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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1887, p. 1

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tSfil,.._._ TERMS :-tl.IJO PER ANNUM, OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES, PnoPRIETOR,li NUMBER :JO. NBW SERIES, NUMBEn 4GV. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1887. VOLUME XXXIII. OOUR'l'IGE. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN Are now selling their Parasols at ALLAN LINE, ROYAL MAIL S'l.'l!JAMSHIPS. LONDONDERRY AND LIVERPOOL. SAILINGS. CC>ST :P"R.ICE:,. SARDINJ AN, from Quebec, '.l'hursday, July 14 POL"\:NESI.A.N, ., " Friday, July 22 PARISIAN, ,, Th·1rsda.y, Julv 28 SARMATIAN, ,, 'l'hurl'Jdav, Au·g. ·t CIRCASSIAN, ,, FridEy, Aug. 12 S AR D INJ A N. Thursday , .A.u11:. 18 POLYNESIAN. ]'r1day. Aug, 26 P.AJUSI.A.N, Thursday , Sept l and several lines of Dress Goods at and UNDER COST PRICE. and s ome l in e s wi l l b e sold at RATES 01!' 0CIMK pASSAGE :-Ca.bin, $50, $G5 and $75 ; return, $100, $125 and $150. I ntermediate, $30 ; return, $60. S tee rage , $20. The last. train con necting with the mail steamer. at Port land leaves Toronto on Wed nesday mo:rn ing. The last tr ain connectin g with the mail steam e r at lfalifax leaves Tor on to · on Thursday morning. F or tickets and every information, appl y to W. A.NEADS, Bowmanville, Agen t Allan line. 11 -t f S cn oo L RE PORT .1<00R Jms.t:.-Sr. 4th Har v e st i ng ie the order of the d a y . Class-·Frank Gay, Mi n nie Morrow. The engine that is dri v en by Mr. Po\ver in a very short time wil l be r·mning 101 , Jr. 4th Clae:e-WPslt>y li a 11 c ock, 'l'hom!I S tacey , Edith Cornish, Lizzie Rundle . J1 o urs . 8r. 3rd Class-Laura Cawker, Lizzi0 Uaspberries are in great d e mand , N ic hoh Lydia Balson, Harry Cawker. The s ick of this n ei ghborhoo d are i l· Jr. 3rd C las s- Fr ed l\'lorrow, A rt h u r l rovi u g . Salter, Loretta Lyle, Wesley S alte r. 'f o ol ey, Saran Mr. Smclair of J3owm:mville hM o 1- Sr. 2nd Class-Maud Balsou,Lavinia Skinner, Horace Hmcock. )le 'ed p ai n ting the churc11. Jr. 2nd C las - G n s '.l'oofoy, Charlie r. S S now d e n has pur chased a Nichols, E mma Corui.h, Minnie M ic h e l . nto Lig ht Binder from Messrs Sha w JOHN ALLIN, Teacher . .rol e , Bowruanville. Mr. Geor ge Coates charge of the far m . M.APLE GROVE, e c 1 0ir of M apl e Grove is improving. The Doini n and In<Ulst ial Ex? is home DllxT:iR. tak ing l o. h1b1tion, T..Oi"ti'lt / SOLINA. Mr. Ge'.1. Hogarth , B. A., of Kinc a r d'ne, is home for the holidayB. Mr. S. J. Williams, who h a s been sick for some ti m e, we are pleased t o hear is r ec ov er in g;. EI: .A.. I... F'9 :J::> Fl. ICE:. i!e --- A lot of PRINTS below Importing Prices. TAU & MORRISON'S and in spect their Wall Papere--Jatest designs. gr eat est variety, and prices to suit everyone. Stoc k now ready. Do you want a new and pretty Window Blind s 1 We have something new in this branch. Call and see them be fore you invest. or you'll ba sorry. co TO 0. Thoma s , of Delaware, has been callin g on some of hia old friends here . Mr. R. M. Kirkpatrick has secured the services of Mr . J. Abr aham as pedler. r.L. Shade or Mrs. J. Vice and Miss Mary Eldford have ret urne d from vis i t ing friends at Fenelon ' ls. aster Geo. 1\.wde haR su ffi cien tly re covered to be able to be around ag ai n . Did the These are not o l d musty, moth eaten, bankrupt goods; but QNEW,IXIFRE)XIFASHIDNABLEIX(GDODS,I) bought for this season's trade. But as we require the room for our fall importations these goods must and will be sold. Still leads in Photographs and our Studio is often crowded. Come early in the day when you can. Just now you may want so m e extra Eni.ra.vings or Chromes to adorn your rooms. We have a great variety, good and cheap. too. If you want a baby carriage we can suit you ; we h av e some nice ones. Doll's Carriages, too. and Boy's Wagons. Ca rts and W heclbarrows. Lawn TAIT left. Bowmanvillo p aint er e ver get JACK. ENNISKILLT!JN. I Visitors during tho p