GR EAT SMASH price of t \TheSt.ThomasRailwayDisaster. The d ail y papers of Saturday mo rning, contained the report oi an other d readful ra ilway accident at St. Thomas, for a long ti me . a An excu rsi on crowd of For a short time I shall make a great reduction in the one of t he most serious that has happened cont aining large pleasure trai n VV a 11 P·ap er . wil I · eeeker9 was r e turni ng about seven o'clock i n the evening from Por t S t a nl ey , when it crashed into a freight train loaded with The oil immediately took fire , oil w hich was just leaving the M. C. R. st ation. and 8 · p eople were almost instantly killed and over 100 se verel y p e rhaps lose their Iives t hr n u gh tremend ous expl o sion r esul ted, 11 The finest selections will, of injuries re ceivect. seems wrapt in injured, many of whom t he course, be the beRt, so don't delay. As is uwal in nearly al l mysttiry. our r ailw a y The s ign als acr.idents of late, the cll.use of the di saster were up war nin g the excursion train not PICTURES F RAMED VERY LOW. STATIONERY, &c, as usual. th e passengers on the train whu hap pened to be on the l ooko u t. to pro ceed and -were seen by several of The engineer wh o of the first t o meet his death, so t hat no eXj))anation will e vet· come from htm. had charge of the excur i on traio._was one a The fireman however escaped by j u mping mau. ian Jtatt ht QI;auad .. .. ....... ,'v,...._,.._ P. TREBILCOCK. BowMANVILLE, JULY 20, 1887. .. .,_........, ._.,.,,._,,..._,.- -.--· .-, from the engine before the crash cam9. result of the a ir- brak es fa i li ng to p e rform their duties when called into rE'qUi8ition, t hus rendering the train unmanageable. There are however hints thrown out that the engineer was the worse of liquor and did not know what he was about. Which ever of these reports be true, it is evident Ii th e brakes we1·e not in proper working order, then tho company are blameable in that they a llo wed a train to go out He state s tha,t the a cciden t was the ---------.-- as Mana.gar of the Grand Trunk Railway is rumo red. The nam1:1 THE r esign ation of Mr. Joseph Hi cks on of Mr. S. R. that they form no e xcuse for the accident. Calla.way, General Manager of the Union Pacific H.1Lilway, is m e n tio ne d as his suc cessor in case ha resigns. tute, the purpose of forming a F ar mers' Insti me ntioned in our editorial The announcement of the meeting for especial ly in such an important factor as the ma chine ry for stopping the train . the engineer was in the ha bit o f tak ing If which was n ot in pro per w orking o rd er , On motion of Mr. Thornton, second . ed by Mr. Star k, Com's Long and Hall were a (Jvmmittee to examin e sewer Acoordin" to previous notice,. num Main st. Orono, ancl bavo the same re. in met n o t g n i l r rm ers of D a ber of the paired if neceesary. Carried the the Town Ho,lt, Hampton , o.a Friday On motion of Mr. Stark, s econd eJ by 1 5th inst and organized themselvrni under Mr. Jackson, that an orde r be drawn th e nam of "The West. Durham FMmer'e on t he Treasurer in fw1or of t h e Reeve Institute" w ith the followinf{ otllcers : for the sum of $41.85, bei ng amount of Pre side nt , Mr. J. Penfou nd ; Vice Prasi witness euit MuBride r o. Co rpora tion d ent, Mr. W. Roy; T re as u rer, J. Little of Clarke. Carr ie d . j o hns : Secre tary, F. L. Squair ; Execu On motio n of Mr. Stark, seconded b y Haker, .E. ti ve Committee, Messrs T. Mr. Jac kson, an order was d ra wn on Worden, M. Prout, J, Trnll, W. Pollard, the Trea su re r ia favur of J o hn Reid B. W er r y, E. Paacoe. It was decided at this meetin!? to ho ld for the sum of $18, being balance cf cont ract for cedar for culvert b et ween a farmer;i' picnic about the firdt of Sep lots 2G a nd 27 con. 5 c,.,.. ;ed. temb er and to i nv ite MeHsrs Wiman and On motion of Mr. Th omtun , second Butterworth to addre ss the farmers of ed by Mr. Ball Com. Stnrk was auth West Du rha m upon that, occasion. The orized to cxa1l"i 0 bridge , Iota 3.4 con. e x act date of the picnic and ot her partic· ulars to be arranged at