··tin.es which we feel cer ELSEWHERE at tli.e prices. ---w price. f3cotch yard, worth ,We intend keeping Hu<lon a 8peoial Line Cou n ter which we will ahangG ke;psie J m e t0 fJm e as· fifOffl t" ifi we Qfe 8UCC888 UI. Jn I :J 1"ns · 88CUffng fhe baV'na vve haue WT/·tten t0 seuefial WHOL EBA LE H0U8B8 and ManurJiac· g fhem t; e -F.Or mJn tuV'Dt"O I 01 O Jn".} that We alie P/lt]pa,,ed ro pay cash dOWn fiof ' an . y /1ne 0if goou s In Dry Goods or Jewe/r,y ,y , nn wh ICh fhey can suf' f' nea1al. PRICES at sf' The spirit of genial free-and-er ineas so well attended. There were only 1liree I characteristic of the AmericanP was nt or four divines on board and each assisted as fully manifested as we hav3 seen it at these senices. A tha:iksgiving service amot"" American travellers "' former was held on 1'uesday mght when. Mme Crossing the Atlantic. ' adclrsees occasi rns. Th.,ro were nearly 1.!00 men, good singing and appropriate ' · m n and children on boa1·d 1l.ogether, composed the program. Thousands of people in our belond There was a terrible amount of liquor and we leave the reader to im ai&ille what JI I I · .- . V Ii CMJ.ada would gladly make a visit ·to the n qun tit.y of provisions u otJ111t· neces a d drinkin on board, three bars in different Old <Countries but for the dread they 1:1arie1:1 were required to a11pply t;hem on parts of the ship being extensively pat 'Ve were tol<l of two men, who of the broad Atlanti.: 1.0ceau. t he voyage. '.l'he saloon bill of fare was ronized. really excellent, in addition to the more to the temptation and were Ma!i:y of these pereons cross2d from 30 to solid edibles, all the delicacies of the many times beastly drunk, who were con 50 ye1ws ago, when it took from one ,fo season being supplied in a\mndance. The sistant 1m·mbers of the church when they three months in the.sailing hi ps to make intermediate and steerage supply was left their homes. Ono of them spen t $30 Fortunately this age of abundant, but there was some complaint in drink during the·7 days voyage, so w11 the v,(j}\y&ge. about the manner .in which it was served. were told. Several young men, too, aind improved ships has fo!l'ever But would it not be strange if amoag so seldom away during the day time removed 'this great objection, and now many there .vere no cluonic grumblers. from that part of the vessel where the the Atlantic can be crossed with such A description of tile City of Rome " liquor was sold. The principal drink celerity, .Gafety and comfort as to make a. . will be of interest to some ot our rfladers: was beer and porter. a great quantity trip from,.Oanada.toEngl:i.nd a much less '.!.'his maqnificent S teamer WM built at of soda water, ginger beer, etc., was Barrow, in Furness, by the Barrow Ship- cons'.lmecl by the temperance element.. ha7.ardous and formidable undertaking build ing Company, uncl is the largest The usual sports and pastimes were freely than a trip to Toronto or Montreal passenger steamer afloat. Her gross indulged in, such as shuflfo board, tugof thirty or fo1rty years ago. And now that register tonnage is 8,415 tone ; length war, parlor quoits, etc. Tliere was much av no'Y' completed arrangements for a the voyage can be accomplfohed so quickly being ,560 feet, breadth of beam G2.B, and less prome:iading than we have seen ia We big sale of popular goodti <J and so cheaply, what more pleasant and <le1Jth of holds 37 feet. And, notwith lees pretentious companies . 1'he informal 8t prices wluch must take h eye of every economical buyer. We keep intaresting tr.ip could be suested to an her immense size, she is on all concerts in the second class sl\loon during the best qualities, styles, and assortment in Englishman, Scotchman or il:rishman than ha.nds acknowledged to be uns11rpassed the evenings were well attended and a Yisit to the fand ot his birth,or the home for 'her beauty and symmtry, even by afforded amusement and enjoyment for The ves;i:el is rigged the passengers in this department. of his ancstors '? Theu, again, besides the J1nest yachts. as for ladies', gents' and childrens' wear ; also in this