. (!!; "' YOUNG AND MIDDL E-ACED hi:;i: rr:: d0 1:k .eer Rich Young Women. ; I hve t at twelve !';h:at a twenty-eight all told. u carronade .th ere, w o · oi1en p"ounder As to rich young wome1;, there are n m er .r -"' -"' '"'-"" · !! a in broken large bottles, lass the the laid ? · ; plenty of ammumt10n kets ous good catches in the United States. ' and cutlasses VE TERINARY SURGEON, · t s er for the car heap ready for a certain use described 1ater Miss Elizabeth Garrett, the sister of the grape, round ·S I10t· ancl cam -""he men were then ordered to put on on. IN THE CHINA SEA. · a n d a revolver each for myself an.I aonade President of the Baltimore and Ohio rai:road WEDNESD AY, JUNE l, 1887. · two offic ers. You see,. my owners fittc,I their long sea-boots. is said to be worth between $15,000, 000 and ' OO By this time the pirates . h ad not been 1 Twenty years 'l.go, piracy was more com· our magazine for the Chma Sea. " · h t and $·<. O , O , 000, and s 1 · bo" e 1s ' h brig every ves d t t " idle, and were p e rc e i v e commg ou ' 0 us in {)hina seas than now, and 1aon . " And I have a short E nfield and tw 'OJf . i ' !ODARD lll EDICAL WORK . .t bus ness-like The three daughters of sel leaving Rong- kong with opium as a part hundred rottnds and a Lefaucheux revo1 vor WI th three lorchas, using their long sweeps ' Francis A . Drexel, of Philadelphia, are · t· th,El with same amount of ammum 1mated of her cargo-a fact duly .m _ to . ·t· 10n ; - a m1 - ·1110na1re - and or oarn' and yelling so loudly we could hear worth $4, 000, 000, an d there 1s pirates on the coat, previous to t h e slup s three hund1·ed hard Mexican do11 a.rs m my the1n though half a m il e off at least. Their · name d M au d S t. .i: n ierre Only $1 B y Mull, Postpuicl . sailing, by their agents at that port-ran .a cash-box which latter I intend to take to next move was to let drive three shots at us. girl iu Te1messee who recently pu rchased 34, 000 acre s of co11.l . A.J,L NO S by _p FREE from their broadside guns, evidently fired good chance of being boarded very friends in' e Tien tsi with me ,if messie nrs our llUli!TJtTIVE s..utrLE lands, and who has enough business ability rates within forty - eight hours of leavmg the lo i w -titils don' t get the better of us. If with very bad powder, as they foll very to manage her own fortune and a husband harbor. . In the ease of such an attack, if we ca ; carry a good working breeze up to short and were badly aimed . as well. One of the riche st young ladies in The crew of the Etinne were ranged along the chests were handed over to the pirates, and throuah Mirs Bay, I think uone of Washington is Miss J ennie Riggs, whose or they were allowed to help themselves to their craft " pirthe which to bulwarks, that port the ; you are· fast enough to overha.nl father, G eorge W. R . · iggs, was a p ii.rt n er of them unresisted, they would gene rally de - but if we aet bec almed, which I am Job's- ates were approaching, and instructed to '.V . n · W. Corcoran ; a d there is a Miss Ber part peaceably, or with p erh aps merely a comforter nough to say is very probable at divide themselves, and half to man the starnice M o r r i s o n in 8t. Louis, who, several playful attempt to set the ship on fire. :But this time of year, we almll very likely re- board sid e o,t word of command. years ago, was down_ on he t:i-x list as being in the e vent of any endeavor on the part of ceive an uninvited vibit of an unplea s an t and As the pirates approached, they fi red wm·th. $964. !J90. Miss Cloth1lde Pal 1s, tle d the poor captain to deiend his ship an ca.i-- somewhat ex c itin g character. t i s th I Honorary Graduate of the Ontario eterin ary e again with better luck, as a twelve-pou n der D etroit beauty whom Senator Jones m vam . .I A. Great Medical lVOl'k On Manhoo·l. , College, To-ronto. Registered member of th e go, in most cases sanguinary scenes were stinkpots, as they . are called, · wh1 h are the shot struck the mainmast about twelve feet , ? Physical and . Neryou_s tried to woo, is said to Vitality, be worth $2,500,000, . Ontario Veterinary Ass ociation , in accordance Exhausted enacted, and whole crews massacred, and