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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1887, p. 2

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The " time for the singing of birds is hand " and though the young man's fancy ' may "lightly turn to tho'ts of love," the l ousekeeper's tlu n heavily to the house· beards-men only get them when they are . nuesti'on. While advocating clean· Cle9Jll ng ..,, CATARRH. irrown up, and women never have any. It . . 11ness, th1's arti'cle i's not to those who need was probably a.nother old bache1or wlio sa,1 d : CATARRH.-A new treatment hae been di· sugestions as to the best method of pro: "Nature shudders when she sees a woman th1a of cure permanent a y b are ottering Coal as follows : ' li the necessai·y work, but to ocv11red where l ng wit Cee · throw a stone ; but when a woman atte mpts ,hitherto incurable d laease, is a bso l utely all'eut· those that, alas ! know too well how . to sp 11t wood, ·nature covers ·h?r 11ead ad ed in from one to three applications. no mat r to make the home fresh and healthful whether standing one year or forty years. 'IhiB how retires to a dark and mouldermg cave m remedy is only applied once in. t wel ve da:ye, and sweet, but how to use up the little temporary despair." A spinster says o ld · Deacrip busmess, h t l w interfere not does and strength they have gained during the yuiet , bachelors are frozen-out old gardeners in the pamphlet sent free on receipt of sto.m.JJ by winter month$. eat W , et e r t. a King 305 n, o S & n flower-heel o f l ove. A. B. Dixo ani for first rule c hous e t s: The - l Toronto, Canada. An Englishman once asked a son o no er "Clean onlY one room at a t ne. WHAT IS CATARRH _f Erin u if the roads in Irelan d were g·ood. Pat reCatarrh is 11 dan gerous dlsaase which thous· excellent rule for the woman who has all of 5, ......... ... .............. . ... . ering iouslysnlf ands are consciously or uncons<? plied : "Yes ; they are so fine that I wonher work t.o do without hiring any help, is from. It is a muc o-p urulent d.1Schare c,aused der you do not import some of them into h " Clean only one room in a week"-whic the m e t i ' !es. by the presence of a vogetnble pa ras E· ngland. Let me see-tl1ere's the road t.o · ·t unn mterprete d ' is, wal 1 wash" m. g and llning membrane of the nose. 'l'he prediapoa· bemg · Twenty- five centsex tra w1 "11 be cb ar!lec love, strewed with roses ; to matrimony, '-' l wh en. accounts run mg c ause s are a morbid state of the blood,_ the ironing are out of the way, and do, on Wedpoison germ the tubercle, of blighted corpuscle A Sel'mon for Children Too Young to Go through nettles; to honour, through the nesday or Thursday, the single room that '?l syphilis, mercury, toxomre, fom the rete n camp ; to prison, through the law; and t.o over one month. to Church. tion ef the effete matter of th e skm, supp;ressed can be restored to order before any more the undertaker's, through physic." " Have A third rule ·perspirations, badly ve ni lated slee pi ng_ apart· heavy WOI·k comes to liand. " If I had a leedle boy aboncit four years In J?OISOns men ts and the germi11at10n of othei; asked the yon any road t o prefermu t 9" · · to the house-cleaner is this : Don't be too oldt to come und ·sit on my knee in der En glis hman . " 'i es, faith, we have ; but the bl ood. Irritated by these, the lm1ng mP.m· smart-" smart" being "Yankee " for am· eafnings brane of the nose is ever ready . tor the recep· und ask me to tell him a shtory, I that is the d i tiest road in the kingdom." r You may say, "I must have this U.on of the paras i te, which rapidly sprea ds_ up bitious. should hng him oop tight in my arms und the nostril s and down the fauces, or back of Cle!