nutrltive p roperties,is unequaled, not only as a remedy for conaumption of the lungs' but for all Of the many innovations, new departures And still theh· cries with a ca eless song; r And stifle the thoughts that iu me rise and reforms in medical science or cmative When I hea r the beggar's pitiful c1·ies. f If you feel dull, drowsy l!, debllltated, hav.& Practice, not any, since the introduction of I'll t r e a d 011 the toes of the harmless tramp sallow color o f skin, or ye owish-brown spots I k nown As he pauses to oun t his scant, on face or body, frequent headache o r dlzzi Homeopathy, is so marked as t 1at n?W and discovered Cure," "}fasting the as A d laugh a jovial laugh, neea, bad taste in mouth, iuternal beat or ob!lls 1 As I watch him fume at my heat"tless chaff. alternating with hot flaBhes, low spirits ana practiced with almost miraculously effecttve I'll b ury tbe innocent man in crime; gloomy borebodings, irregnlllr appetite, and results by Dr. Richard C. -'isher, of 'Vashthe Time ; c o tongue. you are suffering from Indl· Hi method of treatme1:1t gestlon, Dyspepsi a, and 'J.'01·pid Livor, ington, D. C. o n , forevet· on I'll go, or "Biliousness." In mnny cases only comes near to fulfillmg the prophesy that m Till I've thronll"ed the regions of s n below. part of tbese sy:mptoma are experienced. As Joseph Messenger, an Ontario farmer, Nothing will none will I heed, will be disa remedy for all such cases, Dr. Pierce'· the enlightened future, medicine T ll I've filled the Janel with my poison seed, has a cat which he al ways regarded as a ter 1 Gol d en Medical Discovery has no pensed with, and nature be al owed to inake under the ha1111er of Sata11 b ld ror to rats and mice, but now he thinks dif . equal. use of her own processes entirely to rid her1'11 lay my tl'aps for th· poor and ld ferently. One day, some time ago, while For "\Venlc Lungs, Spitting of Blood, self of the ills to which, cinly when her beI'll help myself to the widows' mite; Sh.ortness of Breath, B1·011cbitU1 And plunder the rich w h e n they're out of sigbt, out in the barn, he saw a big rat jump out · " · 11. eir. severe ot:Jouglls, Consumption, and n i gn laws ar-: transgrssed' ' ' flesh ts And leave behind my guilcy load, from a barrel, and on looking in beheld a kindred affections, It is a sovereign re ed y .lt was durmg the time when Dr. Ftsher Ere I j oi th th ng on the sinner's road. colony of young rats snugly installed there. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pier e's was walking the Larzat·etto, in San FrancisI'll sink the ship as she rides the wave, c book on Consumption. Sold b y Druggists. As the quickest means of getting rid of the giug o ' er the noble Bailor's grave, an8 co, tha t h e began t° seek after some me . And c h ok the prayet· he fain would breathe, pests the farmer brought out his famous OU. 6 BOT'l'LES of aettina the diseased human system mto s m the r his words before I leave. I 'F OR $3.00. mouser, but to his gi·eat astonishment the co:ditio: for the effective action of curative 1'11 the postman on his he t animal took the rats under her wing and be tur n his steps lo a quiet agents. After lengthened study and close l e o t gan to treat them as if they were her own observation of hospital cases his conclusion r t ·\hl ,t, u offspring. After bringing in some of his Proprietors, 663 Main St., BUFFA.LO, N. Y. was tha.t the desired end could be attained I'll sc t ch from some t h ei r tone of grace; friends to witness the curious spectacle -o stuff them each in a different only by getting a complete control of th_e . Messenger slaughtered them without pity, An some wi l m an weep, tvc organs, and under t l lat contro1 e1tdtgcst" . As the puzzles their anxious hopes will greet. whereat Grimalkin moaned dolefully. minating from the system the obstruct10ns When tile days arc dull and the wi nd is bleak, . lying in the way of cure. 1!'urther study and my limbs from the cold are stiff and weak, I'll drop a spark on a m nsio experiment convinced him that this result · And thaw my bones os I mount the stair. Aucient Want of Cleanliness. · er way th an· bY could be attamed · Ill no Oth I'll tip from tbe track the hurrying train, abstainance from food until the body was bim.l the brave as they try in vain The fact that neatness of person is a habit To l f t the motionlea· mass from the ANTI·DILIOUS and CA'J.'IIAU.TJ(), thoroughly cle11nscd of the gross and effete that is easily lost, if neglect is once allowed, r escue w unded scattered round. Sold by Druggists. 