wor8t feature of p 1ratw al attacks. trom the deck, but only slightly wound ed it, an d there is no w hardly a city' in the United i wfth tho Veterinary .A.ct, DebH1ty. Premature Decl me. m )\ian . Errra " ps sct1ttled 01· burnt. St1 'nkpots " ere round e<1rthenwai e ots the shot d1 of Y ou th , and th e untold miseries resultmg sh1 " ve1·ging, passing over to lee " h has n " a !1cireas or two ' Is vrepared to treat all diseases 0f the 0ri om· _ ward. ·S tates Wh JC t ' n Some five-and-twenty years ago, the with a l id filled with a sort of Greek-fire, When aL about from indiscretion ot exceilsea. .A. boook fOL estio Animals, according to the latest the es. . ds di stant , whose fortnue runs high mto hurnlred a yar t the hundreds ed and Al l cal lH pe rsona l l y , by Tel egraph or fele every man, young, middle-ag l d. I writer who had previously been chief-officer which slu:1g with small cords or lanyards, we fired our carronade with grape it the con tains 125 prescriptions for 8:11 acte and Miss Benson, of Pl1iladelphfa, phone wilhcr.eive p r om pt attention, of thousands. . of an pium-receiving ship at Hong -k o n g , th e pirnte s rnirry at the masthead s of their . S fore mos t pirate ; and th e effect was to mak e inh erited $1 500 000 from her fath.er who ohronio di eae es, each. one of which is mv!tln"· U-OF"FJCE-Mam t. , Orono, one door north ot ble. So found by Aulhor. whose experience had subsequently j oined th e J!. 18I1 goven - 1 craft. When longside the vesse1 they are the splinters fly from th e 1r , ,, ngr ' al:d W. Henry 's ::ltore. · b u1 wark s, and was a well-k ' own } h 1 ladelph . n a e 1 b k , for 25 years is such as probabl y never before ment service as chief wi . t rde of the con v_wt attacting, they throw them o!1 to the deck ; make very apparent gaps m CHARGES MODERATE, the crowd of Miss Helen Erben, another Pl uludelph1a girl tell to the lot of any phyaician .. 300 pages , prison on the island, and m th at caac1ty the pots break, and a suffocat.mg sulphuous Chinamen who literally t hronged the decks. the daughter of a wealthy. wool factor, is bovnd in beautiful French muslm, embus;ed had seen a good deal of the seamy s1e of li <] uid aud vapour break forth, bu.rn ug mto As they approached nearer, one of her con r o t $ k' o d i the Chinese character ; the comparatively the flesh if tou ch ing it, and su{locatmg all sorts pulled out from unde her e n so as also w r h 1 , 000, 000 . w r st r , Miss E rben is a fine horsewoman. She country for $2.50, or e nion e y will be re.fun d ed lenient punishments of Ji'anq-ui (barbarian or near it. After demornlising the crew of to cross our bows and ·board ns simultan- dries a spanking pair of bay horses and In every instancci. Price ouly $1 by mail, post- European) crimi_nal law _ , a in force in a the v essel attacked by this coutrivance, eously Fon both sides. Being now within of ten a tande m . The Drex el girls are a!so Illustratives ·amnle free to any body. baid Send now. Gol medal a rn e ?- the author by British colony, a:ttractmg th e so.n m o f the they board with spears . and h ort swords, mu s ket-range, th e crew were ord crec a l t ·o fond of horses and th is is, in fact, th er d N · r on1 y . the ationa l Med ical Assoclatrnn t? the P re- Chinese population of t he mamland of and endeavour to complete theu work. commence tiring, which they did with good dissip ation. E ac h of th ese three four- mil s1dcnt of which. the H on. P. A. B 1s ell. an.d Kwangtung, making the isla1;1d of ong· B l i i five usu o'clock, the me t y was this t f E ; ble consider nfield ef ect my short doing a associate offl cera of tlte B oard the reade r 18 lionairesses has an Arabian steed . which kong a perf ect Al.satia for Chmesc t1ees, hour for the crew's supper ; r , nd. th e ? aptam execution in picking off men who were at goes like the wind. They ride out respectfully refferred. from · na1 · The S cience of Li fe is wor th more to h a pirates, and crum n, s o f every descn pt1 on, took the opportum ·ty of . mustenng h IS me n 1 I The fi e t 1 rs ore 1 1a. th ·11 er steermg the o g t 1 ade1p h" . their country seat near ..i: 1a as ·oh"l y oung an d middle-a.ged men f his enera t 0n who found the diet aucl treatment of an and acquaintina them with th11 fact of its fi ..;ha the alongside, being n o rst w lor close shnn all the gold mines of Cahforma and the English convict prison a heavenly cmtrast being very probu,ble that having opium on cauonac e was £reel slap into her bows, the early as 6 o'clock in the morning, i;i,nd they !'REEM.A.N'S sil ver mines of Nevada cornbmed.