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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1887, p. 2

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!!!! !!!! !! u p o !! !!!! s = IT B HA L IA R PE !!!! !! di !! !! !!!! ! ; !l!! E U !!!! . IM= !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!!! D .. . . '!!! !! S ed o !!!! !!! !!!! ir !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! e !!!!'! t !!!! .. _!!l! l!!! !!!'!. !!! H A A A T AT ; ?' i !e t: so1::i e : h; g '. E SM A N T E C N DI N S y . F TH E L EAG ER ·{, the meaning of which I do not Routine of a d ay 111 the Llfe of the Gflnnan IS PUBLISHED know, to carry out your dead brother's W. RUSE . . E mpei·or. O ' R li:VERY F RIDAY MORNING, work ; and la.Rt, but not leat, t i my go d L s The the s Emperor early rises almost a. a A H E R O F ORGAN, PIANO, E C -BYangel and preserver there s ou eoome e n avpli VOICE n d THEORY· Term o BY FRED :M _ -W-H:ITE_ Gautier's wife. The illusion was perfect, hard es t worked of his subj ects, namely, be) 28·ly M A JAMES ' ior. a ' ··n m a" 20 '" 18 bedroom cat' --·-and a little of Le Gautier 's matchless ventrilo - tween six and seven o'clock. a· bed The simplicity. soldierly, a stern shows . · AT HE OFEICJC quism <Mmpleted it. -.And now," he speakClIAPTER XVIII. Without another word, Isodore vanished, er l"ost Office Blo1ik, King Street., Bo w ma inued, running forward and falling in which he has slept nearly seventy years · n· le a vin g Sir Geoffrey pacing the drawing · '\ cont " You wished to see me ?" vlllc, Outnrlo. t Enid's feet, " let ·m e implore your for - is qf ordinary p in e, without car vii1 g er other ation. " Yes ; if you will be so good as t sit room in great pertnrba.tion and casting un- giveness ! My benefactress, how grateful I ornament easy 11;lances in Enid's directio n. He was T E R S : down and listen to me. " SLKll PING WITH A IIIGII PILI.OW. am that I have been able to se e you !" J.50 per Annum, or $1 It' llHJtl In ad vance Enid stood lo oking at hei· mysterious vis- not convinced yet, but his doubts were " I havlJ nothing to forgive, " Enid replied. He sleeps with his head much rised, al troublesome It is all nonsense, he e " p ex itor 'l'here in w s o a erpl m s ity. e someJno. Mcl\iurtry & Co. . " x- " Y ou have taken far too great a load off most as though he were sitting up. ' Payment s tr ictl y In advance reqnire d·t r om fhc 11beor1bere outs id e of the county. Orders to thing almost weird about the strange wo- claimed. " I saw with my own ey es --" my mind for me to reproach you now. " quilt, cold is but covering in eiderdown an " " Your brother, S ir Geoffrey. hloontlnue the paper must be a c oompanl ed by man's beauty ; but in obedience, she seated " But the whole thing Is inexplicable to<Jr the E mperor throws over the q1;1- ilt pre pared t o pay the highest pdoe amount due or th paper wil no& bes topped. herself to listen. The baronet looked up, and there, stand- me, " . Sir Geoff rey ex claime d. " How did t y overcoat he has worn durrng Ub"<lribers a re responsihleunti full payment is " I have a stranp-e story to tell , " Isodore ing in the do orway, saw Isodo1·e, holding by you manage to impersonate my late brother the mili ar ail kinds of Grain delivered at the 11ado, the day. '.I here is little fu rniture be!ond a. commenced, " For a long while now I the hand a figure dressed in a slouch - hat and so a ccurately ? " igh c l o th e s press. The sole l u x u r y m the h BA.TES OF A.DYERTISING : il!i have been watching over your welfare. Do enveloped in a cloak. For a moment, he Wharf or their Store House in town. Linda Despard smiled and pointed to a room is i big mirror, giving a full length W hole Column one·year . .. . .. . . . . . . . $60 oO &;: /;; not think me personal or rude. in any ques- staggered back in ama ement z ; it was the photograph albu m. " " " Easy enough with view of the K11oiser. The E mperor .has n ever S6 00 · o Half year = - · ·· · · · · · · " " plenty of t hese about. What simpler than owned a dressintt gown or pair of slippers. One quarter . . . . . . . .·, 20 00 :::i - tions I may ask. Believe me, I do not for lost Ughtred to the life ! " T his is the long - l®t bro ther, " Isodore to abstract a likeness from one of these ti s fur her evidenca of b s simple life, m y Halt Column one year . . . . . . .... . . . . . 36 00 -- one moment wish to pain you ; indeed, on j a i " Half year . . . . . . . . . . ; 20 00 the other hand, I wish to do you a great ser · continued. nda, " throw h away, y o u r Li a.t books and give it me ! 