; , AHEAD! What all say must bo true. And you and WE have heard so much about loyll lty . the Inst few weeks, that we should hke to know just what the term implies, and where to look for a little of the article. l!'rom the frequency with which tl1e Con servative party have howled "rebels" at the Libera.IR, we had been led to auppose that the immac'.llate Tories laid claim to a great quantity of that wonderfully pe c ul i ar characteristic ; and yet we find ( ( TORONTO. heiit from all sides of prslty Wall Papel's. my stylish 8.Don ' t purchase ere you have seen my Patterns. Al mo st every clay I am told them fully determined at the presen t time mr eelection ie the beat in this District. to carry out a policy that is every day de WINDOW SHADES, Lf:rjEN EVERY SI Z E & PATT.li:RN. OF stroying what little affectiori there may be in th e Old Land for h er ambitious colony. The recent heavy duties placed u pon iron tend to shut out all British manufacturers of that article, and has thereby causd no little soreness to the British Government, and they have not failed to make known their feelings on the subject. But then, perhaps, this stroke of policy on the part vei·y mysterious proces1J un kn own BLDING'S BASE BALL GOODS; ALSO 'l'BE CHEAPER LlNES. EX)>RESS WAGONS, CROQUET, HAMMOCKS, RUBBEH. BA LLS, ETC., ETC. of our Governmen t, is i ntended by some to common mortals, to bind us in still closer bonds of love a nd union to the Old Land. aud all it impli es , will be kicked ever It looks, however, very much ns if loyalty A EEAUTIFUL OIL CRH.OMO, HLY $1.50. IN FANCY GILT lrnAME, FOR board, iflthere is ariy money to be made PICTURE l!'RAMING VERY LOW. in doing so, very speedily, by those who cry " Loy11 lty ," with their lips, but whose every act betrays their selfishness and greed towards the Mother Country. THE follo w i ng is the P. TREBILCOCK. BOWMANVU,J,E, JUNE 1, 1887. - -t--= ICHABOD. Toronto is rapidly becoming a notorious its-glory almost if not altogether departed. opinion of the Toronto News: -Governor Lansdowne has returned to Ottawa. Thank Heaven the carnival of snobbery and sycophancy fa over ! Those citizens of Toronto who, in excessive l ov e of our goo d Qu een , or in ignoble desire to touch the raiment of a " li ve lord," have so far forgotten their manhood as to grovel in the dust before a fellow man, no better than the averae in God's place. Its lustre lrns become tarnished, in r,oint of intellectual or moral qualties, can n o N assume the attitude image which their Creator intended them to take.,, without beiug suspected of dis loyalty or Fenianism. which all Canadians h ave been wont to poi.nt with prii!c, is now noted·principally Tho o nce oi:derly and p ea ce- lo ving city, to LP.t us h ope that fOt'· its bad water .nd r o wdyism. O n the when the worked up enthusiasm of the 2-lth of May Ml excunion party composed occasion has subsided, the sober second of ultra-loyalists, Orang emen of different thought of some of them will lead to re· gl"!l,.!ies, and other citizens, left the city fleotion as to whi,;t they have profited in for a · oot-prints on the have evidently left "I' -sands of time," judginQ from the re ports trip to Peterboro and return. They any way by their 1ibandonment of self respect. Flattering a wealthy man is COt\_tained in Revera! of tho newspa1)ers of the differen t. towns through which they (n in telligible - he may p11y for it in one way or another. But bowing low to a title worn by one who comes to this counky contemptible, but i ts motive is at least pa.ssed rnnte. vVe in saw them pass ll.'.ough Bowmanvillo station, and they not to give, but to get, is as foolish as it is despicable,even from the low standpoint cot1dition, one young gentleman being taken off t.he train covered in blood, as a resi:Ilt of his mnasing antics with the window paiie. ln Port Hope they raj.sed quite a breeze, for the short time they were there, and upon their arrival in They first filled themselves then appeare d to be a highly hilarious of self-interest. Let us be loyal, law abiding, and patriotic ; but if Canada is to be self.reliant her sons must be self. respecting. DEAR EmTon.