yolks of three eggs; half-cup of white sugar. GOSSIP ABOUT WOM:EN. Unconvincea. I stir all together in kettle, let boil about a , The U nited Rtates colleges contain 18,000 Many and strange ar e t he illnocent I m inute, t hen have the jui.;:e ready in a bowl H ow t o Paper a Room. and stir in the boiling mixture; if not sweet women st11den ts. sophistries of childhood in gaining its point. I VETERINARY SURGEON, If you have decided to paper your rooms enough add more sugar. Have two largeA society has been organized among Jap- H~w l quickfly t h_ e y learn e ven to distrust the ~ Y, MAY 25 1887. anew, the first thing t o be done is to remove sized pie plates ready with plain crust, fill 11nese wornen to cultivate a taste for foreign evH ence 0 t 1 i eir senses ! A lit tle girl who ' was addicted to a prodigal use of sugar upon t he old paper, as several layers of wall paper them up with mixture, place in hot oven and cook ery. ·11 b · h · d · · ha.kc for one half hour. her oatmeal, h ad been p ut u pon an allow- I STA.NBA.RD MEDICAi. W ORK FOlt w1 e da mp wit noxsome epositsaccrumg The stylish girls of New York natu rally ance of a reasom1ble n u mber of spoonfuls. I from defective ventilation and will become a EGG BiscnTs.-One (1uart of p repared tak e to f encmg, · I:. sotirce of di ·se"se. . every pretty woma.n l'k 1 ~es to One morning she ha.cl been given t he ~ flour, a tablespoonful of lard and twice as h f ·1 "fi d t' b t ] k d The old paper can easily be removed by much butter, a teaspoonful of sa.lt, t wo cups ave a oi . ~pMeci e quan itly , h n _ pretsent y as ef 1 ' i Only $1 H y Mall, P ostp aid. taking a common whitewash br ush and a of milk, the y olks of t wo eggs, beaten liqht. The secret is out that Oscar Wil~ is a. very aw.ma, may ave J U S one spoon u ILI.IJi>TltA.TnE s.u1i;J,ES l'REE NO AJ.J,. bucket of water. Wash the wall all over Salt the flour and sift it twice in a bowl, much hen-pecked husba.nd. Mrs. O~car be- more · 1 ' N o, dear. " am1 t h e paper can b e torn off an d th e wa.11 rub in the shortehing thoroughly and light- lieves in home rule, and b egins at h ome. B _, b mtide perfectly clean again; if this is not Jy ; mix yolks a n d mill> t ogether, and pour Mrs. Helen Campbell's forthcoming book, y -anu· Y some on e noticed that t he clone there will be ridges wherever the paper into a hole in the flour; work into p aste "Prisoners of Poverty," is a truthful ac- little girl was sitting sulkily before her unsho\V b w dly with your wi 'tli as )' ·ble; ro11 m · to count of her personal o bsei·vations . '~,'he i·s t asted t plate, and inquired, l's left on, that \"ill ,, itt1e l tand l. rng as possi t 1 1r·tt ?""Why don't new paper, especially i f it is a light ground. a sheet half an inch thick, cut into round a. practical worker among t he poor of New you ea your oa mea' " 1 Y · C1 dd. c e-·onsho ld be take1 in5e k d l k fl l E 1 York. Her book is mainly an account of " I can't; i t isn'tsweet enough. ' ' 18 r .i '. re an u : · ca es a n ia e in a ourec pan. at 10t. "Nonsense t" said mamma. "Don't be lectmg paper for :the place~ they ar.e mtel'.d· CocoANU'l' P uom !'<G.-Soak t he table· women wage-earners, t heir trades, and their rttl f b d t T f d eel to be put. Light bed-rooms with wlnte f l . . ll . l lives a i ' e uss- u ge · r y a spoon u1, an \~tc'J\~U~ 11 a t apioca In co< water over m g Jt, h · h h "ll t I · h h l ' spoon Tl~e Duchess of Albany has signified h er you 'll li~e it ." Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eteri nary >n lUanhoo<l. A Great llledlcal 1'forle C angrngs ave a c 1 Y aspec w uc s ou_ u boil one quart of milk, add the t apioca and " But if you only k new Io SM ·t · 1" C II 'l' t R · t d b f th 0 1 W Exhausted Vitality, Nervous aud Physical be avoided ; also dark e;rourn~ :raper s will boi "l fiv e 1 . . . . tr i ls · ege, oro~ o. egis .er!l !:!'em er o e ,1 .nti t,es t lien aclll the olks of foiir ret urn to society by appcarin~ at a recbnt . f ·1 . ll , f f Y . . "d · . ,, T , tl1 . h ,, said Kitty, tragically. · Onta.rrn Veteru~ary Assoc1at10n, m accordance Debihty. Premat ure Decline in Man. l!:rror~ g ive rooms that are not fully li_!!llted a som· . h . . -· F h t eggs, our t,,) espoon us rawtn?