25 cents a vial. matters which clog liver and intestines and is proved nowadays in a great many indiI'll join the g os si pin g women's band, I · To seform the body of adipose d epostt. vidual cases, but it has been proved on a stir their schemes with a crafty h n d r ousi ng l ur v high as the l ar cure this result, how?ver, such a lengthe.ned larger scale by the experience of the world dark. and mist the in away vanish l'll fast would be required tlmt the pa.ttent after the ba.ths of the ancients went out of · I 'll enter unseen the home, . le offered by the proprietors would be Ill d anger of th e f at e of th e unfaslnon. An drop on the shelf bo , of Dr. Sage's C at a l'rh emedy lucky horse whose master attempted to In the change of the world's habits incl· Then gleelully leave when I see they've for a case o catarrh whwh they train to live on an oat per diem. Therefore, And are sweeping my friendly gift ar un . dental to the change of religion, and espe1 a n I'll robe myself g ide 0 c ' izen t must. be found. h! wh ' yo a e a di.scharge from some a_ I . ich to snscially with the deserved condemnation of . And up tbrou((h the rugged mountain th.e nose·. offensive or otber- tain vitality durmg the ehmmatmg process the Roman public baths by the Christian With,, frlendish laugh, I'll follow the traveller old and hliud, o the fast: Tis aent, the octor. af ter a _ Church, the practice of public bathing And clasping his trustful hand in u\ine, 1 Y ten ts b pa t us d an , d Tb ou- tune happ11y discovere or pressure in head, you have Catarr . ' to au end, and that of private bathing, unWith feverish strength whioh no sign. sands of Cll.fle8 terminate in consumption. · taking three teaspoonf u1s per diem of an happily, became only too rare. I'll gu e bis helpless st mbl ing feet Dr. Sage's REMEDY cures t he won almost tasteless and a.s he says, exceedingUp throu0,,.h t_he paths untrod and steep , The usages of the generations preceding cases of Catarrh.t Cold in Che Heail.1'" . . ? ' · h d · are sustame m sue ly sunple hqmd and catarrbal aaeadaebe. OQ cenw. the present century, in the matter of cleanstrength during fasts, of from ten to forty liness of personal habits, are almost iucrediAud only my laugh with its m c ki g ring, days, that they are enabled to attend t o ible to us. A book recently published, of late shall a n o te of warning bring, their daily avocations and to walk from l'll draw !rom thetrnstln maiden's side which Mr. Alfred Franklin is the author, A hear t with its love long true an tried, three to ten miles daily. contains some facts re..-arding the domestic Dr. Fisher's success in mastering chronic life and social usages of the periocl from the CONCERNING diseases of long standing, has been almost A out from the world and its p ssi g throng twelfth to the eighteenth century, which I must choo·e halo and unparalleled, a.nd he has made the happy disare in a sense instructive, since they show Those who will help me ho.nd in ha nd covery that the fast itself with the omto what a condition even "elegant society" · wave my flag over every .. panying steam baths and open-air exercise, may descend, when the watchful care for far to crown with shame, .. upon which he insists, is usually suflicient, h rl those down from the heights of fame personal cleanliness is once abandoned. . Wh have struggled in the pitiless tide nature herself taking advantage of improved The ladies of the seventeenth century very Of r c cile s fate and a rea.t world's p i . conditions and perfecting the cure. seldom ·washed their faces. They some -...,. If, as some think, to cure disease is to times dipped a cloth in spirits, and passed rl1' "cast out devils," and the souls most truly Blue Blood in the Prussian Army. it over their faces ; and their toilet codes ""!"'" in p_rison are those cofil ed in disordered . VVhei-e formerly the regiments 0 the and directions, still extant, prove that b?ies, then m c?unteractmg abnor1,Ilal con,Prussian Guards had few or no officers, they avoided water for the face, because ditions and undorng the fetcrs of dise:i-se, a I other then of aristocr!l.tic extraction, this they believed it was destructive to the com most truly holy . work is accom:phhed. As for a.ny other sort of baths, no ·year's army list shows a marke d change, in- plexion. _ Several persons with whom the write has. asmnch as with the exception of the First reference is found to them in these toilet . conversed affirm, and. her own expe1:1ence Infantry gegiment, all the others now direc cions, probably for the very good reaconfirms the statemet, that not ?ll:lY is the : officers taken from the commonalty. The son that none were ever taken. body freed from detranental cond_itl_ons and hat the same ladies seldon!