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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1887, p. 1

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- TERMS :-·1.90 PER AlnroM . OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD .AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EDITOR A:ND !'ROPRIBTOR,1 · BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887. late SOLINA. for issue, VOLUME XXXIII. NmrnER 29. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Are now selling their Parasols at and several lines of Dress Goods at and ALLAN LINE, BOYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Planting Evergreens. Srn,-While it i grati fyi ng to n otic e that in ma n y parts of Onta rio numerous extensive lines of maple trees are being planted along the fenc e s and roads, it is to be regretted th!\t evergreens are not ruore generally used instead, as these would give shelter from t.110 c ol d winds in winter and early spring when maple give very little, In one or two t o wnships however, 1 find att entio bas been turned in this direction and mauy beautiful line s of pine , Norway spruce and cedar have been set out along the north aud west of the farms. Though th e first w11ek 1n June is thought to be the bes t time for planting these, yet if there be some wet day s in the first w eek in Au gust they might be taken advantage of for this purpose. as evergreens will trans l an t then. It is well to remember that their roots must bo kept covered and moist while in transit . A clay's labor will plant a great many treeR. Yours, etc., · R. w. Pm1·1·s. Toronto, July 15th , 1887. ENFIELD. Bowmanville, '.l'o the Editor of the Statesman: lONDONUERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAJLiNGS, CC>BT :J?"R.ICE;,.' UNDER COST PRICE. and some l i n e s wi ll b e sold at R-tES OF 0CEA PASSAGE : n , $50, $65 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and · $150 . Intermediate, $30 ; return, $68., $20. The last. train con necting wit! t he mail steamer at Port l1ui.d leaves Toronto on We dnes day morn ing, The last train connectiug wi th t he mail steamer at ll alifax leaves Toronto on Thursday morning. For tickets and e'Very i u ferma tion, apply to W. A. N EADS, 11-tf 'Bowmanville, Agent Allan lin e. - SARDINlAN, from POL): NB:SIAN, ., P.A.RISI AN. SARMA'I'IAN, " CIRCASSIAN, ., SARDlNIAN, POLYNESIAN. " PARIS'1AN, " Quebec, ., '1'1mrsday, July H Friday. July 22 'l'hnrsday, Julv 28 Thursday, *ug.1 JrridEy, Aug. l2 Thursda.y,Aug. 18 Friday. Aug, 26 'fhursday, Seot l with paint. Mr. J. Weeks, of Bowmanville, has been improviug the look s of the villagti Mr. W. A. 'l'om has s ec ured the ser vice of an ot h er workman. Mr. John H. Allin, spent Sunday here. 'l'oo of Dr . Jessop, who has just returned from w days British Columbia, is spending a fe· here. l as t w e e k . Mrs. W, Ta.pp took a tri p to Bram pton n p Our popular milk · m an , Mr. Michael ickery, complains that the offensive odor tuiaing from the c,.·cllss of a dead 'l'he A n ual Union Villae Picnic wa , hog lying on the roaJ lw trav els every h eld on Tu e s day of last week in Mr. S day is s10keuin1r. F:>r the sa ke of people's A v ery pleasa1 J. Williams' orchard. s ur ely , if not for d··cen?y's sake , time was spent by al l, owner of the h og will b ury it at once. Haying is a bo u t finished around here ., B arle y harvest has startf'd and a poor and is a go0d crop. cr op is r eported on account o f the la. te Mr. s. J. Willia ms has had the misdry and h ot weat her . fort n n e t o lo se a valut1.ble bull rece ntly. Mias J ulil\ Ta p p, of Cobourg, is visiting-: Master George Awde is, we are sorry r cl at i ves in this v i cini ty. to le arn, n ot much bette r, Mr. John Dyer has be en indisposed. n l \ health, Mr. W. We rry ' s completed. new barn is is a.bout HAMJ!TUN. "A.:C...P"' .:E>ZCE:;. A lei of PRINTS below Importing Prices. These are not ol d musty, moth eaten, bankrupt goods; b ut REMEMBER· TAIT&. MORRISON'S e.nd in· spect their