net week : Miss Mackie, Pickering ; Misa .lrwiu and Mr. Rev. A. M cLar en lelt for Ottawa on Monday morning last, for a va catio n t rip . Croquet, Carpet Balls. for families and social parties' Our Mirrors are clear and true ; our picture frames ar e o! the la.lest and most attractive designs. Curtsin poles & ring s Plush goods-nice nnd chap, .Another new branch jus in· ti·oduced at '!' & Parlor & Garnes . COuch, Johnston & Crydorman One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville. Is a Jewehy Department whel'e you will find the very latest In I.adies' andGentlemen's jewelry. WA invite epecial attention to our new stock just in. Base Hall goods, School and Hymn Books, Sto.tionery, 'l'oys, and in deed everything lo be found ina Variety and Fancy Goods' MORRISON'S STORE. Messrs. F. Ro ge rs and R. A. Lee ha ve gone north with a new sail boat from Port Hop e . From the appearance of all t he preparations made in Mr. Ito g ers' yard before they left, they wore 1111t ic ip a ting 9. big ti me. 'l'h ey have a te n t and a full s uppl y of cam p i n g material, r.o· geth..,r with a box of p il ls , :i bottle of quinine, a bottle of chloodyne, so me green cu cumb ers and a few opium pow· dert. Thay intend launcbing th9ir yacht at Cmsarea and visiting all the chief ports on the north l ak e s, viz., Port Perry, Port Hover, Washburn lsland, Lindl:!ay, Sturg-eon I'o i n t, Robertcaygeon, Fe nelon Falls, et c. '.l'hey may take a sai l across the country to Ottawa, to call on J·oh n A., in referenc e to Commercial Union be f ore returning, Daily bulletins are ex· pected. ... · ·-· - - - --- - ·- Irwin, jr. , Po rt Hope ; Miss Grant., Rowmanville; Dr. G. A. B i ngha m, Demon strator of Anatomy, Trinity Me d ical Sch ool , To ro nto . TJie Domi11ion Exhibition for t he present year is to bu h el d at Toronto, from the 5th to the 17th of September next, in c, m j u u c h o n wil h t h e great In· dustriul Fafr, and these r wu exhibitions c u mbin ed in one will 1> i t h out doubt be the grandest affair of the kind we h av e yet had in Canada . The P1 izes offered amount to t he large sum of il30,000, The Toronto pe o ple are m aking gre at preparatio ns fur 1he show, and a ltho ugh their exhibition grounds und b nil ding s ar e already the b es t uud most .,x.tensive in the country, ! y e t " t h e y a re addi ng 1$40, 000 wor th of add i tion al buildiugs th is With a v iew of secaring the shnw year. of l i v e stock the first wee k as w ell as the second, large special prizes are o ff e r ed for horses, . c attle, sheep an d pigs, to be shown during the first we ek of the exhibition in addit ion to the regu Ia1·,prizes to be awarded the second week. A large n u cu ber of sup er i o r s pecial &t tra.cti0ns are be in g secured for the exhib itwn, a nd the y will be distributed th rougho ut the whole time, so tha t the show the first week will be equally aa attractive as d urin g the se con d. Cheap ril way rates and e x cul's i ons will also be given during the whole time of the ex h ib ition, so that every one will be afford e d an ·qua! opportunity of v is it i ng this great show. Entries in all departments, ex cept for fruit und grain, have to b.., lll&de before the 13th of A1111:ust, and any in tending exhibitors w ho have 1;ot ytit ob t:iir e d a co p y of the pi-ize list should lose no tim e in doing so. '.rJrny <'an be o bt a i ned from the :S e cret a ri e s of all Agri cultural Societies and Mechanice' lo s t i tutes, or by dropping a po s t card to Mr. Hill, the t'lecrctary at Tomato. The Toronto exhibitio n this yea1 promises to be unusually attractive, and our readers who may resol ve on visit ing the Queen City at the time of t he fair ·in September, will we are sure have uo ca u se for disap p o in t ment . Truth is Stranger than Fiction. 