- washed even contrary is the case with regard to the cavr":stored to helth, but tone a- vigor are _ e established also. In alry of the Guards, where among the officers their hands seems to b _ !Ven t? the mmd, and the sp1ntual nature , the name of only one commoner appears. an old romance a p:ncess says . to a young IS clarified an_cl upltfted. You see, sir, .that . m Y I In the rnnks of the infantry of the line, the I lord of the c'?1ut, . W. After_oservmg foe fast and the subs commoner, in that of the cavahy the aristo- hands are whtte, r than yours, althoi,i,g h it is nposed Doctor ry quent by rule the t di ,. 1 s a: n _ r smce now ays I fou washed them. f r , .,; cratic element p edominates. Among fi tyV system, it lS foud tha t the ap pites hv e · i Tl u s seems to have been a . ommonpace n ne generals the re is not one commoner, that , returned to theu normal condition. ?;he t a ren rk, and treats _of a concht10n of thmgs It is the only p rep r tio n in the w orld tha rank having generally the predicate of nobile will d o what is claimed for it. It has p r oduce d s_enses of smell ad taste _ become acut_e . Ihe Hy at tached to it ; among 75 lieutenant- wh1h ws taken qmte as a matter of course. Iuxunaut gro whs of hair on bal d heads where fm_e J:lavor f frmts and simple fo<?ds is _fully Richelieu was known a.mong the men of ====== re are 8 commoners; of 117 :'.'!" ==--· . == --= === baldness hns exsted for years. It has restore d enJoyed, highly-seasoned and rich viands generals, the 161 the seventeenth century as a man who was mai'or-genernls the colot· and vigor to n um ero us crope of g ra y · " 21 commoners. of e · · · ·' from the fa.ct th at 9 cen"rw, and faded h a ir It has reli eved hundreds of and spintuous li luors are distasteful .and · colonels of infantry, 48, and of 55 colonels to some d e persons of disagreeable Dandruff nd ha s saved repulsive. . Numerous cases could be cited of cavalry only 3 are commoners. he was neat m his person. That he is men· many when hair was falling, from becoming where pattents have been cured of the tobactionecl as a "man "Vho bathed" seems to bald. f ' h . . co habit and of alcoholism, and one amusing, prove that it was not common for men to · · 191' llemember these acts and lf your au is a, SI 1 eeper. D efimng · ' · bath e" at tha. ' t" ime. falling out and beco m i ng thin, get a bottle at an d smgu1ar.f act is on recor·d o f a ldy wh o . to once and save tbe growth, or yo u may loa11 it: from her childhood had been addicted r I V, The women of the courts of Loms X steamer" Th e fashion, we have of saying " forever. Ask _your druggist for HAill MAGIC I biting her nails-even to the quick-who, I rance of faces . powdered their inand F XV usiug many simil r ·and "cutter' , and of nnd take nothmg else. Id urmg days' · · . the period of a twentv -three · . 'lt . mg them, and bUl . .A.. DOHENWENO, Solo Manufacturer, words in a vv,riety of senses, results not so cessantlY mstead 0f wash" ' relm qmshed fast, d1scover ed tha she had ronto. . . much from the poverty of our la.nguage as enormous head-dresses upon hen.tis that were the bad practice, D;either has she, smce her The acc?1mts hich are BIGGINDOTHA.JJI & SON"recovery, resumed it. ; from our la-ziness. It is well ridiculed in nver combed. given of some renlts of tl11s practice are al. I the following: AGENTS FOR Bow.MANVILLE. Among the many cu_res cffect_ed smce the I A sleeper is one who sleeps. A sleeper is most beyond behef. , Doctor came to Washmgton, smce Novem· It seems to hav:e taken the people of Eu that in which the sleeper sleeps. A sleeper . ber last, are three cases of cancer of the is that on which tho sleeper which co,rries rope many centuries to learn