-Would it be of t·"Y m terest to your r e aders to know how well Bowmanville is represented in Toronto? Last Saturday evening on Yo11ge St. between College Ave. and King,I 011coun tered not less t han a dozen peoplo who began at Bow m a nvi lle their pilgrimage on this plan et and have just reached that part of it which lies in our fair city-city of churches and O'Brien riots. The first I met was Mr. Frank Pi per. I Clln re member wheu he pl" y e d marbles and top in front of the Union School and had a hole in one of his pockets. Frank wears a frock coat now and id an earnest w orker at t he People's Church, Agnes-st. Just as Frank passe d , Prof. [':.use, wife an d child drove leisurely by in a covered carriage. They looked happy. While I was thinking about the "Temple of Mu· sic " and the "Popular Concilrts ", etc.., which he has maue so popular here, and w11s wondering why more of our y oung men dont step to the front and make "succtss succeed," a couple of young la· dies from Bowmanville came into sight and-changed the course of my thoughts. At P. C. Allan's on K in g-s t . I was greeted by Mr. Harry Drown, who was for some time with Mr. R. 13. Andrew, at the ·'Big 20." Mr. Brown knows how to shake hands-when I shake hands I like "the other fellow" to do so too. I dent like these limp, passive, clammy ex tremities with which sowe people touch He sold me the article I a perso n. wan t ed, and while retracin my steps I met Mr. Thomas Lynden .who was once on the STATESMAN e taff, if I. mistake not . A little farther on Mr. D. F. Burk passed me and a few minutes later Mr . Gordon. But aU our Bowmanville people 11re n ot on Yonge-st. On Hobert. st. live Mr. and Mrs. Potter, and also Mr. W. Mason, the portrait pain te r who ior some time "made canvass breathe" at Tait, t he PhoLograp her 's . On Oxford-st, lives Mr. Fred Roblin and w if e, both of whom " steeled the ice into pa tter n" in the day of their childhood at Bowrnanville. On the opposite side of the sa.me street dwell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yellowlee, so well known "down home". Mr. Yellowles is just as active in Christian work here as he used to be at St. Paul's He is superintendent of e. Sabbath School on William-st. , does Mission work, leads the Band of Hope, and takes a deep interest in all kindred work. I need not r emi nd you that at the University we have Miss C. lair, Mr. Alex Gib bard, Mr; John Crawford and Mr. J. H. Philp who are members of the present F(raduating class, besides several others in the junior years. Bowmanville is represented in the faculty too In th e perwn of Prof. John Squair, while the Inspector o f Public Schools here, Mr. J. L. Hughes, and the lnspector ot Model Schools, Mr. J. J. Tilley, also have an interest in Bowman ville-not a bad showing for the little town, is it 1 1 proposed touching on several other topics, an d ma.J. do so in the future, bu t at present must wipe my pen KrNK. . I Clarke Township News. Orono News. We are pleased to not e that Mrs. Dr. Rutherford is enabled to be around once more. TAMA.RAC.-'l'amarac E l i xi r is a pre p arat ion conta ini ng great curative proper ties for Co ugh s, Colds, Influenza and throat and Lu n g Complaints. t A BIG WEEKI -·- SUDDEN DISAPPEARANOE.-"My face was cov ered with eore·<, "rising from bad blood. Ey the use of thr"e bot t le s of Burdock Blood Bitters I w .. s c:impletdy cured." R. E. SrnoLAIR, of Port Bur well, Out. Mr. John "Williama, and Mr. Samuel Turner, Crooked Creek, went 0n a fishing excursion to Rice Lake last week. This is the Jubilee week for Barg'llins in WALL PAPER, J Express Wagons, Carriages, Pic ture Frames, Window Blinds, Croquet Sets, ·Fans, Dressing Combs, and RELIAllLh: TESTIMO:NY.-Mr. J ohn R. l \Vri ght , repre:;enting Messr. Evans, Sons I & Kasen, wholesale druggistj, aays-Naeal Balm cured me of a long standing case of Catarrh a.fteL' many other remedies fa il mg . ! The TownshipCouncil h'lve built a good eubstantial fence aro1rnd the embank ment facing Mr. Waddell's Furnitu re Factory. Montreal, A very painful accident ha ppened on the 24th ult. to Jim lVIart in, a young boy who while playing with a horse-pistol put a. bullett through the palm of his right hand . I · KENNER & CO'S.VARIETY HALL -A T - PURSES Come and Secure Bargains. Mr. James Coanell, wh o but re ce nt ly returned home fro m service on the North West Mounted Police, has purchased from Mr. Robert ]'e rgtis o n the south west portion of lot 33 in the 4 con., con· te.ining 50 acres. o·F WoRK.-"For t wo years I was not able to work, being troubled with dyspepeia. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters relieved me ; three bottles cured me as well as ever." JOIIN A. RAPPE LL. of Farmersville, Leeds Co. , Ont. is maki ng a stir RICHARD WORTH Ill . Hardware. A Goon TEsT.