'Vith my theatrical be ci te d th e fact that un til the attempt . on " One quarter .. . . . . . .... 12 50 · vice. " and tell Sir Geoffrey the tal e you told Lu - tra.ining an J knowledge of m11.keup, the task his life, nine years ago, the Emperor d e s O F CA N A DA. natte1' ColnJLn one yeD.r . - . . . . . .... 20 r Enid inclined her head !l'ently. " Per- cre ce. Listen, Sir Geoff " " rey, aiid you will was nothin g. " Halt year . . . . . . . . . . 12 0 IS ed himself with carcely any o.ssistance fro m Capital puld np, !!II.uoo,cuo. !!test, $\!60,00 l haps it will be as well to have as perfect hea.r something enter tain in , and M iss One quartar . . . . . . . . 8 0 " I am all the more astonished," Isodoi e servants. Since then. a stiffness in one arm <n. Ten line s and under , first in sertion 110 50 confidence between us as possible. You al- Charteris something that will r estor e the remarked, " that the audacity of the co m · caused by po wder burns has made a val et Thls Bank ls prepare d to do Legltiw Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . 0 25 ready know my Will you be so bloom to her cheeks. " mand relating to Miss Enid did not open l!'rom six to ten !, first i nsertion 0 7 necessary. ;nate Banking in a.11 its br11nohas. good as to tell me to whom I owe this Linda Despard pushed her hat aside, and your eyes. " subsequen t insertion . . . . . . 0 Ba F1 rmers notes discounte d ; Deposits THE Ell!rEnon's SERVANTS. Over ten l i n es first insertlo n , p er line 0 10 -10 vis t ?" stood, " But you understand Le Gautier profeshalf-boldly, half-timidly, befo:e th e . O ver the Kaiser's low be d hangs I!. bel - . eoeived and Interest paid on amounts of 0 03 -' My name is Isodore, " Eaoh subeequent lnsortion , " startled baronet. There were tears m her sed to know nothiag of what had taken :95 up wards in Saving11 Bank Department, Eid ooked at her visitor in in terest T.he nnmber of lines to be r ec.koned by = nc l . pla.ce, " . Sir Geoffrey explained. " I even rope leading to the servant's apartments b e! _ th e n, was the beautiful eyes as she looked at Enid. th, epaoe ocou p led,.meaaured by a sc ale ot admiration. . This, J) H A F 'lf :S " But ;what can this possibly h ave to do had to broach the subject to him. He never low. Between six and seven o'clock, when ol !1i Nonpareil. in health, he wakes of his own accord and mystery about :whom Ma.xwell h ad oft.en with JJe Gau tier ? " Sir Geoffrey demanded. by any chance alluded to it. " lsaued and Collecttons made in Europ6 c::=======""'-. rings for his personal atJ;endants. Tese spoken, the pnncess to whom the fate.I Isodore waved him aside hl!.uahtily. " Such cunning as his always proves too Kammerdi ener are men of some education, Un ited States and Canada. Brotheh >0d owed _ allegiance. Then she " M uch, if you will have patience DRS, lHcL. t.IJGllLIN & REITJI, " she deep for simple honesty. I need not a sk if grew fngid. Had it not been for her and s!iid. - " Linda, you had beat commence. you believe what you have heard, · Sir Geof- usually selected by the E mper or from among W. J TONES, 0B'FIOE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· soldiers Uckermaerker, their chid, was the Agou such as her, Frederick would have been w· e are trifl ing " frey ?" . Dr.J. W . Mou AUGHr,IN . Dr. A. BErrH. Gradu· with her now. There was an air of command in these " Indeed, I do. - E nid, my child, come Kaiser' R attendant at the time of Nobiling's Uoen ti a te of the Royal ate o f the Toronto , " You misjndge m e, " Isodore, continued woi·ds there was no disputing. Enid sank and kiss ine, and say you forg ive your f ool attempt, and jumped from the box seat of College of . . c r s hough ts into a ch pale but collected, the baronet ish old father. Ta e me away into the the carriage to catch and shelter his master and m em ber or the Umversi ty , Phys1c1an. sadly,_ for she had rea d the otl;_ J:to yal Col lege of Sur· S urge on , &:o. as eamly as an o pen book. in his arms. Beheve me, . standing beh ind her, loo 11 t country, where nd me. people k I i cannot hing g fi any bu t geoiu. E din burgh. had I known, Mr Maxwell w:ould never \ co m fortable . Lucrece took up her place am not fit to mix with men of sense and, TOILET MAKINO AND BREAKFAST. Your at tention is dil'ected to the immense ; have been sent to Rome. But if I am to l beside her mistress. Isodore stood through O ' B;nid, as soon as it is convenient, tell DR. J. v. MIT(;HEJ.L, In answer to the bell U ck ermaerker and stock of c u ont I your in e, must have confi dence. ! the interview. Va.rley to go into the library and pick out · the chief wardrobe ser·vant appear to aid in EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS M Wha if te11 you our J o e 1 ·8 m · E ngl and i and Surgeons, Ontario, coroner, eto. all l' the wor I s h . e c y v r fi d n s puitua n W on i sm I t k d t "l t he Emperor s rapi oi e a " ell, will do anything to help tha no ? .' 