E · --!!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !!! !!! !!!! !!!! !!! !!!! !! !!!! !!! !! twelve ha.rd-boiled eggs; add equal quanti- WI' I longed to ma ke amends for the pain I you're tired. Been working all day p ro HOUSEHOLD 'lj\,iJ?l(1) I'm a brute to add to your truhles ties of chopped celery and cabbage , mash W e · had caused him, and I went immediately to I bably. "' W e a 9 I ll, w· more. you tire very do and will It the ; yolk s fine add two t blesp oon s butthe odious little type-writer, ter, two of sugar, one teaspoon mustaid ; " I will write you a letter on this." guess." VETERINARY SURGEON The Kitohen Dresser. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1887. I ha closed my eyes to try to shu out pepper and salt to ere was !' ma.n who want:Jd a letter ; an d lastly, oneThe convenience in a k ichen half cup god cid er taste written to his poor old moher, whom he the pam. I. had seen, daily gi owing, 8, eat, next togreatest vinegar ; pour over the sink a cold p and ovided hot with r Any one ugly my blu.ck under eyes rmgs had he for no had not seen ten years, and r unning water, is an old-fashioned dresser salad and mix thoroughly. right hand with which to write his filial love could see them. This stranger saw liem. with KrcE BrscnTs.-1 quart of flour 3 tea its wide, capacious shelves above and d e d ee my at n ai far p the now heart xc e But hand, right his be would I and devotion ! a spoonfuls of baking powder, a pmch' of sa.lt, " and pot its Stadin below. closets kettle that intensity in aching e th of eyes. lengthwould I lea.st at for the time being, three tablespoonfuls lard or butter. Mix "Now, miss," he continued in the gen- in full light against the wall, it ha.s no da.rk soft, roll en my wea.risome day indefinitely if it would out ha.If an inch thick, spread with corners for <he harboring of unseen accumu tones, tlest i direct please will you "If t mother us anx old poor a of heart the w It had been a busy, wearisome day with cheer laion s, and furnishd with its great, ta.11, butter and sugar, and sprinkle cinnamon for me, I'll be so much obliged." somewhere. over and some mce 1£nghsh currants. In e ever since the clan gin g bells and screechI h ad not turned from the window nor wide glazed doors, it must of necessity be " But what's that?" he said, laying a mg whi s tles ha.d startled the winter mornth ? summe r be rries am v ery nice used in neatly at or the s es kept, el expose car once ' my with and unclosed , s all ye e shut sights a m e l . . tt i ne l chi cal i ag m e :ti t finger on ing punctually a.t 7 o'clock. \Vorse than ness of its owner, or hex deputed helper. his W?-Y· Roll . up sa.me as jelly cake, out my my from out hearmg senses, seemed of sheet showrng a by him ed m : exp}a I that, it had proved one of these vexatious pe-wntmg. Be looked it over, a.nd ha.nd· pamfully acute. That voice carried me And a pleasing sight, too, is a wel,l kept dres. m strips I thick , and bake in a quick oven. priods that sometimes drop down upon us ty cd it back to me with a negative shake of back to scenes in which I had heard Just ser, w_ith its rows of shining china and glass without the slightest premonition in which the PLAIN BISCUIT._ Dissolve one rounded such tones-low, gentle and tender. It glearmng through the clear panes of its great head. . the skein of lite becom es so hoplessly and tablespoon of butter in a pint of hot milk ' " Not any for me, miss," he said depre- was-I'm sure it was the twin of that voice doors. inextricably tangled that the more we try ca.tingly. l And this brings me to the expressio n we l when lukewar m stir in on e quart of flour that once, in the long ago, wakened in my wouldn't soul old poor The " "to smo oth it out the more we add to its kept, so I hasten to explain what that means. add one beaten egg, a lit t le salt and a tea' like it. She'd kind of think it was news- heart its very first and best love. complication and mystery. or somethmg like that, you .I heard .his last request, but it had 80 W ell kept means carefully and cleanly kept, cup of yeast ; work the dongh until smooth. Graouate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Smee the wageworker's inexorable sum- pa.perI work, want her to have a ieal, genume I mmgled with the far away voice I was and. n ot only that, but carefully and con- If m wmter set in a warm place, if m sum- Registered member or the Ontario Veterinary mons had warned the ta.rdy ones of their see. Medic A ssociatio n. hand-writ letter; more sociable like, you 1 listening to in my dreamy retrospection vemently arranged. In