·IOom. r u says, OWe'>er, M t dl t 0 k f0 l with the Vetermary .A.ct 1 o sug·n , three of Youth1 and t he untold miseries resu1'ing 00d 1 w h ic is c e;prcssmg. ' or w a bl f f l . d b . that she was a gloom y figure, and seemed to " n;,m~a f!. ·n?- ure Y ~, a spo?u · · Is prepar ed to treat all 0disease· of the Dom· [rom indiscretion or excesses. A book fo' b re cJfcct 't . . t d d 1 .t h ld ta espoon u1s o 'ess1cate cocoanut; oil have arrayed herself for a fun eml. The . ~at it 1rnn;ied1at ely, ~ear, she said with eetic Animals, according to tbe latest t heories. every man. young, middle-nged and old. I t e-yer par t 0 f tlie h ouse 1 ism er. ~ s ou I t en minutes; t.urn into a dish to cool; b eat dec1s1on "It tastes c mte sweet enot1gl1 " A.11 callR person Uy by T I " Tele contains 125 prescriptions for a.II aet~te and give it tho._ t ch eer.d fol t>nd fhome-like app_ear - , tlie wh i ' t e." and t"'o tablespoonfuls of stigar Queen was ablaze with d iamonrls and wore . . · obediently . l up her spoon but e egr!lP· or · . . a .' · . h ]: o ., . d h'l h l d Kitty t ook phone will receive P I om pt a H,ent10n . chronic di·eases, each one of wh1oh rn rnva luaiter-m-law, he h · d k t .k , ' WOFFJCE-Main St., Orono, one door north o:( ble, So found by Aut,hor. w hose experience ance, b etannq ev1 ence o t P taste of t ie t o a foam. Spread ovei· the to~ a.nd sprinkle six or ers, w 1 e er r oya aug1 over a little rr1ore co~onn11t. ' et i ' n the O"en t} c Princess of Wales, wore four. I s " a one more rem ~~ o n:a c . . W. Henry's Store. tor 25 year s is such as probably ueve'r before occupa~1 "· ~ , . . , It may taste sweet , she said, r esignedly, CHARGES MODERA.'l""' , fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, II your old p aper removed !111d your t o brown slightl . The third wife of J ohtmn Strau ss leads the "bu t , mamnni, it isn't sweet. " '"· bovnd in beautiful French muslh1, emho$;e d new avmg selected, you nre ready to begin paper'f gr eat composer through peaceful and happ y · -- - .rantocd t<J be a finer. wor.k ing. Take a roll of the paper, and having covers, fnll gilt, g ni1 0 1:' 1 A I'ITALIE;t'NE:-Drop half.a MAcAl'.h l ] J h · · 'd lrf K~Y 1 1 in every sense than a nr oth01' work sold 111 this trimmed the right side of it, hold it up to pound of the sm~llest size m!o salted ~oil~~~ ie~~~ ~a~f~~ ~ats ~~~:~h~nl~s:~a.~p~ What Kind? · ty . · · country for $2.50, ortlle mou,iywill be rel'unded 1 In every mstance. Price Ofi l )' $1 by mail, post- the wall, a rran ging it so that the plitt ern mg water.. It w ill be t~nder m from thu·ty with h er predecessors. Perhaps the clispoA joke sometimes wastes it s sweet ness on baid. Illustratives sample free to any body. will show evenly at both top and bottom t~ forty mrnu.tes. Dram and p ut on a h~t sition of the man may have somewh at to do the desert air. Send now. Gold medal a war,! ed the author by l usethis length dis~ contamrng two ounc.es of butter,; with his perpetual joy; or he may have A Boston gentleman was accost ed by three the National Medic11! Associabim1 to t ile Pre- and then cut off a length, anc sident of which. the Hon. P . .A.. Bissell. a ad as a guide, and match all the rest of i t . In sprmkle: over thre:- ounces of grated ch eese; fallen upon rare good luck in his ma,trimonitil 1 waiters at a. New )' ork rest aurant w ith, associate officers of th<i l~oard the rmtder l o cutting the Jencrth be careful to have them t ake a silver fork m each hand and toss L he p artners. . ! " Soup, sah ?" ~espectfully refferred. cut perfectly ~quare acros$, or it wfll look mac:>roni until th~ butter and cheese are h h' h 'l 'he Science of Life is worth more to the badly where it meets the w·sh board. melted. Se_ a son with salt and p epper tmd D uring t h e year 188(i t e 1g er c1asses Tu.rning his ~pecta.cles upon t hem rather :roung and middle-aged men of this generation t f t bl f 1 f for girls in St . Petersburg w ere at ten ded by severe !y, the Bostonian dem anded, " I s it shan all the guld mines of California and the You now have your p aper trimmed aml pour over 1 a ew a espoon us 0 any 743 students, a considernble increase upon compulsny ?" silver mines of Nevada combined.