·ning done before hot weather," but in A thoughtful writer describes one-eyed · · upon somet' l Vhell, pe<cin: once imes <ere ; t oa up thr the of " the t hroat causing ulceration thl·s latit ' iicle aiid further north, the months was a leedlo boy who vhas badt. He sh tea 1s trave11em, w ho see a great dea1 of some par ihe eust,achian tubes, causing deafness; bu.:. Always on hand a lowest prices. 1. ticular class of o b' J e c1 s iu1 d are bl' m<l to a 11 ; Of Ma.y and June are the earliest months in sugar und iirenerves, un ro wing in the vocal oords, cau s i ng hoarsene'?s 1e te d s 1es un 1 11 d · nal 'vhl'cll 1't 1·8 o h d dd ·afe to dispense with fires upon ·mg c a r , ot ers, an a s : 1e ris Jann " 'I'I I · h t' usurping the proper structure of the broncl · ts runs avhay,undl)y und by eafry bodypom · inbes. ending in p ul mo nary consumpt10u and damp floors' and Open the hou ·t b l1Ck to b ac k , 1s .se to the free his fin"er at dot b oy und says he sha11 be in w hic h the passengers si death. · ts . winds of heaven. a sort of type of what 1Jefa 11s P-!any touns Dot boy's fodder Many Ingenious spedlcs for for he cur" ol hung ;;n dcr gallows. We know of homes where twice every ' in Jrelancl. lach sees a great deal, and recatarrh have been invented, but w1hout. sno· hangs down his headt mit s1iame und his . · l1fu 11y w11at he 1ias seen on one s1' de I ports f a1t eess until a phy si ci an or long st an dmg discov· Year the Clestroyer Of home Comfort enters d h mudder cries a er tune, un sooc ll d the and e s ea s i d th of ered the exact nature in, and even rooms that have hardly been troubles you neafer see. Vb.ell, one day of the road, and the other on the other. only appliance which will permanently destroy entere(l for three months,are devastated, an ,d One will have seen all that is green, and the ' the parasite no matter how aggravated the vhen dis badt boy goes avhay to ro b an oldt ,, case. Su fferers should send stamp at once scrubbed from floor to ceiling, involving wo man s who lifs [l,ll alone in der woods he other, all that is orange. tor descriptive pamphlet on catarrh. to the much unnecessary labor. A room that is Use McColl Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. A fanatical Sabbatarian writes: " The hill und preaka his leg. Dot business manaers, A, H, Dixon & Son 305 properly swept from week to week, ne ver falls down a makes him groan und call oudt and be afraid, Sunday newspaper is a crayfish in the dikes Kini': street, west, Toronto, Canada. needs cleaning but o n ce a year, and unless Clergy a mi of sr ule, a crayfish that undermines the What the Rev. E. B. Stevenso·i. B.A., but nobody comes to help him. In place of the room contains a stove :>r fire of some man of the London Conference of the Metlw dot a big bear mit two leetle cubs comes banks, behiud which the racecourse, the ·di& Church of Canada, has to say in rega ?·d kind, the carpet will not need to be shaken de hill und valks oop to theatres, .the saloon, the gambling dens, &c., To A.H. Dixon&: Son's New T1·eatment to.,. more than once in eighteen months or two oudt of her den in are roaring fo1· exit." Another newspaper dot badt boy und says : Oatarrh. years. This may be rank heresy according described a fire by saying that flames ", Vhell, who you vims?" Oakla.ns, Ont., Canada, Ms.rch 17, 1883 to the "Health" column, but the harddanced in the heavens, and flung their tiery Messrs. A, H. Dixon &: 801i: ", I vhas Peter Bad.' l g, DEAR Sms .