Dutch clea.nlmes· 18 famous, and desenes · Red DcvHs 'Wlto D1mN1I '\1'bll4" Tilley Tor· Sa1 ·a a T oronto flor1s · t the other d a.y: La. t A very odd story, w h10h , m spite of its ii ,1 fame The Dutch aie the only people · tcn1e1l n 't1'l1ilc lllmr. oddity, has been proved by the Palis police sprmg I used to notice a couple gomg by ,, ho live aa if cleanliness were not n ext to, WEDNESDAY, ,JULY 1887. to be strictly true, was told hy a drunken here-a fine, manly young fellow and a irl Col. Shelley (Mexican Joe) was one of the bolt a part of, godlrness The tr av eller, on eadiest A menc..u settlei n old _<'1.lnhu ..hua, e .. termg his room m an mn, finds the )men cook arrested fo1 some petty offence in the pretty and da.mty, with lovely brown hair -- ---'""" locatmg a large much m the Sallos valley, 8110w white, the wmdow P"-nes transpaient atreets of that capital. On being searched and dark blue eyes. They didn't know each. says the St. Pa ul Globe. He impurtcd the 1.,1 the air,the furmture shunng as if newly at the police station a considera.blc amount 1 ther, but when the young man went to usmess the girl was sure t<> be somewhere m gold was found in his pocket, which he first Je1s· ys aml Durha m cattle mto the va1111shed, and the flo or so clean that a ma g at ttrst declined h w h a.m She lived t , ,m<l to explam coun ry o had a flourishing ranch, when mfymg gl;i,ss could not discover e c e a.rou11d where she could see !um, Stock Notes. a speck by, b t, being pt ess ed to speak by the right aiound the corner, and she used to . a. the most tcrnble t11a,l of his ltfe took place. thereon e Th ie is a basket for waste paper, tL tht A good many farmers have th e 1d . exammmg magrntrnte, he acc@unted foi it come in here and pretend to be examinin " One di>y I was out on a solitary prowl a tablet foi sctatc htnf! mutcli"' 011,a dish for a S milk is not just right fm pigs until it is the flowers as he passed nus · t' among the S ierrn M,tdre mountains," said cigar ashes, a box for · 'li'hen 8he woul USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. cigar sp stumps, a it 1 This is a very s ious mltak soured l t up and 00 down and watch him as he lst went h Col. Shel a ley tlie other day .. and met two toon-every man l su pposed to smoke-a " \V i s untering nca1 the Central r rom sour ng n e No possible good can cor ' was i11v1t ed to bootiack, and cvcrytbrng to remove a pie Market, a few mornmgs previously,he was dowu the street. One day as he went by she 1 k Wood steeped in a solution of copperas white men an d a Meicicau and Af ter you ta e ou but very serious harm. accoste d by a well dressed md1vidual who looked up and said to me, '<i>h, what a funny qu their i>rtern I vrns JUBt makmg an mter· tex t for sot lmg anythmg. becomes harder and more indestructible. the cream and the water,the most tha.t redrawmg him a little apart from the pssers'. hat!' aud then carelessly, as she beg:i.n pickeating haul m a game of monte, when my Ev n his ndlestick c of e ppe an of a . ia and ethat on good A burns, is for co remedy 1 d mains is ca.seine and sugar of milk. Both by. e n o uired whether he would 1 1ke tn ' h and8 were seized fmm beh' md · a gag was the size of a dinner plate v ea.rn ing among the flowers, 'l wonder who he is.· It nught su stain > generally at hand, is a paste made of flour 1 are valuable. But When you sour .·t t 1 1 rty ed a:ffi rm- I came very near laughmg, for the previous p thousand frn. ncs. H e re thrust li into and my releive I mouth, l a torch but holcls mstead a candle, a$ large as was ( 1 and cold wa.ter. change the sugar of milk iutil actic a.cl at1vely-provid ed it were honestly earned day the young fellow had been in to ask me of my re' olver: in a style that wasrefreshmg a lady's small finger. N0 grease should be 1 of your and lose nearly half the entire va ue Wet the hands tn vinegar and camphor in its rapidity. Bound like a trussed turkey, -and ultima.tely o.ccompanied the st i anaer who she was, and had sent her some flowers, It from tliat can dlest10k ·. spt and colts. milk, Feed milk sweet to calves after ha.vrng them in soapy water ; it kills I was ca1ried all night up to the mountains to a house m the Rue de Ritoi· 1 1·. The t"'wo About a week after she ca.me in with a. friend, The traveller stands budge, on and a ovei ·t Wl1Y alkahand k eeps them soft Never let it sour if you can h el P 1 entered a. handsome apartment 011 the and I heard her tellrng the friend how on i:onyhack,and at the break of day was looks the vessels crowded m the canal · Each will you throw II.VIay half its value? When cleaning e. stove if a small quantity driven tb1ough the natTow natural gateway one is as clean as the room he has Jllst left. second :floor, and the door was closed· after somebody had been sending her ilowers eve Phe FM"'fM'r' s (Irish) Gazette gives the fol. of sugar is put mto the stove blacking it that led to the mountam faRtness of Ch1hua.