what th.ey now j ' st mach and ?ne of ccer of the tongue. know of the ned of personal cleanlmess, a I the sleeper while he sleeps runs. Th followl re?ent cases of treatm.ent · Therefore, while the sleeper sleeps in the n.owl_edge winch they lo t aft,er the de are given, as fair exam17les of the pract.1ce. The people . sleeper, the sleeper carries the sleeper over ! st rncttoi; of the Roma1;1 ba,hs. In a pronounced case of diabetes te pahnt: the sleeper under the sleeper, untilthesleeper 1 of the European cntmeut of the resei;it has not oul recovered from that d1stressmg . i which carries the sleeper jumps off the day are far from bemg . as scmpulou m tins and dangernus malady, there bemg now· . sleeper, and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper, respect as are the uglish and Americans. absolutely no sugar m the urme,. an all r In some countnes of E urope ai; extrao . by striking the sleeper under the sleeper, . · . ap- ! . 1 other symptoms of the dtsease havmg d1s and there is no longer any sleeper sleeping in dmary neglect of personal cleanlmess still Are prepare d t0 pay ighest prices peared, but tJ;ie . the h' of one of her eyes, I sight 1 prevals among the ajority of the people, . the sleeper on the sleeper: I whch was ei;itirely lost, ha returned; Two and disease and pestilence are the result alall kinds of Grain delivered at the I , emment oculists, who exammed the diseased . most as often as they were from the shock. Hrgher :Educat10n. the a a or that was vitrous humor ffirmed i;i., & . ing want of cleanliness in the Middle Ages. Wharf or their Storo House in town. sohdtfied ai;i that no cure was. pos1ble. j "Yes , sir ; I 'm in favor of this higher edPersons desirmg further uthenticat1 0 n of, uca.tion for weemin," said a progressive old . . Letting the Cat Out of the Bag. I this statement can secure it by addressmg farmer at a schoolboard meeting. Fred. E. Brown, sq., No. 143 Worth J "Now, children," said a country mother THE S fAR HOUSE bas just received a large stock of English and "I think it's a good thing for 'em, and · · Stre?t, New York City. I'm goin' to have rny gals put clca,n through who was going out, "be real good while I'm Scotch goods, direct from England, for the Miss Anne Held, a pattent now under compound fractions and the first part of aw11v, and be sure you don't go near the a F cA N A DA· treatment for catarrh of more than ten 1 aoaerfy . and I do' know but I'll let 'em tech chum where I hid them nut-cakes." C'a11Ual paid llIJ, · Rest . , $ZG&,llll years' standing, recovered th sense. of smell 1 llttle grammer. I tell you, gintlemen, the Sir Richard Burton again raises the quesThis ·Bank is prepared to do Legit!· ! on the fifth day of her fast, it havng hee-n 1 world is a-pergressin', an' we've got to per. . totally lost for seven years. Mws Helrl gress with it or git left." tion: "fs Gordon dead?" He hs had . a am prepared to give the cheapest and best Suits ever turned out mate ..,., .08'11 mg tn a11 't5 branch 1 fasted fifteen days, and is now living upon , n_ote from r.m empl?ye of th American Mia. in Bo-wroanville. Farmers Dotes dis counted ' Deposits fruit and bread for a few weeks while the! s10n school at Assiout, statmg that Gordon reooi vod an Interst paid on amount s of cure is being perfected. She Tests Her Art. ' had a steamboat and wnt own to"".ard the ' 85 upwards m Savmga Bank Department. Mr. D. A. Cronan, No. 57 Riggs Market, Dilby-" Help yourself to a few more of south. There was a Turkish soldier who 'Washington, D. C., was afflicted for more those mushrooms." had a face that resembled Goron's d the DRAFTS than two years with a falling sickness, I Filtrip-" Thanks ; but how do I know Soudanese report that they killed hun and I !lSOd and C °nec ·tiODii mad e !n E uro pe l which seized him every day and many times they're not toad-stools declared t}:iat it W!"S (.}ordon. Urton ad- I@"' You can alway s see Jeffery at the doo1·. United Sta.tea a.nd Canada. a day. He was cured by a ten day's fast. Dilby-" Bless you, tf they were, cook !;ere to .his assert10n that ther is .no proof W. J. ,TONES, I The Doctor has on his list of cures three would already have been as dead as a door- Uordon is dead.