the kitchen dreser mer a cool place, to rise. In the morni n g dane r on that crisp, clear winter morning, . will be the china. or semi-porcelain for every- work softly, a.nd roll out a half-inch thick, that I paid no heed to it. and R side n ce Newtonv lle, Ont. e i until now, at half-past five o'clock in the know." c ted for «Oe v ds f d y the cut also and goblets, use, into glass to tumblers et biscuits s e and or rt hi t ?' sli movement ht part his on aroused A g Saturday\ of instant. and e a.n could, e r I Tuesday every o n Or mt Will fl o v afternoon, it had been a veritable black- I pen and ink. me, and I saw him looking compassionately chshes accompanymg them, also the meat minutes, when they will be ready to bake. Otflce hours from 10 a. m., to 4 P· m., st letter day with me, both literally and met· course, write one for him with plat the belonging and ers dishes delicious vegetable These arc · Co11lters' Hotel . Calls by Telegraph receive aphorially. My head swam and my ey es My experience in penning addresses upon at me, and in a 1espectful way he held out to the every-day set, the tea set, with i ts bei mmediate atte ti on . envelopes, before I was the letter. CJlEHI CAKE -1 cup of butter, 2 cups were dim and blurred. The type-writer too tens of thousa n ds of lcE t k s the ba and spoon CH.ARGES MODER.A.TE. longings, knife-and e I folded it aud enclosed it in an ena. type-writer, of dignity the to promoted of sugar, 1 cup of sweet milk, l cup of cornhad been in a sort of rebellious, cranky u;;,00d; crumb tray and brush. me a mastery over the pen. It velope, and took up my pen once more. o as though protesting against the incessant had given A wel l-devised dresser generally has three starch, Z cups of flour, Z teasp onful s of ba.kdirect it to Mrs. Jane Stanley, "Please a. whether to only_ as was should I qustion powder, the whites .of eight eggs. This ing etra;n and overwork that had been put w i f e shelves, furnished near the back with Drayton, Ont," he said . humor his whim. or five layers about an inch upon it. a mouldmg of wood to prevent la.rge meat makes four t held T that the rose hand pen suddenly he the had in I dec I . ded e a a tiv a ffirm to r between the Orono Pump Factory. ird put thick. he icing From the dingy little offi ce on the th in tlie air, like the arm of one first stricken dishes from slipping down, and to keep them layers: Fo the whites oi three eggs, beaten floor, where my monotonous life was mostly dear friend somewhere out in the we stern I with in a standing posit.ion, aud shelf-space af. the palsy, a.nd the other followed it country, perhaps a miner too. He had left pound pulverized sugar. Boil the passed, I cou ld look upon the rush and roar a division. It stiff, one mother-and me-to seek his fortune. uncontrollably. One gasp for breath- a forded by the top of its lower with four tablespoonfuls of cold water sugar of King and Yonge streets. t tl:I Pumps Cheaper and Better en has also om three the at bot compartm choking sensation-and I fell backward until it candies. Pour it into the whites It was preciously seldom that I dared in· We were very dear friends once; but a. but no far; a strong arm held me up. A_ or lower part, with a wide drawer above slowly, beating until nearly don e. Flavour us hidden eaoh than ever, ha light from cloud other. dulge in the luxury of res tin g my aching lone- convement glass of water revived me sufli- each . Jn the middle lower compartment with vanilla. . eyes. upon the ceaselessly moving panorama Still I loved him after all these sad, a should be placed the ho us eho l d dinner pots ciently for me to hear the wordsoutside, but when I did it gave me new some years, and perhaps he still had lin· DELICIOUS CORN BREAD.-1 pint of cor n The Subscriber having built a large n011 on either side, in the other compartments; "Poor child I she's worn out." courage to zesume work, for I then realized germg love for me. \Vho knows? meal, Pump Factory in Orono, fa p repare d 1 pint of flour, cup shortening (half r kettles the b etc. saucepans, s, er l i o griddles, , you John Stanley?" I whispered what a world of active, perpetual workers Ile n.otwed my hesitation, momentary as "Are ' In the three drawe1·s may be kept many a1t i- butter and same of lard ) ; Z eggs 3 heaping he raised me to a sittin.,. posture -to furnishthough it wa s . there were besides my own humble self. wder, and'cold water "Why, of course I a John Stanley" cles, such as, in one drawer, clean kitchen teaspoons of baking po "It would plea.se mother so much"The sight was restful to the ey e and en PUMPS to thin enough very milk it sweet make or h dish-cloths; and e towels second ' the in t OF EVEY DESRIPJIQM Ill li he said, regardmg me with surprise. " Y_es, of course," I interrupted. couragmg to the spirits. My face, which a moment ago had felt table-cloths neatly folded; in the third the I 1ust so it will drop nicely from the spoon'. I seized a pen, and pl acing a sheet of note It was h alf past 5 o'clock and a cold win With or without Porcelain Cylinder, ol l will n a it th it so ke more be not tiin, !