Wall Papers-latest ·designs. greatest variety, ami prices to suit everyone, Stock now ready, Do you want a new and pretty Window Shade or Blinda1 We have s omethi ng new in this branch. Cal l and sec thom be fore you invest. or you'll b1' · e orry . C-0 TO- '-f Mis! Awde of Maripos this neighborhood. visiting in JACK. (ll:EwJXfFRESH,l)jlFASHIONABLE00GOODS,I) bought for this season's ·trade.. Stlll Iea.ds in Photographs e.nd our Studio is often crowded, Come early in the da.y when you ce.n. Juat now you may want so me extra En11re.vings or Chromos to a.dorn your roome. We have a g1·eat variety, good and cheap, too , Ir you want a baby c&rr.iage we call suit you ; we have some nice ones. Doll's Cafriages, to o ,. and Boy's Wagons, Ca>r>ts and Wheelbarrows, Lawn TAIT & Parlor Croquet, Carpet Balle, G a mes for ramilles· lt'Dd s ocial parties; Our Mirrors are clear a nd true ; our picture frames are of the l e.t est and moat attractive deBIA'nS, Curtain poles·&. rings. Plush go o d s-n i ce and · ch.,ap . .Another- new· b raDch .dust in troduced at 'l'ait & But -- as we require the room for our. fall importations these goods ·must and will be sold. MORRISON'S Couch, Johnston & Crydorman One Door West of. Post_ Office, Bowmanville.. e. Je w el ry Department where -you will-fln<l-the:-vCTY-latest in Ladies' andGentlcmen'sjewelry. ·vVe invite epecial attention. to our new stock just in. Base Ball goods. Sch ool and Hymn Books, Stationery, '.l'oys, and ·in deed .everything to be found in a Var ie ty and Fancy Goods' Is 'STORE. THE Eolipsu Bonsu is still ahead. Our new Sp ring styles m HATS It· is Very Laughable, AND are now in. The HELPS OUR TRADE. is all tlie rage-sold only .at the Eclipse House. Olilr "Jubilee Christfe" Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very rapid ly . It is 'very laughable to read some of our con-; temporaries' advertisements; their trying to make: the public believe that they have such immense: stocks1 but when ladi,es ·and gentlemen call at; these stores they fail to :find this nice assortment I and I FINE ORDERED OLOTLf r IN" U A SPECIALTY. <Cut by the only £rst-class cutter in town. generally give better ass-Qrtment and ,a;t less price for the same quality of goods. As we .are contemplating some rich improve ments on the windows at an early date, in the us a .call, where they find a' W. H. IVES. TO MARRY Y<i>ung Men, Bachelors and Widowers, shape of New Plate Glass Fro\llts, and not wishing L to get much of our present stock destroyed in \Viii changing, we offer big inducements all through the stock, and any one having a dollar to spend, they can in any of these boasting stores. will, I feel sure, get more for the said dollar than QOOl(IJI g·1ve a DaJC JJozen Plat.e<l Tea Spoons Silvel" Ile sells d1uing hisCJearil1g Out Sale. 50 With Ct'CJ'Y lVedding Ring and a sumptuous 'l'he steamer that's run, Enniskillen Methodist By our friend Mr. Clllrk, . , :parsonage here have purchased from Mr. W il l shortly be humming. HA YDVN. i. ii '. Robt Banu a, that commodi?us residence, From d aylight to dark e erected and formerly o?cup1ed by Mr. Ba rly havest has commenced, tli , Two others th a t 's o "ne d Rev. S, Salton ancl f am i ly 1t Sy l vest er. crop will be light on account of the h By t he men Hue and Rowe, removed to the new parsonage. Mr, wrnther. Inn very fow d!\ya R. Hann a and family have again removed Mr. ' .rhos. AeMou lost a valu able hl < r Will be on th go. to the farm. We understand Mr . Hanna last week. ' purchased some des· rable pro pe rt_v 'fi,. .a rg to ress ure of bu s 1n Ow1.. "u · ' ess .... ,, d 1 ' d. ""' L Several in t.his v1' ci "nit y were g reatly in t@ n .., and will remove there this fall . " t wr1 'te Iast wee k , b ut WI ion uO "ll now ment' disappointed by t,he :M a 9 sey Co., not Our Dragoons w ent to Willia msbu rg some of t he visitors to our vill,.ge recen tbeing able to fill their orders for binders. Miss A. Whitlo11k, N.i wton v ille ; laet W cdn es<iay, to take part in a fo nt - b all Jy, 