- '!'h that the stranger startled him by syin(( mornmg,and she did wish she eould find ou e mast and deck are varnished, and shme Well, the best part of it a.ll abruptly, 'Mon ga.rcon, you must kil l me.\ who it was hua, a plateau surrounded by natural moun · l ike a recently scrubbed house loor lowing different ways of treatmg balky will not bur:n off so quickly. The f is companion believed him to be mad until came afterwards. Ohe w.orning he came in horses, which are recommended for tril: Women while sewmg should never cut the tain walls. Cliff 1wing from fifty to a hun· cabin has its wmdows of cl.iar, clean glass, H First, pat the horse on the ueck, examme thread w ith their teeth, as by so doing they died feet above tbe ordmary level,approach - each one with its white muslm curtams tied he explained the state 1>f the case-llamely, a.S usual, and the gardener took him back in ; that he had speculated with money be- the conservatory. Wlule he was there the him carefully, first one side, then the other inJure the enamel, and m a little whife the ed by tortuou s mountain paths, made im· up with knots of rose colored ribbon Sat longmg to his mother; bad lost one hundred irl entered and stood near the counter lookpregnablc the eyrie from which the famou s lors, women, and children if you can get him a handful of rvass, give teeth decay. arP. busy every and twenty thoustind francs,a.nd was de· mg towards the w.indow:;; Presently he re' . . . chief and his followers emerged to raid over spare moment, washin"', sweepmg, pohshmg it to him,and speak encouraging Y to him . O rdmary cnna.ge va.rmsh is a good ce· ,.. termmed not to survive his disgace. all the smroundmg country. For three every pa.rt. Then jump into the wagon, and give the But turned,and as he sta11ted for the door brisk· c . if es pie and for the broken china, ment 11 o bey. generall . 11 , . . wor(i go, and h e WI· days and nights I was bound to a sap1rng De Amicis, an I talian, on visi"ttnf! the lus IIfe was msured for two hundred thousand ly he 1 said · "W en, send these· flowers as . 11ar dl y w1 h e f d t are ome ractme 1 y, neat . J francs, wht ch, even 1·f h e d' lorse out of tl1e shafts, 1ed by his own usua. 11p to 24 --street ." . Ne1ther knew b etween two stakes, and was an animated kitchen of a house m Delft, could find . Second, ta.kmg the I hut be perceptible. target for Jeers and iests and arrows of the one word to express ]us foelmgs, "splen- hand would be forfeited. a.nd tnrnmg bun around in a circle unti he Therefore he t hoth:r was near,ant hearmg the number . er ouse mentions r. she turned around o It IS claimed that holdmg a shovelful of bucks and squaws. [The colon el has the a is giddy, will generally start him. Third, did 1,, The \\alls were as wlnte as untouch- w nted to be killed, and would pay the "Well, I never a nother way to cure a balky horse is, place bot coals over varmshed furniture will take marks that furnish the documents for his ed snow; the saucep ans rdlected hke imr- obhgmg person who killed him thirty and they met face to xace. your hand over his nose and shut off his out spots and stams. Rub the place while latter statement ta.ttoomg his entire body . l r He offered an instalment saw such an embarrassed couple m all my ors, and the mantlepiece was ornamented thousand francs n l there and then of two thousand francs, days. Sh? had a bi JlltC(!_luemmot near her The arrow heads were sharp as the blade of with a muslin curtam hke the c<mopy wind until he wauts to go. Fourth, then, w arm with f an el. of a ' which the man who related the story ac- fac?, and it would have been hrird to tell again, take a couple of turns of stout t wme If your fence is too old for paint to stick the knife, and we1e shot so as to cut through bed . · he k.nee, on it,a solution of watei·. glue and lime will the skin and draw plenty of blood without cepted, promising to return the followin o which was redder,tfae rose or her cheeks. 