-la 1 r, s napkin doyleys, g , in r pe napkin w and' a:nd s r b i cold and bloodless, wa.s no u n ing as w th before me, I wa s ready. ches th10k when done. Sour milk can be th Be t Ma er - I on th horte t no e ter da y. The cra a ky type-w riter hacl paper a fever, an d yet I shook as with the viol en c e ha.ps the best carvmg kmfe, fol·k R.nd s t el . m tloo s es s t rn easedfQm it petulant chcb, and iested " I wan t it to go something like this, " of 9 in place of sweet milk with wa.ter' and used . ' p t h n e afforded the room by or s f ace, e s h O l l said I in a most inaudible an ague, as e.nd &t the !owest prices. m its rnrner m moody silence as who he began thoue;htfully. " Dear old moth tonesc la p in soda e of baking powder, bllt only of top be p will it lower t, r he very found a should sa.y, "I've been shamefuliy abused erhcomement to arran ge certain aticles, for one large teasp oo nf ul of soda should be used, Oistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. "I am nn ie S incl air " t day. " 'l'he eary fingers that h ttd, for I melted as . I traced the lines on the pa.· example, the coffee and tea canmsters, the JUS e_nouh to make your milk foam nicely. e omet S r's between g n groan and a min .a :?me hows, ma1pulated its keys, were rest- ! per. These first three words _ were the key shout of ln JOY at the dtscovery of a rich l ead cocoa or chocolate box, and the tea, coffee, ThlS is mce baked iu gem pans f or bieak WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. mg upn the si ll of the solitary window in I to my heart. H.e had opened it He seem· I reached mY'. ear, as I was uncere momou sly and chocolate pots, bright as polishing can fast. that dmgy office; and the eyes that had 1 e wrestlmg with .some p roblem, .and I t ke em ma ranged can the of sters. front m , )1 mto zz m tightly the gr lygather?d shaggy, i followed steadily the hateful alphabet all I tied o encourage him to proceed with the I earskm coat of th1s terrible stra ger. W The New England Blue Laws. hat I On this shelf-space, the knife and spoon . . ay, were now resting upon the wagons roll- diat10n. . !(ht ):iasket r box of plated willow, the k nives a.ll? m a after s e, were i k it a f mi t There I i wr ; it wa t t like tender d n a km?i laws were en cted by the people These . . the over smooth ways of the streets the mg be_ other John Stanleys Oh, yes, and thern m one side and the silver or plated waie in of the "Dominion of aNew Haven," and nmselessly glidmg cars and the mass of JUst like I d talk to her if she was here now, might TO GIVE SATISFACTION. next r; e th o the the this to easter, its with er oth be Sinclairs, worked who Anme pedestrians. The tired body leaned agains t 1 vou know." me known as the blue laws because they all beca te!' hours a day on type-writers. And-I mustard, vinegar, oil and pe pper cruets, "Yes," I as sented. on printed blue as er. we e p a p are They the wmdow-casing, as my eyes f ollowed the 1 might not be ysclf,_ and John might not- n?aly kept and sparklin gly bright; a.lso inOrders!by Mail promptly attended to. :: But to tell it to a stranger"movements of the busy living objects out "My on httle girl J To think I've got dividual "salts," "oils," and " vmegars , ' ' follows Yes, I understand, but I cannot write and or gove magistr convened es at there. . "T rn he you to wnte to mother and inquire about and lastly, the crumb brush and tray' and in gene ral assemby are the supreme power, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, PICKETS, I wa s /res en t in the body in this little it for you unles you tell me first what you I the neatly-Joined wooden table-mats also own self I" , n de i G o d, o f t1s mdependent dominion. u den, an my eyes seemed to take in all be want to say to her," I said, "And then I , your ' , I thi_nk he must have forgotten all about fresh an d clean . MOULDINGS, &c., kept on hand. fore- them; :mt my spi!it was way out I added, "you can speak freely to me. I how n.nged m front .From the determmation of the assembly no he shelf, on next Above, a tired orn w I the .and out from s 1 have mo er, a h _too, a good .ay from here, e mad e. b shall al ppe a among the _hills and fields of my native ! erce ?'Y m which .he embraced me again of the me?'t dishes of graduated sizes, should "N o one shall be a freeman or have a vote Tho ught is 80 inde- 1 and I ?, an imagme I am writrng to her, you fi plac e, 100 miles away. an agau?