-S. F. go galloping around the country until their l w the drastic and Dracouic remedies ap· bo ard the s hip might be attacked on her broken glass was 2trcwed over the Etienne's chee ks are like roses. They are said to be O!jrh:f5'ince of Life points out the rocks and plied by the Chinese mandarin:i to the dis· v W O R M P OWDER S oyag , and asking the m if they i1;1te nded decks, u,nd " All hands al oft 1" w as the 01·de r as well posted on horses as veterinary sur quicksands on whi ch the con stituti on and J?.opes case of criminality , the number and natre standing by him and his offi cers m such · given. The deck was therefore left vac ant ; geons and they so meti mes, it is said, rub ot many a youn man . have been taitally . of their punishments exhausting human ID· Tim men, through their spok esm an and the pira tes perceivin g we wre i;ll aloft, Are Jlle&eo.nt to take. Conto.in thoho o'll't; down thei r horses th e m sel ves after they wi!i1-;;-;'{:hLi.fI r;;;,,r value than genuity fo1- refinement aud excess of torture, case. i'urgo.tlve. Ia a. ·afe, su:ro, and ellcctaal . the boatswain, said they of course :would, ran alongside without using their stmkpots, e in from a long drive. com tr h d s h all the m edic al works publis e m t co.un y even for trivial offences . and would like to have a brush with the thinking they hitd an easy prey. ileatro:rer ot ..-or.DUI ill ChiJ_dr_::i_ for the past O yeara.-Atlanta Constitution. Among the prisoners in th e_ Hong-kong pirates ; but as regards those of the crew Now The Scfonce of Life ia a superb and msterly the scheme of the broken bottles a e E 1 h bl · ·1 ' tI erc wa s an ,ng is a - w_h o were m arne t J al i e m were - ' I · cl "f any of ti treatise on nervous and physical debility._- convic A Question of Legs, man named Kelly, who had heen convcted killed, they hoped the owner woud remem - pro v ed its utility. The Chinamen jumped Detroit l<ree Press. from their vessel's bulwarks on to the 'fhe:re '1-ii'ho m em ber of society to whom th e of mutiny . and murdr of , he capta;m ou i: the n This w11.s families wives d a , ber the ou h . If nnd dogs, with sixteen legs, can r . . r f Etienne's, and in their fury "and excitment, Scie nce cf Life will. no be ueul, whether board au English ship. Ihe captam, 1 t only th.mg they had to ask . )onth , pare n t ; g1iard1ru1, mstruc or or clergy- ii ·rJ b rok en glass with their bare cat ch twenty - nine rabbits, with eighty - seven the clean to 011 . enc loyal e of p of the e a the red, evid from ' The captain having fully satisfied the m man .-A··gonaut· legs, in forty-four minutes, how many legs · feet to stagaer about with howls of anguish. · or the crew, was great tyre.nt'. and bu11" Intitute, _1ed aud Address the Peabodv Med10al ' "' - pomt, I call ed my &arnpan and wen t !. · must the sa me rabbits have to get away The man in command of the lorcha had , fact bemg con on this Dr. 1,Y . H. Parker, No. <! Bulfinch Street,Boston half - starved hrn men ; and tms - . ashore. eight hound dogs, with · thirty-two co Mass.,_who been drivin g his men by voice and hand- from ng e his tenuat cri h a t e e r e d as si s o me kfY ! rt e d w x i m Stepping from th e boat on landin g, I met the latt er w ith a pe ar in it- to bo ard us, legs, in seventeen minutes and a half ? _not commit· the having been Kelly skill actually tl.e t:!t have bafl_led ANSWJ>.Jt. Mr. }>'arquar, the governor of the prison, I as they seemed to hold back, after so many ot 1111 otper physicia s a specw.lty. S ue ter of the: cnme, but accessory bef?re the superior there. " Here's of them had gone down under o ur musket· treated succesfully without a mstancll fact, he keeping watch at the cabm door and my immediate d ;,.t-;.';f;fi lc';;,1f1:1 fi;:_·, m " Kelly fire · and he now headed a party who were Mention STA'l' SMAN, a case M -- " said t h e governor ow a; . ' while E Then give them a stnrt of a mile and a quai·tcr, his . com1 ade ?rcw a har:poo through 1 : lymg sleep m his b nk - has esaped f;om the chain-gan g in Wynd - e vidntly bent upon co m ing 1;lP the r if!ging And I'll bet you my bat, ii yot1 think that I the captam while u ?. I ham Road' wrenched the mnsket from the and overpowering our par·y m the mizzen"oughtcr," K e11Y h 1ms eIf ' , when the rope · ted . w as res p1 . 