7!l. Otlloe an d Residence, E n niskill en . At half-past seven coffee with milk a.ncl , , angel of mercy who . has been 80 good and and burn them. " , " You are sure you have forgiven me ?" a single Carlsbad wafe r a1·e placed for His . In Enl\laml, ad n evr , came to s ee me ! , kind to me !" the actr ess co mm enced, with of every description· at " lJ!md exclatmed with a httle gap. I,pos. D. Bll.RJK.E Sllll PSON, ly. Linda timid 1 espard Enid asked D . I " M ajesty in a room off his bedroom. r a0 ,,.rat"fol glapce at E nid. t ied to do · . .... . RRISTE<t, SOLICI'l'OR. &o. MOPlUS s 1bl e ! He would surely . have wntten. " From the bottom of my .neart. You . From eight to ten o'clock the Emperor ., a · I r · true h er a great lDJUCY ; but , tliank ieaven, I have done me a serv. ce to-day wh' h I can" Neve rthe1e ss, 1 't is . BLOCK, up atairs, King Street, BowmanperIectl Y - t·e busm 1s priva ·j\ .ion to h" n - eSS tlat ( atte t' ( \Ji j } . u IA IC gives i N '· ··· 1la, S olicito r for the Ontario Bank though he only arrived yest_erday. He 1 am not too late to sav e her yet. I am much not forget, or indeed ever repay-And to is, I to which s al om l ; h mail matter, c t to e bl a me but this is a hard world, and o im She has just opened out one of the largest Prlvate ltloneys loaned a t the lowest rates. would have come to you, or written, had I ' if you, I may Isodore, so, call I am y o u direct, instead ou of gh _ th are ere . t' imes w1ien a few 8h ill' H the Departmgs are a and most styl ish stocks ever brought not forbidden him." . grateful You will pardon me if I seemed ments of tate ; to his private estates and .John Kctth Galbrattll, to town, consisting of : " Forbidden him " Enid echoed haughtily godsend to me. It is not a long story. hars h or hard when you came here, but I appeals to a multitude . of per$Onal ·· ece uc 1re, J.: 1d Is [<fori, knew ny 1JusA R R l S T E R, SOLICITOR, NOTARY by " ' d have d i s t r u s ted every on e of la.te." '. , an B PUBLIC, &o. O fflee- B ounsall's Bloc,k " .And J vrsiTING ·rim EMrnEss. 1'1 i i I i n e t· y, D t· e S S Silks, " B ecause0 things were n0t ready," Isodore an . i o w e u rnc to eat me, eatmg, " Y ou have no cause to than k. me , " Iso King S treet Bowma.nville. " Money to lend, - mp1Y· I am afraid I mnst ie ' d 110t " ke a. i· ourney a! f . starvmg me, and takmg all my earn- dore repIied si repl. Perhaps during this work th Empr_ess ·d calmlY· " I di Vlvets , &c., ""'. cafes. Well, I put up spend to the rngs at has rung to a nnou nce that she t Rome at the hazard of my hfe, to rescu e ROBERT A.RMOtJR, - will receive with a very fine stock of . Feathers and . and then con fess that it is not entirely up<Jn your bewith that life as long as I could ' him from a great danger, to have my plans the Emperor. If so the Kaiser goes up . n IEGISTR.AR, WEST DURHAM ISSUER ' half I have done this thing. " afoor one awfuI mgl 1t, I left h' i m. I c;o Flo :v ers. . '- ot M11.rriage Licenses, B arri ster and Utor- upset at the last moment' If . it had not England, and brought my · boy with me , . l. " I care not for that. I shall always re- stairs to pay bis m orn ing calL Th E peror, . uld n?t be aIive After some hardsh ps I c in calling upon the Empress, mamtam s al- · Call and mspect this fine display, which 11er at J,aw and S olicitor in C hancery . Money been for me, Mr Maxwell wo with yon member gratitude." a ontrived to get i lo aned on Real Estate. Oflloe on King street, now." Isodore could not res tram herself . . . ways a state of spruc e new uniform. cannot fail to give satisfaction. Isodore turned quickly from the window. situation m a L on don ' theatre under a, i:;ew B owmanville. . snfli · tlY t0 co ,, During this c all the day's programme is . neeal this touch of womanlY n -----.cien It was only a small part, for my 1m- " JJe Gantier is comm g up the steps, s he arranged, invitations for the evening's diname. . f 1mg ee WUt;U.M WIGHT. ,., f\xclaimed. " He must not see me here now, i perfect nglish was against me. n t, g One h t!l . - d',s face softened s trangely " I ha,,e Em d. . .11 be rumec1 . I must see ner are settled and general gossip discusse " · · some month s ago, as I was com1ni:r out of or eYerythinf. wt ICENSED AUC'fIONE ER for the hea d of yo u. Forg· ve me 1 Af t e rward the K aiser goes d own agam to 'f I seem old you again be ore I leave the house: Where . the theatre, I met Le Gautier. I had known · w ' o e irely tne c ? Coun ty of Dur ham. Orders left at th e butrI have b een seve hi his work h so r om, at th window of a c sh e d l ly , t ' · BUT EBMA. N o ffice or forwarded to Tyrone P .O. h ough I was no t can I hide ? I would not have him discover many Americans have seen him - um . un m bettei: d ays, and t_ ·rorm " Yo·u do not know wh · t a load you h - m S· i " cl. 28:6n;i wUll reoei ve prompt attention.. · ignorant of his character, it was plei1sant to me now for ten thousand pounds !" ha w ve tak en ° ff my mm with the Grand Cross of the Hohenzollern d ; andw yet perhaps " · l Id iear f e th o ami ( To lJE ) CONTINUEP 1· i a t r ongue ' agam. It ap· , . S CJ, HITKING , --S he fami 'l y order 11.nd the Iron 0 ro ss, won m 1813' _ ' . sto ed abruptly ; her thoughts he had been r n the . theatre, i;nd re · -·-- ., ier, and on his breas t. e d. 1rec t' ion of L· e G aut' · m thPP ICE NSED AUCT I O N E E R FOR tur ne d · d d co mse me, an aite . to s a y · d f a ew d wor 8 · DEPARTM ENT \ V:ORK. the Cou nty of Durbam. S al es attended wondermg how she could face her lo ver as .I. came out. Time went What Molasses will do for a Sick Man. 011, and he was to on shortest no tice and lowest rates. Address no The Emperor for two hours receives the reall7 kind o me. I Through B6:tf his " am going to open a molasses cure influence I t!GO[{'l'ICK p_ o. ,';l'And yet, " Jsodore replied-" and · you obtamed a rise of salary, and · I was grate- establishment," said a young man' wo was reports of the departmental chiefs. On alterwould sec a way out of the difficulty into nate days come the civil military chiefs of . . . GOOD WIFE GUARANTEED TO which the miserable sch emes 0f Le G _,.aut' ier ful . vVbat he really wanted with me you recently laid up with a complicataon of the C ab" et but Fr'd ay and Sunclay are free. Unapproached for every man who buys his J io enae from sh a.ll hea.r presen tly. " The narrator paused troubles, and then explained that he was a m ' 1 i have placed you ? Do I speak plamly, or . Tone and Quality, f!ii:NRY B YLVESTER, Enniakillen. All State documents of a. ny importance remomen a ere, b t an h d 1 k °0 e l iev e r in the ma,, o-ic vir t u e s of molase fi m roun d d m th e · c 't 'I" sh 11 i i a 1 be more expr - ·-=:·--- · q ui re the Emp eror's signature, and until eaQ:er faces. Every sound h ses a ll as . a He c u r said e that he could had been be eard CATALOGUES FREE. The random shot wen t· home ; E ' ni ' d's . within a few years he signe d no documen. is metiy-th e t' d"-t' . g up th mg 0f th e c1 oc1cs , and stu dym Pianos Tuned and Rep aired. 1 - son ,to JC k' · e sub" face fl ushed crim , the fair curls ly JCC t and f ound th at mo - without having first mastere d ; ts contents . ing · Sir Geoffrey's heavy lasses was recommended for all the diseases breathing.. " One on her f0rehe ad' You speak plamly " It is easy to see, therefore, in what cease1ess ARTIES WISHING 'tHEI:R PIAN OS eno ugh, ' ' she ialtered. " Y_o say no night he came to my lodgingM; the speak- known to humanity. " First I sprained my work he has spent his life 1 u ne ed a bicycle, and before er resumed, " and ked then I wrist 1 from he by a . falling me if e om att nded more bew1 dered by your am dazed and Tuned or repaireu cannaTe th Moreover, for public affairs he has no , had forgotten the old spiritualism tricks. I got home three people told me to put fl b:y le avin g word a.t the DO!'dINJON ORGAN wondertul knowledge. . · ly to ' p r ivat e secretary, but trusts entire 1 ' »'s 0ll'WIOE, Bowmanville A ftrst-cla" man " It will be clear enough nresently. The I must te11 you _ th at o_nce 011 a tim' ·I hrown paper and mo asses on it· Rheuma the departments of State for such work. " . . ow being'In their emvlo tr ave lle d the continent with a company tnat tism caught me by the knee before my wrist 1 d d k b t I o ) ou 5 a e of light ys a -. d OFFICIAL PRESENTATIONS . 11 0u s::i, dy spiritnal - 1 p lay e d hostly pi?ces, such, or ins tance , as was well, and nine different people- tolu m e G entle m e n oi !Fas h- . ere , ,an t;ren "i> Y .