'The firep ace 1 around the fore legs, 3ust below t . was covered w1 chma t· i les "' I Sh ,d to the ftowei;s and ]ie passed out. , e turne tight enough for the horse to feel it ; tie m form a syndicate that will make it as white touchin g a vital spot. Three da.ys I defied that looked a.a bright as If no fire had ever day to carry out !us eng11gement. On , At the first click he will pro- as the new fallen snow. them with all my powers of endurance, al· been hghted there. The shovels,tongs, and reachm!? the house, however, his courage '.J:hey d1dn t come. any more, but not long a bow knot. s fai led him, and the same c vening-havmg ago I a them gomg by together. They both After going a. short ba.bly go dancing off. Erick made of a mixture of coke sand though my fiow of language w as hardly poker, and the chains and hooks seemed drank too freely-he was arrested in a state looked m and when they saw me he laughed distance you ea.n get out and remove the I and hme ot· light partition ·Valls ex'cludes equal to the flow of bloo::l I waisted, a.ud at made of po 1 1 hed stee . 1 · 8 . and she blushed. " of 1ntox1cat1· on. The pol1·ce on pioceeding t 0 the tendons · · o prevent in3ury e strmg t en la t t· I d t th e ti o ime assigne th d f was 0 , , a d ' . A l y m a ball drcss m1gIt 1 sound better ' than brick-work and ts hght i h ave gone t . · i t ie h ouse 1ie md1cated, found the o care or two guards to do menial duties with mto every hole and corner of that kitchen Fifth, a.gai, you can try the followmg: I and a non-conductor of heat. ' . . Take the ttul of the horse between the hmd , the squaws. and come forth without a smirch upon he; myster10us. l?entlemau wh? ittcrly .re· For cli: amng bras es belong mg to mahogproached his mtended assassmwith breakm!{ ADVISE TO MOTHERS.-Are you d111-<· " l!'or eighteen mounths I scraped hides legs, and tie it by a cord to the saddle . wh iteness " whitmg wdered e, use any either fmmt po w as is . '.I'he mster of the house, seeing the Itn- Ins wo1d. He was tael! into cusody on turbed at nighli and broken of your rest and stood the r nugh racket of an Indiau girth. Sixtl\li the last remedy I know, I or scraped otte st e m. ed . swee tth n horse'.s o , Tic a strm"' a;oun the follows v 1 i t prisoner. Fmally one of the chief's squaws ha.n's surprise at the fact that a servant girl the ouble charge of mc1tmg to crime and by a swk child saffermg and crymg with , will d1ve1·t his 01· and rub 0 with a 0 hamots skm. ok a great fancy to me, and through her was clea.mng up, where there seemed not seekmg to defraud thf'l insurance company." pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at ear, cose to head. ."This . almost ;nakmg as To clean tms, the attcnt10n,and start him. aid I saw a chance for escap. I shall never the shadow of dirt, saLd, "To have an idea once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wmslow's mce as new,wash m hot soap ,su.ds, dip a forget the beautiful moonlight night I left. of what , cleanliness 19 with us, you should Soothmg Syrup." For children teething, Why the Crow is Black. p cloth sifted ashes, coal m1 ened dam fine, POULTRY NOTES. The outfit had a big celebration and meacal watch one of these women for an hour. its value is i:acalculable, It will relieve scour well, then polish with dry ashes . The Indrnns of the ext1eme Northwest had the best of their brams. 'one of my T here a house is soaped and sponged and The farmer who keeps a flock of twenty the poor little sufierer immediately. De· five to thirty hens, with the usual accom To remove paint and putty from window- guards was asleep, the other dozing. My rubbed like a. person. It is not cleaning, it had some very remarkable legends about the c reation,in which the crow takes the lead· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no paniment of a hundred or more lively chicks, glass put sufficient saleiatus into hot water hand went over the mouth of one, and my is ma.kmg a toilette. She blows m the mistake about it. It cures Dysentery I and allows them to share his domain in I to make a stronv solution, and with this knife through the heart at the same instant. cracks between the bricks, pokes in the eor· ing pai·t,bringing order out of chaos. Per and Diarrhcea, regulates the Stoma.ch and common with himself, his other stock a11d saturate the paint or putty which adheres My other guard was s1milaxly treated. I ners with finger and pin, makes a mmute haps the most curious was that which farm utensils, finds perplexity and most: to the glass. Let it remain until neaily dry, crawled out of the sleeping camp through supervision enough to fatigue the eye as aC'counted for the 1 aven coat of the 01ow. Bowels, curee Wind Colic, softens the One night, while making a tour through his Gums, reduces Inflammation, and g1vea the gateway, <>;nd threaded y way down well as the arm. abominable company at evry turn. Te then rub off with a woolen cloth. It is truly a. national pasI dominions,he stopped at the house of Can to:re and energy to the whole sydtem. the rough t:ail about a mile an a hii:lf, srnn " hen at large, in her multiplied form, is Never be alai·med if a livin , insect enters where the faithful squaw was wa.1tmg v.1th . ·when asked whence arose this mania for nook,a chief, and begged for lodging and a. " Mr. Winslow's Soothmg Syrup " for worise than an arrr.y of locusts, aud her / th e r. p0 ing war w t r mt 0 the ana,1 t.en ponies. Then came a wild ride down cleanmg, he allswered: "It is due to the drink of water Can nook offered him a bed, children teething is pleasant to the taste ;t following as offellsive as a pestilence. 