ti. t that. I t was n o fault o f mine, I swear . " HOME AND GENERAL NEWS. A CARD . -To all who are suffering from The figure answered not, but looking the the errors and indiscretions of youth, wretched man in the face, pointed down to It is report ed the Afghan rebels have nervous weak nes s , e arly decay, loss of IS P CTBLISHED his feet, where two thin, emaciated children severed communication between Herat and m_anbood, &c., I will send a rec ip e that Jli:1'ERY FRIDAY MORNING , crouched, evidently in the last stage of dis- Oabul and C alcutt a. will cure you FRElll OF CHARGE. T his ease and starvation. -BY A strange d ' isease, resemblin g cholera, is great rem e dy was discovered by a. mission Wh, ' i t a tonement can you make for ragin g " . "W"HITE :M:_ along Louisiana the BY FRED. botder. Several M , A.. JAME S , ary in S ou th America. Send a. aelf this ? " "' as asked in the stern tones the li sten · deaths have occut·red. er knew so well. " Man ! in the enjoyment of A T THE Oll'EIOE . The contract for the extension of the add rees e d envelope to the REV. Jo sE PH u t b 1 h ' wou d neve1· e a. e to take ts p ace b bl UTIAl TER VII. :l what should ' under happier auspices ' have Nor tl1ern Pac1 . · 1,vay from Dakota to the 1'. INMAN Station D New York Git'IJ. 46y ' fic ra1 t·ost Office n11wk, King Stl'ect, nowman· . · you can aL< us beeu mme, . ' you can help us md1rectly ' · w hat do you say to this ?" He Canadian hounclary has been let. ville, Onturio. · It was a little after five on the followmg ' th ha t we nost need d that i s m ouey. pointe 1 rl down to the crouchmg children ' a.rr . l 1 r w that Sir Geoffrey walked from Ins afte ADVISE TO 1Vl.01'HERS.-Are you dis" Mayor Roche, of Chi cg.go, the other day red pres .i. ou sh all see t le s lade of S tr Ugh t ., rnoon T E R :?\l.t: S : · · the . square. He . seemed, hY hs eutly and hold converse with him · bu!; on agm, stern Y tet sadiy. house mo . appointed John F. Finerty oil inspector of turbed at n i gh t and broken of your rest · advance in 1>aid f i $1 01· Annum, , 1.50 pct Anythrng, the baronet exclmmedhis havmg of afraid was he uneasy arr, as if the city, at a salary of $1 0 000 a yer,r. . the pen ' ' rom '. 11e .. anyth mg, of your l'f 1 e, do not,,move f by a sick child suffering and crying with ' . so th a t y ou do not tJrtme me Payment strictly In advance required rrom movements watch ed , for h e stopped , hesi- 'J a e ?u · sp t h er.e I sha1 Mr. T homas Guerin, civil engineer in the pain of C uttin g Teeth 7 If so send at IO.bBuctber s outslde of the county. Orders to . like this ' It is no fault )f mme. I did not ff ?, tated, and finally walked away quietly in et u, go now, lleoontlnue the paper muElt be a cc omp an i e d by Public Works Department, fell de ad in his once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's 1l' Geo rey crted direct10n of Upper Brook Street. Call - e1Lgerly. Wliy s ,wuld we waste any more know. But anythmg in m y power I will do , he amou nt due,ort,h paper wil n o t bes topped. the ' . . day , from hea1 t d isease. office the ther an < o g a y. oothing Sy u p . " For children tee t hing , l l dl " ·" k · , ie tl o t f one o h h d riven was e ls t n e m y a ansom, p a (UJl ti mg IOborlbers are r t'lsp on s ible un ' 1 · tal mg tu-r;e13 The report is reiterated that Mr. l'ar- its value is mcalculable. It wi ll relieve " Well for you that you have spoken thus. nllde, quiet approa ches, half town, half co untry , , t e ec ause mg s are no pr epa.re d Th 1 ' tical condition' and the poor li ttle sufferer immediately. De· You shall con1plete the work I began m hfe, nell's health is in a cn beyoud Paddington, where . he dismissed RA.TES OF A.DVlilU'i'l!il Ui'G : . his s ia des frem anoth er world d o not come 1 i; call ed Hec to r le G autier s l all that he is no longer fit for active I'arhamen· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no ;;; cr.b. Thel?' he ""'.alkd <JUietly on tt!l I1e forth at a moment's hiddin <> to show them an d the mau. Whole Column one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 wi th h,s llld an d c ounsel.