1 . Jo. Ha wkey and Mr. John Mc- tournament, but only one team Wil.s Mr, .J. J. Eoidge and family, 'I'oronto; b a hlin sta-rted t hei r Little Maxwell there to cGmpete w th them. A base- ball Mr . T. B. Hoidge, Thedford; Mr. Ford, . in era last week and t hey give exceUent team from Port P err y was there, anxious Petroliia. ; Prof. J. Ruse 1md wiftt, Toronl·t!J-tisfaction. to win laurels by d efeating some team, to. M aggie Rogers, Bow man ville ; Mr. A l it-l e sou ofM r · Wm. Aung·er is very but the team expected to swing thfl c lu l> G. A n derson and w ife, 1 shawa ; an d sick. with them, did not put in a!I appearance, imny ot her s to whi ch I did not have t he Mrs. H. Sam el e , of Car twrigM , who A scrub team was picked up, composed of honor to be introduced, being a little has beffll v er y sick at her fathe1r',s, Mr. five o f our foot-ball players a nd four Slow B oy . . Thos.' w11s a bl e t<!> r etur n Cartwright men, and a. uame played, wh en Laboring men f were in do and here home bst week. the Port Perry champi o n s were d efeated last week. The D goo s ·Mr . .John Broad, ·son of onr worthy by: scor e of 10 to 8. rn o Mr. C. C. Merrill was quite s i ck last P. M., and family, ·of Detroit, Mich. , aftewards played a game of foot-ball with week, but is now convale scent. c i h w eton in ur Blnes, resulted favor h .B k spent a fe w days at home last week. M re. R. Marsh has returned f ro m her _, to 0. · · f E onisk.1 ..,t1 i len, by 2 go Several from this vicinity att ended thA 0 VISl.t.Q.< C ' latham. ' <.1, M T d'ff 8, · · , :#1 old or s an , nd s r a a e y a aged . . r e i>y w ek and picnic at Scugog on M on d .' e were 8? rry to hear of Mt·. W. C ryhighly respected r es i d e n t of this to w µ '!" o rcp o:t a large time. n t. '.l;Jle derma!1 gettrng 11s h and so seve rel y cut 3 l\fr. Rich . Slern0n, Sr., is e re ct in g a. shi.p, died on Wedne nday, 1 th i s remains were iuterrod iu tlie Union C a m e - on a circular saw m the Ot!.!an Fac t ory, fine barn with stone foundaticm 34 by GO. \. last wet'k. Mr. C. has the sympathy of ty, 0sha.wa, on F 'day, 1 o.11ns ,1 · t . ·n his m au y thi s neighborhood. · Sao:.1 Bona then. of. Newcastle took .ii' A n t us of our fair ones has left h e r o - ··-·--· . a tnp back he r e on !us bi cycle on Sund a M' c · 11 b M A ias gnes e ,u oug · . daughter of Dr. TYRONE· l as t. · l\foCnll ough , was married on the 4th . f our X:athrnastr does net fix the ho e l et .t M r . C. Potter, of Newmarket, is down i n ., o Mr. G. B. Gar diner , of the . m the bridg e a ht tl e west ·of here the Post-cflice De part ment Toronto· spending hia vacatioi1 with his sister,:M:rs. co·. 1 mcil will to pay for· another ' '!'. Creeper. "tm · T; and M rs. G :rard meer were v1s1 g h<·rs0 · Mr. H. Kenner has been campino her rel atives here l as t week. "' for ------- ·--. Mrs. R obi nson and daughter w ere lso a fe1v a)' S at Stoney Lake. LONG .SA ULT. A pl e sant time was sp e n t at M:rs. T, a mong our visit ors last week. Mr. E. Rice can spply you with any T he thermometer registered 9!.I° in the Creeper's l ast week by the youn folk s. amount of fi rs t- cla s s berries. Tht. Ladie Aid have postpoued thiiir shade and 125° in th1:1 s un here, on Sat Mr. John Tap e 's new Tol'outo M ower urday, 16 th . garden social t ill after harvest. works l ike a charm. 'J'he p ar ty that stole the berries from ' Miss Martha Farrel was YJ.isiting frienda another pail in th e berry patch, may get COURTICE. at Port Rope recent ly and Emma. Ta e away from ifou rti ce a n o ther &uch a lot at the corner store. Mr. J , H. A llin at Bowmanville th e guest ·Of l.\fr. S, Souch Mr. David Hooey died at his homo on spending his holidays. W 0 wish him a If .an.Y one should ask me, &1 of last week . h ap py time and expect o see h m co me T The caiuse of all my joy, back in excellent tri m fur his renewed , While l\lr. and Mrs. 