1 d" · - ev1· That in seventeen minutes-add a hal f-if you isabl e d top . by numbers, the same stratagem an u sepoy guard's hands, shot lum, was rouncl his neck and he was on the saf plcaseW I L L C U R E OR R ELIEVE.. the warder with a heavy blow from _the ?u.tt, dently te:ldng place at the . fore and main. A school girl will give you the answer with cnse. fol ' the ext_reme sentence o t e .la _hem mn cff, and is s?-pposc to be m h1dmg s the pu-ates car 1e crow.dmg up the m t · ·-------- -- · DIZZIN ESS", BILIOUSNESS, · earned out m the c_ase of his .,mltie1 . com I lmes they were picked oil by revol · er and somewhere on the island. DROPSY DYSPEPSIA, can Ji vo at h ome and mnk more rade . Kelly 's pumsh VETERINARY SURGEON. 1cnt was . rem1tte, ' ' He speaks Chinese so well, and is s tc!1 mu k t, a over-ripe fell o a like fruit nd e s fr m FLUTIE R ING I N DIG ESTION, mi:iney at '."ork_fr us, than at l!-DY threfore, to penal servitude for_ l1fe , imd . m , a clever fellow, " I replied, " that Ishouloi:: L tree ; but, to my dismay, we w ere now at thmg m 1 hs world "".° ;11 p 1 a l ele t . · OF THE HEART1 J A U N DICE this way he came u_nder the. wnter s .no t1e o neede e e be at all surprisecl if he isn't somewhere m ta.eked by another crowd co mi ng up the , . 11 r n 1:'i' ACIDITY OF ERYSIPELA S, as one of the :English convicts of Victona T n c : j; ·w 1:. ge . aipingsh an " (a low quarter of the to wn), starb oard rigging from the second l orch a. r:i.'::'e · :i·nf s u n s THE STO M ACH, e C os l y S A LT RHEUM, Jail, _Ro11g-kong. . g s re from fi1·st start. " among some of his Chinese friend, ld '.!'hey seemed simply insensible to fear, and outfit anq . free. Better not d elay . Coats H EARTBU RN, ter ms DRYNESS Tlns fearful exper10nce seemed to have . 'lf m- a's one after another was shot down two or y ou nothmg to send ..us y ou r £!ddresa an d find <ruised as a C hinaman ' convicts' dis" tamed d own ' K · to a very quic ·t· willing ' . e11Y m OF THE SKI N, HEA DACliE. . · out - it yon are wise you will do so at ouco, ti1e more wo uld take · p1: one of deed, he isn ' t already awa.y m · his i.ce. an . cl useul prisoner, an e was ac01 dmgly H. B: .u . .J,E'J"J' & o.. Portland, Maine. g in s o:f Clisease ari pecies s C hinese pasen ger boats o lan somewhere every .And Jn i sp te of all on r efforts to p1·e vent the1_n , _, well tieatell by the pnson staff,_ aucl was , S from disordered LIVER, KIDNEY among the islands and J01Il a prate ELS OR BLOOD. th e l eader with two more got into the mi z · BOW CH, STOMA placed , under n <1rmed guard, m a mall 1 I expect we ah;i,ll hear something more of 1 zen -top, and a hand-to-hand fight-cutlass WiJ:Y of authon?y over a gang of Chnse · ll!lr. Kelly's exploits before long. He has T, MILBURN & CO., 1 versus C hina sword-took place. V, ith my pnsouer , workmg o the roads, 1.ece1v mg been a naval -reserve n. an, a11d can handle revolver in my left and cutlass in the ri.'rht the privilege of smokmg tobacco, and earn· big guns and is likely to pro ve useful to , h d I parried a crit at my head from the ing a fair numbr .of good - condwt marlf:s some M a'c ao pirate firm . " . . towards the rem1ss10 of .a portion of is " I wish Macao was blown out of the I p r t leader, when, suddenly starting back, 1 s t h · t the grasp of his left hand on the ria. l fe-sentence. .By his ?a1ly contact with water, " said M.r. Farquhar. " It is a de!1 i n ·"'seemed almost gone, and he was in C?