-Yo urs of the 13th l nst. to hand. working farmer's wife who has washil arms about like a black funeral pall, until ", Und how vhas it you come here?' Tr:IE BEST IN TH::E WORLD. It. soemed almost too good to be t r ue that I a llj ironing, sweeping, ba,king, sewing, dairy, ",I vhas going t o i·ob dot ol dt womans., Sa.m J on es got on the roof and doused them cm·e d of Catarrh, but I know that l am. poultry and chi dren to care for, with no l u of r. te pail a wa with t never o When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, ,, , Children, come here,' says dot oldt have had no return ot the disease. and felt better in my life. I h ave tried so many help to. carry on hei;- work, will have moe bear to her cubs, un' vhen dey vhas come The answer of Apollonius to Vespasian i s things for Catarrh, suffered so much . and for health m he r hoe i f she lean only what is around her she says some more: 'I like not without humour and instruction. Ves BO many years, that it is hard to realize that necessary, than if se stram every_ i:ervc to' you to know how it vhas. Dis poy first pasian asked him : "What caused Nero's J s.m really better. . do what, after all, is very well a it IS. Do t it i; -:rer_y a ; ells some lies to h s muddcr den he shteals overthrow !" He answered : "N ero could I consider that mine was not even c:an on Monda, aftrnoon, bwas aggravated and chrome,'mvclvmg the some sweet-cake and sh ugar, like a tief; den touch and tune the httrp well ; but in gov ave the s_uds, for Mo nd ay S Jhroo.t o.s well 1 as the n asal passages. and I cause !ou lie i;\Oes oudt mit some badt boys und shteals ernment, sometimes he used to wind the pins Coal Oil. Try it once, you will use no other. thought it would require the three ;treatment "'.ork IB su:ffi 01ent unto itself, unless one h a . pples a.nd peaches; den lrn sh teal.s some too high, sometimes to let them down too but I feel fully cured by the two sent me an . _ day s time and st1ngth to hghen te next send to Induced ever was I . money from his mudder. Pooty soon he vhas low." And certain it is that nothing dc I am thankful that lllct..JOLL . BROS. k CO'Y, Toronto labor by ll'OImg . a few plam pieces that do . "°you. a robber, and haf some police looking for stroys authority so much as the unequal and t' You are at liberty to use this le tter eta ID!l' not need sprm k lmg. . him. If yon <loan' believe some hadt poy untimely inte rchange of power pressed and that i have b e en cured o.t two treatments. So, all good housewlYes, before you take t . end shust look here. It far and relaxed too much. I shall gladly r eco m mend your remedy to some down :he· cheerful base· burne -, n ke ;s:our vhill come to [I, bad . sufferers who s d n e i fr vhas shust as true ash gospel lot der weeke.d 1 G'eorge Stephenson wits once asked by a my pf' '. l ns n c omf o t or !ou sprmg ai aign, Yours, with ma n y thank s. ii h peoples half de1r days. If d1 s lif 1 out do n' . scientific: latly what he considered t?e mot REv.E, B. STEVENSON au. w en gent e r?ezos low an e sun boy vhas goodt he doan' want to rob some· pcwerful force in nature. "Oh," said he rn And hundreds of othe1·1J slmes warm and b;ight, these two elements I GEORGE C. HA INES Proprietor, body ; he doan' come here und breu.k ?is a gallan t spirit, " I will soon answer that will not _ onl y . ssrnt your work, but help 1 Ieg . My shildron, dis vhas a sadt wa.rmng question: it is the eye of the woman for the -- M.ANUF'AC1 ' URER OF-you physwall;i- · if yn do not try to do. o e I f to you dot der vhay of dcr transgressor vhas man who loves her for if a woman look than your strgth IS_ eq ua l to, even 1 t e 'hardt, · un now fall to und we shall eat him with 11tfection on a' young man, and he tempter Ambition cludes or meers u oop, und pick his pones so clean ash a should '"' to the uttermost ends of the earth, Has received. her new stock of for _ t 1 ie s1owi ess of your progress. lS whistle.' KING STREET, BOWMANVII.L the reclection of that look will bring him sprmg cleanmg that makes so many farmers 1 " ' U nd der hears eat him oop ?" back '!'her e is no other force in nature ' Ha s now on hand a number o! vehicle" (and ls manufacturing a great many more ) of the n e wives unable to bear the " burden and heat · patterns and best finish, whi c h I am offering for sale 11.t the lowest prices con ei sten* " , yes. ' ti iat couill d0 ti iat· ,, of tho day" when the summer comes. " with due regard to workmanship and quali ty . 