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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1887, p. 6

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. iBo:n!l . ' L ..,,....-.- -- .S.o the day:s.passed on in that quiet spot, "It is impossible. He has a wife al· o further news coming to him till the morn- ready." Only tarrying for one mournful hour to mg of the fourth day. Then h e was sitting ac tlie door of his hut, watching the sunrise visit the cemetery where lay Carlo Visci's W. RUSE. G, li:"t'ER"I" FRIDAY MORNIN glowing on the distant hills, when Salvarini j quiet grave, Isodore and Maxwell made -BYapproached him, his face perturbed, and his their way, but not together, to England, as E AQ HER 0 F ORGAN, PIANO, whole mn.nner agitated. " You are in dan· fas t as steam could carry th em. VOICE aud 'THEORY. '.1'erma on avpll BY FRED. :M. 'W"HITE. "l\i, A. J AMEB, c a ti on a '. :'!!IG 20," gcr, " he whipered. · ".The or?ers 4\ave 2 ; 8 ly {'l'O 1lE CONTINUmD.) _. : AT THE OFEICll: come, and you proclaimed trB.Itor. 'The men are macJ. against you, and declare you . P11st Ollicc lllock, King Street, Rownmn· ' CHAP'l'.E R XVII. 1. bertY and perf ect freedom can on1Y be shall be brought DOUBLE SKIRTS. .. ville, Ontario. out for instant execution. al univers of e ed the upon doctrin Ah ! you have .only seen the best side of When Maxwell came to himself, it was {1, T E R 8 . bro ad da.y.Jight. l3y this time, Maxwell and the chief· had their character ; you have not seen them Dow S1nne 4Jamulian ])llmes II( Them to E· e was lying ?on a st raw I.Im per ,\nnnm, or $1 if paid in udv1tncc mattress m a sma. room, con tammg no furhungry for bfood." e11pc l' Uuty. .d f rom t}1 th ers. Tl 1 e. asi r rl 1e i a: wn a. l'ttl PaJ'ment strictly ln a.dva.nce required Crom niture beside the ru de bed · and as he look Jno. McMurtry & Co. "Do they want to murder me ?'"Maxwell Is there anybody t of an inquiring turn of h d k d artis oo e m 1s compamon s ace, !"n f l . county Ordf'.rs to . abllor1bere out·ide ot the ed up, he could see the rafters black with mind hereabouts who imagines that there note d the air of sorrow there. It was a fine, exclaimed. "Cannot you--" leoontlnue the paper mut be accompained by was T'lie Pace 1 d" 1 1' t and the smok e 0f ages. "I am powerless now," Salva.rini inter- people engaged in the systematic Ar e prepared to p ay ihe highest prioa manly countenance hau ·hty and handsome amount dne,or th paper wil no&bestopped. , ·an"<>rlbers arereeponeibleunti run payment is partly a. house, partly a hut. Gradually, ' were ' rupted. "I wi·u do wh·t ,· but I fe·r I n·u ,. ,, 1 o goods m . >Uu.a smuggr·mg o fl' · to 0anad a, and · th.mgh thc dar k eyes g somewhat sombre · : · as reco11 ectwn came back to hi m h e re'!lem!lade, all kinds of Grain delivered at the nothing can save you now." that the illicit txaffic has been going on for now. Maxwell, with his cosmopolitan inllight, the even of the ta previous bered . <::. " R.&TE8 OJ.I .&DVEBTISING: stinct was drawn towards this man who Do not be afraid," said a calm voice a long time? Better, however, give ordin· · . ::;"' .. wondering vaguely why he had been select1 Wharf or their Store Houao in to w n. ' . ' beh" " I shall save him!" . ' f 1 llld . Wb.ole Columnon e yea.r ········...·· $60 00· .. ...,::;; ary intelligence the benefit of the doubt at ha.d a l11story written on h1s brow "You !;: ed as a victtm or attack and w t at .brough t Half year ........ ···· 36 00 ' "Isodore !" the outset and inquire if there is anybody . suffered," he said gently: to have o, E ' ;; :: 0 0 One quarter ...... · ,... him here. By the clear sound of voices and ' · 0 0 "Yes, Paulo Lucci ; it is L" so dull as to imagine that a law which no· "Yes· "Suffered ?" the brigand echoed· "" H 1lf Column one year ············· . -- the rush of water he judged himself to be M axwell looked up, and saw the most body respects in his heart and which the ·· Englishman, · I ave sulfcred, and not mrc · " Ha.ltyear .............. 20 o o : . in the country. He had no consciousness of . 0 beautiful woman . he had ever seen in his life. proper officers try to enforce only as a from the Austrian yoke than the cruelties One quarter -- . .· .....· 12 5 f ear, so 1 ie rose , and thl'Owmg . open the OF CANADA. uater Colun..n one yee.r . . ··· ...... 20 0 0 : can There will be no For a moment he could only gaze in rapt matter of duty, is kept by those who of my own countrymen " " · Towering away " heM'Y door, H a.H year ........... 