11 I 1 ;r he en te S1erra. M adre11. i rode one a n,_d5 dr? v o ! atmosphere, which miures wood and metal ; but,on account of scarcity of water, refused and is the prescription of one of the old An experienced noultryman thinks th j) I the 1Sa a'::d !; b:asfi y no{edy v Th us I went 2 "' m1 les to the dampness and sma 11 mno ahead of me. When all est and beet female physicians and norse11 ness of the houses, to give him anything to drink. · l co.use of f M " 'l ure m so many of the 1 tlie fingers essent1a . . A few puffs of tobacco smoke b ack to Gra.c1a, takmg a fresh pony every I m ultiplicity of small ob3ects favor- th e rest were asleep the crow got up to hunt d the ,, . attempts to keep fowls in large numbers is blown mto 'the car will stupify the insect. in the United States, and is for sale by the for butt, time one was exhausted. ater but was heard by Can 'l'i mg dust; to the superabundance of wat.er; A farmer will rise at due to a. lack of care. . all druggists throu!{h the world. Price . k no wif s who e , aroused her husband. H , e o ' Into a 8ol.ut10n of. gum to the need of the eye, which finds beauty foux o'clock in the morning to f e ed and 1 T med chma thinking that the crow was about to escape, 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for m simple cleanliness; aud, finally, to the France, England, and Egypt milk his cows, will carefully clean out the a.rab1c stir plaster ?f pans until the rmxture "MRs W1Nsww's SooTHING SYRUP." Apply emulat10n 'l'ihich pushes things to extxemes. ' piled logs of gum wood upo n the fire. The · stalls a.nd repare the beds for the cows, and assumes the consistency of cream. anger smce th e reti rement 0f Gen. B ou 1 . crow made desperate efforts to fly thrnugh and take no other k ind , £ ll I with the brush to the broken ed "es of chma b t he 1 l at o k oe not e d fll h1 \ k h; 11 y t 1 and oin together In three day;' the article from the French War Ofilce the storm cen 9 d r the hole in the roof where the smoke escap· e e J n ot 0 o muo wor for the ens. ives. N0bl e L' ed, but Can-nook caused the smoke to be 'fhe 1 tre of European pol!tws has agam drifted ' in the same place · h ens will pay wh en properly cared f or,five 'cannot be brnke; · 0ft n cho sen t A rude ath en vessel is toward s th e E a'Jt. Th eprotes ts of F to 1118 a day. Samples and duty FREE · .0 denser aud dens er, and when the crow <ranee and ab 0r whiteness of the cement adds to its valne. propor tion t ° 1 · times a muc profit, m Lines not under the horse's feet. Writ.e R ussia agamst the settlement of the Egypt convey a d1 vrne message. Agam and aga.m finally regained the outer air he had a black . , A MIXTURE TO ERASE SPOTS -Equalpa.rh an capital mves:ed, as the cows. BREWSTER'S SAVETY REIN HOLDER . rnn questrnn ar ranged by Sir H. Drummond men and women 'have been ught that the plumage. It was p revious] y white. Co·· Holl, Mi c h. if young ch10ks and turkeys appeai of strong ammoma wa.ter,ether and alcohol Wolff have been so peiemptory that the old nursery tale wasprophetw. It tells of a stupid and ailing; examine them for lice. form a valuble cleanmg compound. Pass a Porte hesitates to rat1fy the treaty, and has fairy who appeared clothed in rags, and as ·· ------'---- ·----- ----the grease spot, A little grease put on top of the head and pte e of blottmg po.per un . der urged the British Government to acquiesce an old woman, wrmkled and bent. Those , under the wings will generally prove efilc<>· !Sten a SJ?,()nge firt with ater, to render lll a modification of the most ObJeCt1onable who received her kindly and heeded hex J rib mIX and the turi:, reedy, with t then g i manner. cious. Treat the mother in hke provision. It proposes that the right of in words were some day met by a beautiful . . a moment it will be dis Fumigate th hen house by burning sulphr I with it the spo .t. In tervenmg m the event of danger to the Nile young lady,arrayed ii; sllk and diamonds, J.1:.1. '-' The old therem,makmg the hrmse as close as poss1 1 solved, sapomfied and absorbed by the land from either external or rnt.ernal ca.uses who blessed them ,v1th favors. e fo1 · a few hours. Also wash _every pa.rt sponge and blotter. shall belong not to England,but to Turkey 1 woman and. the beautiful lady were one and GEAR TEU'Ji.