-, only p usng long enough to look be the dmner aud oup and dessert plates, unless w he is converted and a member of one pendent <?f. all om: suroundings that.it can kn , the also and vegetable , the above dishes; this e , my I mto eyes. ld asily ou c lovmgly achmg s I he ? a so said, that while grateful of the chmohes allowed in the dominion. take us airily on its wmgs and lead us back· the every-day and glass set tea daily There was I e imagi hugged being by Rocky n a u smile, and bl a sh something very much like "E ach fe eman shal swear by_ the beed ward or forward to scenes once familiar or Mounta.in grizzly as I lay helpless m the should be a. fixed place for each pile of plates od to those_ in prospective, hoped for, but not 1 o;erspr ead his manly, bronzed fa.ce. " Then G to bear tru allegiance to this domm1on, the sa.ucers, for and and also glass cups, the felt arm and the close coat tightly about fur Y g 11 I and ahead, say, r want o I to ou you I yet realized. and vegetM.ble dishes, so that there will be and that esus is the only king. "iNo d1ssener from the essential worship So, while the weary hands rested on that 1 boy, who left you a.bout ten years ago, on 1 me. ut m ade a feeble struggle at last to ex- no confusion, and hence less liabi lity to I B I I whose he you d laid when dear your hand a of this dom1on shall be allowed to give a black window sill, and the tired body leaned breakage. J myself. d a What h Stan tricate right ohn g u ve yo a him and your parting blessing, _ of m?-gistrntes or an y officer. for support age.inst the casinq and the ach· j' VETERINARY SURGEON, Make your rules and see that they are en vo? for electmg him whatever he did, or wherever he ley to kiss me in this free and passwnate ing and dir rme<l eyes s eemed ' reveling in a told o food or lodgmg shall be offered to a orced, dish that so be any at may f found :yet m not for asked nner? to had me He t a. G h to en , w lrn d o always t remember at -t t he et10. feast of delightful change from the ha.teful giye him for the past. John had been a the moment wanted, and always found 1 No on shall cross a river on the Sabbath ?-nd complaii;ing little type-writer, my spir- would take care of him-if-if-" rightly polished. The kitchen dresser by a I he mmer, and had thought suppose he s , it. was 100 miles away in Drayton a quiet I I wa ited patiently wi thout looking up once staked out his claim on me, that that its capability for being attractive offer an but authorized clergymen. " o one shall travel, co<;>k victuals, make v1lliige in Wellington Co. and :dty mental till I heard a suppressed sob Then I saw it forever. Oh ! these men are so inducement to and a reward fo; n eatn es s I beds,N sweep hou ses, cut hair or shave on the eye was re sting on a plea;ant but humble I that strong, roughly clad mn choked with settled all y a.t not attached to the ordmary closet. B . and only cool presumptuous He laughed l Sa bath day. otta.ge, and my spiritual ear was drmking 1 emotion, and his eyes g istening with the my weak effrts free myself from means encourage the kitchen dresse1-. . . em his to No one shall kiss hrs or her children on Ill :he sweet tones of tenderness of a mother' fiercely repressed tea.rs. --brace, and k is s ed me agam. . th bbah or fast days . vowe. So completely had my present un- I "Beg pardon miss I'll go on now , would was the first to discover the presence , '.Lhe 8abbath day shall begm at sunset Little Helners, congenial surroundings been obliterated, t'.'ke care of hi if i-C: every time of tern ta- of John room, third party a the and following m s l i a Sa ay. d tion he k ur , : would take a loo t h s mot r' his gaze, I saw with alarm_aj;_ Mr. l om the fu,J:>let of my mind that I felt the I lthers, do youeverrehze, ho,w m u h h.e p . Bruns· om; with W.ho(wer wears clothes tnmt?ed soft touch of a mother's gentle hand upon picture in his pocket, and think how she i ley, little four yer old girls are' Mme is a and was _ my emloyer, had come in, . silver or bone lace above one shillmg per gold, was praying for er a. my head, as. se smoothed my heavy tresses him day and mght. Your! lookmg on with and , treaure often I fect 1> wh wonder t a. counte mmce which was a of brown hair m the old familiar caressing boy will be with you aga in in about a week j study. Amusement I do without her? If I would permit yard shall be presented by the grand 1urors, and displeasure seemed ould ' way; and I even heard the dea; tones as never to leave you agam ,, it she woul be. at work all the tune. She and the selectmen shall tax the estate £300. hopelessly mixed. 