12 50 look ed out. · astonishment This · then, was the E mpress · nanythmg · · "le a s t·l ga " by break' ·t . If th ere IS any Capital paid up, $1,001>,000. Rest, $260,00, mg " I t b rue i er y ere w l h r t 1 1 etto remams m h . · 0 . . . quarter . . " · ·· One 8 o - ., above his head were the snow· -;apped"l'leaks . . , .· . _,,,_ o! tue League-he woman V1sc1 ha g. men i offeuce that is held not to be wrong unless . an Italian's belt." 50Ten llnee andunder,flrst insertion . $0 mg .r:d" f mountarns, and be1ow 1. This Bank le prepar1ld tu do Legftl.. t1oned, whose l.1ghtest word could free his: found out, that oftence must be smuggling. u m t he .H:aoh subsequent i n sertion . ... . . O 26 0 , sprea " I suppose not" Maxwell mused. "These · ' ' ood upon valley of the Camp agna. 0 75 · l!'romeixt o ten lines,ftrstinsertion forever· · a11 " e inc1 "dent mate Bank' 't s branch es. us .1s mg tn I Tl· · Soci·et1·es seem to .'me !l. g1a.nt· vv ou ic farce. "' Id feet and clear his . .bY. way of pref ace to a. Ji ttl . . eubeequellt insertion...... o 35wood W!l.S pileu up before him, all aglow Farmera notes discounted ; Deposits " You come m tuue, " S!l.l varini said that lB m its way rather a curiosi ty. that I ad remamed quetly a.t h?me, and -10 Over ten !ines,ftrst i n er tion per.J in e O 10 with bright sunlight, the green leaves let empies manage the1r ?wn affans ? ne day lately a lady enterd the la.dies' :eceived an d Interesi paid on amounts of 3 0 0: · . And with a.. low obeisance. ".An hour henc and Blach eub seque n t i neertion , whispering and trembling in the breeze. 1 toilet room ot one of our b!g dry goods I :81> upward;i in Savings Bank Department; our prisoner would have been no more. ' Salvarm1 '!'rued me too. . 'l'he number of lines to be reckoned by_ . The hut was built 011 a Ion rock lateau g . " Salvanm ! . What do you know of hnn " ! "I am always in time," Isodore replied, stores-it would not be neighborly to . say I tha apaoe occupied,.measur.ed by a scale oC ' appro . JI) R " .a L"(' S P pa.tL . ache d u, ' . · wmd}' mg by a narrow . ol:d Nonpareil· tl c h" ief x.c 1 a.imed· qmetIY· " I have come to deliver you from which-in a very peculiar state of mmd. . and ending in a steep pricipice of two 1?, Nohmg but what [saned and Collection made in .E11rope' 1s good and noble, c::=: a. great danger," she continued, turning to Not tha.t she was a.ta. loss what to do, for it ac hundred feet, and b ked up behind everythmg to make one proud to call him Maxwell. "Come; we must be in Rome at 1 was plain that she had been there before United and Cauada. ons. McLUIGHl.IN &.nEITU. by almost perpendicular rock, fri1:1-ged friend.-Do you know him too?" once, and away, or we may yet be too late. and was prepared to go ahead. She was and crowned by trees. In spite of his posiW · ·J.· 'TONES OFFICE:-Moams· BLOCK. BOWMANVILLE. "He is brother," the chief replied Hark ! Are the wolves clamouring for their accompanied by a large number of bundles, f Ag·u Dr·.J. W .McLAUGHf,IN. Dr. A.. BErrrr. Gr adu. tion, Maxwell drew a long breath o delight; quietly,-" ou look surprised to find that I prey already ? We shall see." of ordinary dry goods, and her movemostly the perfect beauty of the scene thrilled him, t lioen tiato of the Hoya l a relati ve of Ligi should p1rsue such a. j ments were such that th:y atracte some It was light Colle ge or Physicians ate of the T o.r n o anu appealed to his artistic soul and love now, . and from the plateau U 1 t .Ph si n I professio11 as mme. Yes, he is my brother: beyond came the hoarse e It was somethmg like th1 that y c a. . of the beautiful. i y lls and cries I remark. For some time e . gazed tt m al l s r S e the broher of an outlaw, upon whose 'for revene from the as an explanation of c. ' upon the panorama., perfectly obhv1ous to brigands. On they I she rather freely gave geous Edinburgh head a price has been put by the sta.te. I came to wards her case : the hut clamourin f . his posi tion, till grndually the sound of bl d ci. "I don't believe anybody thinks it's Your attention is directed o the immense and mad with the hat of passo -:le' DR. J. c. MITCHELL, voices borne upon the wind came to his ears. am known to men as Paulo Lu ." s toc k of x started. ell cal m M The to cheat the custom house oJ?ce, sittmg ly n wrong I 0J, n z ;i C1 sei in, ?' rushed ed to the side of the hut and lookM