'l'. Scott were I w o uld tell them that Mr . E dwa rd Vir- duti es. going home fro m church, on Sund ay ' tilie :M:r. R. .B. Watson, our former te ache_, night, 10th inst., the hc.rse t oo k fright Ia the papa. of a bouncing ba by boy :;.ud plunged into the di tch, throwing Mrs. is apending a few day s with frie nci s · and the home of the little butcher i.i also this part. Scott ou t, causing a few bruises. We like to see him around. The made ha11py byHhe addition of a y oung .as badly demoralized . Miss Lizzie Yoe , of M ariposa, is visit· son. Miss lda. Bingltam,of Bowmanville,was ing at Mrs. Geo. Sh o rts . Mt·. John Tap e has pu['chased from Mrs. J ohn Short has spent a week vis,i,,tiog _friends he re on Friday. John Staples, Esq., 20 acres of land adOn Tue'sd ay evening, July 1 2t h, a.bout among fri euds in Pickering. , joilling hi·s ·Own . fa rms, for $900. The S. A. Ban 'luet on Monday was !\ sixty of the friend s of Mr. e.ud M rs.J.H . That' s ri.gbt Billy, don't let them pick Hicks, ass embled at Millb ur n Cott.age, it fami fine success . D. o. Morris an your berries. were in attendance also the S. A. Ba nd being the occasion of a prPsentation by Mr. F. Marke has r et ur ned to spend from Bo wm anvill e. Thes" wi th a grljat t he choir a d Sunclay-ch(lo! for his ser the summer at Mount Pleasant. many other officers from surroundjng vi ce s as leader of the choir, a nd Sabbath echool Secret ary . After the customary 'i : ng What takes some of ou r you ng men to cOJ·ps ma de thiugs lively in the eve11 fer a while. Quite a nice sum was raJ. greetings the visitors were brought to Haydon so much lately. order and the host and hoste6s called on Eggs are good for a horse 's coat John, ized. Part of the p r oceeds will be to c ome forward, when Rev. A, E. San· (I out , improving the B a r r a c k s. but we do not know how chickens would derson, on behalf of the fri en ds, :.:-ead an Mr. m Everson's[raising on Wed esanswer. address a nd pre 10nt e d them wi· h a beau s y d a y last was well a t t en d e d fo1· the b 1\fr. D. l}raham· started Mr. Vi rt ue tiful h11nging-lamp, as a token of t ei r tirS. r._ M E d n tim s a Pickle D. , . e s ew Toronto Binde· l ast w eek an d thi appreciation for his val111\ble se1·vices. son chose side t,h e latte beatmg by gne 1t is capable of cuttmg ten acres a After short address es by Re. A.. E. San, , lf! fee 104 t Iha ban Is g but we th in k with Bobby V. as her c n - half raft ers . . del'llon and Re eve Hancock, the e w1H c o!n. re fav.. r mand er it w ould do fifteen just as b an . . and w len com pl et partook of a great spread in t he orchard, . ,. ably with the best m th i s v 1 c1mty . and eujoyed th em sel ves by swinging and 'l'l T r · g 1i ·· t .n ..n1 .,.,, o f 1 a bor h e11 . c a 1arg· , . . 10 se1 m other amus e ments . Maetr S a . , Ella Sa nderson, picnic at Prout's poiut on the llth. ·rhe ourtice , Master John Courtlce a ntl orders wee that all were to m eet at . . ss Eva Hel l yar, Bownrnnville, was . ter Ed Sandrs on were wri ring f or t he gue s at t "' Mas Williamsburg, a l arge cro w d bei n g e })j he pars;:mage 011 Sabbath. t Third Clas Cert1ficateR last week and pec:ted fr om Hampton but t hey did The Tyrone boys arfl not ed for their fo for e d t two mer n o c he wro e S ah r e t r e ? 4.f ter s cu i g . put in a n appeara nc . faithfulness in attendance. The Strag Cls? the wek prev10us. They a r e n o w tbe service of a musician and a f o ;w. gler s went to Bur k e ton on Satu rday , but r results . o f y l t n e i t a p waitmg drinks of Ada ms ale a start was made f on a ccount of the busy se ason , Burk et on The question of C om m e rcial U.niou Caesarea which place was reached about boys could not geh all tl1eir team. By 10.30 a. m. The bracing breeze encou u - see to be agit ating the minds of sev that n o regular match was played. The tered on the way back sh arpened their eral of our farmers 11t present as some boys were delighted with the way they appetites so tliat it was t ho ught ad visa. 1 ten attended the convention at Po rt ";ere treated and say they wil l go again. ble to secu re the