class of pe1sons who go A' home" as with four masts and has thrne funnels. L1J.nd was sighted shortly before noon Trunks and Valises. they say, the jaded and hard-wrked man A point ,calling for special not,ice is the on Wednesday and hearts of many were Come an see our elegan t stock-Cash bought it, low prices will sell 1wc it. of bJHiness and tradesman, weary and large 1Hunher of separate compartments, _ cheered by the cry " land ahead." By Our specialty 1s to Jillease our customers, our airn to save money sick of the mill-1·ound of daily e2,re and f or med by water-tight bulkheads, each half-past five reached (ueenston and for our . patron s, our mtent1on to do better for you than toil, almost prostrated with the heat of extending to the main deck. The largest discharged mails, passengel'l and some anyone else. Goods, the 110t summer months, and nervous imd of these compartments is only about 80 freight, and our pilot came aboard to eannot be bought cheaper-none are allowed to undersell us. f et long fretful intermittent fils of the e ; and supposing that, fr.om col take us through the Channel up the " blues," can tRke an ocean voyage with lision or otl1e.r ca.use, one of theae was river to Liverpool. Ten o'clock Thursday 28. perhaps more real pl'ofit than the avei111ge filled with wa.ter, the trim of tho ,vessel morning found us anchored off Prince's pleasure-seeker. Then there is the chronic would not he materially alfoctcd. The Landing and our passengers and baggage dyspeptic whose ailment is the positi"'e engines are of 8,000 indicatsd horse' pow· w ere taken ashore on steam tugs. The ea.use of more rnnuour and unpleasantnell er, and capable of being worked up to Custom oJlicers passed our bag11,age all in domestic, social and business life than 15,000 horse power. The passonger ac- right, excepting two music books which all other diseases combined ; he will find e.ommodatioDs oOthis floating palace are they claimed were American reprints of in an voyage a remedy pleasante1·, of the most complete description, afford.. English copyrights and these they conm0re enduring in its effects and quit.! iu all 1he comforts and luxury of a first fiscated, very much to our annoyance as probably more profitable than any patent class New York hotel. On the promenade had taken great trouble to procure nostrum to bt found on the shelves of our deck is the Upper Saloon, or Drawing them in New York. A night's rest in well stocked drug stores. No medicine is Room, 100 ,feei in leogth, handsomely Liverpool and to-morrow morning we so beneficial and remedial for this com- finished in white aud gold, and furnished proceed by the Great Western Hail way plaint as a change of scene and air and the with lounges round the sides, and grand .. to Exeter and 011r comenvigorating salt sea breezes. Therefore, piano. .At the after end is the gran1 pany have etood the journey splendidly our advice to all who can afford it, and staircase to the Dining Saloon on the and a.re all in good health. For especially to the classes referred to above, main deck, a spacious a[Jartment, 72 feet present adieu. M. A . ·J, and we are speaking from a measure of in length, G2 feet wide, 9 feet high ; and experience, is to spend a two months' in the r ectangular 01)ening to the Drawing BRANTFORD BINDERS. holiday for pleasure and benefit in a visit Room above, the height is 17 feet, sur to the Old World. The necessary ex- 111ouute<l b.) a ricllJ.y ot'nRmented sky-light. peuses were stated in this j ournnl a few 'rhe paneling and decorations are artisic .JORN CournoN, Kilbride P. 0., Nel son, weeks ago. From $100 to $200 will and unique ; a paneled dado tllree feet Tp., s1tys : "I have much pleasuse in suffice for an excursion to almost any part high is carrieu entirely round tho saloon, testifying to the good qualities of the and the intervening :;pace tu the ceiling Steel Frame Binder I purchased from of the British Isles. But we must now bo more specific. is filled up by rich panels of carvecl your agent, J. Pruclham, this season. I ---After a month of active preparation in mahogany };ordered with a margin of have cut abouf70 acres with it and had ·-----·--satinwood. arranging business affairs, we left The ables, of which there no breaks or dal>1ys. The knotter is -manville on Monday morning, June 20th are three long ones in the centre and a simple and reliable and wiil not miss a The 7th and proceeded to Toronto. Our company row of small ones along each side of the sheaf unless the cord bre;;ks. Spec'ial l'ine white Shirts consisted of Mr. and Mrs . Thos. Creeper, Saloon, as also the reyolving chairs, are roller is a very valuable improv'lment, as Mrs. Geo. Quick, Mr. Abel Scott, ·Master of carved teakwood. At night it is light- it entirely prevents the machine from soiled, at 50 <ds. or h Je;ise A..James and the writer. At od by 32 electric lamps pendant from tha clogging, and the chain drive works ·.first cts. Oshawa. we wore joined by the writer's ceiling, giving the whole a most brilliant class and runs almost noiseless." mother, Mrs. John Jamee, Mrs. Samuel appearance. On each side of the vessel, JOHN H4rn, Hawkesville p. O,, Wel Sh; Large Wlvite Hctndker Millman, and Mr. E. N. Kivell; at extending aft from tl1e saloon, are state· lesley Tp., aays: "l bought one of your Whitby by Mr. John D. Howden, P. M., rooms for 480 first class pasengers, fitted ne w Steel Frame Binders of your Agent, for .85 cts., worth 8 c s and in an elegant and substantial manner Geo. Tilt., and it has given we good satis Mr. Arthur Johnston, of . at Toronto by Mr. Cha Brodie, Reeve with every'f hin nc esP-ar.l'. for tlrnr com- faction iu every respect. I ean out more The lad10s bo 11 do1r on of Whitchurch ; and at Burlington by fort. deck with it with two horses than any of my all pure l inen Messrs. Pettitt and Fothergill. The five 11.as pneled walls of gured brocded neighbors do with three, and the draft i s Heavy silk, t-apestry curt1utts and Jur!uture very liht. I ctrt seven acres in three Table Daniaslc, 48 in hes W'ide last mentioned gentlemen were going up after thorough-bred stock. Several other holstered m blue velvet; thure is a lso h o u r . s and a half with i. Any onewant at n ly cts. a -ycl., on the pronenade deck, ing a binder I ca.n recommend the Bra.nt Canadians joined us at Hamilton and a !adies'. . furmture ford, and your straightforward way of others awaited us in New f imshed n black and gold , is less than regular wholesale Buffalo, York. Our train left 'l'oconto r)romptly covered m amber colored plush velvet <loin" "' business with farmers · at 3:55 p. 1>1., and arrived "on time" in at1d curtains ofRoman cloth. Gentlemen . Hamilton where we changed cars and in can have their choice of two smoking _. z 1 A ,.r- .Ll TT'd GZaves sligrd , l Ot OJ i a few minutes we were flying at lightning rooms ; one on the upper and the other for 26 cts. a pair; orig speed towards Niagara Falls, wh!ch .we on the main deck. The steamer through potted filled i'eached at 8 :30. We had a splendid new out is lighted by electricity and nial · · · ·" · · · · ' ·· steamed out of the with electric call bells ; hot, cold, and of tl1A Fi:ills as · depot on th,:;r West Shore Railroad bound salt water baths, 11J.1·atories, bitrbtir shops, .oa the hurricane eek.arc. twelve A Jew pieces We succeefod in. passing etc.. for New 'York ery )1ttl an· largo hie- boa.ts, one of which IS btted as o with,v m st C the through t a 10 c s Gingham,'s at found the 1:ailwi>y a steam-launch. no rauce and a· ouce rather barren of 1 1 e more oi>lig- . he passag much eployees nd otrlcials c dents. weather was very plea.sing than they are iu our own country. u1 t . We had several '!'he run from Buffalo to New York was ant a Ile uneventful, and thotlgh it was our first 1 hours of fog at thterva1i1, but M rough I So very calm was the ocean that night ori the train, for this trip, the members of our party slept more or less, the otion of the vessel was hardly per· . he saloons. The and by 7 o'clock the next morning we ceptible to occupants of t (· found that our train was serpentining number of cases of seasickness were ve!. alona the west shore of the beautiful few and the tables were often sou.gnt River. The weather Wll.S clear long before the gong sounde oi:'.; t110 b ttle.. Many e dlappornted and pleasant and the scenery was greatly call to a · i n progress a new because we did not see J.?ftl'Durghs, 'Ve enjoyed. e bridae that will when completed connect sharks, tc,, but OJ!Yt}ourso was too far south for fu'o funner and the latter seem Hiahland on th west shore wit!