1 " Sign it John miss if yo 1 "}'".hoev er biings cards or dice into the she uttered them in her musical way,, seems to thmk if she i only helping mamma., I "I's. all right, Mr.--," John exp la.ined. s e culd not be happier; no difference how dom10n shall pay afie of .f'.5. "Courage, my child 1 and remember th11t \ I was dis appoited t this °e1i.:i;· I had "This i i s my l ttle girl. left her behind No one shall e.at mmce pies, daD:ce, play dtsagreei;tble, or l a mother's prayers and love are alway> with thought to know his nu.me, at lest, not me ten years ago. My claun is good yet." ard the task t? h er unacousorary Graduate of the Ontario e terinar:v cards, or play any mstrumen t of music except on1 you, and that your Heaven ly Father, w,lio I knowing then that l should address the entomed fingers, it mamma will only say ,o! ege, Toronto. Registered member of the croocl an emI am sorry to lose so " . Onta.w> drum, or the trumpet Veteru'.!al'y Jewsharp velope for him Association, dea a in car'.ls for a sparrow will watch o ver you , , accordance are x good little girl," she feels <> . "You r with the Vetermary .A.ct, A vague prsentiment had been radu ployee," Mr. B un sley remu.ik d smilin ly o mimser !n JOI ospel people shall II . g "1'.l It was the only Father I had at this tlme rewrded amply litle Her ca do . Is prepared to treat all Clisea8ea of the Dom· "but I must .congrat _ ulate you, sir, on y ou; so many h1ngs, s uch as pickmands and I tl'ied to trust him and let him tak 1 ally taking possession of me; a leelin good g up thmgs marrmgo. The magistrate may iomthem m eetlo A11imals,cordi ng to the latest theories. fortune m gettmg he r." do ay m marria he as scandal less with it e, away, All them and oal!s pers<!nally, by Telegraph or Tele putting the sad corner of my heart that my own ·that there was approachin a crisis in that so it is no "I want to pay you for writing the Jetter t ouble to sw e , a.nd on a. few occasions has to Christ's church, a phone will receive prompt attention . I rid iculed the ide earthly father more than filied by his love life. and ai·g p r ior me, " said John, turning agl).into me. St, Oro no . one door no rtb" ot that the man and his h isto;y, "When people refuse their children con. «W OFFJCJC-Maln on111 and care for me. swept t he s1ttmg room-to use her own Y a Henry's Store. "I am already p,1id," I replied s hyly. venient marriags, the magistrate shall coincidence ith somethin 'f:: r 0 "Can you write a letter miss'· and words-" O !" bright so clean oing h, . turned evening my !,hat m on o CHARGES MODERATE, r ? I I back ;:[ h _ But if spit: to the cellar or pantry, for needed articles, determme the pomt. The street and all its geat oving pan- with my own life the ha.tPful little type writer, and have parmll' stiikes who be man shall wife his "A orama had only since vanished from my light manner m which I tried to trea t the never potatoes les, pp a n ips, in a r u t and . touched a key since. ined 10. physical sensed, The village home swiftly I matter this ghost of presentiment refused Instead of looking out upon the streets of surprisng manner; a. task she will do, and f "A£ ' oman who strikes her husband shall followed it now into oblivion The dear I premptorily to be exorcised most _People do. not _partic ul arly winch e n . Toronto with their ceaseless !panorama of f mother's face faded and. disa.ppeared and j' It had grwn quite dark outside I had oars, wagons and hu?Ian beings, I now look ike; ut she e 1 den tly th!nks it the nicest be rumshed as the law directs _ er gentle iniunction, ,woven into her bless· lighted the gas My vi s itor was' readin out from a cottage situated a.bout midway w.or N o maD: shall court. a. maid m person or , k m the "\\orld. Settmg the . table as mg, was r11thlessly shattered by this terse,! over the letter, which I had handed t 11 between Mrs. Stanley's and my own mother's mcely as any one can .do ; !:mt I will n ot al- by letter w1tout ohta101ng the consent of matter of-fact sentence, exploded so unex- j him, after sii,;ning it "John "-the name of upon the loved hills and charming land - low her to wash or wipe dshes yet, though ner parents; £5 penalty for the first offen se, n for the second, ttnd