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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1887, p. 4

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· AHEAD! ' What all sa.y must be true. And you bear from all sides of my s tylish and p.retty Wn.ll Papers. Don't purchase ere you have seen my P&tterns. Almost every . day I am told my· selection is the beat in this District. LIN.EN WINDOW SHADES, OF .·EVERY SIZE & PATT.l!]RN. SPALDING'S BASE BALL G OODS ; ALSO THE CHEAPER LlNES. ExPREJSS WAGONS, CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, RUBBER BALLS, ETC., ETC. A BEAU TIFUL OIL OBROMO, IN FANCY GILT FRAME, FOR . ONLY $1.50. PWURE FRAMING VERY LOW. P. TREBILCOCK. BOW:M:A.NVILLE, MAY 25, 1887. OOR NER IN WHEAT. On May 1st, a "clique" bought and the cash for over ton million bushels of wheat in Chicago alone. This looks as though a scheme were on foot to "cdrnel'" the wheat supply. The Prairill Furner, of Chicago, says, the reports, that rn emb0rs of the clique r esiding in L andon, or tl1eir representatives there, a·e tsking and holding out of the market Oe6rly all the arrivals of wheat previously shipped from California.. - With the small supplies of oither home-grown or imported wheat in E ngland, with an unsupplied deficiency in F rance and other European c~nt~ies, it now looks as if the Syndicate may soon have posstission of all the marketable wheat in this country and Great Brltain, and be able ~o buy all coming in from fa\'mers iu either country. As the banks at this season freely lend a large p01rcentago of the market value, upon the Certificates of merchantable wheat in the Elevators, it will not require a la rge am1mn t of ready cash for a Syndicate to hoJd all the visible wheat, and buy up all in from the country. If this is done, t hey will of course put up prices, he1re M>d abroad to any price they choose, as has already been done by the California Syndicate, which may be only a part of. a great combination, embracing the markets of not only all of America but also of Europe. We merely wish to'state that from the best in formation we can gather, the indi~tions are quite strong that such a combinat ion is in existence, though unforseen circumstances may possibly prevent its fully carrying out its plans. There are certainly a few men who have flufficient ready capital to put it into execution. If the strongely suspected comb ination actually exists and carries out i:u plans, those who have contracted to d eliver wheat will scour the country and hui:.ry~in all the supplies they can get, at figures much in advance of present prices ; that is if they find themselves concerned, in time to get in country purchases. Some predict that the clique will be able to push whtJat up to $1.00 or $1.25, and even more. Thero were thousands of Ci1.nadians who had n ot a particle of sympathy with Mr. W. O'Brien 's mission who have shice the disgraceful treatment shown him declared their readiness to stand by him and (lefend the liberty of speech which he claims. While mob r ule prtivailes to the ex tent tha.t it has during the past week, we as Ca.niiclians have forfeited the first principltia of our boasted civilization lt is much to be regretted that O'Brien ever came henJ, but when he was het"e he should have been permitted to enj oy a ll the libed fos which other people enj oy. If he lrnd beon left sevorely alone, instead of receiving eo m uch attention from hia opponents, his mission would have been less e ncouraging to him and his friends. I s there anything significant in the fact that tho Liberal Press in this country sympathb e more deeply with O'Brien than their confreres 1 Is intolerant Toryi sm not th e same to-day as i t has ever been 1 What care the blooded aristocracy about the wrongs of Ireland? Why should the commo11 horde receive consideration ? What bet ter are they than dumb driven animals 1 Keep them clown where they belong. Why should they be allowod to utter a word ot (complaint 1 The iron i1eel of the oppressor has long been[firmly set on the poor peasant~ of all the Old Countries, and now that i ts hold is being l0-05ened, behold to what persecution tl!