-S. F. cut ready to apply. Ha.ve r etidy a white· good beef gnwy and ·~ cup of tomato sauce. the figures in former years. Ever since 1864 "No, sah, I t ink not, sah. It's mock Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Ohlronicle. it ha.s been possible for women to obtain turtle !" replied t he sithle t r io. The Science of Life points out tbe rocks and wash brush, a table or board long enough to Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carryquicksands on which thecon5titution and hopes take the whole piec~ in one length, and t he , , , U nivel"sity degrees in Ru6 sia , and in 1870 ing off gradua.lly without W6.. kening the or many a youn~ man have been fuitally step-ladder on wluch yo ti can stand and j India s National H ymn. the ranks of medicine were open to them. system, all t he impurities and foul wrecked.-.il'fanchester Mirror. "God Save the Queen!" is t h e national an- Sweden followed t he example in a few T he Facts in Young S mith's Oase. l:mmors of the secretions ; at the same The Scie~e or Life is of gt"ea ter value tha.n rea.ch the top of ~he w~ll. Make. it paste of all the medicnl works published in t his country wheat flour, qu1 v,, tlnu- uot ~hwker than 1 them of Hindostau a.swell as that of Gr eat m011ths, and was t herein soon j oined by Boarder (to landlord ) _ " But you let time Correcting Acidity of the tor the past 00 y ears.-A tlanta Constitution. molasses, and as sm.ooth as pos81ble._ Apply Britain, Canada and Au stralia , al though the Norway. Stomach, curing '.Biliousness, Dysyoung 8mith have his room at $1\ a. week , The Science of Lite is v. superb and masterly tl1e:i;>ast e to tl ie p1~ce of paper, ]Jtiwg vtiry well- known melody has necessarily been pepRia, Headaches, Dizziness, Mrs. Prances Hodgson Rm·nett is a living and mine is no b etter than his. " treatise on nervou~ and physical debility.H eartburn, C onstipation, Dryness Landlord-" I know it . Smith came to p arti,cular to h>Lve it touch the c~ges and top i somewhat changed in i ts adaptation to the refutation of the base slander that literary Detroit Free Press. . women make indifferent wi ves and mothers. 'fhere is no member of society to whom the and oottom well. Take the piece by the · Tfiudoo musi citin . of the Skin, D r opsy!.. Dimness of Science of Life wlll not be ustiful, whether top, raise it off the_ table and support it w.ith Our system of mu sictil nota tion, represent- 1 She was a penniless and uukuown-to ·fame me a nd said t hat he couldn't afford to p ay Vision, .Jaundice, ~alt Rheum, d h ll k I more t han five, an d was so earnest about it youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyl'.!rysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttertr.5 .Jf ?ne a~m, an put it up tot e '~a , eepmg ; ing no narrower interva.l t han a ~crni-tone, English girl when she married t he brigh t thiit I made an excei:;tion i n his favor. Ile· man.-Arg01ia-u,t. the H eart, Nervousness, and G enu fasten is somewhat coarse to the India.nea.r, t rained young '.l.'ennesseean, Dr. Burnett, with sides, his bar bill a.mount s t o $15 11 week." Address the P eabodv Medical Imtitute, or it entirely clear of the wall until yo_ Dr. W. H. Parker. No. 4 Bulfinch Street, Boston the h etitl of the . sheet ~nd see th<tt it hangs 1 to fi ner divisions of sound, while the tunes whom she has passed a remarkably happy e:·a.1 Debility ; all t hese a.nd many Mass.· who may be consultea on all diseases square._ Hang it properly at first,_ and th en 1 of Hindostan, abounding in demi-semitones life. They have five children, the ddest of ether similar Complain t s yield to the N h' M h requiring skill and experience. Chronic a11:d l ·1ppy influence of :BURDOCK ot mg U C · obstinate diseases t hat have baffled tLe skill ~ollo:" it down from t he top, rubbi~g a.cross a.nd thirils of notes, n.re quite discorrla.nt to whom is t he original of " Little Lord BL OOD BITTERS. I· ' auntleroy ,, " \Vell, anything new around here ?" he of all other phy~icians a 11pecialty. Such it with a clean cloth, so there will b e no \V est ern musicians. treated successfu ll~ without an