-Gear teeth, says Wood and To such change in the term s of the compact the r.:.ume fa1ry.. > w it h k orosene, or w!utewash with caustic Cha.Iles Reade's father. a village Squire, lime at le1J.st-twice a year, and give the fowls Iron, generally have one corner broken oIT Lord Sahsb m,y 1s understood to be inflexibly Sooner than assent to it, he will when a student at Oriel College, Oxford, plent y of dust or dry ashes, and there will first, afte: which they rapidly go to pieces opposed. This may be avoided and the teeth ma.de let all negotiations dr:op and pl olong the oc. had a cli>ss ·rmi.te named l" ! ry, a young man be no trouble from lice. nn:ng down the edges cupation of Egypt for an indefinite per10d. who was mtendrng t,) sudy for holy ordexs. The only sure way to clean out a nest mch stronger, by thi . should tho contents become soiled 18 to 1 with a file,thereby brmgmg the whole stram Unless, in other words,he 1s to be the sole Fry had brams and a kind heart, but he was carry the box outside, burn the hay, and , along th centre o the tooth. Gear teeth contmgent supporter of the Khedive, he will I rude in speech and rogh in manner ; he woro gxay woollen stoclungs ,and smoked a then dip a sponge in kerosene and apply a 1 fixc !us way will not beak unless the continue to be his actual .protector . From the point of view of France and clay pipe. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for tl0c New Oils, lighted match to the boic, first rnbbmg it stram is su fib1ent to break of f the whole . tooth. set to which Reade belonged cut lhe riigard naturally is treaty Russia the Wolff over with the sponge. The oil will burn for dubbed a Fry, himself " him Reade and pres the ··· of withdrawal The ed trick. as a a few moments over the box and then cease. ent a1 my of occupation seems a delusive con vulgar fellow." The Squue married a wo 'If ·there· are any lice they will have but a A Family Arrane;ement. if E11gland retarns the right. to mau of fash10n and culture, and settled cession, poor ohance. If an e"' is broken m the . . . A fom1ly m h1ch tere are 8: number of transfer to Alexandria,a.t a moment's warn- down on the paternal estate to hunt foxes . nest the result is usuallv lice, unless the m n who come m at di fferent times dur mg ng the garrisons stationed in Cyprus and and shoot grouse. Try it once, you will use no other. nest rn at once cleaned ii'.nd the best mode, e latter part of he evening, and who g!ln M alta. The Vicar of the village paish fell sick, As under thn contemplate agreeis to begin anew with 'the box very clean, the 1 rally go to bed tmmed1ate.ly upon gettmg ment between England aud Turkey it would and Mr. Fly came to supply his place. and fresh cut hay put in. Jllct;OJ.. L BROS. k cory, Toronto m, was troubled for a long time by the ques- be left to the former po wer to determine "You must ask the gentleman to dinner' " e I don J urtl ,tion that worried each man when A c c r esi ond n t °f th . ho came whether the Egyptia11 situation called for sa.id Mrs. Reade. t of H ?rticu tur:a: si>ys,m re erence 0 1 e in as to who was yet out, As every one waa int erference and whn.t measures would be "I really cau't, L answered the Squire; 1 . ' . . ' ast wmt er au o d quest10n of seic m eggs : i genera11Y m bed there was none to answer expedient for the safeguardmg of the S uez but he and l . w1fe occup1ed tlle famt1y pew i1s · h · f ouItr keeper to ld me h e couId. d18 mgms the question, and the arrival was at a loss Canal,it is not hkely that the fleets of her on Sunday morning ;. ne e _ lll llggsk .lagh a hi:U o.nd hs to know whether to lock the front door for e e The " vulgar fellow" of Oriel had become ered to use that water i n mies would be s uff e the night e less s ep ic11o w . en e id none th and put out the lights, as he would way in time of war ,That is to say the a mighty preacher. He was fenid aud elo . id 1 wmg secret E ' ggs with the a.tr b a d1 do if all were in, or not. fol 0 of the bed- channel opened by French enterprise A tour quent, and his rhetoric struck hard both the · 1 e centre of the crown of the egg wi 11 room was nece sa on t 1 --- MANUFACTURER OF--· d thc d es1re to be barred to l!rance at prec!sely e JU nctu re sq:!1·re s;ud ht· s 1ady. y · cqmre s r s . ce cockerels . those with the bladder k now ,, Produ ledge, and this, lt is needless to say, when she would most need it. . . I w1sh I h ad asked F ,., hether the · ry t o d mner, said \ ' pullets. The 0 ld man ecame more annoying each time. one SIde wtll produ ce At last a Suez Canal 18 to be covered by a European ' l:> . the Squire after church. " I'll do i t now," · was so certam of t he truth of this d o'>ma, ' h a.ppy I·dea was f ound· . to vi H. u..gncouragment, and the . IS w1fe smi) e "' . r:tna.lly become m · cnt1guarantee or is d so f a confired ·t ltry KING STREET. BOWMANVILL a d h 1 on. A of small hard wood, on which board . of Eualand preacher walked bac th them to the t hat . j termme t o m a e experp:len s was neatly pamted as m ny figures in a row cal perrnds the pt ivate property from the Has now on hand a number of vehicle (and Is manufacturmg a great many more) of the ne . 