{ Poughon the east; it is very high to ed to huvei;y shy of us, only allow ships to sail under it. As wo drew w411.11\len and .they were too far away to E!t\tts.ly the cunous. . nearer to New York the river W!!s dotte B 0 W M A N V I L L E, A child died on Suuda,y of consumpton, · with sailing crafts of val'io11s descriJ?)ons. mto lowered was and aged 11 months, i We stemed into Weehawken Station e. · s prepared to SUJ>ply all Customers, old and new, with Ruit-s--:. got up . The mother was few minutes after 10 a. m., and 1Gavh1g the wate: at midnil(ht. . · m the latest and most artistic style, at Prices that cannot be 'beaten, o:i board cl: the so low with the sam dise::i-se that she was soon were we cars the · reached Ho has a very Fine Stock of English, Scotc11, French and Canadfan in tw<0nty-five n?t expected Go hve till Feny Steamer, Jlly St., Ltverpool, but she did nd seemed t be Gooods to select from. Remember the p lace, The Star House. minutes landed us at the foot e n 11 A little when she l,mded . and withiu a few blocks o f Mm Pier where some better th , 8 p r IA/ JEFFERY always at tlie Door. ony hei WllS old rs thre e y about girl Rome" of the . lay the S.S. ','City of cconomicalthanthoordlnaryJnnds,and er llll s. .. be sold in competition with tho multitnde m oand w s a laborer Anchor LinE. 'I'wo Jaa\'::s were soon en- company. B "'a"ed and we r am'blleil a.Jong the busy New Yo.rk ad coul d i1ot . atlord to accomh IS wife a11d fanuly. Whe.n her ING POWDER C0. 106 WallSt .. N. Y. t1et toPierNo.43,and in a few minutes pany _ _ __ mace lm . 01namong the passeng- _ ________ ..- _ __ had our baggage on board the steamer. case . and ctrcuated was e subscrip1n hst rs. a i After looking through the magnif cent c --OF-of $130 was subscribed aud · vessel we went out for <linner which we upwards · A woman. e the to unfortunat nded a h_ 1 enj y d with a keen relish. The rest of n. er in attending to neces- stck man among the steerage p s 'the <l11.y was East, Toronto { I sary business and in si ght seeing. The was also p resented with $34 subscribed u et 11p t.he Neatest, most Complete and Beet . a . Se llin NeedlaPaok 1te America· Send 2.J r ers · c was extremely hot and oppressive. by the Passen "e0ther p · . "· ,, "' ' fl · l l m.,me · 1·'· ,o.4, . cents orSamples of N ew .. fti cer 0 f t )te ,,Ci . ome t 0fR Y f c T he 0 . w n went Hotel After supper at the Palace . Plush. Particulars sent when stamps nre en. closed tor reply. is h . la.st was a t Munro tlus was 20AG and . p C spent the on board our steamer tI He has been a. scfarmg man was voyage. thourrh few of us slept much, so for oer 50 years, 22 of wluch he _has the ;oise and bustle. 'rha atmouphere of · ,./ SOOTHll\iG, ,r· ' . ··"A ' ;;:. . r Lme. the eJlploy of th Ancho the saloons was anything but pleasant, .been ll1 . where are to be seen CLEANSING, n uesday.mght at the mterm1sston at too, owing to the heat. The ca.rgo was O f gers en pas the saloon concert;n te the HEALING. of most and composed chiefly of cheese I presented !um a address which was the night was occupied in loadiug it. Wo [· .· . framed and be d to dlummate ordered . were informed that tJ1ere were 32 000 / ,.. -ln _;; ' .· " . · ' t: !Hll!fHl "E'l ,,,,··r-010 " ·1suitable acvery a aptain made The c. · cbeese alto.gether. The .."City ofRoe," !, ;;., ' . 1,:.. - r . ' n '"' . i If .1 knowIedmn t · . Speeches were made .bY · -: ' "<' . being a mait steamer, tl1ere were 327 sacks u 0.·11n. iiau, 7 ::, several d1ilt.mg mshedgentlemen mcluclmg of mail matter brought on board for · t T.he . concer an. Lawyer Thomas Sheri1 I Ho transport to Q.ueenstown, where it :was ,, and wa me of. great merit, the seat off by train to all parts of th.e Krng'"T r·s I recitmg bemg par excellent. dom. 0 ·politic&l On Saturday afternoo11 a . Promptly at G a. m., on Wednesday .: . . . : " S Y T·-;..