axwell, and led him MEMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS He walked by h1 side. was th mst famous ?'nd darmg on to the level grass, while aud I know that lot of th·tt sort of thmg is a.nd Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, oto. . six of the part ei around. I Do you b3_:nd1t. chief of his time. . Prov1i:ices ra:ng stepped back a few aces and Oftlco a.nd Residence, Enniskillen. H. Seated u pon the short springy turf, in cocked thei done. Of co. urse I hve 111 Canada. with 1s fame, and the stones of his dashmg I rifles. The whole tfiing was so sudden that know how high some. goods are ovr there? every picture sque and comfortable position explo1s reso?-nded far ad near. . Even Lucci and Isodore were totally unprepared "What am I ffomg to do with these D. BIJRKE 8HIPS·1N, of eve ry description at the ingenuity of each could contrive, were ARRJSTElt, SOLICITOR, &o. MOP RIB four men eviden tly to Maxwell's experi- away m the dist.ant Apen mes, the. villagers to resfot. But the girl roused herself now bundles ? "'.ell, I 11 tell you. I've got on ' I sat ro und the .wmter fires1<les and drnco.ursed !l.nd qui"tting the the hut, BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bo"l'mo.nat the bot' t1. ·' They seemed peaesweP t across tlie' 1 two short sku·ts sewed together . l. ence d. cy, biu dit · llo. Solicitor tor the Ontari o Bank ft 1ren open Sp!l.ce and placed herself ton, . and-well there am't any need of exfully i?clmed no, as they lotrnged there_ m o us ma.n w1 tl: bated breatI1, and cIn1c iu front of cl Private Moneys l oa n e d at the lowest rates , plammg any further," and the lady proceed- She has just opened out one of the large11t , the lmght sunshme smokmg, a.nd rcnewmg trer1hle m theu· becls at the mere thought Maxwell . . stock after a fashion "Drop your arms '" she cried f lus name. He l aughed scornfully now as and most stylish stocks ever brought I the everlasting papiiito, wthou which no o "Are cd to manipulate the .John K!.llth Galbraith, . o he d te Maxwell's startled look. , s you mad, that you do this thing? Ground that nee.d not be described. She was not to town, consisting of : I uch g. entry are complete, either m the page A N , Y I R CITOR I R OT R, SOL TE A R S o I am so very terrible,'· he continued, your rifles, or you shall pay dearly foi· this ressed m a. robe th_a was remarkable. for PUBLIC &c Ofilce-Bounsall's Block f fiction o'r as portrayed upon the modern 1ts close-fittmg quahties and she e_xplamed lllillinery, Dress Silks, stage. With tho exception of one, evident "that my very name strikes terror to you! indignity." . Jtlng street; Bowman ville. Money to lend,' furthe1· that she always dressed qmte shah. ---· t · --- --ly the leader, there was nothing gorgeous in Bah ·1 you been listening to the old A ppa.11.ed by h er ges ures and _ tlie d" Velvets, &c., ig nity bily when out on a r of this sort, in order · .KOBEBT AJUllOlJR, my atrocities· a.bout the of h er voice the desperadoes of their costume, it being the usual attire of woman's tales . . h es1 t ated for a not to seem t o have money at her command , with a very fine stoc k of Feathers anii . RBGISTRAR, Wll:ST DURH AM ISSUER the mountaineer; but the long carabines t ortures my v1ct1ms undergo and the thou· I moment, a 'd th n one, more d a . ng · t 1 an · · n i probably. Among other things she had a . Flowers. telling of · s1des and the sJ · ' or Marriage Licensee. Barrlster and Attor- 1 ymg · hy their 1ort d aggers m sand,;i,nd-one lies people are fond : the res t' raise d his ca.ra bme to the s l iou . l d . er b. ·u ' n ne h b · 1 wi ow as e w a cover, sue s k th t 8 l it I Ch M d l 00 0 f[g at!! their waistbands spoke of thefr occupation. a.bout me. I can .understand Lu1g1 did not standing in the act of : Call and inspect this fine display, which !:i firing. . ce Es t . country people sometimes carry. Into this "you m )'. fir , ,, I8 do e r1 Maxwell began to scent an adventure and tell you I was his brother· ' I am not a cannot fail to give satisfaction. d "F" re ! she put a.11 old pair of shoes, having exowmanvllle. b t f my d h i enjoy the feeling ; it would only mean the relative to be-proud of." -----'-- -----and ever)'. air 0· ea 8 a 1 e avenged changed them for a new pair which she · · · · m WILt.PM WIGHT · ,. , outl ay of a f ew pounds, a i·ttl ·ty; "He 1s · tota 1 ignorance of your ide11tity. for by a hfe I Fire' and then pray for the · 1 e cap