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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1887, p. 6

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auadinu Jtattstunu. · HEALTH. SCIENTIFIC AND . TSEFUL. A ROMANTIC STORY. A Han nesc1·ts His 'll'lre. !lltrrk§ Another 'll'ornan, <Jmue8 'l'roublc by nyJng sud 11 en 1Y· Notwithstanding the largc of A Ifali(ax despatch says :-A most rofruit-growing, 11he bulk of our pcople ·do not mantic storyJ1as just been madc public here. have as mucih fruit as they could enjoy, nor ·:::.: '--- -------·-···- · a.s much as would conduce to health. I Thirty-fivc years ago Joseph McGill desert. once exhibited a.t the county fair a large. ed his wife and six children in l<Jdinburgh and CATARRH. number of line new grapes. What most to Halifa.x, but never communi cated all of of greed sorts tho Is the place where you can get the most fashionable was me impressed with his family or allowed them to lmirn of di· CATARRB.-A n ew treatment has been people to gct a bunch, as soon as the hour· nt cure of this It is not necessary to bave different his whereabouts. Hf) obtained employmet1t oovflred whereby a permane lu tely affect· came for hr.caking up the exhibit. Hat in the County. Boys metals to obtain a current of electricity. on the Intercolonial Railway as locomotive 11.ltberto incura b le disease, is abso . no mt· and pirls, especial y, begged for a few. l ed in from o ne to th<ree ap plication s Iron in nitric acid, thc two fluids being driver, under the assumed name of Joseph his l . rs a e y forty or whether stan di ng o»e year than a. grape is more easily Nothing grown l eparated by a porous partiLiou, will give }foLe lan. Twenty-five years ago he comin. twelve d":fB, reme d y ie only applied i;mce It will almost take care of tself, i a current, one plate wa.s tiug away while mitted biga,my by marrying Ma.rgarctTobin, ss, Descnp· vine. and does not interfene with busme m p by you will give it a re sonable chancc; and a t s of t receip on free sent t e of this city. They lh'ed happily together, a aive p amphl the other is thickened. IN HATS West. then, having been trimmed on very simple A.H. Dixon &; Son, 305 King street, accumulated property a.nd rnised a family. t am and arn tters TGrOnto, Canada. t gas l have i e S you c a j n let s it run ples princ fo th[·ee years, e u e ed Five years fi c .. go tholic the Missioners held a WBA't l8 ·0AT.AHIUI1 . In Christy Stiff, Black, Brown, Drab, that graphite properly prepa red is superior rnrvice here, whcn McGill alias McLellan Silk, the very latest. s which · over a. tree, a shed, a barn, or a. trellis. Catarrh is a dangerous dist1a <; ously sufferml? Keep its feet clean of weeds, and well shod to red lead for making joints and conneccon sn to confessed Father \Vissell ands are consciously or -u n that he was or Slate, in Men's Youth's and Boys. Fancy Hats for childischar e c.aused from. Jt is a muco-pur.nlent with ashes and manure, and you will tions. 1 It is said th at this ai·ticle will not guilty of bigamy and was now going under able p ar asit e m the by the pr esence of a veget "set under any conditi ons, but that it a.u ;l.Ssumcd name. Of course a to nea.t eat. trcllis " enough po· predls Father \V 'l'he issell prohibit dren and in prices from 25 cents up to $3. So come along lining mem bran e of tt1e .nose. of the l>l oofl ,. the through your garden is better, and the best nakcs a 11erfect joint and pres erves the eel marital rela,tions with the second wife. Ing causes a morbid state th e germ po1oon uulture brings the best returns. iron from rust blighted c orpuscle or tul>ercle, For four years these were suspended, the and you may be sure yo w ill get suited. mre, fom the reten But the hunl!1'Y people ! They live on. ?l sy p hi l is , mercury, ooi;;a William C. Kingsley, projector of the couple Skill, nppressed tion of the effete matter of the 1a pound, when nd po par.t· t cents a o at ten a ml?. sleep u uvrno O.I'IDER