- l' ou tary wo r k . H " 36 oo · :- o reached Ins destma:t10n-a ell·appomted sel es to mortal e es thou H· . . i· . . . . mistake ab ou t it. It e m es Dysentery t Half ye u f l help you ';., v 1 Y ' ., 0 h the air is ul " " 1! ,our Blood Indians have been arrested have a daughter ? One quarter . . . . . . . . , 20 00 though sombre-lookmg establrnhmen t ; aud and Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and w. f ti no e m 0 i taken to Lethbndge, N. \\T, umn one year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 ' ' I have--yom niece Enid. What do you and Hill Co l" T., on sus. l there, after some hesitation, he knocked. · Vind Cohc, so f t e ns the s1r rey oo rn d uneas1 y aroun for kn,w o f her , . · Geo ff Hal! year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 0 p10ion of fi ring upon a mo unted policeman Bowels, cures \. ' d out ,, vas show rnto was la:1 Te room he " . Gums, reduces Inflammation, a n d gives any traces of these ghostly visitor though One quai·ter .. . . . . . . . . . 12 50 Much ; perhaps more than you. -L1sten 1 recently. 0 as iust and ; r dmne r o f 0 preparations with 20 . . . . . . . . . . . yell.r ' dea uarter Colurrn one ' · never the ess ' the I h e cou ld see nothmg . · terrupt me at your pen1 . ,. y ou may v1{!11le · fr. Henry Irving was drivino- in tone a nd energy to the whole sydtem. and m " " Halt y ear . . . .. . . . . . 12 50 - 5 the httle ' 1e · clock over the mantl e struc l;: t I ' 1 b° d' 0f a 01iamber fu °f s pernaturn iee have views for her ; perhaps she has chosen a hansom " " in London, he "\'l as run into by a " Mr. Winslow's Sooth i n g Syrup " for One quarter . . . . . . . . 8 00 half.hour after six, J,e G autier entered. H e w b no means P easan · Ten Hnes and under, first insertion , $0 50 van and had a narrow escape from a childrnn teething is pleasant to the taste for herself. Am I right ? But this must heavy . , ",Y h greeted his guest ciuietly, almost coldly, and · _.. en our pact ts comp e te, , L e G aut' ier not be . Ill e. ch subsequent insertion . . . . . . 0 25 ' dent. 1 Hector 1e G au t' ier must wed h et. and is the prescription of one of th e old senous acci . rang th e bell to order the meal. It was a · From six to ten lines, tlrst1nsertion 0 75 ,. 't stands th con tmued · " Brtefl " Bt1t I have other views. There is al .Y' 1 . us ; 1 am v $35,000 quiet little dinner, really irreproachable i n er was spent for the chanipagne est and best female phys ic ians and nurses O llla oh subsequent insertion . . . . . . 0 35 . . . s ow you sue mgs as you w1s o see ; ,, . t h h h to t -10 h . 10 0 e Qver ten hnes,first insert1on ,perlin readY -I · te wmes b emg per an rn its way-the appropna luncheon given " '-· > those wl10 atte11a 'ed tlie in the United States , and is for sale by . , i·etnrn you b of our . 0 03 d Kach subseque nt rnsertio n , " . th e v1s10 " Do Y<!>U dar e to cross me ?" n splendid funeral of the late Duchess of Nor all druggists throuh the w orld . Price .ecome a member fect, for Le Gaut1er by no means desp1sed I £ ' t8 we · · Bro therh00d , s wea.rmgt0 promote 1 l The nu mb er or l i n es to be r eckone d by =: " Have not I and m rne s uf. folk the ple a sures ot the table, and, moreover, I are hy a11 the means m your power stern y asked. ·, at Arun dle Castle the other day. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for th, space occupied, measured by a scale of · fered enough at your hands ? Promise, . 1 man he where to spare the was not had a Q The cattl ·dea.lern of Manitoba are at log- " MRS . WINSLOW'S S O OTHING SYRUP. " sol 'd Nonpareil. 1 say th e word, for I f ee the unseen or"__ urn t . purpose to ser· v e. gerheads "'itl1 ., the Canad tan P aci 1c rat 'f ·1way and t ake no other kmd, influence upon me " He stopped abruptly, a.nd again the sigh· " v "\ Vell, Sir Geoffrey," he said, toying on the question of rates, and declare they J. es, yes-agreed ; on 1y s110w me my · · BEITJI, di . . = Jn l!lcLA.IJGBLIN =· 21 oeware ! , , DltS, mg voiee w h. 1spere<1 " u . ' glass, when the mea l l ,... "th h is wi ia d conelude d br th , , wi rne tl leu· catt1e on foot until rates are · agony of tenor, the hi o11et looked round ; -it was past eight now, and the light was s 'S 0 F I· ICE :-MORUIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· X: G JI 1 lr . o rey spo te a ch ange came over but the dark eyes never seemed to leave reduced. il-" do you feel equal to beginning to fa Divers are ..t work on the stearner Tas Dr J. \V.McLAUGllUN. Dr. A. BEITH, Gradu Le G autier s fa ce · . the baronet watchmg · htencr1 was he, so stricken by h im. So fng , lic<>n t mte of the 9Yal ate o f the Toront o the coming trilLl ?" · mania, which w11s wrecked south of Corsica h' tm, perfectly fas' cm11tc d. ,1,11 c me d' mm s tius 1Y d evioecl !Sp ay, that he dare . · cunnmg CoJlege of Phy s1 cu ms · " U eagerly he replied ' ns s ix baronet yes , 1an. t ' cl1 co11ta1 ' boxe s vl 11 on the 18th tilt., an d· ' ' eyes grew la1ger . a.n d more lummous? h' is not . and member of the