t· ivi ' 1 but when he approached nearer, and saw That I do know. -[ wonder a.t you choosing mercy of haven fr you shall not meet put on h er f eet . She a. so had an old pair " '1CENSED AUC'rIO N EER. for the of Pantaloons for te same basket, nd not a; each bea:ring on ome part of his rson the suoh a life," Maxwell put in boldly. "With with any from th hand of man !" . County of Durham. Orders left at the be1112; supposed to have any personal mterest Sr.t.TESMAN office or forwarded to Tyrone P .0, "old motdore his heart beat a trifle faster your daring you would have made fame The desperate men were am:ized by tis !n them is fair to guess that she had a man 2 : 8 6m . B h stepped forward and confronred the a soldier; y path of life you had ohos: beauty . wllU receive prompt attention. and da1ng, te of which m tow somewhere who had treated his group. would have brou ht ou honor. but now I "·appealed to their rude mstmct. One by one nether pparel as he had her shoes, but not S. CJ, HIJNIUNG, . " What is the meanin of this?" he asked I . "Ilut now I £m n outlaw> Paulo Sal!hey droppe then firearI?-s, and stood look- rigged n the matter of loose drapery he ICENSED .AUCTIONE·ER FOR in the best Italian at his command. " I varini interrupted . ".And wh ? If ou · mg sullenly m the d1recit1n of the scorful was ohged to depend on the weaker sex to d e . the County of Durham. Sa.lee att end suppose it is merely a question of ransom. 'will listen, I will tell you my st!ry in a ew woman! standmg there without a particle helo htm out. to on shortest notice and lowest rates . Add ress But it is useless to put the figure too high. '.words." . 36:tt · of f,ear lll her eyes. DoUR'flOB P. o. Not long aftr this very enterprising ? us . , Come,what is the amount?" Maxwell threw himself u on the rass b I Who re you, l cried one bolder than tomer o! he big dry ooda store)1ad retired The brigands looked to eaca other in a.d- the other's side and com osed hi!self t GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO the rest- who are you,that come between to the private room with her burden of pur - Unapproached for . . every man who buys his License from miration of this coolness. Presently the listen us and Justice?" chases about her ther emerged from the . Tone and Quality. · EIENRY SYLVESTER, Bnniek!llen. leader removed his cigarette from his outh I "I1 you look below you " the chief comey ll took up the cry' and bade her same room . lady, loomg as to conteance and spoke : " you have your watch, sig- menced, a.nd pointin&r with his finger across st aside. CATALOGUES FREE. a.?d cut of )lb not unlike the one JUS mter ,, . . . nor, and papers; you have your rings and the distant landsca e, " ou will see the sun Pianos T11ned and Repaired. 1 "If she falls, I fall! Lucci exclaimed m v:iewed, but somehow as much fuller m out. . purse. It is not our rule to forget these' shining upon a huse-p. I can see the a fi .m stead voice. "Go on your knees, lme, both fore and aft and between decks, ,, . with an ordinary pl'isoner." ! light refleuted from it now. That house was and1 .as for y pardon. -Madm, . he cont1 u- that her tonnage would have . been fixed by ARTIES WISHING 'l:HErnPIANOS 1 felt Maxwell in his pocket, and, surely , once my home. I like sometimes to sit I fallmg upon one knee, I did not thmk actual measurement to have mceased fully Tuned or re:pa1reu can ne.Te thorn attended enough, his valuables were perfectly safe- I here and think of those days when Gillana 0 by leavi ng word at the DOMINION ORGAN 1 Y followers would have shown such scant fourfold._ nd when she set S!Lil over the . and I were happy there-that 18 ten yars - - · '1 """ )O's 0.ll'l'ICE, Bowma.nville A fl.rst-olas ma11 nothing missing' even to his sketch-book· I . .. n Isodo·r·e " 1 b'o.c1er ""· sn ·e earn ' ed a cargo thav ' wuu11 c h ave For the first time he began to experience a ago now ow l:leing in their emplo; I had done my j:>Pst f - ·" · ' Y · · At the very menion of her name, a change been .the envy of a full-rigged .runsensa.tion of fear.' "'!.'hen, if plunder is not' try; I had fough.t for her, ad !'£[.rdu O f j oame over te mutineers. ne by one.they ner. Where the custom house officers So Do! Gentlemen of Fash your object why am I detafoe;l ?" I· tbiB neiwAfol " / · A ·: · .spot with th e wma.n ° my 1 dropped their firearms, and came forward anyhow ?