· · o c< · translat10ns of Dickens' Olwistmas Carol, a to use molasses 011 it. Molasses and opodelAt twelve o'clock come ma.ny persons who ism ? . . · "11us10n, what doc was one remedy and a.notiier was mo- 1 are dai1y present ed to h un. All ofli - d nswered ' puzz1e d by the 1nmpIe th' 10aI i rng, a mere opt' 1cers a st · t. O D , no t so t " No, Em · · yon call Pepper's Ghoot. I told him I lasses, salt and vinegar. I caugh t a bad a.hove the grade of Mi . ·j or, for inst ance, are / a_bruptness and mconsequence of the questhought . I could remember and then he cold on my chest last week, aud was told to presented to him on their .promotion. A host ti n. , , " I cannot say that I have . But have writteu there few lines, made a proposal to me. I nver h esitated ; try molasses and rum internally. The cold 1'f civil officials and distinguished persons And a!l l have j0 e wh , . . Jif e.fl;ll at h om n, t l the pay was too good for that. I was to got worse, and w hen I_pi·oposed to try te are also presented, so that he may himself . th 0 e I shall rf h 18 nl'.ena:!.8 1 m eet Le Gautier at a house near Padington effec t o f a musta.rd pla.ster I W!IS tol d to IDlX j udge of the capa ci ty of all S tate servants. Ill W i 1 <rl a e a b ?ki 'r e " m b ood e e g s . : So all mY n d old friends may come, Y one mght, and go through the old tricks for the musta1·d with molasses so that it would About twelve o'clock, br eakfast is often euough to asce!tam if he can b e seen ?" .A.nd all the young ones, t oo, · a gentleman deeply interested in spiritual- not blister my cuticle. The first time I got placed for him on his desk, in tbe corner of . d m t l e t 8 a y ;c;e r !! :: fJ ;! fi:it: ';; etd ism. I learnt my le s son well. out of I the was first house I was ;walking up B ro ad the library nearest bis wo rkroom , though, . t \i tu c m a 8, to persona te the self of the spec- street in company with a pronounced limp, of course, he frequently bre akfasts with the Wnere old an d youn. dllar friends, ma y meet - h" " It is 8h e rang tlie ·be11 · is craze. h .A we lcome greeting, by R- PEA.TE. tator, and afterwards the spiri and was asked what was the m at ter. I told Empress. h' "t 0f is After a little pause, the baroPet entered -..B"Ytwo o r three people that I had the rheuma.JlREA K 'AST NOT Ill!PORTANT. the ro om, and, Jk hi,s daught er, stood in Geoff xcl aimed . " Go o n I " tism and learned that I ought to try molasSir e r e y thrall ed by the visitor s perfect beauty. 1 c t . t This desk has broad proj e cting shelves on . . " I . n e1es yo n ow. I th ought I shou ld ' se a and c amphor or saIt and molasses. I got · bmved low ; in spi te of bis age, he was a the lower half and narrow book covered « I a.m !ully prepare d to attend Fanerals on . ' I knew _at the time, to my shame let me tire d of these suggesti011s , and when the the shortest notice, a t th-0 loweot possible ra tes 10 ver of the beautiful still. He looked u shelves above. On the broad table top of th e . . Gaskets and BurialCases ready on short " a dmirmgly m the perfect eyes, an d waite confess it, from the tlungs I ha d to say, next mau asked wh at ailed me, I an sw<'red lower half the servant places cold meat First-c lass hearse on ve y moderat e notice terma that the spectator was to be got into Le that my corns troubled me. " '.l' ell you what foi; he.r to spffrk. bread and a single glass of port wine. Fre · $bronds and C ofilna c ons ta ntly on ha n d . Fun Gau tier's power. Well, the n ight came ; to do. Sure cure. Take a little piece of kid, quently between pres11tations the Empe , eral oards supplied at once. Furniture Shop &:; y ey e e e eu a d dl swin d r o r S G . u , . , o ar ' the simple apparatus was fi x ed ; everything daub it with mol asses · and _ stick it on the breakfasts Block. lud man hurriedly, often standing, it is Show Rooms-Bounaall'aNew ,, ·- i Bless me 1 the s ..... rt e d baronet ex- promised well. I was a bit nervous' for I · corn. ' I broke away from him and savagely said, like au American before a lunch count. can l ive at h ome and nmk more was out of practice, and I wauted to see toId the next sympatJ1 eu1 ·c r · nquirer · · about my 1 t th· m oney at work ror us, than at ?,1 u lceImo;a oenJi: what sort of a man the victim was. While ailment that it wa non e of his business what er. Sometimes he forgets breakfast until any d u de ' bY reminded by the Srvant. His spare time thing else in this world. 1'I o cap i tal they were at dinner, I looked iuto the room , was the matter with me.. I stopped on the · needed ; y ou are started fr<e. Both P0si e 1, ' . wtrnouT TUTH be tween twelve and two o'clock is filled in WITH'. TE1li'l'B., , By the on urer, and there I saw the gentleman whom I now corner to rest, and while there heard a man xes ; all ages .Any on e can do the work. - ,, by study of new laws, either already before se autier. Large enrniogs sure from first start. Costly . 