service of a co0k in · Hop e a f e w days ago. The number bei ng '.Ibey would have been better pleased lmd which they were successful, and aAain a I about equally divided b et we e n Grits and the Blues been all their. s t a r t was made for Pronte's point which Tories. Several also wont to Hampton The thermomet er rellched 130" in th e p lace was re ached about 11 o'clock. on Fri d ay for the purpose of forming a Fires were soon lit and the tea ste ep ed Farmer's Iustitute, to work up t he prin- sun and 102° in the shad e 011 S aturday. ENNISKILLJIJN. l " '.l'he Trustees of The barley harve6t is progreasiug rap idly in this wction. We soon exp ec t to. hear the hum of the steam threshei: again. ;ii, p j i v - 1_}r. f. / ,· f " ' ' f1iend11 in d p is i / d n ji 1'. dfy , t 11& illid h p company Q r Suits for "Men' I find every one who calls to see them expresses sur left. prise, thinking tat we had no got such, but you are at per fect liberty to brmg the advertisement from any paper we ad vertise in and ..s1neci(y the articles at the prices advertised and we are prepare d to produce said articles at the price specified. We mean what we advertise. There are still a fe\y of those $3.50 We h av e had a most successful season in fillincry, but the season is advancing we are prepared to give splendid value to .any one requiring anything in the line. as Yonrs Respectfully, epast prepared, to which th e huni;ry voyagers did ample j ust ce. As the lalrn was rather too rough for boati n g the majority of the party spent the time in dancing on the green and various other games. Abulidance of g ood music was gi v en by Messrs R. Vir tue, D. Graham. J. Aeki ns, and J. Cook. David, Robert and Jimmy looked quHe cute in thei r Jubilee suits. A s tart wns made for home abo ut 7 o'clock, the jonly stop being made was at the corners to g e t a lit tle refreshment. Hom e was r eac hed at an early hour every one fe eling it wa g ood to be th ere . Nothiug ha ppeu cd t() m:1r t he da ys enjayment. Very few fish were t ak en Oil th rough wate! or pr obably ;1cco u1 t they 1cre afra i d of he lalhes nd would , not bite. BEIAY B onnns Cuu.H. i r : ?f n· taN no NO HAllM to try Freeman·· 1"orm l'owrlers ·wh.cnyonr t.hlld Is nlllng tcYcrlsJ1 or l'rctful, I! w riter claim that the successful remedy for nasail cat arrh must bo non-irritating, eaey of p a plication, and one t hat w ill by it s own a c ti on . reach all the i·emotest sores and ulcer ated surfaces The history of the efforts to trea t catarrh during the past few years obliges us to admit that only o ne remedy h as comp l ete ly met these con uit ions, and that is E ly 's C r ea m Bal m, BEN. '!'his safe and pl ea a n remedy has masI :..._-=:-- r tared catarrh as notlnn" olse hae ever · T,urAJ: ..w is not au ordinary mixture. done, and both and patients In fact its properties iiro entirely di:tfarcnt freely concede this fact, The more d is from any prepamt,ion used for couuhs tresoiug symptoms quickly yiel d to it. 0 ... ' th, 6 t ancl lltll" 0 tr · ·o 1lbl 'S - . ! Ou e. 111 ciples of Fre e Tra e wi th th e St ate:1 . \\'e take much pleasure in congratulating Mr. John Penfo und on being elected President. '.l'he farmers app ear lo be taking time by the forelock and are prepa ring for the nex t election, It has always aeemecl a l it tl e mysterious to ns that two farme rs living side b y side embracing the ame r<ligious faith e qu al l y noxious regarding the moral uplifting d th e people and possessing common interest throughout wi ll go t o the polls and vote one against t he other. Next eloction we e xpect to eee them standing shoulder to shoulder, working for a common end. W e are glacl to see signs of a reform along this line. d The ladies think that bathinl( is not bad b usiness, especial ly n the c eek. The man from Columbus :Monday. )[ o o one t o so n. 'l'Jrn llEST )!EJHGAL ____ _ _ Mr. Laurence Henry is ho me from the west. was i r h ere on physicis ' z. 7"

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