-Bi1.ff'alo Expre.q8. · ' · , '. Pluder ! !19 'a. nice wrd to ears, heart, to hv:e 111 peace, as I hoped, fr the humbly to implore her forgiveness for their ion, not so tast. . polite, sigp.o]:,._,-'lihe leader re1lhed with a rest of my life. But .th Jiend of Liberty I mshness, but she waved them aside. mg An ecd' 0te . . Wedd' da_ i; k·ifu : "Yu are detained by owl oden. I was abroad. My wife s a.thei:, an .aed Long and earnestly the three talked to. have writte n thete few lines, . m u, was accused of compli ity fees, m poht1cal "Speakmg of marriage To hear, with us, 1s to obey. You will re· c h i na ' a promment to eay·have l listeni get e to the revelation of Le And all , crimes, and one day, when I was absent, main here during our pleasure." Tbat r o u ca.n llnd me still a.h'.!fil. Gautie's treachery and how the final act clergyman said, "recalls a very embarrass_- · I am not KQ!!e aw.J!v. , My wife clung to was about to be played o ver there in Eng- ing blunder which W!l.S perpetrated upon an ! tey came to arrest him. " But suppose I refuse to remain?" ., iill "mv-ktnnold friends may OGme, 'Without rising, the brigand turned on his him, and one of the brutal soldiery struck' land : how Le Geutier had confessed his I innocent brother clergyman recently. The ' And all \he young ones, too, side and pointed towards the sheer preci- ?er . down with the but c·f his rifle; l came I treachery and how out o f his own mouth groom, who was not a very nervous fellow, And ge t tb.eir garments nioely made Silently ami either, carelessly poked !l.n old plantation In fas hiona tllat new; pice, and then to the wall behind; with a m tune t? see that, f?r my blood was on fire, 1 he was going to be onvicted meet y a friends, m Where old and young, dear gesture he indicated the narrow winding and I did not hesitate. You ca.n under· slowly they wound their ,a; clown the negro ballad in his vest pocket with the $5 A welcome gr e el i ng, by R. PEATE path, the only means of exit, and smiled stand the rest. ·My wife was killed, actual- mountain path under Lucci's guidance out bill which he intended as the marriage fee. -..a-rBut I had on to the pla'ins beyond which the ' sun During the excitement which followed the ironically. " You may go; there is nothing ly murdered by that foul blow. my revenge. When I crossed the threshold lighted upon t he h use-tops of distant Rome ceremony, the young man placed the p bnta, to prevent you, " he said; "but before yon _ were half-way down the path yonder, you of my J10 use, on my flight. to 'the mountains, '\'hen they had got so far, Isodore held out tion ballad in the palm of the cler$'3;'1Il'."n· I/IT I am fully prepa11ed to attend Funerals on I left thi. e dead· men behmd me, and anoth- her hand to the guide After a fervent God-speed, the officiatmg the shortest n otic e, at the lowest possible rates would be the t arget for a score of bullets, '.)a.ska ts and Burial (lases ready on a hor t notloo o er, the o r the neg 1 ffice , wounded sore. He recover- I "Good-bye It will not be safe for ou clergyman left without inspecting r I and we do not often fail." First-{llass hearse on veJ'y m od er a te foxwel was co: sid.erably' impressed by ed, I after;;ards· heard; but some day we to come any farther," she said. "Res/as- sng. Tlrn divine was indignan when he Shrouds and Coffins oonsta.ntly 011 hand.terms Fun tlus cool dIBplay; and mdeed, when he con - 1 shall meet. sured in the gener!l.l reckoning your account discov.,rcd the nature of the bit of paper eral cards suppl!e<la.t onca. Farniture Shop ti; W He 8 wallet. n" his stopped ,-, in b fty & lm in : rnptly, shaking Sb.ow Rooms-Bounaa.ll'sNew Block . which he bad stowed every s ll ot be for otte sidered the matter calmly, there appeared ' . However friends ntrce He felt insulted. "It will not, ' Luci answered stern! . no prospect of immediate esape. Remo · limb from the v1 0lence of his emotion, his eyes sombre his oan live at· home, aoo niuk more turned bill $5 the found man ii spot the m towards b where "I shall see to t at myself. By the t e ed, the young ul stnmces or threats would be equally un!l.v i rn oney at w or k for us, than a t any ing, and he determined to make the best of the sun shone upon the roof-tops of what you reach E ngland I shall be there too_ vest pocket, made a hurried explanation thing else in tfuis werld. o capital wum1;T TllBTEI his position. "Perhaps you wonld not 1 was onc.e peaceful homesrea.d. needed ; yo11 are started free. Both wr·ri1 Tll:Ern. Nay do not try to 