8 tor all the m aritime powers a quet10 only great house, nearly a mile distant1 I h av d one so, regist er- I as there are persons in the family,with two pattern s and best finish, which I am oll'ering for sale at the lowest prices oons1eten· !1pon it th IS year. second in importance to the distnbtion of the church. with duo regard to workmo.nship and quality. The f ollowm g ie a. list oC mg te egg bladder vertial,?r bladder on rows of peL"S beneath each, one labelled "out"! Ottoman assets The " ..-ulgat fellow" was a born mission . the prmclpa l vehicles manute.ctured by me one side, reJecte all m l!wh it was not one and the other " m " was placed in a rnther and "' l his messa<>e to Mr · no dou b· ,_ i ere is · that E ng1a.nd und er the ary · and he belivered "' . . or the other as m some it 12 only ve1y slight- I abscure place m the , ............ , .............. , ........................ $150 Upwardi Carriages Covered Double I ' hall way, where all the 1 e accepted it,and it . They both ' p r sent Uoverment will fight before she will Mrs. Reade. 11 1 · the family can readily see it,but e f 011owi IY ot t Single . . · . . .. . . . · . . . . · . . . . . . . ... . . ·. . . ·. .. . ... . · · . ·· . . . . · ... . ···· l 00 . Phootona i °f th e center. Tl t where nd life. it character will surrender at the biddrng of France and Rus- revolutionized their . i> h 1t ch ic 1 11 ere atc d not attract the eyes ken F a' ifty ·ei i I s eu t; 70 ....... . . . ........ . . . . . . .. . .. . . Buggy.................................. Open strangers. On each y, s his sporting of g The Squne dropped a T \ ' ia the measure of control ever the Suez 11 thrare ead ,:he even are e 00 you?g. 0 peg is hung a small brass ring,an(l now, as Canal which the 'Wolff treaty assures to her. friends, and Mrs. Reade turned aside from Top Buggy......................................................................... 90 o th remammg ea h one goes out he places he ring ha g eir se dec e upo ° '.l'he Democrat Wagon................................................................ 65 Th at a"'rcernent re present s the maximum fashionable hfe that she might do good. n t , c " l x; R .,. m fortv . · · lour every one MS t mne d out true t o mg ' "' . · 11 · igous in the d to h 1m on concession un der the number ass1gne ·11age b ecame the most re I' v1 . · , wh ich 1s deemed compatible with Lumber Wago11s . ......... ...... .....·..····...·.·.·....··.···..·.······...·... 55 · · t" , Id man ' s theo1y. Th1s of course may'" ou th e o . peg,and wh en he comes m vicar cared more · the rmg the safety of In rh a. . . ill Fra.ncll on her country ; for,though t1te But w a. Light Wagon. ................ . .·................... .. ......·..............·... 40 · . but I ' sha.ll' 1s hung on tl e " · 1 >e an acc1denta1 co nc1 · d ence · lu·oners, th e · m" peg. Thus a gla.nee at part go to equal lengths in the enforcement for h. than f or h is parts 1s 1. 1vmg · i . 1 1 11 Express Wagon.................................. . ... ........··....·..··.····.· 76 ' certmn Y try the experiment agam. I this board tells JUSt who is out and who is of her demand for neutrahzation ? If M. Squire became t them a. lay reader and a 11 Skeleton......................................................... .. . .. . · ··. ··.. .· .. 60 " no longer exists J le F erry etained office with his originally lay-preacher. n, and a "long felt want u s r I! . 11 Sulky ...................................................................... ......... 40 'm the house. Be mvited them to corr:e up to his !touse DAIRY NOTES. strong ma.iority behind him, we should be I lntend to sell vary cheap tor o' carr!age1i, manufacturing tor facilities superior Possessing the Ill servrne no was there when Sunday, on . A · inclined to answer m the affirmative. ·s as well as other at.t ic1es Butter shrmk or approved creclrt. and by so doing 1 hope to greatly increase my number of sales. Wonl4 If un. ·th h" . . . gypt church . and read the B1ble w1 .r. war with England for the prizes of ,,. . 