-mese, and b"..mg a qmc felow, he soon of pirates and men-stealers, e:ncl cots t1s an er of falling backward, he exclaimed in }ltcked up the Cantonese dialect, and pr oved . government thousands yearly m dealmgw1th useful to he warders a a mterp .eer. the criminals it manufactures nd encourages good English : " Good heavens; is it you, . CoJei:i;e . Mr. M--?" These particulars of Kelly s lustory a 1 e 111· (lraduate of the Ontario Veterinary . Well ! so you have got a ship," contmucd Vetermary po:tant, as we shall meet him At a flash I recognized him ; it was Kelly Registered m ember of the Ontario fur.ther o in he, when I had mentioned my having .se- I Medical .A.saoeiatlon. , in Chinese dress. this true 1iarrative of events, takmtr an 1m· . cured 1 . pass age " I wish you luck and re- I can gOffiC<l and R eeidenoe, Newtonville, Ont. portant part in its principal scene. · l · "f I can, ,, h 1 e, sir, _" I w1l save Y<;>ur rf .e coveri of your health. Keep clear o f the Qrono ev ery Tuesday and;Saturday Will Iavin!f been ailing_ fo r some time, the pitongs [ p irat e s -I l f1.lfl gaspm 1 apparently o nde , bemg n S if you can, and get b11.ck t, ,, Olll.ce honra from 10 a. m., to 4 p. m., . at duties of my post berng very arduous, I , but the men m us ave e th throat , coultere' Rote!, Calls by '1'".legraph receive procured three months' leave, which I pro- saf ." · · opmm an cl a sses with employment at home. the immediate attention, ays afterwards the Etienne was few d· · . · a tr1p to th e nor ·th of l pose d to spen d m · d own th e w hole of the tilll_e, or for their p ai::e m om en ts. a S tan d bacIt . 1 SJ " N< ' - ver t , un · n CHARGES MODER.A.TE. · x ehests of I oad ed and ready for sea, w1th si . Pe1·sons Business new, hght and vrofitab e . China 1 . the end 1v 'ro , I was therefore I B as true iis death, I ,11 s 10ot I J sea· · · · the afte r-ca b" ()narcs oprn m 1n 1n ; some backstay, or, , of e ith er sex easily earn from. 50 c e ts to $5 per looking out for a vessel to procure a pas· d· · evening. and a proportion al su m by devoting I crale of fowls and du cks , sundry potted . you, J!:. . e 11:1'. ,· , I rie . a sage to one of the northern treaty ports, and Calhng m Chmese to his men, he . rng al I their time to tbe b usi ess . lloys and g11·J3 meats and three casks of E ng li sh bottled j J strolling clown tc Q u ee11'.s Road , I ?ame · like earn nearly as mu?h as men. That all wh o a o he topmas i;acksta:i: , and sli t O? l d f boar ou y r sent e u v and ly ;' thought beer may send theu· o d d rnss, and test the bUSI across the slwol or cashier of a Ch m ese _ to the deck, and disappeared d own · · .. o w ffi f or 111Y an.d tlrn . captai_n ,s beneli t· 1 ' hghtmng bY Ak ne·s, we make this offer. To such as are n ot· e m erch ant on the friend of mine.· 'a laro l V\i it ha me 1eadrng wm t h e cabi n i:iky light, evidently to search for well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay '" . , t d , w a111 l roya l . 1 Newspap el" Advert i s i n g Bureau, Pumps Cheaper and Better Pmya or seafront, whom I h 1 d been able to · for tlrn trouble o! w iting. ]j'ull particula.rs r tll pl ain sail set as the Etienne p assed G reen th _ St., New York. e o-prim. one o.f th e gunb oat· S woi;i Id 1 0 Snruce . come and o utfit free. Address GEonGE S'.Fll-SON &. · do several kinduesses to, iu the shape of tha,n ever . J shn <l on her 'nor thward voyiige' Cap tai n ' " I w1s!:r ..,..,..,11 Co. Portland , Maine. · Octs. lol' O(l... 1".,.ae P"muntet. _ chartering suitable vessel· for conveyance of · :,,I 'r m a.a n tai d , we · d g1 e fn1 1Y up !" I s ai hurriedly to the Cap ·u lJb' rn , r 1 ng h" is. h · i nd8'- sai p&1·1@WMltti!211\ii2ZM**dNWifiAiV&MIS!M' e r hi .,, oood s to the north , ln return being a I r . were loading and firing our revolvers. " Thia -19!11F'5!tmmpmff£M h a to c The Subscriber having built a large nell I t w111 puzzle any 10rc. catc 11 to m e : , welcome guest to his house, and receiving 1 I l g , t a won t s ou . , ' her if she keops this wind.-· Heave the l og, \ Pum p Faoto:ry in Oro110 , Is prepared the present o man:i; val_nahle. Chinese and , . _ Mr. Schmidt " (to the chief-mate, wh o was l I h ad hrdly said this, when the s1md of JapaneHe curios. 