-eir ad ·uca.tes are subj ected. Mob law ·and suppression of free speech is not, nor baa it ever b een, in harmony with true ---======= empowered to eell by public l!lllCtion, and The general howl that has f FARMERS OF CANA A. whenever t.hey shall deem it best, the lands owned by the said Corporation. known as the been raised all over this continent and We desi·re to have yotir attent' .. a .few · Fair Grounds ; and it and obtained the Do· Europe because of the action of a few minion of Canada the trwm Agricnltural while we tell you som·· th1D$.!8 Societies, the half acre. moro or Iese, so pro· roughs in Toronto and Kingston who were minutes that are of immense importancti o you. cured from the said tlie Domimon or Canada, l and we and that portion of the grounds had from the . . spoiling for a fight and were too cowardly Tb e su b Ject is of mutua interest, United Agricultural Societies, as aforesaid, to give their opponents British fair play, s~ull endeavur to be c'l.ndid an 1 honest eith'.'r in blocks or In parcel8, and for ca~h or way not have occtl red to on time, and on su9h terms as to \.hem shall shows how great a seneation a small affair with you · It · . . · seem best, and to give and execute such deeds createg, There is nothing unusually sig- you that ni>arly all the importunt lffi· and assurances as may be i·eq uisite to transfer provements in the manufacture of self to tho purchaser or pur.,hasers thereof. nificant in what took place on either oc- bincters in Canada have first been intro3. That the monies to be realized from the . · & f B t sale of said lands after deducting therefrom This is the Jubilee week for Barg'Uins in casion. P eople who h ave strong partizan d uce d b Y a. } iarns, son co.' 0 ran - all expenee·s nocesao.rily incurred in the so.le l eanings often make great fools of them- ford, manufacturers of the famous brant- or sales thereof., slrnll b"l paid into the hands steel binder no. 2 - the latest or the 'l'reas!irer of the s' Town, to be by him selves under the slightest provocation. ford light . , ' . helcl and paid out for the followmg putpoaes, productwn of t11e age of steel, and which that is to say : - fo r 1he purr.hasiug or grounds So 'it is with these mobs; their loyalty contains more steel, more malleable and to be bought .bY thti Cor11or,,tion ot the .Town and respect for Canada was sunk iri dis- less cast iron than any other bindar of or Bowm1mv1lle, .aR hereu~ .rre r 1p~nt1oned . · , . and for lbe f~ ncrng, levelrn1; drarnrng trnd Our N o. 2 is the planting with shade and ornament.a! !recs honor for a momentary gratification of the same weight. l iohtest steel binder ever offered to the said lands,11nd for the erecti< m or bullclings their hatred towards an indiscrete a~itat· 0 O l . thereon for l?ai1s and otl1er purposes. and the of anada. We take p easure Ul tor the laying out of roans and walks therein, or who thinks he is going to turn public farmers lay ing the claims of this biuder before ii.nd opening and improvmg of ·treetij leading thereto from public thoroughfares. for all of opinion right about face, by denouncing You · . . whkh purposes it is expected ·uch monies the busin.,ss relations of a Canadian 'l'he cha.racter1st1cs of the Brantford will be snfllcient. Light Stoel Binder No. 2 are briefly a'! I.. That the Corporation of the town of Bow- f landlord with his Irish tenants. follows: The entire frame of the machine manville mii.y and they are hereby. authorized . . . and empowered to purc!:ill.Be from 'J he Messers. I Last week we had a word to sa.y about IS steel-not only around the dnvmg M . and D. Bark, not leso than thirtv nor morA I wheel, but also. around the whole plat- than forty acres of the fal'm kno"'.n as the citizens going to the city to make pur- form of the machine -ATThis steel is Soper farm at a costnot to exceed . · . . dollars per acre and on such rerms as to pay· chases in~tead of patromzing our own angnla.r m form, the combmmg ment as they may deem exuedient. 5, 'fhat the Corporatiou of the Town or Bow· merchants who do all they can to meet greatest strength and least weight, and in with the double ano-!e steel manville may aJ'.!d they ari> bel'e'.. Y author,zed the wants of the public. What can we combination , "' ancl empowered m case they shrrnld obtain from Come and Secure Bargains. linger bar, forms a complete steel frame the Dominion or Carmd>< tho half o<cre ol land say for those merch~nts who imtronize around the whole machine from divider owned by them, to have taken down and rethe drummers who come from the city to drive wheel This frame is very light moved therefrom _the buildmg erected thereon · · and used·as a drill·shed. and to place and . soliciting and a.dvertising1 There and yet immensely strong, and can never erect the same on a portion or the thirty or is no factor in this or any other town that warp or leave its place. In addition to more acr~s so to be pnrc!Htsed by the aai,d · l h f . Corporation as afot.,sa1d, either wholly at their contributi>s so much to the welfare of the stee frame, all t e sha. ts, pms, own expense or by assisting the Government town as a wide-a-wake local journal and this 3tmps, eprings, breast-plate, knotter p.