-What everyone says mus t be true, or have some foundation at least, and everyone who has tried it says I beg to inform tbe people of Wesb Durham that I have bought out that Hagyar d's Pectoral Baldow i s a. the Hardware business, formerly carried on by R. S. Manning, ad prompt and reliabl e cu1e for 1he va r ious throat and lung 1ruullles caus t'd by colds, with large additions to the stock am prepared to supply all lines of which are always prn\'ulent at this season Hardware at the lowest living prices. of the year . Wym Andrus is this veu wi'h the Portland (Me) base bRll team. The other day they gave the Manchestera a terrible . drubb i ng , the score standin g 33 to 6. The Portland Expre ss say s :- " Th.a fea tures of the game was t he batting of the home team. In this r espec t Andrus and Thayer led, Traak's catch of a foul at third, 'l'hnyer's catching and Andrus' Recond base play was brilliant." stock comprises BUILDERS HARDWARE -Locks, Knobbs and Butt Hinges. NAILS-Cut, Finishing, Casing, Wire and Patent Prepared Brads.WIRE FENCING-Barb, Buckthorn a dRibbon. Paints and Painters' Supplies generally. Stoves and Tinware a Specialty. Peterboro they painted the town r ed in short order. full of bad whiky, brought by them from during the summer months in order that the city, then they bl ocke a the streets, the tired clerks may have a l it tle chance com,pletely prev·3nt,i11g the police interfer for recreation. The move is in the right ing, and lastly went in for a general fight. In the abscnca of Mr. O'Brien, they were [Mr. "Kink" might easily have named or 25 ot,her Bowmanvillians who are contributing to the su cces s of to have the different places of business the metropolis of Canada.-ED.. l cl0sc up at an early hour of tho evening \Ve understand an effort is being made abvut 20 ENNISKJLf,EN. forced to beh·bor one r.nother, or else some inoffen6ive cibizen of thf> town, who hap pemd to foll int.o their clutches. and returned wfll pleased with their day's innocent amusement. The beautiful town a was no doubt tlrny had a. d e1 ic ious time There of Peterboro' will in v ·1 probability retain very high rci.,rnct for their city visitors and gbdly welcome t1iem back at any · suggest, however, that the next time To future day when thoy can make it conve \Ve w0uld merely nient to cal l ago.in. ronto send3 out an excursion party into he country, she had better send along with them the Quoen's O wn Regiment of or a sufficient force of police, in order to see that they keep the peace, as in most gallant voluuteera fully equi p ped , to the frivolities of city folks, and are Th e therefore put to r1 disadvantage. civilization of most rural districts has only country townn the people are of necessity som ewh t groon a1d not accustomed to l'S.:tched the point where i t is thought proper fot· people to c o nd u ct themselves in an orderly and respectable ma nner when they go a-visiting, and is therefore a long way bet.ind Toronto. The worst feature, howtlver, in the whole affair is that thefc beautiful specimens of humani only most loyal and law-abiding, but a ty belong to an not order professing to be also to bl great bulwark of Protestant As to their loyalty, ism incur fair land. it was fully shown up, in their deliberate a ttempt to set asido v.11 law by endeavor ing to get liquor iu every Scott Act town through w h ich they passed-some of them Tbe first picnic party or tbe season left here for the far.famed Scugog on the 20th ult. ·rhc young people report a good time. It was direction, and we hope it wi ll succeed, noticed however that there was an uni:sual amount of stilfnern about the party for several and th:it not only will all the merch a nts days after the picnic, owing. no douht, to the riding such a distance in such elegant lumber merely agree to close at. a stated hour, wagons, minus Bprings, They spent about seven hours at the Jake and the time was spent but that they will really lock their doors, in boating, eating and au occasional flirtation. The toa at the Methodist church on tile 2!th and not put up the shutters, so as to ap WQB a success. although the weather was pear to confo r m to the agreement, while rather unfavorable. 'l'be repast was one to whiuh all did justice and as usual reflected at the same time the copp er -grabbi ng l!'reat credit on the ladies. At the a fter meet· speakers, Revs. A. Mac· merchant has still got the door unlocked, rng in the church the Laren and E. Barrasa, merit special commend· and is quite prepared to servo customers ationfor thcir very instruotive,interestingand patriotic jubilee addresses with which all for a full hour!after all honest business- wer"? delighted. '!'he ohairan, Uev.S.Salt?n· pres1dc<l over the meetrngw1th markecl ab1hty men have gone home. Such a man ought and with his witty and felicitous remarks to be boycotted by every customer who a.dd!Jd very materiully to tba.enjoymen of his '.rhe chotr _was m 11;ood trim and audience'. has any idea of right and wron. If a gave capital selections m such a way that they were deservedly applauded and encored. 