instance of wrinkles whatever in it. Apply the n ext 'I Since there was such a difference between The death of Madame N .,e<1t1am and tne asked of it girl w ho was jumping hoop on c '. tlILlHJR;\' & CO.. Prcnrletorn.. Toront.o. failure. Mention l:l'l.'A'.l.'ESMAN, Bowmanville, piece in t h.e same wa.y, being careful .to the two sy:;tems, it became necessar y, if ~1>le of her gootls at tlrn Hotel Dronet, P tiris, the corner. Ontario. l7-y. match the ~gures so a.s not to have a whi~e adapting the n ational a.nthem for t he u se on made it plain that she shopped indu str ions"No, sir. I saw a woman flirting with a seam showmg between the p~ttern. It IS j Hindoo subjects, not only to t ranshtte t l1e ly. One humlre<l. aml fi fLy day 1t11d night ~an across t h e ro11d, and t wo ~og~ h ad .a best to cut the paper le~gthw1se when you ; words into the leading language of t he Indiau chemises, t rimmed witb Vitlenciennes and fight,, and my broth~r got a lwkn~g this reach a corner , matchm~ t h e figures of 1 Empir e, but also t o change the tune so that other lace ; 70 peLticoats in silk, muslin, 1 mornmg, but there rnn' t much gomg on course: If you do not wish to take fr.om it would appeal to the Ii+dfans t aste, aad be 1 etc. , 40 pairs of garters, 24 corsets, 200 lace ' around h ere nowa.days." . the height of the room do not put borderrng within t he Indian capacit y of exc11lion. hau<l.kernhiefa, 40 pa ntaloons de sole peluche j ~-,,·~~- -. · VETERINARY SURGEON. on the. bottom .of t.he wall. Some years ago the London Nat10nal An- and ] 05 pairs of silk stockings are among can live at home, and mak more Begm pa_permg lll the least showy corner , them Commi ttee called in the assistance of t he items on the bill of sale. ! m?ney at ~vrk. for us, than a t '!'llY -at the side of ~he mantel or some phice , a learned Hindoo who was both poet and h . ! 1hulg else 111 tlus world. t-<u uupttal not much seen so when finished if it does ' . . S . 'd M h 'I' . d Y\ omen who are sue sworn compamons I needed; yon are started free. J:Soth 0 un . . . I musician,- onrm ro aJQ r e,-an of the needle may sometimes wonder where sexes: all ages. Any one ca.n do the work. not exactly match i t will be little seen. persuaded him to r ender the words of the h d ft ]' ttl . t t I· h f I Large enr aiiigs sure f rom first start Costly h · · . th , . · t b b d · h · ' : . . and Beugah . I t h e. d c e hrns rumen 11c per · . Costs T is is a 11 et e is o ·e o servo m · angmg n<i.tional hymn mto Sansknt ft 1 t "t . ds w Th · orm l 8t ou tfitan d t erma f '.ee. B etter. not ct e 1ay thitt any one ' l t 0 fit th t 0 I d. t ' ' It en e sic es me ma e. e ,.,_na Y you nothmg to send us your addre·s a nd find P.aper ' and .there . is nothing 1 WO RM . . . . I an~ em n :1-n une?. . . says t hat the JJresent product ion of needles rrnt ; if you are wise you will do so at once, · cannot do with a little patience and p1 actice. Sonrmdro fulfilled ]us comm1ss10n m such I in · R ed< i·t "0, - H liALLE'rT & Co P ortland Maine i ch , E · ngl a.n d , i·£ not l ess t,h a.n u Are p1~n.«ri.:ntto tr..ko. ( \ ,oi:-l);TJ thcir o'\1\. - a. masterly '.11am;ier that h.1s ve~sions ha.ve 000,000 p er wee:1'. Pointing of neekl~s, o~e 1 lturgat n t::. I R n. & n.!e. sur ·,, i · , . i.f t:!ctu J ' "Be~ t' "C t taken firm root m t h e Inchan soil. ' of the most delicate of a ll the opera.hons 1s - ·- '"' Cleanmgor mg I - ' '~ ~ _ . . arpe S· 1 H e a d apt e df . our nat· 1ve an dh. 1g ll l Y p opu- \ now a lmost exclmively tloue by macluuel'y, ~.,.,.,.,.,_,, do·tro.r.-· "' ~o rms in ( " ' hdnlt.i . Ca:rpet cleamng, as or?manly -gerformed, I lar tnnes to ~ns w01ds, and composed el~ven · and so is the cutting, skimming, st amping, 1 < Jl!!lllllliil!llliilll..........111111m11P11i111i~m·1111. .1m . ·. is hterally ca:-pet- beatmg and uoes much ' other ~:nelod~es, so. that ·tll.lo_cal tastes m1~ht , eyeing , temperin", eounting, hcadiug and . towar~l destr~y1!1g the carpe~. :rhe proper 1 ~e, satisfied m havm~,~ p~"!Vde~e of c~owe. I tailin!{, bluing_, b;;'rnishing, fin~shing, assor t - : w~y, if o~e 1s m the countiy, _ is t.o ge~. ~ , C:.