'fl!E CAUSE WHICH LED 1'0 THE HODGSON INQUEST. LATl:: Public Generally. SPECIAL NOTICE! All Au-g:,l1st I intend thro U gh the ffi0Ilth is still ahead. Our new S pr ing styles in ..J::l.. A T s are now in. The i "Jubilee Christie" is all th e rage-sold only at the Of giving special Spring Ties, Collars, Cuffs and Underclothing going off very rapidly. . ou se . Our E clipse drives in all lines of Dry Goods. Everything included, Silk, Satin s, Dress-Goods, Lawns, ML1slins, Prints, and Mourning-Goods, FINE ORDERED CLOTHING A SPEOIAL'l'Y. Cut by the only first-class cuter in town. Black Cashmeres, Embroideries, Oriental All-over Embroidery, Laces, Plushes,Velveteens, Gloves in Lisle, Thread, Taffata and Kid and a Perfect colored 6-Buttoned Kid Glove for 30 cents a pair. Millinery clear. Gents' Department complete in all its branch es from Collars and Cuffs to a fine Blk.m Coat and Hat. at Half Price to TO MARRY Young Men, Bachelors and Widowers, W. H. IVES. 'Viii give a Hale Dozen Silver Plated Tea Spoons witla eve1·y Wedding Ring he sells thu·iug his«Jlearing Out Sale. 50 C LJ<1A.NSES ,, T H ., . - , l:!orr,.-1.M H1AD, H.E.US RE s ·A tr,A YS Sott E S . !tl A. T ION· TOltER nn: I '£HE SENSES ---'l'A.s:rn, GEO. LA/NB. the B ell family, Leskard, wi t h a re<]Uest to print it. The r eliabil i ty (\f th e state Mr. Patrick Travers, an old resident of m ents made are vouched tor by the c or this place nowliving atYo ungsto wn Ohio respondent :' ' · · ' allm was here c g on f riends last week. 1c1e heade cl tlie " D urIiam 1n an ar t. . Who were the l ? n at1cs that pa.'! e d J'ilye l ei-y " your informant has gi v en to , ro u gh here one mght fast week, usmg the p ubl ic some very erroneous and Beware of our unj ust statements, and ends with the ery profane lan g uage 1 orth r. !remark, "lhat m any pom t s were no t :rlle tw o .young men tbat made a vis i t cleared up." I quite agree with your tn Lakeview fa rm , w ere de li ghted with informant in that respect, and my desire the j ourney. ·in pen ning this statement is to give f ull Mr . Bonn :i r and ch u mmy are in p art- an d orrec t info r m ati on_ 011 the s ubje ct As one side of the story They are ver y fond of new ment10ned. nership. S0(lllil'I < JUi te plausible unlil the otllCr is mil k and bunil . heard, I de sire the o pp or tu nity t hroug h "Vhat attracti on has Amos got down your columns of r e f u tin g untrue asperthis way 1 eiuns on the Bell f am ily. In the fir st A co11t ot paint has ma d e a great i m plac e, Mr . Micha el Ho d gson died near M provem ent in the appearance of Mr . S. . Bram ton about 8 ye ars ago, of typh oid p Cl mens' fence. fever, i1ie wife, Mrs. Jane Hodgso n , fr. W. F rase r and Mr . }. Hancock being ill at the same time. During his ook a dash for Enfied on Saturday. We illness he made a will leaving th e so l e wonder if they made a m ash . disposal of his pr op e rty to his wife. The -l!. J oh u Percy has been here ca lli n g Ho dgson s, a b rothe r 's family, were p re s . ent and knew all ab out ii:, kept t heir o w n on f riends. counsel trnd did not tell l\lrs. H odgs on What about the S. of T. p icnic ? the contents of the will, but gave her to Mr. and Mrs . · J. R Hoidge left llere u n derstand tha the i nt e r e st only was for Toronto on Saturday n igh t. her'e, and the entire property reverLcd to Mrs. John Brent and family, of Ca.rt- them at her cleath. So the et atem ont wright, h a v e been visi t.i ng their friends your informant makes about her leaving at hmm,, them $15,000 in Brampton is utter ly Vi'e are p leased to hear that the yo u ng false, for she was not aw are that she had men made a great mash at Bowmanville. it to will at that time nor for years after wards. After her rP.covery she wen t to Oh Moses h o e that corn. with the Th e farmers are harvesting their wheat the village of Tyro n-: to reside H odgsons , and at mterv1lls s he stayed and report a good crcp. _ . . with her sister, Mr . Isabelle. Bell. One Mr. A T1 " lloy, 0 f Bra ntford ' wall here mo rning, about two years ago, she came 1 aat wee to the house of her n ephew , Mr. John : _ Mrs. Tilley wa s the gue:st of Mrs. S. Bell wlio resided a. few rods from the mgham at "B uck. mi;:l1am l'alace, " on Fr1n. . .I B o d 'gs on's residence, and