0 ff o i know to be Sir Geoffrey Charteris 'Vhen telling a victim of malaria to take molasses or G ag. S 1r eo rey stared J:e m open - mou thed am t to come before th e Re ichs outfit and terms free. B et ter not d eiay . Costa , J . . I saw you r ered u1ous face, · th e narrator and red peppe1 's ch i - to break l u " lls. I am b eyou nothing to send us your address and find azern_en t ; eve the breed mg 0f the Charte:iNOT GUARDED WllILE DRIVINC. F.RA.CJTH)AL DENTIST, . . continued, addressing ginning to think out that the molasses ; cure if you a1·e wise you wHI d o so at onco, the b a r o n e t " I was es did not nse to this occas10n. Emd s no longer afraid. Presently, whn it be- should be developed. I undel'stand that the At two o'clock he drives for two hours. H. HALI.If.TT & Co . . Po rtland, Maine, !»VER TWKNTY YEARS EXPRRIENOE, hart gave one leap, and ten began to b eat N ltrous@xtdeGas A.dm1nl stered for Painlell y 1 0l ently. Slie was c onsc10u of some con - came dark and they sat over their wine, I sticky sttlff is a favor ite remedy for every - T here are no guards around the carriage . . listened till a word agreed upon was uttered thing out in the country, where they eat it e,formerly drove alo1!e, J:>ut since obil, dcp es t mterest to her, Operat!ons. mg re vc:lat10n of he O R SES. P E R CH E R O N and waited with 11np11otience for Isodore to by Le Gautier, and I c omm enced . Firi.t, on all sorts of things, and use it for all sorts ii;ig s n:ttcm_pt a a ssassm at10n an adi utant lllCCJLlfNG'S RLOICJIA, Of!'ll'l«JE H there was some music, sounding strangely of complaints. Up in Su ssex you will find sits with hn_n. V\ ?en atte_rnpts are :Uade to speak. Island Home Stock . enough in the room but n ot to me for I lots of people who eat molasses on salt pork, surround him with sodiers . t.hc E per r s C " ome 1m e ago, you ent to a house F a r m, Grosse Isle,, '. :;J lt ' ak ea the geatet delight lli eluding his t it. played s at T coffee was and. tea. their b sweeten wi i it h u to , simple h elievun an l l fo :b., is very conve. <: we will sen d yon free . nea. l'add u;igton. y <J wi.l J?lease corct er with ordinary n erves ; , then came Hashes on lettuce and tomatoes, and drmk it with i gu ard by qm ck c h an ges f ro ute . D urmg . . somtthing of groat -value me if I am lll errot·, Sir Ge offrey. fg . C o min h o m e at f? u.r o clo ck Hrn MaJc<>ty of Ii ht a.!ao easy enou"h and when I deem- vin e ,;rar and water in h arvest time. I am beand. impotane to y_ou, tht w!ll start you in your pre sen ce there yon saw several startan Island in Detroit busmess wluch wall · brmg you m more down sits late, of a m a battere d old red d a e d t d £B_ .· crea ·o of " think c half ginnlPg t has f that su life ,, my 0 sense ien f l <? River,ten miles below l < co manife·tations were li ng you mmande <money ri11:ht away than anything else in t his · and s Ieep s for an I10ur. . e I never knew enough to ch air W indsor, Ont. Pur· i?h affect ed I ntered the room. It was quite dark by been wasted, for 1 certam tl1 mgs, on ? 0f wh" world. Any one can do the work an d live at t 0 I d 0 chaset·s will find a. and I was dressed from head to use molas9es on a.nything but buckwheat CLOSING TIIE DAY. home. ll:ither sex ; all a.ges. Something new, d eep y your daughter s h appmeas, aud that time ' . largc. .ilumborof pure · thatju st coins mone.r for all workers. . w :e wh ich, by nome happ y accident, were equal- f ot m c1 ose garments. I tone1ied s r cak es . bred and grade stAl· I th c evening there are o f ten sma11 com. . will start y ou ; . cal!1tal not needed. Th is. is _ the Empres' apartments, but the I' b d a es a ccePtable to Le Gautier. Am I ri ht ? " Geoffrey on the face and<l m his pa.mes in , Olie of the genume, unportm;tt. c lasse s of a life- IY " :f' colts r all maes ar' ; and once when he show ed signs In a Chanp;mg World. ,¥ And ee! . ped perfectly, , , the bar h of untime. Those w ho are amb1t10us an d enter· m et gas Emperor is not always pres!lll t . Sometimes ' to select f o m . All . . . . . . prising will not delay. Grall(l . ou tfit free. . I need not say ther will be earned out to b ief' I cl utc hed h · ng the pure bred.stock reg· Geolo a1 . im b the t roat nd sts have de scnbedBntam as swarm he ';0rks for an 1i oui, or , t 0 fim s1u nearly stang le him. - S ir Ge?ffrey - if I Address ·rnuE & C o Angus ta, Mame. 1 