t he next meetmg 3, and have s amt> repaired if necessary. Carr ied . of the Institnte which will be held on On m otion of Mr. Thornton, Second Friday Au g. 5 th , at 2 o' clock P. M ., in 'l'own Hall, Hamp to n. ·The chief sub-. ed by M r. Hall, tho .i{eeve granted h i s order on the Treasurer in favor of Wm. ject f ., r consideration at t his meeting will A rmstr o n g path m ast e r of boat No. 56! be "unrestricted reciprocity with the for t he sum ot $20 to be expendc:l by United States." A cordial invitation is hi m builclillg and r epa ir ing side walks ex t1m d ·: d to the fa rm e rs of West Durham in the Vil l age of Orono. Carried. in genera l and to thos e of Cla rke and On m oti on of Mr. Thornton, second· Cartwright in particular to unite with us ed by Mr. Hall, C om . Jackson was at our ntix.t meeting a nd help tu makti authorized to bke cedar out of ol d Our N es t Durham Farmers Institute a cro88way on con. 7 fron t of lot 7, an d 1111oces. ha\·e the ce da r prop9rJy cared for . Ca rried . ENTRANCE EXAMINATION TO On motion of l\fr. Stars, sec on ded by HIGH SOHOOLS. :M:r. Hall, Uouncil ad,journed to meet again in the 'rown Ha l l, Orono on Tues N E WC AS TLE. day, Aug us t 2nd, at the hour of 10 o 'cl'>ck a. m., fo1· st riki ng tlie public GlUL!'J. ra t es and transaction of gene ral busi M. A. Cl em enc e. 4()8 ; M. A. Ri<Jka ness. Carrie d W. L. BROAD, Cler k. by , 425 K irby, G. M c Do well, 'reacher. Dora Dickso n, 438 ; T. M Gibson, . 586; A l mtra M. Wi lso n, 410, S. S. 9, B.Hirn:; AXD C mLDREN, - They are al· Clarke, Mies K. Sq uair , 'reache r . way s catching a. col d in t he head. Place Ella M. Fl i g g , 399; Lilian S. Love. a. small par ti cl e of Nasal B a l m in each kin, 383 ; Annie E. Orchard , 387 ; A. nostril at night, also rub we ll over the E. Rowles, 394, Newcastle, A. Morton, bridge of the nose, and let us know how T eacher . · you arc in the morning. t A. L. Hodge, 434, Kendal, Miss Pook, Teacher. AUCTION SALES. FARMERS' INSTITU'l'E. l fu · CROQUET SETS, BASE BALLS, FANS, &c. NNER & CO'S. VARIETY HA!hj VVALL PAPER I 111 VERY CHEAP AT Away down Price. SPECIAL LINES OF STATIONARY JUST RECEIVED. GREAT .· CLEAR/NB SAtE TOD BROS. In order ·to make room for fall im portations we will clear the balance of our summer goods -- .A.T-- acoounr, of the meeting helcl and officers issue . week, was by an o versigh t left out. l as t An elec d, howe v er, appe irs in th is wee k's kn'oRNEX General Mowat left for Engbusiness. His be pl ace d in charge sort. liqu or of any kind ha had no b usiu ss to of a train of a ny Arthur D avy, 508, Leskard, T. A. ·Brown, '11eacl1er. . Twentv·etght candidates wrote. A t otal of 378 marks was required to pass. BOWMANVlLLE. A l pha Eastwood, 489; Fred Hoa r, 415 ; Geo. McKeowan, 392; E. G. Parks, 523 ; Frank Pethick, 425 ; F. W ind sor, 378, Bowmanville, R. D av id · son, Teacher. Fr e d Heatlie, 397 ; Frar.k M oore, 457, S. S. 1 4, Darl ing ton, R o b er ts o n , 'l 'eacher. Lut he r H og a rth , 484 ; Loran Pascoe, 420. Solina, A. J. Reynolds, Teacher. !<'red . Jont s , 410, S. S. 1 Darlington, M i ss M. Wa lsh , Teach er . L eslie Pas coe, 198, Enfield, R. La ne , 'reach er. Morton ltigr;:s, 432, H a ydon, J. B. Barclay . T eac her <am.s. G. S. Cowan, 458, S tarkville, Miss E. Brlloden, Teach er . BOYS, land fost week ou pu " li c believe of sli p- sh od management an, . is of very little use to try to <leny "r hide 'he fact, the neighborhood of S altogellier too freq ue nt, Railway accidents in onr the result midst are w e" ROYS. duties will be atten d l'd to in his abs en ce - cording 1ts mli.y be months. by Hon. M ess rs. Fraser. and m Hardy, ac· for s om e time past has been especi ally I '.l'hoinas Mr. P ard ee- will be absen t for a cou p le o f . . , THR Dommwn G overn men t has passed T oron to . Hon. to fi nd nne cessa r y fault wit th,:i railway compames,.as we know a v t amount of fittsh of such disasters. vVe '. o Above this number , and side!! an allowance of fi vc cents per name , on the vote r s list up to 4,000 names. They aro to re cei ve $300 per annum, be- an Ouler-in-Couucil fixing the s af aries of . . . . rev1smg bar ri st e s.for t h e current yeai. : I traffi' c, these grea t systems wt ·th skill and care is r equ ire d aj fp manipulate W for · l not w i sh 10000, tht>y re cei ve ln th e case of a n ot three re vising barrister having ridmgs, he ehall cents e xceed ing each. numb er proper sys tem o 1 manageme,_ ic10n . ht, a suff' · t every t E>n rat I way there is very little excuse r nine out of ·dents acct .,, aa. t s ucc e ss f u 11y. ne1r t.:,_ im me ne · Bu a11 tliat '\,,_ cccur. A AuCTIO SALJs.