-:u --s_ . toas t"1 ·1lct"1' h"r"o' :;sa111 11 il ,.. morning, June 22nd, the "City of Rome" neeti11g was 'Organzied and repre_senta-. ..,, ' of Salisbury o:ceeseive c:o;pctiturnlion t<uioed J,y Calarrb. Sent Gladstone and left her Pier and before breakfast was hves constituency pt·pnirl 011 receipt of price, Oc. nud $1. Ail.dress contest the over we were past Sandy Hook headed chosen to · for Liverpool and fu"Oing at the rate of of the "City of Rome." The speeches of i-'ULFORD & CO., Brockville, Ont. 18 knots an hour. Though we sailed at the ca.ndidates were a general rm·me of an early hour, hm?dreds of people the .po}itioal carer of te two leaders and rts " ouJ H·ing·lntoheal U\yplaY Large variety Hanging and Table Lamp$, Fancy make 01u· Spec 1mch Mr. Arthur came down to sec us off, and the usual of their respechve parties. ltyr. , 11\!//1'[);,';'s ?;,;. · tliro11gh, farewells were Johnston was chosen to second tl1e nomaffectin" of number Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &co nown 0Qzwter llror'ti'.. ;10fhemlbo"010 made ination of the alisbury reprsentative witnessed. Our pas.<ieger list It Piles, it 01><rns largely of Americans going abroad for and made ,a capital speech, dot!1g great and wide. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF The election took Los appetite lt 00011 re· ferrin g a SOI\ voyage to credit . ·to c .anada. their holidays, p re . summerin« at the fasluonable resorts place t mmedmtely after the speechfls and threug1iont " ,, _ 1 "'RRA"· , - - , " ' ELt 1T10Z1nEnRrl. The saloon the Gladstonian was elected by a -vote of at"waterin" .L ,. "' places. l' 1 ' t """'9P T ,. ,,.._I!'> "' , n C>a.ra, · .u«m , . ner claP.ses, tlrree to one ov.ei; us 10noable opponen passengers were of the wealtl. . and we are mis!-'lken if many of them ·0n Sundy re1gtous servtce was eld m Inspe<'Uon Solicited. ll'ROF, LOl'f'S SlJM'UIJJt soAr ts a de were not prone 111 some meas um to ape ·the mornmg '111 ·the salo n and ·m the U.ghtful toilet luxury ns ·well m; -r1 good c111· 'Victoria Dniltllug·s. , the manners of the English aristocracy. e-veni.ng ·on the main deck, both ·being 1 aHn :toi· .-;W.n 1llsense. 1'.117RDOCJB B.ROS. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. J J MAON wo e The Pr1· ces tell the General Dry Goods ----'---- ---- ()l'OIY.>iag have Quality gave way sells. & Jewelry House. s steim1 " were I evry department, and we bity onlyfor Cash f 'the Newest We leep a fiill line was Goods in standing e BOO_TS, SHOES ? AND SLIPPERS -tiot offer yoii. g<JJins. tliat otlie1"s can,- receive, sm1ie f!;:Tbar we wit.h M. TRELEVEN .. READ ocean BUY PURE we tlw_followinr1 CWr ·special Paris Green -AND- Holsworthy. the tain cannot be procured Bow- -AT- .slightly '15 Our t J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON'S DR,UG STORE. each. chiefs o t . Greenwood; piece mam 20 c with which and cabin wtth I 1 Y 60 cts to prices - 15 cts. left of $1 25 those I wo u s wo I ll"BiJ?-<iNfl. 'I'. was 1 sea. saw whales, two whales Marchant Tailor & Gent's Furnisher JO- EPH JEFFERY, which 'O we was Absolutely Pure. 0 :fY; ! J .;l::0n:iv can not .,!.':r!s0Tg01;'fgc81uWJ'f1irsi"il . ! spent a se g s TO AC ENTS nio 'St! f, in DIlEE; ms1ec Grand Spring Opening and we night, great Murdoch Brothers' N"E-W- C:S:IN""..A.. :S::.A..LL., wth i:,... llllJJ I " 1:.; .-,,;·i>·-;:;.;z,-;-.. , . }/' ·,2,·;,,, .. smgmg ,$ ?. --1 ..,, I 1r,1" c"i:o ·. c:: ' . ;ti 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, I _ 30 China Tea Sets very pretty . .ny· f·EV ui ER· . . 15 Pr1n " ted Tea Sets, elegant des1g . · n.s.. · · . Room Sets, d B ed 1, 50 S uper1or p r1nte 2.0 TT'Th1 · te Bed Room Sets. yy SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR CLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. We intend to ial Line fa,r was ASOV· . . J J M known o \J w1,;;0fiiinies ------- FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS NOW OPEN.,