tstered in the French and America11 Stud nhQ I ks. the J etter. I believe"-ing witg a multi tude of forms of gi g antic d y s work. At el eve n o c lo ck 1ns ]{ amme1·- i Prices reasonable, stock guaranteed. Large ill . n& " They were a common, vulgai·, .bareface d mke a ISta ke Ill a smgle particular, cor - reptiles, some of them 60 feet or more in 1I diener are calle to h e! l11 m t o bed . The trated CaUl!ogue !ree. SAVAGE a; li'ARNUM, re me. , swind l e !" t ,, equcn ly asleep l>E'l'ROl'l'. Mlca. durivg the reptilian age-the middle E:n peror when rn healt is t . the baronet length, Y ou are perectly conect, ' " I beg your · pardon," Sir. G eoffrey interperiod in the earth's geological history, when before the last servant is f airly out of the posed politely, ready to do battle in defence a_nswered, flushmg sca.rlet. " Pray, Cun - mollusks and reptiles attained their culmin- room _ _ _ , , mperor durmg his of his pet scheme. , We are " I cannot agree with m ue , 1:. OU do not know what the suspense ation and declined, and when the first main - 1 It vas said of te · is to me. ow preyou. Le Ga·1tier"-s llness m o r f a h n te a tat energy l treless I at a later epoch-the middle 1 England of . are . to R l) J IJ l u 1 p ! " . " Ha d you be en quick and strong of nerve of Q uartern arv- is viven by Owen " Gi- I early to li.te m carry mg out equal y the "" . " Is a low adventurer I am not talking fur n 1 s h l · "" "' ' ·' . · - und I f ully ; I co.n prove every word I say. This ;rou wouId have fo 't ou t th en , for , as a- n tic elephants ,, of nearly twice i mp 01· tan t of his duties ' all clasBe8 with employment at l10me, the the bulk of 'j si,na11es t an d 1:ios t . a . - ' ! whole of the time or for their spare moments. : very mornmg, I was at Paddington, and It wa s! you grasped my rm , covered n wet the l argest individuals that now exist i \ his great tact m .drn co ':' e n g an handhig !1 Bus!ness new, lght and pro! P er s ons . ! saw th manifestation room, or whatever eel-skms, a creepy thmg to touch m the Ceylon and Africa, roamed here m herds, if men,_ togeth er wih !ns g1eat km<l nes l ii of e1t he1· s ex easily earl! from oO cents to $5 per . i you may choose to call it At the bacl· of dark, even if you know what it is. That l we m<J.y j udge from the abundance of their I keepmgeach man m lus pface are the Kasier s evemn l!'nd a proporu9 nal sum by devotmg w was the firs t pm:t of the perforn;ance, and romaine." Two-horned rhi noceroses , or at strong personal characterist.ics. I the "room is a large mirror ; over the wind ! h : !i l::st;:11 '" I is another. Preparations· for the m anufac then the. real busmess commenced Ill earnest. 1 ieast two species forced thei way th rough r A :&VffUJ ,AR ROUTINE. t his may send the!r a<ldres,s,. and test the busiture of visions to suit any taste were mani- L e Gautier led yo u to a ro om at the back t he ancie nt forests, or wallowe d in the .· . · nc<s, we 1n fl 1alrn this o fller. Io suc h as are not · He has out the pa th for al l who came , · cone1ns1on a i-00 in d rnp ed I!1 · g lll · w, i fest. An d one tluu : th · bl a.clc i swamps. '[!1e Iak es and rivers well sat s eel we w11 1 senc1 one d o11ar to pay · e gir1 of the ho·1° were te n- in contact with him from the Empress to 1 for a Q the trouble of writing. · w h persornited your better self. a_nd nd Full particulars s te ou our a cloh, ot, ea c d ! m . rtam sp anted b:f o hippopotamuses, a.s burl y and \ ith pei·sonal att en d ant. Each must do wha t anct utt free. ddrcsa ' GEoROE STINSON &; dead brother, who never was m arrie d , is at darmg _Yon to m ov e at you peril . I wond - as form1clable tusks a.s those of Africa. I, his s a ort .and, Mame. . lotte u nd s e p d l r c i a s Co . I st al o k tly e t · m withi present un cr your roof. _ She is Lin_cla De_s- er did not la ugh at t h is i I d id 011ce or Thi;e e kinds of oxen found ubsitence in he ; in th ese i imits . "With each official, as with . _ . ,I prd , t_he girl w ho met w i th the accident m twrne, I now, so that h:td to fi msh with 1 plama. There were n:I so g1gant1c deer, earoh servant, the Kais er speaks only of th.e «*il!M·M·M·MAA'*' · an hystcrw_al cream,. wluch ha_d the dva.nt- 1 horses and boars, a wild cat, ly I Piccwthlly. l e o pa rd, duties of his department. nx,. Formerly the I Sir Geoffrey began to feel uncomfortable, age of rehevmg me_ and heightenm g the " Britih tiger larger than that f B en ga , E m peror even o p ened all ' own letters I and moreover experienced a twinge of com- effect. Well, the Jugglery commenced- .I and another and even more terrible ca.rm- 1 N allows t h o w h o- · ' is to be done for him ' rnon-sense. There was something so horribly the meanest tr ick ery, hardly su fficient to ' vero us monster with sa.ber-shape<l cani , re alistic about the beau tiful stranger's story, deciev a c hild . I t w as eay enough to 1 eight in ches long. 