-S.O. H11nk111g, C urt tice, Ont ari o, Li censed An ct i· ine llr , for Dar l ington and Whitby, Bo wm a11 ville and Oshawa, Appmiser, &c. All business attended lo pr om ptly . Ordurs may be left a t the STATESMAN office, Bowmanville, or Reformer office, Oshawa. AUC'rIOX 8ALE8,-Lcvi A. Tole, Licen sed Auctiollcer for the t ow nships of Clarke, Manvers, Cartwright.Darlington, and Whitby. All s ales attended to pro m ptly and at reasonable rats. Where it is not convenient to see mA, ar range ments can be made at t,hi-. Office, or by addressing Shaw & Tole, Boww anville. SATURDAY, JULY 2:J1:v.-'rhere will be sol d at Shaw&. Tol'a Auction Room s , .Bowmanvi!le, that valuable farm pro perty situated in the t<JW1·$hip vf Dad ington, bein g composed of tho sout h half of lot 9, in th e 3rd con cession . See advertisement; in anoth er column. L. A. TOLE, A uctio net>r . AT COME EARLY AND INSPECT. COST. TOD BROS. REDUCED PRICES:- employees of competen t and: tmst worthy and the from t he service of every engineer o r any other very i mportant uses strong drink in number. compl e to w · riddance jurisdiction over two kma n who only be entitled to $300 salary, but sha;l realize on th e names of botl1 voters' li s ts. any q ntity, bring accidents down to a flry able extravageuce, is fa st getting rid of its public deb t . of S1,ate bond , part <)f thti can al de b t, NEW YoRK S t a t e , in s pite of co n sider- to the a mount of $l ,562,900 ; bearing six pr cent inte rest , will fal l due other lot, issued in part p ay men t for the · · · where the am ou nt of traffic far . .. rpasees Loudon, our small business, especially in '! where the number of railway traibe that · are rushing about every min ute a the · In the great cities Of will small n gl and On the let of July a lot day ie s o mething enormous ::md and an- the s ys tem is far more difficult to m an e, ' . 1ere accidents are of 1agara parc award s f.or N. 1 1an ds anc1 b eartlie amoun t of Cl!IO" ·11 1:1, OOO -11 wi be · I mg t · wo an d ono- 1111 f per cen t interest , to 'ty at maturi , . without seokmg or perm1ttmg a renewal · · · tl'.at tiiese a11 P1d . ls It· announced · ht red uce the S ta t e clc bt t o l ..,ss than ctg ex h.b.t t mt J.on ·11· of any pad of them. 'l'he1r payment w1Jl lS · . l 1 d oub t that if the same amount of and >recautio n N othin g like so frequent as the reco rds . . . of so me of ou r m mature c1 t1es will every . yea r show. And the.r e is n o t th e leas t very rar e o ccu ra ne , Phil ippa Alex and e r , 398; Bella Allen, 454; W innie Beith, 628 ; Mabel Bor ( THE UNITED STATES land, 50U; Lottie Br i m acombe , 438 ; llelfa Metcalf, 521 ; Ethel Mo r r is, !)18; Lizzie O' La.ugh l in, 424-; Del la Prower, -01!' NEW YORK532; Bessie Raynes, 550, B owmanvi lle . 0FFICE, 30 & 322 BROADW.A..Y, R. D avid son , Teacher , P. 0. Box 851. Nnw Yon:K. Ada L. H ug hes, 469, S. S. 3, Cart wrlht, Miss E. Ui!!'gs, Teacher. New Fcatm·es: Violet Os b orne, 476 ; Lizzie S u ther· land, 427, S. S . No.1, Darli ngto n , Mi ss $10,GOO D eath by Accident. W alsh , Te a ch er . $10,000 Loss of Ha n d s or Feet. Carrie Rogers, 391 ; Mary R ogers, $10,000 L os:. of Hand and Foot . 38i ; Mary E. Vi rtue , 4115, Enniakillen, $5,000 Loss of H aud or Foot. C. N. C all endar, ·.re a cher. $5,000 L os s of· Both E ye s . Thirty - nine candidates wrote. A to $1,300 L oss of One Eye . tal of 37& marks was rec1 ui red to pass. $2,500 for Permanent Total D is ab i lity . ----------$50 a week for Totally Town Ha 1, Orono , Jul y 5, 1887. N .B.