'dissuade me I do ot and succt:eded in allaying the ire of the in· " Lmg1 ss e g1 ouly ma. this," at ca:n ' g sexes; all a ges. .Any one ean do the work. the cle I dignant mind telling me why I am here, and by · y take m v revenge from anothe; hand. I . . . . "\Vhen m Cahforma," the ecclesiastic Large earnings sure fuom ,tlrst start. Costly whose orders you have arrested me. It speaker contmued. " To him I have been I shall run a great risfa. but mark me when · outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Ooe1.a 1 hi·d a. little experince with you no thing to se would be some slight consolation t? know dead for years; indeed, I do not know what 1 the time come; I shall be there !" Withot , continued nd us your and titid . , PRA.CTICJA.L DENTIST, how long I am to stay. I am anxious to m'!'kes me tell you now, only that you sur- another word he disapp eared . and Isodore 'a ·presumptuous groom. The witness, a out;. if ycu are w ise yon will do so at onco, . ?VER TWENTY YEARS ICXPEBIENOlil. know this," he continued, "because I am prisd me, and I l ik e to hear a little news a nrl. Maxwell walked o-» towards the E tern al l prominent physicia.n, requested me to come II. 11AILE'i·1· & Co , Portland, Maine. I complied, couple. the Y ' to hotel a maFJ to :tli ttrom10xtdeGas Administered for l'atnlet afraid your mountain air, exhilarating as it of ! um." City both rapped· imi. ' heir own thoughts is, will not suit me. " J "I heaxd this history before," Max- Mile after mile passed n thus' ere Maxweli and after the ceremony the groom began to Operations. well observed. five is ·1 fumble a il)20 geld piece about between his "It ago now; this at laughter loud The into burst group 111CCLIJNG'8 ULOOA. PIERCHERON' HO·RSES. . broke the silence , r · Still, you little humor it was a kind of wit they , hut I am ot hkely to forget it. "no you thil;k he· will keep hi· word.,, thumb and indeJ< inger. Of emnse, all p e f.sJand· Home Stock 1 c?'not enioy this life. e , nng y the Finally wild It p preciate. coin. the is d obsenred sent ex I · · were in a position to a o Farm, Grosse Isle, 1m s he aid ha.II tirn iJ!y 3 itc Mich., iS very conv· t ng, and or d !L no doubt; but .Z ' pial the r ward " your companion sidled ma:i 1 to o "It is imp ssible to say, signor. We o s ? "ye ill nd -, .Lucc ; . m f i s he will keep his " Who you ree , we w se . · niently l<i>cated for something or great value only obe . y orde_rs; we can only wait for I "I hve for revenge," Salvarini exclaimed word; nothiug but death will prevent that. bec1rnned me t©· folow. When the door Canadians, being on the or 1 e b m t o shut u and i mpot n oe to you, that will st rt you iu further mstr uct1ons as regards your welfare sternly. " I am waiting to meet the brutal "OU a l m g ' . fro he r . d and the D ct , ' an Island in Detroit u et s nd back to st And now, ' . . . business which will bring you in more ·River, tea.l?'>ilesl)elow n e ou ' d th " B d t bl l e e E oung I eag e .. e were SJ1ppe C o e g o . th W t ld to b ffi e1·w1se. r ." e m -or o ' o who mo r o n e follower c his strike to ?rdered ment s l ss of ti c ngla d with ut a. ni:i ,m ' money rie;bt away than e.nytbing else in this Windsor, Wt; Pur· I have waited long; but , I down my wfe. , well here, and lo ! we have done it. "Ieanuot say h Q W gria.teful I am," Max well mto his r ?use11.s pcket aud nshJd .;it world. .Any one can do the work and livo at Mx hasers will find fl , . home. Either sex; all ages, Something new, I see you :i-re brbhers of the League, the time will com,; at length, and then, said earnestly. " f. it had not been for twety sh1llm$;,a. m silver as my fee. I said J.arg1, ..iumber of pure / bred and grade stal· and for some act of heaven help the man calleu Hector le your bravery and cora"e"--He stopped nothmg. 1.rnt w1te-n I came to for ward a. cer !