for the third immy old lover. but there are so ma peotedly mto my ear. scapes where as a girl I wa s happy, and she oten begs do so; dishes, when wet, M I had come out of my dream-life with a!" Johns" in the world I araued I sto where a grown woman I knew my first a:e slippery thmgs to hold, and. if bokeu pr1sonment dunng the pleasure of the court." Rs I cra a ;ect s . m shock that left me for a moment speech- 1 at the window, lookmg' at th st ould cuse one to feel vexed m spite of sorrow, but where I now know the world as '1i less. I looked at the m an dumbfounded. I in the glory of their electric lights. The bells I I emseles. She almost ways put s them ight, it never have known . , before-br nevei;, I He .seemed to me what, in my limited ex- and whistles were sendm out the wet. su n ny, _ muswal, clou less and serene. a rd; sometimes ( only when Russia s Royal Sorrows. te cupbo . per1ence, a.western miner should l ook like ; 1 come sound of rest to te thousands of j I write all of ohn ow ver she scours h k ves m s le t ter s now-but not d ,) ese, I hear from St Petersburg tnat the slight a boa-brunmed slouch hRt, coarse trous-1 tired t o1lrs, and 1-[ was off to th at an for s' helps churn, brmgs Ill clnps, and I improvement . er, with wh ich recent! took 1 ce · n always me e h type-wnt pays and a. ers ms:i.de of heavy boos, and n. fur coat i taut village again, lookmrr into those dear 01 my labor-in the same currency, winch dhen rother "'.heels a _load of wood Cz !l.r ina's health has no?been s !smed . the . t mas !t is needed; feeds the The Em ress is a pre to d which gave. him somethmg of the appear : aged eyes and listening to those tender' is legal tender m our house, as that he o?r tmgs W!LL CURE OR RELIEVE chic:kens, waits on 1ttle. brothe1, a:_11d-oh, and so onounce a'!lce of a grizzly bear, such as I had seen loving tones. j p o ffered me for the first letter I penned f or d w!s thrs :!:1!wy, p10tnred in my school books. He had, how- I "John" was ieading to his old mother him. And when I tell my ne we r friends ! ; ;{° r yt\"i:'1ll thi kt t DIZZINESS, BILIOUSNESS, C that th zar, in alarm, called m Dr. Buk . et y l al ever, a plea.sant face which ws both kind h alf n:loud, but it was only an indistinct , that I was once hugged by a grizzly e wo r o, of course witz-whom however the Fmpress ref DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA bear, used and rcspectf u. and was a man probably not hum m my ears. I had called ill another and hey manif st i credulity, I hrmg out she does not. do any very h a.rd work. I have to see The -'oume to'th D· FLUTIERING on Cossackcoun- INDIGESTIO N, e n t 1 "John " from the dim pa more than thirty-fwe. a dreadful 1me t o keep her f r om trying to Empress fro m he r ' st who was stand. John ' s old miuing <'O at, and they laugh. OF THE HEAR1, JAUNDICE, soue wh l t rons d the try d ' Could I write a letter ? Well I Could a ing by me and mother as or old· age nn d sadness, but now that she 1s back in Gats ERYSIPELAS, o evexytl ung She is lar<>e of her ACIDITY OF . I human ma . chme rotate and move m - its . well-!1 'nut as I glanc ed at the handsome fa ce ver active but I wo ld 0 e hm of put- chma the ol d depression is again asserting SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, \Y 8:ay away itself. The fact 1s that the Czarina lives in HEARTBURN, tin: her to ork if sh coia: :n rorn Yoed? Cohld a ype-writcr repro- , near the gas Jet, lighted up by the soft blaze We all Break Down There DRYNESS and la contetedl She watche ho w a state of consta.ut terror VI hich is all the and illurnmated by a tender emotrnn whwh n e J w a e speec or t ought· OF THE SKIN, He was about to die for a cold-blooded ever h [' i d e, ,.Y· , Could I write a lette1 ?" I interroga ted ' the contents of the letter had awakened I can d it Just as more oppressive because f the uecessity of HEADACHE, I 5? imr;, the murder. beneath he gallows Standing And every species o:f disease arising 1 am ent i yo u o d gave a violent start The f i thful art st and is constanlY mc i ally still gazing at him ! Czar. hiding from the it T h g en the youn .t.rom disoZ'dePed LIVER, KIDNEYS, impend - in beause she °es r; t gxow · at s a boi;it the size of it, miss," he m em ory , had by wme subtle proceos remov'. made a short ta,lk. He spoke of hisThen STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. Cz!Lrewitch gives cause for no little anxiet lde rughest of wen she pla ti e assented , with JUst a slight relaxation f rom' ed the br onze from· that face, a ud by some ing death with slight e motion. e )1fY I hav it