'l'he man agrees to do a t hi ng let him stick to Enniskillen people are greatly indebted to the from town who promised Reverend gentleman . his agreement, and we don't think he will faithfully to bo present to give an addrosa, but who did not appear nor even send an apology, be likely to l eav e this world any the Perhaps he as afraid th damp weal.her . poorer, and 1£ he does, he w ill meet his would effect hrn voice: He might at least have sent a telegram that he was not to be expected reward in the next. to keep his engagement. A second tea was Gross re· held on l!'rida.y evening 27th ult. ceipts of a!l the anniversary services over $70. 'l'he Ladies' Aid Society realized altogether MERCHA1'1TS need rest quite as much as nearly $ 70 out or their .Autograph Quilt. any other class of workers, an d they In connection with tho above society Mrs. Jh:n Martin and Mrs. Jo)m Stainton purpose should not therefore grudge the expendi g1vmg a garden soc.al this month. On the afternoon oc the Queen's Birthday ture of a few weeks !luring the calm pre two practice games or foot·l>all were played ceeding the activi ty of the !fall trade, in between the 1st and 2nd elevens of tlle Burke· ton Bines and the Dragoons and Schovl teams recuperati ng their energies, cultivating of this place. Both games resulted in favor of our vil!age. desirable business acquaintances and ob · On Satm .day, 28th ult.· the suhoo l toot-b all team, of Enfield, played a match game, with serving the p rog res s and· changes of trade the school team here which resulted in favor -' l goals to nothing. '.l'he Entleld in their department, especially when such of Enfield team not only played well together but they expenditure is attended with direct pecu were n much hea.vior team than our.. Among the visltore. la.tely are Mr. s. Jeffery, niary profi . vVe con te nd that no dcafor Toronto; Miss and Mr. Hall, Mr. 0. McLellan, can do justice to his business t.reading nev. N. Hill, wife and son, Oshawa; Mr. Reymore, Pickering; Mr. Stewart, Haldmand, . . the same daily b.,at year m and ye ar out, 'and a great many others. · Rev. Mr. Carmichael, or Colnmbus,ttlled the and VI ·llat b et ter opportunity could be c l e- pnlpit ot U1e Presbyterian church here on His rr a brief vacation than that 8abbth l st with great accept_anco. sired for taki n"' practical discourse was very edify mg. After a lingering illness or some years Misa p r e sente d at this season for v isitin g the Sa.rah 8ylvescer fell asleep in the arms of her English markets ? True, tra.vellini.: and beloved Saviour on the 27th ult. 'l'be deceased · · · w as a devoted and exemplary Christian and · bnymg goodsis not mere Pay, l but it i s was greatly beloved and respected by al! who out of the regular routine of l abor , and knew her. 'l'be funeral to the Bowmanville cemetery en Tuesday was largely attended. consequently, though possibly weari- The services were conducted by the nev. s. Salton. A number of the members and fri ends Bowmanville, April ot St. Saviour's church, Orono, met at the resici'ence of Mr. John Cuttle on Tuesday evening week and presented Miss J. Cuttle, organist, with an address and a purso containing a nice snm of money. The add res s was read by Mr. Geo. McL e a n, and signed on behalf of the congregation by Mr. D. Hall. '.l'he presentation was made by Miss Emma Chapple . Ha:PPEN.-Sndden at tack s of colds, sore throat. croup, bwollen glands, rheum!l.tism, n e ur al gia and sudden troubles, are very liable during the winter and early apring. As a prompt remedy there can not h ing excel Yellow Oil. "l n e ver feel safe to be without it." says Mas. HENRY D o Bns, of Berridale, Ont. LIABLE TO AN 0l'EN LETl'ER.-Messrs. T. Mil Ordered Work promptly attended to at lowE>st burn & Co.,-I wish I had used B. B. B. possible prices. sooner, which would have sa.ved me years of sufl:ering with erysipelas, from 'vhich Without further ennumeration I may add that everything kept in I could get no relie f until I t ri e d B.B.B. Give me a call whic soon cleared away the itching, leading Hardware Stores will be found in my shop. burmng rash that had so lo n g distressed and inspect my goods and prices. me. Mns. EDWARD l{OMKEY, Eastern R. WORTH. Passage, Halifax, N. S. 12th, 1887. Grand Spring Opening --OF-- , - Murdoch Brothers' N"'E'VV'" CE:IN'"..A. :E-I.A.LL'.J where are to be seen , A very interesting and exciting match game of base ball was played in Or ono ip per a on the 24th of May, be t ween the Cl" _ . of Bowman ville, and the Jubilces of Quite a large Orono (Jun ior t e am) . ' ich was crowd 1utnessed t h e gam e wh' very interesting. The Bowmanville boys o their success chiefly to their spl1mdid . \ ow battery, '1lcox at1d Mm gea ud , who, for · the youn" players , are certainly rat tlers ' · f avor of Bowmanv1 "11 e. Ecore stood 16 -6" in _ In the aft.ernoon a soc1al was held at "Centre View" th e residence of Mr. I saac . . . Jewell, the ram which fe ll m the after noon int erfered somewhat with its suc· 1 was cess, 1iowever a very successf u1 soc1"' h eld, and a good crowd waa pres ent . l · · . 