-odsave.the Qu een. bea;s a s trongxesem: iug and stitckmg. New a nd improved ma - I branch of tree or a young saplmg as th~ck blauce to a ~~n:o:iis old ;Indian . m elody call chines for a ll these processes h ave b een sue- I as t~e .b ,t~ ~f an axe handle, .and wh1.ch ~cl. Lu.ma-JhiJhiti, and In . a slightly alt~red cessfnlly introduced dur ing L he last t;venty \ ,. . t~rmmaces ma goocl number of. light, Vl'.lup· 1 .o~ m it hol ~s.the fir st place among Sonrmd· \ years or so, and t he latest novelty 18 the Graduate of the Ontario Vetermary Copege. \like shoot s. A. beech branch will sometimes ro s compositions. \ " .,rooving" machiue· for making sewing- i Registered member of the ,Ontario Votcrrnai·y be found, which will answer the purpose- I Each vernion has i ts O\Hl a,i;propriate oc· , n r."chino needles ~ ~~ """'~ - ~~I~-~,~~~ Medic~l Assoqiatton. . It must be trimmed up, and every twig, casion of time and place. One is used only 1 ~ · · · · · , __._ -~ 111 ~O~?e and Residence, Newtonv~lle! ~nt. knot or roughness be removed which could at night, a:r10Ll.1tir in the morniug; on~ is de- ) Of the_5,000 worn.en who ho~cl l'.°sitrnnR \ - - - - ----Will v1s1tOrono e ver y Tuesday and,Satu.day catch in the threads and tear the carpet. 1 voted t o the ramy season, and a nother m tend. t he ~anons Govei mi!ent ~epai tments at , p We a r e Ofl1ee hours from 10 a. m., to .t p, ro., _at I Of course the fh~tter t h e upper part is the e<l. for streeL processions. T he Hindoos can \Yo,shmgtou_only one. JS 0 ?nsiil e~ed s~perla· : 1n~ now preII I.Iii l! rPare . to Coulters' H~tel. C!llls by Telegraph receive I better a: more of the whips will strike at sca.rcelr compl ain of a pover ty of choice t1vely beautifu l. I t is said she is a mece of 'I nnmedmte attention. '. , . · ' · · · · the United States Minister to En erland and furn i s h CHARGES MODERA'rE. same tm~e. To clet1.n t;he carptit, m·ng ~t m t he musical expres8ion of then- loyalt y. . . , . '. . :!!;goo ', , a.Jl claBSP(i w_ith empl· ym~nt at home. t he over a !me placed so ]ugh that the lower ; It1 rn.t 81ie i ecen_es a sa1ary 0 · per J ear. whole of th" t11ne, or for t hen· spare mome nts. edue will dear the ground. Take the big · -- --~.,.,__.,,,....,....__ .,____ . -I n pe1:son she rn as t 1Lll 1 .nd ga~ceful as these , Bus!ness new, l\ght and profitab'e . P~ rsons 1 1 h"· . b th h 1 d t 'k ' beautiful women need b e which very often I of eit.ber sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 pr.r J w lp m o an<.s an s ri e a strong, W E , th M ,tt . . h · l ' 't . , e . d . evening, a nd a propur tional sum by devotlllg quick b low. A cloud of dust will fly from omen raver an en. , ~ s a ma 91 on w 1n c 3uc ges can agr e ,, an. ! all their time t o the business. Boys aod girl; the whole space struck, yet t he blow will ; I wa.s tal king with a dentist t he other day m ro u11dness, of_ form we are told that she 18 earn nearly as m119h as men. 'l 'hat all who see ot appe· r to make very much impression and much t o my surprise be informed me the sculptors ideal m odel. Although the 1 th1s may send the~r nddress. and test the bns1n ~ . . L' . () ·v l d ot " wb he 11ees, we make tlns offer. 'l'o such as are n ot Pumpe Chea.per and Better on the carpet itself. The ends of the branch that women u nderwent dental ol'erat1011s eu ue aJ!i. "' . oes 11 sneeze. en s ' well satisfied we will send one dollar "'t,o pay Nevvsp,. per .Ad-vortis ing Bureau, have divided the. force of the blow among Letter th,tn men. He said he vastly preferred ~akes snuff, i t is assefted thatlm_lf the cler~s for ilw 1rouble of writing. F ull particulars than ever. 10 Spruce S t. , New York . themselves and each one has made a sharp, wome!l p:1tients bec,nise they were less i~ Lhe d ep.,,~·tment spend t wo-thirds of th en ' an<l o utfit free. 4-ddrcss Gi;;owur. STH<oON & ._.,..,0 ~Octs. for ~o0-p,., 0 ,. p,..r.n..,hAet. quick stroke like that of a riding whip. trouble, sul1mitt,ed more easily to what was tnne watchmg her graceful movemen ts, ~nd , ~=.!