entreated him day. . to let her live with him, which she did . , What e \Uong with t.he Young Canadian from that ti·ae for th. After bB{:oming foot-ball club 1 C ome boys, brace up anJ an inmate of Mr. John Bell's family, who have s0me !!tyle about you. treated her in t he kindest manner and M is s Fair, of Cavan, wae the gne11t of wi th whom s he desired to live the rest of her days and would have ended t hem Mrs. J, T. Wel ch, on Sabbath. Miss Kenlake, Hampto n, is v isiting at thee, b n t for the conduct of the Hodg11on family h1ch I shall resently rlate . . A Mi es lmerson 's . short time after commg to reinde with .11e, WM Mm1 · F anny Helly R r , B o wm anvi Mr. John Bell t he old lady of he own the guest at the parsonage on Sabbath. ·t ed by any one, ex · . accord and unsol" 1c1 l\fr. H. Kenner has r eturnd from lus p eae ed the desire to o0 to Bowmanville . r " . campmg c amp 1ugn , notlookmg any too a nd make a w i ll , leaving what interest . t u stn e s fresh. Ch she 11ad saved, and $1,000 w hich she Tommy is contempla.ting about buyi ng poaseesed io her own n am e , in the Saving'e Bank, to the family of her siste r , eome property on King s tteet. The young man who takes a t r ip to the Mrs. Bell, and the dan g hteris of her _ m ar t, all eha had, as she wind-mill · occ uion al ly . never got there brother, Mr. S ·11ed to the The rest was wi s up posed . CLnLAx. 011 S unday night. Hodge ons. On arriving at Lawyer Gal· TA?lfAHAc.-For hoarseness an d all bra1th's office she told lum her wishes and he casually a ske d what were the con· b ronc hial troubles that usually effect pub· S h e said He speakers, Tam ar i. c Elixir will give diti ons of h er husband's will. she did not know, never having heard it, speedy refo1f. 'l'ry it. :): but the Rodgsons l1ad t old her that it l'J' c.o· DO l\"O HA.RH to fry . F reeman '" was left to ihem. Mr. Galbraith tol d her J'tJUr child Is AIUna: · t liat if she would like to know the con · ronto, h av e been visiti ng friends here. TYRONE. The following c o mm u n i c11. ti on is sent Mrs. Robinson and dau g hter, of To- th e STATEflMAN by one of the legatee s of k [ ts he w ou l d send to k r ampton ancl a copy of t,J1e will for her. She was fl xio n e to ste it. When i t arrived in wmnn vil ! e she we nt aa i n to heiir it 1d was astonished a11d i n d igna n t to 31 ink it h ad been kept secre t from her r Bix year s , t.hat he had t.lrn disposal f the p r o pe as she saw fit. She im· e dia te l y gave instruct.ions to h ave a will. awn out g iving Hodg.·ons one · h al f of I ,r hus band's estate, :rnd the other half t the Bell family and to the d aught ers o her bro·fier, Mr. Smart, ht:r o wn oney to be di vided in e q ual shares etween the two latter famil ies. On learning that the ol d l a dy h ad d is covere d the t· ue state of :iffairs and had made another will · the Boclg sona became frantic iu their ende av o rs to enduce her to return to their "gnardship." Thtiy tried ev<"ry m e an s to persuade or cajole her to r e t u r n and live wit h some member of the fam i l y, of w hom five or six llre marr i ed and lrnve h o m es , which they so freely offered to her at thi juncture. Uut she steadily d ec l ined g(Jing to live with any of them, and 8 aid that she was comforta· ble and contented where she wa· and all ehe desired wa· to be lefr. alone. Havii1gfailed to µei·suadc,t.he Hodgsons then concluded to bring m a tters to a cli max and her bv force, for which p u rpos e fonr of the H odg so ns came, ac c om pa nied by a constablo on the 11th d11y of Sept, 1886. Ou being refused a<l mitt.ance th ey broke in the pann.,rs of the d o or, tore the pi c k et s off the fence and assaulted both Mr. and Mre Bell, in the ir great anxiety for the welfare of thH old la d y who all at o n ce became an ohje c t of tha grea test inierest to them. The old lady became terrified, and or· dered them to b e gone and no L co'De ' near her again. Fur that mornrng e re creation th t>y were tried in Bownianville on lhe 2 1 st of S epte mb er, 1886, and fined $20 and costs for assault and tre·pass. Th en the old lady, f eal'i ng some other act of viol en ce from them, decided to go to Mr. D vi d Bell's las1; October and re main there . where he would bo safe; and she wall q uite s::.tisfied to stay there. Yo ur informant r<ilates t hat it w11s Mrs. D avid Bell who insti!:ated Mrs Hod.,,son to make the w ill. This is not the case as Mrd Hodgson mu de her will a y ear before Mrs. David Bell ever saw her. She had o nl y been rnarned a few mont,hs and h ad nr,thin!