['l ri :n af00:l!0:J:f.ersT Maxwell replied ; hi · omission or commission t r t i 7' lions. broo d mares I a.m dPtained here, Gautier!" scap and shuddered: the contemplation of what t ificate I filied it ?Ut on a -pi(Me o! foo one of the genuine, important classes of a life and: cei>lts of all ages pa.per. I ea.rd fr<m the groom 5 f riend, time. Those who are ambitious and en ter· You can t Ieast tell me by whose orders "J,e Ga.utier,!" Maxwell exclaimed. "He might have beeu was horrible. to select from. All , ,, . prising will n o t delBY. Grauel outfit free, yo d? this. pure: bred stoek, reg· I officer ! Why, he is at present Isodore smil ed a. l i·lltle unsteadily in an- the doctr, UL du.e tme. He demanded an ·n Italian . . lstered In.the French·andl .Almei:ieam Stnd Boots. Address THUE: lit Co .. Augusta, Maine. When I Signo1 they say you are a traitor to dead Centre of the Brotherhood in London. swer to these woi;ds. "I owe you a debt explana.1011 of L11{ effr()ntery. Prices reasonable, stock.guaranteed. l!.. arge ifi Ull> ou ?;der. I He. :vas even present a the time. when of gratitude," she I!GlJ?lied. "My memory 1 meekly. mfo11med hl!ill. that l coulu not afford trat.ed Catalogue free. SA.i:&U & l!'ABNU.!l. . . ,, . . , ca llhCB. I hat I am uot ! Maxwell cned md1g- Lmgi told us your sad history. Surely he serves me well. l was not g oin to allow . to fur msh a. 6rst·ds c0t1£ c when the nantly. " Tell me why am here, ad at cnnot know; and ye I trusted him too. you to die, when V01J) would h a.:e perished fee was so small, I re-0e1ved $5 from the Q marwhose orders. There is some mIStake Signor Salvarini, you bewilder me." rather than raise a. h nd against Carlo groom for a,. statement of the I ri!" here." I The outlaw laughed loud and lon<> ·but Visci." · ' ivmg tisI:a.<iltlOll· G' Ela· The iust·uc- the mirth as strained, and jarred h ashly , "Not on our part, signor. I\ 'rhe . clm·gy11i1an then :aa1n·ted h.o w o "Indeed, you oly do me justice. his with meetm prayer from urmng, _ t re t ions came . from London: I only t'CCeJVed ul?on the hsei:i;er. "Aud that fiend is a would have U.ied fk&t." Dueling, which is now the ha.rm.less. pasI them last 1;1ght. You will be well treated riend of _Lmg1 s ! Strange things happen "I know it;. and I thank you for your 1 wife he found oouple seated m. a buggy time If ]'rench nev1spap.e11 edtol'l!_., wa.s once d red 1 des o . e . \:efoFe They :hns oo r i wa g on t b ! a common practice with ge!i1tlemen ofi fashhere, provided you do not; u;iake any at· , m these times. Beware, Signor Maxwell- kindness to him at the last. You were tempts to escape. For the time, you ae , beware of that m::m, for he will work mis- with him when he died, Things could not umted. rn the holy 00.iads of wedlock, s,nd I ion, who oMa.ined s!l.tisfac'Gi.'On for grievances luded, was c n wh our guest, _ and as such, the best I have is, chief yet. It was by his orders you were have been better. I-Ie was always fond of mac _ the real or fancied b&r stiicking other with e the ceJ1eJa10.ny j groo who appeared rath er dall, contmued ranrs. It wo:1ld have saved a good many at your disposal. If orders come to release arrested. He knows me by name, you. Ji'or that, I am grateful." ·'il tl --.. --------"But I do JWt understand, " Maxwell ' to lmger and ·eeme(t grea y e1!1barrassd. li"oo if Incledon's system belm introduc. ·- ----- - -.---- 1 you, we shall couduct you to Rome. We: add as one of the Brotherhood only, shall do ev erything in om power to serve. sol did his bidding." faltered. "He did not know you except by The leefol bnde nudged hnn lll the side I odi earlier: occas1onally and looked haxd at the door. Incle don , thG fa1;ra.ous v0list, was one of you. If, on· the other hand, you are tried I " Strange ! And yet I have done him no reputation." aud m?re te unsophiaticated, and difl a great many Am I so '£1'..e you,ng m<rn only gre"." mo·e in the balance and found wimting, we shall I harm." " I think you are mistaken. uEeasy. When aU the topws f convrsation uhings out of. sheel' sim ioity tba.t had beea '. ' Not that you are. aware of, ,perhap.s. canged that yoa do not recognise your 11.d not fail to do our. duty." He said these ast ... been exhausted the cle!gyman s good 1 much better left 1d and left undOJHl. words sternly, m; to the polite, 1 Still, no doubt . you have crossed his path m fnend Gilnevieve ?" he youn n ! l ; Something of this kind gave offense to a " Gen ev ieve You? Am I dreaming?" wtfe preeede( to e tei-tam t "rave manner with which he uttered the 1 some way. If I have a command in the th oake nd refreshments. At last;. I gentlema.'.ll whom Inehon happened to fall " Y es ; I a m G enevi eve; though much couple w morning to lead you out yonder to face a first part of his speech. 