TRI!: SAME ROOF t lated J3 veoti rooklyn bridge, stima.ted many years ago, . !: persp irati ons, badly 0 sons m .,, 1apes at six cci;its would go quite . s far, in the infancy of the enterprise, that with their children, · IN GENTS' FURNISHINGS ments and the germination of , other bnt as strangers. The tbe lmrng nem· and bc morc en3oyabl. . .n We e al the bl ood . Irritated by theoo a h 3 6,00 0,000 persons per annum would re- injunctions of the church and remorse of con· ;tor the' ocep ready eve· is e s o n the brane of most altogether on fruts, and live we.11 and present its maximum cv.pacity, and that science finally compelled ra pidly spreads;up McGill to go to We keep the very best and most fashionable lines in Ties, tion ot the parasite, which I know thrn, fc·r I have tned an this number of people would be using the Edinburgh to enquire into the fate , or back of be str?ng. the nostrils and down tbe fuiuoes of his Shirts, t: up throa e h a tion of t expe1ment. Collars and Cuffs. Underwear, Hosery, Braces and I have three bo s, o e ten, bridge in l!JOO. Already 27,500,000 people first wife and family. \he throa t cansin11; ulce r He went last May, rc de,>1fness: bu Not one d. eight, . one 'he eustachian t ubes , causinl' one years four and 0 r b..J: i , t d a e e n s r nt oss c he dge an at the prese rate of found hia wife had been dead two years and . smg hoa .rowing In the vocal cords, eau ! Umbrellas-in fact, anything in the Gents' Furnishings line. of them has ever tasted . meat, butter, or increase M:r. Ki gsley's estimate may be four t1·re of the b.ronch1a of his six childrcn dead. '.l'o the two n UBurping the proper str11c ..7 -0ansumpt10n and pastry, and only the simplest of cake. re>\ched iu 1890, ten years before thc time surviving children he revealed himself tubes ending in p ulmona. as Come along and bring your friend with ' you and get some '!'hey have all the fruit they can eat, a.n<l fixed by him. their long-lost father, confessed the story of he cure ot Ingenious speitl.ce for for what vegetables they prefer, with milk, @\<t w 1tho ut. s ue· h" s b' gamy and sh ame., but promised to pr o- thing nobby. i catarrh have been invented.. F is reshly-made glue stronger than that eggs, and fruit-puddings. They are solid, drncov , etandmg I "'.de for them ut of his accnmulatd prop. ceas ' until a phy sician of long4.isea · ee a n d tho large-built, endw·ing, >tetivc, healthy. Thev which has been repea.tcdly melted. Too ered the exact n ature of tll M. MAYER, Furrier. ClY· Then he c_ame back to Halifax a.nd y destro ly anent perm will do not know thc mea.ning of headache or in- la.rge a quantity should not, tlwrefore, be riva ely only appliance which the i-er1arned the woman whom he p a11:g.ravated t_ i;he parasite no matter how are exceedingly &C· ma,de at a time. Glve may be freed from I h d minds Their digestion. j21rl-Iighest prices once m cash at for Raw Furs. stamp d n e a ived with a qua .rter of . a centu·y Ml ?' ease Sufl'eers should catar rh , to the tive, energetic, quick to learn, and reten - the foreign animal matter generally in it h wife. He ':as m<irned to this W?man both l'.or descriptive pamphlet on 1 8 n s 305 n, o . S & wa softening g by in water hi it it cold tive. Their tempers are never violent and ·business manaRers, A. H, Dixen t ? u er: his true na ? 0 c ill, t o h Canads.. never vicious. I havc not had the least with the same several times, tili it no lo nger Irre King street , west, 'l'oronto, a rnmg amon g 1I:18 r ien s an f B.A., a Clergy 8 1 ' 0rn What the Rev. E. B. Steve son, with it any out bruising gives then color, diftlculty with precocious vice, although °a Meth ef·the rence Confe pu bl ic e d assume on h t name of M c Le 11 n man of the Lond . au. men bag mg 1 the liand, and suspend. ·t 111 a 1. ! very watcIf 1 ul. -Y in, reg a e ti 11th f F b 1 t l dist Church of Canada, has toTeti/,t .an Y tt' 0 .. e ruary as·, ie wa.s m st m<m t ,01· I do not to attribute all that is beneath the surface of a large <1u:mtity of :lle by fallrng . To A.H. Dixon & Son's New from a locomotive and stri1 c positive in them to their qiet, but I do wa.ter a.t 66 degrees Fahrenheit. Ily doing 1 Catarrh. ng hrs hca 01!