upon undoubted a u t h o r i \ y thrt ' "h signs te f some o e ith p e l Then rs. o S: 'r1 · : t a. T MILBURN & co ProprietorB, w p " 1a 1n er sui h s be p 0 1 p a t at ul most i e the heir apparent to the Ru ssian throne has his sa loo: blt not qmte a smile. "You deft manipulation hacl also re venated the TORONO. e of his wife with sobs and a tr mbling voice n work s ch a as l [g s has a arge was h been pronounced by physicians to be within see, miss, ve JUSt come on from Lake Su- face till I saw it a decade younger before me of c' mother"-and h Then old h; s then r " i "' v t g now, in d me c s ean ou e She l ye . perior, where I've been f01 about ten years I He spoke to ha m f nished th u " f soft ci0th on a 81': I a measurable dis t ance of sheer lunacy Nor among the mines. I made lots of money ; reading of the letter for the third time but broke down completely and gave way to un to dust ')ir°r w rn ti is his physical health much better th0an his ontrollable grief. and let her u e th I kept my face to the or·a d tr, she win mental condition. Of all women out there, and I've come back to settle Wlildow till I ould c in the . Ah, yes ! It is right there that we all koep the furnrture nd down. I've got to e in this city fo1 a week '. gain my comp ,,: mre. ·what would a. strange 1 nc 6 mmg, and a world the C zarma of Russia is most to be or two on some busmess, au_d I thought I'd man thrnk of me, with my hp trembling break down. At the thought of "the old such bees as d, o ht- pitied. Her husband is m daily peril of eS:!! and ge\ho:_ one JUSt to wute to my old and the hot bloocl running dot over my j mother, " wi h _her ?raying h airs, her kindly tie n;ks anduo:e-s ,:e c,nnot assassmat10n and her eldest son is on tL" face, across -y;hwh ime and sorrow are cut- swcep with a broom N' m, r . 1 cheeks and brow eIrh wit!1 hok e verge of lunacy 111 nte your letter," I sai "It's a pretty handw1iting," he said with I ting their furrows, and her faith nnd affec- 1 stick " willkee p ou t every mg 111 e s ap e , p1omptly. d j t ion that never wavers 01 doub ts, It is to ------·-----d 't To buy Foot Gea.r for Men, Women, Th . e " o d mother". had settled the matter a grateful smile. "Better th a n t pockt "the old mother" that man's heart turns at of D ar: r 1'.'° ds :h willing an h ul ! 1ttle l with me. My shght vexation at bemg 1 h idi n g !us m aimed arm in the grea i !f Boys and M:i.idena, at The Czar's Ambition called upon to lengthen my wearisome day of h is grizzling coat. "But, I'd like it if last when trouble, or affliction, or remorse Do we app recia te em as we oui 1 I · _ had va:;i-1shed with the other faded pictures. I you'd just p ut a l ittle post--, what do you overcakea him. Other loves may be stronger, ! 0ften 1ook a them and !nss the dimpled f inThe Oza1 s highest aim is to be crowned and the passion of other loves may obscure h s r a t d k of "But, I added thoughtlessly, "why do I call it?" he added coloring. e h e t of tmy i s nds th are, Asia." Holy the peror h an they " Em _ a w a m ;:i you not write yourself 'I your mother I am " Postscript " I uggested "Certa.inl ,, this for a time. The wife clinging in absorb- I r t!ie fi ft ith this rough 'Yorld; Seplchre a Jrusalem. The Crimean War . i essmg and nothmg l i sure, would ratr have a letter written by, "rl.'ell mothr," he said, s I took up i:;y _eel happmess to the a.rm, or little ones, I b i ha.d l e i ts or1gm m the quarrels over the holy f Ill s a. - g us out the . ll bn g and ab trustful fond lamberin C ' r m o en p your own hand rea and was a continuation pleasur , e r p I P?-lestine, I she'd again la c e s rn than e i ng me remembe wish "that b I . k J j of the conflict between East and vVest which ." Gues I couldn' t do it, miss," he re. -n:>, givlove to-to-my little girl, if knee, may ' efface all thought of "the old ! ;:b 1 c 0 0 our wor ' w iatwer itis, well. . 1 plied? this tim with a sad smile. "I'm she lives up there yet, and if she isn't mothex." But when a great crisis comes, I the crusades _left still uasettled. Every step --and the strong mnn is bending beneath a bur- ! of the Russians toward Constantinople is learnm to wnte, but I,m afraid the poor I m arr ied. " . oldJ:_n.other c?uldn't read my writing now." j He seemed to fot"ce the words out and den too grievous to be borne, the t?us. a step toward Jer11salem. It is of great Original Reoeipts, comes to him of one, i de aized in his heart at H' ha1 pick ed _up my pencil and was , turned away his flushed face from me. ' sigmfioance that the Emperor Alexander III. C Tw ps u c and su.,.ar one oneo ooKrns.makmg