~n- of the Dominion o~ Ca.natla m so .d~ing :-and the same arguments that the merchant ion and many other parts are of steel · to exeoute and dehvor to the Dom1n1on or C~n . · . ' ' ada a. deed of the hair acre of land on wh1oh uses in . his position. applies with even m fact, m every place where steel can be said shed will stand when so erect~d and H t be stronger force to the poGr printer. The used to advantacre it will be found. shed do not hal.r an ncre, then a deed or - h' . h the land on whwh shed shall stand. and bTATESMAN has little reason to complain N ot content ° with t is, cast iron . as of the lantt adjoining thereto, su1ll.cient against our merchants because it receives almost entirely been abandoned, usmg thereof . to make. half an . acrr, to· a. very liberal patronage, but we could malleable inatead by means of which the gather with o~.hel' right~ and . P~1veleg"s to . · ' be had and en1oyed by the Domrnion of Cana.· mention three or four names of business weight ls greatly reduced. In fact, da in over and upon said thirty or more acres men who have snapped at alluring baits besides the sprocket and oenr wheels BO to be purchased by said town as aforesaid, · _,. "· . ~h' in lien of the half -.ere so to be obtained from · · dangled before their eyes by sleek-tongu- h t ere is scarcely any cast iron m "' o tlie Dominion or Canada as aforefaid. ed shisters who run through the country machine. All the well-known principles 6. That after the purchase of.the said land~ soliciting orders for city printing oflices. which have proved so desirable in pre- by the CorporatioJ1 or the Tcwn ol Bowman· The local paper always stands by the vious machines still adherrd to. The ville Crom the Messrs. M. 11nd u. Durke as nfores the Corporation of the 'l'own of merchant and in return it expects the knotting devise is exceedingly simple, Bowman ville be and r.hey are hereby aulhodzmerchant to stand by ii. I beg to inform the people of West Durham that I ha.vo bought out never fails in its operation, and has prov- ed and empowered to use Jay out and expend ed itself by far the best in use: The such monies·as may be 1 ·equ1red to level. fence, drain, plant with ..... d orn .. 1nentni trees the Hardware business, fo;i.-merly carried on by R. S. Manning, and Increased Sleeping Oar Service extra roller, to deliver the cut grain close said lands and to er~et l.iuildinl{s ~tu table and on the West Shore Railroad. down to th e packers, has provt:id a most necessary tor t!;e purposes tor which said with large additions to the stock am prepared to supply all lines of lands llrO to be loOll!')i1·, t1.nd for Jayin;>. OUt Of extraordinary success, and this is retain- roads thereon ,,,,.,cl such otaer pnrposes as may Hardware at the lowest living prices. The West Shore Railroad, "n May 15, ed. You can raise and lower the machine he deemed nece:is.1ry to rendeL" S>tid grounds put O!l additional through sleeping cars 011 thll drive wheel as well as the orain ii.tted for t.he purposes aforesaid anrl for t.he stock comprises BUILDERS HARDWARE-Locks, Knobbs fully carrying out a.nd completin({ of all provisfrom NewYork and Boston. Sleeping Car wheel side, which is the only true"' and ion~ and clauses of this I:ly·law of any kind will l eave Boston at 3 o'clock p. m., for correct methE>d of securing short or down seever providecl: the entire outlay hereby and Butt Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Finishing, Casing, Wire and Patent a.uthoril<cd for the purchase of lands as aforeCincinnati via Buffalo, Cleveland and crops. '.l'hP. chain drive n1ade a host of said and the removal of the Drill Shed and re· Brads. ~WIRE FEN CI~ G-Barb, Buckthom a d Ribbon. Prepllll'ed " Bee Line," arriving iu Cincinnati 7:25 friends during the past season, and has erection or same and all other expenditure · d f thereunto belonging shall not excrnd the the following evening. Returning laave proved more tila.n ever was c1aime or amount received trom the so.le of such lands Paints and Painters' Supplies generally. Cincinnati at 7 a. m., arriving in Doston it. It reduces draft, makes very little