~mnl!le'4MF1ii. illllli"P""llil!llll!l!i!!!lilinBIJl!ll_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .,._ _ _ _ _ __ 111111 The Subacri.ber having built a large ne"' If t he big besom has been properly select· nec<essa.r y t o be clone, and bore the little when she sta:;ts for t~10 e~evator th er~ is a : a Pump Factory in Orono, Is prepared ed and the ends h ave sufficient elasticity, hurts necessll<ry to such operations wit h ge~eral rush m th?'t d1rect10n on the p P-rt of the labor will be smll.11, aud the quantity of g reater fortitude. " A. woma.n has much chiefs and subordrnates too. - to furnishdirt removed surprisingly ]a.rge. Iu this more endurnnce," he said. "As soon as Ooughing in Church, DESCRIPTIO~ way, carpets ca.n be really cleaned, so that, 1 y ou begin to operate on a man's tooth he ) in handling them afterwards, no sign of dust , begins to fidget and shrink, and ever y t ime · . · . I With or without Porcelain Cylinder , <Jl w ill be found. The force of the blows is you t?u~h a t 7nder spot he wants to jump j Wh:i-t is _ t he reason. that t here Is so much I spread out over a large space ancl the tex, out or Ins chair. H is conduct makes the cougl~m~ m church ! And that not at the :;Best Material, on the shortest notk' 1 ture of the ca,rpet is not h armed. To per- · operator nervous and tired. The average certam t imes and seasons mer ely, but r egu·· · and at the !o weat prices . form the same work with a light c!J.ne or : woman, howeYer, will sit through a whole ' larly and as a matter of course. At some Oistern Tubs and Pumps suppH.ed. switch wouldt t ake hou1·s and is very ex-· afternoon of drilling and filling an d hammer- times t here i;iay be more, at oth er s less, but - -AND- ha.usting, while the fabric would be loosened. I ing at her teeth like a major. You are able , the amount is always far greater tlum could WELLS CLEAN"J!~D &RERAIRED l to do more ~atisfactory work for h.e~, and I reckoned on.from the pr.evale~e~ of ~olds _'.__ ·' ~ O ki R . [feel less fatigued w~en you have fimshed. 1in the commumty: Som;-tune; it 1s said ~o oo ng ece1pts. A fe male gener ally gives a somewhat louder be a Scotch l1ab1t a.nd is accounted for m I FP"OSTING.-Take the whites of the eggs, , scream th<tn a man when she has a tooth that connection in v arious ways. F or in, ft l ' I with powdered sugar and beat to a froth. ' pullet!, but sh e :o.pproaches the forceps more stance, one rather promment English When the pies are done frost them. brave!), and is not so a pt to have the tooth- I preacher , wr iting on the subject, say~ :TO Gl£VE SATISFACTION. . _ . , ache sea.red away by t he sight of the dentist, " We ha.ve a vague impression t hat it is Is now opened, and we invite everybody to call ar..,J c-:amine our stock. STRWF.n_HROWN l?F.A 1IS.-Soa~ over. m g ht'. as is so often the case with the patient of the Seo tel~ in our own floe~ who keep up Ordera!!by Mail promptly attended to. ~ut them m c~!d \\ ater and b01l 1~ntil soft' the male persuasion." the coughmg clamour. It is that they a;e seas~n them \\ ith 1~olasses. and vmega.r ac- 1 . the most zealous church· goers, and are m cordmg to taste; thwken w1L11 flour or corn their places despite t hose cs.farrhs and irriDOORS, S.A.SH, BLINDS, PICKE'rs, starch. Serve hot. tated windpipes which would have kept MuFFrns.-One quart sifted flour ; little I The Queen ::is a Girl. Englishmen at home ? Or i& it du e simply MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. salt; one egg; five teaspoonfuls baking powFifty years ago we h ad t he queen, a j to a r oughness of manner which takes no acder; mix flour, salt, powder well tofaether; dainty little maiden, only four feet ten inch- count of the annoyance given to t he preacher add the egg with about one p int o milk; es in height, wit-h a delicate figure, a flower- and t o their rieiahbours in their pews? Or Orderl!t tor Sta10.piug w ill receive s1u-ict. attention, and mix as thick as cake. / like face, a, slenc ler arm and a.n exquisite ly sha.11 we sa.y th;t it is in most cases a mere all newest patle1·ns ke11t to choose Crom. LUNCH CAKES.- One cup of green C()!'n poised head. 