- the .shar? spout of an .oil Ma.rch 17, 1883 Oakla.ns, Ont., Canada., :ittribute the abseiice of many ills to the this the pure glue i>< retained iu th e bag iOnd can. H was six , y-six years old, left no will, . . 7. Messrs .A. B. DiXon &: Son: . fact that their stnmachs have never been tlie soluble impurities pass through. If but his the 13th inst. t o . h an d !ile was mure for three thousand ! . DEAR Sms.-Yours of degrees softened 122 to the heated a'l be glue I t a 1 child impaired by pastry and Niue to be true th dollars Ill the Locomotive Brotherhood AaIt see med almost too good · am. t a. h t o1;1 er 'th t te d o d th "lt some an r u ere wa kn<?W 1 o I years six f d ?'t f : ren out o ten are yspeptics . cure d of Catarrh, but . . ' sociation in the name of McLella.n. TheY e d1seo.s. &nd nevei age. 1'hey are never quite free from imp urities will be retained by the filter, have h ad no return of th ve tried· so x:la/' REJi'USF. TO PAY THE POLICY felt better in my life. I h a be an glue of solution colorless obtained. a d This· difficulties. head and stomach, bowel, 01 ed so much. an things for Catarrh, suffer prepares . the wa.y for disea.sea of debility, ·h ar d to rea.lie t hat A new idea is a bod-spring which shall to !is s:cond wife, on the ground that the 80 many years, that it Is . · sue as piles, .catarrh, et;. I am i·eally better. . &erve as a £re-escapc in time of da.nger. It, policy is pa.{'ahle t Margaret McLelln, very ba. d case, 1t . I consider that mine was a ic, of fr?it trees as a .matter consists of four sets of sprinmi seven feet 1 whereas she is the widow of Joseph .L\1cGill. 1l l lant a vanety lvtng ·invc ch1·on and was aggravated of economy. of sai,es, but of Don't thmk an _ l pasagea. long and just wide enough 'hen laid to. To complicatemattcrsstill further, deceased's hr oat as well 1 as the nasa . D nrmg September'. gether to set in a bed frame. ]<} set is eld st dughter, Mrs. Jane Frnser, arrived are oner1ng Coal as follows : he three ,ttea.tment home-consumpt10n. th ought it would require t . e . a healthy boy 1 two sent me. an e h t by cured October, and Novemhei fully 0 attached to the adjoining one by u clamp,! fro Edmburgh, a. few days ago, made affibut I feel send to ed induc I am thankful th at I was ever man should eat four or five pounds of grapes which unites iron appendages fastened to; davits to the Pr?tite C_omt, and has bee;° io statln per day,-;--almost o meat, or noi;ie at _all, the end of the ty to use this lette r springs. The80 <1ppendages grante the admm1strat.ion of her. fa.the s ..jg·are at li bercure a.d certamly no p1es,-and he v:1ll g? mto d at tw o treatments. an st te, o ut the seconcl wife and family are m J.................. t hat I h ave besn dy to some wmter tho:oughly prep red for its t a. of add to the length of the arran"cmcnt so as e a reme your mend recom y l gladl l a h s a. 1 n 1 to make it a. bout thirty fe;t long while po?session and threaten a h?t fight. The rers. of my friends who are suffe t ure. temper Then for the apple-bms. a. bunging out of the window . One side of, p1:iest wlo recnt!Y remarried the couple nks. Yours' with many tha OU have one, two, or three stunted apple· each set of REV. E. B. S'l:EVBNSON springs is fitted with rung w 1t out licen se IS liable to two hundred doli s r e y h 0 ees. ot t you cook all neary y that or b of s d e r . . d !1 !l And hun made of wrought iron, the only part of Jars fine. . sore for vinter, mto pies. In our family of the contrivance not of steel. The run s, '.' g stx, we bake and use from five,to seven bar- which are on thc outside when the s rin p µs ! Old Friends. J . rels of Pound Sweets from <:ptember to depend from Twenty-five cents extra will . be charged when accounts runthe