'l'roops of J-. yonas preyed NEWSP.APER CLH·P r n a s READ, I that it sho ok his faith to its _foundatio n . work t und er C?Ver of the _mcei;ase and I u_P n carcasses and feebler qu adruped s. U sually the Bmperor reads no new spapers, o " But re all y, su ch aR extraor mary tale, " smok e.' f rom heh md your cha ir, Sn Geo f- I 'I here was a savae bear I:i-rger. th an the but of late he s m uch read to. _ . i Clippings ta r m ed " and everyth_ing appeared fry, the cur tams were pulled back and a Rocky Montam gnzzly, a g g I he s m e c beaver, fr 1 a.t1 om newspapers of all nations are sent to . 1 so real. I cannot doubt, the likeness to m y lllrl'Ol' xposed. stood upon a pedsal ' wolves, a.nd various amm s, e smal o wn r , al cl . , him from th e Foreign Office, so that in this exact cost 1 bro t her was so perfect. Am I mad that I !ll te wmdow, be lund anoth er m irror. 1he to bats, moles, ra.ts ancl m ice. way he ke eps track of the world's news and , 1llus10n was perfect, and all I h d to do was ; should believe this ?" . opinions. '"'"Ii '"'" . " It you will exc se 1!1e for a mom ent ai;id to ask and auser que sti ons. I ot throu!? h 1ne 0 She Found Out. well , Dr. Von Lauer c alls ea c h 0 permit me to see thrn Lmda D esp ard, I will th e first pu,rt of the performance :well enugt; , " . introduce yo u t o your brother in a few mo- bu G wh en I had to perso ate Srr G e ofirey D o ou ke a m . he . k e s morning to give him a sort of cer ti fi cate of he' ?" a y _h usc as I ments. Miss Charteris, have I :- a D uring his recnt serious 111 ffiCflC all t he rimg health. your per - h:other, the case was different. Had you, 1 he sat eside her ?azmg on : b . ! mission 'I" su been calm and cellected you must moon ; I ask bec,rn se th ere , · re young 1 Dr. Timann slept in the palaee each night . I ' :.i mper 1 and a servant Ill - a room llext t0 b ' he E · " You ha.;-e my permission to do anythin have discovered. wh ? say ti161, are h orrcl - 11 d" I ersona ted the spi rit of , la..ies ! a rec. . rmg penanc for some 0 sin'-" b I which will clear up the wretched mys tery i:;' your brother, desi I don t k ow, she .replie d mn oc ntl y , or's b edroom , but as soon as the E mpero r e j e a fficient strength to be out of bed ine d r su e g i Enid cried passionately. Even now, I a facied wrong d?ne to my chil dre ; and to l " wh oth er l!rn one Qr n ot. e had I n ver ! th e old routine bce:an . 0., eo . . OWe . 1 totally at t> loss to know what you are heighten the effect, two ragged little boys one on my hp. . . . " Oh," he exclaimed, with a long -drawn ' speak ill g of. Go ! Do anythin g yot1 mt1y were introduced to pcrsonate the dead man' s I - -- -- Newspaper Advertising Bcau, , , mquSl ve fel o'; ay :1, be a sacl· :be i desire, so that we can have a little quietness starving and adandoned family. Frighte11- , breath ; then h? dre\ her closr, and there 10 Spruce St., New y.,, ,.,., U: \ I der, but he is a.ways- a , " hy sir ma u. · hereafter. " ed almost to death by the fear of being was a sound as 1 f a bird had ch lrped. s.. .Qd l.Octs. for 100-Pago Par.nph1et. . ( -) ! --·v l!l! _B !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!! !!!I 'i :; : C =: S U M T I _. T J rv G RAI N ' . · s · ... . " ·· g8 - · · - · · s STAN DAR D B A N K - , I . l · · LA I E S, · · J ---- _ M I L L I N E RY .· · · . .. " · - · , , . . 1a1it\J) !£ LY 'S ' · · . _ L , · · B E L LH L · A P . , I O RGANS Ho? · , BELL & CO., Gnelph, Ont. · · , · , · Ai: · rr:; . 11 f : 1 . ,-· , ·----· D ENT I STRY · · · · r?,1:j" : · U N D E R TA K I N G l EV 1 f\'I OR R I S · · 1. M. B R I m: A C 0 It B i,11°.8 1 j "'.l · r - -· - ···- - -- · · · · Vo U , · ---· - · · ----- -, -- M 0 N EyJer· .· · t, ·-------- ------ -· · THE COOK'S BEST FRI ENJJ j . --··· --- ---- .. ___ . D U N N 'J s I eA I N c P · · I, - · r1 ' · I . . 3 ro.1 n ti. · · _ · _ r e ' · I l · : I · I 1. WO rf,1ng Clas C"lll' At'i ant10 n ---··· * . · 1 · -- - I · · j J l 3· T2[!1f!.1,,t ! I I , l 1 ,j wild j j " l t ' · · I I I I When . . . · ·- l I AD VER TI SERS can l earn the f any propos 7- ed i· f illness advertlSlllO" A I papers bY" dd ,-..,. p 11 & C R G · · · · · .

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