'l'he fallowing is o. l i a t of ", Und he Vhas deadt ,, and invites the Ladies of Bow A rurnl poet s11id of his lady-love: "She · the principal vehicles manufactured by m!l is g r ace f ul us a water-lily, while her breath The calJ Dish Cloth. manville and vicinity to Double Covered Carrlages..................................... ...............$150 Upwiudt hi s mndder und fadder <loan' is like an <irmful of 01 V: -" 'An Amercan Single Phootons . . . . . ........ .......... . .. .. . ....... .... . .... .. .. . An excellent gi rl, that for three weeks nefer see him a.gain. ' £ w u ... . .. ... . ... . 100 a nd see her Pattern h gt o a 0 only worked in our kitchen, smprised us u " ' Neafer again ?" . · . . .. · ... ... · . . .... · ·.... ...... . . ....... 70 11 pen Buggy ... ... · .. · . . ... · . . ··· .. · . . .. . O :: iu:i : fcl :: ;; i o f e , e omp . 0 one day with a re·quest for new dish cloths. "Und some tears c! m1t my leedl poy s Top Buggy.................... .................................................... 90 11 Alps immortal, spotless as its snows. The Formerly the queen regent of the kitchen ; eyes, und he creeps a lee de coser. to m , Democrat \Vagon ............................................................... , 65 n stal'S should be its type, its press the age, and assortment ot had Used the half-worn di'sh towels for the und maypc der seed sowd m his mllld mid · k ' ' Lumber Wagons . ... . . .... . . ..... . .... . .... ..... . .... .. . .. . . ... .. . . ........... .. , 55 t I1e eart h 1ts bIll dmg, and the s -y 't l s page. " purpose, or the cloth flour bags that accum· dot leedle shtory takes a root pttcr do. ,11 Truly, some American poets· go in for Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 II ulated. Rut this rara avis demanded or der sermon s he shall eafer hear Ill shurc · · e. marvels of metaphor. Ex press Wagon.................................................................. '75 II " I can keep two dish cloths a year, she . ve can f orm no not' " A cunnmg · Ske1eton......................................................... ................. . 50 ion of kna decl ared, " but I want one for pota and .. . · l!!TOltEi-SecondDoorWeat of Williams kettl es! an, · a nobler nature, " says the same 'IHI , · te r. Su. Iky..................................... . .......... .............................. . 40 Notes a.nd .Queries. · ?1:'.e hemm.ed a11 ar.n n d' d a ,nice " luwher Stall . "He is like the voats on Robinson Crusoe's ,, n d with , D ,e,m a ,.bro1?ered m the corner. 'vVe always know when Sp rmg os sessing snperlor facilities !or manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell very h a. ca has com e l ' P ow · b e c l e . ' I i . n isl" J) tor . w d, wl icli saw c early everything D ? WIiy · · i qmred. we, for .her ?ame 1 to stay. Not n.1 Y 1s or approved credit, and by so doing I h op e to greatly increase my numb er of our ma.i1 crowd?a wi th them, but very imperfectly what was above sales. · Wonl& sell the wood parts only, or the gearings of b11ggles ironed, was Mai y, a;n om sur pn se dulled ?' per, love poems a.spirmg to meet the public gaze, _ theih; so that Robinson could never get at cept1 Why, 'but there are thousands of v ouchers le facu.ties for the moment. . fr dish clot?, to be sure," was he1· a.wer. 1 ing thn.t the spirit of inquiry br a s fo th t them from the valleys but when he came e k · t upon them from the hiiltop, he took them · " · Gruel fate, m the shape of a brother, re· I the moment that the yotmg OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS . ·t e by surprise. .At the Shortest Notice, P a inted and Trimmed if Desired. · · · qm · " moved tl18 treaure fro m our home, but her 1 . fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love. As there are many iuferior To say that a coquette is a r osebu sh from At the Fa ctory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with CJ.role, Band " ' I mem01·y· lives with us y e t. · · goods, corcied with jute, 11 kl nd so. ssws, and prepare a · l um b er · f or carpen ters nd others for bm Ainong the queries of the week we find which each young beau pluc·Irs a 1eaf , and . mg purposee. · id· 1s h c1oti1 lmng up to cry wh en , l A c1e an· cl. · hemp, etc., offered and sold · '. 0 nd Plain Pickets for fenoas in every atyle reoul-recl, to order. ment .. Orr.n ·l t the t h orns Me 1 ef t f or the husband, · 1s no · o.s Coraline by some un· · hed, is a s1g · h t by wh' the work ·is f' i ms 1cl 1 a the ·f ·oJlowincr o · · · principled merchants trad ve m[l' mts ent· good worker may be known. Many women I ] . To wh a,t branch of the cattle kmgary. ComPlim· nn . ' are the . ing on tho rnputation of com mn t h1 face . a P eopl e p ay a . who are rapid about their housework, fail dom does the Parad-ox. belong ? our f{t!Dllill Co1·al1uc, ' th lJe· °t w 1 is one partwu m th' · WO w::irn tho ladies against · 1ar, and wh'l 1 e the d' IS.h I 2. If, a woman becomes a widow byl os. sarcasm, w 11at they pay hun ou such imposition by draw· hind his back cloth y be hmig up when the work is ing one husband, how many does she have to ing their attention to the Equally re;d y with a similitude was the done, it is by o meas always clc . an. Ap- ; lose to become a widower ? necessity of seeing that tho . ' negro who, wh en giving evidence in ropos of materials suitable for dish cloths, name . court 'shes ' · Should a runner wear rubber shoes was asked about the honesty of a ue1g 11 b our. '.m exch auge pnbl the f 011 owrn g which I 3 ' , becuse he's emser ? PRACTICAL CHEMISTS, "I know nothing against him," was the re1s worth y of cons1c leration : · · 1 Y; "but 1f I was a e h · cken, I woId r oo st "'There is nothing better fon dish cloths,I 4. If as we recently remarked, Nature P '"stamped on inn er side of all Cora.line gQ.ods, . · than old or cheap or part· wom cantr1n :flan·' is indulgi?g iu .athletics hr: having a back- higl hen he was hangmg arod. . Without which none are genuine, , wi l l she contmue them when nel. It makes a sensible dish cloth- 1 ward Sprmg, R1d1cule, says a German cnt1c, is hke a to i Summer-sets in ? wrings dry and wipes nicely.' blow with the fis ; wit, lie the prick of a " Don't do it. At least stop to think of [ 5. Is the signature to ii cheque a signe needle ; irony, like the strng' of a thorn ; . We keep the best and sell at moderate prices. it a moment, and you won't. Old canton qua non ? and humour, the pbscer wlnh. heas all Continues to do a General Banking Business flannel that h as been worn next the body 1 6 be Are sugary remarks made from verb. these 'Yonnds. All of t hes e qua ht10s may eBo wmanville Branch. two or three seasons is not very nice for 1 ·? found m some metaphors. ----o ---1 sap · D IKIP'O§l'I'S dish cloths, no matter how clea.n it i s washA farmer said: " One thing I don't like re w lk 'vVh en . a I ad Y an d e:r:i tl i a . 