window, and about fifteen' Feburary-and they are delicious. Thev in ches old fr eds good to mee no_w and dos It 1 apart, form a pretty strong ladder, . . of grown they it that should then, for elds, open etook have a pleasure m on and be trecs new m fi _ her ed Has reoelv wihich may be made usc of for descent. over one month. they could hardly have guessed beforehand, they are then o.11 gold. Besides, you should ..nd they ti.thten up the threads of kindlialwa.ys have four or five barrels of Nonesuch, ness that for any reason had begun to slackJonatbans, Fameme, Spy, etc., open where A Brave Young Lad. and invites the Ladie s of Bow the family can select to taste. An a.pple . . en. In these days of active, busy 1ife, the A leter from Rmne to the l'lnladelplua 1 friendships are not forgottcn but they that suits the palate is digested well, and is manville and vicinity to call healthful. No two boys will be likely long l!'t0le tin ays the rtur:° o Ita:ly frm Abys- J apt to lose their freshness, simply for want stma iano of Count and Ma o S alunbmi, J rP of renewals by handshaking and kindly to fill their pockets out of the sari1c barrel. and see her Pattern Always on hand a lowest prices. A boy that will squeeze and bruise apples as the twelve-year-old on f the latter, who words. It is possible that a. correspondence have Alula for been so s p many sonr Ras a n ; is kept up for years, even a lifetime, by a he takes what he needs, should be taught better. Give them free range, and teach n:ionths, has . cr<:ated a ?0nsidrable sensa-' few, but how many of us know of such a and a.ssortmentot them horticultura.l refinement. One of thc tion. The chief mtcre_st is pe7haps cented, thing? Usually, there is regular exchange morals of a lover of fruit is to handle it u-pon the boy, who is decnbcd as havmg of letters for a time, then au occasiona.l tenderly. I will not even sell my choice displayed the cou:ae . andfirmness of a nan. neglect, followed by contrition and vows to to a man who bounces theI!J into through all the vicrnsit_udcs and hardships . do better, and then a total lapse from hdcl· It endured. Te only tlJD when e broke ity, and frantic attempts to .justify it on the Willlam1 baskets like so ma.ny cobble-stones. of rWesC ndDoo 1-Seco STORE tak es brains to new a.nd fine fruits, down was, 1t appears, wnen cre ground of "business" and the "exactions of l·t.cber Stall ,,.___ , _ . nsoners for the first time . a large family." 1'hc friendly feeling put upon the and brains to pick and handle them. re· The lack of common sense in fruit culture and he foun limself fettered lu1;nd and foot, mains in such conditions, dulled, of course, t an Abyssmian lad of about hi;6 own age 1 as it must be, and with only a hasty thought is shown in no other department of production. Any family could easily £nd on a ho ":a to be henceforth, leepmg or wak 1 of the one .who u.ed to he alwavs in mind; quarter acre, opportunity to raise an abun· mg, his msparable 0 0 1pam on. But he soon, and whose companionship in some form -have arrived at the;)F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS dance of plums, apples, cherries, pears, recovered _his Rang froi d and _helpless as he seemed to be necessary to happiness. It grapes, currants, berries; and the expense was physically, soon estabhslied a sort of prevents this degeneracy of feeling to meet, As thero are many inferior of cultivation would be more than covered ascendency over. the negroes who used to see each other face to face, and quicken all goods, corded with jutre, hemp, etc.,ofl'ered e,nd sold· yearly by the saving in doctor's Lilla and cme and to hi hut, and euld rate them the sensibilities by exchanges that sha.11 be as Coraline by some un butcher s bills. Try it. Let parents bring s_oundl.i; if they dipleased him as they som.e I made vita.I by the of voice, tones, ' principled merchants trad up their children on natural principles. times. did by- commg to beg for some of h is; laughter, the