-London Special m N. Y. 1 similar cases. Agao nail." Mail. lh1er, Blood, and Lungs. a CHRONIC DISEASES OF TRE Sir Henry Thompson, the great English teetotaler physician, who refuses to treat any one in illness who drinks alcoholic beverages, says, nevertheless, the only water which is perfectly safe to drink, un· less it has been boiled and filtered, is natural mineral water. In the shape of a wrig· gling worm, invisible to the eye, even when held to the light, and only to be detected by the microscope, a water drinker may, have given more permanent lodging to a snake than ever the hospitable whale gave to Jonah. But an animalcule will grow and thrive in the inside of the indiscriminate water drinker who has swallowed it until it feeds upon his vitals and exhausts his,health The victim wonders why he and sfa'ength . · th e stomtscomf ort in ot· sh e feels so mu . ch d' ach, loses all appetite for food or else grows ravenous, feels nervous, depressed and in ' l. he unknown and canable of active duty. ' r Another Recipe for Rheumatism. unsuspectc(l reptile stowaway, swallowed weeks or months before, in a glass of impure He who gives <;he public an effectual cure water, is tho cause, and he who doubts the for so common 'l.nd crippling u. disease as numerous cases on record of inanition, or rheumatism is a benefactorto his race. Our suspension of life, and death from correspondent aSJ!tres us that the following this c8'.use o,lone must bo incapable of weigh- fo1:mula, whih was obti·ine;ti from a.. dis tin. ug Gvtdene. I have myself know a young jgmshed phy. stcian of eten1ve practtce, has girl who dted apparently and remamed cold been prescribed by hun rn no less than and lifeless until put in her coffin ' when h er twenty-four cases of ac·ute rheumati.mi and . . ' mouth opened and a small snake, some f ew 111 every mtance effected a radical cure. inches long, appeared. A :French doctor, RlWirE. . to the case, as, fortnwho had attended Ferri et Quinia Cit, drachma; Potassa _ ael¥ present, and drew. th reptile out wtth I o did e, 4 dr<tchms ; V m Colch ,Rad, Ji· 111s tingers. After a bnef mterval, the ex- ounces · Tr Cimieifuga P · · ounces· ' . . Hy' Tr ' · 1 · · began t° 8hdder, th , : ! haust ed gir · n °p cned . oscyamm, I?; ounces; Flmd _Ext. tilhngia her eyes and was thus 1escued from bemg Comp l ounce. Aqua sufficient with fore buried alive. I heard the story not only going 'to fill 8 ounce bottle Dose ' two tea. · :· . thos e of. her spoonfuls m tps, but f rom from li er own l' water three times a day. fther and m? ther, and have not the hllht: Sho ld any f ou readers. using the above _ et doubt of its truth. Numbers of stmilar prescnptwn find it efficamous we should cases are reported i n medical journals. . £ If very much l?k l e to be ad vise i . · d of'-t . . . . the mere swallowmg of mdtgest1ble ood use will almost deprive a ·dyspeptic of the of his limbs and brain how much more Satan's March. . . . .1e m 't11e L stomach para· must a hvmg rept1 BY M. O. lyze and suspend the functions of the huHurrah for a tramp through the world so wide l man body. l - W& ?FlAik!MP H'M' In rheumatism, especially that of the chronic kind, the cures are simply marvel lous. In reference to one ease, Dr. Krouse, a physician of excellent standh1g said that nr. ]'isher had done more to cure it in two days tlian he had been able to do in six months. I may be excused for saying a few words in regard to my own case. I had been suf fering hem rhenrnatism fot· years, and at the time of commencing treatment with Dr. Fisher was greatly debilitated with malaria. I had a bad cough and physicians of high standing here and in New York found my lungs badly diseased with tuberculosis.. 1 fasted ten deys. I attended to my business - a government desk - every day, and walked from two to five miles a day. This was in January. I am now-April 7th-in better health than I have been in ten years. I have no rheumatism; my cough is almost · my gone, and I. bel" 1eve th at tiie tro u ble m lungs is steadily.decreasing. m_ SOME STORIES or CATS. 