1 roned· e11the wood parta on1y, or the gear1nga of bugg1es and sueh is often the cause of errors m re, Remedy For Ivy p01sonmg . 1 a most as they could not read tha.y could hear him e L esseps cana1 wouId b d th an ·e · . long shipped is butter orts of sales when . · chapters. two or explamone and read Geimany · I have always been extremelysuscept1ble to popular mFrancea.s a war with distances and remains unsoId f or severa l . . IC t es mmu en a e Th v· I h d t preac io w tear, e u e. a. I,011 a a. be t also It would the poison of poison-ivy and oak so as to give or Al ce m weeks. I me great annoyance, unless it is immediately in co mpatably safer and cheapr r aclventure. sermon, aud then ceased a.l clerical duty A.t 1,he Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. . There is o tune, says a wise man, to checked on its first appearance. This,com 'l'owa1d the close of M. Ferry's Premier· I until the n?xt Sunday m or,nmg,wrote a l?t· . 1 nlao do Planing, Matching, Turning and. Sawmg with Clrole,Ba.nd ·1 Sot vaste with k1ckmg cows. . If you have one, mou washing soda accomplishes for me, if ship there weie many in i ca t10ns of a wish terto the Bishop, complo.mng that the Squire At the Factory saws and prepare all kinds of lumber ror carpenters nd others for bulldlng purposes, house con le m hr convent was holdmg a. w n s JUSt pu a. ha.me strap m he1 mouth and propeily applied h old antipathy to Albion make the application s e ame nta l anrl Plain Picketa ror ronces m every s tyle require d. m ad e to or der . rn I to ub titut t e !mekle it tightly ehmd her hoins. Take by satmatmg a slice of loaf bread with water, f or the late1 cra.vrng for: revenge upon the trary to the lw. it off when done imlkmg, of comse. The l31ahop mvest1gated the facts,approv I then ct.ver one surface with soda and apply Rhine The comparaively coxdial relations It is always best to milk rapidly, so as to ' to the emption, the soda neict' the flesh. of the Berlin and Paris Governments at that ed of the Squire's comse and urged him to A Sunday school get the milk out of the stable as soon as When the bread 1s dried by the animal heat, time lent color to the surmise that Bismarck, cortmue his good work, possible, in oHler to prevent the absorption' I drop water ou the outer side so as to keep far from the wa.rting the designs of ]'ranee was established,then a schoolhouse '.or day a of gases by the milk, as the cooler it be- it thoroughly moistened and dissolve the m Egypt, would be gfod to see her eicpend and Sund y scholars was built. In it Mrs. comes the more 1eadily the milk is affected soda crystal m contact with the skin. This, her passions and resources in a grapple with Reade taught, and for many years her ch1l dren and descendants have followed her ex by odors. I you will perceive, is merely a bread poul- the foremost naval power. It rn trne that Bismarck has refrained ample. Agricultural Colleae bulletin tice ; the b1ead being a vehicle through An Iowa the humor. from offering a remonstrauc against the makes the followmg class1ficatns of the whose moistme t!rn soda reaches . . Sir Robert Peel's Heir relative values of foods as milk producers ! I fmd that washmg or bathwg with soda \Volff convention. But thaL is 3ust what he Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the water, even continuously, will not suffice would do if he desired to embroil France No one can say that the heir to the Peel · 1 I p tato 8, per pounds ····· 'with me. My skin requires the hei>t and and England, for he knows that the latter, baronetcy rn uot bevinnmg his'career early. e ····· C0 er unds LIVEH, S'..fOJJJACJll, li:IDN.E'l7S AJ'f]) BOWELS. I moisture of the bread in order . for the soda power yrould,however reluta:ntly, consent Young R obert,son to the late· member and . :rYthy per poi;d;::: : 55 to act on and neutiahze the poison. I rare to modify the treaty, if the rnlluenceof Ger- grandson of the great statesman, nephew, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitate d Constitutions, &I'd }$ le 'er 100 ounds · ly have need t retai;n this soda poultice many we;e cast into the scale agains t hr. t oo,to the s.;ieaker of the House of Commons, Fo1 ponds . . : . : : : : o:s, c; . are invaluble in all Complaints Incidental to Females of all Ages, 65 for moxe than thirty mmutcs on any affected I But adm1ttmg that it would be good dip- is not yet twenty,and he has already been . .· . . . . . . . · . Children and the aged they ue priceless. 'Vhea.t per lOO pounds 70 part. No pain ensues. Formerly I suffered I )omacy for Bismarck to make England the brought before the Vice Chancellor's Court · · · Wheat°bran er ounds · ·· · for weeks, as the poison would spread all target of ttl.e hostility of the two powern at Oxford, charged 'l'iith wilfully breakmg Cl er hay 'pr lOO punds · · · · 1 45 (over my body. Now thirty minutes mea.