'l'he_ fa,ce was a little pensive, heedless habit ? One cough seems to suggest ---- -- ---t 'il f 1 f8 d h but neverthele~s m1r tnful, the corners of th e · another · a.nd the preacher h a s to shout 1 0 pfiu p, t.ne al tespookn utho ':1gtar a n felin~ugt mouth turning up 11,s decidedly as they n ow i against~ sort of pla.toon-fire from the pews The Bazaar Glove fitt ing Patt erns for Ladies and Childrens wear for ne oa mea o ma e e mix ure su c1e11 · ' d d f h · i · · · · ly stiff to drop it in spoonfuls on the pan. 1 turn own ; the tP;n ency 0 t e up~er hp · Another h a.bit which sa~ly m ar s the .exem- spJing and sumrrier styles, a complete stock . N o waiting, no sending, · t d Id ! was to curl, allowrng a mere suggestion of plary church attendant m Scotland is that B k f fift a ·e or een mmu es an serve co · ! white teeth t o appear. A simple gown of of sleeping during sermon. We very rarely but choose your pattern and take it home with you . P~;A Sour.- Soak the peas over night; ' soft white ' ndian muslin , bound round the see an instance of this in London ; b u t w hen put the~ ii: cold water ai:rl Jet th>:In boil; small \~a ist with srt~i1; ribhoi: a.ncl emhroirl · we do, we are a lways inclined to account Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. To buy Foot Gear for Men, Women, keep skimmmg; as they b oil acld cold water; ered with field dames, strmgs of pea.rls for t he sleepy- head as a r ecen t importation boil a little piece of salt pork with them; wouncl round the white t hroat and tapering , from th e Noith." Boys and M aidens, at season wi~h a~ onion, cut fine ; add a liL Llti arms lei t modestly bear1 eomplet~d ~he pieW_ ha.t are the facts in Ca)lada? Is it only thyr:rie. :Stram and serve. l tnre of the y outhfnl mec~ of Ge01~ge IV. , the 8cotch section of church-goers that are IN DIAN MUFFINS.-Two cups of corn ' And now _ t he enemy of womauhnd l~a.H given t-0 coughing and vigorous nose-blowB owrn anville, M arch 22, 188G. 12-tf. 1 meal; one cup of flour ; one farge tablespoon- , stolen a t~1nrnp.:ant rr:arch , upon Vict ona. ing? T1wTrr would not venture on such an --~.-:-------=-:---:---:'.~ ful of butter mixed with the corn meal; put Bl'.t one tlnng neither time n or ~esh has de- ! assertion. All nationalit ies seem pretty ! ;..::j~lll ~ (~ enough milk in to make a ba.tter · one egct · pnved the queeu of. and t hi·t IS the regal 1 bad. And as to sleeping t here does not seem 1 ]~ t ~Ii l"t ; half cup light brown s11gar ; two ' ten,spno~1'. b earing, the erect fit[ure, . the uplift~d head I ' to be much difference. Ha.ve the miser a,bly ._ · ~ t~ ! A fuls of royal bakiua powder mixed with salt and firm t r ead, which m her t r rnmphal vent ilated churches nothin g t o do wi th all I 9 'r' fr.\ .i lJ ~ and flour. Balm i:i; quick oven. entry into 'Vestm in,ter Abbey fif ty ye(LrS j thi8 sound and sl umber? Why should it be j · ~·'. - ,.1~ "3.W 1 Cu R ED Rxc.:. __\VttEh a t ablesooonful of ago l.eacl the beholders t o declare that she 1 thought strange that places shu'- up all the; . _ n b . . d , HU'· I PRREY b 'l · It cl t " .dl was a ta.ll woman.--London Letter. week should 110 t be v<"r y- pleas·1Ut spots for a Havm&! purchase d t he na.rn ess usmesa lat ely carne on oy J.Y.UB , "' , rt~lcet,han . 1 :~ "at eDwa etr rat? 1 Y.t~m- 1 "'t;ucl~y morning?, then ~re the couah- \ h~r,e by o:i.reful a ttPntion to business, good wor kmanship, and tir~t class 1 e grams o.zUr s . o no s a · w1,11 a - - - -· '"' · " · '"' . ha · 1 i spoon while cooking, but sha ke frequently ' , . . . , , ers and th e R leepcrs the only sinners? ls i material, to secllre a shar e of p~bhc patr ona.ge. e · ve Ill ' to prevent stickmg. Drain in a sieve ; put 'I hat :s a dirty trick ~hat so~na_ood~ has [ the preacher n ever to b lame? Is sleep , etock and ar e m anufacturmg a large amount of in a hot dish and pour over it a third of a been ~01ng to_the st ud of t he drntmgtushed I sometimes 1>0 t t h(' best refuge of the weary ! !cup of butter, in which a t;J;bJes1100nful of At1;tria~ sta.te~man, Count . A udra·sy. ' ""cl ~ore pctplcxed? Curious to n~t see ; , curry powder has been mixed . \..X J:]. ~ 1 ~e.ther i;i Austl'm-H,ungar y norm t h e whole ! how even t he mo~t_ uleepy-~e>ided str~1ghten 1 1 East of Europe are t nere to be found more up ancl look posit ively amm.tted wnen the f h. . C . B . P !Oh.LED HICh.l~N . - 011 our c tckens 1 b. t d 3 t bl t' th t y -1'R" . I l tl · · t 0 (' 0 11 1 · · Our New Stock h as arrived, and com· until t ender enou 0 ah for meat to fall from the c He ekra te.h "~ es! _nant th oseba.. "k ' zn,t - preac teT m s som? n ug . sa}". " hg i rn& Collars a specialty. We in tend that th e reputation Humphrey's Collars hav e gained · · , · et/m t d . t f or a, . c amm(l, ~ 1 ,ep ere emg nown 1is tL bad bad habit sp emally m "1 iurc , and . ur f · h ·bl t" pris~s som · ~ ,ng nea ~n piet y oi· bone~ ; put m~a,t m a stone .iar ~nd p_onr a,Jl over for p u rity of strain and distmction all wis~ people ought t o strive aga.inst i t . \ shall ~ be fully sm1t amed.. n e a re prepared to ~rms . respons1 e par 1es Collars on approb~t10n . We gua.r.antee sat1sfact10u or no sale. Ladies, Gooa a n d Serviceable for Men . over 1t thr<>e pmts of cold, go<?d c1d~r v1~c- of pedigree. Som e person or persons hiwe Sleeping also is to be gravel y condemed. But 1 a n d Boys, a.nd Boots that R Boots for ga; and a h alf o~ the water ~n ~h1ch tnc given their malignity vent by poisoning the in certain cas es wha.t ca.n 'people do? '.L'he We also k eep m stock a full !me of goods t~s~ally found every member of the honsehold . i dnckens ~~·er~ bo1lccl ; add spwes ~f prefer- whole s!,ock . spirit m ay be as willing as may be but the , in a first class harness shop , compr1smg . · k 1 "' 1 · ' · ' , i·ed and i t will be r eady for usc m two or 11 .S 1 i .il:verybody almost has seen the picture of flesh is w ea , and w icn t Jere rn no pa,rtwu- I · thr~e days TJJ ' o ·8 0 :. d. 1 hunrnyteven- Abrnham Li"ncoln and his little son looking Jar c<'.lunter stimulus what then? E ven a BLA~Kl:TS 1 "t . ,u, i. 1 · Tltll"NKS, VA.U:S.ES, ·~ S.t.:n.:1rnM!. IN STOCli. ~f!ie. is ; 1 m goo or unc eon a any i;t a big book, p r esm:iably the B ible. It h"'s ver"1 . dull ma~ is rardy sc:en sleepi~g 11_t a ~ i\i:. ' . l l ' . ' · ' ~Ordered v.·ork ancl Repairiuo- a 1 be@ the 'leneral belief thitt the book rea lly political meetrng or ti play. Why i Yes, i S ee onr Bull Hone Whips-somethmg- new. \Ve h a.ve also in stock . b , T.F.MON Prn.-Ta,ke the juice and rind of was the Bible. I t w as nothing of the k ind . w hy? "Look at tlrnt p oor idiot," cried a : Specialty, as usual. i three good-siy,ed !emons; stir _in to ~a~le- I~ was a large p hotographic .album an d the preacher to his sleeping flock. "He's a!1 E ~ · D. DAV I S. j spoonfnls of powuerecl sugar m t he JUlCe; picture 'vas taken w h en nenoher Abraham example and a r ebuke to you all, for he is lfk· li'fll II - --d-d ----t$8 -d- - s- -]-"R _ " _ put a kettle with three cups of water over 1nor h is son were aware of the fact. It had the only one among you that is awake." I · 1 ° a amp an feet uty Write EE th e fi re, w h en i ' t b 01 ·1s s.!r V m · t wo ] arge t a ble- agreat r un, an d soon it · b ecame an art1c · 1e of "Aye, " cne · d the i ·cl· t · t "bn t lia<1 I Lines notay. under the es hm·se't! 10 m urn, f H d U t tl , for bru ises sprains cuts and sores of ·ill kinds BREWS'l'~JR's . SAFETY REIN HOLDER spoonfuls of corn starch, mixed with cold faith that the father was explaining the not been an idiot I would luwe been sleep· o r S orsea ~~1 af he, Ba .8 m e l clure ' · ' ' 3m ' 17_ : wa.ter ; a small piece of b utter and the beat en Scriptures to the aon. iug too." Exactly . h op-"'ign o t e ig 0 0 ar. Co .. Holl, Mich, ~.au.adinn Jtatt~uuu1. HOUSEHOLD. W~DtESDA JOHN SPENC~R, ! ·ACED M[N. IDDL E ND M Y OUN GA 0 I -1 l I I THE TO ·HEALTH I I 1, I · I l I i I I , i y0u 4 T 1 · · " ·· · · i I AD VER T I SERS w A ttcnr1on I orK LI assaQ f can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of 01,0110 Pun1p FactorlJ·. I 1' advertising in American paper~ by addressing Geo. P . Rowell & C o., PUMP S OF EVERY I i I .n l_LLINEBY FANCY GOO DS HOUSE ~ Hats THE WEST END I ALL \lfORK GUARANTEED I I I ?e I I I . ! I Re-shaped in latest fjtyles. ~ ·---- - -------·~- R. FERG USON. I i t Pays I I --- - - - - - -=-:.:. '.'. I ID[!] ' ffi rn )J I MRS. W. MO RRISON. Il\l'.' JI )J rnrn Popular N. 0 ' 1, · B00 t an d Sh Oe EM POR ~U M! Ancl w I I L! t"":!."CTT AN D HEAVY H ARNESS. I I i {l£ Py ROBr:S H UGS H ORSE COVERS WHIPS BRUSHES ETC · Llf'llRAN'S ROYAL EM BROCATllQ N $5 1'