1· er c 'B ed. on't 7 you h ee remember what D lecelved In.Savings Bank Department an·i . a b out city folks-they be either ao stuck up e gen le · l r lllBl c l&ll and interest allowed at cu-rrent rates. ho said about wrapping butter in the tails of mg shonl? the lay wa WE HAVE ON EI:ND that yer can't reach 'em with <t haystack 1otice of wi thdrawal necessary. All depoaltf old shirts, when he was an agricultural edi- man or versa · pole, or so blamed friendly that they forget . . peyable on demand, tor, more than forty years ago ? He said j 8. In view of the, edito_nl we employed to pay their board." he wanted at least to know whose shirts he on the New York H orfcl, i s it proper t say EX()DA.NGE A talented lacly who lectured before a Binge's Cough Syrup, Hair Brushes and Combs, was eating. No, no. Get always new tow- " Mr. ·Pulitzer is a cnmk, or " Mr. Pulitzer literary society speaking of Job and his lJooghtand sold e.nd Draftslssued upon Europe els for your dish cloths and dish w i pers . 1 are a crimk ?" Jnited States and Canada, alsoGold,Silverand patien ce, remarked that all her sympathies Rose Glycerole, Toilet Soaps, No matter how cheap and coarse they are, I 9. Is Browning or Camer a Obscura? United Sta es Greenbaok s b ouQth t a n d sold went out to Mrs. Job, who had to make the get them. It's the only dainty way. Don't i t ce s. poul their on Buddha take Bostonians Do IO I Corn Cure, Perfumery, COLLECTIONS let any old shirt· gussets or drawer legs' . · 9 The Chinese c[l,11 overdoing a thing, a · ? come near the dishes off which you eat your Brown Bread . . . hunch-back a bow. . · When a man made at current rates up o n all pllr a very large . .no pr es nffele but te ed Imperial Dentifrice, There re Ch a m o i s' ;;,t Great Brittain, the United St11otes and Do food. Be particul ar aboutwhose shirt you I l · s tock. values himself overmuch, they compare him i tors of this JOurna wi g a iY receive an are eati n g. " 111lnion of Canada, to a rat falling into a sea.le ani weighing it· 1 acknowledge answers to the aboye quesCa m phor Ice, Sponges, &c. Telegraph Tramrf'e1·t.1 I tions, inasmuch as the learned gentlean se1f . . . , look " said an Irishman to a pale You " Ongrnal and Tested Recipes. Made for large or small sums on all parts (lf Information l who has charge of our Bureau of ----o---h gard smoker "as if you hacl got out of Canada.. 'l' his is especially advantageou s to GRARAM FLOUR PUDDING.-1 .cupful of lost his mind b.efore he could reply to these y r 'grave to light you; cigar, and couldn't persons l iving i11 Manitoba. or th e North·wiet f l_c_up- seekers after ti uth. · · aaltmakesthe f unds available at once a t thE Graham flour, l cup ul of sweet milk, . find your way bac agai:1." : plaoe of payment. . ful of molasses, l cupful of chpped m1sms, - -·- · t1011. Gordon Cumnung hkened n Afncan Steam 3 hours. Jl'orturther pa.rt!onlare call at the Banklnp l teaspoo nful of soda. jungle to a forest of fishhooks reheved by an Bouse. Whel'e Wilt Thou Stand? <JORN MUJ<'l"IN'S.-1 cupful of wheat flour,' occasional patch of penknives. T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, llfatth'!W, XXV. 31 to 46. l cupful of corn meal, 1 teaspoonful of soda, I Accountant. Mnnaer JtY L. A. MORRiRoN T oanowr o k . , 2 te aspoonfuls of cream of tartar sifted with ·lv t A.bnost a lJtopia. Id 1 the l eaves 01 t.he Jud_gmen · 00 8 ha11 un1°,' the :flour' J..L 2 cuPfuls of milk' 1 egg, l table· When Bowmanville, February 1, 1886. And the Earth with its myriad dead shall have roll d A lace on earth has been found where spoonful of sugar, l tablespoonful of melted T e Jud me -Ba . And Archangel's the g r word nt o th ======= 1 a territory bortaxs µ ate . unknown. It ·s lard. Shall have gathered the Nations before the Lord. . lLOUR GE)l:S.-1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of When the Great White Judgment-Throne shall be set; dermg on the northern. line , of Lm,?oln H A.LT 1L.T 11-:; i FQ_ R .A_ L L T · · £.!A ;:i. x. I Comit y, ::Y.Ie., called " Hibberts Gorn. It · And the numberless children of Earth nre met -> ta blespo onfuls of butter, 12· sugat, .L cupfuls . To hear from His lips, "hat the .Judge shllll dcclnre t · 384 ac r e s of land and 10 flourishing con a ms ' of sweet mi l k, 3 teo.spoonfuls of bakmg pow- Is the perfect reward of the record there: . .J . . 