-Our a dvertis in g rate for auction sales, when we do not pri nt the sale bills, is 25 cents a line , each insertion. Follow the Big Boot. MILLINERY AT MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Mrs. Morrison Is offering the Balance of her . w h' JC11 ms I .een g overned b 'Y tl 1e L1 . bera1 s can 1 . . ""l sh ow a be tter. .._ 1e p rov1nce of 0 ntar10 1 , co l 11ars. . ia t part of Can ada but tl Tlus · an excellen t were t1\ke n i n C anad a as i . J 1 d m E i D" we s110uId c om e uut wit · 1l "' an One gre a t equally as fair a. record. . weakness of our railway syst em s, res ul ts . . . . from their b emg em gle tracked ms.ead of · care in a s u r plus tc deb e h as no publ.. of fl ' OOO . w1iat ever and re101ces . ' r ailroa d companies . were the only looaers it would not 110 If the . . . coll1s1ons. double, the reby causmg a vast number of . . 000 · m 11 ch matter, but 1t generally th at mar.iy innocent pers ons on o ne line. strat-ed present Dominiou mi nis t ry have demon By a.rr1rnging th e tariff; O tta wa 1rree Press sa.ys :-'rhe their loyalty to Great Britain so lives, 3·ust bec llus e too m uch traffic is run -Then there is not sufticient are in pr ope r working order care exercised in seeing that car riage s and lose their hap9ens and to Canada- loc om oti ves British goo<le pay twenty p er cent, on an is only fif teen p1' c en t. goods i mporte d from th e United States that imported few days since the writer had o cc asion to principal roads, when before they leave the station . Only a average, wl1il e the average d uty upon make a short j ourney upon one of the shortly after the train had left the station, the long iron By ir on further Bgainst Great Britain. which imposing tend a ddi t iona to disc ri min ate l duties upon sti ll bar supporting the botto m of ihe car was found to be loose, the train had to li>e 6 topped and the bar unbrilted and placed j ust in time there is no doubt but wh at it Maine wi th the public money of Canada, Calif·"rni.. ranche, orange planh.tions, By buildini;: ra ilw ays in t h e State of inside the car. Had it not been seen By inve a tin g their surplus b oo dle in Texas and Colorado grazing lands would have fallen on the track in a few Maine railways, .Eather th a n in Canadian industri..;1i. ic an contractors to the dis ad van tages of minutes, thrown the t ra in o ve r the em· . h e cause of the accident ban kment, would have remained a mys t ery. Whereas and 1 if that ca r had be en l ooked t o b efore By showing undue favoritism to Amer &tarting there woul d have been no danger enough for the carriage of both passengers sufficient 11elp to have everything proper· d esiri ous ly looked after. of the ir Can:i.dian competit-0rs. By allowing a Yankee contractor to take $202,000 cut of t he Dominion nll ing stock. trensury for of any a cci dent. Our railways charge and freight to enable them to employ $>'72,000 worth " of u se d up w hi ch o riginat-ed in the United States. By encoura ging th e boo dl e " sys tem, directors an d se curing i gantic monopoly all through the country of the genera.I pub l i c. gran tin g Iaq:(e s alarie s to than they are But they seem more By p urchasi ng' scows, d red ge s and tug boats in 1he Uni ted States, although similar articles m i ght have been obtained better and cheaper in Canad a . By pursuinJ:( a policy of t>xtravagance, co rru ptio n , bnd m onopoly and com mercial destruction which is forc ing our young men and women a s well as our North wes · sett,J.·r·, to seek homes on the other s1de of the lin e. The foreoing art1 the p ri n c ipal grou n ds upon which the Canadian Tories claim to be tho loyal part y of the country. an xi ous to meet the wanta an d necessi ties "GREAT GAIN .