0 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, 20 "White Bed Room Sets. SEVERAL GAS SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. r - . So!llll'l'lllNG FOR ALL 'l'HE l'ltEACilERS.SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Rev. H. H. Fairall, D. D., editor of the · tlle · 1J y, in ist , says ed"t l vna Iowa Meth oci· . November (1883) number of his paper: " W e lave tes ted the merits of Ely's ieve that by a t ]10r· Cream D alm and bel' Ims1·e('tion Solicited. ough course of treatment, it will cu re al . · e v Mmisters catarrh of t case mo e ry ' Victoria Duilcling;s. 1'1URDOCH . · . as a case are afil 1c ted with head and throat troubles and catarrh seems more prevalent than ever. We can not recom· mend Elv's Cream Balm t o o highlv." II · . · · FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN. BROS. COERCION Is not necessary to make sensible people buy where they can get the best value. It is well known that the · BOWMANVILLE ., lingering over the bar so long that they got left behind. Their love of Protestant· ism and the Biblo was ing in its ultimate i n fiuen ces.-E x. some in itself, is refreshing a nd invigorat- COURTIOE. Mr. J. Reed1 of Brooklin, is the assist· ant cheese mv.kcr here this aeaaon. like w i se exempli· fied by their totl disregard of all its teachings, shown forth by their cursing stage in the long contest for Borne Rule for Ireland has evidently come. party, or the one conscious of THE London Advertiser says, 'rhe fi nal In ac a Boot &Shoe EJY-CFORIU-JM: ABLE GOODS. The quality of an article is the test of cheap ness. We shall never inisrepresent an article. IS THE PLACE FOH CHEAP AND RELI and fighting ono another for hours to gether. God l1elp the count1·y when Protestantism has to depend for any of cordance with the rule that it is the losing cause, who loses temper or resorts to arbi trary or underhand measures, the advan . weak its support or, such creatures. It is but justice to say that there wMe some among the party who conduded theLX1selves i n a tage is now decidedly with the Irihmen. our readers to proper manner, as we don't wish our ing are the last arguments of a despairing Coercion, forgery, hoodlumism and ston· Mr. Thom a Veale has moved into the house lately vacated by Mrs . Haiicock. A game of base ball waa p lay ed here on the 25th ult, by the second nine of the Stars a nd a. team from Bowmanville, res ulting in a victory for the home team by a score of 20 to 12. On Saturday last the S tars visited Bowman ville and defeated one of the town clubs by a score ' of 21to11 . TRIM. SOLINA. run away with the idea that every one of tho par t y was intoxi ca.. Wheezing, gasping sufferers from Asth ma receive qmck :md permanontrelief by usi ng Southern Asthma Cure. Sold by druggists or ty mail on receipt of price,:f: The 'Red Wagon' has been on the road mob law in Belfast, Toronto, Kingston for the past two weeks, attend ing to the and H amil to n, afford pretty good evidence general wants of the public. Kirkpatrick is in charge of it himself and is bound to tliat the hour of victory draws near. · , . a· e I· m a give bargams to eeiyone. :riv ll . , chance the first time he 1s around, and AS SWEET AS UONE'Ji Js Dr. Lon's )·Icns a111. lVorm Syrup, yet sure to dltroy and ee e for youi·self tliat you can do just as · h h" . 11 mt ClXllCl WOl'lJll!.o we im as anywhere. · · struggle. IPorged documents in E ng land and Rome, arbitrary rule in Ireland, and Absolutely Pure. We have a large range of Boots, Shoes; Slip pers, Trunks, and Valises to select from. New- Gocids carefully and as cheaply bought as prompt cash will procure. Before buying do not fail to call on I purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds; and oon not be sold in competi .tion with the multitnde of low test, short wight, alum or phosphate PQWders: Sold onl.rm cans. ROYAL B.AK· T hi s powder never varies. A nrnrvei o! J. HELLYAR, BOWMANVILLE. ING POWDEit C0.. 106 Wall St. . N. Y · ·