'I npprng gmgerly along 1 s tancl in hy) " aud see what -to furnishshe is doin g. " 1 a heavy prnce of ordnance fired at 11 distance with his snow-white jacket, full pantaloons, I " Ni ;e an d a half sir " said the mate I came booming o v er the wate r ; and shortly han? som e silk-emboicc1·cd pai: er - soled J when th e gl a ss h ad rn ut and he stopp e d I after, the peculiar sound which a high-pr es· shoes, with a pa_lm-l ef fan m one hand, and . the l iue. " S he is in capital trim, just four : su;re steamer m akes when unde steam was With o r without Po rcelii.in Cylinder, c l a dand:i- English m l k u m brll a over. h is I farntly hen.rd, .and round the pornt of land in ches by the stern, and a li v e ly cargo. " t h e B est Material, o n the shortest notfor head ? he. sh1:0JJ, who was qmte ' Chmese " The breeze held steadily all that day, 1 astrn, teammg at _full spe ed1 ca me Her l eX(j_ll; S1te 111 hls way, gr ed m : Ay yah, n et n and at the !oweat prices. the night, and the forep'."i · t of 1 MaJ duri . _es: s gu1boat Ricc_oon, ':nth her men t1pmg (gentleman), I m - ch m you. My the g .. ' next ; but shor tly after m i d - day i at _qnat ters, and he1 si xty · e.1ght pound r Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplie. p1ecee master wantsheechlok --AND -see you too the wind gradu ally dropped, and at fi ve t tramed and maned . he pirates on tl us mu.che ; he wanthe one p1ece.e nunber. one . p.· m . , we were nearly becalmed, with scra1bled ba.ck .mto then. crnft, cu.st off. the six th usand p1?uls go Ti · tsm side ; , topmast and Lopgallant studding-sai a; WEI.LS CLEANirn & RER.AIRED . ship ls nd 1 lashmgs, and pu led vigorously for · the , . chop · ? hop.. (In English) , Oh, go?d· ! everything set that would . our draw, steahng shore. . As th e ],acwon came under mornmg, sir. My master would mnch like 1 alouir ibout a mile an hour I only, with the , stern m chase ot them, she fired h_er long t? see you ; he war;,ts to _cha ter a vessel of a dre ded Mfrs Ray on our beam , distant , gun a_t one ?f the lorchas, srnashmg her . _ us six thousand p1c l (a pwul is one hundred a bout a mile. I had a very powerful pair stern mto smithereens ; and her commander : : . :.=amine our stock. 1 a.r;d thi·ty-thre pottns) " c pacity to go to Is now opened, and we invite everybody to call &:c of m arin e glasses on bo ar d with me , and I hail e d us : " Manv of you killed or hurt ?" T O GIVE SATISFACTION . Tien-tam ; load unmed1ately. stood on the poop look ing at some suspicious 1 · I hailed back ' " No 1" " none seri. " .All . right, Cupid," I replied. (9upid 01aft drawn up on the beach, with some ously." Ordersby M ail promptly attended to. was a mckna '. m e _given the. dandy casluer b_y dark circular objects at their mastheads, V\ ill come back to you by ·and·by," re one of the E nglrnh . captams frequently 1s owin cr out clear nuder the bright evening plied he and steamed 011 after the lorchas. sh . master's hong or warhouse). " W w11l T skylim _ 'l'he Raccoon succeeded in captming the DOORS, . ASH, BLINDS, PICKE S, take a chair (palanqmn } , and see him at " They may be only trading crait, " I said whole of the remaining crews of the thr e e once." · MOULDINGS, &c. , kept on hand . . to the captain, " as they all carry gun s and j lorchas, and sending a party ashore, burnt . We engaged a amboo cha1r ; and I soon l stinkpots for their own protection again st , their huts. One lorcha was set fire to, the Otders fo 1· Stan1ping w i l l receive sta-ict a t ten tio n , a n d competed te bumess to Akow'.s (the m r- i pirates ; and if what is illeged is true, when I other two being towed to H o_ng - k on and chant s) satrnfact1on, by chartermg . for him trade is dull and freights low, they turn 1 condemned in the Vice - Admiralty Court. n all ne1vest patterns kept to choose f't·om. a Hamb urg barque caled the Etienne at a I '· , pirat es themselves on occ;asion, displaying a I . Kelly 's wound proved fatal to him, w:hen h e reaso_uable figure ;_ and m _ return , he arrang- , ·--· versatity and power of adaptation to circum- was on his trial for the sevcral crimes of . The Bazg,ar G l ove fitting Patterns for Ladies and Childrens wear for ed with he captam to give me a free pas- i stances peculia rly Chinese. " murder, prison-breaking, . and pira c_Y , he sage to