eyes, and probably and ·ing 011 the reputation of our genuine CJorallne They will hea.rtily accord, you may rely cotluug . ms father had n;.anagcd t? kccp for j the touch ef the hand, which, though it is w e warn the ladies against ·upon it. My own cannot be induced to him, as mded all the prisoners tried to do, · so much alike all the world over, has an in· such imposi tion by draw , two or three Jerse:ys, to b worn one over the dividuality in it that is quick an.d keen as a touch fiesl1 and butter. ing their attention to the necessity of seeing that tho Frui t-cooking is not understood in ra otcr as a protection agamst te d'!'ngers of spiiitual interpreter. If we show ourselves name tithe. of even our farmers' families. D uring lymg on th d'.l'mf floor of their pnsn hus human and tr ue we will gather new friends I after the tiopica heat _ of the day. _ To tis, wherever we arc and value and use them the last year, I have eaten, or tried to eat, such dishes as these: Astrachan apples te boY: proably 0"'.ed ,his ;omplet _ immumty -cven set them up against all others as ex. from illness durm!l his impnsonment,; amples of kindness and 's ata.mped on inner side of a.11 Coraline goods, congeniality-buJ sliced, skin and all, into a skillet, and fried in Here were cores, apple· skim, he h :i-s returned qmte bronz ed and h ardy- there is something in the greeting a.gain Without which nono aro genuino, loong. He had other a.dvantages, tho.ugh, after many years of the friends of youth and grease; only a perverted taste could endure such stuff. Apple-dumplings, again, ":hich were not shared by the clder prison- that, like the atmosphere of the early home, has nothing like it. Happy are they whose have been set before me, consisting of half· eis. . goes out to ch. A woman ,s her.u·t ildhood, friends remain to them. It becomes very cooked apples, in a lump of heavy boiled Continues to do a Gen e r al Banking Busineae dough. Being excessively hungry, I ate a thank gooness ! all the world ove, and' lonely when the roll of school and college eB o wmanville Branch. portion, and was a dyspeptic for two days. Ras Alula daugher took compssion on days is called and there ai·e only a few, far· DE11'0Sl'l'S the brave httlc Itaha.i; boy, an dd all she off voices to answer. . I have grea.t sympathy for Professor Swing's 'teoelved ln Savings Bank Depa.rtmenta.nd horror of pies. They contain nightma.res I could to soten the_ rigors of his. unprmn. '811 and interest allowed at current t·ates . No innumerable . Some vegetables are only I ment. It is certam that the _firce c1efl aoti ce of withdrawa l necessary. All dei· oai te wo_uld have allowd. no other livmg bemg An Armless Man. fruits that grow 011 the ground. The pump· payable on demand, to mterfcre wi thhis Jealously guardcd host-I Recently kin a.nd squash are such a.s well as melons. there died at Pottsdam Ncw I ages, who were only ,rele,;d, as perhaps York, .EXCHANGE There is great excuse' for a i;eal Ontario' a wonderful man. Au accidnt de· I the reader mY rememor, m exchange for ! pumpkin pie, or a good squah pie ; but prived him of both arms, which were am· :lnughtand sold and Dra rts i ssued upon Europe . Jnit ed States and Canada, also G old, Silver and they quite as good made into puddings a tl!ousar;d ufles belonmg to _Ras \ lula, putated at the shoulder. He earned a liv· ha which the hithert Italm not ing by using his feet e.nd his mouth instead 7ruted Staes Gr een ba cks \)ouirbt and sold. o r; officias without pastry. '.l'ry it. I succeeded, a.llod to He still retams ount C by hybridizing, or crossing the pumpkin, of his arms. We told that he owned a C:OLLEC:TIONS Savoir . ox, . a.nd, on the remonstrances horse, of which he took the entire care, har in obtaining a variety that keeps the year ?f Maioi iano and th others, ""Y"?0· a t first Promptly madc at current rates upon all par arouud. \Ve used the last in August in nessed it, fasteneci and unfastened the bucki)f Gre a t