Umverstty, .l:'hys1c defy the fi 0 "ure standm<> S. W. RUSE. "' there before of iewels belongmg to the Maharajah of lioyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. hogh his face was r.erturbed and he gla s s features became rigid, and he moved hil e a. him ' geons, Edmbnrgh. J 1Ldhpore, m .his hand shok. . . Let us ll,et it . over ; , 1nan who walks in a dream. His gaze was ,; . ,, E AC H E R O F ORGAN, PIANO, " thts suspense is k1lmg me. S <?etunes I fi xed upon the other, but there was no sense On Saturday a parcel conoaining five thou· . I,pro nuse, he shouted at last- I proVOICE and THEORY. T rms on &l>Pli· DR. J. C. ltllT()HELL, 28;ly fancy you are playmg some devthsh art ,on of recognition there-all was blank and mo- m i,e; . sand dollars, expressed by the Bank of Qt. cation M "BJG 20." . . ,, . , EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS me. I doubt the evidence of my senses Tis well, the " vision From t aw a at to its Uarleton branch Place was tionleas. He rose from his chair moving M and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. "You do nt doubt," Le Gautier answered towards the door, his hands groping for t t this moment, Y01: are free. You will s.ee stolen from the express car while in the sta· Oftloe and Residence, Enn!skillen. U. sternly. " Listen !" like the action of the blind and he beckon . me no morn ; but if you dare swerve a hall'· !;ion Ottawa · him out a. long breadth from our compact, then you shall The light in the room was fading, and ed to S n Geoffrey to follo > T wo Fiench men °f·w ar are repo1ted to D. BlJJtKE SIMPSON, · find my ven " .,eance swift and terrible · Geof. nothing distinctly could be seen save the , the da1·k passage I h ave beeu .sent to Ha .A.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, &;c. MOPRIS !" · . y ti t o euter an offici1tI Your at tention is directed to thi°'immense ell frey, farew s and n gla day up I l" ' of the wanin<Y 1 glimmer o " s " C h d t, io ow ' " ran,,e . ome e sa1 m a s ll BLOCK, up stairs, Kmg Street, B owm an I p10t es t agamst the sei: rnre of Tormga Island . stock of ' ' B ut , U g it I red : one moment m o retl . o silver. At the moment, the strams of mus10 voice-" come with me · 'f he sp irits are 1 lle, Solic1tor for the Onta.x·io lla.nk b Y ie B11tis l I GovernmeJlt 111 sett 1 ement of I" I a an s? h d l ft t £ t th U ow ar e ere en we s . rates, a.broad, lowest and have the at need ' d of me !" . v Pd vate Jll onevs l oane its claim of about one million dollars act . gh brok e the s 1 0 arnst eep shuddermg Sl Ad 'l ence, 'l'he roo m they entered was situated at mg louder, but aIways melan c oly. i t was H t' .John KeUll Galbralth, . quite impossible to t el l whence it came-it thE back of the house h aving a large old . and the fi gure was gone. Almost distra cted, ted timt s i .x E r tive s 1 d is11 d et ec < of every d es c ript ion at the ear as if the earth was fashioned bay windo of the shape and Sir Geoffrey 1ushed forward to the cm tains , an ai e ago, rnve m t : I .'0ui two wee 11.> A. R R I 8 T E R, SOLICIT OR, NOTARY seemed to strike whteh had again fallen,. but nothing was b 8 : O PUBLIC , &c. Office-B ounsa.ll's Bloc,k full of the sweet sounds. Suddenly it ceased, form one secs in the banqueting room of old J asc 1 a m h e lmrac: d an ten e t e: x lend, A to . lDng Street, Bowmanvtlle . Money and a sigh like a mournful wind broke the country·houses-a Jong n arrow room d r a.p · there, The smoke cleared away, and once l £ h jr i ' ationa ore-amzat1on and it flJ lR 9 lU Ull ll ! 0 . and the only ll«ht m again the room was :1uiet, stillness. in ed black entirely o tch s . ie ' wa mg t l lllO\emen ts of suspected ex. · o . . ROBEB.T A.Jtl!IOlJR, . e has 3ust ope ne d out one of the l argest Sh e ope r utt L G grndually and eyes, his i;ied e !L proceeded oil place small the two from lumself brother dead my be might " It tremists BGISTRAR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER· playing, and mos t stylish stocks ever brought " Sir Geoffrey said, in great a.gita- lamps held by white Pa.rian statues. As hfe and motion came back to him, as he R ot Marriage Licenses, Barrister and A.t tor It iS , re .' 