- whose combinationagainst h1mself he dreads, a colle11e 'l'iindow and thrent.enin!l' a super · · · . . O"l 1 1eal ' P r 100 pounds · · · .' · · sures the durntioo of its exhibition. Dr. Bellamy fined the Is an mfalhble r e medy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sorei we find it ha.rd to believe that a Mmistry so inten:lent of pohce any peo e are und r he imA grea.t and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism, For disorders of the weak BS M Rouv1er's would txy to ma.ke young man two guineas, and told liim that ; i °0d to press1on t; at lil f ee mg . goun good its claims upon the Nile lancl by al his conduct was ungentlemanly. But one . -Ches t it has no equal stock its better; make it mt? a slop that threat of war. Th present l'remier can cannot help remarkmg upon the difference Lonely Jacob's Ladder. · the animal can rmk. Prof. E. W: StewFor Sore Throats, Brondut1s, Coughs, Colds, . . onlv eke out a maJonty by the aid of the between temperament and character of the the h ighest mountam ney, i ·. ount Wh"t <The sahv:i. is an import- . 0 M art truly says · . followers of the Comte le Paris who would I real Sir Robert and of his decend mt Sn· · has no nval; and for iseases it 1ngs, and a11 Skin D' 1 Glndular S we11. ant agency m the digest10n of food, and m Oal1forrna,at a level of 14,000 teet aove certain! discountenance an o'pen rnptme · J{obert Peel's di nit all his llfe ws almst . fe?t above the tm her hne, wi sal:va 1s caused to flow by the a.ct of mast!-! the sea and contracted and stiff JOinta it acts like a charm, th th British Government. It 18 there- 1 priggishness an h/ was as self-restrained ca.t10n. When slOIJPY food is (11ven there IS where there !s no s?d and no moisture ave truculeut they 1n his early days a He was 110 more ' later I snow and had and ice there grows a little fore probable that however the . 'l'h s sl oppy f 00d the , o m st ·cat Fren<'l ancl capable ofbreakmg a wmdow than of ma.kmg ' a. t10ns of . . seem, the rlemonstr 12 i fl.ower slM' Manufactured only at THOMAS HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, " ed hke a 'bell flower gai dY m ; proportrnn ' " a. o deprive °f sa. f e usua 1 ·r 1va, i l Russian Ambassadors at Coristantmople ' a ro wdy speech m late years in the house of and must depend wholly upon other agen- l colors ,of red, purpl and blue. 'It is called, ;m Wolff trety will end in smoke. I Com mons '78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON' His successor in the bn.rone·cy ,Jacob s ladder and its fragrance partakes of ag " t the . cies of d1gest1on." I is ew York Sun. l.d. , 2s 9d., 4s. 6d., lls., 2211., and 33s. each Box OI' Pot and of the very type wh10h he barely tolerated. And are sold a.t la. l the white jasmine. It blooms alone, for it -N , -may be h11.d from all Medicine Vendors throughout tl1.e World, ·"II.I -&·-not only has no floral associate but there 18 GARDllN NOTJ.,S. · · ·' o creature, not even bird or msect, to keep It is estimated that twice as m1;1ch Eng!1ah ·P11.uhaser1 hould look. at the I.abel on the Pots and Boxe1. If the r ddn Give a man six feet of earth and he will . . A remedy for mt aud mildew Ill grapes, lt company. l · as A mer wan capital is mvcsted m Mexico. take a knell. u Jl 53:J, Oxford !!tree&, London, theJ' are 1purloui,J auadiau Jtattsmau. 20, FARM. said to be effectual, is stated as follows: One pound nme ounces sulphate of copper, dissolved in two gallons of water, three pounds quick hme slaked in two and a half quarts of water. Mix, and apply lightly with a whisk brush or by other means of spraying. The application is used a s a preventive, and not BS a cure, and the first two weeks in July arc sta.ted to be the pro per time of application in the North. The fruit itself should not be sprinkled. A CAPTAIN IN CHIHUAHUA. Cleanlmess in Holland. AV ery Singular Story. 1I I A Romantic Love Stoey. -· t Yd l I Il 1 ry t Y I I '1 th f J I I I ·1i I h I I I I I I 1I I I Farme $5 r , LARD I NE:: BEST IN THE WORLD. Use 1U·o·"oll Bros. & Co.'s Celebrated. Th r es h e rs and Millmen, 01 L. I THE MACHINE ·FAllL,Y SAFETY & SUNLIGHT Coal Oil. '£m I I HA IN .·m S' CARRIAGE -WORKS GE:ORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ould YdI \· j \' · I OARRIACE8, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &Q., l j I I 1 I1 o P. . . I d 1 ' All K 1'nds O 0f Ve h · 1es Repa1re d I I JI E .A.L']:.' H FOR ALL! 100 100 100 too : 100 0 50 : : : : : : : 50 : : : : : : 60 80 · T l.::I::BJ ···· j TH E 0 IN T M EN T ,500 J· i 'I ! 1 1 I I " / l