Ilrittain, the U n i te d States and Do 1885, and we also kept them as late in 1884. refused to comeawi:y without then unfortles with his teeth, and drove with the reins mlnton of Can a da . a.te co rade, he bid them begone or remam I a.m neither a vegetarian nor a frnitarian, . tied around his shoulders. Being in need their at for more own he had peril, to say no of a wagon, he bought wheels and axles and 'l.'clegraph T1ansf'e1·5 yet I am convinced we should all them. u t youn E manuel :i'iano had, . quite as well, and most of us built a box buggy com plete and painted it. Made for large or small sums on all parts ol do it appea:s, a.dieux 0. a sofer kmd, for be Can a da. This is especially advantageous to much better, if we confined our dict He went to the barn one winter day and sho de a ltttle go l , d cross ws with som p i n g In M n a n l i iv t o b a or the North·wes! to milk J>61.'80ns . e"gs fruits and vegetables. built a cowstable sawing the timber with as lt mak e s the funds 11va.ilabl e at once at the Some on saying to '.l.'hoeau tha.t such food hwh Ra Alnla. 8 daughter gave rm. say- his feet and with the hf,mmer in one foot and plac e of payment. mg "Thmk of me hen ou are m l Itii y." holding the nail with the othr, he nailed the would not give strength, he asked him how, : w y Jl'orfurther particulars call a t the Bank:lnp boards on as well as most men could do with then, the oxcn that he was driving, manHonse. their hands. He dug a well twelve feet aged to pull out the stumps? Curiously, To Discover his fate . T. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, deep and stoned it himself. He could move .Accountant. Manager. the questiener, like many others, had not Various ects pro are atloa.t ngland in l<J j away hay by holding the fork under his chin observed that carnivorous habits of eating ·Iv for sending a. small expedition to Khartoum and letting it rest against his shoulder. He were not essential to· strength. to ascertain the actual fate of Gordon and could pick 1,1p potatoes in the field as fast as to secure, if possible, the release of the hap- a man could dig them. He would dress Self Control. less whites who are prisonera there. Mr. himself, get his meals, write his letters, and, It is a. very meagrc conception of self-con Montagu Kerr, who was a member of the in fact, do almost a.nything that auy man Many a man trol that would limit it to the simple re- ew _York tock Exchange ?efore he dis- with two ha.nds could do. strain, of outward expl'ession. Yet this is tmgmshed himslf as an African explorer, with all his physical facultie6, unimpaired --AND -. has been men1?ned le r the of the as a.!le mourns because he cannot get along, a.nd yet frequently the only idea which the, word calls up. The passonate man who puts proposed expeditio. T!1 Soudanese hav:e, this rmless brother made himself indepen back the angry word that rises to his lips, recently shown a dispos1t10n to palaver, If/ dent without a.rms or hands. He was like the inquisitive man who refrains from asking not to submit, and if the new Mahdi is not the Crimean hero who when his lower limbs ' impertinent questions, the loquacious man nursing his wrath over t c . curt dismi.ssal were shot away, rote to the woman he was who imposes a painful silence on himself, ?f .ths evoys he sent to C a. i·o last spnng, engaged to marry, refoasing hcr. She an CURES the vain man who conceals his self-admira- it is possible that. J:e would give a safe pas- swe1·ed: I will marry you if you have cnough . z.amine our stock. ALL LIVER AND KIDNEY COM. tion, the excited man who hides his per- sage t_o the exped ition. It would, however, body remaining; to contain your noble soul. Is now opened, and we invite everybody to call a!Ac. turbed emotions under a clam exterior, arc be a risky venture. PLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGEST cited as illustrations of self-control, and no The Soudan is now nearly in the condi The Moral He Drew. tion