0 t d tl t ,ec n t fire d e t!Oj:ed a from man a like awoke you Arc " trance. · f \ to town ' c ons isting of ' . the entered, vio twain were the draperies matrny e a · witl1 favourite his n was o c organ n M The . a " tion. ery 1 · · ne:r at r,aw an d S olicit or In Ch the s ra .o m e ? c0 u an cr s, n Ltisfied," he asked, " with what you h ave ' f lo1ned on Real Estate. Office on King street, ment. S trange that the music should be so lently agitated, as if by a sudden wind : an s. , Y tr:,easures.. T l1e l'fl I I J 1 11 l' 1t' a i 8 art and 1 1trai e Y, D 1· C S S S ill.:s, . icy current seemed to strike them full m seen ?" Bowme.nville. familiar to me !" bmldmg was erected 600 B. C. , and he di" ·wonderful ! " the trembling baronet re. A chair, impelled forward by an " Do you doubt now ?" Le G autier asked. the face. V e I ve t S, & c., WILLl.\.U 'VIGllT. rec,t male descendants 0 the great philosop. '. " !t was my brother to the life-the . " Does your unbelieving mind still run upon unseen hand, was pushed a-,.,ss the bare plied ?" her hav dv.lt there for ,000 yers. with a very fine stock of Feathers and , ct IOENSED AU CTIONEE R for the trickery or mechanism, or are you convinc - 1 floor, ana Sir Geoffrey, at a motion from his very voice even. Y ou heard the compi . . Flowers. S r VV m. Young, x-Chief-J ust1ce, died at " I, my dear Sir Geoffrey 1 No, indee d ," companion, seated himself therein. ...J C ounty of Durh am. Orders left at the ed ?" Le S'l'.1'1'ESMAN office or forward ed to 'l'yronc P.O. Le Gautier exclaimed in a voice of great H a hILX, the other Illght , aged 88 . . His las t Call and inspect this fine display which forward stepped window, the tier Gnu toward reman old weak the believe," must I " 28 :6 m wllll receive prompt attent10n . i as to lay pu act fou ation stone the n.cl " Recollect, I heord no thing ; my bl c i plied ; " I have no alternative. I put my- and lighted a flat brasier, sprmkling some surprise. cannot fail to give s atisfactio· e ollege. new buildings. o He S . (J, HUNKING , self in your hands, Tell me what I am to sort of powder upon it, and immediately faculties were torpid ; they formed the me· of Dalh usi C Nova of one foremost was and Scota's sms, the room was filled with a dense violet mist, dium through which sights and sounds were ICENSED AUCT I O N E E R FOR do," one of those who obmed the colonial mag· " Your own conscience must guide you, through wluch the oil l!Lmps shone dimly. conveyed to you." BRITISH EMPIRE the County of Durio.am . Sales attended na charta o responsible government. ahsolutely heard yon ?" And " nothing commenced it as . music and wehd 1Lgain, The be must to·night Address will spil'its the rates what 1Lnd lowest and notice shortest on ·o 36:t{ Mr. Carling is being besieged by appli" Absolutely nothing.-But of course, if lJOVBUOM P 0. obeyed. It is no question for me to decide ; died a.way, a loud report was heard, and I am merely the humble instrument the the curtains across the window were there happened to be anything which con. cants for the position of manager of the new GO OD WIFE GUARANTEED TO medium between one world 1Lnd another. I wrenched ap!Lr J;, disclosing an open spa.cc. ;erned me, you can tell me at your conven . experimental farm and their political ESTABLISHED IN 1847. every man who buys his Licenee from dare not advise you. '\Vhen your nerves are As Sir GeofITey gazed into it, a form began ience.-And now, I think we have had friends, but he has lessened the number of EIENRY SYLVESTER. Enniskillen. sufficiently braced to meet the dead, I will to appear, misty at first then getting gradu· enough of spirits ior one night, unless you I those eager for the position by declalin "' "'. It has no shareholders to pay dlvldends to. iestorethecommunication. -Areyou afraid ?" ally clearer, till the watcher saw the figure would like something to steady your that the successful candidate must be a prac Pianos Tuned and Repaired. ' Managed by and solely in the interests of tical m an having a kno"' ledge of b o th Eng· " No, no !" cried the baronet ; " I am not of a girl, diin and slight, for he could see nerves i" the Policy holders. 8 ir Geoffrey declined the proffered re. lish and French. tho woodwork of the window behind, but afraid." . ARTIES WISHING 'IREIR PI ANOS The male pupils of a school in Cleveland A cold, icy hand touched him on the clear enough to see she was fair 1Lnd young, freshm ent, pleading the lateness of the hour Its Rates are J... ow. Tuned or repa.1reu oan naTe them att ended cheek, and a low voice whispered in his ear with thick masses of long yellow hair hang- an d his desire to get home. Le Gauti er did O have notified the teachers th at unles 0 by leaving wor d at the DOMINION ORGAN Trembling, mg over her shoulders, and half hiding her not d etain him ; and after a few words, they thir homs o f study aie so au an o-ed as to l'ollctes non forfeltnble and nneondltlonal, . " You a.re !" the words \'Jo's OF:trIOE, B owmanvllle A. first-clas mall . dwell upon the startling admit of their a. tt en di There was a look of 1sad- parted ; the one to "i w " 11 "' o-a iiies , frip-htened, he rose from his chair ; · and face frnm sight. o baseba (;asll Bonus Patd every three l.Venrs, · I >w bein in t.heir emvlo'" even ts ?f the evemng, and the oth er to com- they will trike. Careful enquity discloses on th e brow. h en suddely t he room ws fill ecl with a ne t. ,, I was a neat hi plete plans troke of e L You may sp.eak, the strange hollow s ; the unanimous determination of t he paieuts light, sh?wmg te baronet s set .face , and . o Do? Gentl e ua e n ot Fash Joint Life Policies. Le G autier,s palhd fe.Ltures wearmv a sar- tones of Le Gautier came through the mist. G autier s to d1sclaun any knowledge of the of the boys to s ti ik e also if the threat is conversation, that the the rather delicate donic smile. Hardly had the light appear· " If you }1avc any question s to 1Lsk, put '£bough a double rish but one premmm Is pal ion, n o t so t'ast . carried . out . ' I . all ion Enid . with s n o i at l e r his to were us 1 ed, when it was gone, leaving the room in them ; but, at the peril of your life, do not for t wo people. Amonnt of policy dr a. w n The tmrteen counties of the upper Pen mentioned, and besides which, acquitted double darkness iit the change. A yell of attempt to move. " on first dee.th. la vere all swept bf the recent storm lll l have writteo there few lines, w any from him confidence. kward and reverent : most he ; With holy clief in ha.rsh, discordant laughter rang out, dying . And all C have to say·ic igan, !n some r!c11 pme fields the t:ees " 'l'he game is m my hands," the schemer the reality of the scene before hun, Sir away to a moan. Tbat ) on can find me still at home, were mowed clown hke grass, and millwns as later, hour an last mused his Special Inducements to Total .A bitamert. over sat f he I am not gone away. 'i' the Geof at gazed rey features. dow11c1Lst o " What is that, Le Gautier ?" Sir GeofSo all my kind old friends may come, " Would any one believe that a of feet of pme were destroyed. ouses w.ere frey asked. " Is this all real, or am I his diseased mind, he was on the borderland cigar. And all the young ones, too, or demolished. unroofed Unfimshed bmld. of another world, and the very thought of man of education, I almost said sense, could merely dreaming ?" And get tb.eir gatments nicely ma.de rngs scatered. Hardly a tow or settle A.i!SETS OYER $5,000,000. l , In fa sbfon s tna.t are new : " The spirits laugh at your audac ity. You speaking to the bright vision was full of be such a fool ?-Hector, mon ami, you will rn e nt escaped: Only three fatalities are r eIN(;OME OVER $11000,000 Where old and younic, dear friends, ma y meet boasted yon were not afraid whilst you arc awe. . never starve 'llS long as there is a Chartelis port d· estimated the damage will A welcome greeting, by R. PEA.TE. d worl the in opportunity The . long has $100,000. ?" you are 00 Who in " deposite length say at not said dare he You limb. every d with the CanadianGovern trembling h1 ;" reac $ 10t\ · ' , tremulo us tones. " Let me know who it is been coming, but the prize is mine at last ment for benefit of Canadian policy holders. it again !" A curious premonition of death occurred and with these words, the virtuous young " I am alarmed, mystified," he said ; with whom I speak. " " I am yo?r better self, " the vision spoke ; mai: wel?'t to bed nothing n his dreams o Isaac Mushrush, a workman who was kill;i not afraid. " c " but I a.n · INVEST ED IN CANA.DA., $600,000.00. . A mockmg shout of laughter followed this and the votce sounded foint and distant , telling him that his destruction was only a ed by the explosion of a boiler, near Pitts speech, and the words, " You lie !" as if ut· yet very sweet, like music on the waters. question of time, and that h1s liie WILS in the burg recently. On Sunday, the day before HEAD 0FFIOE IN OANADA :-MONTREAL the explosion, he was much depressed in tered in chorus , were distinctly heard, A " I am your good spirit, your guardian hands of two vengeful women. For particulars refer to spirits, and told his wife he feared some cold hand clutched Sir Geoffrey by the angel. I stand by you night and day the (To BE CONTINUED. ) great calamity. At 2 o'clock Monday afterthroat, holding him till he could hardly presiding deity of the honor of t he Houe of E. L. LIVINGSTONE, noon the explosion occurred, and Mushrush brea.the. In his intense agitation, he snatch· Charteris. " was killed. At the same hour, before it was GENERAL AGENT, ed at a shadowy arm , and suddenly the This artful stroke gave the listener confi · .Reading the Finger Nails. possible for the news of t he accid ent to reach hand relaxed its grip. Le Gautier struck a. dence and flattered his family pride. " Has PORT HOPE He who has white spots on his n ails is his home, his little child left his play and Or to a.gents through every man a spiri t such as you ?" he asked. match and lighted the candles. out the oounty. 