as aroresaid. · 3 p. m., the following day. Sleeping car noise, and is altogether ·preferablo to the 7, 'l'hat the Corporation of the 'l'own ot Bow. will leave N ew York at G p . m., for St. old, h eavy and noisy gearing in geueral manville is hereby authoriwd and empowered in making a1·1·;ements with the Dominion of Louis via. Buffalo, Michigan Central use. The agents in .this district-James Canada for tho ob.taining of said half acre or Railroad , D etroit a nd Wabash, arriving McLean, Hampton ; and R obert Moon, hmd and the i·emovtll of said Drill Shed as in St. Louis 8:15, second morning. Re- Orono,-will be pleased to enter more afore~aid-to if they see tit so to do ent"" into arrangemimt.Ras tbey may deem exped· turning le9ve St. Louis at 7:30 p. m., fully into the constructive detail~ of t he such icnt to maintain and keep in repair said Drill arriving in l'l ew York 10:30 the second Brantford .Binders. Please get them to Shed. when so placed on said la.nds as afore· Without further ennumeration I may add that everything kept iD said. .1 b morning. Sleeping Oar leave Boston at explain these carefully, an d you wi l e 8. the Corporation of the Town ot Bow3 p. m., and run through to Chicago via oonvinced that in c11ttin!?, elevating, mauville is hereby amhorl>:ed and empoweced leading Hardware Stores wiU be found in my s hop. Give m e a call Detroit, and Niagara Falls Short Line, bindin 0 rr and discharging this machine in caije the Uni~ed Agncultural Societies of and inspect my goods and prices. the Township of Darlington R.Dd the West arriving in Chicai;:o 9;40 followinii: even- stands superior to alli others, and is Hiding, of the County ot Durha-:n, convey to ing. Ret.urnmg leave Chicago at 8:45 p. altogether the most :economical for the this Co)·portion a.ll their rights in said Fair . Groundstogranttothesa.ld United Bowmanvi 'lle .A.pri'l .12th 1007 ~ · ·arriving in Bo;iton 9:35 s econd morn· f armer to b uy. W e c h a.rge you no th mg tnral Societies of the Township of Darltno;ton ' ' '"'° · mg. Sleeping Car will leave New York for this advise but it is invaluable to you. and of the West Rlding of the Connty of Dar· ham such rights and privileges or, in to. at 9:40 a. m., and run through to Chicago Don't fail to heed it. and in. over and upon said lands so to be pur· via Port Huron, arriving in Chica.go 6:25 chased as aforesaid, as the United AgriculturI-.....,._..._ the followin~ evening Returning leave al Societies ot tile Township of Darlington and West !tiding ot the County of Onrharn now Chicago 3:25 p. rn., arrive in New York have and enjoy or; in and to, and in, over and 10:20 following evening. The Sleeping upon t he sai<l lands so to be sold as aforesaid. --07-Cars between New York and· St. Louis, 9. 'l'hat this By-Jaw shal! come into force and take effect on from and arter the passing and between Boston and Cincinnati are T I T L E. thereof. entirely ne w featu:es of the West Shore .A By-law to enable the Corporation or the 10. And it is further enacted by the Munl· through car sernce. Under the new Town of Bowmanville to sell and dispose or cipal Council aforesaid. that the votes of the o ' the said municipality shall qualified ar.ra.ugement the West. Shore Railroad the lands owned by said Corporation, and in be ta.ken elect.ors on the proposed By·law in pursuance whicl1 the United Agricultural Societies of or the Statute in such case made and provided will have through sleepmg between New York, Chicago and S~. L ouis, and the Township or Darlington and the West at the following places that is to say : For the West Ward. at the Town Hall; tor between Boston, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Riding of tho County of Durham have certain North Ward, at :Messrs, 'M.!'ltcal!e and Mc· Chicago. 'l'hese sleeping cars are of the rights and privileges. and known as th& Agri- the Doue:all'a office; a.nd for the South Ward at newest and most improved type, d esigned cultural and Fair Urounds in said Town; t !te Engine House in said ward on the second of June in the year or our Lord. one thou· and built by the Wagner Palace Car Co. and Ir they deem it expedient so to do in day ga11d eight hundred and eighty seven, from eepecially for service on the West Shore order to sell such lands to better advantage nine o'clock in the forenoon. until :th·e o'clock Railru.a d . car is provided with to obtain from the Government ot the Do· in the anernoon and thatthe followlngpereons be returning officers for taking tho said a drawing-room and smoking-room. The minion of Canada, the ha.If acre adjoining shall votes nt the said polling places and for tho interior is finished in mahogany, and the said gronnds, on which a drill shed is built. said wa.rdsrespetively ;-For the West Ward, seats, which have comfortable high backs, and give the said the Dominion of Canadi R. Windatt; ror the North Ward. Jolm Mcar e upholstered in plush. They are not other lands in lieu thereof, and trom the Dougall; for the South Ward. It. W. Scoble. 