Tien-tsm and back. . :N o waiting, no sending, I t Whilst had been conversing with the having been taken back to Hong-kong m the spi ing and summer styles, a complete stock. The Captain I found a h_earty, good- t om - I captain, the wind had fallen entirely, and l Raccpon. The captain received a handsome pe.red H,1mburer, lookmg a thorough but choose your pattern and take it home with you . the Etierme lay " like a painted ship on a I gold chronometer watch and chain from the . sailor, and prov11g it, and, as afterwards ' t " az lifting l y ed pain ocean, l i to a. slight I own ers of th e opium on board the Etienne, fo_und, a pncky fellow to boot In our t ussle Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. swell, her sails slatting against the mas ts, I rmd a substa.ntial present from the under· wth te pirates later on._ I went on board : - with the slow pitching of the vessel. To buy F o ot Gear for Men , 'VomEn, with him _to se n:1Y ber th and have a glass 1 , " By Jov !' I exclaimed , "_'ith m y glass . So me three _n10nth_s afterwards , the wrier . of grog with hun and the mate. Boys and Maidens, at levelled agam over the poop rail, and cln-ect- / re turne d to his d u ties at Hong-kong, with . " Did Akow tell you that he had six ed to the shore, where some vessels werti.l his healt h 1·e·established, an d a vivid recol· chests of opium for you . to take ?" I asked 1 lying, " there is no m istn.k e this ti mo ; we 12-tf. Bowmauville, March 22, 1886. ti on of his " Adventure in the China . the skipper, when we were seated unde r the , are in for it. That blaek patch you see be lec .'f · - ! Sei.. " po?.p aw;in& refreshing ?urselves. , i t een the cnft and the l n 1;ts. up there c?n· l No, said the captam, who spoke E ng - , . s1sts of about a hundred Chmamen com mg ' L rd Lansdo wn e en Om C ommercial o hsh fluently ; " he d1d not. I sh all be s orry down to the bea?b . I _c;111 se what looks · _ Policy. Jf I have to take it. You reember ony lik e spe ars and gmgals m their hands, and last month the attack on the Fiery 01·oss !n . pa rties of two are carrying long s w " You c anno t afford to forget _that you eep s . 1 the Lyee Moon Pass, and the poor captam : They are goino- to sweep out to us , and we : have at your doors a great commumty, m ny y. Jl'.IrS. H_lJMPHREY, o Harness business lately carried on ' shot before his wife's eyes ?" f sh al l have all hree of those vessels after us. l tirnes outnumberi ng your _oy;n, possess1g Having purchaa0d the " Too well, I db , captain ; all( the _g u- They will attack us in thei r usua.l wtiy-o u 1 in abun danc e the bet :;tu·ht1es of th e Ent hope by ca re ful attention to b us ines s , good workmanship, an d firs class . We have m , · boats haven' t got 1Jhe lorcha yet that did 1t, bo th sides and with one ve s sel n eserv . \ ish race, expandrng material, to secure a s h are of p uhl ic patronage. pop t i e r 111 w e a_l t an l : la 1 either, w orse _ luck ; but . that lieutenant in I hope on; of the gunboats fo not b cy-: stock and are manufacturing a l arge amounb of m d 1 tion with phenomenal ra p1d1t ', m c nJ Q:l> " · I the Raccoon i s a_ sp lendid fellow, _and has . the h earing o f our carronade. You h ad 1 ment o! ai:: a:imial surplus- mless I am done a lot to thm them out. In fact, the bett er load it with a double chai·ge of pow- ! wrong-whth ts three or _four times as large & ii · Jews in the Q ueen's Ro11d have bee,n prctt,y ' det· !tnd a he avy wd and fire it . " I as the tta rn2omc of tlns contry, and alnear cleared out of wiitches the Jiaccoon .s j '.l_ ' hi s was accordmgly done and th e l oud I r e ady w1thm a measurable distance of th e . men have had so much head:morny to spend re port rang out over the stili w ate n:o ment v:hen i_t wi . ;ll hiwc . succeeded n c:r:i- 1 Collars a specialty . We. i11teIJd th at the reputation H u m phrey , A C o1l r. .a a h ave ga me d . ut, cap tain, " I continued, Our New Stock has arr i v e d , and com · ashor e . - --B " the 1 The captain , his mat es, and myself now t1rel.y obhtcratmg its pubhc debt, which . is es i art p e 1b s n o p s h re l s al be fully su8tamed. We are p rep ared to frms pri se s s o m e th i11 g