8.fis e. W ITHOUT T&llTll WI1' iI TEE'l'H, " Every man who is by nature n oble- fond of the society of ladies, but is fickle in rushed into the house to hi s mother, cry " Are you afraid now ?" he asked quietly. " O ves, yes ; anything to save me from yes. To every one who h as courage and his attachments. He who keeps them well ing, " Oh, marnma, papa is kill ed, papa is " th1Lt h orrid grasp ! My throat is aching I genius, one of my sisters belongs. I am the rounded at the tips is a proud man. He whose killed. " PR A.()TI(:A.L DENTIST, The Cz.ar has decicled that the senteJJ.ces with the pressure. " guiding star of your House. I have stood irnils are detached from the finger at the fur. and cut e d when of extremities, against ther showing pronounced Nihilists h t a the a 9VER TWEJllTY YR:ARB EXPERIENOIC, Le Gautier looked at the finger marks by you and yours in the hour of need. I He was acting splendidly, not saw your father d i e . l saw your brother's larger proportion of the finger than usual, convicted of complicity in th e recent at N ' rOllll.S Oxldeas A.thninhtered ro r Palnlell calmly. f t ought never to get married, as it would be tempt to assassinate him shall be commuted ovcrdomg the af air in the shghtest, and, on de1Lthbed. I is of him you would speak ?" Opera t i o ns. a wonder if he were master of his own house, to 1111Prisonment at hard fabor for life in the ' the " is, It " the other hnd, not appearing altogether inbaronet boldly. What cried ltlC()LIJNG'i! BLOVK, for short nails betoken patience, goodnature, cases of all but two of the condemnei. different. He was playing for a high stake, 1 of him ?" and aove a:U resigua:tion under sever? trials. Poliai;ioksky, on.e of the condemned, said he " You owe him 11 heavy debt of repara.· and it t equired all his cunning, all his cool Nails which remam long after bemg cut and his acco>nphces acted from firm convic· 1Ludacity, to win. To the casual observer, tion," the vision continued sadly. " In life le":'el with the finger end are a. sign ?f gener- tion that what they set to do it was their he might h1Lve been au enthusiastic believer. , yon were not always friends ; in d eath, yot ;-: _ _ , '.' You have . seen enough," he commenced were not with him. He left a family. Are osity. Transparent nails wit hgh red duty to perform. Another of the prisoners Unapproached for ark a cheerfu, gentle and amiable dtspos· is a you11g student. He had J USt finished qmetly, h ut w1t h an air of the most profound you aware of that, selfish mortal ?" . Tone and Quality. conviction-" you have seen enough to know " I did not know ; I never knew. But it 1 1hon. Lo;ers w1.th transparent nails usually his studies with brilliant s uccess, having ca try their passion to the verge of madness. taken the gold medid of the university VETERINARY SURGEON, that the time for delay is past, and the hour is not yet too late to atone. 'Cell me where CATALO U ES FREE" I If you c01:ne across a ma_n with lo:ng . and which giaduated him. .T!1? youth was so for i:ction has a:rrived. 'Che spiuts to night they a.re, and I will gl) to them . " E N N I S K I L I., E N, ar? mcensed with you : they arc fmiou s at " It was too late !" the figure replied in I pomted n ils you !Hay tak? it that he is either adent m the cal!se of N1!11hsm that he sold this delay ; and unless you solemnly promise tones of deepest sorrow. " They are dead I a player of the gu'.tar, a ailor, or an attorne y. his gold graduation !11edal to obtam fu1ds Honorary Graduate of Ontario Ve terin ar y we the empll'e. to carr y out my proposals, I shall not risk -dead ot neglect ; nay , more, star v ation. He who keeps his ails S Olll;cwhat long, I to enable '!'ll a c c ompli c e to le, C oll ege , will attend to all diseases They will not d ispute your sway now. round, and tipped with black is a romant10 I All the pnsonets pleaded guilty, and eve1y our lives by any manifestation to night. " of d o m e stie an imal s. " W hat a m f to do t" Sir G eoffrey ctied \ Vhile you had flattery and adulation while 1 PO? t. . The owner of very