h1eroglyph1cs on a scrap of paper on! My heart beat violently and my hand I least, who never doubted, who neverwearied third cups of lard and hutt r, 't wo- hir 0.onfides mu ch. more upon. the pow.er of ret ds of but who loved ail the t im e with a love thRt the dsk. hg'.o us ei;rthusiasm than either of lus predetrembled so that I could sctcely trace the :passeth I a cup of s o u r milk, and two thirds of a tea wonderi:nderstandiug. T e wife words he had,dictated. id. " Could you re:r.d that?" h e asked. ' . of soda ; one egg a.nd flour to roll essors Could rt be my lover, who h ad buned the mg a;t this at firnt, accc.pi s it at last, quietly ! spoonful He wihes to p ro c ue a more ofli.ci.a.l and 'I manageil. to decipher 1 'mother," but . t u o , 1 i i EMPORIUM! mother's r rt s e e he th w<ls al11 could make out. ostentatious consecraton of is rehg10us au I old love of which my sufferin g heart was the a.oqm cmg, but happy m h . BERWICK SPONCE CAKE -Beat six eg"s tho in the z s to hi as h p e t10n p i i s and m d have o e ity, You used your left h and, I notic ed. ! obJeCt? I wrote the fatal words I could to know that fro m her own children r minutes ; add three cups of sugar bet a the upreme piotector of the Eastern "\Yhy do you not learn to write with your scarcely see the paper before me I moved I days to come tlus same miracle sha.1 1 be rend- I two m s a j1 five inutes ; two cups of flour, with churches and the Orthodox Faith, and so right and:" I asked again as thoughtlesly the pen mechanically, as I would strike the ernd unto her ! Our Ne w Stock has arrived, and com e a spoonfuls of be.king powder beat two t and with still sa rally all the Greek-Oriental churches and prises something neat and pretty for results. soulless keys of the odious typewdter. I [ mnutes one cup of cold wa.te·, beat Getting Even. peoples around the p_ e rson and o:f!ie of the " Oh ! I know how to write with that," I doubt if I saw the letters that I formed at , extract of vanilla or lemon, little Lad ies, Good a.nd Serviceable for Men he answered. . ! all. My head was in a dizzy whirl. j " My nei hbor has thrown her dead oat I mmuttewo Cwi s the Constntme and Justm1an oi the and Boys more cups of flour, beat one mm m , and Boots tha.t R Boots for There was no s mile now, and I _?hserved He took - the letter again and pored over over m my ;a.rd ?" announced a female call- I salt; has ben ode;:n world . '.rh1 bold proJect . h u te . Bake m moderate oven. I l ong m p1eparat1on, is never lost sig every member of the household. that h did i:ot withdraw lus right arm the postscript. I thought he never would I er at pohce headquarters the other da of t m . . " ...,. E -Three cogs two cups o f I .. ALMOND C , Y· from his capac1ou" pocket. l ay d" ip lo'!' \t t· o me nent and no sacrifice have done with it he was so Ion<> .,,. " yes, m. ,, oo great ' sugar, one ha.If cup of butte· . 'three cups of o money is 10ug 'k e it out , " he said, fina.l· "Th e 1iy cl to secure this do you not use " I ca.n JUSt ma . that hand 1" " Can you do an yt mg 'I" l un - ermgly. flour, one cup of n ulk ,,nd tw teas oonfuls en ly, "Does not look like the other part of I J? usue t emc·nts of E a.ster n TltlJNKS, VALISES, \l l'lA.'ft:J lE!:LS. IN S"l'OUK. N umbers .of 1set l afraid no t " "No ma 'am 1I'm d.ks, I e s I ba.kmg Eowder One teaspoonful ofalmond mon I'v " Wll, I ca; mncn better t t a dg fou r time harm 1 ess and unpre. r o appaieut y 0 f y h o r m n e d t ght tt is e in l bit It s a Silver t e o l t e e An . I g i 1 l_ f . Jl!l!ff rd ered Work nd Repairing I tlavourrn g. Bake Ill - 1ayers. exp1osion took it ou. tcmdin g character, havebeen and are bema my left handed scrawl Oh'- I be b s b'ig as 1ier cat, . aud I'll pornon h m and f He h ad laid the pencil down and looked pardon miss " he hastil dded as s very l CmcREN SALAD.-Boil one ch10ke ten- founded, a.n d Russia fincls money to pay fo Specialty, as m1ual. rhr :he body mto her yard thi I very much dicouraged at his efforts. D. DAVIS. 1 c er, and chop fine ; chop fine the whites of_ the pnrchaae of the 111ond, looked 'full into my paineleyes d I 'spose mg _ o th ere ! ,, \fU \fdt\t'tt' t\ftl'l!ttt' \tU "'""" fl -""-"-" -" ===== sa.ying- · Recovered by Letter. I I -- --- g"'f( · · I , , ' I . . J _ , I I I I ALL WORK GUARANTEED I · . · a · I I JOHN SPENCER, R. FERG 'USON. _ I · I · 1 · · . dis I , I · 1N child must l I1 to the I I a · ' · · faster; aud · · ·1 · mine "' I I I · · I . I JI Pays · , , . I r I 1 vision 'I t I · I I two Ilthan h I » one I I f Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe DAVJS' ·