-I used a grea t deal of do cto rs medicine for kidney complaint during five years , was get tin g worse all the time until I tried B. B. B. I t ook three bottles, gained in weight from 130 to 159 l bs . I can highly recom m end Burduck Blood B itters to bu a good med· ici n e. " Thus testifies JoHN \VALTON, of S p ri ngfield , N. B. $6 A YEAR The Co uncil met at the Town Hall, Orono accord ing to public notice, the or, One-Half or One-Quarter at Pro Reeve in the chai r ; all of the members p orti on ate Rates. present; the mi nutes of last meeti ng of Counci l were read a nd on motio n c on · M em bersh i p Fee, $5 in e a ch Divisi on . fi rmed . S6,00J Members. A co mmunication from Counties' Clerk requiring to r a ise by assessment Cius. B, PEST, JAS, R. P1TCHE1i, the f ol lo wi ng sums, viz:President. Gen. M an 'gr & Sec. A C u uuty Rate of $2023. A Scho ol Hate of 63u. Fil ed. Ou motion of Mr. Stark , seconded by Mr. hall, Com's. Long and Thornton were instructed to sell timber o n b oun· da.ry north of lots 32-33 and 35, co n 10. Car . ied. On motwn of Mr. Thornton, 1:1e-:ond· ed by Mr. Stark. an order was d rawn on t he Treasurer in favor of Wm. Ja ck eon for the sum of $20, per res·Jlution No. 250. Carried. On motion of Mr. Stark, sec o nded by Mr. H all , Com's Long and Thornton were a ut horized to le t job of buildinf.\ bridge on con 9 l ot 35; also examine road and get repairing if necess a ry on , con. 7 lot 31. C arr ied . On mo t ion of Mr. St.ak, seconded by Mr. Jackson, Me ssrs. John Davey AltTIFICIAL 'J.'EI:TH INSERTED WITUOUT and Wm. M cCor m ack, a deputati on PLATES. from the Agricultural S ociety, having Great Reductions in price en all Dental addressed the Council with a view of Work. Vitalized Air, constantly in use pro· duclng I'ainleas Operaione. Ptu'li<"U "r e.tten g ett ing a grant to aid i11 rep a iring Drill tion pa111 to the reirolatioµ v! Children's Teeta. :::>hed in the Village of O rono. Resolv .-.A.LL WORK W.Aff.R.ANTED. ....._ ed. that Messrs. Long, Hall and Thorn ton, be a committee to confer with the Branch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. officers of the Agricultural S ociety with rega rd to the matter, and report the next meeting of Council Carried. . On motion of l\fr. Thornton, second· eel by Mr. Stark, that owing to vacan TORONTO cies by death and removal the follow ing pecsons be and are hereby appoint STOCK ed to the otti ce o f Pou nd Kee pers in EXCHANGE. t heir respectirn sections, viz:Pound No. Tho mpson, DIRECT WIRE COMMUN CATION. do Samuel Sanders. do James Ha l lett. Active :fluctations in the Market, On motion of Mr. 'l' hornton , second ed by Mr . Stnrk , that after hearing the offer opportunities to sp ecul a verbal application of Mr. Fcx, path tors to make money in mastar of beat No. 58 . respecti ng statute Grain, Provisions, labour on con. G lot 35, it is the desire Stocks, Bondti & of this Council that Mr. Sandercock, pathmaeter of t0wn line beat No. 3, Petroleum. should a ct in .::onjunction with Mr. Prompt attention given to orders. Fox in r ep a irin g culvet con 6 lot 35 by sta t ute labor, and the Clerk is h ere Office over M ur d och 's Store. by instru ct ed to commu n ica.te the ab ove Entrance by Telcphonfl S tair case. decision to the above mention ei path· 11-if. master. - Carried . The above combined insurance cos ts a b ou t Dis abli ng Inj u ries . Summer Millinery --A T-- DENTISTRY! GREATLY REDUGED PRICES -West End Millinery Hou se . I am determined to clear ont all my summf'r stock, ancl will sell the same at far less than wholesale prices. Some Jines, such as Women's Prunella Boots and Gaiters, etc., I will sell at 50 cents ou, the dollar to clear out. I am cont.inually sortjng up with new sto ck C OX & CO., 9.nd will sell the same at close prices. YOUNG l\1EN-I am making terrible reductions on J\fon's low shoes, as they must be cleared out at.once. window on these shoes. See the prices in the I wish to inform the young men who work at 6, Asa the factories that if they will give me a liberal share of their patronage, I will make a special reduction to them. It will pay you to come t() me for your Boots an d Shoes. I am keeping no trash and can sell yon. Boots and Shoes, as c heap as any s tore in Canada. All Ordered Work will receive prompt attention. REMEMBER THE PLaCE-SCOTT'S OLD STAND. 2G-3m. GEORGE BUCK.