1 r farmhes. . It is boud ec1 b tie i;rs ot I der, 2 cupfuls of tlour. Beat well, have With thy life.wor/c comp/te, be it illor weU, Y hell' or n e Ele1vv it ls mine; of Brother Oh, b here com; ties, Knoi:c, Lmco1h1, nd \-I'.'al o ut; your gem iron hot and buttered . Pour in I · is not claimed by either. '.Ihe mhab1tants do ) an d bake qmc i k. When all that engaged us while under the sun, · . . at. · · 1 orgamz on and 1 . _nrnniipa . CJIOCOLA'l'E CAKE.- cupful of butter, The thinking, and plauni,,g, and toiling is done; \not mamt·am a ' I H curfuls of sugar H · cupfctls of flour l. And the light f1·om that Jud gmeot-Throne shall re· cannot vote for. president, gove r n?I · mem· l THE p ILL 8 . A . veal 1 hers of the Legislature, or to'\\n officers, but cup.u 0f ml 'lk' 1 te 'poo " nf01 0f :powde1:. ' f . 3 F'rom thcleavesof theBook(which we kept , an e ) · d s al they d c Purify the Bloo 'correct f all. D' lSOrders 0f ·th e their have lot ontented with fine I are teaspoonful o soda dissolved m a little milk, That we are what we are, from wlrnt we have been; · 1 f ar m s an <;J good roads,their 'au . e ls an d por. k h CURES cake of chocolate grated in cupful of Theimpres5onll!eofeat:llal'tionisseeo, IVJE ll» ST0Mll.4JR Kl.f)NEY S A.ND B(n,·"lELS. L ! potato bms arel open to one another, an.d l 1 milk cool and add to t he cake. ]<Javo r with Aud the future to us forever mnst be, ill 'll- 1 " 1 Tne presentcoutmned. How cle arly to me ALL LIVER .AND KIDNEY COM- '! . they do not care u. r;nap for politics. This' Th '\ ·i1a. vam _ r · · r a a d re a to he l The awfttl conv1ction, I c.inno_t du;pel n h Debilita t r ted Constitutions ' and esto te eJ lllVlgo comes z.s near to hav ing a Uto . . 1'hai, a)ter that nt, 't18 lleaven °" hell. I communit MOLASSES CAJo:. -1 cupful of sugar, PL.A lNTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTto Fern.ale11 of n.ll Ago". Fo11 lncMonta.l OomplatnB 11Jl in invaluable 11tre . (.Life.) did.-Lewiston ever a it ia n Jmu oi c i cupful butter and lard,_ mixed , 2 cupfuls ION A .,.,D .i.' Ohildi.:en and tho god t.hey are priceless . ALL DI'-'E :> A SES ARISING '. molasses, 1 teaspoonful grnger, . l teaspo onf ul 1 The w ealthy men of the States, 1t must be ·-·--- --------· · -;--. i FROM DISARR.ANGE'lEN'rS OF THE ! of nutmeg, l teaspoonful of cinuamon, i'! tea ' acknowledged, are often vel'y f re e in th ex T J· 'I H E - · T 0 I ·N .1...1 ) -- M E . A New Kind of Nail. spoonful of cloves, a little salt, cupful of penditure of their money on wor thy obJects. LIVER .AND KIDNEYS. · strong coffee and 2 eggs. Beo.t all together, 1 John Ho kin left three millions of dollars remedy for Bad Legs Bad Breasts _ ta.ching moldins I S an lllfall"ble A new kind of nail, fo r at 1 ' Old Wounds' Soret . ' add 4 cupfuls of flour, and after mixing well/ to foundhe University that bears his name. I and other light hunber, \v:h1ch leaves no nail- I 11.nd Ulcera. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, F or disord era of the add 1 cup of boiling water, in which 1 tea-1 H wanted theinstitution erected onhis large holes, is made with 11 omt at each end an d · -Ohest it has r;io equal.. The Greatest Blood Puri- cu;pul of soda has been issolv?d. If a few I ese tate at Clif ton and his fri end with [l,n outwardly-proiectughead or shot:l. · I ra1sms, currnts and a little c1tron are adColds' Throm.ts Sot·e · t'or j is il a n The pomts. the er ' tJe1rn1ghs, btwecn m1dw:ay cany o t ees t trus. e 1 G arr ett, tried to get th . ' fler Ill the WorId. · · <led, mtikes it nearly as good as fruit cake. · · · out the founder's wishes,but w1thout success.1first dnv c?- mt o the wood by n,an s 0 a l; -S.!1d for n has it riva o Diseases Skm all and Swellmgs GlSJ.ndula.r Now Miss Mary Ganett, among the rchest 1 punch, wlnch strad dles thrp : otrudm7 ) mt J contra :. t ed and stiff joints it act5 Uke a charm. 