ro und and smooth one r efused under threat or promise, to be The . evidence_ ii :di piteonsly " I put myself entirely in J'OUr Y?U lived in luxury and splenclotir: your na1a. is of a peaceable and cnciliat.ory . dis- tr:y any ac.complice, posit10n. . He who has the nail of his right 1 ca .eel the existence of four widely ramifymg hands. Tell me my duty, and I promise to kith and kin la.eked bread. " Operations & Dentistry follow it. " " But surely some atonement can be thumb. slightly noched is a regular glutton, Nihilist organizations, having head centres j even.mbbhng at himself, as, when having at St. Petersburg, Kief, Vilna and in Siberia. " So much the better for you," quoth J,e ma.de" A S P E C I A L T Y. " Too late-too late ! No thiii g can avail n? thmg e atable at . band, he falls to biting Oi;ie of the witnesses was a !"Oman. She ad· Gautie1 sternly. " Listen ! You know I · am a member of a great Secret Society. In them now, no specious sophistry, 110 out , Ins ow fi ge ·na1ls. And, las.tly, he who mitted that she was the wife of one of the j d Calls and Ord ers by mail or tel egraph th e first place, you must join that ; and let ward appe!Lrance of remorse. You can , keeps 1s nails uregulatly cut LS h:i.sty. and accuse .' alt!1ough she sm she had never h will receive prompt attention. me tell you, your late brot er was a member, atone, though slightly by completing the · determme. Men who have not the patience been JOmed m wedlock to hun by " unneces· She w a s, on CHARGES l\ll o DERATE. and took the keenest interest m its move- work your brother bgan in life. Know j to cut their nails properly generally come to sary religious formalities. " You must Join !" that at yom very door, proud man thous- 1 g\'ief : most of them commit suicide or get this ad1mssion, anested and conducted t o ! O F F I C E H O U R S, 8 TO 10 A, M. mt>nts. I prison. " I knew mi' l; n ther wa enbr?iled in an ds of your fello;v cretures arc starving, marned. . .A. .ftrst· la.ss stock or l\1ed!cmee always , c Owin g to a telegraphic emba1go the p!Lrt some. rasci il.Jy Socialist plots, s aid Sir Geof- ground down by lllJUstice ancl cppression. on hand. icula1 of a serious a cc ide nt on th Atlant10 I ii. A Kansas Mayoress. N. B . -Will visit Wil l iamsb u rg e very frey m,a.uhously ; " hnt I really do not see I Y on can help to lighten this buidcn ; you . why I --He stopped abruptlv, for the can help these men who, poor , and savage 'l'I rt . & Pacific road, neat Dacrget station have Saturday of each week. town k own as A goma 16 - Iy .1e 1 1tle K same mournful sigh was heard, and a voice I as they are, arc yet men, and brot h ers." havi lay ayor.' or e ecte a d as M I just reached us. The east bound p!L;sencrer whispered in the air, " Beware !" With in" I will ! Sir Geoffrey cried eagerly-" I i.... 1:' - train three hours behind time ru shf na : t p e t.d fr w I er t e Only .show me how ; and let me see : acros the desert .Lt the rate of f;rty m ile : ,.. l am tully prepared to a ttend Fun: to be made, Cut this out creased agitation, he continued ; " If that is will ! rala on b :u et t res t s and return Lt to us, and :pa;i·t of my peia.nce, I must do so ; though my brother, tf only for a brief moment. " : an hour, ran into au arroyo, t ho bridge over the short es t notice, at the lo wost possible rates I ractical though scarcely concu8· ive t s · I we will send you free, tt is on the strict understandmg that I"--and B uri a ! Ca ses ready on short notice kets 0a.a , . went engine " That is well," the figure replied with p The burned, been ' had f which te · . '.l' he ] dY . something of great value · ' ann un es her m n 0n °f 1Dtro - over the gap but the j ar threw th e fireman F!ret-clas a h earse on very moderate terms . a " It is on no understanding at all !" Le , a radiant smile. " As for the means I refor·ms, anJ propose to and. impota.ne to Y.ou, th'!'t will s t art you m j l:!hrfnds and Coffin s constantly on hand. Fun ducmg a vaney o 'The tender went through busmess . . which will " Who are you, poor . m ust leave that to you. But you shall ee c brin g you in more G antier thundered. a d li d t u e Shop &; flic ever po ible out of the cb e ce by fill 1 money r u (ht away than nnythmg else in this mol' tal, that you should make stipulations ? , your brother, if on ly for IL moment. -And IP·e :1t r a a. into the sha.llo arroyo, forming a barricade r osBu: d li }f 0 e. { r ump ies. on ou is o a Wl r world. .Any one can do the work and hve at P , against which the cars ran with terrific ----------_ _ · _ _ _ _ I now, farewell. " \Ve