1 abou.t one and a nalf hours aftei: the cereMaxwell had perception enongh to compre- dozen i·ifles, I sh!l.ll not be surprised." changefl and altered from those happy old 1 in with, and th e offended parLy resolved "You mean that I , " And you wonld countenance such mur- days when you used to come to the Vilb.' mony had been concl uded the bn de 01:ow· upon se.isfoctioiu. He sought out thec singer henu his meaning. was seemmly accordingly, and was lucky enough to find should have to die," he observed. "I sup- der ?" Mattio. You wonder why I am here n ow- ! ed the room to the d_?Ol' and pose it would be a matter of the utmost in- I " This morning, yes. · Now, I am doubt- I why I left my home. Cannot you guess detei·mrned to get him out of the room. , him enjoying his bot.t1e of wine one fine Just as the door was a b01:1t to be. s_:vu1'.g afterJ1111oon at & noted hotel. J fol. You are my brother's friend ; I am Le , that .Le Gautier was at the bottom of it.?" o difference to you, either way?" ".Mr. Incl.edon," says the . w iter, " a. pen t groom plung d h is hands n.o his "But he professed not to know you; "As a matter of duty, signor, yes," . he G. autier's enemy; I do not wish to help forth a fi Y· nt gentleman ';lshes t ousei pocket, dre ' to see y ou su-." he"_\ answered gravely; ". though. I do not wish lnm." . . :; "' Show him up, then," says Incledon. hed 'i io lently ·.ud :',urn ed "1 es, he professed to be a fr;iend of , si lver piece, blus Three clays passed uneventfully by, at the I to see a brave man die; but 1f the mandate . "Howewn-, srud t h "Si r," s a.y s the visitor, in a towering came to that effect, I must obey. There is end of which time Maxwell h!!.d become a yours. But until I give you permission to ro 1n the house a great favorite with tho outlaw band. Fol· s1;1cak, not a w ord that Isodore l.'\nd Gcnc- clergyman, "I h d. more ,1'epect for tlus passion, "I' m told tha.t you have been makno refusing the word of the League." poor fellow ban I did for tne . im:aioser "'.ho I ing free with my nP.rne in a, very improper " Then I' real ly am a prisoner of the lowing the lead of their chief, they treated vieve are one and the same." gave U:.e $2.oO after .h had gi:n his bnde n;anner, and I've come to tlem!l.nd satisfac I leave everything an fa:: w ellretumetl btterly. "Well, him vit every kindnes ; nor .ws he in his Lfla.guc," l\ . "My lips are sealed. h:ends to unelst,iutl tha. I was to re· twn." the cause of liberty must be m a bad wa.y, turn mclmed to resent his capt1v1ty or chafe m your hands." I i o After some parleying Iucledot"Hose, put on when the very members of the J,cague treat at this delay. His chief fear was for Enid; "And cannot you guess why you 11avc peive $20. I fu_'.·msh?<l lhe g;·om : who c mfor Paulo Sal varini, though he was inclined incurred Le Go\utier's emnity-N o S im p ly, cens a:ted me. with H£ty cents with a :Bue I !us hat, and planting himself at one side of brotheN as I have been treated " the room, begau warbling " Black-eyed "Ah, it is a fine word, liberty," to allow his prisoner every latitude, was because he aspires to the hand of Enid marrmge certificate. _.·. 1111 i Susan" in his mosu delicious style. the brigand chl:ef replied Bardonical- firm upon the point of communication with Charteris.-You need not start," Isodore I vVhe11 he had fin i she d , " There, sir," " It is a good phrase to put the outer world; for, as he pointed out, he continued, laying her hand upon the lis ten· ly. Mr. 'Walter Besanb's a.cquaintanco with into men's mouths, but there can be no might after all be guilty of some great or's al'm. "You have no cause for anxiety. JY!r. James Rice began with the chance con. said he, " that has given satisfaction to t1·ibution of an article by the former to Once 1 se ·e ral thousands, and if you want u,ny thing freedom where the shadow of the sword treachery to the League, and in that case It will never be!" "Never, while I C\\ll prevent it !" MaxweH a Week, the periodical of which Mr. Ric u1ore I've only to say you're the most undwells upon the laud. Even I t ly herself I must be answerable for anything that hap· re!lsonable fellow I have ever met with." has suffered, as she will again. Perfect pened. cried warmly. ! wae owne· aiid editor. M-usro .. I'i· j 1 ;'1 11 , j T GRAI N ! 1 a 1 STANDARD BANK , , J ' f 1 · \ : ;:: 1 1?; I I I LADIES, B . B I I I M I L L I N E RY I [. L A l P ·i' I:;;' " I I I * l BELL & CO. Guelph, Ont. D E NT I STRY I 1 ' I I I I I UNDERTAKING L EV I MORRIS. J M. BR IM AC 0 M: BE, M 0 ·N a Ev r!· '.s :J a : j " Vo U ,; U N N s D e A Kl NC p Ow DER 'li'H£ COOK'S BEST FRIEND j a a I I I I I , I I 1 j . I I I 1 I l , a a I 1 I I I l

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