'Villiam Tanner, of Eagle Grove, was 11.l'Oued from sleep the other night by the loud mewing of his cat, w hi ch had entered J1ls sleeping-room, jumped on his bed and 1.nts clawing the clothing at a great rate. He dt1shed the animal to the floor and turned over for another nap, but at the same mo111cnt he noticed an odor of smoke and going iuto the hall discovered a vigorous blaze in He doesn't know how the a back closet. fire started, but he feels sure that if it hadn't been for the cat he would have been cremated alive. Tom is now in high favor in the house hold and diue.s on the b est at the table. h :LM:AYE:E=t'S Is the place where you can get the most fashionable Hat in the County. . During the mild weather of a couple of weeks ago a Dubuque man let the fire in his furnace go out, but filled the furnace with kindling wood and coal, so tlmt when the next cold snap came along he could start the fire without t.rouble. The snap appeared in due time, and he lightecl the fire withoL1t opening the door. A f ew minutes a.fter wards an unearthly howliug was heard at the register in the sitting-room, n.nd the household cat w11s pulled out, looking like a wreck of her former self; her hair singed off, whiskers gone and her body covered with burns. '.' l 11bby's present quarters are beneath the refrigerator. Some six months ago Mr . L. C. White, of Norfolk, Va., removed to Stanton. He brought his family by 8teamer up James River to Richmond and thence by rail to Stanton, a total distance of 276 miles. His wife bro\lght with her a handsome Maltese cat, which disappeared shortly after the ar rival of the family in Stanton and could not be found, although search was made for it everywhere. Later on Mrs. ·white received a letter from her sister, who resides in Nor folk, informing her that the cat ha.d walked into her house a few da.ys before. Mrs. White is very anxious to find out how the animal accomplished the journey. Silk, the very latest. IN HATS In Christy Stif, f Black, Brown, Drab,. Fancy Hats for chil- or Slate, in J\fon's Youth's and Boys. dren and in prices from 25 cents up to and you may be sure you will get suited. We keep the very best and most $3. So come along IN GENTS FURNISHINGS fashionable lines in Ties, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Underwear, Hosery, Braces and Come along and bring your friend with you and get some Umbrellas-in fact, anything in the Gents' Furnishings line. thing nobby. . . M. MAYER, Furrier. Highest prices in cash paid for Raw Furs. Dr. R. 0. Fisher's Fasting; Cure. Ere I find I've lost the light of day. l"ll jostle the we ak as J pas· aluug, n J'l\ listel\ to none ; for none I'll hide; But away ! away ! while yet I may, c merry, earnings And mock at And i For skeleton hand of i lnnder, o o The cars which are favorites with Toronto girls at present are jet black, pure white and Maltese. One youug lady whose father is a well-known manipulator of pork, keeps an enormous maltese installed. in luxurious <1uarters at Oconomone, where the summer residence of the family is sitmited. Tabby always shows the greatest pleasure when she sees her mistress in summer, and during the entire season always walks with her night and mo1·ning like a dog-. The cat is unusual ly intelligent and has been trained to per form many tricks, one of which is to mount a piano stool, bow to the company and pat out a tune on the key-board. - AT- GOOl() · B TOD New Shirtings, New Prints, NewV\Thite&GreyCottons, New Embroidery, New Dress Goods, New Linens, ROS. m . . n e ro World's Dispensary Medical Association, PRICE $I 00 And e And o join And a, street, y New Tweeds, 1 ra And d l wonder ond And case; ---- -- Yatisi Cor sets a n ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. TOD $5 0 0 REWARD I I .1 And i And And And the o their ground, k, CATARRH, teeJ::::J'hi \ I d happy contentions ""a traveller"; u and close behind d u ,o side, a , nefound BROS. NEW SPRING GOODS -have arrived at the- Dr. DOR ENWEND'S z <C :c :O r d w"at1ii:1;J;1::i_ ,1\:. o n Too d d e il Ji"at: h'! iaI81'f,:j{i, a"ii'. nd a n me subject· sLrong; To land . And and near And o long r s r de id gives w-st End House. :? cc ILi CJ <C bJ n u l-- )> C) S: Full lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, G l asswar e, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. Ladies, call and see our handsome Gents, Tweeds and Suitings. call and see our lovely Dress Goods. i _ aa 0 .. I . a '1"0-1 j j' ' I I j j J!Q,liOO lmcHTW'B,lf GRAIN j I 1 Jno. McMurtry & Co. l ·------- 1I $1,@.!0,000 S"fAN DAR D B A N' . K 8· I j !I ! . . r I I SPRING CLOTHING TRADE. ! I I J !'.' I I Il c anadian Tweeds in great variety, from $10 up to $25. Gent's Furnishings all fresh for spring. J. JE FFE R-Y.