neat nd p ret ty for 9.ustion is simply tis : if we a.re ate. ck d , l consulted together a plan of defence , w_h!l st already .smaller per head of the popnla t101 Collars on approbtion . We gu aan tee sat1sfact10n or no sale. _ Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men 1 1 s 1t to be fight , or give them the opm m ?, ! the men were gettmg up the ammmnt1on . tan_ ou1 own . In the _face. o the compt1We al iw keep m stock a full hue o f goods s ally found and Boys and Boots that R Boots for " Fight ! The insuran ce does not cover f o r the carronade and small - arms, bu ckling t1on _of such a commumty, it ts sca;cel.y im· in a first cfass harness shop, compnsmg risk by pirates, and I must do rny du ty to on thei r cu lass es , a every me:Uber of the household. t nd reload i ng the gun I possible to exaggerate the_ nece s1ty of .°' I ' m y owers a.nd cha ter er. , . f wi1; h g1·s.pe-sh o t. It was decidd th at the ise and watchfl commerc_tal pohc· on th '. i , __ . " It 1s always wise to know one s mrnd ; carronad e should be used direc tly the side of the front er-a policy specially d1 r TRUNKS ' VALISES d: s.&.1'()JO;I,S. JN' STO()JL and you seern to h ave a fine crew, ' ' I r e - vessels cam a within ran ge ; and that, when rccte'. l , to t c d1scouragerr;1 ent of uns?nd !l · ' ' . plied, glancing at the men rattling down the nearly a longside, all han ds sho ul d take to i and 1ll-cons1dcte enter.prises, to acquumg mg new. W e ha.ve alao in stock onr B u ll Eone Wh1ps-some t h" See . -Ordered ,.7ork and Repairing a lower rigging. . the fore , 1mdn, and 1 nizzen tops, told ofl in ! t th e commo cuties wich you prouce a l . said " I Captal have," " a ll Hermann, _ ellence, all d to specm . Ity, as usu ' " 1· d ivisi on s t o C£1ch top-t he scconcl mate at ' high i·eputatiou for their xc IJ U J first rnte crew. Many of them have b een the tor e, t he chief a.t the main , anrl th e ! securing .tor the firms w1ch produce thm Ii 1 111 n D. DAVIS . L ii 1'\fll ft . with me in different ships for years. Thcr:e ! captain and myseli in th e mizr. en, with the a n?t less higher ·eputtion fo commercial . n _ _ _ _ $ _ 8 a_ _ a d _ _ m a _ _ s y _ _ p _ _ _ l eighteen t_ e_ s_ y a _ _ o_ _ F _ d _ _ d . _ u of _ t · them R a·e E able _ seamen, E two ord 1- ! crew divided equally among the thre e tops . upnghtn.ess ad mtegnty, ,ua generally to ' kinda, Lines not unde1· the hor s e'a fe e t. Write 1 nary seamen, four stout apprentices, two j for Horses imd U at t l e , a aure cure for bruises, sprains, cuts, and sores of all 1 th en got up from th e after-hol d the husbandmg with the closest are an d pru · 17_300 Coll ar. Big the of n Shop-Sig BREWS'l'ER's . SAFETY REIN HOLDER mates · and a bmttswain and myself make t ooks ot bottled beer ijent on board by dcnce the resources of the n ation , " 1 hree c wo Oo,, ( foll, Mich. · · · I ' aasuawerv \t'tt \t' t \t'tt AMff -"'"' "' d. Jt t \t' ,-'r ..te s ·-··----h ·.-t --···l -w ·· e -·r ventu dA P 1 a _."" \t' tw · m 11 1 .iw .!l l!!!l!l ==: ::::= · = !!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!!!l!!!!T!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!! !!! !!!! !!! !!!! ! !!!! !!! !!!! !!! !!! !!! !!!!!!!! !!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!! !!!!!!!!!! !!! !!!!I J 0 H N s p EN c ER, u IN! -·· ·· mm. 'I j a fnr/gjtt:::te0 th · ' , .· : ;'3{ I 1 } onc!-oee; I t!! Jiaa:! n ':iio. I 1 I I I . ' I· j lorcha. 1 I I II _ y0 u { c t Proplg"N'J)O. l viai · _ 1· - I ! l ; Oron o Pump Factory. I I Worrn Classes Attention !Ai n n I this ADV ERT I SERS learn the exac t cost of any proposed line of · d vertis1n g ln A m en · ca p apers by dd ress1ng G eo p R owe11 & c o , , I PUM PS OF EVEJ?Y DESCRIPTIOfi · I <> T H E \lV E ST E N D ALL WORK GUARANTEED _ l_ LL IHE R Y m 1. B F En 1 ll1 us1 o 1 ----· it Pays ,4, 1' 1! I FANCY GO ODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped in latest tylese I I " 1 I I writers. M R S. W. M O RRIS ON. Popular No. 1 , Boot and Shoe C M p o R i§ u Mf j " ! l LI GHT A N D H EAVY I-I ARN E S S . l · BLANKETS . n08i:S, RUCS, HORS""t COVERSJ WH I PSJ BRUSHES, ETC. _$ 5 I E t'l LEI fi'J. N'S lU .JiOCAT ' O ROYA L E M B "'