11. 'l'hat:Friday, the third dav of ;rune, A. surpassed by Sleeping Cars in service on Agricultural Societies their lands adjoining D.· 1887. at the hour of ten o'clock sl1111l be the any other line in America. and enclosed th erewith ; and to contract for time and the Council Chamber, in the and purchase in conjunction with said United town the place where the clerk ea.Id shall sum up tb c number of votes OCEAN TRAVEL AND WHAT Agricultural Societies, or otherwise, from off given for and against the By the rarm known as the Soper Farm, not leas faw and that Thursday, the twenty-sixth day IT Rl!JQUIRES. than thirty nor more than forty acres of land of May, A. D.. 1887, at the hour of ten o'clock to be used as a. park and for the holding of in the forenoon shall be the time and the said UouncilChamber,the place for the appointme nt We are informed by the New York fairs and other public gatherings thereon ; or persons interested in and promoting or op· press that the travel to E ngland this and to le\'el, draia, fence, plant trees and posing the passage o·r the By· la. w respecr.ivel y. summer is very large, many of the popuerect buildings thertion and otherwise Im· lar steamers being already filled for July. prove, beautify and render such 11;rounds fit NOTICE. The Canadian steamers sailing from to be used and enjoyed for the purposes aforeTake notice that the above is a true copy of Montreal are also being patronized. One said, as well as to authori~e the said Corpor· a proposed which will be taken into reason for this mcreaaing trans-Atlantic ation to open up streots or a.pproachs lee.ding consideration by ths Council of t,ne Municipal· of the 'l'own ot BowmanviUo. a rter one thereto ; and to remove or assist in removing ity travel is that people are beginning to find month from the first publication l a the CANA· said grounds. so to be obtainecl DIAN S TA'l'Jr.SMAN newsoaper.the da.te of which from off thtl out that a trip to .E urope can be indulged trow th.e ])omi11iou of Canada, theDrillShed first publication was Wednesday, May 11th, in at a m uch less cost than most people and tnat the votos of t.h" qualified elect· now being thereon, and to erect and place 1887, imagined. Indeed a couple of months ors of the said municipality will he ta.k: en can be spent in E ngland, Scotland Ire- same on the grounds, so to be purchased as thereon, at. the Council lloom for the WesG at!o & Mcuougall's oHlce, oor. land and lfrance at a smaller outlay than aforesaid ;. and to grant to the Government Ward, ner orChurch andDivision streets for tho North Inspe('tion Solicited. a similar sojourn at Saratoga., Newport, ol the Dominion ot Canada in lieu of the land Wa1·d ar.d at the engine honae in said ward so to be obtained from them as aforesaid, the for the South Ward, commencing a t thA hour Long Branch, 0 1· almost any other. AmeriM.1JRDOCD BR@S. or nin<> o'clock in the forenoon and continuing Victoria Buildings. can po1>Ular resort. By the Anchor Line ha.If of an acre or land on which such Drill till the hour of 11ve o'clock in the afternoon of Shed shall be placed; and to the ~aid the tho above named day. st eamers a return ticke t tu Glasgow or It. WINDA'r'l'. Liverpool in a comforlable stat.e room of United Agricultural Societies and the said Town Clerk the Dominion of Canada certain rights and any of these steamers can be secured for privileges in, over and upon said la.nds, so to 3w·l0 Bowmn.nvllle, M.nvlC, 1887. between $55 aud $60 tor secoud class be purchased as aforesaid. which means excellent atry staterooms, a , good su bstantial bill of fare and all necesBY-LAW. Is not necessary to make sensible people buy saries, a nd for those who can afford to go Whereas. it is deemed expedient that the first-class the prices range from $90 to lands had by the Uorporacion and known as where they can get the best value. $180. Many of t he best people in the the Aµ:riculturnl and Fair Grounds shall be It is well known that the sold, and the