must have all or nothing, Take it, or hom e. ffiither sex all ages, Something new et · ng over · ort Y· gnm·Vlagd s e I som i c force. The mail C!Ll' was turned completely l " But stay another minute. I"-th.atJust coma money for all workers. We leave it !" t r n, sue11 s woman 8 n ' a c s p ed ht m d a t will start you ; capital not needed. Tlus is He looked traight across into the other's · around and the ba crga«e and express oar was f The farewell was repea ted , coming to the tt b vocat .es so o en r e, u t IL .Y ouug, a tractiv e 0116 Of the gemune, Im portant classes O( a life. face, his P E R CH E R O N H O R S ES. eyes burning with their intensity. listener's ea.rs as from a.far off, fainter and , thrown twenty fee frm the track and turn 1 ime. 'l'hose who are ambitious and enter· tt d A t I marric IL y, wi 1 onr i e n l d c l ren. l f l · d l · Island Home Stock · nter , as ti1 VI far · olet mist · vi · ug f 01 t he , stn re derailed rose agam, fil !mg crad le and a nur se ()'irl accomp an ie d th e ed over. T wo p as senger cars w:i prising will not delay. Grand outfit free· For a moment t h e sa t t hu o e F f ..,. a 10 rm, 'i G [ n sl v e a ' . v r out the tw0 Pullman ca1s remamed on the mast er. ) ,. 1 ,1 1 eu .S tr Geol i cy 1oo kcd away. th e room wtth dense' fr.acq ant smoke' · Address TJ.tUE &; Co , Aug us ta Mame. ' ' ff "' 1 fti . I · u h ·s e 'J co . . res1 d mg o icer to ier o eta sanctum. new p . 1 · · l the r1gi track. A scene of f rightfu1 consternation I , . 1 eted . He was con 1 through w1uc rnently l o c at e d for . a fignre0of Le G' autter -St· Louis Gl0be·Democ? at. g Canadians, bem on " Let it be so," he sai<l. " Your will has oould be dimly seen erect and motionless. ensued. No on e believd the p!Lssengers in the over turned car wo11ld escape death, conque1ed mme. Proc eed, for I see you \Vhen the mist cleared away again the fig. . v'. gxJftefg , Sixty etgh years ago last l' esday five J<'ireman Charles Smith was picked up un have sometlung more yet to say." treof a man grew visible. Perfect, yet intang · Windsor, Ont. Pur· chasers will find a Agam the sigh w as heard, and a voice tble, he stood thern muflled i u a long cloak E nglis h men m a taver n at Baltnnore organ - I conscious. His le"' was broken his spine larg1.. .ilumber of pure said distinctly : ." It is well . ': '. fhc music and his features patia.lly hidden by a soft; 1 i z ed the order f " The I:i;idepmdent 9rder inJ ured and ho su. t1Lined intern! mjuries. rade stal· bred and g To.day it numbers m the He is not e x pected to recover. Seven or burst out aga1?- tl'lumphant tlus tunc. When bro1Ld-b1immed hat. At this spectacle, Sir 1 of 9 ddfellows. Umte_d States .ove: 500, 009 n;embcrs. It eight of th e passengers were very badly the ast peamg stra };is died away, Le Geoffrey's agitation increased, and great to elect f r o m. All has 1sbused smce its orgamzat10n $41,009,- hurt and quite a number seriously. Mr. E. Gautier contmued : Your brother died drops stqod upon his forehead. pure bred stock, reg· at New York, as you know : but at that - the French and American Stud Bo<;> · " he groaned 000 m relief t o members, and expende d m L Pir>pin m ail ao-ent late r who was seriously in" It is he-my brother · ed in " ' ks. . · · . · ll$ JUred in a previous accident, and who was t Prices reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large ifi · time, lle wa:s on busmes · · No sta.rtmg from hia feet ; but again the word I various way s for the prosecut10n of its work of the Society. e t r e t o t pros more been never FARNUM, 1 & has and , SAVAGE , free. gu al Ca d a t , e - m aki n "' h is first trip since his r covery was man had hrs heart so fumly set upon the " Beware !" seemed to be hissed in hts ear. i $1 0 000 000 DlliTIWlT. Mlou. inJured a.bout the leg and his foot ma'.hed. I cause as he, no man has been so missed. You " My dear brother, do not look at me l ik e 1 perous than now. THE CANADIAN STATESANM BY ORD ER OF TH E LEA GU E, 1 j .1 1 P1 1 , og -- oOI::;: I h:e 1 d 11 1 .1 1 1 d 1 1 ' \ . , l au .11 d I d. 1 M USIC .. said. B d r, . j l T L A D I E S, .i. PS i 11 t 0 1 n M I L L I N E RY I jYD O 1 i mf :& \fl , LY'&.l I L A P , MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO., DENT I S TRY l. M. B R I M A C O M BE, j I I I F. A. J O N E S, j I j ORGANS B E L L" I I 1 , 1. , I I , BELL & CO.J Guelph, Ont. M NE 0 v , 1 ' /nsf' J. f {118 - , I I I Ij lj o ER .,,,.T ..A ..,.. K I N c LEVI .... M ;:;io 0 R R I S j THE COOK'S BEST FRI END D U N N'S B A KI N C P OW DER , l ' 1. I ' l d'o1 i fa 11 U:: J