it was in when it fell like a ripe plum ION A:ND ALL DI':lEASES ARISING deeper or wider meaning is a.ttached to it. Sunday school Teacher-" '\Tho were the Yet, in truth, these and similar efforts of into the hands of Egypt. Trade with the FROM DISARRANGEMENTS OF THE repression, while belouging to self-control, outside world is utterly paralyzed, and the children of Israel?" Pupil5-" Jews." partaking of its nature a.nd hinting of its incstine fighting of rivn:J chiefs is weak. LIVER AND KIDNEYS. "What did Joseph's brethren do with p1·e!lence, no more comprehend it than the emg the cent:al authority atOmdurman. faint perfume of a blossom comprehcnds This state of tlungs cannot last forever, and him?" 01·de1·s for Sta1npiug will i·eccive stvict attention, and " Sold him into bondage. " the cntire plant which it ; for they the fact ha.t the actual needs of the ou The Greatest Blood Puri have to do only with thebore "What moral do you draw from this danese will some day cause the barriers phenomena which . all ne'ft'cst patterns kept to choos.e fl"om. sclf prescnts to the world, whereas self. they had built aroud them to be overthrown lesson?" fler in the World. " Look out for Sheenies if you don't want : of hope to Lupton affords a perhaps gluucr control has to deal with the r c al self, its The Bazaar Glove fi ttmg Patterns for Ladies and Clulilrens wear fo1· manifold faculties, .complex characteristics, Bey . and th other .fellows who are now to be sold." · makmg cartridges for the Arab muskcters. delicate variations. sp1ing an d summr:r styles, a complete stock. :No waiting, no sending, Foots th e BilI. MoGurnness . -------··- -- -.- · t l10me w1t l you . · l but ch oose your pattorn and t alrn l Ffaherty-" Phwat's this, Mrs. Mc· A fair Financier. Pocketing an Insult. Proprietor, Toronto. Guinness? Ye're but jist married to a "Oh, Nell ! Isn't it lucky our legacies Remember the place, nearly opposite McMurtry's grocery store. "A small physique at times is a great sicond husband and ib's comin out in a new were only four hundred dollars !" SOLDBY disadvantage to a mu.n,""he said. "Recent mourning dries ye are !" " Lucky? when we expectcd, at least, ly I was grossly insulted by u. grea.t big Mrs. :M:cGuinness-" Oi alwiz mint to DIGGINBOTHA.lll & SON, ten thousand apiece !" duffer, and I could only pocket the insult." wer.i· mournin' for poor Mike, butOi niver " But don't you see, de1J.r, if we had had " In what way did hc insult yon ?" had the money till now. McGuinness i s BOWMA NVIL L E, all that P11>pa. wo11ld have invested it," 12-tf. Bowman.ville, March 22, 1886, " He offered me a bribe." well fixed, praise the saints !" WEDNESDAY., JJJLY 20, 1887. , There are 15, 000 acres ol oyste Q.ed in the Bay of Archa.chon, Frav e,.whi ch yield .. -:·- .... 300,000,000 oysters a.year. lo Gelatine is the latest a·'llllteration of bnttcr. By adding gclatine, which absorbs ten times its weight of wat·c, the consistency of the buttcr is retnined and the water adulteration is not not,iced. , · 1 j 1 DY I · · · · · · I M-o 0 u GAL l & M. ET c A L F ' . _ c · · _ . _ J Stove and Chestnut $6 25 · · 1mss McTAVISH GOODS., I Grate and Egg · · · · ' · · · · · · · · · ' · · · · · · · · ' · · 6 00 · · LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD M.cDOUGALL & METCALF BONNET S, HATS TRIMMINGS I I. I BEWARE NEW SPRING GOODS I l w-st End Hous · 'CROMPTON CORSET CO.' THE ONTARIO BANK · I ! and see our lovely Ladies, call Dress Goods. all and see our handsomer Gents, c Tweeds and Suitings.. Full lines of General Dry Goods now open for inspection. I _ _ .-- - --- Our Grocery Store is replete with the Choicest Groceries, Prov-i.sions, Crockery, G l a s swar e, Field and Garden Seeds, &c. JJQJl11f lmcMCCJtR,lf. ---------·· · THE VVEST END DANDELION LIVER AND KIDHEY BITTERS .Mll_LLINERY FANCY GOODS HOUSE Hats Re-shaped in latest :styles. l E. MORRIS, Il ' I I lI . . · , _ MRS. W. MORRISON.

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