monies rAa!ized by such sale be country go by second class on the best laid out and expen ded : · steamers . lrive c l ays can be spent in First- In the purchase or larger and more Scotla nd, five days in the north and west commodious grounds to be used as a p.rk and the purpoao cf holiiing fairs, games, and of England, five d ays in l reland, teri days for public ga therings thereon. in L ondon an its environs, a.nd a week ·s econdly-In the leveling. draining fencin and about Pa·is. The entire cost of ing of said grounds, and in the erection otsuch t>uildings as may be required for the holding the tour need not exceed $ 190 or $200. of fairs, and ror maklng roads thereon and in A man who is tra. velling unaccompanied otherwise improving and making 8aid grounds by a lady need not take a trunk ; two and approaches thereto fit tor the purposes medium sized valises will be found much aforesaid ; and E::M:FORIU-~ Whereas, in ordei· th at a bottor price may be more co1 ivenient. ·rbese he can often obtainecl for said lands to be aold than would IS THE PLACE FOR CHEAP AND RELIcarry short distances when it would cost be otherwise had therefor, it is deemed ex· that the Corporation of the Town of a 11h1lling or two for transportation of a pedient Bowmanvillo should obtain the half acre. more ABLE GOODS. trunk. Ordinary winter clotJ¥ng, minus or less, adjoining 8aid la.a ds and owned by the furs, and a warm plaid or other wrap Dominion of Canada and on which o. drill shed is <>rected, by giving other lands in lieu thereof, will be suitable for ocean travel. and that theY should obtain frou.i tlrn AgriThe quality of an article is the test of cheapA lady who goes simply for plea.sure cultural Societies. that portion of tho said a.nd sight-seeing can usua lly manage with grounds now owned by them : nes~. We shall never misrepresent an article. Therefore, the Town Council of tho Town of two valises and a small hand b ag. One Bowmanville . enacts as follows. and it is here!· , ; ·: dress of gray or navy blue material plain- by enacted by the authority of the same: We have a large range of Boots, Shoes; Slip' ··'. . . .... ly made and a n eatly trimmed ha t of tl;te l. 'J'hat the Corporation of the 'l'own or Bowpers, Trunks, and Valises to select from. New' man ville be, and they are hereby authorized same material without flowers or feath- and empowered should they deem it expedient Goods carefully and as cheaply bought as prompt ers,- one that can be pinned on and bid so to do. to obtain from the Dominion of defiance to high winds will suffice for the, by giving other Janda and privileges cash will procure. in exchange therefor, the ha.If acre, more or ocean voya.~e. A warm ulster or cloak less, ot land owned by said Dominion or for wet days and cool evenings and a Canada, and adjoining the lands owned by Before buying do not fail to call on Town, ancl to obtain in like mannor or for Thie powder never varies. A marvel ot warm woolen wrap are indespensible ; said privileges only, that portion of the Fair purity, strength and wholesomeness. More also a veil and warm pair of gloves, a Grounds owned by the United Agricultural economical than the ordinary J<.inds, and oa.n plain and pretty walking dress with h at Societies of the 'l'ownship or Darlineton and m1t be sold in competition with the multitnd'e of low test, short weight, alum or phospha1le or bonnet to match is the thing fo r the Wea~ Riding of the County of Durham. 2. 'l'hat the Corporation of the Town of Bow- powders: Sold oulyin cans. ROY.A.L BA.K· travelling after landing. . manvillo be, and a re hereby authorized and ING POWDER C0.. 106 Wall St.. N. Y, Liberalism. I A BIG WEEK! · -·-·- WALL PAPER, Express Wagons, Carriages, Picture Frames, Window Blinds, Croquet Sets, Fans, Dressing Combs, and · I PURSES KENNER & CO'S.VARIETY HALL IS . making a stir Ill Ha.rdware. Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Ordere·d Work promptly attended to at lowt>et possible prices. R. WORTH. By-law No.- Grand Spring Opening I Murdoch Brothers' where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets., lovely patterns, 30 Chi:Q.a Tea Sets, very' pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CAS SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED: 20 W"hite Bed Room Sets. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. COERCION BOWMANVILLE Boot &Shoe lt4K1t1G ~r ·,_ , ~: POWDER Absolutely Pure. J. HELLYAR, BOWMANVILLE.

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