1avo euoui, h-n W . he!i.d the on is h". and the if that proposes country, wo me n in the Miscelianecms. I . ! trustees will c arry out the wis hes of her be'n r,m·u. m t l'. e Hwld111gn1 pl,;ced O\ er the I, . . J Save the .e a leave8. for us e m · . . . '· weepmg, father and Mr. Hopkins about the location nails anrl a m·en dowu. Manufactured only at THOMAS HoLY.OWAY s Eets.bll.shmont, . . . wondeifully. they will hn hten a carpet Proprietor, Toronto. 1 of the building she will give them as much I ··---·----.,........-·--.-·· 78 NEW OXFORD STI?.F.ET (late 533, OXF'ORD STREET), IiONDON-' . Keep _ i:m ?il can fi!led at h.ind for use _ . A as will ield a yearly income of $35,00. I ' ' ·:I . have observed . on, peculiar char . a cy I little 011 will often improve the workm g of · . SOLD.BY Another wealt hy man a :M:r. Chid;::, gi ves tonstic amongst hmatics, sagely remarke d : And p,re sold r.t ls. l! d., 2ll. 9d., 4s. 6d., llB., 22a., and 33a. each Box or Pot, &nd . ii wringer, to remove the annoying squeak for founding C lark a w ag to one oi his frinds, "They are all 1 two millions of d ollar from mn;y be all Medicine had Vendors throughout t:ll e World, BIGGINBOTBll.1'1 &; SON' ota door 'at once. jUniversity in Wo rcester, Mass. '.r his is greateconom_izerof time ; the:y no soner illlt"ll'urcbiuerashonldlookattheLabtllonthePotsandBoxea. !tth1.1rlldre Put tea and coffee away in air-tight re· ,like the thing. If g_ood many h , eir mmd than they immedlately . ad such go mt of t BOWMAN VILLE, u R 533, Oxford Street, J;ondon, they are s·nrlo1u.1 ceptacles as soon as they are brought to the tastes about liberality it would be rnce. go m sane, WEDNESDAY, JUNE l, l8S7. =--=- =--= :: .:= "' = =--=-=-==-= ======= at' -" tattSUll1'.. \flUU\iltU BJ' i .. HOUSEHOLD Cleaning House. · - 1 . flavor by house. They loose much of their standing ncove red. l' piece of In cookrng ca b bage put a sm n t o onl Y a red pepper into the pot. It wil tp e b _vegetable: he t of improve the taste t hee: 1·ent auy harmful result m the ea .. g i · of. ' A damp broom is often an ex ceHen t tb fimg with which to sweep a carpet after the rs t d, but a wet broom a dirt has been remove. l . t and water mak e mud very bad one. If dl' means to spread that a wet broo.n will be the · compound wherevet· it.trave1s. A f ew forms for ue iu hanging up clothes may be purchased at any hardware store for five or ten cents, and will keep a garment present.a.hie a grea.t deal longer tha h w e it is . nanrge l d\ gi g y l wn s cloth .. , s n c in folds and these forms will preserve th e shape of the shoulders and keep out wrink· 1 a. a Man is said to be an a.nimal h mania for getting up societies am l ma,k mg himself president If the presidency has been already claimed, he contents himself with the position of treasurer. In the cyn· i ca,l old bachelor's opinion, ideas are like AMUSING :M.ETA.PRORS. MDOUGALL & METCALF, el: tf la ; tove and Ch estnut ................. '. $6.25 . Grate and EgO' 6.00 s LUMBER, -SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD McDOUGALL & METCALF ; - , F ar mer s Threshers and Mi llmen, Oil. L A R D I: N E::; MACHINE , d b too llSS McTAVIS3 GOODS., r: I OARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O., HA I NE S' CARRIAGE WORKS , BONNETS, HATS I :; : i· ife . TRIMMINGS BEWARE att . est· mans I I All Kinds of vehi cl es Repaired 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK & SON, . JS ·the· Right Place buy Drugs, ; · I1 ! I1 , 1. DANDELION LIVER AND KIDNEY BITTERS ! I I . I 1 j lI Prairie Flower Condi Powder and Pure Ground Oil Cake. 11 E. MQ R R I S ---- --- , I John w.11 1 , )oiirnal. Y 1. I lI j I

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