( to <lo with her itffairs in auy way. Th"' old lady had been ·;cry feeb!a all winter, walked with a cane aciJ. received eve ra l falls ; but no one suppo11ed they were s e r i o u s . But at the advancetl ae of ninety-three, t.o whice she harl arrived, it is not to be wondered at that her sys tem was exhausted of vitali· y aud that she quietly passed away. And now c omea the oc c urt m c e of w hich so much c 3'pi ta l was nrnde out of by the Hodgso ns . NaturaJ!y Mr. Bell was sbrtled by the unex pected sight of hiR aunt's inanimate bo d y , a nd hurriedly went for a nei ghbor to come at once to the house. On his arrival ho 1I1 e he was shocked to find that in bis absence a cat had lacerated the face in two or t h ree places. Such an u nf ort unate accident was not fo r esee n and no one r egr ette d it more dee ply than Mr. Bel l , and every memher of the fam ily . But i t was d o ne and could not be undon e, and th o undertaker fi x: ed it as wel l as he po ssibly conld. No effort w as made to h ide the accident, and the Hodg sontt were made a w a re of it, and t hree or four of that family saw her afterwa.-de . As to the early burial, Mr. David Bell immediately consulted Mr. J ohn Hodgson in l'egard to ir,, and eve rythin g wag ac quiesed in by h im , and no demur was hea rrl about any of the a rrangem ents "ontil after the will was read" on the 2oth of May, and then ve n gea n ce was thrat ened on th o s e who had bee n made equal heire with the Hodqeons. That eame eveni n g a pro p os al was !Dade to one of the lega tees by Mrs. Agnes S m art, nee Hodgson, of Peterborough, who was perfectl y e n caged at the man ner iu which Mrs Hodgson had pr su med to JeaYc he1· pr op er t y. The proposal was this : that if the Bella and the Smarts would all ag gree to give a p ortio n each of t he legacy left t h em that the Hodgsons the n would be s ati s fi ed, otherwise litigation would fo ll ow and an inque1t was t hrea tened. The offer was declined end Mrs _i\gnes Smart took i mmediate teps to have re venge and g ra tif y her malice and the c o rone r's inquest was the re1n1lt of her I am pleased that not the s1ig htest incriminatory evide nce of a.ny u nfo i r play was at tac hed to Mr. Bell and the verdict exonerated him and proved his innocence of having a n yt hing to <10 with her demise, either directly or indi rectly, and the su spicio ns set afloat by the H odge ons were entirely without founda tion . The motive thev 11ad for doinii: so was only revenge and not out of ei ther esteem or regard for the poor old . lady w hom they pr<>secuted in life, anll even in death, would not allow '.her remaiu to lie u ndistu rbed . I feel q uite safe in saying that if the w il l hH been to thei r wiehes no c or<>ner 'a inquest would h a v e been deemed necess ary nor any o tho r inquiry rearding her decease. If litigat ion is en te red into a re at many more facts will be produced and infor mation t endered, which wi ll be i nteres t ing as showing what disappointed cupidity in c apable of doing. In the mean time I deBire to l!ee g 0 ;:ri:·'}-;,hen CRrrIVIl'IM.-A lady in Brnc!nllle states -I was induced to try Naaal Blllm fur :;i. long BtanJing cold in the head th:t was p rono un c ed cstarrli. The balm gave im m edi at e relief and permanently c ure d me. It was so pl easant anci aggreable to use that.[ at lirst t h o ugh t it no good. I now us e it with my chi ldren for colds and stoppage of the nasal T>U11age!I. t

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